Notice Board: the Honey-buzzard Season in Northumberland 2024 as it happens – Nick Rossiter

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This is the current blog for the 2024 season, updated daily, giving recent activity.

The main aim in the new season is to write a book on Honey-buzzard, using my experience in British Isles, continental Europe and Africa, dating from 1993. Field work in 2024 in Northumberland will complement this task, filling in gaps and reinforcing findings. No lengthy trips are in mind abroad for 2024, with concentration on the study area and on writing up the two major foreign trips to Georgia (including Batumi) and Kenya in 2023. Broad headings for book are: Motivation, Historical Records, Rediscovery in Britain, Migration Patterns, Arrival and Display, Breeding Activity, Habitat, Dispersal, Wintering Grounds, Four Identification Models, Value of Field Experience, Further Studies, Bibliography. The initial costs of publishing the book in hard copy, running to perhaps 250pp, are well within my means. Some supplementary material may be published online.

Welcome to the new Notice Board, for 2024. Kenya and Georgia updates will continue to be applied under their historical dates in the 2023 Notice Board at 2023, and full accounts provided in due course.

July 26th: maximum 18C, minimum 9C, moderate W, quite cloudy after bright start. Very busy day: 12k+ steps by end. Proms concert at GH was brilliant with Sibelius VC and Dvořák 8: more to follow ...R meeting went well at Copthorne with Hexham praised for our increasing membership trend. Lunch had its attractions!! Did some fieldwork at Wylam mid-afternoon but no kite seen. Must get to bed … XXX

July 25th: maximum 19C, minimum 10C, moderate W, dull until evening, cooler. A Black Kite juvenile was seen flying low-down into a copse of trees c300m from the nest site, at Ordley at 17:16. Bathroom looks complete 9a  9b but still a little finishing required: door-wise, towel rail-wise, water pressure for shower. Added bird records from yesterday. Black Kite fledging success is remarkable: synchronised, early compared to previous years, productive; from 19-25 July have fledging at 7 sites: 3x2 and 4x1+, giving 10+ young raised at 7 sites, with one more site occupied in this period; so 8/18 sites checked positively from 19-25 July; 2moro will try to make Wylam on way into NCL for R District meeting for Presidents at 17:30 in Copthorne and prom concert, Sibelius VC, at 19:30. Have withdrawn from Skype session with N/D at 10 to get organised for rest of day; will have lunch in HEX. Today had good chat with M at T4m4l and with A/P at G4g4s; sensuous later: lok2tmfo: she’s inspiring!!

July 24th: maximum 22C, minimum 14C, light S, bright sunshine in morning becoming hazy as day wore on, warm. Coming back along the A69 a juvenile Black Kite was flying W to E at 17:30 from the W site in Hexham N. Main event today was going to lunchtime concert at Kirkharle in their summer series with solo performance by Gareth Davies-Jones on 5 different guitars. He’s a north-country folk singer but his content was very varied with one of his themes, combining the history of NE Ireland, NE Scotland and NE England; he also had quite a lot on mining and to his credit had done a lot of research at the Mining Institute in Neville Street, Newcastle. So all very good: loved the concert, had tuna sandwich for lunch and bought 3 of his CDs in a package for £20. Then off to nearby Capheaton where there’s a large lake for birdwatching, before driving back to Hexham. At Capheaton had 2 juvenile Common Buzzard on the wing, plus many waterbirds: 17 Canada Goose (13 ad and 4 juv), 6 Mute Swan (all ad), 8 Gadwall (4 young raised by 2 pairs), 1 Mallard, 1 Pochard (first for year, drake), 6 Tufted Duck (female with 4 medium young, plus a male), 4 Moorhen (no young in view), 6 Coot (no young in view), 1 Little Grebe (trilling). Total was 18 bird-types. At Kirkharle had 15 bird-types, including 7 Tree Sparrow (fledged), 4 Linnet (fledged). No bathroom work today but have received a quote of £1.32k for sorting out my electricity boards (converting them from fuses to trips), which is essential for further work on the house so will accept quickly. 2moro it’s T4m4l with M and G4g4s with P/A with need to take the frail P home, delaying me a bit!! XXX

July 23rd: maximum 20C, minimum 10C, light E, cloudy morning, sunny afternoon and evening, warmer. Exciting day!! Lazy morning, noting flying juvenile Common Buzzard (2 ad, 2 juv altogether), 3 Chiffchaff and 3 Nuthatch at home, plus butterflies: 13 Meadow Brown, 4 Ringlet, 2 Small White, 1 Large White. Later in day made Prudhoe Dukeshagg from 16:20-18:05 where action very slow, getting one squawk from a Common Buzzard juvenile at 17:28 to E and a Black Kite juvenile up at 17:42 to W 1. The Black Kite have fledged earlier this year, obviously adapting to the northern climate. The butterflies at this Woodland Trust site were brilliant: an Essex Skipper 1  2  3, new for me anywhere and very rare in Northumberland, plus: 5 Small Skipper, 1 Large Skipper, 2 Green-veined White, 6 Small White, 7 Large White, 4 Ringlet, 26 Meadow Brown, and another suspected Marbled White; that’s 8-9 types with no Nymphalidae. Total was just 14 bird-types, including 3 Chiffchaff, 4 Swallow, 1 Siskin, 2 Song Thrush. A Roe Deer was barking from within a wood. 2 Tawny Owl were calling in Hexham SW much later when an Oystercatcher was calling overhead. Did make rendezvous with the beautiful one: she’s so exciting!!! XXX 2moro it’s concert at Kirkharle at 13:30, coupled with visit to Capheaton Lake.

July 22nd: maximum 18C, minimum 12C, light W, dull for most of day, heavy rain late evening. Sealing completed in bathroom with Connor working over lunchtime, when out to R where presiding over our meeting for lunch. Pretty busy time, resolving International team leadership, keeping our Forms-based lunch ordering on track, chairing meeting, inducting new member, chairing speaker from Hexham Hospital. But all went well!! Joiner came and ordered new part to complete refitting of door on Thursday. Westall very efficient with appointment with project manager set for Wednesday week, one day before daughter’s family arrives from Dubai to stay for 6 days. Progressed 5/6/2023 in Georgia but not finished yet; completed 21/7 at Thornbrough. Took family history back to 1515 with a Thomas Rosseter in Wexford. Did make G4g4s with A/R/P/R (one extra!) for good chat! 2moro should be more relaxing!! XXX

July 21st: maximum 17C, minimum 11C, light W, bright early then rather overcast, dry in daytime, cooler. Contacted Westall about 3 outstanding problems with house: 1) water pressure, old immersion heater; 2) damaged wood/coal burning stove; 3) electric board is fused rather than tripped. So hope they can help here. Cleaner came today and made front porch immaculate, marvellous restoration. Plumber Connor returns tomorrow morning to do sealing of all joins on shower and floor. Made Waitrose in morning for a little shopping, then up to Racecourse to check visibility of sites: definitely better for the Black Kite site but none up today in brief visit. In afternoon made Starbucks4c4t followed by trip to Thornbrough from 15:50-17:10. Raptors were not flying today but did have 2 Black Kite juveniles in woods near where I parked. One was surrounded by 4 Crow on a prominent perch to E from 16:00-16:05 1  2  3, the other called once from a nearby wood to N at 17:05. In total of 17 bird-types had 7 Yellowhammer, 21 House Sparrow, 8 Swallow, 5 Linnet, 5 Mistle Thrush (fledged), 2 Chiffchaff, 7 Common Gull ad to S. Butterflies comprised 2 Meadow Brown, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Ringlet. Earlier at Ordley had 11 Common Gull ad to SW and a Red Admiral. In Hexham noted 2 Oystercatcher. Resumed work on WikiTree on Irish ancestors in 1640s in Wexford with updates on the Civil War, where the Rosseters (led by Capt. Thomas) were on the losing side as Catholics against the puritan Cromwell. Did make G4g4s, fetching frail P and taking him home. L was on!! The fanciable one might have 2 visits this week: XXX!!

July 20th: maximum 21C, minimum 9C, light W, very comfortable day, increasing cloud during late morning and afternoon but no rain until evening. Did masses of gardening, restoring path at back of house, cutting back ivy, mowing 5 loads of grass from area by pony shelters. Also clearing up daughter’s room from builder's materials. Did get out from 12:40-13:50 to single-track road near water installation overlooking Acomb and Tyne Valley to N and West Dipton Burn in the ‘Shire to S, E of Racecourse, part of Hexham SW tetrad. Good views to West Dipton and had family group of 4 Black Kite (2 ad, 2 juv) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 up to W twice at 12:55 and 13:32 with again a male Honey-buzzard above them at 12:56 and 13:21 1 (14050) so mass Black Kite fledging now. Saw the Osprey soaring over its nest site to NE on other side of Tyne Valley at 13:39 moving slowly S towards the Tyne 1. A Common Buzzard juvenile was by the side of the road at Loughbrow at 13:49. In 19 bird-types in Hexham SW area had 2 Chiffchaff, 12 Swift, 4 Swallow, 1 Sand Martin S, 2 Common Gull adult SW, 1 Oystercatcher. Earlier at Ordley had a male Honey-buzzard with alarm calls at 7:05 interrupting my sleep! Also here a Black Kite adult was over the house late morning at 11:44 1 and an adult Common Buzzard soared off its nest site. Other birds noted were 3 Nuthatch, 4 Mistle Thrush, 2 Chiffchaff, 5 Common Gull adult to SW. Butterflies were of 6 types: 9 Ringlet, 2 Meadow Brown, 2 Small White, single Small Skipper, Large White, Speckled Wood. A frog was hopping across road in rain at Newton after leaving pub. A Tawny Owl was calling at Dipton Wood main at 23:15. More to follow … Made DoW4g4s to meet D/D for great chat! XXX!!

July 19th: maximum 24C, minimum 13C, moderate S, beautiful day, very warm, dry. A few highlights today: gr8 lunch, first Black Kite young fledged, first Common Buzzard young fledged, a male Honey-buzzard seen, remaining rubbish from bathroom refit removed from grass outside front door to tip. Also moved myself spare materials to the garden shed to tidy things up a bit. Lunch was very tasty!! Went to Bywell for ttime from 15:10-16:35, getting 4 types of raptor in the sunny, breezy conditions. Black Kite starred with 4 birds up over Cottagebank (2 ad, 2 juv), 3 over a new site Tofts Hill (2 ad, 1 juv) and an adult over Peepy: total 8 birds! The Honey-buzzard was a male high-up over Tofts Hill, presumed from Cottagebank; noticed before how, when other aggressive raptors around as in Africa, the males float high above them, presumably for their own safety; the heavier females stand their ground more. Common Buzzard comprised 3 at Peepy (1 ad, 2 juv), 4 at Cottagebank (2 ad, 2 juv), 2 to N of Cottagebank (2 ad): total 9. A pair of Kestrel were out hunting energetically. So 20 raptors of 4 types: amazing! No Red Kite seen: are they hanging on here as Black Kite move in to dominate? Quite a few Common Gull on the return journey from Norway today, with 17 SW at Ordley around 13:20 (13 ad, 4 1s), and 16 S at Bywell around 16:00 (15 ad, 1 1s). At Bywell also had 15 Swallow, 9 Swift, 7 Mistle Thrush (fledged), 5 Oystercatcher (fledged). At Ordley had 2 agitated Common Buzzard (fledging imminent), 4 Sand Martin SW, 1+ Swift nest ongoing. More to follow … XXX!! Funds -4k on week, not too bad in deflationary markets. Remaining bathroom jobs scheduled for Monday.

July 18th: maximum 21C, minimum 11C, light SW, murky most of day, occasional showers. Well bathroom job by InHouse completed today, except for a few finishes: sealant around room, large old appliances still to be taken away, door to be re-hanged, towel rail needs to be connected; final cost 10.05k. So that’s marvellous. Water pressure leaves a bit to be desired, as most water supply is governed by header tank position. Going to get Westall in to have a look at it as well as into the replacement of the wood-burning stove and the updating of the electricity boards to trips (RCD); could be 5-6k there in cost. Made T4m4l with M for light relief, followed by an expressive and forceful organ recital at Hexham Abbey. Making progress on Batumi 5/9, indexing piccies of the Honey-buzzard stream and kettles. Last builder left at 21:00, made G4g4s with A/R/P 4 good chat with L on!! Late sensation with the beautiful tmfo: XXX!!

July 17th: maximum 21C, minimum 12C, light W, sunny most of day, cloudy midday, dry. Pretty hectic day on bathroom front with fittings installed to some extent and electricity supply to power shower and lights secured. So here’s latest piccie. 2moro is completion day with waste connection to sink, shower sides installed, towel rail fitted and a few missing covering patches fitted; the downstairs loo works already, might save a few trips into the garden!! Paid them half the remaining balance of 1k. Think I had a Marbled White butterfly in my field; couldn’t get a photograph, will look out 2moro. Did have 4 Meadow Brown, 6 Ringlet and a Small Skipper there though. Hope to escape to T4m4l with M followed by organ recital at the Abbey. Funds are -3k wtd, continuing softer trend of last few weeks; have about £662k in bonds as expecting a soft patch for equities as interest rates are held up higher for longer than is necessary. Attended R District session on Zoom on encouraging corporate membership. Yesterday attended a community meeting at NBS on behalf of R in respect of the same issue. Going to bed early; one more day then will have house back!!

From home page, latest summary for season:

16/07/24: mid-season lull: Black Kite overall with 30 birds at 17 sites, since 8/6 6 sites found to be occupied by 9 birds; Honey-buzzard overall with 39 birds at 25 sites, since 17/6 7 sites found to be occupied by 9 birds; Hobby have settled to breed with 9 birds at 6 sites; Osprey are ongoing; 4 Goshawk have been seen at 3 sites; 26 Red Kite have been seen at 21 sites.

Latest news from BirdGuides: a further rush of Honey-buzzard on 13/7 and 2 Black Kite records, showing limited passage.

11:13 15/07 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest two again from Llama Park viewpoint; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

10:54 14/07 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Ogston Reservoir adult flew south late morning

10:38 14/07 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest 10:30 two from Llama Park viewpoint

15:29 13/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Kingsdown 15:20 one flew over Kingsdown Cliffs towards Dover

11:59 13/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Walmer 11:56 one flew north over Lower Walmer

10:51 13/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sandwich Bay 10:25 one flew north over observatory

10:28 13/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sholden 10:25 one flew north

08:42 13/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent St Margaret's at Cliffe 08:38 one flew north over Bockhill Farm viewed from monument

17:02 16/07 Black Kite Dublin Dundrum 15:40 one flew north

12:09 15/07 Black Kite Kent Snodland 11:30 one flew east

July 16th: maximum 19C, minimum 10C, light W, humid, warm, not much clear sunshine, rain showers at ttime. Building work continues with ceiling and floor fixed today. 2moro the fittings will start to be installed. Did do some grass cutting, getting another 5 bales cropped. Had as many as 16 Ringlet in field and on edges, plus a Small White, a Meadow Brown and a Painted Lady during the day, last on buddleia. Have family parties of Robin, Chiffchaff and Magpie in garden, with a Blue Tit calling today, first for a while. Highlight of day was a Lunar Hornet Clearwing moth on a sallow bush in the garden, looks like a hornet/large wasp but without the thin waist of hymenoptera; the first I’ve ever seen. A juvenile Kestrel was at Houtley at 21:00. Made Cnt4g4s with M. All quiet on the western front!! Am finding the rhythm of life with the builders quite a challenge; up at 08:00 to get them started each day when get to bed late still is making me a wee bit irritable!!

July 15th: maximum 20C, minimum 12C, light W, much brighter and warmer as winds go W, dry except for shower late-on. Tied up with R from 12:00-14:00 with presiding over lunch and business and then attended Admin team meeting from 14:15-15:15 at NBS. Had to get out after that and drove to Tyne Green where from 15:45-17:00 had 3 Honey-buzzard (2 males interacting to N and a female on the E site), 2 Black Kite (interacting from each site), an Osprey moving very slowly SE to fish from the next site, a Hobby female gliding through trees to N, moving E. So Honey-buzzard, Black Kite and Osprey all progressing at full strength and a new site for Hobby this year, but one that has been occupied in past. So well worth the effort . No building action today but plumber due at 08:30 2moro to do some final fittings. Had 2 fawn Roe Deer in my field this evening with one also seen yesterday evening plus a Hedgehog today; they breed each summer now there. Made G4g4s for relaxation with A/P/R and L on!! 2moro hope to do some grass cutting and get out for some fieldwork, maybe looking for attractions in the evening. XX

July 14th: maximum 15C, minimum 11C, light NW, little rain early on, very dull, cool. Tilers arrived at 08:00 from Wallsend and did the grouting of their handiwork; finished at 11:00 so place to myself for rest of day; next up is ceiling covering including new lights and floor covering. So bathroom is now grouted! Completed Kenya 16/12 and added bird records for that day, giving running total for trip of 107 of 107 species from 209 records, 4 complete lists, 15 places. 19 species of raptor. There are 3 days to process: 13/12, 14/12 and 17/12; the last is next one lined up for Kenya but am going back to Georgia where have 2 days to process, to do 5/9 Sakhalvasho, near the raptor watchpoint, which started on today. Also processed 12/7 Throckley N. Did comment on a DT article Sky News slashes freelance budgets as viewing figures slump (

Sky News have come very close at times to openly supporting Hamas, acting effectively as their propaganda tool. Israel has had a very unfair portrayal on Sky News. [got 26 likes as of 23:58 and 28 by next morning]

Made Cnt4g4s with P/A/R 4 good chat; people streaming home at 22:00 after the game finished, which did watch at home until 21:55; such a shame but thought Spain just deserved it. 2moro it’s Cnt again for R lunch over which presiding in my new role. XX

July 13th: maximum 13C, minimum 10C, light N, light rain all day, becoming heavier in evening, very cool. Tilers arrived at 7:30 and finished at 16:00 having completed tiling every wall with hexagonals on one and large tiles on the others; so room is now tiled; tomorrow they return at 08:00 for removing pegs and grouting; job is on time in spite of the additional boarding; 18/7-19/7 is anticipated completion time. Did get on with some records, while workers were in and weather was too bad for gardening, processing 26/6 Thornbrough completely and making great progress on 16/12 Kenya. Had good break at DoW4g4s with D/D. Will be going out to Dubai late October/early November to stay with daughter’s family; 2 Oriental Honey-buzzard called in recently at Jumeriah Golf Estates where they live, treating it as an oasis! XX

July 12th: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, light N, dull morning, brighter afternoon, dry. Did day 2 of grass-cutting in back doing another 5 bales, basically clearing long grass but leaving orchids, sedges and meadowland flowers. Made QHC4s4l – very tasty and quite chatty! Then back home to check on house and drive into Throckley N where looked for raptors from 16:00-17:00 in this unlikely hot spot. Drove to Callerton Parkway for Metro into Gateshead, to walk to Glasshouse where retrieved my quilt coat, taken away by someone by mistake there in June but returned. Paid the GH £944 for my packages of concerts for the next season, all to be held eventually in my Google Wallet. Concert was by Hexham-based Samling Singers Academy, showcasing some recent student additions in a series of short songs with no applause allowed in between them to keep things on the short side. We did give them rousing applause at the end though for a very entertaining concert. J worked on bathroom as his workers off sick and boarding is completed so tiling can start tomorrow. Another electrician came round and again didn’t like absence of RTD (system anticipates shorts and trips). But he’s agreed to do the work using the existing wiring and will give me a quote for putting RTD into my boards (c1k); think it needs doing. Bathroom is now boarded. Using AVS4YOU produced 6-minute video on Masai welcome and dancing from 16/12/23. Walked 11.1k steps today, feeling fit. So what about the raptors at Throckley: first class with single Black Kite 1 circling a Common Buzzard at 16:06, a Honey-buzzard male moving slowly N in the distance at 16:10 and 16:34 1  2  3 (13042), a Kestrel adult male out hovering at 16:40, all new for year. The Black Kite move closer to Newcastle! Birds numbered 17 types, including the four of raptor, plus 2 Stock Dove, 1 Common Gull ad SW, 8 Swallow (fledged), 1 Robin juvenile, 130 Starling (flocks 120,10). Also a Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet on the wing, plus single Ringlet and Meadow Brown. Thought the brighter afternoon might be a lead-in to better weather over weekend but it appears not. Funds +3k on week after more withdrawals for building work. Gain on year to date is 97k gross but withdrawals are around 50k for family, charities, buildings and Ag. Expect more investments in own house as this is tax efficient. XX

July 11th: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, light N, dull, dry. Still preoccupied with bathroom as boarding installed in most of it; a little boarding remains to be done, scheduled for tomorrow, Connor has worked so hard. Did make T4m4l with M 4 good chat and G4g4s with P/R and L on!! Interested in career of Ollie Watkins, last night’s hero against Netherlands. Born in Torquay, recruited to Exeter’s Youth Academy (League 2 then) and farmed out to Weston-Super-Mare (Conference South) in last chance saloon. He scored freely and was bought up by Brentford and more recently Aston Villa. As a Devonian from between Torquay and Exeter (Teignmouth), quite proud of his roots but his fate at times hung by a thread. What a marvellous outcome though! 2moro hope to get away from the builders for QHC4s4l and much later GH4con with Samling. XX

Latest news from BirdGuides: a rush of Honey-buzzard today in better weather in the S, including a spectacular arrival at Langdon Cliffs, Kent, of 4 birds, moving W. All quiet for Black Kite as they sit!

