Iberian Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull: Iberian atlantis

Textual Notes:

Features of Iberian atlantis



Setúbal, Portugal, 29 March 1999, two adults in flight

One with broad band P5, other narrow band P5; both have tiny mirror P9.

Setúbal, Portugal, 29 March 1999, adult in flight

Virtually unmarked P5, large mirror P10, no mirror P9.

Faro, Portugal, 25 March 1999, adult perched

Quite a heavy individual. Rounded large head, short sturdy legs, dark blue-grey mantle with purplish tinge, bunched primary tips, heavy bill with obvious gonydeal angle.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, adult in flight

Broad band P5, reduced black P7.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, adult perched

Ochre legs, rounded head, P8-P10 tips are bunched.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, two adults with adult graellsii and intermedius

Similar size for LBBG (graellsii and intermedius) and YLG; YLG are slightly sturdier.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, group including smithsonianus second-winter

All YLG and LBBG are significantly smaller than the second-winter American Herring Gull smithsonianus (5th from right) identified at the 5th IGM in Porto.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, group including adult giving long call

Long call at 60 degrees (typical).

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, adult and second-summer

Adult with large mirror P10, no mirror P9, extensive pale indent on inner web P7, P5 almost unmarked with black, pinky tinge to feet and legs. Second-summer with pronounced yellow tinge to legs, bill yellow to 2/3 of length from base.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, adult and first-summer

Same adult as immediately above.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, adult in flight

P10 large mirror, no mirror P9, broad band P5, spot P4.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, adult alongside intermedius

Broadly similar in size and structure but YLG slightly bulkier in chest and with stronger legs, less attenuated. YLG has primary tips P8-P10 bunched.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, adult in flight

Mirrors P10 and P9, indented black triangle, spot P5.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, two adults on rock

Tail to P7, quite 'boxy' head on one, large bright red gonydeal spot, bill is moderately tapering at culmen and gonydeal angle is marked.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, two adults on rock, one stretching wing

Birds as immediately above, on stretched wing just a spot P5, large mirror P10, tiny mirror P9.

Minho, 3 April 2001, two adults and second-summer

Large primary tips, fairly lightweight in appearance.

Minho, 3 April 2001, adult in flight

Complete white tip P10, mirror P9, grey extending to P8, spot P5.

Minho, 3 April 2001, adult standing

Short legs, moderately tapering culmen on bill.

Barbate Cliff Colony looking S, 6 June 2002

Rugged cliff habitat only about 40km W of Tarifa and occupied by Iberian atlantis

Barbate Cliff Colony looking E, 6 June 2002

Towards Barbate marshes. The whole colony extends along these cliffs from just E of Caňos de Meca to just S of Barbate Port. It was not possible to census it from the cliff top.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, two adults standing

Dark blue-grey mantles almost with purplish tinge, lightweight structure, short legs, tail to P7, not attenuated.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, two adults standing

As above

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, adult in flight and adult standing

Dark blue-grey mantle of standing bird and quite delicate features, short legs. Bird landing has white tip to P10, mirror on P9, a faint line on P5, an indent into the solid black triangle, no primary moult yet, legs and bill clear bright yellow.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, adult in flight

Small mirror P10, none P9, almost solid black triangle, thick bar P5, missing P1, blue-grey mantle, long narrow wings.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, adult in flight

Large white mirror on P10, small mirror on P9, slight indent to black triangle, thin bar P5, missing P1, lightweight structure particularly around head.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, adult in flight

Large mirror P10, mirror P9, large mark P6, thin band P5, missing P1-P2, slight indent to black triangle.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, adult in flight

Large mirror P10, none P9, large indent into solid black triangle, spot P5, no moult yet.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, adult in flight

White tip to P10, mirror P9, solid black triangle, damage to middle primaries, missing P1.

Cádiz, 5 June 2002, adult in flight

Large mirror P10, none P9, solid black triangle on outer primaries, thin band on P5, no mark P4, moult P1. Fairly fine bill.

Cádiz, 5 June 2002, adult in flight

Large mirror P10, small mirror P9, slight indentation of black triangle on outer primaries, P5 thin band, no primary moult yet. Small head, lightweight structure.

