December 2, 2021

Notice Board: the Honey-buzzard Season in Northumberland 2021 as it happened – Nick Rossiter

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This is the current blog for the 2021 season, updated daily, giving recent activity.

The main aim in the new season is to write a book on Honey-buzzard, using my experience in British Isles, continental Europe and Africa, dating from 1993. Field work in 2021 in Northumberland will complement this task, filling in gaps and reinforcing findings. Further lengthy trips in mind abroad are Israel/Tarifa/Gibraltar in September and Kenya Highlands and coast next January. Broad headings for book are: Motivation, Historical Records, Rediscovery in Britain, Migration Patterns, Arrival and Display, Breeding Activity, Habitat, Dispersal, Wintering Grounds, Four Identification Models, Value of Field Experience, Further Studies, Bibliography. The initial costs of publishing the book in hard copy, running to perhaps 250pp, are well within my means. Some supplementary material may be published online.

The Notice Board for 2021 is now closed. The new Notice Board for 2022 is here.

January 15th: maximum 3C, minimum 2C, light SW breeze, weak sunshine, cool in evening but increased cloud kept temperatures up. Had an incredible group of 4 Treecreeper in back garden on field maple trunks plus a tribe of 12 Long-tailed Tit passing through the front. Lazy day after recent exertions, catching up with web sites, bird records and habitat spreadsheet with Google Earth. Soon off to DoW to see D/D. Had good chat with D/D. DoW quite quiet but not nearly so as Newcastle last night: never seen so few people around on Friday nite. Pleased to see that Plan B Covid restrictions are likely to be removed on 25/1: Boris has played a blinder on omicron in resisting the modeller's attempts at mega-panic. Thinking of closing this Notice Boards this week and moving to NB 2022: the size of the page is quite cumbersome. Donated £50 to Couldoran appeal for restoration of moorland and woodland in Wester Ross, Scotland, by the Woodland Trust Something seems to be imminent: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 14th: maximum 6C, minimum 1C, light W breeze, dull, cool in evening but frost averted by cloud cover. A busy day: chatted with N/D over Skype from 10:00-11:30, made M's in HEX for coffee and lunch (scrambled egg/baked beans – very good!) from 12:00-14:00, tidied house for cleaner S, did habitat survey for Honey-buzzard in Dipton Wood S from 15:05-17:05; home briefly for something to eat; 18:20 train HEX-NCL; concert RNS at S – Joy of Six; Br4rw4s; 22:53 train NCL-HEX; lit fire, sorted stocks. Did 11.5km walk throughout day even with Metro NCL-GHD; did walk back along the HLB to fit in the Br. Star bird in survey work was flushed from side of road in wood near parking place in Dipton Wood Main at 17:10; had 13 types of bird in Dipton Wood S including Siskin 4, Coal Tit 2, Blackbird 6, Grey Heron 1, plus mammal Mole 2. Really enjoyed concert, all sextets but variety of instruments, both strings and woodwind. We heard works by Beethoven (Sextet in Eb Major), Helen Grime (Into the Faded Air), Britten (Movement for Wind Sextet) and Brahms (String Sextet No.2 in G Major), so very varied selection; liked the contrast in the programme, both in instruments and harmonics: Grime's austerity with Brahms' richness! Had another 2-digit rise in funds today, 2nd of week. Oil prices continue to firm, making record for recent times of over $86 a barrel; Falklands oil will surely go ahead now; would like to see the back of Boris: his so-called green policies are ruinous! On week funds rose 35k gross, 32k net, making ytd gain of +83k gross (+4.7%), +56k net with ftse 100 ytd +2.2%, ftse 250 -3.1%. Note fall in domestic UK stocks as in ftse 250, turning up some good values, including PSN.L which looks very cheap as example of housebuilder; like this sector as the large land banks give protection against inflation but totally out of favour at the moment! Time for bed: it's 02:35 (15/1): sweet dreams: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 13th: maximum 7C, minimum 4C, moderate W breeze, much sunshine, feeling mild, another beautiful winter's day. Had 100 Redwing (flock on turnip field) and a Skylark SW at Ordley at 13:00, plus 20 House Sparrow in Hexham at 14:00. Did much more hedge trimming, completed 7.5km today in steps plus a lot of work from arms: feeling a bit knackered at end but completed cutting the leylandii – really pleased with that; it's about 4m high. Had a break for lunch, going to Tans where pleased 2 c me, and much later made G4g4s where P/A/R out for good chat. Surprise visitor was an engineer from E.ON who at 14:50 arrived in front yard to change the meter. Appointment was originally for this day but it had been postponed. I offered mid-February as next date and that seems to have called their bluff, realising they had to get it done sooner. Anyway welcomed him and in 100 min he duly replaced the meter with a new Economy 7 one, suitable for quick conversion to a smart meter if necessary. So now face paying for electricity (2-2.5k a year I reckon at 2021 prices, 3k when cap increased) plus a year's arrears under the legislation (more arrears if you've been uncooperative in getting the meter replaced but I've been asking them for a while to fix it and have kept the evidence!). Last proper electricity bill was 2017: I'm in collaborative mood! Busy day 2moro with N/D on Skype at 10, M at his house 4c at 12, cleaner S arriving at 15 and concert at S (sextets) at 20!! Looking forward to increase in concerts: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 12th: maximum 6C, minimum 4C, light W breeze, much sunshine, feeling mild, beautiful winter's day. Got out the electric hedge-trimmer and attacked the leylandii, which I'd intended to leave for garden contractors but felt energetic enough to sort it out. Took off all but the top ridge and gathered up enormous quantities of cuttings. Have a secret weapon tomorrow – a long-handled heavier electric hedge-trimmer with extended reach – for taking the ridge off. Social life is still under a hit from Covid – M has cried off at T tomorrow, rearranging for Friday at his house as partner worried about rising rates of omicron. So at least we're still meeting but not so good for cafe – may go along anyway to Tans to celebrate finishing the leylandii cut. Plan to do the Dipton Wood habitat survey mid-afternoon in slightly extended daylight. Exeter Ag desert rattail spoon 1723 arrived today – very pleased with it – cost £86 in auction including premium and postage, maker Thos Sampson, engraved for marriage MM AV 1723. Back in G with the gang tomorrow evening hopefully. Keep calm and relax in the time-accepted way: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Funds rose in 2-figures today; nice to have strategy supported by others: Plan for Decades of High Commodity Prices, BlackRock Says: (Bloomberg) -- Commodities prices may stay high for decades as mining companies struggle to keep up with demand from the energy transition, according to BlackRock Inc.’s Evy Hambro.

Commodities such as coal, copper and lithium reached records in the past year, helping miners deliver huge profits and dividends. Yet Hambro still sees the mining sector as remaining undervalued, given its importance in providing the materials needed to decarbonize the global economy. “It seems as though this core element of the transition has been completely ignored by many investors,” Hambro said. “At some point people will realize how essential these businesses are for the transition and capital will flow into them, and that should change the valuations.”

