Gibraltar/La Linea (michahellis)
the great majority are a similar blue-grey to that in the Tanger area.Structure: about 20% have boxy heads; the legs are generally short being 70% of the height of the body above as in Tanger and compared with 100% in Mediterranean michahellis. Some birds show a greater primary projection (less bunched tips) with P10 outside of P9 on the closed wing. However, the distance from P9-P10 is less than that from P8-P9.
Calls: no guttural calls as in Mediterranean michahellis were heard. The calls are like those in Tanger. Long calls are like shrill graellsii and mew calls like those of graellsii.
Moult in adults: in 2001 almost identical to that in Tanger two days earlier on primary moult but the head markings on some birds appeared to be slightly duskier.
First-years: the vast majority (95%) show a ruddy tinge to a fairly uniform grey-brown mantle. As many as 25% show a white head and only 35-40% show heavy streaking on the belly and breast. All show only one bar on the inner wing. The tertials show more variation than found elsewhere. 55% are like those in the Canaries with a narrow pale fringe; 20% show notches on the sides of the feathers, 20% show a broad pale tip and 5% internal markings.
Moult in first-summers: as in Tanger, equal numbers had completed primary moult or were in the final stages of the moult with P9 growing and P10 missing.
Comments: From some photographs of birds in Gibraltar in June (T. Cadwallender, pers. comm.), similar conclusions can be reached. Those at Gibraltar show Atlantic features in their short legs, the frequent bunching of the primary tips P8-P10 on the closed wing and a darkish blue-grey mantle shade. However their heads are heavier and more squarish in shape, some birds show a greater primary projection and the overall appearance is more robust as in the Mediterranean form. The calls are close to those of the forms found on the Atlantic coast of Morocco from Agadir-Tanger. The tertials in the juveniles are also variable suggesting a mixing of forms.