Black Kite: none

Osprey: locally none

21:11 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Hengistbury Head one flew low over Wick this morning

14:28 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Eastbridge one flew south mid-morning

12:07 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT flew off from rocks at base of cliffs late morning and continued west

11:29 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT 11:28 a third individual flew in off the sea then landed on rocks at base of cliffs

11:21 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT 11:15 second bird flew in off the sea then west towards Dover Harbour

11:11 11/07 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT 11:09 one flew in off the sea then west towards Dover Harbour

10:22 10/07 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Leighton Moss RSPB 10:10 still from Sky Tower

10:20 10/07 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Leighton Moss RSPB 10:00 one flew south over Causeway Hide

10:19 10/07 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire St Aidan's RSPB (Swillington Ings) 09:20 one flew east

20:55 08/07 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire Wakefield 20:50 probable west of Kirkthorpe

16:11 08/07 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Hartside 13:40 female east of Hartside over hill north of River Breamish

08:04 05/07 European Honey Buzzard Fife North Queensferry 07:25 one flew south over Firth of Forth

19:58 04/07 European Honey Buzzard Essex Friday Wood one

10:08 04/07 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common at least three showing well; park only in NT car park at Older Hill (GU29 9RR) and view from ridgeline west of NT car park. Do not block driveways

July 10th: maximum 15C, minimum 10C, light E, very wet all day, this summer shaping up to be the worst for a number of years, next sun is forecast for Sunday afternoon (14/7)! Frame completed for bathroom today on rhs as go in, so all framed now; next step is tomorrow fitting plasterboard with tiling on Saturday and Sunday; Friday is a rest day for them! Highlight of day was SQ concert at Kirkharle from 13:30; drove there and had lunch b4 the music. Programme was very well judged: a Fantasia for Solo Violin (Telemann), SQ by Haydn ‘Emperor’, SQ 1 by Mendelssohn. Enjoyed it all but particularly loved the Telemann, mv2 in the Emperor SQ and the shimmering Mendelssohn. Delighted to meet someone very young and her lovely mum: did bring back memories!! The Emperor SQ mv 2 is sublime music, listen to this by Veridis Quartet; it gives many variations on the hymn Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser “Deutschlandlied” composed by Haydn in 1796; today many people would recognise Deutschlandlied as the German national anthem. The first verse was banned after the second world war because of its association with German hegemony and German atrocities against the Jews. Really enjoyed the concert: I’ve got a season ticket for the series. Expect to be at Tans 2moro with M and QHC the next day.

Called in at Colt Crag Reservoir on way home from 15:40-16:50 in poor weather. Plenty to see: 16 types of bird: 87 Canada Goose big flock 70 + 4 ad scattered around + 2 broods (2 ad + 3 juv) (2 ad + 6 juv), 3 Greylag Goose, 4 Gadwall family group of female and 3 juvenile (new for year), 1 Mallard, 1 Pheasant, 6 Woodpigeon, 2 Curlew, 2 Little Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 2 Rook, 2 Carrion Crow, 1 Swallow, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Song Thrush, 3 Blackbird, 8 Lesser Redpoll, plus a dead mole on the track.

July 9th: maximum 13C, minimum 12C, light NE, heavy rain most of day, cool again. Here’s some piccies on bathroom today: old one mostly outside on front grass 1  2, gutted bathroom being refitted 3  4. Sparky came round today and said he would not fit any new electrics back to the box as needed work on box costing £600; however he will fit into existing sockets so no problem there. He said if I wanted to charge an EV at home, it would cost over 1k just to refit the box before paying for the charger. He also said most rural properties don’t make the modern urban standards but they’re all different – idiosyncratic! Net Zero is totally unrealistic: they’d love to get rid of our wood burners: just watch Ed Milliband!! Anyway work progresses with new copper pipelines fitted today for the new appliances. Had appointment at local Newcastle BS at 10:00 discussing corporate membership of R; we’re planning to collaborate more with the building society under their communities scheme. Looking forward to concert at Kirkharle 2moro at late lunchtime!! Going to Samling on Friday at GH. 2nite was very special: the beautiful and exciting tmfo!! Funds -2k wtd, playing a very defensive hand, moving steadily sale proceeds into US and € bonds.

Completed Kenya 18/12 in all respects. Running total for Kenya trip is: 99 of 99 species from 192 records, 4 complete lists, 15 places, with 19 raptors so far. Still to process 14/12-17/12 at Mara Fairmont; 16/12 Masai village and randy elephant is up next!

July 8th: maximum 17C, minimum 11C, light SQ, bright morning, dull later with some showers, warmer. Well building work has started on the main bathroom on time; good progress made in clearing the room but as suspected some plasterboards are not up to it so more work needed there and on floor below bath; extra £550 is quote which paid already as cannot have job left in limbo. Do have an upstairs bathroom but it’s smaller scale. Made Hexham GC for our employee award do – all went marvellously with plenty of warm ceremony and everyone enjoying themselves. Made G4g4s taking frail P down and back; L was on!! Indexed about ½ the entries for Kenya for 18/12/2023 and progressed rapidly my ANPA presentation for Oxford in mid-August. 2moro sees temptations of a powerful sort!! At home had a singing Chiffchaff, plus 4 Ringlet, 1 Meadow Brown, 1 Red Admiral.

July 7th: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, moderate W, bright morning, dull later with some showers, cool. Concentrating on records today, doing 18/12 Kenya Balloon trip over the Mara with daughter; have indexed and resized all the piccies for this day and uploaded them to the server but still need to index them on NB2023. Major plus point: have found a Honey-buzzard and a few other raptors around the waterhole which we visited in between landing and having a champagne breakfast. Also have an African Cuckoo-Hawk, a close relative of the Honey-buzzard, alarm calling at the Fairmont Lodge, where we stayed for 5 days by the Mara River. Booked up hotel in Oxford for mid-August for ANPA conference for 5 nights. Not out today until 21:45 when off to G4g4s with L on!! Fitter/plumber Connor arrives 2moro at 08:30 to start the big job. Have R Young Employee at 05:45 for 06:30 dinner at Hexham GC which presiding over; later it’s G4g4s.

July 6th: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, moderate W, bright morning, dull later with frequent showers, cool. Caught up on a lot of records today, completing all July records and finishing 1/6 a great day out on Eastwood Common, near Healey; just 3 sheets left for June now. Met D/D at DoW4g4s for great chat in Newton; D’s photographing for 10km race in NCL 2moro. We finished at 22:45 so I did a quick detour back through Healey, getting a Long-eared Owl hunting on the roadside plus a Brown Hare at Broomleyfell, another Brown Hare at Eastwood Common, a pair of Tawny Owl calling at Dipton Wood N. It was a bit windy and cool for Nightjar – none heard today. Earlier around 20:00 had a brood of Pheasant by side of road at Ordley and a family party of 6 Mistle Thrush at Letah Wood. Still have haunting memories of tmfo!! 2moro have groceries arriving from W at 12, then hope to get out, b4 clearing bathroom and G4g4s.

July 5th: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, moderate W, almost dry, bright sunshine becoming veiled in late afternoon, cool. Bathroom fittings arrived on time at 10:00, filled up the whole of the ground-floor bedroom, fitters arrive Monday. Met M at T4m4l for good chat. Then masses of gardening in front with mower and hedge trimmer, restoring some order. Out to Harwood Shield for walk and birds from 16:40-18:10, getting plenty of moorland birds, such as Curlew, Snipe and Meadow Pipit, with 2 Red Kite: 1 over Riddlehamhope on watershed between Devil’s Water and Beldon Burn at 17:15, another flying low-down right over the farmhouse at Harwood Shield at 17:56 1, and 3 Kestrel: a female out over the moors with 2 juveniles in training mode 1  2. A Barn Owl was out hunting in daylight at 17:45, looking ghostly white against the green grass 1  2. On the moors had 19 species of bird, including 6 Red Grouse (2 adult and 1 female with 3 large chicks), 4 Stock Dove, 5 Oystercatcher, 9 Curlew (fledged young), 1 Snipe, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull adult, 1 Grey Heron, 6 Swallow (fledged), 2 House Martin, 8 Meadow Pipit, plus 1 Rabbit and 2 Brown Hare. At Steel Pond at 18:30 had 42 Lapwing, a Golden Plover, 2 Snipe, 3 Teal, 1 Oystercatcher, 4 Pied Wagtail (fledged), 2 Song Thrush (fledged). Earlier at Ordley at 12:00 had an adult male Kestrel out hunting towards Linnels, a singing Chiffchaff and a Goldfinch at 12:00. Very energetic day: 11k steps. Relaxed at home afterwards!! Funds were unchanged on week with rise in Falklands oil stocks outweighed by falls in other energy stocks and in bonds.

July 4th: maximum 13C, minimum 9C, fresh W, very gusty, heavy rain showers, bright sunshine in between, very cool. Made Dalton in the ‘Shire from 17:20-18:35, very bracing. Had 13 types in all: 1 Pheasant, 3 Stock Dove, 16 Woodpigeon, 1 Collared Dove, 60 Lapwing post-breeding flock, 17 Curlew post-breeding flock, 8 Jackdaw, 12 Rook, 3 Carrion Crow, 2 Swallow, 1 Blackbird, 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull adult, 1 Red Kite up in wild conditions to see off a wandering LBBG. Last 2 at Rowley Burn, a little to S. Also a Hedgehog out in daylight feeding. Tmfo is certainly that: very motivating in all respects: see you next tuesday!! Did get some work done in QHL, looking at Whitehead’s view on nature. Did make G4g4s, bringing in and taking back the frail P; on final exit at 23:45 lots of people around from High School and people watching election results. Stayed up myself to 03:30 watching the results. 2moro bathroom fittings for makeover being delivered at 10:00 (installation next week) and T4m4l with M at 12:00. Cleaner S arrives at 17:00 when could be out looking for more kite!

July 3rd: maximum 14C, minimum 8C, moderate W, rain overnight, few showers later, some bright spells; on sharp borderline between wet west and drier east in late afternoon but very cool. Feeling brighter today with easing of R pressures. Did have another peek out, going to Whitley Chapel from 16:10-17:20. Here had 3 raptors, all in Dotland S area, including a Red Kite flying into cover to NW of me at 16:20, a Common Buzzard calling at same time in same area and getting up briefly, also seen later up briefly at 16:56, a male Honey-buzzard repeatedly up to the W/NW of me from 16:38-16:53, out on a foraging trip 1 (14040). Near the end at 17:03 a Black Kite arrived from the E (Ordley S site) and proceeded to hunt over the area to E of me, giving good views with light behind 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11. The breeze made conditions difficult for small birds but did note 6 Dunnock in the hedges, including fledged young. Gull passage was interesting with 4 Common Gull (3 ad, 1 1s) and 9 Black-headed Gull (9 ad), all moving SW into the strong breeze; the adults are likely to be failed breeders from Norway – early return. On way back stopped at Steel Pond at 17:30 where had 6 waterbirds: 2 Mallard, 1 Teal 1  2, 1 Moorhen juvenile, 2 Oystercatcher, 12 Lapwing, some fledged young, 1 Snipe 1, in habitat. In front garden at 17:45 a Chiffchaff was calling. Butterflies in the garden included 2 Meadow Brown, 1 Ringlet, 1 Speckled Wood. Compiled some records from June in the morning. 2moro it’s lunch in town at QHC4s4l and much later G4g4s!! Will spend some time at QHL, working on ANPA paper, but will get out to another Red Kite site in the ‘Shire around ttime. On Friday M returns and meeting him at Tans.

Latest summary of breeding season to date is given below:

30/06/24: Black Kite may have young now with 29 birds at 16 sites; Honey-buzzard are sitting tight with 36 birds at 24 sites; Hobby have settled to breed with 8 birds at 5 sites; Osprey presumed ongoing; 4 Goshawk have been seen at 3 sites; 21 Red Kite have been seen at 17 sites, becoming more visible now with young in nest. From Honey-buzzard Home Page

July 2nd: maximum 16C, minimum 9C, moderate W, dull, rain at times. Made Lilswood Grange area of the ‘Shire from 13:20-14:45 in poor conditions but not too bad in results, getting 15 bird-types including 2 Red Grouse, 1 Red Kite flying slowly to S low-down at 13:56 in drizzle, 1 Common Buzzard out hunting at 14:45, 1 Kestrel juvenile hovering at 14:22, 6 Coal Tit, 4 Swallow, 1 Meadow Pipit. Going to do more visits this week in the poor weather to the ‘Shire, looking particularly for kites, of either sort! Spent quite a lot of day getting organised for my first Council meeting as chair; we met in the Cnt from 17:30-18:20 in the Snug, reserved for us free of charge; all went well, very good atmosphere. M away so not out again, feeling a bit stressed to be honest in this handover period. Caught up on 12/6 June records from Ordley, leaving 4 sheets to do from June. Booked up a season ticket for 6 concerts at Kirkharle: good quality and a lot easier travel than to Gateshead.

July 1st: maximum 16C, minimum 10C, moderate SW, dull, rain at times, brighter evening. Added below the running order and cast for the most impressive performance of Wagner’s Ring in Budapest. Was duly inaugurated as President – all went well with competent speeches and choreography by outgoing P and myself, very good atmosphere. We also gave £150 gratuity to the staff at the Cnt, which was very well received. A bit more time to catch-up in afternoon on other matters with finances (-3k over last 2 weeks) and bird records (27/6 Pithouse and 28/6 night-visit to Dipton). Did make G4g4s with A/P/R with L on!! 2moro yet more R business chairing Council meeting in Cnt at 17:30. Not clear what’s happening later!!

From BirdGuides, recent sightings show slow-down in Honey-buzzard records away from well-known watchpoints but a few Black Kite still in view:

13:10 30/06 Black Kite Aberdeenshire Huntly one at a private site nearby this morning [114th record this year]

07:46 28/06 Black Kite South Yorkshire Redmires Reservoirs probable flew south-west

10:39 27/06 Black Kite Gloucestershire Brockworth 10:00 one reported over houses off Green Street

09:57 01/07 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Strumpshaw Fen RSPB 09:10 one this morning [173rd record this year]

12:42 28/06 European Honey Buzzard Staffordshire Belvide Reservoir (permit only) one circled over between 12:20 and 12:30 then lost to view

12:22 27/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Foreness Point 09:20 two flew west (singles at 09:05 and 09:20)

20:07 25/06 European Honey Buzzard Cleveland Skelton 13:50 one flew south-west over New Skelton

Here’s the players in the Ring at Budapest.

20–23 June 2024


Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen

Artistic director and conductor:

Ádám Fischer


Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

20 June 2024 / 6 pm

Preliminary Evening

Das Rheingold

Music drama in four scenes

Wotan: Johan Reuter / Donner: Zsolt Haja

Froh: Dániel Pataky / Loge: Christian Franz

Fricka: Atala Schöck / Freia: Lilla Horti

Erda: Erika Gál / Alberich: Johen Schmeckenbecher

Mime: Jürgen Sacher / Fasolt: Tijl Faveyts

Fafner: Jongmin Park / Woglinde: Orsolya Sáfár

Wellgunde: Gabriella Fodor / Flosshilde: Zsófia Kálnay

Dancers: Zoltán Csere, Laura Fehér, János Feledi, Ádám Frigy, István Horváth, Zoltán Katonka,

Krisztián Kelemen, Richárd Kovács, Katalin Stáry, Brigitta Tóth, Milán Újvári, Dalma Wéninger

Child dancer: Milos Katonka

21 June 2024 / 4 pm

First Day

Die Walküre

Music drama in three acts

Siegmund: Magnus Vigilius / Hunding: Jongmin Park

Wotan: Johan Reuter / Sieglinde: Karine Babajanyan

Brünnhilde: Iréne Theorin / Fricka: Atala Schöck

Gerhilde: Zita Váradi / Ortlinde: Beatrix Fodor

Waltraute: Gabriella Fodor / Schwertleite: Szilvia Szilágyi

Helmwige: Adrienn Miksch / Siegrune: Éva Várhelyi

Grimgerde: Erika Gál / Rossweisse: Zsófia Kálnay

Dancers: Zoltán Csere, Laura Fehér, János Feledi, Ádám Frigy, István Horváth, Zoltán Katonka,

Krisztián Kelemen, Richárd Kovács, Noémi Siklósy, Katalin Stáry, Brigitta Tóth, Milán Újvári,

Dalma Wéninger

22 June 2024 / 4 pm

Second Day


Music drama in three acts

Siegfried: Stefan Vinke / Mime: Jürgen Sacher

The Wanderer (Wotan): Johan Reuter / Alberich: Jochen Schmeckenbecher

Fafner: Jongmin Park / Erda: Erika Gál

Brünnhilde: Magdalena Anna Hofmann / The Wood Bird: Eszter Zemlényi

Dancers: Zoltán Csere, Laura Fehér, János Feledi, Ádám Frigy, Zoltán Katonka, Krisztián

Kelemen, Richárd Kovács, Katalin Stáry, Brigitta Tóth, Milán Újvári, Dalma Wéninger

23 June 2024 / 4 pm

Third Day


Music drama in three acts

Siegfried: Stefan Vinke / Gunther: Birger Radde

Alberich: Jochen Schmeckenbecher / Hagen: Johan Schinkler

Brünnhilde: Iréne Theorin / Gutrune: Lilla Horti

Waltraute: Dorottya Láng / First Norn: Erika Gál

Second Norn: Judit Németh / Third Norn: Andrea Brassói-Jőrös

Woglinde: Orsolya Sáfár / Wellgunde: Gabriella Fodor

Flosshilde: Zsófia Kálnay

Featuring: Hungarian Radio Choir (choirmaster: Zoltán Pad), Budapest Studio Choir

(choirmaster: Kálmán Strausz)

Dancers: Zoltán Csere, Laura Fehér, János Feledi, Ádám Frigy, Zoltán Katonka, Krisztián

Kelemen, Richárd Kovács, Katalin Stáry, Brigitta Tóth, Milán Újvári, Dalma Wéninger

Child dancer: Milos Katonka

June 30th: maximum 15C, minimum 10C, light W, dull most of day, becoming brighter in evening. Down to Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield, for R District garden party; very friendly, not snooty and met good range of people from different clubs such as Morpeth and Darlington. As down there with Hardwick Hall lake in area, decided to give it a good check over before leaving from 16:40-17:40. Had 22 species here, including 147 Canada Goose (some young), 9 Mute Swan (brood of 5 young). 22 Mallard (some young), 17 Domestic Mallard (some young), 7 Tufted Duck, 6 Moorhen (some young), 20 Coot (some young), 2 Little Grebe, 3 Sand Martin, 8 Swallow, 3 House Martin, 1 Chiffchaff (singing), 2 Sedge Warbler (singing), 1 Blackcap (singing). On way back stopped at Wallish Walls from 18:30-19:30 getting in 17 bird-types a Red Kite (at 18:40 one flew over Carterway Heads carrying a mouse, confirming breeding), an anxious Common Buzzard, a 1s Common Gull, an ad LBBG, 45 Greylag Goose flock on nearby field to N, 2 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, 1 Skylark. Had a Redstart just SE of Slaley as final record of day. So after this week’s fieldwork, the Derwent is a stronghold for Red Kite and the Tyne Valley a stronghold for Black Kite. Used Google Maps as satnav in Bishop Auckland area to navigate across from the A68 to Sedgefield, worked very well. 2moro become President of local R (52 members) with handover ceremony!

June 29th: maximum 16C, minimum 9C, light SW, dull most of day with light rain in afternoon, becoming brighter in evening. Typical quiet Saturday, catching up with records as poor weather for raptors. Processed interesting gull piccies and counts from Kellas on 27/6 and also the raptor piccies from Slaley Forest E/Pithouse. No longer doing meal bookings so some relief there but become President of Hexham R on Monday, more a figurehead coordinating position. Made DoW4g4s with D/D for usual good chat with C on! Then as fine evening did a quick trip around Dipton Wood from 23:10-24:00 getting at Prospect Hill a Brown Hare; at Dipton Wood main a churring Nightjar, a calling Tawny Owl; at Dipton Wood S a churring Nightjar, a calling Tawny Owl; at Dipton Wood N a Roe Deer; at Lamb Shield a Brown Hare. On Thursday night at 23:55 had a Fox at Loughbrow. 2moro it’s garden party at Hardwick Hall, Sedgefield, for R in NE District, from 13:30-16:30, where going in new role; will stop off in Derwent to do a bit of birdwatching. Should still make G4g4s much later!

June 28th: maximum 14C, minimum 8C, fresh SW in morning moderating in afternoon, mostly dry, few heavy showers. Winds were so gusty around 08:30 that we had a power cut in the ‘Shire, starting at 08:47 and going on for 6 hours; initial restoration by 10:30 due presumably to a fallen tree was put quickly forward to 15:00 as more serious damage found, with actual restoration around 14:40; a very unusual event for midsummer but there are a lot of shaky diseased ash trees around, even if many are showing signs of recovery. Didn’t make NCL as bit disorganised at home but decided to make a day of it at QHL from 12:15-17:10 to work on ANPA paper for mid-August, with good break at QHC4s4l where gasping for a hot drink, having 2 cups of strong coffee. Found lots of citations to Whitehead and Artificial Life so think my plan for the paper is clear, unifying last year’s presentation with the coming one. Had ANPA steering group at 18:30 for one hour after which updated website with new logo and a mission statement. At 20:00 had Teams meeting with 2 other Rtn talking over my meal booking duties; lasted 30 min in which we covered a number of features of the Forms system, including the direct use of the Responses pie-charts and the Google sheet for submitting to the Cnt. So a busy day! Did have a few interesting birds around Hexham station at 17:24: a Common Buzzard flying over Station area, mobbed by Oystercatcher and 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull ad, plus a Swift entering a nest.

June 27th: maximum 16C, minimum 11C, moderate to fresh SW, mostly dry, few sunny intervals, occasional light rain. Met M at Tans4m4l 4 good chat! Then out to top of watershed overlooking Derwent Reservoir for walk at Pithouse Fell for an hour. Had a Honey-buzzard male over E end of Slaley Forest, hanging briefly in breeze, a regular site but new for year. Inspired by 3 Red Kite seen at 3 sites: Slaley Forest E 1  2  3  4  5  6, Pithouse Fell S, Millshield 7. Also had at least 2 Kestrel up at Slaley Forest E, including a male and a juvenile 1  2, and another Kestrel juvenile over Pithouse Fell S 3, so 3 birds in all. Total was 11 species here, including 20 Curlew and 5 Lapwing, both with fledged young, and 2 agitated Oystercatcher; also had a singing Skylark, a Meadow Pipit and 6 roaming Swift. Found a large field S of Kellas from 15:20-16:00 being ploughed with masses of gulls present, totalling c700 of 6 types: mostly Black-headed Gull (660, with 3 juvenile seen), good numbers of LBBG at 30 (16 ad, 8 2s, 6 1s), 20 Common Gull (2 2s, 18 1s 1), 2 Herring Gull (2s, 1s), an Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull (2s with short legs, darkish mantle, domed head, stubby stout bill with marked gonys angle, slightly smaller than LBBG 2), 3 Caspian Gull (3s 3, 1s 4   5  6  7, juv 8, all large, long legs, attenuated, pencil bill), so plenty of interest there. Also on this field had 120 Lapwing, 4 Oystercatcher, 36 Carrion Crow. So another great day in the field, bit more indulgent tomorrow with QHC4s4l, then into GH in NCL to collect coat (returned after someone took it by accident at year-end concert) and pay my concert subscription for next year (c£950). Looking forward to it!! Made G4g4s with the lads with A and L on!!