January 11th: maximum 8C, minimum 4C, light W breeze, some sunshine, feeling mild. Sunset out to 16:05, 25 min up from darkest afternoon, definitely shows. Sun rise at 08:28 is a lagging indicator. Made W4bigshop £58, quite a few erratic items, followed by QHC for tuna lunch (£7.10). Not out tonite (as usual for Tuesday) so caught up with recent bird records (see below), Festival web site and Dashper family history! Funds on wtd are up 7k gross and 4k net after 3k withdrawal for birthday! Commodity prices are looking good in general but gas, oil and nickel (last for EVs) are the stars. Am playing along with both the EV revolution (boosting metals) and stickiness in oil (prices going higher as decarbonising revolution will be slowed by inflation/shortages in materials). Walked 4.44 km today, including last nite's prowl!! Think you can achieve reasonable exercise by walking around the shops, cafes and bars, plus doing some birdwatching! Son continues to improve mentally, not sure about walking yet. May not be out for Honey-buzzard habitat tomorrow: so many parcels arriving that might have to stick around! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 10th: maximum 8C, minimum 2C, light W breeze, dull, feeling milder. Now onto habitat at Dipton Wood S using Google Earth, will do walk there on 12/1 to finalise findings: that will make 6 sites done, 6/6 for the 'Shire. Had good social day, with Rotary at lunchtime with good turnout and 4 new members recruited. Later on made spoons with mates P/R/A 4 gr8 crack; given a card signed by the trio; A has just had a bout of omicron, out of action for a few days but feeling better now. G reopens on 12/1, so we'll be back on 13/1; B where R held re-opened today but N still closed. Walked 3.6km today and a further 1.8km after midnight!! Had first Early Moth of year at Ordley in evening plus a Common Buzzard soaring N of Letah Wood at 15:30 and a Tawny Owl calling faintly from the W at the Sele at 00:15 (11/1). xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 9th: maximum 5C, minimum 3C, moderate cold W breeze off moors, dull, rain in afternoon, drier by evening. Completed Honey-buzzard habitat survey at Viewley by walking out there from 14:15-15:15 in the rain. Had 11 bird-types there plus 20 types at Ordley. Birds at Viewley comprised 65 Rook, 25 Jackdaw, 2 Crow, 1 Raven (calling), 19 Redwing, 8 Blackbird, 2 Mistle Thrush, 5 Woodpigeon, 1 Stock Dove, 2 Siskin, 50 Common Gull adult, plus 2 Mole. Up to 43 bird-types for ytd. Made Hexham 4 break but Nero was closed, more Covid problems. So had good walk around Sele, returning later to WS4g4s at £2.85 a pint with P/R. Walked 6km today so good exercise! Rotary is on 2moro at 12:30 if B reopens as planned. Played last act – Act 4 - of Rienzi; think it's underrated: the 'theme song' is in my head, a good sign of capture by the music. Suspect it's been overlooked as people concentrate on Wagner's main inspirations. Glad son introduced me to it; he had art therapy today as it was Sunday. It was daughter's birthday today: sent her a giant card, a beauty hamper and 3k. Added Sarah Jane Dashper (my maternal gt-gt-grandmother 1840-1910, born and died in Plymouth, Devon) to WikiTree as mother of Annie; she died 6 years after the tragic death of her daughter. SJD is the stand-out enigma in my family tree: an unusual surname, an obsession in the family around with the name Lena, short and with a dark complexion and of course my mitochondrial DNA (mother-of-mother-of mother …. ) points to the east with clade T2. Her family were very poor though her daughters seemed to be on an improving trend. Will assemble all I know and see what emerges! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 8th: maximum 7C, minimum 2C, moderate cold W breeze off moors, dull, snow/ice nearly all melted, rather raw as it often is after lying snow. Good number of birds around at Ordley from 13:00-15:30, particularly on a turnip field which has been eaten out just to S of house, where Linnet (55), Redwing (28) and Pied Wagtail (13) congregating; total was 23 bird-types, good for time of year. Started habitat work on Google Earth for 'Shire Honey-buzzard site no.5 at Viewley, another well-wooded area. Returned to my WikiTree genealogy, adding my maternal Great Grandmother Annie Elizabeth May, who sadly committed suicide by drowning in Penzance Harbour, Cornwall, in 1904, aged 37, leaving 3 orphaned daughters aged about 10 (Mabel Lena, my grandmother), 8 (Cora), 5 (Iris): her husband, George Holbrook an accountant, had died a year or two earlier in a riding accident. Son sent me a late Xmas or early birthday present part 1 of 4: a CD of Rienzi, Wagner's opera no. 3; I've played Acts 1-3 with the last no. 4 to come tomorrow. It's an historical recording from Stuttgart in 1957, starring Paula Brivkaine and Wolfgang Windgassen. Rienzi was quite popular when first played in Dresden in the 1840s but is seldom performed in full now. It's closest to Lohengrin in style of his later works. Rienzi has more singing in duos, trios and chorus than the later works and maintains a high intensity throughout without the brooding passages of the Ring. However, Wagner is already using cellos, double bass and horns to create shades of darkness and dramatic openings. 2moro it's back in the field identifying trees, another scan of the turnip field and trips to N in afternoon and F (spoons!) much later! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 7th: maximum 2C, minimum -1C, moderate cold SW breeze, sunny all day, 2cm snow/ice lying at Ordley, freezing again evening. Noted 5 birds-type queueing up on nuts: 8 Blue Tit, 1 Greenfinch, 1 Coal Tit, 5 Chaffinch, 1 Nuthatch (new for year). Completed Swallowship habitat visit and entering of data on Earthwatch so 4 tetrads done now. Species noted in Swallowship/Dilston were of 13 types, including LTT (6), Redwing (2), Yellowhammer (1), Greylag Goose (70, feeding flock at Dilston), preceding all new for year, giving 40 types total to date now for 2022. Also had 450 Jackdaw to roost over Hexham E moving NE and 22 Herring Gull going S to roost (12 1w, 10 adult). Son is doing well mentally, physically slowly but surely recovering. It's daughter's birthday very soon! Had a good social day with chat with recluses N/D at 10:00 and meeting D/D at DoW4g4s for great New Year chat! Made N4c4t while cleaner S was busy. Funds had a very positive start to year, gaining ytd 48k (2.7%) gross and 25k net, after hefty dividends paid! FTSE 100 ytd is +1.4%, ftse 250 -0.5%. Value stocks are performing well compared to growth stocks. Mining are perceived as value stocks (high return, low growth) but my view is this is misplaced: mining shares are growth stocks if we are going to have an energy transition, because of the hunger for metals for batteries, other storage devices, transmission and connections. Markets have forgotten a key principle: the logical is underpinned by the physical (always!). xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 6th: maximum 3C, minimum 0C, light SW breeze becoming moderate, dull, 2cm lying at Ordley, slow thaw throughout. Interesting day following yesterday's excitement!! Made dentist in morning, had to wait 40 min to be seen as an emergency was in progress; check produced no new problems other than the detached crown, which they took and will sterilise, before re-cementing next visit, scheduled for 9/2 but could be earlier if there's a cancellation; crowned tooth has a little decay on it, so a filling required before re-fitting. Made Tans4l with M – great catch-up after break. Then did a walk at Swallowship doing census of woods; not quite completed as 3 small woods omitted but will complete 2moro. Walked 6.5km today following 2 days of c3km each. G closed in evening through Covid so made Tap4g4s with D/M and WS4g4s with R/P, latter better known as spoons and where reunited for gr8 chat with G, a keen football fan, supporter of Hearts and follower of the Gulls! So good change. Excellent news from Canada, potentiality increasing liquidity by £125k:

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 6, 2022) - Canadian Manganese Company Inc. ("Canadian Manganese" or the "Company") is pleased to announce receipt of conditional approval to list its common shares on the Neo Exchange Inc. ("NEO"). In connection with the listing, the Company has reserved the stock symbol "CDMN." Listing is subject to the Company fulfilling all of NEO's listing requirements, including the minimum distribution requirements. NEO is a senior Canadian stock exchange based in Toronto.

Had a Grey Wagtail, a Mistle Thrush and 3 Mallard at Corbridge at 11:00 and a Wren and 2 Collared Dove at Hexham at 12:30. Swallowship results will be finalised tomorrow. A Tawny Owl was calling at Ordley at 00:20 (7/1). Total is 35 bird-types for 2022. 2moro sees zoom session with N/D at 10, DoW at 20:30 with D/D. Was successful in only one of 4 Ag bids; 'phoned by Daniel (DB) the auctioneer at ttime with the mixed news but good to speak to him and might still pick up an unsold lot; had pushed up the price for 2 bidders so not unfamiliar position of the auctioneer's stooge!. Son seems more buoyant – pleased at progress! Good nite gorgeous exciting one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 5th: maximum 2C, minimum -4C, light SW breeze, sunny all day, 2cm lying at Ordley, slight thaw at midday. Birds today included 2 House Sparrow at Ordley at 11:00 and 2 Bullfinch, 7 Starling and a Mistle Thrush at Houtley at 15:30. Hope to do some habitat work on the ground at Swallowship tomorrow afternoon. Year total is now 33 bird-types. Bought 2 bags of seed as bird feed at the market in Hexham for £10 and made QHC4l: tuna sandwich on brown bread with fresh salad and black Americano. Think QHC lunches are basically healthier than those of big coffee chains. Do buy The Times from the newsagents when out for coffee; find with the printed copy that I read much more widely than with on-line versions but don't subscribe to digital Times or FT; do subscribe to digital Guardian, Telegraph and Washington Post. 2moro it's dentist in Corbridge at 11:20 for check-up and look at detached crown followed by a more pleasurable lunch with M at vegetarian Tans. Some recycling from crashing tech shares to value shares today: quite happy with that! Bid for 4 lots of antique Ag in postal auction to be held tomorrow at high noon! Watched on RT the Kazakhstan riots and overthrow of their government over inflated fuel prices: hope BJ was watching! Worth reading in full. A disinterested wealthy elite is contemptuous of the plight of ordinary citizens who cannot afford fuel price rises. Good nite beautiful: xxxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 4th: maximum 1C, minimum -1C, moderate W wind, sunny all day, 2cm lying at Ordley after some compression. Road in to Hexham poor with much ice, took a while to clear car. No habitat work today, glad got some in in the milder weather. In survival mode: made W4shop just £36 and N4c4t, also buying another bag of kindling in the Yorkshire store for £2.49. Very bizarre day for trading in the New Year; upgraded holding of Buchans from 25C$c to 30C$c (+£20k) on basis of report over Xmas, extending agreement with Boliden and the placement. Took off £23.1k for withdrawals, then Falklands oil rose strongly so overall stands at +31k gross, +8k net after one trading day in UK in 2022 (pace cannot last!). Markets are rallying strongly as omicron is suspected as the end of Covid as a disruptive force. Further the EU is at last seeing economic reality and approving gas and nuclear as acceptable fuels for the energy transition under strict conditions. The UK stands alone as the ultimate net zero disciple, making no deviation for the reality that the energy transition cannot take place in 10 years, may be even difficult to achieve in 30 years. But how long will the British public put up with this as their energy bills soar, the power system becomes unstable and industries move to Asia (or even the EU). And anyway aren't we supposed to align with the EU over environmental issues as part of our Brexit deal? The red-greens are in angry turmoil! Had 3 bird observations today at Ordley: a Wren and 10 Fieldfare in afternoon and 350 Jackdaw, in pre-roost flight at 16:30, making 31 bird-types for 2022 so far (Fieldfare new). Have dentist appointment at 11:20 on Thursday – surprised it's so soon! May be out with P for lunch tomorrow at BS but not sure. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Very fanciable in the piccies: lok2tgrf xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

January 3rd: maximum 8C, minimum -1C, moderate and blustery W wind, temperature plummeting at ttime from 7 C to 2C as wind went N, followed by 4 hours of snow with 4cm lying at Ordley. Not out to pub late-on, too much fresh snow, expected to freeze. Did do some more habitat work, visiting Dotland square from 14:00-15:35. Didn't walk so far as could see nearly all of area from Whitley Mill – Dalton road but still did 3.94km overall. Had 13 bird-types including 1 Stock Dove and a Dipper on Rowley Burn at Whitley Mill plus 8 Blackbird. Total for 2022 is now 30 bird-types. Have since processed the wood info so that's 3 sites done already. Am going to finish the 'Shire promptly (all 6 sites) and then choose the Black Kite sites to see what might be attracting them. Next site up is Swallowship, which is 3.0km from West Dipton. Have added Habitat to book contents above. Applaud government moves to keep everything moving, in spite of omicron: just needs to hold its nerve (with 100 rebellions backbenchers watching closely!). Son's benefiting from clinic: plenty of in-depth diagnosis and solutions; sounds much more positive! Booked up for The Joy of Six on 14/1 – near-birthday treat! Have a very busy spell with music in last 10 days of January and first week of February: looking forward to it! Oh so envious of the beauty enjoying sunnier climes: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Two interesting environmental stories from the Guardian. The first shows how adaptive nature is. The second is ridiculous: peat use should be banned tomorrow: there's no excuse for still using it.

Bugs across globe are evolving to eat plastic, study finds. Surprising discovery shows scale of plastic pollution and reveals enzymes that could boost recycling.

Microbes in oceans and soils across the globe are evolving to eat plastic, according to a study. The research scanned more than 200m genes found in DNA samples taken from the environment and found 30,000 different enzymes that could degrade 10 different types of plastic. The study is the first large-scale global assessment of the plastic-degrading potential of bacteria and found that one in four of the organisms analysed carried a suitable enzyme. The researchers found that the number and type of enzymes they discovered matched the amount and type of plastic pollution in different locations. But many plastics are currently hard to degrade and recycle. Using enzymes to rapidly break down plastics into their building blocks would enable new products to be made from old ones, cutting the need for virgin plastic production. The new research provides many new enzymes to be investigated and adapted for industrial use.

