North-West Morocco (michahellis)
close to that in the central Canaries, a blue-grey markedly darker than that of the michahellis noted one week later at TangerStructure: similar except legs appear longer.
Moult in adults: heads duskier; there is obvious brown speckling around the eyes, on the forehead and on the crown in a denser pattern than those on the central Canaries (and on the michahellis in Tanger, seen in the same visit). The necks appear white. The dark form of Urban, Fry & Keith (1986) is described as being more streaked than michahellis and is depicted with brown speckles and streaks on the eye, crown and nape and streaks on the neck, quite similar to the birds at Asilah except that the necks were cleaner there.
Information needed: calls, larger samples for wingtip pattern and first-years.