June 26th: maximum 22C, minimum 14C, moderate E, dry and sunny all day. Still catching up from break with large shopping order arriving from W and various R matters. Hay fever season (from grass pollen) is getting under way with maddening itching eyes and sneezing. Today at Ordley at 12:00 had 3 Ringlet and 1 Large Skipper butterflies, latter on the Common Spotted Orchid both together; at 17:40 had an angry Common Buzzard calling from just SE of the house; at 22:15 (dusk) had a Honey-buzzard with a series of 4 wailing calls, given only at the nest so breeding confirmed! At 15:40 at Steel Pond on way to Corbridge had again a pair of Little Grebe, 17 Lapwing including fledged young, 25 Mallard, a female Tufted Duck, a Moorhen, a Meadow Pipit, 2 Pied Wagtail, in total of 9 types. Main purpose of day was a trip to Thornbrough from 16:10-17:15, near the A69, where studying Black Kite colonisation. Quite an amazing visit, finding a new site for Honey-buzzard with a male up in interaction at 16:54 with a Black Kite and a Red Kite 1 (14036), 2 Black Kite were seen altogether with piccies on their own from 16:23-16:54 1  2  3  4, the Red Kite, a male Hobby in a dive at 16:23, all in near perfect conditions for raptors with strong sunshine and a moderate breeze. All the raptors appeared to be using the same wood, with a move S from last year for the Black Kite. This is a strong agricultural area but there is an increasing amount of mature woodland and diverse habitat into the edge of Corbridge on its N side and further W towards Sandhoe. In total of 27 bird-types also had a Stock Dove, 2 agitated Oystercatcher, 2 singing Skylark, single singing Grasshopper Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroat (1 singing), 5 Linnet, 3 Yellowhammer. Butterflies were of 5 types: 3 Meadow Brown, 2 Ringlet, 2 Small White, single Green-veined White, Large White. 2moro it’s T4m4l with M, G4g4s and next day it’s QHC4s4l!!

June 25th: maximum 21C, minimum 14C, light E, dull, a little drizzle at times. No fieldwork, plenty to do at home, including updating the London page with a breeding record from 2022 on a pers comm at London. A new type of orchid for garden has appeared; will check it out tomorrow but have taken a couple of piccies in case it’s eaten overnight: it’s a Common Spotted Orchid, in back garden alongside 5 Northern Marsh Orchid. Total of Northern Marsh Orchid is now 13. Did meet M at Cnt4g4s 4 good chat! Lots of people out with the football. She’s beautiful: lok2tmfo: xxxxx XXX!!! Had a Barn Owl near Letah Wood at 23:45 as drove home.

Plenty of records on BirdGuides since last update. The Hexham Osprey are likely to move around quite considerably. Black Kite may well be breeding in Cornwall and possibly also in Derbyshire. Honey-buzzard records, excluding those from watchpoints, show considerable movement still.

12:02 24/06 Osprey Northumberland Whittle Dene Reservoirs 11:58 one then flew west

17:05 22/06 Osprey Northumberland Sweethope Lough one

13:50 17/06 Osprey Northumberland Whittle Dene Reservoirs 12:30 one over western reservoir then flew high west

11:55 17/06 Osprey Northumberland Horsley 08:10 one flew over A69

15:06 25/06 Black Kite Derbyshire Loscoe Dam possible adult again

16:54 24/06 Black Kite Suffolk St James South Elmham one flew over east

18:00 23/06 Black Kite Derbyshire Loscoe Dam adult flew east over Loscoe early morning

15:04 21/06 Black Kite Cornwall Hayle 20/06 one yesterday

15:07 20/06 Black Kite Cornwall St Buryan 13:27 one drifted north-east with Red Kites

12:16 20/06 Black Kite Cornwall Ludgvan 16:00 19/06 one flew west yesterday

14:39 19/06 Black Kite Cornwall Goldsithney one over fields between here and Marazion

09:50 19/06 Black Kite Cornwall Connor Downs 09:40 one flew south-west towards Hayle

14:48 18/06 Black Kite Somerset Nailsea 14:42 one flew over

15:31 25/06 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Ramsholt 15:22 one reported flying over onion fields

13:12 24/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Skaw, Whalsay one

12:24 24/06 European Honey Buzzard Orkney North Ronaldsay one flew south towards Sanday

19:57 23/06 European Honey Buzzard Cork Galley Head one flew over this afternoon

17:06 23/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sandwick, Mainland 17:06 circling over Stove

17:04 23/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sandwick, Mainland 16:46 one flew south over Setter

12:44 23/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Boddam, Mainland one flew north-west over Dalsetter

11:03 22/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Ellister, Mainland 10:50 flew off high to south

10:46 22/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Ellister, Mainland one by road to Maywick

16:23 21/06 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Poole Harbour one flew over

15:35 20/06 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk South Walsham one drifted south over Panxworth

17:21 18/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Hythe 17:15 one flew north-west

09:16 17/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent North Foreland 09:14 flew off inland over Broadstairs

08:58 17/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent North Foreland 08:54 one in field below lighthouse

17:38 16/06 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire Wetherby 09:12 adult (probably female) flew low south-east towards A168 this morning

June 24th: maximum 25C, minimum 17C, light W, sunny and bright. Main time appeared to be in AMS where in Cafe Flor near gate D2 for healthy late lunch with take-off 17:30 for NCL!! At BUD tense long queue for check-in as although no checked-in bags, like all such passengers, we could only get our boarding passes this way. Had taxi to the airport in BUD, cost £30 for about 30 min. So mostly smooth with KLM though flight to NCL one-hour late taking off. Collected car, drove to W 4 little shopping then back home, fairly late at 19:00 where got home sorted. Not out tonite! Did look for highlights of Siegfried finale on web and there are some but best recent posting is the whole act: Wagner - Siegfried | act 3 | Radio Filharmonisch Orkest o.l.v. Karina Canellakis | ZaterdagMatinee: Clay Hilley (Siegfried – tenor), Daniela Köhler (Brünnhilde – sopraan), Iain Paterson (Wanderer – bas-bariton), Judit Kutasi (Erda - mezzosopaan). It’s a superb production with Canellakis excelling as maestro. Running time 1 hour 22 min, sung in German with English subtitles. NPO Klassiek. Back to the raptors tomorrow! Should see M in evening and be ready for finale!!

Bird list for Hungary: 19 of 19 species from 27 records, 1 complete lists, 2 places. Raptors comprised 2 Black Kite at 2 site son the Danube.

June 23rd: maximum 28C minimum 20C, light NW, cloudy morning, brighter afternoon, dry, much less humid, fresher. So the final part Götterdämmerung was performed from 16:00 to 22:35 at Müpa in Budapest. Act 1 has a prelude, totalling 2 hours. Is it the crowning glory or an anticlimax? Well certainly not the latter but to my mind the end of the Siegfried opera with the love duet between Siegfried and Brünnhilde is the top inspiration to be taken from this Ring performance. What an ecstatic moment that was! Götterdämmerung is a complex opera, even by Wagner's standards. It shows all the hallmarks of what the Victorians called manic depressive with long brooding passages interspersed by tremendous climaxes. Quite a few of the top German composers could be classified this way. These days we call it bipolar and Wagner would probably have been put on drugs and lost the creative and energetic bouts such people have.

Highlights were many including the passionate farewell of Siegfried from Brünnhilde as he goes on his adventures; the brooding thoughts of Hagen as he contemplates victory over the Völsung; the brooding vows of death to Siegfried by Hagen, Hunding and Brünnhilde as he is thought to have deceived them, the brilliant end to Act 2 with the 2 marriages finally taking place (probably the best ending to any Act in the Ring); the Rhinemaidens' final appeal to Siegfried to return to them the Ring; the funeral march for Siegfried; the immolation (death, setting oneself on fire) with Brünnhilde jumping into the funeral pyre of Siegfried and returning the Ring to the Rhinemaidens as flood waters from the Rhine cover the area.

So who won? The Nibelung make a determined bid for the gold by drugging Siegfried and marrying him to Gutrune. Brünnhilde, married again to Gunther her brother, is outraged and swears for his death on Hagen's spear. Siegfried on a hunting trip, under an antidote drug, reveals his 'treachery’ and is killed by Hagen. But Brünnhilde has in the meantime learnt of Hagen's plans from the Rhinemaidens and seizes the ring from Siegfried's body. By returning the Ring to the Rhinemaidens she takes the curse off the Ring, which has additionally struck Siegfried in this part. The gods, who have been waiting for their end since Siegfried broke Wotan's (Wanderer’s) spear in Siegfried Act 3, perish as Valhalla is set on fire under Brünnhilde’s closing commands. The Völsung inherit the Earth - the human beings. So ends the Norse saga! Applause for 15 minutes and Adam Fisher maestro brought the whole orchestra on stage, to deservedly share in it. We had lunch at Baalbek restaurant, excellent food and service, had lamb chops, lovely location along the Danube; son paid.

June 22nd: maximum 28C minimum 21C, light NW, thunderstorms with heavy rain at start of day, sunny midday then overcast again, very humid. Today was Siegfried with highlights of the forging of Notung the sword by Siegfried; the fight between the dragon Fafner and Siegfried (won by our hero, giving him the ring, tarnhelm and gold); the woodbird singing to Siegfried of who he must be wary of and the beautiful lady on the rock; the breaking through the fire on the rock by our hero and the orgasmic love affair between Siegfried and Brünnhilde, rounding off the night’s performance with an ecstatic duet. All very joyful but Siegfried now wears the accursed ring and the Nibelungen continue to plot. We finished tonight at 22:13 having started at 16:00 so 13 min longer than Walküre. A core feature of the Siegfried opera is the movement from dark to light over the 4 hours, from Mime’s cave to a forest clearing to the high rock, and in human terms from despair to joy. Further the last act was written 10 years later than the first and it shows: the whole musical experience goes up a level. The orchestra were sparkling today with the many horn/brass passages all played well; one Wagner horn played the horn passage tempting the dragon to come out, on stage, and the anvil striker from the forging scene was also on stage, a nice touch. There’s plenty of refreshments outside by the Danube and inside the theatre in the lengthy intervals. Subtitles are given in German (as sung), Hungarian and English. Atmosphere is great as we go into the last part on Sunday night, Götterdämmerung. Had a prowling Black Kite over the Danube this evening at Müpa at 19:00. This is 3km from the suspension bridge so a second site. Puts you in the mood!!

June 21st: maximum 33C minimum 23C, light SE, bright sunshine all day, high cloud moving in in evening. Today was Die Walküre, probably the most popular part of the cycle generally with its highlights of the wild love affair between the Völsung twins Sieglinde and Siegmund (yes brother and sister!), The Ride of the Valkyries (sung by the 9 Valkyrie warrior-maidens minus Brünnhilde) as Brünnhilde attempts to escape from her father Wotan after disobeying his instructions at the battle between Siegmund and Hunding, the fire music as Brünnhilde is punished by being put to sleep on a rock surrounded by fire to be woken by a free hero – destined to be Siegfried, the child conceived in last night’s passion by Sieglinde! The performance was leisurely with intervals of about 60 min between the 3 Acts, which totalled 3 hours 50 min in running time. Again a capacity audience and a very enthusiastic one, giving a fantastic ovation at the end including the traditional eastern European slow handclap to round off the applause. We had lunch at Baalbek, a Lebanese restaurant on the side of the Danube: very good food, lovely service, son paid! Back to Italian tomorrow for lunch and it’s part III Siegfried, the Völsung hero who reforges the sword Notung, slays the dragon Fafner and the treacherous Nibelung Mime and seizes the gold, including the ring and the tarnhelm. However, his biggest challenge is yet to come: the seduction of Brünnhilde after releasing her from the fire on the rock! Power and love are the driving forces of the Ring. My favourite part of the Ring is the last part, Götterdämmerung: the Twilight of the Gods, as we see that absolute power corrupts and that its contradictions inevitably lead to its downfall. It’s also written in Wagner’s later post-harmonic style. The last part of Siegfried and Götterdämmerung were composed some 15 years after the earlier parts and are Grand Opera of the highest order. Got a Bolt taxi back to flat. Shall be back for Tuesday!!

It’s well known that Hitler was a great fan of The Ring. As some of his lieutenants noted, his judgment could not have been worse from the perspective of the Third Reich. Wagner was a socialist revolutionary, taking part in the Dresden uprising. Das Rheingold is readily interpreted as inspired by Marx/Engels. Moreover Götterdämmerung foretells the collapse of the Third Reich as absolute power corrupts.

A few birds were noted from the Elisabeth suspension bridge across the Danube at 13:00: 2 Crag Martin, 5 House Martin, 1 Alpine Swift. Later at Müpa at 18:00 had 3 White Wagtail, a Grey Heron, a Collared Dove and a Serin.

June 20th: maximum 31C minimum 21C, light E, hazy sunshine all day, dry. Today was Das Rheingold, the first part of the tetralogy of The Ring (composed c1852-c1872 by Richard Wagner, the German composer), at Müpa, from 18:05-20:45 in 4 scenes without a break. Brilliant performance, hitting all the high powered climaxes with great drama. This opera is very much about power struggles with strong Marx/Engels overtones. The rich, the gods, do not have the money to pay their middle-class builders (the giants) for their new palace Valhalla so rob the poor (the Nibelung) to settle their debts, to avoid Freia the goddess of youth and beauty, being taken in ransom by the giants; Freia keeps the gods immortal by feeding them golden apples each day. The Nibelung’s temporary wealth comes from the forswearing of love, an act not anticipated as possible by the Rhinemaidens, the original guardians. The great climax at the end sees the gods entering Valhalla in triumph but from the Rhine below the Rhinemaidens wail for the return of their treasure. The 100-strong orchestra conducted by Adam Fisher comprised almost half brass and woodwind including 8 Wagner Horns, an instrument developed by Wagner from the tuba. Great reception by the capacity audience. If tonight was about power, tomorrow with Walküre is about wild love and tenderness, all in the context of the warrior maidens, the Valkyries, including their Ride. We have 2 intervals in this, with 3 acts 60-90 min each. We had lunch mid-afternoon at Trattoria Toscana; very tasty and filling (£75). I has a walk at 13:00 onto one of the bridges over the Danube for some sight-seeing and birdwatching. We got a Bolt taxi back from the theatre to our flat (£10).

Not neglecter the birds but not so many in a busy city centre. These were mainly spotted from the Elisabeth suspension bridge (Erzsébet hid) across the Danube linking Buda and Pest from 12:00-1400: 1 Black Kite perched on dome to E as viewed from suspension bridge 1  2, 14 Swift, 42 Feral Pigeon, 3 Woodpigeon, 3 Black-headed Gull (adults 2 W, 1 E), 1 Caspian Gull (adult W), 1 Grey Heron, 3 Magpie, 5 Hooded Crow, 2 Swallow, 3 House Sparrow, 2 Greenfinch. Total 12 types, a few were from Müpa.

June 19th: maximum 33C minimum 23C, light W, sunny all day, dry. Had a Common Buzzard at Newcastle Airport at 09:30, 5 Carrion Crow and 2 Herring Gull at Schipol at 12:15 and 6 Feral Pigeon, 5 Hooded Crow and a displaying Collared Dove at Budapest Airport (Ferihegy). So we’re into Hooded Crow territory this far E. Had a Black Redstart male in city centre where son and I have a swish apartment in the centre Summer Street Seven. Journey went smoothly just 15 min late into BUD after change at AMS and got taxi for €40 into centre. Had Italian meal at Framtid just around the corner from our flat, cost 30k HUF (£65). for the two of us. Son had arrived 30 min before me from Bratislava (Slovak) by train. So tomorrow the real action starts with Rheingold at 18:00 at Müpa with meal in a restaurant before at 15:30.

Good news from my major holding in RKH: LSE RNS

Satisfaction of Precent Conditions for the Ombrina Mare Monetisation Transaction

Rockhopper Exploration plc is pleased to provide the following update in relation to the monetisation of its Ombrina Mare Arbitration Award (the "Transaction") announced on 20 December 2023.

All required precedent conditions to the Transaction have now been satisfied. Under the terms of the Transaction, the Tranche 1 payment is due within 5 business days. Further updates will be provided in due course.

June 18th: maximum 14C minimum 9C, light E, cloudy with heavy showers. Busy day with R, two meetings: 10am to discuss forthcoming music festival at Tynedale Rugby Club with their manager CL, our President and Treasurer: think it’s going ahead. Later Council meeting at 17:30 confirmed we’re going ahead with event on October 11tz at Corbridge. Took ages getting ready for trip and tying up loose ends. But went straight from meeting to Hilton at NCL, where had a meal, early night and up at 06:00 for breakfast and 09:30 NCL-AMS with follow on AMS-BUD. Funds +10k wtd on better feeling for oil stocks. Had a male Sparrowhawk hunting low through my field at 12:00.

June 17th: maximum 16C minimum 10C, light SW, sunny intervals, one cloudburst at 11:45 at Ordley as drove into R. R meeting went well, hard work as usual data projector and meal booking system but training enthusiastic successors in the running of Google Forms. Did do a bit of birdwatching at Ordley late afternoon from 17:00-18:00 and have photographed a pair of Honey-buzzard, male at 17:43 1 and female at 17:51 2 (14030). Also had a Grey Heron and 6 Swift, breeding in neighbour’s eaves. Made G4g4s with A/P, taking P in in my car as R away; pouring with rain as fetched him; dry when took him home. L was in top form: very seductive!! Straight home as 2 major R meetings 2moro and off in evening: will miss someone until 25/6 at nite!!

June 16th: maximum 14C minimum 10C, moderate W, sunny morning, rain later. Had great breakfast at hotel, Northumbria Grill, before catching a packed 10:55 train back to HEX. No raptors seen today but did see plenty of fledged Chiffchaff and Wren in my garden and field, as well as 6 Swift breeding in neighbour’s house in the eaves. Did some heavy cutting back of foliage by back gate: privacy is fine but for security better to keep view open from road to the patio doors. Later it’s G4g4s where get thrown out at 23:30! Completed processing of Walpole-Bond’s account of Honey-buzzard in historical times in Sussex with comparison with Northumberland; see Sussex. Started processing of balloon day at Mara in Kenya on 18/12/23. Made G4g4s for gr8 chat with R/A/P with J on!! Afters was gr8: lok2tfmo: xxx XXX!! 2moro it’s Cnt4m4l with R and G4g4s; getting ready for trip!!

Summary update from home page for study area:

16/06/24: Black Kite have settled down to breed with 28 birds at 16 sites; Honey-buzzard have settled down to breed with 34 birds at 22 sites; Hobby still displaying with 7 birds at 4 sites; Osprey pair ongoing at their one site; 4 Goshawk have been seen at 3 sites; 16 Red Kite have been seen at 12 sites.

June 15th: maximum 13C minimum 8C, light W, sunny spells but also some showers. Finished working on piccies from yesterday; an incredible 6+ types. Later than hoped into NCL but did check into hotel in Jesmond before making GH at 18:50 in time for cheese sandwich and rw before opening bars of Dvořák's cello concerto with Steven Isserlis as soloist and DS as conductor. It's a lovely piece neglected of late but the soloist is a mind unto himself so was a little disjointed at times. Overall effect was good and masses of applause and an encore but the purists had a few doubts! Evidently it was a lot better than the rehearsal! In the second half we had a new piece with composer present - Between Trees by Kristine Tjøgersen - which had some interesting sound effects, followed by Schumann 1 'Spring' which was interesting but not that moving, although plenty of virtuoso sections so the orchestra like playing it! Then it was reception at 21:30 at GH for supporters where we were told they needed to raise £20m starting in December over a number of years, mainly for the estate, and not just from the classical side. Chatted to loads of people and left at 23:50, taking Metro and walk back to hotel, where slept soundly! Funds -17k gross and -21k net after withdrawal of 4k for son’s bday. Sell-off may continue in risk assets but have moved substantial amounts to bonds and cash.

Latest from BirdGuides, showing inward migration almost over for Honey-buzzard and Black Kite. But note no obvious emigration for the Kite, which would happen if our arrivals were overshoots. The Osprey at Broomley may well be a bird from the Hexham site.

14:14 14/06 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Ogston Reservoir 13/06 one reported yesterday

13:59 12/06 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Rushbrooke one flew west mid-afternoon

15:47 11/06 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Buxton 15:25 female flew north

11:25 11/06 Black Kite Suffolk Mildenhall one flew south-west over RAF Mildenhall late morning

07:12 11/06 Osprey Northumberland Broomley 10/06 one on telegraph pole yesterday evening

June 14th: maximum 14C minimum 6C, moderate SW, dull morning with some rain, around ttime weather dramatically improved with strong sunshine and a moderate breeze: perfect for raptors. Had 90 min chat with N/D on Skype in morning. Made QHC4s4l: she’s so fit!! Stayed on at QHL where did some more work, comparing ALife to AI, until 16:45. Then drove out in ‘Shire to last Honey-buzzard site in core area to be checked in display period – Viewley on edge of Slaley Forest from 17:05-18:15. Perfect weather and at least 6 types of raptor seen, including Honey-buzzard pair (male up hunting, female seen briefly lifting off tree-tops in site), Black Kite pair (mostly one up but pair seen briefly), Kestrel pair (adult female hunting), Goshawk adult female, Common Buzzard single hunting, Hobby (pair up displaying): much more to follow as go through piccies! Then DoW4g4s with D/D for good chat with S/C on! Stopped at Dipton Wood N on way back from 23:00-23:30 where had 2 Tawny Owl, 2 Woodcock, a Barn Owl and a Roe Deer but no Nightjar. Desperate -- busy next few days – Sunday hope 4 tmfo!! Son I think is in Slovenia now – gave him 4k for his bday by bank transfer and an e-card with a reggae band singing Happy Bday! 2moro hope to get out somewhere at lunchtime b4 going into NCL 4 concert and hotel. It’s closing concert of RNS 4 season at GH with party afterwards for supporters!! I’m a principal partner contributing 2.5k a year + gift-aid and supporting lead viola MG.

June 13th: maximum 14C minimum 9C, light SW, sunny intervals in morning, dull afternoon, rain later, still cool in spite of wind change. Had a Small White in garden and late on had a Barn Owl at Ordley and a Badger at Letah Wood. Made T4m4l with M 4 good chat. Partial processing done of Hexham 2/6. Spent a lot of day trying to understand Labour’s policy on North Sea oil; looks a dire energy policy, probably best to buy a diesel-powered generator! Didn’t do a lot for my shares: hope the SNP and the unions do some fightback economically and that Reform cut back Labour’s likely majority through attracting the working class. What looks good ideologically from a north London mansion might not be so good to the man or woman in the street! Personally think a Labour government would be a disaster but want to see the Conservatives annihilated. Did make G4g4s: L was in good form!! 2moro it’s QHC4s4l and DoW4g4s with D/D. Hope for some stimulating company!!