Peat sales to gardeners in England and Wales to be banned by 2024. Peatland vital carbon store but campaigners say lack of immediate action makes plan a ‘damp squib’.

Our peatlands are an incredibly valuable natural resource,” she said. “There are now more sustainable and good quality peat-free alternatives available than at any other time, so I am confident now is the right time to make the shift permanent.” Sustainable alternatives to peat include compost made from wood fibre and bark, wool, coir, and other plants. Prof Dave Goulson, from the University of Sussex, said: “We need to stop kicking the can down the road. The government acknowledges we are in a climate emergency, but isn’t even prepared to stop depletion of a vital carbon store for needless ornamental use in our gardens. We need to stop peat use now.” Pow said “historic” licences allowing the extraction of peat were being reviewed. Alan Titchmarsh, Kate Bradbury and James Wong are among the high-profile gardeners who have backed a ban, and Monty Don has called peat in compost “environmental vandalism”. Peat may become harder to buy in the UK in any case because most is imported from bogs in Ireland, where the state-backed company Bord na Móna ended all peat extraction in 2020, although its reserves are still being sold. Some big retailers of peat have implemented their own bans, including Dobbies and the Co-op in 2021, and B&Q by 2023. About 70% of peat is sold to gardeners and 30% is used by professional growers. The government estimates a ban on both uses would cut CO2 emissions by 4m tonnes in the next two decades.

January 2nd: maximum 9C, minimum 7C, moderate W breeze, less gusty, sunny most of day, very mild. Had 25 black flies around flowering ivy at Ordley in the sunshine plus 1 hover fly. Went to Letah Wood to do habitat assessment for local Honey-buzzard site in walk towards Dipton Mill from 11:40-13:55. Walked 7.34km today including a bit in Hexham in trip to N4c4ll. Chatting to 2 ladies at Letah Wood, they said they'd picked up 2 dead polecat on road near Dipton Mill in last year, checking id on face markings. Very impressed, means there are some around to add to the pine marten in Kielder Forest, found by stealth cameras. Birds on walk totalled 16 types, including a male Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Mistle Thrush, 4 Blackbird, a GBBG 1w and an adult Herring Gull. But best sight of all was 3 Common Buzzard up in display over a wood to N with a single near a beech wood in the centre of the tetrad. Reached 28 bird-types in 2022 now. Tomorrow it's Honey-buzzard habitat survey in Dotland, having set-up project no.3 on Google Earth. Son (encouragingly) says food is good; physio in progress - slight improvement but no PCR test result yet. Piccies are so exhilarating: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

2022 January 1st: maximum 13C, minimum 7C, moderate W breeze, gusty at times, sunny most of day, very mild. Did do habitat for Honey-buzzard in home (Ordley) square – walked through area along Devil's Water going W to Steel and back on road through Juniper. According to my watch distance was 5.46km so not bad in the mud. Met P/M twice on the way! Took out a recording sheet with the map from Google Earth, circled woods and labelled them with the main species. When got back home, clicked around each wood on the Google Earth map and it gave me the area and perimeter. Then combined all the totals on a spreadsheet using various SUMIF functions in OpenOffice: gives a complete audit trail on each wood and aggregate figures, which can be readily checked and edited if necessary. I realise from the raptor meetings that I've been attending, you have to present some habitat info. In very mild conditions 20 black flies on flowering ivy still. Had 15 bird-types, including 2 Goldcrest and a Greenfinch. Later at 18:00 a Tawny Owl was calling outside on W side of house. So have 16 bird-types on BirdTrack at end of day 1 of 2022! Sorted out my funds spreadsheet for 2022, initialising various parts: all ready to go now. Son is in isolation at new centre, waiting for result of PCR test; he's amazed at 24-hour room service, all free of charge: hope he's taking advantage, feeding up and gaining strength! Tomorrow it's Honey-buzzard habitat survey in West Dipton, having set-up project no.2 on Google Earth, followed by trip to N and much later to G. To the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

2021 December 31st: maximum 12C, minimum 9C, light SW breeze, rain early-on, very mild. Made it: published Honey-buzzard results in their calendar year as below and on web page Population of the Honey-buzzard in SW Northumberland, after a few cosmetic changes this morning. Started on habitat today, using Google Earth for the macro parameters around the nest: latitude, longitude, altitude, percentage woodland, arable, pasture, but need to visit to determine species of trees and finer details of management. Have started with my own site, with nest 415m from my house! Have 74 sites to do in all, at quick count; may leave some to their first visit in the spring for the birds. I've set-up a spreadsheet to hold the information and perform calculations. Returned to Nero today while cleaner S was hard at it; downloaded app and used the Sky Cloud for internet access to my laptop; good to see S again. Walked 3.37km, just into Hexham and out and about. While eating my chicken dinner, crown came off on my lower right jaw (thankfully have the crown intact); was thinking it was about time I went to the dentist, now …. Funds were +3k over last fortnight, taking gain on year 2021 to +573k (+46.5%) gross, +547k net, with ftse 100 +13.1% on year and ftse 260 +16.7%. Bit of a struggle the past 2 weeks with recovery stocks, in which specialise, suffering from year-end tax-loss selling particularly from US (selling stocks you've lost money on to offset gains you've made elsewhere, for tax purposes). But it's a good time to buy dumped stock so things may turnaround in the New Year. There's 2 significant withdrawals to register in first week of 2022 but Buchans (Canadian Zn/Pb producer, of which own 1.05%) have released a very encouraging trading statement and placement which suggests a rise in value of this stock, unquoted at the moment. The unplanned withdrawal will have no effect on my commitments elsewhere!

A very Happy New Year to all: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Here's the Honey-buzzard results for 2021:

The overall results for the 2021 Honey-buzzard breeding season are given in Table 41.

The study area was broadly maintained at its 2020 level with nest site visits again replaced by frequent visits to a subset of sites in line with the National Honey-buzzard Survey, organised by the Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP). To maintain proper comparisons between seasons, relatively intensive coverage continued in two parts of the study area, as a control: Devil's Water and Tyne Valley W. In these two areas the number of sites was just slightly higher at 15 (14 in 2020), suggesting in conjunction with earlier results a stable to slowly increasing population overall. The 13 sites selected for multiple visits were in three areas: Allen (6), upper South Tyne (5), lower South Tyne (2), representing the western part of the study area. The National Survey results, also tabulated in Table 41, show intensive observational activity, mainly in July and August, with in 27 visits (2.1/site) finding 19 adult and 15 juvenile. The timing of the National Survey for July/August would not have been my choice as certainly in July the species can be elusive. However in the territories in the mainly upland terrain of the west, birds were seen in all but one visit, suggesting they are more obvious in the open habitat. Owing to the greater distance in car travel, visits in the Survey were longer this year than last, closer to the 4 hours suggested than in 2020, but fewer. My visits occurred from 27/6-2/9. The National Survey provided a novel view of the season's progress, with complete data for the second part of the season.

In terms of successful nests the results of all my survey work was similar to that in the previous year with 38 occupied sites (33 in 2020) and the number of confirmed breeding pairs at 24 (24 in 2020). After the drop in productivity in 2020 there was a welcome recovery this year with 11 pairs raising 2 young and 10 pairs 1 young or more (4 pairs, 20 pairs respectively in 2020), giving a minimum fledge of 28+ juveniles. In terms of known successful nests, 21 pairs raised 32+ young, that is a minimum of 1.52 young per pair (in 2020, 28+ young from 24 nests, 1.17+ young per pair). The fledging rate in the Tyne Valley W area, however, remained depressed with only one brood of 2 in 8 successful nests. Four of the broods of 2 were in the upper South Tyne, showing the liking of the Honey-buzzard for upland areas, with another 4 in the Devil's Water at moderate altitude. Five nests were flagged as >0, indicating the site was occupied around or just before fledging time but no young were actually seen; the presumption is that such sites were successful; 4 of these sites were in the Allen and 1 in Tyne Valley E; logistical problems affected coverage of the Allen in the later stages of the season. This raises the number of successful nests to 26 and the minimum number of young fledged to 37, as in Table 1. Wasp numbers were moderate, even though the spring was cold. In the mild late autumn, wasp numbers held up well, still being seen on flowering ivy at Ordley as late as 16/12 and in Hexham on 14/12.

Weather report for England 2021 (from the Met Office ):

April. April began settled, but soon turned very cold, and a notable feature throughout the month was the number of air frosts. Daytime temperatures did recover from the middle of the month, but it was cold and showery in the closing days. Overall it was an unusually cold,dry and sunny month. The provisional UK mean temperature was 5.7 °C, which is 1.7 °C below the 1981-2010 long-term average, with April being colder than March for the first time since 2012.

May May began very unsettled and unseasonably cold, with frosts in many places; it became less cold after the first week but continued with frequent rain or showers for most areas. The UK experienced a number of deep low pressure systems that resulted in a number of notably windy days. The weather settled down for the final few days of the month, when it also became much warmer. The provisional UK mean temperature was 9.1 °C, which is 1.3 °C below the 1981-2010 long-term average, making it the coldest May since 1996.

June: The first half of June was largely dry and warm, though less settled over Scotland towards mid-month. The second half saw temperatures broadly nearer to average, with some days very cool for the time of year, and numerous showery days over England including some thunderstorms, and some heavy convective outbursts especially in the south-east. The provisional UK mean temperature was 14.2 °C, which is 1.2 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average.

July The first twelve days of July were mostly unsettled, with spells of heavy rain and showers, especially over England, while other parts of the UK saw less rain and more warmth at times. All areas were drier and much warmer by mid-month, with temperatures exceeding 30 °C on several days in some areas, and unbroken sunshine for many. In Northern Ireland, 31.3 °C was recorded on the 21st at Castlederg, County Tyrone, setting a new record as the highest temperature for any month. The final week was much more unsettled once again, with temperatures back to near average and frequent showery rain. The provisional UK mean temperature was 16.6 °C, which is 1.5 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average. It was provisionally the equal fifth warmest July for the UK in a series from 1884.