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult standing on jetty

P6 growing, shortish legs (about 75% of body height above), quite dark mantle with blue-grey tinge, head quite white

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, two adults standing on jetty

both with short legs, proud chests, darkish blue-grey mantles, pale ochre legs, bright yellow bills with prominent orange-red gonydeal spot

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult in flight

large white mirror P10, no mirror P9, old P8, P7 missing, P6 growing, P5 new with broad band, fairly pale trailing edge on secondaries

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult in flight

almost complete white tip P10, large mirror P9, P8 old, P7 missing, P6 growing, P5 thin band or spot

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult in flight

white tip P10, mirror P9, P8 old, P7 missing, P6 growing, P5 thin band or spot

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult in flight

white tip P10, no mirror P9, P8 missing, P7 growing, P4-P6 new, P5 broad band, P4 spot, quite broad-winged and compact, still moulting secondaries and tail, head with fine pencil lines of brown

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, adult on roof with bill open

speckles on side of neck, darkish blue-grey mantle, even speckling on head

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, nine of various ages with one Lesser Black-backed Gull

direct comparison of Lesser Black-backed Gull, probably intermedius, with Yellow-legged Gulls behind shows that the LBBG is slightly smaller with slighter chest, smaller head, finer bill, distinctly darker mantle, brighter bare parts and more attenuated rear.  


Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, dead fourth-summer showing wing upperside

Black band P4, extensive black P5, mirror P10, none P9, ochre legs.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, dead fourth-summer showing wing underside

Same bird, very similar pattern on underside.


Porto, 1-4 April 2001, group

From left YLG 2s, 2s, 1s, 2s, 3s; LBB 1s, ad, ad (adults both intermedius), 2s, ad (intermedius), YLG 1s, 1s.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, third-summer standing

Residual markings on coverts, quite a heavy bill on this one, with a less tapering culmen and a less pronounced gonydeal bulge.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, third-summer in flight

Residual markings on underwing and on tail band, pinky legs, small mirror P10, bright yellow bill with large red gonydeal spot.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, third-summer in flight

Almost mature. Tail is clean. Small mirror on P10, large mirror on P9, solid black triangle, dark smudging on P7 and on primary coverts, P1 missing.

Barbate Colony, 2 June 2002, third-summer in flight

Remnants of secondary bar, slight marking outside of carpal, dusky primary coverts, large tip P10, no mirror P9, solid black triangle, P1/P2 missing.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, third-summer in flight

Small mirror on P10 indicates third-summer perhaps. Quite retarded if this age with remnants of tail band and darkish underwing coverts. Bill is largely yellow, feet appear to have a flesh tinge. Not an easy bird to age, possibly second-summer unusually showing a mirror.


Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, second-summer and first-summer in flight

2s broad tail band, scapulars and back quite grey but wings very brown still; 1s mottled rump.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, second-summer, two first-summer standing

2s legs with straw tint, bright yellow bill for half its length, grey back. 1s in front, first signs of grey in the scapulars, tiny pale area at base of bill, tertials with relatively broad white fringe (compared graellsii).

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, second-summer in flight

Uniform underwing except for inner primaries, tail band tending to break up.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, second-summer standing plus first-summers

Advanced individual, bill mainly bright yellow and grey invading coverts as well as back, bill yellow to 3/4 of length from base.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, second-summer standing

Residual brown in back, bill yellow to 3/4 of length from base.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, second-summer standing

Retarded individual, extensive grey but few clean areas, bill largely black still and legs mostly pink.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, second-summer at rest

Very contrasting, clean grey back but very mottled coverts, bill yellow at extreme base.

Setúbal, Portugal, 29 March 1999, second-summer perched

Advanced individual with extensive grey on coverts as well as on back, rounded head, iris becoming paler, short ochre legs.

Setúbal, Portugal, 29 March 1999, second-summer in flight

Same bird as immediately above, tail band breaking up and quite narrow, only secondary bar, carpal and outer primaries are still dark brown.

Faro, Portugal, 25 March 1999, second-summer in flight

Fairly uniform underwing, pale underbody, still dusky on head, short stubby yellowish bill, obvious primary panel.

Cádiz, 5 June 2002, second-summer in flight

Fairly bright yellow bill, tail band diminished, bright white underbody and head, just started primary moult. Fairly retarded second-summer.