June 12th: maximum 13C minimum 7C, light NE, sunny intervals in morning, dull afternoon, almost dry, still cool. A relaxing day at home. Did some energetic grass-cutting, doing the path into the middle of the rough field and the path into the orchard, both important to keep access to the whole area. Completed processing 21/5 Letah Wood, so all May records done now, leaving just 4 sheets to do for June so now the display season is ending in 3 days, should have more spare time soon! Need to check one site in the ‘Shire, maybe Friday late afternoon. Have some interesting records from today at Ordley, including a Grey Heron 1, a Red Kite 1  2  3, a Black Kite 1 and a Honey-buzzard male 1  2  3 (14028), all out foraging to S from 17:22-17:29. A walker said he’d seen a pair of Red Kite last Sunday (9/6) in the paddock by the Devil’s Water, close to where I’ve seen them from the house. Today main records from 17:00-18:30 with 24 bird-types noted, including 2 Swift, 2 Curlew, 2 Sand Martin. Managed to get a reasonably-priced room in Jesmond at last for Saturday, so can stay over after the RNS close of season for celebration at the GH (Sage). Got Kent at £63. Also booked up next Tuesday nite at Hilton at NCL Airport with some parking added while I’m away for around £208 total, with Holiday Extras. 2moro it’s T4m4l with M and G4g4s! lok2tgrf xxx XXXXX

June 11th: maximum 11C minimum 7C, light W, sunny intervals in morning, dull afterwards with spells of light rain throughout day, cold, electric fire on most of day. Had neat hair cut by the effervescent Jd at JG, cost 25.50 with 5 tip. Then out to Beaufront S from 11:00-12:55 for check on the only site in Tyne Valley W where not found any Honey-buzzard yet. Just 2 Common Buzzard seen in first hour but then walked a little more to E and had a purple patch around 12:00-12:05 with an Osprey perched in tall tree by A69 taking off slowly and going to fish on the Tyne off Widehaugh. At the same time a Black Kite was hunting over the area, a male Honey-buzzard was circling intent on feeding, a Common Buzzard (no. 3) was looking imperious! An adult Caspian Gull flew W. Rain then started so visit timed luckily. Mission accomplished, plenty more to report … Completed processing of 7/6 Dipton Mill/ West Dipton. Funds are -4k wtd, much less a fall than if I’d continued to hold the mining heavyweights. Made Cnt4g4s with M 4 good chat! Nitecap was gr8: tmfo is a turn-on: she knows how to capture my memories: xxx XXXXX!!!

June 10th: maximum 12C minimum 6C, moderate NW, sunny intervals throughout day, cool again, heavy showers. R dominated day, occupied for over 3 hours from 12:00-15:15, with organising lunch up to 12:45, chairing Assembly up to 14:00, then training members in using Google Forms for club admin, including meal booking; last is very much in my interest as need to transfer the duties before becoming President on 1/7. Club is in good fettle. Processed 29/5 Bywell so backlog of data sheets is just 4 now. Did make G4g4s but quiet! 2moro it’s hair cut with Jd at JG at 10:30, out to Hexham NE for fieldwork; much later will meet M at Cnt4g4s, followed by tmfo!!

Latest from BirdGuides with Black Kite continuing to arrive:

15:13 07/06 European Honey Buzzard Isles of Scilly St Martin's possible reported high over Higher Town towards Little Arthur

10:27 07/06 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Helendale, Mainland 10:20 one drifted over high to north

08:05 06/06 European Honey Buzzard Devon Dartmeet one at Dunnabridge

21:03 06/06 Black Kite Cornwall St Austell 03/06 two reported over Gover Valley on Monday

15:52 06/06 Black Kite Norfolk Surlingham Broad 15:40 one flew west over Surlingham as viewed from Brundall

15:13 06/06 Black Kite Kent Dungeness RSPB one reported this morning

09:56 06/06 Black Kite Kent Dungeness NNR 09:42 one circling over fishing boats then flew north over The Pilot Inn

June 9th: maximum 14C minimum 7C, moderate NW, sunny intervals throughout day, cool again but wind dropped a bit. Catching up with gardening, mowing the verge and grass paths, place does look more kempt but keeping the wild areas intact. Have 12 Northern Marsh Orchid in back grass 1   2  3  4  5  6 . Pleased to hear a Garden Warbler singing from the hedge in my field. Processed some more of Honey-buzzard account in Walpole-Bond’s book of 1938. Sussex has many parallels with Northumberland in Honey-buzzard trends so well worth comparing the two. Fieldwork-wise none today with just 2 sites in the core study area to cover in the next week before the main display period finishes. 2moro is big R day with Club Assembly at Cnt, looking forward to the next year with me in the chair. After that will be feeling more relaxed!! Did make G4g4s with A/P/R where J/L on!! A Barn Owl was at Ordley at 23:55.

June 8th: maximum 13C minimum 8C, fresh W, sunny most of day, few clouds, but pretty cool again when out in the field. Did some grass cutting at lunchtime, doing patio and area next to wild field. Then out to Dipton Wood main part; had a detour to get into the southern half but made it in the end; walked from 15:45-18:05. The breeze kept birds low but still managed a good total of 18 bird-types, including a Woodlark perching high and then retreating into lower vegetation among Sitka Spruce and heather 1, 8 Common Crossbill, 3 Willow Warbler, 2 Bullfinch, 11 Linnet, 4 Meadow Pipit, and best of all a male Honey-buzzard coming out of a stand of pine at 16:57 and going out to SW to forage 1 (14020). Earlier at 12 noon at Ordley had a Black Kite flying fast over house from W to E scattering a number of birds, including a Mallard and several Corvids. Later went out to DoW4g4s 4 good chat with D/D. Did 11k steps today so getting fitter. 2moro more of the same but G4g4s at the end!

Summary update from home page for study area:

07/06/24: Black Kite settling down to breed with 26 birds at 15 sites; Honey-buzzard settling down to breed with 30 birds at 19 sites; Hobby still displaying with 5 birds at 3 sites; Osprey pair settled at their one site; 3 Goshawk have been seen at 2 sites; 16 Red Kite have been seen at 12 sites.

Think may well close Black Kite display phase on 7/6 so today’s at Ordley is first of rearing phase. Will keep display phase for Honey-buzzard and Hobby open for another week.

June 7th: maximum 13C minimum 8C, fresh W, sunny early morning, cloudy with heavy rain in afternoon, brighter again later. Another punishing day for fieldwork. Abandoned the morning stint as heavy rain started to move in. But on exiting library at 16:30 called in at Dipton Mill from 16:55-17:55. Didn’t expect much but benefited greatly from an altercation between a pair of Black Kite 1  2  3  4 and a male Honey-buzzard at the pine wood to E of racecourse from 17:11-17:16 and at 17:34 1  2  3 (14025). The Black Kite are clearly in territory here and the male Honey-buzzard is likely to be breeding in the valley to SW on the West Dipton Burn. No other Black Kite seen so removed for the moment breeding status from the Letah Wood and Dukeshouse sites, leaving this one as the sole territory in the area. A Common Buzzard came out of a nearby wood and perched at the top of a tree 1  2. Total for visit was 19 bird-types including 2 Siskin, a singing Skylark, 4 Curlew, a Stock Dove. Did make QHC4s4l, glad I did, attractive she is, like Freia in the Ring Cycle, with leitmotif . Spent some time in QHL afterwards, writing first 8 slides for my talk at ANPA in Oxford in August on Artificial Life. Catching up on processing records with just 2 visits for May and 3 for June to register. Funds -21k on week losing a bit more than last week’s gain. Getting a bit fed up with volatility and have sold plenty of equities leaving 193k in cash after putting 159k into $ and € bonds. Think equities are a little frothy!

June 6th: maximum 12C minimum 7C, moderate W, sunny morning, cloudier later with light showers. Made T4m4l with M 4 good chat, followed by organ recital at Hexham Abbey by Peter Locke, which was packed with French pieces, all very enjoyable. We heard pieces by Nicolas de Grigny (Verbum Supernum), Charles Tournemire (Plein Jeu-Fugue), Henri Mulet (Fantasie Paraphrase), Maurice Durufle (Campanelle). Did do some fieldwork in difficult conditions from 15:45-17:25 at Dotland. At 16:48 had a Black Kite up over a Scots Pine plantation to SE of the Racecourse, still in the Dipton Mill square; not sure what is actually happening in the West Dipton Burn with the Black Kite – singles seen at 3 locations so far but this plantation is a classical site. At 16:59 a Honey-buzzard male was seen coming off the pasture to SW and moving off further SW, so looks like the Dotland bird foraging. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing very scratchily from the lane where I was standing. 26 bird-types also included 2 Curlew, 2 Skylark, 1 Willow Warbler, 5 Linnet, 4 Yellowhammer. 5 Brown Hare were also seen. Made G4g4s with R/A/P 4 gr8 chat. 2moro it’s chat with N/D on Skype, some quick fieldwork, QHC4s4ll and some more fieldwork at ttime; need to complete coverage of remaining sites in the core area.

June 5th: maximum 11C minimum 5C, moderate to fresh W, sunny intervals, heavy showers, too fresh for raptors. After 10k steps yesterday, a quiet day today with no fieldwork. Completed processing of 27/5 Towsbank and cropped piccies from yesterday at Wylam. Had chat with son on FB video: he’s leaving tomorrow evening for grand tour of Europe, starting in Paris; we’re meeting in Budapest on 19/6 for Wagner’s Ring Cycle (complete, in 4 days, 16 hours of opera!). Launched Festival web pages for 2025. 2moro more active meeting M at T4m4l followed by organ recital at Hexham Abbey. Should do a raptor site at ttime and much later it’s G4g4s!

Latest from BirdGuides with Black Kite continuing to arrive:

10:24 04/06 Black Kite Kent Stodmarsh NNR 10:24 one flew over lake towards Westbere

21:21 03/06 Black Kite Kent North Foreland one flew north mid-morning

16:01 03/06 Black Kite Cornwall St Columb Major 16:00 one flew west over Trekenning

12:37 03/06 Black Kite Kent Broadstairs one flew north-east

11:42 03/06 Black Kite Kent Kingsdown 09:15 one flew north over golf course

12:49 02/06 Black Kite Kent Dungeness NNR 12:36 still over power station

12:09 02/06 Black Kite Kent Dungeness NNR 12:07 one flew inland over New Lighthouse

07:07 03/06 Osprey Durham Hurworth Burn Reservoir 22:30 02/06 still yesterday evening

07:06 02/06 Osprey Durham Derwent Reservoir 01/06 two yesterday

11:58 05/06 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest 10:45 one again; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

08:43 05/06 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Cambois probable flew north

21:39 04/06 European Honey Buzzard Cornwall Sennen Cove 14:00 two reported east of cycle track

17:57 04/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Foreness Point 13:35 one flew WSW

13:23 03/06 European Honey Buzzard Denbighshire Chirk 13:18 one flew north to east of A5

22:07 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Cornwall Drift Reservoir possible flew over

12:50 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Teynham 12:15 one flew high south-east

11:16 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Newcastle upon Tyne female circled over Walker Riverside Park between 10:30 and 10:40 then flew north

June 4th: maximum 14C minimum 6C, moderate to fresh W, wet midday, drier and brighter later but quite fresh. Busy morning, driving to WYL, then train in to NCL, where met 9 other Rs for walk around old Newcastle led by guide Gill S. She was very good, very entertaining, quick with the chat, lots of knowledge. She wouldn’t accept any money but liked us collecting £10 a head for R charity, which we did, raising £80 to date. We had late lunch at the back of St Nicholas Church (now Newcastle Cathedral). Reason for parking at Wylam was to do some birdwatching before and after trip in. So from 10:00-10:10 had a pair of Hobby displaying over Wylam E and 2 Mute Swan adult flying upstream low-down. Then from 15:15-16:45 had a male Honey-buzzard up at 15:45, with a female up at 16:25, both to E of Bridge 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 (8 with Black Kite) (14016). This last female was up with an agitated Black Kite 1  2  3 so the exciting news is that the Black Kite have colonised this far E. A female Sparrowhawk flew under the bridge on the prowl. Total of 21 bird-types included 20 Sand Martin, 4 House Martin, 6 Swift, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, 2 Cormorant (ad, 1s). A Grey Seal was in the water 1  2 on the E side of the bridge, c10m downstream – amazing sight! Plenty else to report but a very good day all round. Bad day for commodities on markets so looks as if world-wide recession is coming with the US sliding at last and China continuing depressed. Did a third wave of selling raising 99k with proceeds going into bonds. Funds -16k wtd but exposure to risky assets much reduced. More shadowy but thrilling tonite!! Will catch up on web pages 2moro – hers and mine!! Think M will be back on Thursday and should be at G4g4s; might make QHC4s4l on Friday!

June 3rd: maximum 18C minimum 11C, moderate W, dry, sunny spells. After rather gruelling session at R, with other senior officials taking a back seat or excusing themselves, made Wallish Walls from16:20-17:50 getting 24 bird-types, including an adult female Kestrel flying into clump of spruce trees, 16 Greylag Goose, 2 Curlew, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Lapwing, 4 Siskin, 4 LBBG adult, 14 Linnet, 2 Skylark. Was looking for kites but none seen: Red because presumably sitting tight, Black because not here yet! Am going to check Throckley area tomorrow for check on E edge of Black Kite range. Did make G4g4s with A/R; P failed driving test after his 2 strokes; L was on!! We had good chat!! Long morning in old Newcastle 2moro with R walk led by GS!

June 2nd: maximum 18C, minimum 11C, moderate W, dry, bright sunshine in morning becoming sunny spells in afternoon. Good weather for raptors. Did make Hexham Tyne Green from 15:50-18:10 with walk upstream a bit, followed by watch from E side of bridge by fish pass, then over bridge to SB4c4t, followed by another vigil from bridge. Established that there are now 2 Black Kite pairs on fringes of Hexham, one at Hermitage, the other at Hexham NE 1  2  3  4  5 from 17:32-17:36: amazing development, both pairs easy to see and quite active. Also had a Red Kite up over back of Hermitage with the pair of Black Kite from 16:03-16:08 (see 6  7  8  9  10, 6 with Red Kite), a female Honey-buzzard flying into the Hermitage area from the E quite low down at 16:15 1 (14014), and a Common Buzzard up at Hexham NE at 17:36 1, irritated by the Black Kite display. So a gr8 afternoon! This Pied Wagtail, one of four, showed well by the Tyne 1. Other birds included 8 Sand Martin, 9 Swallow, 2 House Martin, 1 Swift, 10 Blackbird including fledged young. Made G4g4s much later to meet A/R/B/D 4 gr8 chat! 2moro it’s R4l at Cnt!! Need to visit Derwent area to see whether Black Kite have colonised there as well in spite of the entrenched Red Kite population; could also look out for the odd Osprey and Honey-buzzard! Submitted abstract for ANPA 2024 at Oxford mid-August:

Artificial Life

Nick Rossiter

Computer and Information Sciences

Northumbria University, Newcastle NE1 8ST, UK

Corresponding Author's email:

While artificial intelligence is perceived as a major advance in machine research, less attention has been paid to artificial life, an attempt to create a life-form from computers and robots. There are difficulties in that there is no universal acceptance of what constitutes life or indeed a fundamental definition of biological organisms. There is certainly the need to employ a wider view of what constitutes life from a universal viewpoint than from the Earth alone. This requires a philosophical method that can provide universal constructions. In this presentation, we will build on the metabiology developed at ANPA in 2023, again starting from the works of Rosen and Whitehead. The aim is to provide a universal categorical framework for artificial life, studying phenomena such as birth, life, evolution and death.

June 1st: maximum 15C, minimum 8C, light NE, dry, very sunny afternoon and evening after bit more cloud in the morning; such a clear night with very strong glow to the N, always find that inspiring! At home heard alarm calls from the local male Honey-buzzard at Ordley at 14:13. Also here had 2 agitated Oystercatcher, with butterflies: 2 Orange-tip (pair), 1 Peacock, 1 Large White. Then out to Eastwood Common, Healey, from 14:35-17:10 for walk on the heath in the brilliant weather. Had great views of Dipton Wood where can see the healthy re-growth following large-scale clear-felling 1  2  3, suitable for Woodlark, Nightjar and Honey-buzzard. Also could see Prospect Hill where a male Honey-buzzard was up at 14:59 floating over wood near mobile mast. At 17:12 on drive back had the female Honey-buzzard at Prospect Hill, mobbed by a Carrion Crow. Had a pair of Honey-buzzard up over March Burn, with female up from 15:50-15:51, female and male from 16:40-16:41 and male again at 16:53 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20 (14017). A Kestrel male was hunting over the common at 15:25 1 and a Common Buzzard was calling at 14:57. In distance at Minsteracres W at 16:41 had a male Honey-buzzard interacting with a Red Kite 1 and a Crow (14018). Total for day was 5 Honey-buzzard at 3 sites for trip out and 6 Honey-buzzard at 4 sites if you include the home bird. Had 23 bird species, including 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Lapwing, 2 Curlew, 7 Willow Warbler, 2 Whitethroat, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Tree Pipit (carrying food), 9 Chaffinch, 18 Linnet. Butterflies comprised a Small Heath 1, a Large White, an Orange-tip male. Also had 3 Brown Hare on the common. Had dinner at DoW in Newton with D/D 4 David’s birthday celebration: we had very good chat! Cost was £47 each, including tip. Am going to have to catch up on some other tasks 2moro morning but will be out in afternoon as cleaner S arrives, perhaps to Tyne Green. Back at G4g4s in evening! R resumes on Monday with lunch and on Tuesday with organised walk around old Newcastle.

Latest news from BirdGuides, showing more Osprey around locally:

08:38 31/05 Black Kite East Sussex Pett Level one briefly then flew west with three Red Kites

11:41 31/05 Osprey Northumberland Slaley Forest 11:33 one in dead tree

07:10 01/06 Osprey Durham Hurworth Burn Reservoir 07:09 still

17:58 01/06 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Ferrybridge one sat on Chesil Beach this evening

09:43 01/06 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 09:41 three; view from ridgeline west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

08:54 01/06 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Freiston Shore RSPB one flew over

18:05 31/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint 17:59 male (wing damaged individual) again; park carefully on grass verge along Limetree Avenue and view from watchpoint at 53.2430, -1.1326

07:22 31/05 European Honey Buzzard Herefordshire Ledbury 17:00 27/05 one flew south-east over private garden on Monday

21:13 30/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Strumpshaw Fen RSPB 29/05 male flew over yesterday

11:23 30/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Fitful Head, Mainland one drifted high to NNW late morning and lost to view

11:02 30/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Scatness, Mainland 10:59 one in flight

10:48 30/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sumburgh, Mainland 10:45 flew north over Sumburgh Bay towards Scatness

May 31st: maximum 15C, minimum 9C, light N, dry, misty morning but brighter afternoon with sun breaking through most of the time. Did make Dipton Wood N from 15:00-17:05 and scored with the local Honey-buzzard. At 15:10 heard a Honey-buzzard alarm call and there was the male gliding behind some trees to W of the clearing. He was seen again at 16:22, high in the sky, coming down fairly quickly 1  2  3  4  5  6 (14015). Also had a Common Buzzard hunting over the area at 15:28. No Black Kite so do wonder whether they’ve moved upstream to West Dipton. Also in total of 20 bird-types had a truculent male Stonechat 1, 4 Crossbill including family group of 3 birds, 8 singing Willow Warbler, 5 Chiffchaff, 1 singing Whitethroat, 7 Linnet, 2 Meadow Pipit, 2 agitated Lapwing. Butterflies included 2 Green Hairstreak on bilberry and a Small White. There were masses of micros on the gorse and heather and the Wood Ant have built a number of very active nests. Here’s summary of results so far, from home page:

31/05/24: Black Kite largely arrived with 23 birds at 14 sites; Honey-buzzard still arriving with 20 birds at 12 sites (12 male, 8 female); Hobby still arriving with 3 birds at 2 sites;  Osprey pair settled at their one site; 3 Goshawk have been seen at 2 sites; 15 Red Kite have been seen at 11 sites.

Earlier met N/D on Skype for usual Friday morning chat. Did think hard about ANPA at Oxford; decided on title of Artificial Life and have drafted an abstract, to submit tomorrow after sleeping on it. Have been invited to a conference at Costa Rica in Universal Logic series; also need to do some revisions on Whitehead Critical paper, and resurrect the Logic and Love thread for a paper for a special issue on the subject by Universal Logic. So could be quite busy in next few months. Funds are +15k, close to record, with Falklands hopes progressing. Israeli company Navitas have issued an update, which implies they’ve ordered an FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) vessel for Sea Lion but there’s some debate over the Google translate from the Hebrew!!

May 30th: maximum 14C, minimum 9C, moderate N, heavy rain overnight, dull and grey in daytime, sun coming out in evening too late for raptors, felt cool. So not out to Dipton Wood, maybe tomorrow afternoon; the extent to which North Sea cloud and murk extends W is very difficult to predict. Added some piccies from upper South Tyne on 27/8 and indexed some more. Did some more grass cutting on long grass near the soakaways. Did make G4g4s where met A/R/P 4 good chat with L on!! Trying to think of topic for talk at ANPA in August at Oxford: this is becoming urgent, could do AI in category theory, looking for a philosophical coherent approach. Will need to balance time there with daughter’s arrival from Dubai with my 2 granddaughters! Morning was exciting!!