August The first half of August was broadly unsettled, with plenty of rain between the 5th and 13th. The second half was drier, except for the 20th and 21st, with high pressure developing by the 23rd and remaining near northern UK thereafter. Scotland, especially the west, was often warm by day, whereas further south warm days were much fewer. Many areas were drier than usual for the month, with less than half the average total rainfall in some places, and the wettest areas were south-east England, eastern Scotland and Northern Ireland. Western Scotland fared well for sunshine, though many other areas were duller than average, especially central and eastern England where some stations had their dullest August in records going back 60 or more years. The provisional UK mean temperature was 15.0 °C, which is 0.1 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average.

September The weather through much of September was reasonably settled and quiet, though there were outbreaks of rain at times. It was also rather warm, especially around the 7th/8th. A marked change came about on the 27th, with much more unsettled and notably cooler conditions for the last few days of the month. Mean monthly temperatures were well above average, with rainfall and sunshine near average, although Northern Ireland was particularly dull. The provisional UK mean temperature was 14.7 °C, which is 2.1 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average. This was only slightly cooler than August’s mean temperature, and ranks it as the second warmest September in a series from 1884.

October The weather during most of October was unsettled and wet, though there was a drier spell across most areas between the 8th and 17th. Temperatures were above average for much of the time, and frosts were few, but sunshine was in short supply for some areas. The heaviest rain came in the closing days of the month, with some notable totals in Cumbria, and there were gales also on the 31st.The provisional UK mean temperature was 10.9 °C, which is 1.4 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average.

November The weather during most of November was on the mild side, with many areas seeing some settled spells, however the last ten days of the month were much colder and more unsettled, with Storm Arwen of note on the 26th/27th. Temperatures were above average for much of the time, and frosts were generally few, especially in northern areas of the UK. The provisional UK mean temperature was 7.0 °C, which is 0.8 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average. Northern areas were generally warmer relative to average than southern areas, with parts of south-east England actually slightly colder than average.

The overall impression was of a very cool spring up towards the end of May, followed by a warm June and July with spells of wet weather. August was rather autumnal in nature with a lack of settled weather. September was generally fine while October and November were as usual unsettled. more changeable weather through July and August. September was mainly dry and sunny, particularly in the middle part, but October and November were wet, mild and unsettled.

Survey effort was maintained throughout the breeding season owing to the Covid pandemic restricting overseas and national travel. Studies of the autumn migration season in Northumberland were significantly affected by a 15-day trip to Tarifa/Gibraltar from 4/9-18/9; this trip did though provide an opportunity to study the passage of Honey-buzzard and other raptors through the Straits of Gibraltar. This part of September is a good time to find late breeders and adult migrants; the 4 Allen sites rated as >0 could well have had their ratings raised with observations in this period; the number of autumnal adult migrants is also likely to have been higher with continual presence of the observer. One new site was found this year in the Study Area at Beacon Hill on the eastern side of Whitfield Moor in the Allen area, confirming the attraction of heather moor for the species.


No. sites

No. adults

No. nests


Observed Occupied (no. sites)

Breeding Category (no. sites)

Number young fledged

National Survey

(mainly July-August)












Devil’s Water










8 (4x2)















8 (1x2, 2x1+,4x>0)





Upper South Tyne










9 (4x2, 1x1+)





Lower South Tyne










2 (1x2)




















Tyne W










8 (1x2,1x1+, 5x1)





Tyne E










2 (1x1+, 1x>0)






























37 (11x2, 5x1+, 5x1, 5x>0)





Table 41: Results for the Honey-buzzard Breeding Season in SW Northumberland by area in 2021

National Survey: S sites, V visits, A adults, J juveniles

Table 42 gives a breakdown of the numbers of males, females and juveniles in each part of the season. The male:female ratio normally declines as the season progresses with males most obvious in the display phase and the females more obvious in training flights with juveniles in the fledging phase. This was not the case in 2021 with males more conspicuous throughout: the male:female ratio varying from 21:11 (1.91) in display to 18:10 (1.80) in the rearing period and 19:13 (1.46) in fledging. Males were more conspicuous than females in the upland Allen area throughout. This has skewed the male:female ratio upwards in the rearing and fledging phases. No obvious gangs of juveniles, gathering before departure, were noted in late September, though a gathering of 3 juvenile at Ordley on 26/9 is a candidate for this. Lack of observations in mid-September, through absence, means that the context for the Ordley sightings was not available and these birds were classified as migrants, along with the bird seen at Swallowship on 24/9, which through its colour phase had not been bred at that site.


No. sites in season

No. adults in season

Display 16/4-14/6

Rearing 15/6-15/8

Fledging 16/8-19/9

Gangs of juveniles post-breeding












Devil’s Water




























Upper South Tyne














Lower South Tyne




























Tyne W














Tyne E










































Table 42: Number of Male, Female and Juvenile Honey-buzzard found in each phase of breeding season in 2021

Table 43 shows the migration picture for Honey-buzzard in 2021. Numbers were normal, with 8 adults seen in spring and 12 birds in autumn, comprising 2 adult male, 10 juvenile, departing in that order as expected. Productivity was normal in Northumberland this year at a minimum of 1.52 young/successful brood. BirdGuides counts showed a standard pattern to emigration with movement starting on 9 August. My one significant absence was in mid-September, which would have affected adult female and juvenile totals in particular. A reasonable breeding season is indicated in Scotland, but maybe not as successful as those of 2014, 2016 and 2017.








'April 16


Ordley (NY95 P)

Adult female


1 N

max 11C, min -1C, frost early-on, light S breeze, dry; 1 hour in shorts on patio this morning. Darling: I'm home!! At 14:10 while having lunch on the patio looked up into the sky, not sure why (maybe she'd called!), and there was the returning female Honey-buzzard circling high-up right over my house just below the cumulus cloud cover, having covered 7400km from west Africa in maybe 6 weeks. She hung for a while, peering down at constant height, and then glided deliberately to the S, losing height quickly, back to the Devil's Water, where she went into cover. This is my 19th April record for Honey-buzzard since 2006 when started recording for BirdTrack. But this is the earliest date so far, one day earlier than 17/04/08 when a female was at Farnley (Corbridge).

'May 18


Bywell (NZ06 L)

Adult male 4, Adult female 1


4 NW, 1 intruder

max 12C, min 5C, light NW breeze, sunny periods with occasional minor cloudy spells, dry, polar air – brilliant! The male Honey-buzzard at Bywell Cottagebank as last year, a slim bird with pale head/neck, narrow dark carpal area and very little black on wingtip – he was keeping low, keen on feeding at 12:41; at 13:12 he was up again floating over area to W; another male Honey-buzzard to E, also slim but purplish and quite fired up over Short Wood E but again keeping low – feeding, clearly a migrant intruder, keeping his distance from the tenant, at 12:57; Had further Honey-buzzard high in the sky and moving NW – a lone female at 13:01 going high and moving NW, 2 male up together at 13:18 before moving off NW, a lone male up at 13:44 before moving off NW, so that's 4 in total all following the A68 into Scotland! These migrants have been blocked by the wet weather: timing is everything.

'May 27


Prudhoe S (NZ16 A)

Adult male


1 intruder (then probably N)

max 16C, min 8C, light E breeze, sunny, dry, amazing! The pair of Honey-buzzard were settling in well at Prudhoe S with the darkish male up high over site at 12:45-12:46 and 13:01 and the female usually close to the trees at 12:44, 13:01, 13:55, 14:28 but with a long climb into the sky high-up from 13:55-14:00, disappearing into the base of a cloud. Another male, a pale-phase bird, was high-up over the site at 12:45 in stand-off with the presumed darker resident male; the pale bird went N, not to be seen again.

'June 2


Dipton Wood S (NY95 U)

Adult female


1 intruder

max 19C, min 10C, light E breeze, sunny after early mist, in shorts all day! Almost immediately at 15:01 had a female Honey-buzzard over the SW corner, hanging fairly low-down and moving very slowly to E; she was a dark bird, rather like a dark-phase juvenile in shade; think she was in hunting mode, slowly patrolling over the trees looking for a place to land for a walkabout; she did come down quickly and was not seen again. Last year's site is close to a Goshawk site but did not see the latter today. However, did have the male climbing quickly and then descending rapidly at 15:33 and 15:50, and the dark red-brown female keeping lower but also up above the canopy at 15:48 and 16:02; they didn't have any direct interaction! Neither deviated at all from the block of trees in which they nest so presume the female seen earlier is an intruder, probably a bird on its way to higher ground in Northumberland or Scotland. Did suspect that the frequent activity at the nest site was being used to deter invaders!

'Sept 1


Haltwhistle, North Wood (NY66 W)

Adult male 2


2 S

max 19C, min 11C, light E breeze, dull morning but noticed breaks appearing to W at 14:30 at Hexham and at 15:30 was on way to Haltwhistle, where the sun was out with a few wispy clouds around. The good thing about gloomy spells is that their ending always results in a good session as the restless and frustrated raptors get up in the air again. At 16:42 had the inspiring sight of 2 male Honey-buzzard soaring to great height and moving S, one local, the other moving in, so the great trek has begun!

'Sept 24


Swallowship (NY95 U)



1 rest

max 18C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, sunny, warm day .uncomfortable wind. A Honey-buzzard juvenile up at 15:48 over Swallowship 1 judged to be a pale-phase migrant as the 2 raised here were not this phase; it bounced around powerfully in the wind, putting up many pigeon and corvids but soon went down again most likely to resume feeding (11200); this is presumably a Scottish-bred bird, still a long way to go to Africa.

'Sept 26


Ordley (NY95 P)

Juvenile 3


3 rest

max 20C, min 10C, moderate W breeze, beautifully sunny autumn-day. Explored the local Honey-buzzard migrant scene today and found 3 birds in the Ordley area, all juveniles and likely Scottish-bred birds drifting slowly southwards, stopping in rich feeding areas. Had seen a single dark bird up at 14:45 and 16:12 from house so explored further, keeping a watch from 16:15-16:50. Had the dark Honey-buzzard up at 16:19, a Common Buzzard up at 16:24, a ruddy Honey-buzzard at 16:24, both Honey-buzzard up together down the valley to E at 16:27, a new Honey-buzzard flushed from a tree to N overlooking a stubble field at 16:44. So that's 3 Honey-buzzard migrants to add to the one at Swallowship on 24/9 – good breeding season in Scotland, which has had good weather this summer compared to the south of England.