Faro, Portugal, 25 March 1999, two first-summers in flight

Top birds shows two inner bars, all white upper tail coverts, broad clean-cut tail band, dusky markings on head and breast, no obvious pale primary panel. Lower bird is similar except that tail is more mottled. Its bill is almost all black but with pale tip.

Faro, Portugal, 25 March 1999, one first-summer perched

A dusky individual with markings on head, breast and belly. Bill is long with stubby tip and modest gonydeal angle. Legs are short. Tertials are largely dark with pale edges.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, first-summer in flight

Broad tail band, contrasting underwing coverts, indistinct pale window on inner primaries, heavy mottling on breast and belly, dark eye.

Matosinhos, 30-31 March 2001, first-summer at rest

Lightening of colour at base of bill, some new scapulars giving grey tinge, ruddy tinge to greater and median coverts, tertials with narrow fringe and pale tip.

Porto, 1-4 April 2001, four first-summers, one second-summer

1s - 2 birds with dark tertials with narrow fringe, one having larger pale tip than the other, quite scaley look to the coverts; 2s - extensive mottling still on coverts.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, first-summer perched

Quite a heavy bird but head is not 'boxy' and the bill tapers at the tip and only shows a modest gonydeal angle, short legs.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, first-summer perched

Distinctly reddish tinge, bill starting to become paler at base, tertials dark centred with pale fringe.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, first-summer in flight

Obvious primary window, bill with taper at tip, darkish underwing coverts show some contrast with rest of underwing.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, group five first-summers

Bird with wings opens shows a weak greater coverts bar but obvious secondary bar, pale rump.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, ten first-summers in flight

All show bold white rumps contrasting with solid, broad subterminal tail band.

Lisbon, Portugal, 14 May 1995, four first-summers at rest

Rounded heads which are fairly white except for pronounced dark eye spot, grey emerging on scapulars.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, three first-summers in flight

Fairly heavy structure, one quite heavily streaked underneath, the other two more sparsely marked.

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002, three first-summers in flight with four LBBG (adult, two second-summer, first-summer)

Interesting mixture. Leading bird with narrow wings, slight structure, white tail and extensive black on wingtip and on trailing edge is a LBBG adult; the four birds closely following it are three first-summer Atlantic Yellow-legged Gulls and a second-summer LBBG (closest to the adult); on the extreme right is another LBB second-summer; bringing up the rear is a first-summer LBBG.

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, first-summer in flight

very pale underside and head, pale inner primaries, loss of contrast on underwing except for dark outer primaries, head white except for necklace, tail band reduced, P9 half-grown, P10 missing.

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, first-summer in flight

pale half to bill, pale head except for residual eye patch, some mottling on underside, gleaming white rump, fairly uniform upperwing except for dark secondary bar and dark outer primaries


Cádiz Colony, 5 June 2002: one fledged juvenile seen. Weak-flying and stiff-winged. Streaked brown-grey. Pale rump but not completely white, dusky on head, black bill. (no photo)

Barbate Colony, 6 June 2002: some juveniles were seen. None were fledged but 7 were seen at the 75-90% fully-grown stage, one flapping its wings very keenly. They showed white rump, broad tail band, dusky head, dark bill, uniform grey-brown appearance. (no photo)

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, juvenile in flight

ruddy tinge, two bars on inner wing, bold white upper tail coverts, indistinct pale primary panel, dusky head

Cádiz, 13 Aug 2001, juvenile in flight

moderate contrast of underwing coverts with rest of underwing, ruddy tinge, quite dusky belly, moderate pale primary panel, quite broad dark subterminal tail band, whitish upper tail


Albino Second-summer at Porto, 1-4 April 2001 (see also Dick Newell's photos of this bird perched at from IGM V)

Looks to be YLG on structure, being slightly heavier than LBBG. Bill has slight gonydeal angle and slight taper at tip, chest is bold. Note slight barring on undertail coverts and darkish area on carpal. Eye is dark and the legs are flesh indicating first-summer but the bill has a pale base and tip perhaps suggesting age of 2s. The bird has been assigned as second-summer but it cannot be a definite assignment. 2s can show dark eye and flesh legs.

In flight from above

In flight upperwing

In flight, underneath

In flight from below

Home Page Yellow-legged Gulls

© Nick Rossiter 2001-2003

email: nick.rossiter1 at btinternet.com