May 29th: maximum 16C, minimum 11C, moderate W, rain in morning, brighter later. Brightening up coincided brilliantly with the 4 o’clock soar! So out to Stocksfield Mount, where 5 Honey-buzzard sites in view, from 16:10-18:05. A great afternoon with 6 raptor species revelling in the fresh conditions with a moderate W breeze in strong sunshine. Black Kite were seen at 2 sites: one in rapid glide at Styford at 16:15, one high-up over Bywell Cottagebank at 16:46. Red Kite were also seen twice: one up near the Mount moving S towards the nest site in a large Stocksfield garden at 16:19; another up towards Bywell Castle at 17:20 with a male Honey-buzzard, presumed from the Shilford site 1. A single Kestrel (unsexed) was hunting at Bywell Cottagebank at 16:49, close to a Common Buzzard. Common Buzzard were seen twice: one at Cottagebank hunting at 16:49, the other up close to the Mount at 17:20. Honey-buzzard were seen at 3 sites: at Cottagebank a female was gliding over the site at 16:24 and a pair were displaying at 16:46 and 17:20 1 (14009); at Shilford a pair were floating over the canopy quite low-down at 16:57 2  3  4 (14010); at Eltringham a pair were up from 17:03-17:08 with the male up briefly at 17:26 (14011). A male Hobby was up with the male Honey-buzzard at Cottagebank at 16:46. So that’s 14 birds of 6 types of raptor! Also here in total of 23 bird-types had a Grey Heron, 4 LBBG adult, a singing Garden Warbler and a singing Blackcap, 4 agitated/singing Chiffchaff, 2 Bullfinch, plus an Orange-tip butterfly. Ash trees are recovering well from the dieback: let’s hope the disease doesn’t have a resurgence as summer progresses. Not out tonite: last nite was very thrilling: lok2tmfo!! Funds +3k wtd; cash reduced a little to 117k through investment in US treasury bonds to remove some risk but am continuing to take profits. As approach half-year, gain ytd is 105k gross (+4.3%). Hoping for better in rest of year as major Falklands oil investments come towards fruition. But resilient inflation is causing headwinds in other areas. Have supported the Hexham Abbey Festival for £500 (+gift aid) this year for the first time, pleased to see I’m in the publicity material. I am a patron of Hexham-based HASS but otherwise mainly support outside Hexham: RNS at the GH (Sage), Opera North in Leeds and the Brundibár Arts Festival in Newcastle, to commemorate music and arts of the Holocaust period. I do the web site for Brundibár. Did catch up with a few tasks in morning: some grass cutting by the old stables and fitting new front windscreen wipers which arrived by Evri today; latter was a quick job, thought it would take longer, usually does when compared to times they quote! Think I’ll go to Dipton Wood 2moro; much later will be at G4g4s!! lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX

On BirdGuides, masses of Honey-buzzard records with obvious duplicates removed. Black Kite continue to be seen and the fairly local Osprey remains:

11:01 29/05 Osprey Durham Hurworth Burn Reservoir 11:00 [sighting 5 here]

16:56 29/05 Black Kite Lincolnshire Frampton Marsh RSPB 12:21 one reportedly flew high west [sighting 89 for ytd]

13:47 29/05 Black Kite Suffolk Aldeburgh 13:45 one circled over Aldeburgh Golf Club then drifted west

12:21 29/05 Black Kite Suffolk Snape 11:50 one flew east over Snape Warren

17:02 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Quendale, Mainland two at east end of Fitful Head [sighting 97 for ytd]

16:55 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Quendale, Mainland one perched on ground near rifle range

16:22 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Hillwell, Mainland one flew low west towards Fitful Head and appeared to land

15:29 29/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common two mid-afternoon; view from ridgeline west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

13:13 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Aberdeenshire Rattray Head one flew high west

12:43 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint 12:38 one again; park carefully on grass verge along Limetree Avenue and view from watchpoint at 53.2430, -1.1326

11:38 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Necton 11:34 one flew west over Ivy Todd

11:18 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Bardister, Mainland 11:13 one flew south-east

11:10 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sullom Voe, Mainland 11:07 one flew south over Calbeck Ness

14:25 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Loch of Papil, Yell one showing well on post in Papil Bay

12:06 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Kelling 11:00 one drifted south over The Pheasant Hotel

07:44 28/05 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Spurn YWT 07:31 one flew south from The Warren

17:56 27/05 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Loscoe Dam 16:50 one flew high north-west

17:46 27/05 European Honey Buzzard Worcestershire Abberley 14:00 possible drifted east over Whitley Court

15:28 27/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint 14:00 second individual showed well briefly (wing damaged individual); park carefully on grass verge along Limetree Avenue and view from watchpoint at 53.2430, -1.1326

07:46 27/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Uyeasound, Unst 26/05 female flew over yesterday

13:46 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Hertfordshire Cooper's Green GPs probable flew north over Cromer Hyde Farm

13:17 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Unst 11:00 female around south-west of island

12:25 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Worth Marsh RSPB one flew north-west early afternoon

12:19 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT 12:18 one flew west over Langdon Hole

11:44 26/05 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest 11:27 one again; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

11:10 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Bedfordshire Rookery Pits one flew south-east

10:48 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Cheshire Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB 10:45 one flew north pursued by Common Buzzard from Marsh Covert Hide

May 28th: maximum 14C, minimum 11C, light SW, dry start, heavy rain midday, clearer by evening. Made QHC4s4l (very tasty tuna) and Cnt4t to meet E to discuss next year’s meal arrangements – all very amicable. Completed indexing Prudhoe piccies. Made B4rw4s for change in evening. Started on re-compilation of my Work of Wallis 1769 published by Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club in their bulletins in the 1990s as a precursor to the major article on Wallis for Natural History Society of Northumbria; fortunately kept the originals, in TeX format so can produce a pdf using pdflatex in MikTeX. Better weather 2moro so may be out in field again.

May 27th: maximum 14C, minimum 5C, light W, few showers in morning, then improved with strong sunshine by 13:00 in Hexham area and 17:00 in Towsbank area. A great raptor day as clearing weather after a very grotty spell gets them up in the air for hunting and display. At Ordley had purple patch at 12:20 with 2 Black Kite up in display over wood to extreme SE of tetrad 1  2  3  4 so they’ve moved a little S, perhaps 1km, to get more space from other raptors, in fact think they’ve swapped sites with Red Kite. So the site at West Dipton appears to be a genuine new one. Also had a Common Buzzard up 1 in the air in response to a male Honey-buzzard up over his territory 1  2 (14004) so maybe female Honey-buzzard is sitting already but the Black Kite are not. Butterflies comprised a Red Admiral and an Orange-tip male. Stopped at Steel Pond, in Ordley tetrad, to top up my water birds for May at 15:10: 4 Tufted Duck (2 pairs), 4 Mallard, 2 Moorhen, 11 Canada Goose (6 large young), 1 Little Grebe, 1 Coot, 4 House Martin nesting, a singing Willow Warbler. At Greenshaw Plain on way there at 15:40 had what might have been a pair of Black Kite and there was a lot of turmoil on way back at 18:30, where a Grey Heron was seen; further study needed. At Towsbank and on adjacent moors amazingly active birdlife as bad weather cleared. Plenty of raptors here and on sites to N and S as well as many waders and passerines. Visit here was from 16:00-18:10 with details to follow but can say that Black Kite was the undoubted star with a pair up 1  2  3  4, interacting strongly over edge of moor with Common Buzzard (4 up), a pair of Honey-buzzard (14004), a male Kestrel (hunting) and a Red Kite. Also had, in amazing total of 36 bird-types: 2 Red-legged Partridge, 6 Swift, a calling Cuckoo, 8 Oystercatcher, 13 Lapwing (last 2 with young), 5 Curlew, 1 Snipe, 6 LBBG (5 ad, 1 1s), 1 Garden Warbler, 22 Starling, 5 Pied Wagtail, 1 Meadow Pipit, 1 Tree Pipit , 7 Goldfinch. Further at Parson Shields to the S of Towsbank in the upper South Tyne from 16:52-16:54 had a pair of Black Kite in display in contention with a male Honey-buzzard (14005) and a Common Buzzard 1  2  3  4  5  6  7. At 17:13 a pair of Honey-buzzard were up S of Lambley with a female there at 17:16 1  2 (14006). Another Red Kite was up W of the Snope Burn. 23 Rabbit were at Towsbank, with 2 Orange-tip. Did make G4g4s with A/R/P and met F there! 2Moro it’s wet again; will be at QHC4s4l and Cnt4g4t to discuss R arrangements for next year.

Day total: 44 of 44 species from 57 records, 1 complete lists, 7 places. Raptors: 6 Honey-buzzard at 4 sites, 2 Red Kite at 2 sites, 6 Black Kite at 3 sites, 6 Common Buzzard at 3 sites, 1 Kestrel at one site. Total 21 raptors of 5 types.

May 26th: maximum 14C, minimum 10C, light SE, heavy rain much of day in pulses on overcast skies, sunny interlude at 17:00. In the sunny interlude got outside and saw 4 Lapwing NE, 2 Swift in neighbour’s eaves, 2 Stock Dove at nest site, a Common Gull 1s. But no Black Kite locally; think they might have moved to nearby West Dipton Burn where saw one last week. Caught up with lots of records, just 3 record sheets outstanding. Very encouraging news from Sussex of their strongly-rising trends in Honey-buzzard population and in greater openness, below. I readily found breeding Honey-buzzard in Sussex and discussed its potential, see my Honey-buzzard in Sussex. Must take the history further back in Sussex, I do have the relevant antiquarian volume. Also on Countryfile on BBC1 tonight they showed a track along the Camel Estuary in Cornwall at Dunmere, where I found Honey-buzzard: habitat still looks superb. See my Honey-buzzard in Cornwall

From Sussex Ornithological Society HONEY-BUZZARDS AND GOSHAWKS IN SUSSEX

Following extensive consultation, including with the RSPB Crime Monitoring Unit, the Rare Breeding Birds Panel, neighbouring ornithological societies and our membership, the Sussex Ornithological Society (SOS) decided in 2022 that the time had come to be more open about some of the sites in the county where there is a chance of seeing Honey-buzzards and Goshawks in areas where they may breed.

For Goshawk, the decision was reasonably straightforward as the species is now doing well in Sussex, with 50-60 pairs breeding annually and the population probably still increasing. Honey-buzzards are much less numerous, but Sussex has perhaps the largest population of any county in the UK, with 20 pairs found in 2023. Three viewpoints for the species have been made public in counties with many fewer pairs and an assessment of risk concluded that some sites and viewpoints in Sussex could also be made public, subject to meeting certain criteria.

The just published ‘Where to Watch birds in Surrey and Sussex’ by Matt Phelps and Ed Stubbs includes a number of sites and viewpoints for both species in Sussex. Those for Honey-buzzard in particular do not provide guaranteed sightings, in part because of the species’ often cryptic behaviour, but also because sites are not necessarily occupied every year. The sites chosen are a mix of more reliable ones and those for which more records are needed: something that the SOS hopes that the new book will encourage.

The SOS has asked the Bird News Services only to publish inland sightings of Honey-buzzards where these are from the sites and viewpoints mentioned in the book.

Mark Mallalieu

Chair, Scientific Committee, Sussex Ornithological Society

16 February 2024

Further info on BirdGuides: European Honey Buzzard sites to be made public in Sussex

Increasing in Sussex

Mr Mallalieu continued: "The national survey in 2020 and 2021 was the incentive to find out more and this increased effort continued in 2022 and 2023. In 2023, we found 20 pairs – almost three times the highest previous annual total. Amazingly, some 60 adults were seen in breeding habitats over the summer, hinting at additional undiscovered pairs.

"Is this increase real or just a result of better coverage? The short answer is that we just don't know. But given the numbers of honey buzzards seen flying in off the sea in Kent in the middle of the breeding season, it is possible that younger birds that cannot find territories on the Continent are coming to Britain. Not all pairs breed. For example, in 2023 there were 14 breeding pairs out of the total of 20 pairs, while some of the other adults detected were definitely unpaired. In Sussex, these unpaired birds are usually males.

"The new Where to Watch Birds in Surrey and Sussex guide includes a number of viewpoints for European Honey Buzzard (and Eurasian Goshawk) in Sussex. Those for honey buzzard in particular do not provide guaranteed sightings, in part because of the species' often cryptic behaviour, but also because sites are not necessarily occupied every year. The sites chosen are a mix of more reliable ones and those for which more records are needed: something that SOS hopes that the new book will encourage. The book provides advice on seeing these birds and my illustrated talk here may also be useful."

May 25th: maximum 14C minimum 9C, light SE, bright morning, more overcast in afternoon. Made Warden in afternoon from 14:20-16:30. A single Black Kite was up a few times over the hill before a pair appeared at 15:20 1  2  4  5  6  7  8 drifting E with a Common Buzzard 9 eyeing them up. A female Kestrel was up twice at 14:40 and 15:00, including an altercation with a Black Kite which also intercepted LBBG and Corvids. Also here had a singing Grasshopper Warbler, a Nuthatch in the trees, 7 Swift, 2 singing Garden Warbler, 7 agitated Oystercatcher, 4 Tree Sparrow. Total was 32 bird-types. Butterflies included 2 Green-veined White, a Peacock and a male Orange-tip. So around 19 Black Kite at 12 sites is the running total with only Towsbank to confirm for this year, which visiting on Monday. Had 3 Honey-buzzard sites in view and at last at 16:04 had a male up at Hexham Westwood where the Rooks looked quite disturbed. Made DoW4g4s with D/D 4 gr8 chat with C on!! About to return to piccies for Kenya 18/12, balloon day, giving Georgia a break. Funds were -13k last week; I sold a lot myself as looks like profits should be taken and portfolios rebalanced towards more defensiveness; so now132k in cash!

Records from BirdGuides in last 2 days show strong Honey-buzzard migration, an overshooting Black Kite and a fairly local Osprey:

20:00 25/05 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Noirmont Point one [62nd record for year]

18:33 25/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Baltasound, Unst female flew south-west this evening

18:23 25/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Worth Marsh RSPB 11:30 one flew south-west over Great Wood

15:08 25/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint two; park carefully on grass verge along Limetree Avenue and view from watchpoint at 53.2430, -1.1326

13:23 25/05 European Honey Buzzard South Yorkshire Thorne 24/05 one flew east yesterday

12:34 25/05 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest one; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

11:52 25/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Belmont, Unst female on rock

09:08 25/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 08:50 one again; view from ridgeline west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

20:17 24/05 European Honey Buzzard Orkney Westray male roosted at Pierowall this evening

12:42 24/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sandwick, Mainland 12:34 one flew north over Setter

12:41 24/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Leebitten, Mainland 12:24 one flew ESE

12:06 24/05 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Minsmere RSPB 10:45 one flew south-east

09:03 24/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 09:01 two; view from ridgeline west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

11:09 25/05 Osprey Durham Hurworth Burn Reservoir again

10:18 25/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Traigh Mhor, Barra 10:00 still over dunes near Barra Airport [86th record for year]

11:56 24/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Traigh Mhor, Barra 11:50 still over Barra Airport

08:43 24/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Traigh Mhor, Barra still near Barra Airport

May 24th: maximum 12C, minimum 10C, light W brighter afternoon, dull and wet morning. Exciting RNS concert … Christina M gave a solo performance of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto: very composed and brilliantly played in a stunning red costume!! Great reception from audience. Conductor was the effervescent Nil Venditti, who jigged a little and was very supportive of the soloist. Beethoven 1 was a revelation, a stirring mv 3 and showing lots of the potential for later. We also heard Stravinsky’s Danses concertantes and Say’s Chamber Symphony, which had some marvellous rhythms! So great concert. Arrived early for preview of the next season 2024/25, rehearsal and tea! Stayed late for a chat with some partners. The new season 2024/2025 is more popular than the last with Shostakovitch 5, Mahler 5, Tchaikovsky 5, many piano works including Rach 3, and a Glassworks! All very promising!! Went in and out by train.

May 23rd: maximum 12C, minimum 10C, moderate N, heavy rain showers, including a cloudburst at lunchtime, quite cold. No fieldwork. A busy day: T4m4el with M followed by organ recital at Hexham Abbey by Mark Brafield, including: a Vivaldi concerto transcribed by Bach, two Romanian Folk Dances by Bartók, a modern piece by Margaretha Christina de Jong, Himmelreich by Bőhm, Allegro Symphony by Vierne. Very varied and moving programme. Then home in the flood before The Pitmen Poets at QH with D/D: folky type music but with heavy dose of militancy from the mining communities; enjoyed the music and their resilience. Finally we all went to G4g4s where met A/R for great chat with L on!!

Amazing Black Kite records from Cornwall continue on BirdGuides, looks like some birds drifted to W on E winds; also number of Scottish records:

18:38 23/05 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest 10:30 two; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

11:29 23/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 11:20 one again; view from ridge-line west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

09:05 22/05 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sound, Mainland one flew over Longland

12:52 21/05 European Honey Buzzard Surrey Thursley Common one flew NNE

12:13 21/05 European Honey Buzzard Cambridgeshire Castor Hanglands one flew high east

21:45 23/05 Black Kite Fife North Queensferry 07:59 probable flew north over Firth of Forth

19:15 23/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Ardveenish, Barra 19:00 again flew over road towards Traigh Eais

15:07 23/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Traigh Mhor, Barra 14:37 again over hillside south of Barra Airport

13:04 22/05 Black Kite Outer Hebrides Traigh Mhor, Barra 11:00 one just west of Barra Airport then flew towards Aird Mhor

19:25 21/05 Black Kite Cornwall St Just 15:00 possible flew over

19:25 21/05 Black Kite Cornwall Crows-an-Wra one flew over

14:59 21/05 Black Kite Cornwall Mullion 13:50 two following plough in field south of Meaver Road at 50.0219, -5.2228 with 18+ Red Kites

12:57 21/05 Black Kite Cornwall Ponsanooth one at Burnthouse low over field at 50.1854, -5.1293 with 4 Red Kites then drifted north-west

May 22nd: maximum 12C, minimum 10C, moderate N, heavy rain from 10:00 well into evening, a foul day, quite cold. No fieldwork. Another R meeting at 10:00 for discussion on major fundraising event: a musical evening at Tynedale Rugby Club at Corbridge in the autumn. Rain had one bonus: completed processing 9/9 at Batumi in Georgia where had 3,712 raptors of 12 species pass my apartment in Batumi City Centre during a monsoon; always have a rain-proof balcony! BirdTrack down so cannot update the records there; full details are on last year’s Notice Board. Broadband collapsed in evening, thought it was a general issue but after 3 hours decided to look at connections and found a loose one so sorted now. Not out tonight!

May 21st: maximum 15C, minimum 12C, light E, misty morning with a few showers, brighter in afternoon. Out from 15:00-16:30 to West Dipton where had the male Honey-buzzard flying in at 15:13 ??? followed by him sky dancing from 15:59-16:05 ???, with him eventually ascending out of sight, and one glimpse of his mate below in the trees, plus a dive by her, both from 15:46-15:56 1  2  3 (14003) where 2 Common Buzzard were agitated at 15:41 1. A Black Kite was seen briefly at the start of the visit at 15:13 and later from 15:56-15:59 1  2  3, challenging other raptors: a new site or maybe a move from Dukeshouse! Also in total of 20 bird-types had 2 singing Pied Flycatcher, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, a singing Curlew, single singing Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Song Thrush. Had R council meeting early evening where taking more prominent role as my term as President approaches. Then went to Hexham Golf Club to secure an evening booking for R. Much later made QHC4s4l where S looked good!! Went to Cnt4g4s with M. Later was pretty sensational!! Funds are roughly level-pegging having created new record yesterday.

May 20th: maximum 14C, minimum 6C, light E, much cooler today and misty as sun did not get out until 17:00, dry. R talk “AI: Friend or Foe” went very well, pitched about right level and received well by members; here’s pdf. Made G4g4s with R/A/P 4 good chat. Processed last of volume raptors for 9/9 Batumi; next on to tail-end of movement, will still take 2-3 days. Quiet day 2moro except for QHC4s4l and Cnt4g4s. In study area Black Kite up to 16 birds at 10 sites and Honey-buzzard to 5 birds at 3 sites.

Amazing Black Kite records from Cornwall on BirdGuides, looks like some birds drifted to W on E winds:

20:11 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Trethewey four flew over

20:00 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Porthgwarra 11:45 one

17:18 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Land's End two over

17:17 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Hayle one flew south-east over Ventonleague

14:16 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall St Buryan 13:30 two flew over

13:06 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Polgigga two flew east: one at 12:35 and one at 12:50

13:00 20/05 Black Kite Cornwall Penzance 11:35 one flew over

20:02 20/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Norwich 17:35 one flew east over Whitlingham Hall

09:16 20/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 19/05 one yesterday; view from ridge-line west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

08:38 20/05 European Honey Buzzard Surrey Whitmoor Common 08:35 one flew high west towards Worplesdon

May 19th: maximum 17C, minimum 9C, light E, murky from North Sea in the ‘Shire so went W to Allendale from 15:00-16:40, only a few miles but complete change in weather with continuous sunshine as move away from the North Sea, dry. Again visited Allendale SW but this time was further up on moorland edge and caught up with the Black Kite with a pair out hunting on arrival, one perched at the top of a tree for a while 1  2, all round 15:21. A major bonus was seeing a male Honey-buzzard soaring at 15:36 from Catton square (Allendale NW), mobbed by a Curlew. This is a missing link in the Honey-buzzard survey with a gap here over many years. It looks as if the gap is now being filled, thanks to increasing tree and scrub cover and incomers who will not tolerate the antics of game estates past. In total of 21 bird-types had 2 singing Redstart from a marvellous mixed wood, a Wheatear on a stone wall, 11 Curlew, 8 Lapwing with young, 3 Willow Warbler, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Skylark. Mammals included 4 Rabbit and 2 Brown Hare. Butterflies comprised 2 Green-veined White, a male Orange-tip and a Peacock. Another 8k steps today, including some from grass cutting. Made G4g4s with A/P/R 4 good chat with L and J on!! Talk on AI tomorrow: wish me luck!!