'Oct 2


Throckley (NZ16 P)



1 SE

max 12C, min 6C, moderate SW breeze, dull, frequent showers, mild. Did have Honey-buzzard juvenile on trip: 1 at Throckley moving SE low-down with Corvids at 14:30,

'Oct 6


Bywell (NZ06 L)

Juvenile 2


2 SE

max 12C, min 9C, light NW breeze, beautiful sunshine with great visibility, all dust washed out by yesterday's deluge, dry. Had a brilliant day for Honey-buzzard migration, seeing 3 juvenile in all. Made Stocksfield Mount from 12:00-14:00, seeing a juvenile soaring to moderate height from Bywell Cottagebank at 12:36 (12202) and then moving off smartly to SE, disappearing quickly – a long way to go to Africa still! The next juvenile was up at 12:43, soaring very high from Bywell Cottagebank and then moving SE. These two birds had clearly had a stop-over for feeding and must have spent yesterday staring at the rain and getting on with feeding. There were loads of wasps around the ivy so plenty of food still available

'Oct 6


Dipton Wood S (NY95 U)



1 from N (moving S)

max 12C, min 9C, light NW breeze, beautiful sunshine with great visibility, all dust washed out by yesterday's deluge, dry. Highlight of the day was the third juvenile Honey-buzzard coming out of the sky at 16:19, obviously looking for a place to stay the night; it circled in flap-flap-glide mode looking quite aggressive before descending down into the middle of Dipton Wood (12203). Often see juvenile Honey-buzzard emigrating out of their roost at noon but very rarely see them drop out the sky like this!

'Oct 21


Dotland (NY95 J)



1 rest

max 9C, min 4C, moderate NW breeze, sunny and dry but much cooler, note max below 10C, a sign of late autumn setting in. A dark-phase Honey-buzzard was seen floating around Blackhall Plantation at 16:30 and 16:52, clearly holding it as temporary territory; this is a popular area for the Peth Foot pair and they sometimes take the young there for flying practice.

'Oct 21


Dipton Wood Main (NY96 Q)



1 S

max 9C, min 4C, moderate NW breeze, sunny and dry but much cooler, note max below 10C, a sign of late autumn setting in. A pale-phase Honey-buzzard was seen at 17:10, up from Swallowship and drifting S over Dipton Wood, maybe coming down to roost; it brought up a Red Kite over Dipton Wood W hanging over a field. So that was brilliant – after a late breeding season, would fully expect Scottish Honey-buzzard to still be passing through.









April 1:

May: 6

June: 1

September: 6

October: 6

12-13: 2

13-14: 5

14-15: 1

16-17: 3

17-18: 1

resting: 5

intruder: 3

Devil's Water: 9

Tyne Valley W: 7

Tyne Valley E: 2

Upper South Tyne: 2

Adult male: 7

Adult female: 3

Juvenile: 10



IN: 1 N, 4 NW, 3 intruder

OUT: 4 S, 3 SE, 5 resting

Coverage was good this year except for the period from 4/9-18/9 when in Tarifa/Gibraltar, affecting female and juvenile counts.

The times may reflect observer activity as much as anything else. The times at which resting birds and intruders have been noted are not included in the analysis.

The most popular route noted this year was via Tyne Valley W and the Devils' Water where much of the fieldwork was concentrated.

Overall numbers were similar to those in 2020. Eight adults were seen in spring. In autumn 12 birds were noted, 2 of which were male and 10 juvenile; the males exited before the juveniles as usual. .

The total this year was in the normal range.

The predominant direction was N/NW in spring and S/SE in autumn.

Once again on Trektellen high numbers of Common Buzzard were reported from 1/9-31/10 in Lancashire and Yorkshire in 2021. At Winter Hill (Bolton) and Bury (Greater Manchester) 46 birds (0.46 per hour) were recorded at the former and 45 (0.20 an hour) at the latter. Due S at Painswick Beacon in the Cotswolds 25 were noted (0.25 per hour). On the E side of the country at Spurn on Humber 66 were seen (0.17 per hour), nearly all (63) in September. Other sites were fairly evenly split between September and October. 14 birds were over Bury in November. Honey-buzzard totals noted were derisory from August to November, just singles at 3-4 sites. The question is: are all these birds really Common Buzzard or are some Honey-buzzard, particularly juveniles, which are very difficult to separate? Common Buzzard is not a migrant in the normal sense of the word in England.

Table 43: Visible Migration Movements noted for Honey-buzzard in SW Northumberland in 2021

December 30th: maximum 12C, minimum 9C, light SW breeze, rain in late evening, sunny morning, very mild. There were c70 black flies on the Ordley flowering ivy (still with fresh flowers) this morning in the sunshine, along with a hover fly but no wasps. There were clouds of winter gnats on Dotland Road later in the sheltered parts. Went for walk to Dotland in lovely December weather from 14:00-16:10, walking 5.98km. Had a good range of bird-types, 19 in all, including 45 Redwing, 6 Bullfinch, a Pied Wagtail, a GBBG 1w, 3 Herring Gull (2 ad, 1 1w), 3 Robin, 1 Greenfinch. Little finger on left-hand, which dislocated on 24/11, appears to have finally healed itself after 5 weeks; quoted time was 3-5 weeks so will take that; finger appears a lot stronger and not sensitive to touch; still a bit swollen on main knuckle; will still be inclined to protect it from bangs for a little while! Major event today in context of season is:

Updated Honey-buzzard page with breeding and migration data, steady as she goes, for SW Northumberland in 2021 (Population of the Honey-buzzard in SW Northumberland). Details of update as contents to follow on this page after final check tomorrow morning. That's really good to get it done while still in year of survey, 2021. Can now concentrate on habitat data, which going to compile in first 2 months of 2022, giving plenty of trips out and exercise. Son has transfer tomorrow morning; he sounds more positive, certainly seems keener on idea than Amy Winehouse! Made G4g4s with R/A/P for good chat and catch-up! Will write to the gorgeous one today (31/12): have Skype chat with N/D at 10 and cleaner S comes at 15:30 but no trip out with D/D in evening. Next trip to G is on Sunday nite. Not going to RNS for New Year's Day as no public transport and not that keen on Viennese waltzes! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 29th: maximum 11C, minimum 8C, fresh and gusty SW breeze, rain in morning, very mild. Sunset now out to 15:48 at Hexham (+8 min from worst); sunrise is 08:34 (equal worst); afternoons getting lighter at 1 min/day; mornings pretty static for at least a week; yes, it's not symmetric: afternoons recover before mornings; current day length 7 hours 14 min (desperate but 4 min off worst!). Finished commenting on Honey-buzzard table 1 for 2021, which is the most substantial part; will comment on table 2 and probably table 3 tomorrow to complete draft. Had walk around Sele in afternoon, doing 4.0km walking; very few birds around in gusty wind, 34 Common Gull flying S to roost at Derwent Reservoir was the most interesting record in 8 bird-types. Have updated BirdTrack with all December records, giving 42 species in all. Transfer day is Friday from hospital to recovery site after 7 days at former, who've been very good; praying for success; have to try; cost is 12.3k for 28-day treatment with 1.5k due tomorrow and 10.8k next Tuesday. Feeling devastated. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 28th: maximum 7C, minimum 2C, light SE breeze, damp, dull and mild. Have added all Richmond Park records to BirdTrack – total was 28 bird-types and 1 mammal-type. Back on 12:30 train KGX-NCL, all on time, connecting with 15:56 NCL-HEX, then into W4shop £44. Did some work on train, adding weather and Honey-buzzard migrant data into the file, holding all the data for Northumberland from the start in 1993. Need to compile some summary data and write an account but it looks as if the full Honey-buzzard account for 2021 will be completed in the next couple of days. Son's January is being taken care of with a professional recovery package; daughter has been marvellous in organising the help; I'm paying! Hope the gorgeous one is keeping fit: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

I thought the film Don't Look Up, intended as a satire on our refusal to take climate change seriously enough, had shot itself in the foot. This is now confirmed in a Guardian review:

Look away: why star-studded comet satire Don’t Look Up is a disaster by Charles Bramesco: Adam McKay’s new satire Don’t Look Up, a last-ditch effort to get the citizens of Earth to give a damn about the imminent end of days spurred by the climate crisis, appears to be at least somewhat aware of this defect in human nature. It’s all about the difficulty of compelling the uninterested to care, in this instance about a gargantuan comet hurtling toward the Earth on a collision course of imminent obliteration – an emphatic if rather ill-suited metaphor.

The problem I see is that 6-months notice of a comet hitting the Earth is likely to be 100% accurate by the laws of physics, while 50-years notice of the planet globally heating to death relies on computer modelling, which is inherently uncertain. So the comet is not an appropriate metaphor for climate change: the comet problem would rapidly drive attempts to push it off course (whatever the film says) while the climate change alarm is easier to resist as it's a long way in the future and many of us don't trust the modellers or their outputs anyway. Incidentally the comet is not gargantuan – it's only 5km across but still big enough to cause mayhem. Does the reviewer appreciate physics at all? The reviewer does, however, acknowledge that the film is basically flawed as a satire on climate change reaction as the comet metaphor is ill-suited.

December 27th: maximum 11C, minimum 9C, light S breeze, rain much of day, dull and mild. Downloaded weather summaries for 2021 Honey-buzzard season. Did another walk of 6km in Richmond Park, picking up some further new bird-types: Siskin (1), GBBG (1 1w), Common Gull (1 ad), Song Thrush (1). Last was very good, harbinger of end of bird-winter, which is not far away. Am going back tomorrow. Son is not fit to release yet: could be a few more days, we're also thinking of private recovery break for 4 weeks; will return shortly. Worrying times indeed but very grateful for support: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 26th: maximum 10C, minimum 7C, light SE breeze, dull after early rain, mild. Went for another good walk in the morning, same route 5km, but added some species, including Lesser Redpoll (50 on alder), Blackbird (1), Dunnock (2), Jay (1), Blue Tit (1). Building up a list, love walking in Richmond Park. Daughter drove to Stevenage to deliver some supplies to son. Expecting to be around when he's discharged on 28/12. Watched a film Don't Look Up on Netflix, which is brilliant describing a dysfunctional approach by all concerned to an approaching comet. It's supposed to be a metaphor for climate change but could be interpreted more widely. I particularly liked the portrayal of the tech billionaire as a manipulating b.stard, more concerned with profiting from the minerals in the comet than the fate of humanity. The postscript showing the survivors emerging from their spaceship over 20,000 years later is funny with bird-like dinosaurs attacking the would-be top-men and -women! As always, liked Jennifer Lawrence as the PhD student Kate Dibiasky who discovered and named the comet (after herself) and was too hot-headed and sincere for the calculating media to accept. Manipulation of social media was very well portrayed: everyone has an opinion even on an approaching comet! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 25th: maximum 8C, minimum 6C, moderate E breeze, dull, dry. Lovely Xmas day with daughter's family: great food, great company. Gave away 12k as 4x3k to son, daughter and the 2 granddaughters. M's sister's family came round: she's had 3 LFT in the last 3 days all negative but today she had a PCR test result received after lunch and it was positive so they left quickly! We didn't hug as usual: she did notice I'd lost weight and looked fitter and younger! There's been an Eastenders flavour to our Xmas; son is ill in Stevenage Hospital; daughter and I went for walk in afternoon to discuss some worrying text messages I'd received and after speaking to him we immediately called an ambulance to his address; they were very prompt. Cannot say any more here except that Covid is not the main problem. I'm likely to be adding 2 days to my stay down here, moving to a hotel in Welwyn. Had 2 walks in area today, totalling almost 10k steps and 7.0k. On the edge of Richmond Park had 18 species of bird: 170 Jackdaw, 16 Ring-necked Parakeet, 11 Woodpigeon, 11 Starling, 9 Magpie, 7 Crow, 7 Herring Gull, 4 Mute Swan (2 ad, 2 1w), 3 Feral Pigeon, 2 singing Collared Dove, 2 Moorhen, 2 Chaffinch, 1 BHG 1w, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Great Tit, 1 Coal Tit, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Robin, plus 4 Grey Squirrel.

A very merry Christmas to all: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 24th: maximum 11C, minimum 7C, light SE breeze, sunny morning, heavy rain early evening, mild. Quiet day b4 the big one: wrapped presents, played with S/I, communicated with son over his Covid via text messages. Think he's a bit better cough-wise but balance not good. Told him to take a pcr test, drink a lot of water and to self-isolate! Figure that 65% of people in hospital with Covid went in for something else is truly amazing. Some of the media is also assuming that workers catching Covid are out of the system for good: what nonsense: omicron lasts typically 3-7 days so some workers who went down with it 2 weeks ago will now be back at work, quicker if they really need the money. Funds are still up 1k wtd, running this time-frame for 2 weeks until year-end. Looking forward to 2moro. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 23rd: maximum 11C, minimum 4C, light SE breeze, dull, occasional light shower, mild. Busy day shopping-wise,going into Kingston at 11:30 and returning at 15:30, both on 371 bus. Spent about £150 on presents for relatives present on 25/12; also sent big sis a £50 gift token and little sis 2 bottles of Rjoca! Watched the Snowman on Netflix (twice!) so could show some empathy: very imaginative story with Walking in the Air an obvious highlight! S played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the violin. So excitement mounts … xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 22nd: maximum 5C, minimum -1C, light SE breeze, some brightness, dry but very damp. Compiled the second table for Honey-buzzard in 2021 on the train – the seasonal distributions. Next up is the text to accompany the 2 tables. Today walked 3.04 km, mainly on the tube Victoria Line to Vauxhall to connect with SW Trains to Norbiton. Can use Oyster card for local trains and tube so put £20 on this card at KGX. All travel went very smoothly on Northern, LNER, Underground, SW Trains. Fetched from Norbiton in the repaired BMW and delighted to meet family again. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Had long chat with son-in-law on emerging energy crisis, which is being overshadowed by Covid debate but which could be much more destructive to European culture and standard of living. Here's a recent article:

Europe’s energy crisis is fast turning into a political and strategic disaster: All the fateful consequences of Angela Merkel’s decision to wind down Germany’s nuclear fleet after Fukushima in 2011 are before our eyes.

Germany will shut down three nuclear plants forever next week, slashing clean and reliable baseload power in the middle of winter and during the worst energy crisis in Europe since the Second World War. The three reactors generate 4.2 gigawatts of zero-carbon electricity between them. They are relatively young. Gundremmingen and Grohnde were both commissioned in 1984. Brokdorf in Schleswig-Holstein was state-of-the-art when it was opened in 1986. They could have continued for another twenty-five years or so until Germany’s green infrastructure was in place.

Olaf Scholz’s coalition government is going ahead with this long-planned closure despite pleas for a stay of execution from a chorus of global climate campaigners, including Bill Gates and Jim Hansen, the NASA scientist who first alerted Washington to global warming. Another three reactors will go at the end of 2022. It is closing good plants just as Vladimir Putin prepares an invasion force on Ukraine’s border, and restricts flows of natural gas as a tool of strategic leverage.

One light-hearted tragedy from soaring energy prices is unripe bananas in the shops! Businesses exposed to the high gas prices are buckling but when the cap is increased for homes in April, expect a storm of protest amid significant hardship. The Greens should never have been allowed in charge of our energy policy. The governments of Europe may well try and keep us focused on Covid rather than on energy prices and energy security because failure on these two issues is unforgivable,

December 21st: maximum 2C, minimum -3C, light SW breeze, gloomy, dry but very damp. Compiled the first table for Honey-buzzard in 2021 – the grand totals for the study area including the National Survey totals, now 23 distinct sites over the 2 seasons. Next up is the seasonal distributions (second table) and the weather monthly summaries. Had shock news that son has gone down with Covid so going straight to daughter's; we'll all meet on Facebook video chat on Xmas day hopefully. Big Sister's family in London has also had Covid (omicron in 3 members) but cases are mild, a few days duration. Today walked 6.15km with 2 trips to HEX, parking on edge at Elvaston – for haircut with Jd at JG, cost £25 including £5 tip, and for late lunch at QHC – tuna sandwich again with salad and black Americano, 2 shots, £7.40+£1 tip. Pulse reached 102 in Sele up steps but quickly back to 77 and higher this morning in inspiring situation. Markets are very volatile: -7k yesterday and +8k today so +1k on balance. Covid worries ebb and flow! lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

RKH's affairs continue to progress:

Ombrina Mare arbitration update

Rockhopper Exploration plc (AIM: RKH), the oil and gas company with key interests in the North Falkland Basin, provides the following update on its international arbitration against the Republic of Italy in relation to the Ombrina Mare field.

As announced in the Company's half-year report on 30 September 2021, Italy made a request, and the Tribunal agreed, to admit a recent European Court of Justice judgment related to intra-EU Energy Charter Treaty disputes, and to reconsider its 2019 decision to reject Italy's intra-EU jurisdictional challenge in the arbitration. The Tribunal had requested Rockhopper's legal advisers to respond by 6 October 2021.

On 21 December 2021, the Company was informed that the Tribunal had rejected Italy's request.

Rockhopper continues to believe it has strong prospects of recovering very significant monetary damages - on the basis of lost profits - as a result of the Republic of Italy's breaches of the Energy Charter Treaty. All of Rockhopper's costs associated with the arbitration to date have been funded on a non-recourse ("no win - no fee") basis from a specialist arbitration funder.

December 20th maximum 4C, minimum 1C, light E breeze, misty, dry but very damp. Tomorrow is the winter solstice, at 15:58GMT to be precise, when the movement of the sun south pauses over the Tropic of Capricorn (my star sign!) at 23.4394 degrees south of the Equator before turning north again: rejoice: every day for the next 6 months will be longer than the one before! Completed the National Honey-buzzard Survey records for the west of the study area at 13 different sites: an impressive total for the game estates! These records are on the home page at present but will be transferred to a separate page in due course, cited from the home page. Will now finalise the outcomes at all Honey-buzzard sites where no young seen this year; don't think they failed, there just wasn't time to get round them all. All sites are classified as confirmed, probable or possible each year for the annual report using standard breeding criteria. Have fieldwork planned for January/February 2022 to visit all Honey-buzzard sites, c60 of them, and record habitat to augment that obtained from maps. This can then be processed before the next breeding season starts. Had lunch with P at B4m4l; chose trout (with rw, inappropriate!) – very tasty! Walked around Sele doing total of 3.65km; pulse rate reached 97 as came up steps quickly but rapidly reversed down to 67. Later made G4g4s with 3 others P/R/A with dancer C on; she's very nifty!! Delighted that Covid restrictions not increased: think it will become increasingly clear that Sage are trying to hide inadequacies of the NHS while the economy must be given priority in this recovery stage from the pandemic. Not planning any nocturnal trips before go to London: always tempting but will wait: still think she's gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Have haircut tomorrow with Jd at 10:30! So how's the gorgeous one this morning!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 19th: maximum 3C, minimum 1C, almost calm, persistent fog, dry but very damp. Did masses of work on National Honey-buzzard records, completing compilation of data for 10 sites in the west, 3 to go. This is all documented on home page. Should be completed tomorrow. Rotary lunch cancelled tomorrow through Covid but P/me going along to B4m4l anyway. Did make W4shop, spending £28 in ½ a week's lot. Made G4g4s with P – packed with younger people, letting themselves go, good to see! xxx

UK apparently again 'won' top position in the world yesterday for Covid, even more than the USA, though how much testing is inflating the figures needs to be taken into account. We are definitely winning the competition though for the most ineffective energy policy:

Lack of wind sparks new fears over green energy revolution: Lulls trigger questions over the long-term predictability of wind patterns amid escalating climate change.

With a large blocking high over the UK giving calm gloomy weather. Here are some recent snapshots of grid generation: 18 Dec  19 Dec  20 Dec, Note gas is 55-60% and renewables, in spite of enormous investment, are 5-10%. We need to start a massive nuclear programme and permit fracking onshore and gas extraction from the North Sea. Renewables don't cut it!

December 18th maximum 3C, minimum -1C, almost calm, sunny all day, freezing fog in evening, dry. In sunshine midday had 60 black flies on the ivy flowers outside my house but no hover flies or wasps; quite amazing having so many insects around this late, bit like in Devon when I lived there. It's obviously a benefit of our warming climate! Drafted two illustrated summaries for the National Honey-buzzard survey for the South Tyne, upper and lower; will press on with this tomorrow, when more time. Did make S4con; so many tickets sold but attendance well down with virus fears but we did our best to provide enthusiastic support, giving a standing ovation; also had a couple of rw to provide financial support! Attended Young Sinfonia led elegantly by MS with violin in Thomas Z style; they played Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, quite crisp and accurate, bit restrained maybe; versatile LH was leader of the 1st violins. So that was a good start: looking forward to full Nutcracker ballet at TR in February; I like ballet if the music's stirring, which it often is! The Nutcracker does have that very romantic pas de deux. The Messiah was also a little understated, maybe fitting the current mood. But that made it more subtle, appreciating some of the quieter parts as well as the climaxes; we all stood up for the Messiah Hallelujah Chorus – a tradition I don't really enjoy as it comes from royalty apparently. Quite a small orchestra. Enjoyed oboe 2!! Gregory Batsleer was conductor with soloists: Jennifer France soprano, Tim Mead counter-tenor, Thomas Walker tenor, Callum Thorpe bass, with the combined dramatic choruses Huddersfield Choral Society and Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia.