Plenty more Honey-buzzard on BirdGuides in the last two days, plus 2 more Black Kite:

20:48 19/05 Black Kite Cornwall Praa Sands one flew west this afternoon

12:49 18/05 Black Kite Hertfordshire Weston 12:47 possible reportedly flew over

21:34 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Cumbria New Hutton 16:45 18/05 one flew north yesterday

17:45 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Church Knowle 17:40 one drifted east

13:40 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Baston & Langtoft Pits one flew east early afternoon

13:29 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Cheshire Fiddler's Ferry NR (permit only) wholly unconfirmed report of one this afternoon

11:26 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent St Margaret's at Cliffe one flew north over Bockhill Farm late morning

19:07 18/05 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Ashdown Forest one this afternoon; use Long car park (RH18 5JN) and walk to view from Llama Park viewpoint (51.0642, 0.0366). Please keep to public footpath

17:25 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Greater Manchester Manchester Airport 17:23 probable flew west

12:59 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Surrey Capel 12:49 one flew north-west

12:58 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Hertfordshire Slip End possible flew over

12:27 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Strumpshaw Fen RSPB 12:15 one from Reception Hide

11:09 18/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Wykeham Forest 10:50 one from raptor viewpoint; from A170 at Wykeham take minor road north to Details Highwood Brow for 6.4km to T-junction then left for 500m to car park at 54.2861, -0.5637

10:15 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Glamorgan Reynoldston 17/05 male flew low north over fields near Knelston and appeared to roost in trees at South Hall yesterday evening

May 18th: maximum 18C, minimum 7C, light NE, sunny all day after early mist, hot sunshine, dry. Had long day out, making Allendale SW from 12:40-14:05 checking on the move by the pair of Black Kite to there; had a pair soaring in distance to N from my watchpoint, which was not ideal as too low in the valley. Also had a pair of Kestrel in active hunting mode here over moorland edge. Further sightings were 10 displaying Curlew, 6 Lapwing with probable nests, 3 Meadow Pipit, and a Red Admiral. Then out to Staward S for quick visit from 14:15-14:40 where had a Raven and 2 Kestrel, singles at S and N, plus a displaying Curlew. Picked up lunch from Spar at Alston, then out to Kirkside from 15:30-17:00 for Honey-buzzard habitat research. Had 2 Stonechat sites here (male, pair), a calling Common Buzzard and a Green Hairstreak butterfly on bilberry. Other birds, in total of 15 types, were 4 singing Curlew, 2 Skylark. Met new occupant of house there who’d bought it from the Williams family, late friends of late wife: very interesting chat! Total for trip to SW was 32 bird-types and 5 butterfly-types: Orange-tip (4 sites), Green-veined White, Small White, Green Hairstreak, Red Admiral. Made DoW4g4s 4 gr8 chat with D/D. Had Barn Owl at Dilston at 23:00 and Tawny Owl at Dipton Wood N at 23:30. Plenty of exercise – 9k steps.

May 17th: maximum 17C, minimum 10C, light E, murky morning and early afternoon, brighter later, dry. Not out today, concentrated on catching up with records, including last Saturday’s marathon and analysing yesterday’s piccies. Completed habitat analysis for Upper Barhaugh Burn (fieldwork last Saturday) and set up Kirkside for habitat fieldwork 2moro. Batumi taking a back seat today but finish of 9/9 within reach. Funds had a volatile week, finishing +1k having made new peak on Tuesday; today was good, commodities becoming brighter. After trip out tomorrow to Allen and Alston area will be at DoW4g4s with D/D in evening!

Plenty of Honey-buzzard on BirdGuides today but no Black Kite:

18:48 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Cliftonville 12:55 one flew north-west along Dane Valley

15:17 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Gloucestershire Leighterton 13:20 probable flew over A46

11:27 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Worth 11:20 one flew north

10:22 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent South Foreland 10:20 one circling over valley from Lighthouse Down

09:59 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Stanpit Marsh one flew high north-east

09:41 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent St Margaret's at Cliffe 09:33 one flew north over Bockhill Farm viewed from Lighthouse Down

May 16th: maximum 18C, minimum 10C, light NE, murky morning, then sunny afternoon, almost dry. Made T4m4l with M 4 good chat, bouncing some of my AI talk off him. Then out to Prudhoe Dukeshagg from 14:45-16:15 as sun came out. Very exciting trip: had Common Buzzard calling from the trees at 3 sites, indicating they’re worried about intruders plus a Common Buzzard soaring over Hyons Wood to W. Then a male Hone-buzzard appeared over his nest site, soaring a bit before moving E to a ridge where he hanged for a while 1  2  3, being joined by a Black Kite 1  2  3, both looking below for prey, all from 15:09-15:13. Then at 15:16 another Black Kite was seen arriving high from the SW, joined in the air by the one just seen hunting; so looks like the pair was completed today 1  2  3  4  5  6  7. A male Kestrel came over the open field from its nest to S. A colossal adult female Goshawk was hunting over ridge to E at 15:35. The pair of Honey-buzzard briefly displayed at 15:39, the large female much larger than the thin male, maybe a bit emaciated after the migration; the female might have arrived back earlier and got fed-up 4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 (14002). The female Honey-buzzard also circled a Black Kite 13. The most exciting bird was at 15:44 as thought a Red Kite was flying from W to E, quite low down. Took some piccies 1  2  3  4 and these showed indeed a Red Kite in structure with long tail with pronounced fork and in plumage with a white tail; but this bird had dark underwings like a Black Kite with pale patch at base of primaries, uniform dark upperwings and no rufous anywhere; looks like a Red Kite x Black Kite hybrid from earlier mixed pairing here; will enter it under Red Kite as superficially looked more like this species; not sure if it’s breeding in area; it didn’t look paired with the current Black Kite inhabitants. So on this basis had 11 birds of 6 types of raptor here! Total for bird-types was 23, including 2 Swift, 3 singing Willow Warbler, 2 singing Blackcap, a singing Garden Warbler, 3 Skylark, 1 singing Whitethroat. Butterflies were of 3 types: 2 Speckled Wood, 1 Peacock, 1 Large White. Out in evening to G4g4s with R back to join A and me; C/J were also out so good gathering, particularly with L on!

This means we now have 14 Black Kite at 9 sites, including Ponteland from BirdGuides, plus 4 Honey-buzzard at 2 sites.

May 15th: maximum 16C, minimum 10C, light E, murky, mainly dry. No fieldwork. Relaxing before more active spell likely from tomorrow afternoon when weather improves. Compiled another 11 piccies from Batumi 9/9; one more session will complete the main movement; can then wrap up the day with one more session, then just 2 days to go at the raptor watch point; think will do the Kenya balloon day before these 2 days to keep Kenya in my mind! Very sad to see the troubles in Georgia; people there were worried about the foreign agent bill being brought back again; our hotel in Tbilisi was just 200m from the Parliament up the hill, in the street where the police mass; some of the police violence has been disgusting, hauling people out of the crowd and beating them up. InHouse practical surveyor came round to look at the plumbing and electrics. Decided that power shower will have to be limited to 8Kw on wiring constraints. But no significant changes. He suggested I get a Megaflo water heater to replace the immersion heater. 2Moro it’s T4m4l with M and G4g4s.

More migrant raptors from BirdGuides:

18:19 15/05 Black Kite Oxfordshire Otmoor RSPB probable reported

07:08 15/05 Black Kite Nottinghamshire Newstead & Annesley CP 06:55 one flew low east towards Newstead Abbey

17:38 15/05 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Weymouth 17:33 one flew south over Greenhill Bowling Club

17:04 15/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Woolbeding Common 16:45 one; view from ridge-line west of NT car park (GU29 9RR)

16:42 15/05 European Honey Buzzard Northamptonshire Islip 16:20 one flew over

May 14th: maximum 16C, minimum 11C, light E, muggy, no sun, much cooler, few bursts of heavy rain. No fieldwork. Made QHC4s4l, very nice: gr8 to have S on!! Completed writing talk for R on AI: Friend or Foe, hasn’t taken long but been thinking about it for a while. Made some progress on Batumi 9/9 advancing coverage of movement by 2 minutes! Still some way to go! Made HRT4st4s and TAN4g4s with M 4 good chat: many pubs close early now, think it will be back to the CNT next week! Funds +1k wtd. Good bird record, may be new site for county:

08:48 14/05 Black Kite Northumberland Ponteland probable circling low over North Road at Smallburn Lodge then lost to view

May 13th: maximum 20C, minimum 12C, light E, warm but mainly cloudy, moderate rain in early hours faded by dawn. R officiating went well, no problems, my talk in a week’s time on AI! Relaxed at Ordley after the busy time, seeing around 1600 a Jay, 6 Chiffchaff, a Woodlark SE over edge of field to N of me, 2 Curlew calling, 3 displaying Lapwing, 2 singing Wren, 2 singing Song Thrush but no raptors. Made G4g4s with A 4 good chat, P not out. Quiet day 2moro, just QHC4c4l!!

More records from BirdGuides, another local Osprey, plenty of Black Kite, Honey-buzzard a little slow:

11:50 12/05 Osprey Northumberland Whittle Dene Reservoirs 10:45 one flew south over northern reservoir

11:46 13/05 Black Kite Suffolk Minsmere RSPB 10:54 one flew north over work centre

09:50 12/05 Black Kite Norfolk North Walsham 09:40 probable flew east

20:11 11/05 Black Kite Flintshire Holywell one reported along A5026 near Milwr

20:33 10/05 Black Kite Cornwall Praa Sands 06:50 one reportedly flew east

10:15 10/05 Black Kite Orkney St Mary's, Mainland 10:13 one flew south over Loch of Ayre

16:07 09/05 Black Kite Shetland Fair Isle one flew south over mast

07:11 09/05 Black Kite Cornwall Bude 14:30 08/05 one reportedly flew west over Poughill yesterday afternoon

13:22 13/05 European Honey Buzzard Wiltshire Old Sarum 13:11 one flew north-east

15:24 12/05 European Honey Buzzard South Yorkshire Wombwell 14:30 one flew north

09:51 12/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Hickling Broad NWT 09:45 one flew east over Brendan's Marsh

18:03 10/05 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Alderney one; also 3 Blue-headed Wagtails and Black Redstart

07:01 10/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Waltham Brooks SWT 05:55 one flew over

May 12th: maximum 20C, minimum 11C, light E, warm and sunny in morning, hazy afternoon, heavy rain late evening into midnight. Had a lazy morning after yesterday’s busy circuit! Saw 2 Green-veined White in the garden. Cleaner came in afternoon so had to be out: made Hexham from 14:45-17:00 for look at Tyne and to N of Tyne, where had a pair of Black Kite floating over their territory at regular intervals, including at 15:16 1  2. Had a Woodlark over the Tyne at medium height moving SE and an interesting large, yellow, flighty and strong-flying leaf warbler in trees on S side of Tyne, thought to be a Wood Warbler. A Grey Heron was close 1. Other birds, in total of 29 types, included 3 Oystercatcher, 4 Swift, a female Goosander in territory, 6 Sand Martin, a singing Blackcap, an agitated Chiffchaff. Butterflies comprised 4 Orange-tip and 3 Speckled Wood. Took rest at C4c4t. Much later made G4g4s with A/P; took P along, heavy rain made collection fun, needed a very large umbrella! Embarrassed in regular review of Spam folder to find email from the * on 21/4: impressive and lovely piccies from Brussels!! 2Moro am acting President at R for first time!

May 11th: maximum 21C, minimum 10C, light SE, warm and sunny. A day of escape and relaxation: went on a 57-mile drive from home to Alston to Haltwhistle to Hexham, effectively visiting the Allen and upper South Tyne, in beautiful weather. Did no less than four 1-hour stops for (relatively) complete counts of birds plus one shorter visit. Added 4 species to year list: Wheatear, Cuckoo, Hobby, House Martin. Four types of raptor in all: much more to follow. Had a dead Hedgehog on the road at Snape. At Cupola Bridge had good selection of riverine species: a Dipper emerging from nest, a displaying Common Sandpiper, a Grey Wagtail, a Mallard with 3 small ducklings, plus a displaying Common Buzzard. At Ouston in Whitfield Moor from 12:49-13:50 had 11 types of bird including 6 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, 2 Kestrel, a Common Buzzard, a Wheatear, 3 singing Willow Warbler, 6 Meadow Pipit, a Skylark, plus a Small White and a Green Tiger Beetle in the heather. Got lunch from garage in Alston, then onto Gilderdale Bridge from 14:1-15:15 where had 12 species including a pair of Red Kite (one above wood to SW, the other hunting at low altitude along the burn to W), 4 Common Buzzard (3 over bridge at Gilderdale and 1 over Kirkside Wood), 4 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, 2 Oystercatcher, a singing Willow Warbler, plus 2 Green-veined White and an Orange-tip. Next up was Barhaugh Hall from 15:10-16:10 where had good views over Barhaugh Burn for habitat survey. 17 bird-types here included a calling Cuckoo, 4 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, a Redshank, single singing Blackcap and Willow Warbler and 2 agitated Chiffchaff, plus an Orange-tip. Final stop was Towsbank from 16:12-17:20 where had 20 bird-types: 10 displaying Oystercatcher, 7 displaying Lapwing, a pair of displaying Hobby, 4 House Martin N, single singing Garden Warbler and Willow Warbler, a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker, plus 4 types of butterfly: 8 Orange-tip and single Comma, Small Tortoiseshell, Green-veined White. On way back had single anxious Common Buzzard at 2 sites in Park Village area at 17:25 and a female Kestrel hovering at Langley Deanraw at 17:50. Made DoW4g4s with D/D for usual great chat with S on!! Funds had a good week, +22k by end.

Total for day was 31 species from 51 records: raptors 8 Common Buzzard at 4 sites, 3 Kestrel at 2 sites, 2 Red Kite, 2 Hobby; waders: 14 Curlew, 12 Oystercatcher, 11 Lapwing, 1 Redshank, 1 Common Sandpiper. Butterflies: 13 Orange-tip, 3 Green-veined White, single Small White, Small Tortoiseshell, Comma. A good early spring day!

May 10th: maximum 20C, minimum 10C, light SW, warm and sunny. A Small Tortoiseshell was in Hexham QHC. Highlight of day was visit to GH for RNS performance of Brahms 1 with Jess Gillam playing two saxophone numbers (one an encore, the other Glazunov’s Sax Concerto). Met some partners for meal before and for drink afterwards, highly sociable. Very much enjoyed concert, conductor was Chloé van Soeterstède, who did a commanding job in Brahms 1. The starting piece was Concert Overture by Elfrida Andrée. Bemused by debate over Israel’s participation in the Eurovision Song Concert. I agreed with this comment in one of the DT’s articles, criticising Israel’s inclusion, and gave it a like:

Sarah Kramer 2 DAYS AGO Shame on you if you can't see how twisted this is and how brave this young woman is being in a very intimidating situation: 'one almost felt sorry for the 20-year-old from Tel Aviv'...

ALMOST?? 5000 people show up to protest your inclusion in the competition, the entire audience boos you and all because this very young woman comes from a country that suffered a pogrom at the hands of terrorists and is now fighting a war they didn't start and didn't want, to try and prevent the terrorists from repeating the massacre. 17 REPLIES 432 like, 5 unlike.

The tele-voting by the public showed a lot of support for Israel, winning in 15 countries including the UK. Suspect outside our elites there’s much more support for Israel than is being reported.

May 9th: maximum 18C, minimum 9C, light W, hazy sunshine in afternoon, warm. Compiled another 5 piccies of Batumi 9/9. Met M at T4m4l before making Hexham Abbey for an organ recital, this time by Willow Northeald, assistant organist at the Abbey. He played Bach’s Pièce d’orgue, Franck’s Prière, Naji Hakim’s Variations on two themes. The first two were very powerful organ pieces, played with majesty! The last was more varied in style, more experimental, which seems to be a feature of the last piece in these recitals. We enjoyed the recital, it’s a good feature for Hexham Abbey. Then back to Sele GP where discussed lipids with pharmacist; didn’t want to up stains to 80mg so we eventually agreed on ezetimibe, a drug which blocks absorption of cholesterol in the gut; that starts next week. Made Haltwhistle from 16:00-17:20 getting a Black Kite and 2 Common Buzzard over the wood to W of North Wood at 17:00. Another Swift was seen along with 2 singing Garden Warbler (as well as one singing at Ordley). In total of 25 bird-types had 6 Sand Martin, 3 singing Willow Warbler, 16 Starling fetching food for young, an Oystercatcher, 2 Lapwing and a Curlew. Much later made G4g4s with A; P was too weak to come out. We had good chat! 2Moro it’s QHC4s4l and concert at GH in evening, with Brahms 1 and soloist Jess Gillam before in first half.

May 8th: maximum 16C, minimum 10C, light W, humid, first day out without coat for ages - spring?, hazy sunshine afternoon, warm. Working hard on Batumi 9/9 as it’s so relevant to UK migration; completed another row of 8 piccies but going to take some time; got 82 piccies to process still out of 142 originally. It will definitely be worth it! Am putting vital document files on OneDrive rather than doing the backup myself, so have 50GB being synchronised. Am managing piccies myself still. Did get blood test results. All normal (blood itself, liver, salts) except for serum non-hd lipids (cholesterol), which is lower at 2.9 but still not down to target of 2.64 so appointment at 14:40 tomorrow at GPs – may get statins increased again - cardiovascular health is vital! Visited InHouse in between walks to survey Hexham NE again; shown CAD for new bathroom, very impressive, cost a bit more than 9k, paid 1k deposit on credit card with bank transfer on Friday of 4k for fittings, will not be finished until mid-July as some parts coming from Germany on special order. So what about the birds: 3 Black Kite (1 gliding at Dukes House, 2 at Hexham NE gliding together towards bridge), 1 Red Kite (soaring, further to W), 1 Kestrel (male at Anick Grange), 3 Common Buzzard (as singles from towards Bridge to Beaufront), plus a singing Sedge Warbler, first Swift (to W), 3 singing Blackcap, 4 Stock Dove, 3 Chiffchaff, 1 singing Whitethroat, in total of 26 bird-types. Also had a Brown Hare and 4 Orange-tip. Had 2 Common Buzzard soaring at Letah Wood at 14:00.

Interesting fishing trip from BirdGuides:

19:03 08/05 Osprey Northumberland Stocksfield 18:45 one flew south over New Ridley Road [From Tyne at Hexham to Derwent Reservoir]

May 7th: maximum 14C, minimum 8C, light SE, murky morning becoming brighter in afternoon, dry. Out at Ordley from 15:30-16:30 as sunshine grew stronger. Had 3 Swallow, 2 Curlew around the house. More dramatic bang on cue for the 4 o’clock soar with a pair of Black Kite up briefly, joined quickly by a male Honey-buzzard who went off to SW, where he was joined by a female Honey-buzzard (14002). A Common Buzzard was calling at 16:00. So both the birds at home site have now found a mate; that's great, plenty of action all summer, and can move on to check other sites. Star action was an adult male Sparrowhawk diving into the side of the orchard, sending birds scattering in all directions; think he missed but a Blackbird had a very narrow escape! Had a few more butterflies: 3 Orange-tip male, a Peacock and a Speckled Wood at Ordley, and another Orange-tip male at Hexham. Made Sele GP at 17:10 for health check – weight, height, blood test, pulse, blood pressure; bit more than I was led to believe and urine sample needed in a day or two. Second go at blood pressure produced 135-60, normal, after higher first go; pulse was 79, bmi was 29 but did have shoes and clothes on; current thinking is that for my age group a bit of extra weight is not harmful as it can provide a reserve in case of illness and of course weight loss is associated with the dreaded C; so await the blood tests now. Made Cnt4g4s with M 4 good chat! Funds are +11k wtd, close to high.

Recent arrivals from BirdGuides:

18:11 06/05 Black Kite Greater Manchester Doffcocker Lodge LNR17:00 one flew west

10:07 04/05 Black Kite Kent North Foreland 09:50 one flew inland over lighthouse

19:48 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Herefordshire Bromyard 14:00 one flew over A44 east of Bromyard

19:33 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Havant one flew over mid-afternoon

13:21 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Northamptonshire Islip 12:55 one flew high north-east

11:22 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Pembrokeshire Dinas Cross 17:00 06/05 one flew west along coast path at Garn Gelli yesterday

17:02 05/05 European Honey Buzzard Pembrokeshire St David's one reported over Trecenny Farm this morning

10:17 05/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Sheringham one west of golf course then flew towards Sheringham Park mid-morning

18:47 04/05 European Honey Buzzard Caithness Dounreay two flew inland at Balmore

May 6th: maximum 14C, minimum 9C, light NE, dull, few showers, slightly milder, sun came out for 5 min followed immediately by heavy rain shower. Did get out around the sunny spell but raptors were obviously not impressed (rightly!). Had 6 Black-headed Gull N, 3 Goldfinch, 1 Magpie, 1 singing Collared Dove, to add to yesterday’s local birds. Spent a lot of time on Batumi 9/9, getting all sorted up to start of the big movement, leaving just the big movement to document now. Took P to G4g4s to meet A; we had good chat! Have booked up Wednesday afternoon to meet J at InHouse to view CAD for bathroom and presumably seal the deal. Daughter and family, all 4 of them, are arriving on August 1st from Dubai: will be very pleased to see them. Chatted to son on FB Video for 50 min – he’s planned a European trip through France, Italy, Slovenia, Czech, Slovak, Austria, ending at Budapest in time for us to meet for Wagner’s 4-day Ring. Evidently Weinberg is catching on in London with 4 sq at the Wigmore soon; well done to the Festival for early promotion of this composer.

May 5th: maximum 13C, minimum 10C, light W, dull, few light showers, cool. Did first mowing of year: cutting dock-infested area by back door and all of front grass; test for hand-pushed rotary mower and me: we both went at it without a pause! Took full bird list in garden – 18 types – just one raptor a Common Buzzard perched in a fir tree, the rarer ones did not fly in dull conditions; also had 2 displaying Lapwing, 1 singing Curlew, 4 Greylag Goose, 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Goldcrest, 1 Mistle Thrush, 4 Tree Sparrow. Started 9/9 Batumi, doing the top row of piccies, including a video clip of the monsoon, put on Vimeo; also added verbatim accounts from Batumi raptor watch-points. Made G4g4s with A, so busy, great to see, with many lasses out.

May 4th: maximum 13C, minimum 10C, light S, dull, dry after some heavy rain overnight, a few glimpses of the sun, felt cool. In a slightly brighter interlude at 15:00 went outside to watch the Devil’s Water and quickly saw a Black Kite coming out of a pine wood to S, interacting a little with other raptors with display and then went out hunting to W 1  2  3. The local Red Kite pair have moved a little N to takeover last year’s Black Kite site and the Black Kite are forced S to last year’s Red Kite location; good to see the Red Kite holding their own. So that maintains 9 Black Kite at 7 sites. No sign of local Honey-buzzard yet at nesting site: the Crows are very relaxed; when the Honey-buzzard return the Crows sit on the tops of the trees cursing them. However, did have a male Honey-buzzard up with the Black Kite in the area to the S 1  2  3 (14001) so that is a very exciting development. Two Common Buzzard were also up here 1. So the season is now getting well under way!!

Completed processing the major raptor movement day of 12/9 at Batumi; using 2400x1800 resize for speckly migration shots, reduces size of file without significantly losing quality; on landscapes now use 1200x900 resize. Next up of 3 days left is 9/9 Batumi, the biggest day for passage on the coast and an experience showing that Honey-buzzard movement goes to the coast when the weather deteriorates. Wrapping up R teams with notices out to people over final queries; no meeting on Monday as bank holiday. Garden and field is becoming a haven for animals: a Brown Hare probably breeding in my field regularly grazes the back grass (very good at lawn-cutting!), a Grey Squirrel was close to house, local rabbit numbers total at least 7 and there are a few mole hills. Funds were -1k on week.

May 3rd: maximum 14C, minimum 8C, light NE, dull, dry, a few glimpses of the sun, slightly warmer. Watching election results coming in up until 03:30. So missed Skype chat with N/D as not up to 11; did invite them to the pub but they didn’t come; think it’s time to stop shielding! Made R&C4m4l with M/A/A (old Northumbria mates!); we had good reunion over tasty lunch and glass of rw. At 14:30 J from InHouse came round and measured up bathroom with discussion on features; next stage is a CAD mock-up and quote, end of next week, c10k for my ambitions! Then out to Warden for check on Black Kite site; for first time this year, drew a blank with no Black Kite seen. Did have a Common Buzzard carrying prey into Greenshaw Plain. New species for year were Common Sandpiper (pair) and Willow Warbler (3 singing); also in total of 26 species had a pair of Goosander, a sitting Oystercatcher, a Grey Heron, 2 Blackcap, a Grey Wagtail, plus an Orange-tip. Earlier at Steel Pond at 14:15 had a Coot (amazingly, first for year) and a Moorhen. Back home for a bit, then out to DoW4g4s with D/D for gr8 catch-up and good chat with S!! So a busy day. Tomorrow is much quieter!

Here are recent Black Kite and Honey-buzzard records from BirdGuides:

15:43 03/05 Black Kite Kent Deal one reported over Sandown

12:50 02/05 Black Kite Buckinghamshire New Bradwell possible flew south-east over Bancroft this morning

14:21 01/05 Black Kite Carmarthen Pembrey CP one flew east up Burry Inlet off Pembrey Burrows

14:16 01/05 Black Kite Carmarthen Pembrey CP possible flew east up estuary off Pembrey Burrows

13:57 02/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Blakeney Freshmarsh one flew west this afternoon

10:12 02/05 European Honey Buzzard Anglesey Cors Ddyga RSPB male flew west mid-morning

May 2nd: maximum 13C, minimum 6C, light NE, dull, dry, feeling cool again. Very few insects around. Refreshing morning!! Caught up on some piccies from April, just about caught up now. Leisurely afternoon doing some reading of recent literature. Out to G4g4s with A 4 good chat with L on!! Both Barn Owl and Tawny Owl on return at 00:05 next day. Bit worried about taking P when it’s busy as he’s quite frail.

May 1st: maximum 15C, minimum 7C, light SE, sunny intervals but basically misty. Routine 6-monthly visit to dentist in Corbridge today: hygienist for 25 min from 11:30 and dentist for 15 min from 12:00: all good fun – no problems! While over there decided to visit Thornbrough until 13:25, another Black Kite site. Here had none in flight but a single Black Kite was perched on a bare branch near the top of a tree for 8 min from 12:40-12:53 1, rather quiet as if recovering from migration; 3 birds have been seen this way now. This makes 7 sites occupied by 9 birds. I wonder which gender returns first. In total of 21 bird-types had 3 singing Skylark, 2 singing Whitethroat, a singing Blackcap, a Chiffchaff, 2 Grey Partridge, 5 Yellowhammer, 12 Goldfinch, 3 singing Song Thrush, 1 Swallow NE. Visited InHouse in Hexham to see about renewing my bathroom; a salesman is coming out on Friday at 14:30 to measure up and give estimates. Current bathroom could do with updating. Trying to restore some refreshing to NB but plagued by loads of stale pages; recent problem has been servers blocking requests for refresh; will persevere as it’s important!! lok2tgrf: xxx XXXXXX

April 30th: maximum 15C, minimum 8C, moderate SE, cloudy and breezy morning, sunny afternoon and evening, at last feeling warmer. Made QHC4s4l where gr8 to see S again!! Then off to Styford, where very good Black Kite showing with a pair displaying over last year’s wood 1 (first duo this season 1  2  3) and a pair displaying in distance over Bywell N 1  2. 3 Common Buzzard were seen, not happy with new arrivals, including one perched on a branch for 10 min 1  2  3  4. Also in total of 22 bird-types had 3 Swallow (pair, 1 E), a Grey Heron, 4 Oystercatcher, 4 Lapwing, 2 Stock Dove, 2 Blackcap singing, a displaying Lesser Redpoll, 2 singing Song Thrush, plus 2 rabbit (1 dead, 1 live) and 2 butterflies: a Small White, a Peacock. Made Cnt4g4s with M 4 good chat. Had a Barn Owl at Ordley on way home. Funds are +1k wtd after being +10k yesterday.

So we finish the month in the study area with 8 Black Kite at 6 sites, marvellous restatement of their colonisation. Recent reports on BirdGuides are:

13:15 30/04 Black Kite Nottinghamshire Hoveringham 09:55 one reportedly circled over River Trent at Ferry Farm Park then flew north towards Epperstone

10:19 30/04 Black Kite Nottinghamshire Hoveringham 09:55 one reported at Ferry Farm Park

21:27 29/04 Black Kite Avon High Littleton possible flew over

18:00 29/04 Black Kite Dorset Bloxworth 10:20 possible reported over A35

10:19 30/04 European Honey Buzzard Wiltshire Firsdown 10:10 one flew over A30

April 29th: maximum 11C, minimum 8C, moderate S, cloudy and breezy, not feeling as mild as predicted. Much active work on R: taking money for high attendance of 35, demonstrating Google Form system to a few members, having a meeting at my house in evening to discuss teams for next year, when I’m President; indeed 5 hours on R during day 12:00-15:00 and 17:00-19:00. Made G4g4s with A/P for light relief but ferrying P is not easy post-stroke. L/A were on!!

April 28th: maximum 8C, minimum 5C, moderate NW, steady rain up to lunchtime, brighter from ttime. Big rise in temperatures forecast tomorrow morning from 7C to 12C as winds go from W (fetch from NW) to S (deep fetch). Made Dipton Wood N tip from 17:20-18:50 as sun came out. Exciting at 17:53 as a Black Kite came powering over, going N down into Devil’s Water valley and not seen again; suspect this is a returning bird to the Dukes Wood site just finishing his northward trek; suspect they are more tired than Honey-buzzard after their migration so the new arrival will take it easy for a few days. Also in total of 14 bird-types had a Common Crossbill male 1, an agitated Bullfinch, 3 calling Chiffchaff, a Linnet, a pair of Siskin, a displaying Meadow Pipit, an anxious Long-tailed Tit 1. No Green Hairstreak yet! An Osprey was over the pine wood on the opposite side of the valley at Hexham NE at 17:57 1. On way back at Steel Pond had a Little Grebe, a pair of Tufted Duck, 4 displaying Mallard, a Moorhen, a Teal. Made G4g4s again giving lift to P to meet A. New barmaid C is very smart. But L is my favourite!! Almost completed Sakhalvasho (Batumi) 8/9 in Georgia, just need to index a few more piccies; will then have 4 more days to do, all spectacular migration.

From BirdGuides some more Black Kite

15:00 28/04 Black Kite Cornwall Penzance 14:56 possible circling gradually east over Causewayhead

13:44 27/04 Black Kite Norfolk Forncett St Peter 13:41 probable flew high north over farmland

11:41 27/04 Black Kite Wexford Lady's Island Lake 23/04 one photographed on Tuesday

20:13 26/04 Black Kite Outer Hebrides South Dell, Lewis still perched at south-west side of Druim Fraoich late evening

19:40 26/04 Black Kite Outer Hebrides South Dell, Lewis one flew north-east between coastline and road this evening

10:39 25/04 Black Kite Isles of Scilly St Mary's 10:26 again flew over Kitty Down towards Normandy [last record of the Scilly bird after many reports]

and the first Honey-buzzard:

07:00 27/04 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Acres Down 10:00 26/04 adult yesterday morning; also Hawfinch still

and some Osprey, the latter 48 min after I had one flying W at Hexham NE, presumably turning up North Tyne to Hallington and onwards.

14/04 11:22 Northumberland : Osprey, Acomb flew towards River Tyne (11:19)

24/04 17:48 Northumberland : Osprey, Hallington Reservoirs one flew north-east (17:45)

April 27th: maximum 9C, minimum 3C, light NE, mainly sunny, early frost. Had good lie-in after exertions of past few weeks. Went in on train with M and later came back with him. We both walked the HLB in both directions. The kick-off time at the Sage was 3pm, same as Newcastle United who thrashed Sheffield United 5-1. So city and travel was very busy. Met some partners M/S/T/L for late lunch. Concert was all Mozart with 2 PC played by AH in the first half and a symphony (Prague) in the second half. Found the 2 PC very restful, glad I came, and the symphony rousing. More to follow … Much later made DoW4g4s with D/D for gr8 chat.

April 26th: maximum 7C, minimum -1C, light N, cloudy morning, some sunshine later, cool out of the sun, frost early-on. Made the Big Sing by Hexham Amateur Stage Society at Hexham High School; lots of familiar show items all sung with great gusto, including Rodgers & Hammerstein, Wicked Choral Highlights, Chicago, Miss Saigon, Showboat, Jersey Boys, King and I, Hairspray and Mamma Mia! They held the event in the school rather than at QH as the QH’s charges have gone up. May need to up my modest grant as patron to help a bit more. HASS are doing the Pirates of Penzance in November at the QH, subtitled Workie Tickets of Whitley Bay! Funds were +11k this week and sit just below high. Do hold some AAL so benefiting here from takeover approach by BHP. Thinking of moving my web site from BT to Namecheap. I’m Finding BT are very inefficient and not up to date with latest techniques like SSL and TSL; they’re also much more expensive; Namecheap have just launched a Stellar range of packages including unmetered disk space on SSD. 2moro into Sage for Angela Hewitt on the piano in the afternoon.

Following on from the Reformation Symphony performance last Friday, where I was amazed to hear in mv 1 a very close correspondence to Wagner’s Parsifal main theme, here’s two quotes on the resemblance. But Mendelssohn wrote his piece in 1830 and Wagner his in c1875 so there’s no doubt who came first. It is a nasty trick by Wagner to rubbish someone’s work as in his treatise on Mendelssohn and then use the criticised work for your own purposes. This tactic is all too common in peer review in all walks of life today.

Listen out for Mendelssohn's premonition of Wagner's Parsifal in the first movement of the Reformation Symphony, numbered as 5: both make use of the so-called Dresden Amen (a 19th century Saxon church melody and cadence), and I think you'll be shocked – if you know your Wagner but not your Mendelssohn – at how closely Mendelssohn's string scoring of the theme resembles Wagner's harmonisation and treatment of the melody in his last opera. For all his splenetic, toxic criticism, Wagner knew how much he owed Mendelssohn: he privately admitted to his wife in 1879 that, decades earlier, he had nicked some of Mendelssohn's Calm Sea and Prosperous Overture for his incidental music to Theodor Apel's play Columbus. Guardian recordings

 Finally, we’re destined to hear the Dresden Amen differently than Mendelssohn did; it’s used in later music as well, most notably Wagner’s Parsifal and the Finale of Mahler’s 1st symphony.  It's hard to know what to do with that information.  To my ear, the Dresden Amen’s appearance in the works of an anti-semitic composer, Wagner (both Mendelssohn and Mahler were Jewish by blood), and in that of one of the last figures (Mahler) to cling to the Romantic style that Mendelssohn helped create, gives its use a poignancy that the "Reformation" symphony’s composer could not have anticipated.  As triumphant as the work is, we know that history had a more complex fate in store for such ostensibly straightforward celebrations. MICHAEL LEWANSKI, CONDUCTOR

In Wagner’s defence (See Wikipedia, which also has a short audio clip of the Amen) it could be said that the Dresden Amen was widely known and since he lived in Dresden for a while, it would have been naturally in his repertoire. The original composer of The Dresden Amen was Johann Gottlieb Naumann (1741–1801) for use in the Royal Chapel in Dresden. Such was its popularity that it spread to other churches, both Catholic and Lutheran, in Saxony. So Mendelssohn was not the originator.

The theme was also used by Richard Wagner, most notably in his last opera, Parsifal. Wagner was a Kapellmeister in Dresden from 1842 to 1849, but he would probably have learnt the motif as a boy attending church in Dresden. It was incorporated into one of his earliest operas, Das Liebesverbot, and also appears in the third act of Tannhäuser.

Anton Bruckner used the Dresden amen in several motets (Christus factus est WAB 11, Virga Jesse WAB 52 and Vexilla regis WAB 51),[1] the finale of his Fifth Symphony and the adagio of his last symphony, the Ninth, while Gustav Mahler incorporated it into the last movement of his first symphony, "Titan"Manuel de Falla quoted from it in his incidental music for Calderón de la Barca's El gran teatro del mundo.

April 25th: maximum 7C, minimum 1C, light N, cloudy morning, some sunshine later, cool out of the sun. Today had smart meter installed by E.ON, based on 4G, needed to ensure economy 7 continues after signal 2G is switched off next year. Didn’t take long to install as had new meter put in recently; will see how it goes! Made T4m4l with M; we then went to an organ recital at Hexham Abbey, which was stirring, played by Robert Poyser, Director of Music at Beverley Minster. He played pieces by Lefebure-Wely, Vierne, Yon, JS Bach, Buxtehude, plus an impressive improvisation. Had chat with son on FB video at ttime and then off to G4g4s with A; was going to take frail P but he cancelled 30 min before collection as feeling poorly. Not too much else done today except organising R teams for next year which is very time consuming.

April 24th: maximum 9C, minimum 3C, light NW, cloudy morning, sunny afternoon, cool but better in the sun. Had 3 Osprey at NE Hexham, 2 displaying (a tight pair often up in the air) plus 1 coming from the E and moving decisively W at 16:57. A Black Kite joined in the fun, often soaring with the Osprey. Also up were a male Kestrel and a total of 4 Common Buzzard were seen at 3 sites. Not a bad day! Also in total of 23 bird-type had 2 Swallow, a Collared Dove, 2 singing Blackcap, a Linnet. Black Kite found at 4 sites ytd. No Hobby or Honey-buzzard yet. Funds are +11k wtd after shading a bit since Monday’s rise.

April 23rd: maximum 9C, minimum 2C, light N, a few sunny spells, mainly cloudy. A good social day, making QHC4s4l with the fit S on, and MR turning up from R – very smart! Later met M at Cnt4g4s 4 good chat. Did though find time to make Prudhoe Dukeshagg late afternoon 16:10-17:35 and did find another Black Kite, the third for this season, perched at the top of a fir tree for some while around 16:30, just like the one at Ordley on Saturday. It might be a trait of theirs to survey the territory while a little knackered from the migration. This bird did get up in the air for a little glide and float around. Other raptors were 2 Common Buzzard (one up over Black Kite site patrolling, another up hunting over field to W) and a Red Kite soaring towards Hyons Wood. Had 16 bird-types in all, plus a Kestrel male hunting at Styford E. At Letah Wood at 18:15 saw a Brown Hare and 3 Yellowhammer. Piccies to follow tomorrow. So 3 single birds at 3 sites in survey to date.

Here’s the Black Kite piccies from today 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8.

A few more Black Kite nationally [BirdGuides]:

18:50 23/04 Black Kite Isles of Scilly St Mary's one flew over Lower Moors towards Longstone [11 further reports from Scilly on 24/4 and 25/4 up to 10:39]

17:59 23/04 Black Kite Norfolk Horning 13:45 one reported in field north of Norwich Road then flew off

20:52 21/04 Black Kite Dorset Ringstead Bay one reported this morning

April 22nd: maximum 10C, minimum 4C, light NE, very gloomy, occasional rain interspersed by long spells of drizzle, felt cold. Busy day at R, setting up projector and sorting a few problems with speaker’s Mac, acting as front of house, chatting up a couple of waitresses, eating my meal, chairing Admin Team meeting, indeed there from 12:05-14:55. Sorted out Black Kite piccies as below from Ordley 20/4 and added them to BirdTrack. Completed processing Batumi 4/8, next up is 8/9 at the raptor migration point. Did make G4g4s where g back on, thanks to L sorting out the gas pressures!! Had 4 rabbit and a hedgehog at Ordley on way back from pub. Funds at new record today, more than recovering last week’s loss.

April 21st: maximum 7C, minimum 5C, light N, sunny morning, then cloudy for rest of day, feeling cool. A rather raw day. Stayed home, did have an adult male Sparrowhawk flying low-down over nearby field and a Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming to S. Worked hard on Batumi Botanical Gardens records, completing 3/9 and labelling 4/9; do feel Honey-buzzard did breed near the Gardens. Also sorted out financial issues for portfolio, registering a 15k decline last week, during the worst week for 6 months in global equities, after worries the Iran-Israel conflict was escalating. Back to R 2moro. Made G4ncl-br4s with g off and replaced by Newcastle Brown for me; had good chat with R/A with L on!! Added final Dorset records to BirdTrack.

April 20th: maximum 9C, minimum 2C, moderate NW, sunny morning, then cloudy, sunny again by tt almost dry. Had 2nd Black Kite of season, one sitting in a larch tree from 14:30-14:50 (latter time, still there) in the middle of its territory at Ordley, clearly just arrived back and a little knackered as it sat there with a Red Kite and a pair of Common Buzzard circling overhead! Have got a decent set of piccies, showing its white head and slight fork in tail when perched! Had a good day, staying local and doing an extended walk around garden and field, building up a local list of 26 species, after all the recent travelling. Also had waders --- 2 displaying Lapwing, single Oystercatcher and Curlew – plus singing Nuthatch, Mistle Thrush and migrants – 2 Swallow N and 1 Sand Martin N. Numbers of Chiffchaff have reached 4 = 2 pairs with much singing and calling. Converted the Festival site to secure status with https protocol; will raise its esteem! Made DoW4g4s with D/D 4 gr8 catch-up. Detected major and very welcome change on Sky News in Gaza-Israel conflict. Last week it was non-stop pro-Hamas propaganda. Now much more balanced again, even in favour of Israel, after the Iranian intended bombardment of Israel and the obvious hate (anti-Semitism) shown by the Palestinian marchers towards Jews.

Here’s the Black Kite piccies from today 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8.

April 19th: maximum 9C, minimum 2C, moderate N, few heavy showers, some sunny spells. Checked out from Wrea Head after 2 days b&b+dinner, cost £388 including a few bevvies! Given lift to SCA station by our President! Then back on train via York to NCL and HEX. Notice loads of orchestral players, complete with small instruments in my carriage: yes it was the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment on their way to the Sage to perform later that day, where I would be in the audience. Got home at 14:00 and out again to Wylam late afternoon for a scan from Wylam Bridge: on arrival had a Red Kite floating over Wylam village on E side – pleased with that! In total of 17 bird-types had a pair of Goosander downstream, 4 Sand Martin, 2 Bullfinch, 4 Siskin,. 1 Grey Heron, 2 LBBG ad, 1 GBBG 1s. They charge for parking at Wylam Station now so plenty of space there. Then in on train to NCL and walk across HLB to Sage, where had enjoyable tea and chat with some of the partners. Concert was all Mendelssohn – S5, S3, and PC2. They were so expressive and incisive, and my feelings towards the composer have changed for the better. More to follow … Made Br4g4s for old time’s sake! Then last train to WYL and home!

Another Black Kite:

07:01 19/04 Black Kite East Sussex Sheepcote Valley 12:30 18/04 one reported flying east to west early afternoon yesterday [18/4]

April 18th: maximum 10C, minimum 7C, light W, dry cloudy morning, rain later. After breakfast went for walk around local village Scalby, seeing 3 Common Buzzard at 2 sites and a displaying female Sparrowhawk. Total was 30 bird-types including 2 Nuthatch, a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 singing Song Thrush, a Coal Tit, a Sand Martin N, a singing Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, a Canada Goose by a pond with a Moorhen. We’re on the edge of the North Yorks National Park so can see the pine forest and woods close to Wykeham, the well-established Honey-buzzard site. Evening was very sociable, getting on very well with some key R members.

April 17th: maximum 10C, minimum 3C, moderate N, heavy squalls, some sunshine. No peace! Off to Scarborough via NCL and York at lunchtime for R jolly! Staying in Wrea Head Hotel, a very nice venue on N edge of Scarborough. Trains went well and took taxi to hotel from station at Scarborough. We had introductory group meeting at 18:15, dinner at 19:00, and nitecap at 22:00. All very sociable.

April 16th: maximum 10C, minimum 1C, light W, sunny, cool. Plenty of pressures on this one day between visits but out from 16:00-17:05 at Bywell and did have a Black Kite at 16:21 gliding behind wood to NE – marvellous sight, maybe indicating that the influx noted in the south below from 13/4-14/4 can lead to birds reaching us about 2 days later. Also had 6 Common Buzzard at 4 sites and a soaring male Sparrowhawk. 2 Swallow flew N. On way back at 17:20 had an Osprey floating through the trees at NE Hexham. An Orange-tip male was at Houtley at 15:30. Went to Cnt4g4s with M – gr8 chat! Also made QHC4s4l but heroine S not back yet from her Guernsey triumph!! Delighted to hear of new arrival!! Love creative/energetic women!! Did participate in Lawrence auction in morning in Somerset and bought over Auctionet an Exeter 1707 Ag dognose spoon for £400 hammer price; they had a few technical difficulties delaying sale twice!

April 15th: maximum 9C, minimum 2C, light NW, sunny, cool. Long trek back from Lyme Regis, Dorset, to Hexham. Left Lyme Regis at 10:00, big sis drove me back to Ealing, where had afternoon tea before going by Elizabeth Line to Tottenham Court Road, Northern to Euston and brisk walk to KGX where caught the fast 19:00 to Edinburgh, reaching NCL after just 2 stops at York and Darlington, but then had to wait for last train to HEX after quickie in Vic&Cmt. Got home at 23:50.To bed at 02:00 after getting washing on and long soak in bath! Did get some work on Batumi 3/9 on train, doing indexing of most piccies.