Made Br4rw4s, then onto train, which took us to Metro Centre, where a bus was hiding around the corner to take me to Hexham. Runmifit showed that I walked 6.67km today, mainly walk Station – Sage – Station. Also that I slept lightly on the bus for one hour up to 00:10, when arrived in Hexham, but no sleep in the Messiah (of course!). From 2 night's records looks as if I sleep lightly for 1st half of night from 02:00-05:30 and then more deeply from 05:30-09:00 with REM in this part as well. So I'm a night owl – it's 02:43 now, time for bed!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

The UK had the highest number of Covid cases in the world yesterday at 90,418, bar none. Is this because we do so many tests, picking up asymptomatic or very mild cases? Our tests per 1M population are easily the highest in the world for large countries at 5.6M/1M, that is each person has been tested 5.6 times on average! Denmark, Austria and UAE test the most among medium-sized countries. Are lockdowns proportionate to number of tests done? Netherlands, which has just launched a full lockdown, does not fit this pattern being 75th on tests/1M people at 1.11, 1/5th of the UK level. One suggestion is to get the anti-viral drug paxlovid approved for older people, say, over 50s – see 12/12 below. The Guardian does report a few rays of hope on omicron: development of anti-viral drugs, South Africa – relatively mild form of Covid, site attacks – less lungs, more upper respiratory [like a cold!]. See: Is there any good news at all on Omicron? Yes, there are small signs of hope.

December 17th: maximum 5C, minimum 1C, almost calm, sunny all day, cooler, dry. Completed Goshawk account for 2021 as below, next up is to complete National Honey-buzzard survey, entries for west of study area. Friday's a good social day as usual with N/D on Skype at 10:00m T4m4l with M, DoW4g4s with D/D. Like the DoW – friendly staff, including N/K who used to be at W! They had a cancellation today of a booking for 71 tomorrow – what a tragedy! Still running Runmifit – kept bracelet on overnight and it analysed my sleep of 7 hour 20 min non-stop, light for 1st half and then deep towards end with REM then as well, more tomorrow on this when have another nite's sample with lie-in and sweet dreams. Funds had a reasonable week in view of omicron's rapid advances: +5k on week to new record, +571k on ytd gross (+46.2%), +544k net with ftse 100 ytd +11.3%, ftse 250 +13.2%. Benefiting from resilience of high-yielding mining stocks, nothing in pandemic recovery stocks such as hospitality and travel. Very pleased at LibDem victory in North Shropshire by-election; hope BJ is now wound back by party from his high-spending agenda including net-zero 2050, which is unaffordable. 2moro will be a typically quiet Saturday except for evening with concert. xxx

Updated Goshawk page, showing a tenuous hold, for SW Northumberland in 2021 (Population of the Goshawk in SW Northumberland).

More details of the Goshawk breeding season for 2021 are available in Table 15.


No. sites

No. adults

Breeding Category






Also seen

Devil’s Water
















Upper South Tyne








Lower South Tyne








Tyne W








Tyne E






















1 (1x1+)


Table 15: Breeding Data for Goshawk in SW Northumberland by area in 2021

The revival became less certain in 2021 as although the number of sites increased to 11 with 13 adults in occupation, there was very little evidence for successful breeding with just one juvenile noted at one site, that at Ordley by the Devil's Water. In the core area of the study area in the Devil's Water and Tyne Valley W 5 sites were occupied. Two sites were occupied in Derwent and single sites were occupied across the rest of the study area. The greater emphasis on the west of study area this year did produce single sites in the upper South Tyne and Allen, but no broods. The Bulletins of the Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club were searched from February-October 2021: four additional records at the possible level were found at Melkridge in lower South Tyne, Burntshieldhaugh Hexhamshire, Derwent Gorge and Low Waskerley in Derwent. These are included in the preceding totals. The Goshawk does retain a tenuous hold in the study area here but, as said last year, there are no grounds for complacency, particularly with 7 out of the 11 sites being in the possible breeding category.

December 16th : maximum 9C, minimum 5C, almost calm, sunny all day, mild, dry. On Elvaston ivy flowers had no insects today but did have a solitary wasp there 2 days ago. Only 6 bird-types at Hexham in afternoon, but including 13 Blackbird. Had 30 Fieldfare at Houtley on way in at 13:30. On Ordley ivy flowers had loads of insects today in the sunshine, including 70-100 black flies, 2 hover flies and a wasp. Found 4 records at the possible breeding level for Goshawk in the 2021 N&TBC Bulletins; have added these to the table and will publish final results tomorrow. Cleaner S came this afternoon – she gave me 4xg and some choccies, I gave her £50 bonus! Made QHC4t followed by walk around Sele. Later made G4g4s but it was so packed (no seats), we (P/R/me) moved to Tap over the road where we had good chat over the top of a a quiz. Have got a new toy, a fitness wrist watch, which I've been wearing for 2 days now. It links through Bluetooth to Runmifit app, on my Android phone. Today walked 8908 steps, 6.68km, with temperature 36.2C, heart rate varying from 68 to 92, blood oxygen 98%, blood pressure 114/71. Heart rate reached 92 after climbing steep steps in the Sele and after another moment (!!) but quickly subsided to 70. Blood oxygen reflects lung condition. Blood pressure was pretty constant. Going to wear it tonite while asleep! 2moro have Skype chat with N/D at 10 for 90 min, T4l with M and DoW4g4s with D/D – pretty busy. Funds at new peak today. Enjoyed the morning liaison!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 15th : maximum 10C, minimum 7C, light SW breeze, bright, mild, dry. Have Goshawk data downloaded and analysed, next step is to add any data from the N&TBC bulletins. Did my second stint for R at Tesco, reasonable donations; we've got a card reader now, taking £2 or 5; some people say 'sorry, no change' so we whip out the card reader; some do pay that way but others scurry off quickly, bluff called! Bought masses of cleaning materials for S in the house at W. Problem this morning – fitted a bulb bought off the web, turned lights on and fuse blew in upstairs light circuit; bulb shorted the circuit I feel rather than overloaded it; so with no trips, located the faulty fuse and fitted new 5-amp wire in it; all working now! Coal arrived this morning – very prompt --£124.50 for 250 kg of ovoids (smokeless, produced in UK from overseas coal) and 100 kg of small doubles (good kindling)-- pretty reasonable – source coal for both ovoids and doubles is Russia! Not sure what to make of latest Covid fear game – whatever, Welly is closed this Friday evening – ruination for many hospitality businesses. UK had 2nd highest Covid total in world today, after US, quite amazing! Still planning to go to Messiah and Young Sinfonia this Saturday, with Duke of Wellington on Friday and Globe on Thursday. xxx the most gorgeous one xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 14th : maximum 8C, minimum 7C, moderate SW breeze, bright, mild, dry. Below is Hobby summary for 2021, next up is Goshawk! Collecting in 4St HEX this afternoon out in the open from 12:00-13:00 in Rotary's Xmas appeal, collecting for local charities such as Food Bank, Hospice: reasonably well supported. 2moro it's same ongoing collection but it's 13:00-14:00 at Tesco. Bought Big Issue from Monica for £5 and had lunch at QHC – very tasty. Gave £28.80 to Salvation Army's Xmas appeal in addition to my monthly payment of £25; think there but for the grace of God go I!! Would have voted with the Tory rebels and LibDems today: exponential extrapolations are not modelling IMHO; modelling should attempt to balance inhibiting factors as well as the straight growth. It's ridiculous saying the whole country will be infected by the end of December. Bought a ticket in Upper Circle of TR for Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker by Scottish Ballet on 3/2 for £49 as Friend. Have 4 concerts in a row from 2/2-5/2. Paid Universal Logic €300 for their congress fee today to secure early-bird rate. After the Hobby account below, give some encouraging news of Pfizer's antiviral drugs. In any case South Africa's cases remain mild: we're over-reacting, whatever happened to English coolness!! Funds were down on Monday but rebounded today to new record +4k wtd; mining heavyweights continue to benefit from bottoming in China and inflation worries (they're a hedge!). xxx

Updated Hobby page with more promising results for SW Northumberland in 2021 (Population of the Hobby in SW Northumberland).

More details of the Hobby breeding season for 2021 are available in Table 16



No. sites

No. adults

Breeding Category






Also seen

Devil’s Water
























Upper South Tyne








Lower South Tyne








Tyne W








Tyne E
























Table 16: Breeding Data for Hobby in SW Northumberland by area in 2021

Coverage was expanded in the west this year with the focus of the Honey-buzzard survey moving this way in 2021 from the east of the study area last year. Two sites were found occupied in each of Allen and upper South Tyne, giving a major boost to the reported totals. Top area remains Tyne Valley W with 3 sites found occupied with the remaining 2 sites of the total of 9 occupied found in Tyne Valley E. Derwent was poorly covered this year so the negative outcome for Hobby is not unexpected. Devil's Water though was very well covered but also had a negative outcome. Broods were scarce. A pair in the Towsbank/Eals Bridge area raised at least one young and food was seen being carried into a nest at Prospect Hill, near Corbridge, on 22/8. NR was absent for 2 weeks in September in a visit to Gibraltar/Tarifa, which will have meant some broods were probably missed. A pair were almost certainly successful at Bywell Cottagebank, being seen on 5 occasions from 18/5 to 10/8. Further breeding sites with outcome unknown were Staward N, Staward S, Haltwhistle North Wood, Riding Mill (March Burn), Prudhoe Dukeshagg, Wylam. As with the Red Kite and Goshawk, additional records were taken from the Bulletin of the Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club (April-October 2021 searched): these provided further records for the Corbridge and Towsbank sites but did not introduce any new sites. A search of BirdGuides provided a further sighting for the Corbridge site but no further additional information. So after the slump in 2019 to just 3 sites occupied in the whole study area, it is reasonable to feel a little happier about the continued presence of the Hobby in the study area as a breeding species but it remains a scarce species. Most records in the County are now on or near the coast where it may well be breeding.