Another Black Kite, in Ireland:

17:11 16/04 Black Kite Waterford Drumcannon 16:55 one flew high east over R685

April 14th: maximum 12C, minimum 9C, light SW, veiled sunshine much of day. Big family reunion at Dunkeswell today in Devon with 2 nephews and families and we 3 siblings. Was a very good do. We had lunch and I had a walk around Richard’s wood that he has purchased, amazing business-skills! Did discuss family history of the Friends with sisters. My younger sister said that after my father died my mother used to meet 2 men in Teignmouth, jewellers from Golders Green, who were Jews. She said they were my father’s relations. Time to follow up Vera Friend on Ancestry, whose daughter VK is 2nd cousin to me on DNA and is recorded as having DNA associated with Ashkenazi Jews. Back home 2moro. Plenty of Black Kite, including Channel islands:

18:53 14/04 Black Kite Jersey Câtillon de Haut 18:51 one this evening

15:00 14/04 Black Kite Guernsey Vingtaine de l'Epine one flew south from Ronez towards Saumarez Park mid-afternoon

09:19 14/04 Black Kite Guernsey Colin Best NR 07:42 one flew over

16:52 15/04 Black Kite West Sussex Cissbury Ring 13/04 one reported on Saturday [13/4]

19:19 13/04 Black Kite North Yorkshire Boroughbridge possible circled over

13:56 13/04 Black Kite East Sussex Brede Levels 13:50 one flew low over A28 bridge over River Brede

12:52 13/04 Black Kite Cambridgeshire Stretham one flew east

12:15 13/04 Black Kite Guernsey St Martin's 11:44 one flew west over Fermain

16:03 12/04 Black Kite East Sussex Eastbourne 11:30 one flew over Meads

09:30 10/04 Black Kite Nottinghamshire Epperstone 17:30 09/04

April 13th: maximum 15C, minimum 8C, light to moderate W, dry, cooler from late afternoon as cold front moves through. Completed processing Batumi 2/9 and 7/9, next up is Batumi Botanical Gardens 3/9, starting on Honey-buzzard in the area. Nice spring weather this morning encouraged 5 Common Buzzard to display over high ground between Lyme Regis and Charmouth, around Lyme Regis Golf Club. Also had a Tawny Owl calling at our cottage in the evening. We had lunch at the Pilot Boat, sea bass again, with Richard and Anthony (R’s son) joining the three of us. We had a good time and are meeting again tomorrow!

April 12th: maximum 15C, minimum 10C, light SW, dry, sunny often with very high thin cloud, sea almost calm. A brilliant spring day with fantastic raptor sightings, totalling about 12 Common Buzzard, 2 Sparrowhawk (male and female displaying at Abbotsbury), 2 Marsh Harrier (pair displaying at the Swannery), 1 Kestrel, 1 Hobby (female moving E with 2 Swallow for company at Fleet), as restless birds and new arrivals were very conspicuous. First Swallow were seen (2 birds). We had tour further E to Abbotsbury: the subtropical gardens, the Chesil Beach at Fleet, and the Swannery. We bought a day ticket for the two main sites online and had lunch at the gardens. It was a great day out with many good bird sightings, much more to follow. 21 species at Abbotsbury Subtropical included a Golden Pheasant, a Raven, a Jay, a singing Nuthatch, 4 Chiffchaff, 6 Blackcap. 15 species at Fleet included the Hobby E, 2 Swallow NE, a Raven and 2 Common Buzzard. 32 species at the Swannery included many waterbirds , new for the year: 2 Great Crested Grebe, 1 Scaup, 11 Common Tern, a Black Swan, 26 Shelduck, 8 Teal, plus the pair of displaying Marsh Harrier, a singing Cetti’s Warbler and a calling Ringed Plover. Around 600 Mute Swan were present – 500 non-breeding birds and 48 active nests, with 31 Tufted Duck, 12 Cormorant, a Little Egret, an Oystercatcher. Nephew Richard is coming round tomorrow to ours and on Sunday we have a big family reunion at R’s on Devon/Somerset border with 2 nephews’ families and us! Funds rising strongly this week at +37k on rise in commodities. Biden is not going to like this, expect a kick-back but they’ve already sold most of their Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is required for security and not for price manipulation. Net zero is driving up copper prices, as copper is used in electrical wiring. Completed processing large number of piccies for 1/9 at Batumi. Next up is Batumi 2/9 and 7/9 before starting on the fascinating Botanical Gardens.

April 11th: maximum 13C, minimum 10C, moderate SW, dry but much cloud and mist with a few slightly brighter spells, sea a little rough on onshore winds. We went out to Burton Bradstock where a recent cliff fall had taken place (last weekend) and actually found some fossils (2 ammonite and a few others) near the fall – amazing; we took them back to our ranch! Had a pair of Peregrine on a nearby cliff and 4 Fulmar Petrel around the cliffs and on the sea, plus 6 Linnet, a Rock Pipit, a Kittiwake adult E, 2 LBBG 1w to E and a Sandwich Tern W. Then onto West Bay where had 11 Fulmar Petrel around cliffs to E, a Moorhen, a Cormorant adult, a Pied Wagtail. West Bay was used for various film ventures. All is going well, no issues! Very pleased to hear from someone!!!

April 10th: maximum 12C, minimum 11C, moderate S, heavy rain morning, then foggy as wind became light, sea moderate as wind turned onshore. We had leisurely morning then out in afternoon for walk along prom at Lyme Regis. Some seabirds: 20 dark-bellied Brent Goose in flock moving W, a redhead Red-breasted Merganser moving W, a Kittiwake adult fishing offshore, a Rock Pipit on sea-wall, a Sandwich Tern heard, a Cormorant on top of post in harbour, 2 LBBG ad and 2 GBBG ad, many more Herring Gull, perhaps 70, plus 2 Goldcrest in some bushes. We had late lunch at Pilot Boat, a good pub with dining area, nice staff, sea bass (beautifully cooked), not too expensive c£90 for 3, including drinks and few sundries at end. Much R business done today. Have labelled and resized Batumi 1/9 records; need to index them now.

April 9th: maximum 14C, minimum 5C, fresh NW, sunny spells, few light showers, sea very rough further out. On the Jurassic Coast today with sis at Charmouth and Lyme Regis, seeing hundreds of people looking for fossils, particularly at the former and mainly on the beach at low tide, not near the cliffs which are unstable and where you can be cut-off by the rising tide. Visited the amazing Visitor Centre at Charmouth with its display of local fossils and local people (not the same!). We had lunch at Cobb Hotel in Lyme Regis, very tasty f&c+mp, followed by stroll along prom near harbour. A wild day weather-wise but lots of people around, many taking their kids for outings during the holiday break. Birds included a Turnstone in the harbour at Lyme Regis (10 types in all) and a Cormorant at Lyme Regis (8 types in all). Must write to someone dear soon, must have happened!! Funds +10k wtd with commodities still strengthening as economies appear more robust; fall in interest rates now looking to be postponed a bit.

April 8th: maximum 14C, minimum 7C, light S, sunny spells, dry. Set off from Ealing for Lyme Regis at 11:30, not getting there until 17:00 via M25, M3, M27, A35, A31, A3052. Quite a lot of traffic, took a wrong turning near end of M27 with Google Maps satnav error! We’re getting ready for a big storm overnight here as Pierrick powers in. But outlook for rest of week not bad after next couple of days. On way down had 1-2 Red Kite at 8 sites, Common Buzzard at 1 and Kestrel at 1, with Ring-necked Parakeet in Ealing, and Greylag Goose and Collared Dove also noted. Our ranch is perched high-up giving great views of surrounding countryside but a little way from the sea, which is an easy drive. Younger sis already here so 3 of us had gr8 reunion, complete with ww and birthday cake. Brief visit to rooftop veranda yielded 6 displaying Greenfinch, 4 nesting Jackdaw, 4 nesting Herring Gull, 1 singing Collared Dove, 2 Woodpigeon.

April 7th: maximum 12C, minimum 5C, moderate SW, sunny spells, dry. Did make R do at Jesmond Dene House, quite posh, very nice atmosphere; it’s amazing how many circles she has: bridge, arts, RNS, Brundibár, and more! I was mentioned in her speech as keen supporter of RNS. Was a leisurely affair, going from 12:30-past 15:45 when had to leave to catch train NCL-KGX followed by tube to EAL to stay with big sis overnight. Got Uber to/from Jesmond Dene and Central Station.

April 6th: maximum 17C, minimum 7C, moderate to fresh SW cloudy morning, sunny wild afternoon, rain later. Finished processing Kenya 19/12 with running total:

86 of 86 species from 167 records, 4 complete lists, 13 places

That leaves 5 more safari days 14/12-18/12 to do. Back to Batumi now! At Ordley had 2 Sand Martin N at 14:30 and a Barn Owl and Tawny Owl at 23:10, on way back from pub, where had a great time with D/D. 2Moro it’s R Share’s birthday celebrations in Jesmond, followed by NCL-KGX-EAL.

April 5th: maximum 13C, minimum 4C, moderate SW, mainly dry, temperature shoot-up did happen after dawn as wind moved from SE to SW. Had hair-cut with the effervescent Jd at JG at 10, usual cost £20+5.50 tip. Then completed Mara at Fairmont 19/12, still need to do drive to plane strip ex-Mara. Made QHC4s4l where S in good form!! Major run coming up for her in Guernsey (marathon). Then drive to CAL, giving L a lift, on way to concert at GH, where Philharmonia playing an overture by Carl Nielson, the Helios Overture, Rach 2 PC (soloist Bruce Liu) and Sibelius 5; the Sibelius has a marvellous finale, played brilliantly tonight. Sat next to a Chinese lass (student) who was really impressed by it all, particularly the end of the Sibelius. Conductor was the dynamic Santtu-Matias Rouvali. Very stirring concert with lots of lovely brass in the Sibelius and Nielson and romance in the Rach. Funds finished week +4k after 0.8k withdrawal; TLS kept prices down right to the end.

April 4th: maximum 7C, minimum 3C, light E, mainly dry, very gloomy, cool. Ground is so wet outside. Had gr8 T4m4l with M/R, very good chat about AI, other computer issues. Had walk around Sele afterwards getting 17 bird-types, including 5 Lesser Black-backed Gull ad NE, 2 Nuthatch singing,1 Song Thrush singing, 1 Dipper on Cowgarth Burn on S edge of Sele (new species for year), 3 singing Chaffinch, 7 occupied Rook nests. I’ve liquidated my isa holding of US treasuries this week, putting proceeds into oil/mining stocks as inflation looks likely to get a new leg-up soon and it’s tax-loss selling (TLS) week as investors dump stocks they have losses on, to offset gains made elsewhere, giving the odd bargain! This finishes tomorrow, the end of the tax year. Between 07:00-08:00 temperature forecast now to rise 4C tomorrow (from 6 to 10) as wind changes from SE to SW : marvellous! Did make G4g4s with A/R/P 4 good chat; I fetched P as still frail and dropped him off home later, then Shell garage for petrol £56 and still time 2 c L!!

A relatively long-staying Black Kite in Notts:

03/04 12:30 Nottinghamshire : Black Kite, Langford Lowfields RSPB one at Phase 3 (12:27)

03/04 16:10 Nottinghamshire : Black Kite, Langford (village) one at Holme Lane late afternoon, plus 3 further sightings to 4/4

April 3rd: maximum 8C, minimum 3C, light NE, heavy rain morning, murk and light rain in afternoon and evening. Ground is so wet outside. No effort today to get out! Almost completed ½ of 19/12 exit from Mara, doing the final hours at the Fairmont Camp. Watched Titanic on Film 4 in evening; so sad but nice if you like seeing water out of control and the exposure of the horrific class divide on the boat between upper and steerage. Gloomy weather continues for one more day tomorrow but then spring, albeit wet, appears to arrive with temperature rising by 3C in an hour in morning of 5/4 as wind goes from E to SW.

April 2nd: maximum 8C, minimum 3C, light NE becoming light NW, wet morning, dull afternoon with drizzle from time to time. Have started my weather-hopping, choosing a part of the study area which appears to have the better weather when it’s grim out there. Today made Prudhoe S from 16:05-17:35 as looked to be slightly better to E both in forecast and in scanning the sky. Well it was dry with a little brightness, certainly better for the observer. Highlight was a male Goshawk picked up flying W towards Hyons Wood from Dukeshagg; the only other raptors were a Common Buzzard perched on the top of a tree to the SE and a Tawny Owl making a couple of calls. Migrants in flight included 3 LBBG ad to N, a Chaffinch E, 2 Skylark SW, but also had 25 Fieldfare in a tree, and 150 Common Gull flying in a large V back S to Derwent Reservoir. Had 5 singing Song Thrush, 4 singing Blackbird and 3 singing Robin, with 2 further local Skylark, a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker and 3 Siskin. Total was 21 bird-types. South Park field was amazingly muddy but out in walking boots again so not too bad. Completed processing Batumi 10/9, finding a passing Osprey on the shots of the migration area! Now onto 19/12, drive out of safari area in Mara for flight out. Earlier made QHC4s4l to make up for last week’s absence: stimulating chat with S!! 3LBBG adult were at Hexham, circling as if rather lost in murk before heading off N, so probably significant LBBG passage to N today. Funds +5k wtd as commodities recover, particularly oil and copper. Started new directory Nikon 2024 to hold this year’s piccies. With a 4-way USB-A adapter, can attach up to 4 devices to the new PC.

April 1st: maximum 6C, minimum 3C, moderate NE, wet and very dull. Did have a moderate local walk from 19:15-20:00 as rain stopped but no real fieldwork; had 12 bird-types including 3 singing Song Thrush, 3 singing Robin, 4 singing Blackbird, a Bullfinch, a bubbling Curlew, 2 Stock Dove; did give new boots another outing, very comfortable. Completed processing Kutaisi 31/8 and Batumi 11/9. Next up is Batumi 10/9 and Kenya 19/12. Made G4g4s with R/A 4 good crack; gr8 2 c L/A!! On way there had a Hedgehog at Ordley and a Roe Deer at Newbiggin. Did do more work on Irish Rosseter in 1590s, looking at a wardship case, with a four-year old John R inheriting a fortune; his mother claimed him but thwarted under Feudal laws favouring male custody!

March 31st: maximum 12C, minimum 4C, moderate NE, sunny periods until late afternoon, almost dry, cool breeze, nice sunshine. Out in the study area, getting new season under way in earnest, following last weekend’s Osprey at Hexham. Today made Stocksfield Mount from 13:20-15:05 for good views over surrounding area, including Bywell. Good numbers of Common Buzzard and Red Kite in the sunshine on moderate cool breeze. Common Buzzard comprised 3 birds at Ovington, 2 birds at Bywell Cottagebank, Short Wood, Merryshields, 1 bird at Mowden Hall, Stocksfield Mount, so total 11 displaying adults at 6 sites. Red Kite comprised 2 birds at Ovington, Stocksfield (where pair nesting in trees in a large garden, rather like in Chilterns) and 1 bird at Merryshields, so total 5 displaying adults at 3 sites. No other raptors were seen; breeze was quite testing. Migrants seen were 45 Pink-footed Geese in a field, 15 Common Gull adult E down the Tyne, 1 Chaffinch E, 2 Herring Gull adult E. Total was 22 bird-types, including 2 singing Nuthatch, 2 singing Song Thrush, 2 Chiffchaff (1 singing), 1 Siskin. Also had 7 mole, 1 dead rabbit, plus 5 bumble bee. At Ordley at 13:00 had 2 Common Buzzard displaying and a Grey Heron moving N low-down. Made G4g4s with A/R, where pretty riotous as has become the custom for Easter Sunday. Very pleased to meet CA again and to have M on. On way back from pub at Letah Wood at 23:30 had 3 rabbit, a badger and a weasel. Completed Mombasa 26/12 and so all coastal records for Kenya. Next up is Kutaisi-Batumi on 31/8 from Georgia. Have 14/12-19/12 to do for Kenya, including the safari. Bigger chunk left for Georgia: 1/9-12/9 with the fantastic Batumi raptor passage on some days.

One more Black Kite on BirdGuides:

20:19 31/03 Black Kite London Hampstead Heath 09:40 one circled over Hampstead then flew north-east

March 30th: maximum 11C, minimum 1C, light S, sunny spells, almost dry. Bit of a recovery day. At Ordley had a pair of Common Buzzard up at Peth Foot, with singing Nuthatch and Chiffchaff. Had lovely stroll around garden and field in the sunshine; primroses in the orchard are the highlight. A few bumble bees are around in the sunshine and a few moths at night. Daughter’s family at last moving into their house in Dubai, not completed but habitable. Might get a visit there later in the year! Court case underway against their builder. Main task today was writing Plans for R Teams in Hexham for 2024/2025: mainly strengthening Admin Team after seeing the vast amount of work involved this year. Cool tonite, lit coal fire!

Two more Black Kite on BirdGuides making 6 for ytd:

17:36 30/03 Black Kite South Yorkshire Stainton 17:20 one flew east over Stainton Quarry this morning

09:25 30/03 Black Kite Bedfordshire Willington GPs 09:21 possible flew south

March 29th: maximum 10C, minimum 5C, light S, sunny spells, heavy showers afternoon. Up at 08:30, gr8 fried breakfast at hotel, Skype chat with N/D for 35 min, then 10:57 NCL-HEX; really pleased I’d stayed overnight to relax a little, was £60 well spent. Had 5 Goldeneye drake on Tyne – 3 at Farnley, 2 at Ryton, clearly an influx, plus 2 Common Buzzard displaying over Corbridge. At lunchtime out in garden with 1 Chiffchaff singing, an LBBG ad NE, 1 Common Buzzard displaying. Completed Mombasa NE 25/12 and Airport 26/12; just need to do Mombasa NE 26/12 now to complete the maritime part of trip. Son has had a brief trip to Madrid, seeing Weinberg’s opera the Passenger, which he said was absolutely brilliant. On Wednesday he was at Wigmore with Mahan Esfahani, the harpsichordist, another gr8 concert.. Donated £50 + gift aid (+£10 cash yesterday) to funeral fund in aid of Hospice at Home.

March 28th: maximum 9C, minimum 2C, moderate SW, heavy, driving rain in SW England, with west Wiltshire a stand out, with temperature down to 4C in squalls. Up at 06:00, then given lift to Devon by Julie, my niece, and her husband Matt. Weather was lovely at start as went down M3 into early parts of Wiltshire Downs, but soon changed to heavy, driving rain. Stopped for coffee at Costa and 2nd breakfast at Honiton Brightside with cafe serving black pudding as well as toasted avo, evidently after rich Cornwall property owners and heavy lorry drivers! Made East Devon Crematorium on time for sad funeral service of my brother in law David R. Sat next to my 2 sisters on front row. Event was lightened from doom-laden to more positive by my nephew Andrew, who was giving the eulogy, not being able to find his notes in his many pockets! Had very good chat to lots of relatives, in a very good turn-out, at Honiton Golf Club. Of course some of us are meeting again in Lyme Regis in April where my 2 sisters and I have booked a holiday cottage on airbnb, with relatives in Devon very welcome to visit us. Caught 15:55 HON-WAT with son; it was a little late on arrival but got much later (40 min) around Salisbury with appalling weather, including flooding. So had to re-book my train north from KGX from 20:00 to 21:00, by moving booking from 20:00 to 15/4 return from Dorset trip and booking a new ticket for 21:00; cost £10. Just re-booking in a panic for 21:00 would have cost £80 more! Got in at 00:30 29/3 where checked into usual hotel (pre-planned) and took a rw + some choc bars as a nitecap! Funds are +9k wtd, likely to be final figure as Good Friday 2moro. So a poignant day which, as funerals often do, brings families closer together.

Ticked off quite a few Red Kite sites as moved W through Surrey, Hampshire and Wiltshire: 9 birds at 8 sites, plus a Common Buzzard and a Kestrel, all recorded directly into BirdTrack via the app with automatic GPS for sites. Then the rain came in. The previous day, had 2 Red Kite at 2 sites in Cambridge area, logged from the train, plus Ring-necked Parakeet at Acton and Ealing Broadway.

March 27th: maximum 10C, minimum 7C, light SE, murk cleared, much brighter. Some interesting birds on the Tyne including at Wylam a Little Egret and 13 Goosander (10 drake, 3 redhead). Train to KGX ran to perfect time but then slow Elizabeth Line to EAL. Staying at big sis’, off W 2moro. Working on piccies 25/12 and 26/12 Mombasa.

March 26th: maximum 5C, minimum 3C, light NE, murky, heavy rain overnight, dull daytime, cold again with temperatures more appropriate for late November. Completed processing Mombasa 24/12, just 2 days to go here, then will do transit day Kutaisi to Batumi in Georgia. Also added some original sources to Col. Thomas Rosseter of Rathmacknee, Wexford, 11 generations from me in a straight line, who lost his property to the protestants after joining the Catholic army against Cromwell. Lots of contact with family members over funeral on Thursday, travelling down tomorrow for short break. Funds unchanged wtd.

March 25th: maximum 6C, minimum 5C, light SE, murky, light rain in morning becoming heavier by ttime, cold again. Main event of morning was trip to dentist (JG) in Corbridge to do more permanent repair (bonding) on upper right fractured tooth; temporary repair had held and bonding with resin was used to give a stronger repair; drilling was minor with water jet being mainly used to clean out loose fragments and decay; took 30 min and cost £96 (private) but care/quality was of high standard. Made R at 12:45 just as meeting started and speaker arrived; helped him to get started later and his talk on Northumberland National Park was well received. Work continues on Irish ancestry in 16/17 century, adding members Philip, Alexander and Walter Rosseter (that’s how the Irish lot generally spelt the name) to Margaret in the Slevoy branch in Co Wexford, who married my straight-line ancestor John Rosseter of Rathmacknee, Wexford, in c1608, who is 12 degrees (clicks, in this case generations) from me, as of course is Margaret. Made G4g4s with A/R 4 gr8 chat. Foggy on way home; had a Barn Owl and 3 Rabbit (1 road kill) at Ordley.

March 24th: maximum 10C, minimum 2C, light SE, sunny periods, coolish breeze but a lovely early spring day. What a contrast to the last 2 days. Reason we’ve started a new NB today is the exciting return of an Osprey to the Hexham NE site, overlooking the Tyne, being seen at 17:20 flap-flap-glide over the trees attended by all and sundry! It was a good afternoon with a Common Buzzard and a Red Kite up over hill to N at 15:39. Another summer migrant arriving was Sand Martin with 2 seen briefly over the Tyne. Also had a Grey Wagtail, a Pied Wagtail, 3 displaying Oystercatcher, 4 Goosander below bridge (3 male, 1 redhead), 1 Grey Heron, in total of 27 species. Pairs of Long-tailed Tit and Blue Tit were visiting probable nest sites. Made SB4c4t to complete break while cleaner S was working at home.

Recent relevant references: (more reading here)

Shaw, KD, McInerny, CJ, Little, A, Little, K, Nadin, JS, & Goater, R, An exceptional season at a central Scotland Honey-buzzard study area, Scottish Birds 37(1) 3-13 (2017).

Forsman, Dick, Separating Common Buzzard and European Honey-buzzard, at p.302, in: Flight Identification of Raptors of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, Christopher Helm (2016).