NEW YORK (Reuters) -Pfizer Inc on Tuesday said its antiviral COVID-19 pill showed near 90% efficacy in preventing hospitalizations and deaths in high-risk patients, and recent lab data suggests the drug retains its effectiveness against the fast spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The U.S. drugmaker last month said the oral medicine was around 89% effective in preventing hospitalizations or deaths when compared to placebo, based on interim results in around 1,200 people. Data from its final analysis of the trial disclosed on Tuesday includes an additional 1,000 people.

Nobody in the trial who received the Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) treatment died, compared with 12 deaths among placebo recipients.

The Pfizer pills are taken with the older antiviral ritonavir every 12 hours for five days beginning shortly after onset of symptoms. If authorized, the treatment will be sold as Paxlovid.

"It's a stunning outcome," Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Mikael Dolsten said in an interview.

December 13th : maximum 7C, minimum 3C, light SW breeze, dull, mild, dry. Below is Red Kite summary for 2021, next up is Hobby! Made Rotary Xmas dinner at Beaumont where put on President's Table for some highbrow talk, mainly centering around 6 bottles of wine for the 8 of us. Canon David Kennedy was our speaker and I was impressed with the stressing of the 'light' in midwinter and the quarter days as significant biblical events. Went straight onto G where 4 of us out and C on. Good chat: impressed with liveliness of both Rotary and Globe in face of current adversity. xx

Meanwhile from RSA: South Africa’s omicron Covid outbreaks may already be running out of steam: Country’s virus death rate now one in 200 – the lowest it has been throughout the pandemic and 10 times lower than last September

Statisticians in South Africa have also noted that the case fatality rate – the percentage of people who go on to die from an infection – has fallen considerably since the arrival of omicron. With the delta variant, around three per cent of infections – one in 33 – were resulting in death, but now that figure has slumped to 0.5 per cent – one in 200 – the lowest it has been throughout the pandemic in South Africa and 10 times lower than in September last year. Some experts claim there has not been enough time for the death data to catch up with infections and that the case fatality rate will rise in coming weeks as infections start to translate into hospitalisations and deaths. But Peter Streicher, a research associate at the University of Johannesburg, pointed out that the infection to death lag in South Africa is just 10 days because most cases are only picked up once they arrive in hospital, when many are already severe. It means omicron should have been visible in the death data by now. "The case fatality rate was consistently at three per cent until late November, mostly delta deaths," he said. "If the case fatality rate remained at three per cent, we would have seen 200 deaths per day by now. We are seeing around 21 deaths per day currently, of which eight are probably still delta deaths.

"Omicron is extremely mild. The rest of the world has nothing to fear." His modelling also suggests cases in Gauteng have peaked and the total deaths caused by the wave will be around 640 – about four per cent of South Africa's delta wave, which saw 15,400 deaths.

So what's going on? Interesting debate in HoC tomorrow.

Updated Red Kite page with solid results for SW Northumberland in 2021 (Population of the Red Kite in SW Northumberland).

More details of the Red Kite breeding season for 2021 are available in Table 15:


No. sites

No. adults

Breeding Category

No. Juveniles fledged

Post-breeding sites




Devil’s Water
















Upper South Tyne








Lower South Tyne








Tyne W








Tyne E






















44 (1x3, 14x2, 13x1+)


Table 15: Breeding Data for Red Kite in SW Northumberland by area in 2021

This year, action moved to the west of the study area as the Honey-buzzard survey action was concentrated in that area. So many more visits were made to the upper South Tyne and Allen and fewer visits to the Derwent. Coverage was concentrated this year therefore on the upper South Tyne, Allen, Devil's Water, Tyne Valley W and Tyne Valley E. The total number of sites found to be occupied fell slightly from 61 to 56 and the total number of adults found declined from 84 in 2020 to 75. These are not thought to be real declines, probably stemming from a reduction in observer activity in spring after the frenetic activity in the Covid lockdown in spring 2020. The observer NR was absent for half of September 2021 in Gibraltar/Tarifa; this will have depressed the numbers of broods found. Despite these declines in total sites and coverage issues the number of juveniles known to have fledged was a record 44 in a record number of 28 broods. Further the news from the west of the study area was very encouraging with 15 sites occupied in the upper South Tyne and Allen with 16+ young raised at 11 sites. The habitat here is of sheepwalk and game estates, suggesting there is plenty of food and little persecution in these areas. Some of the birds in the western areas may originate from the Grizedale, Cumbria, reintroduction rather than the Gateshead one. The Red Kite has recolonised very successfully both the lowland habitat in the eastern part of the study area and the upland habitat in the western part.

Movements were not noted this year, except for one flying W at Swallowship in the Devil's Water area at 14:40 on 6 November. The absence in September did reduce observations in this critical month for raptor migration.

Two mixed pairs with Black Kite were noted this year, after one in 2020 (see Black Kite in Northumberland). To avoid complex handling of data, such pairs have been counted as pure Red Kite pairs for counting purposes on this page and the hybrid offspring have been counted as pure Red Kite juveniles. Two hybrid young were raised at one site in 2020 in Tyne Valley E and 4 hybrid young at two sites in 2021 in Tyne Valley E and Allen.

As in 2020 records were included from the bulletins of the Northumberland & Tyneside Bird Club from February (extended earlier in season from March in 2020) to October 2021. These added single sites to Allen, Lower South Tyne, Tyne Valley West and upper South Tyne. The main effect was on Derwent, increasing the 2 sites found by me to 15 sites, these last along the Durham border to E of Derwent Reservoir, which I had not visited. So 17 sites in all were added from the bulletins to the 39 sites that I found from my own observations. The bulletin writer acknowledged the increasing numbers with the comment “Heavy signs of expansion as 46 sightings this month” in the headlines for the March 2021 bulletin.

FoRK reported 67 birds at 2 roost sites in Durham at Gibside and Hamsterley Mill. in December 2020 Breeding report from FoRK: “In recent reports we’ve announced new record figures and this one is no exception. We know of forty-four chicks that have fledged this summer, from twenty successful nests, beating last year’s figure of forty-two. Sadly, there were six nests which failed with four of the failures due to the hailstorms and the cold, wet weather of May. Of the five garden nests found, two were lost during that period, but the three remaining successful nests fledged seven chicks.

There were three very late nests discovered this year: One was in Spen Banks, near Sherburn Towers Farm, Rowlands Gill and another was a re-lay in the Harperley Nature Reserve, near Tantobie. The third nest found was north-east of Whitley Chapel and this brought the total of known nests in south-east Northumberland up to three. The youngsters in the nest at Spen Banks fledged in late July, as did the Whitley Chapel brood of three, but the chicks in the Harperley nest did not fledge until the fifth of August. Red kite chicks normally fledge by the end of June”. Note the not unexpected late breeding of the birds near Whitley Chapel, close to my house.

December 12th: maximum 11C, minimum 5C, sunny around lunchtime, a rare day for December, light W breeze, increasing by evening, dry. House is lovely and cosy now. Sunset in Hexham at 15:40 has now bottomed, next step on 18/12 is + 1 min to 15:41. Sunrises are still getting later, don't worry too much about that! There were masses of flies around my flowering ivy at Ordley at 13:00 in the sunshine, c60 large dark flies with 1 hoverfly and no wasps; it's still producing flowers. Every time a car passed, there was a swarm taking off with quite a buzz. Plenty of Winter Moth around last night in the milder weather. These December insect hatches must be welcomed by the birds. Had great turnout at G4g4s – 7 of us, almost full complement! Made great progress on the Red Kite account for 2021, producing provisional totals, now writing the account. Had a second paper accepted at Universal Logic conference in Crete in April, definitely worth going; M's not going, too expensive and too much of a strain so I will be presenting both papers; looking forward to it; let's hope Covid doesn't get in the way. Next concert is Messiah on Saturday at Sage. xx

December 11th: maximum 8c, minimum 7C, light W breeze, gloomy. Did make S4con, hearing RNS: A West End Christmas with Michael England conducting and singers Kelly Mathieson, Caroline Sheen, Nadim Naaman, Scott Davies. All very upbeat and played with high spirits; particularly liked the 3 songs from The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber – very passionate and inspired. The concert was very well attended. We had a reception before the concert from the fundraising team, all very matey though concert not highbrow enough maybe for some regular attendees and donors who were absent. Called in at Bridge for old time's sake for a rw – very quiet for Saturday nite. Came in by train HEX-NCL 17:16 and was going back on last train 22:35 but it was only running to the Metro Centre (don't know why). Joined a select group surrounding some train company officers and was put in a taxi taking 4 people to Blaydon, Ovingham and Hexham foc. Got to HEX at 23:20 about expected time for train so not bad – £52 on meter but that was Northern's call! Funds last week were +32k at new record, making gain ytd of +565k gross (+45.8%), +540k net with ftse 100 ytd +11.7%, ftse 250 +14.0%; don't have any funds in travel, tourism, leisure, as suspect we will limit such activities even if all evidence shows it's pointless. Will summarise Falkland investments tomorrow. Booked up Wagner's Parsifal at Sage by Opera North on 18/6 for £55, starting at 16:00 – it's fairly long! That's to go with the earlier performance at Leeds at 16:00 on 7/6, which also signed up for. House is cold but slowly warming up after 73 hours of power cuts in 3 sessions in last 2 weeks. Still working on Red Kite results for 2021, now merging records from NTBC bulletins into my results. xx

Very surprised that the scientists are using Gauteng as a marker for their modelling on what omicron will do in the UK. From Wiki:

Situated on the Highveld, Gauteng is the smallest province in South Africa. Though Gauteng accounts for only 1.5% of the country's land area, it is home to more than a quarter of its population.[5] Highly urbanised, the province contains the country's largest city, Johannesburg, which is also one of the largest cities in the world. It also contains the administrative capital, Pretoria, and other large areas such as Midrand, Vanderbijlpark and the affluent Sandton. As of 2019, Gauteng is the most populous province in South Africa with a population of approximately 15 million people according to estimates.[6]

Gauteng is very densely populated and is indeed an under-resourced megacity with low levels of vaccination, particularly prone to the rapid spread of infectious diseases. Such modelling needs to be treated with great caution.

December 10th: maximum 5c, minimum 0C, ground frost in moonlight landscape late at nite, calm, sunny in daytime. Another power cut, starting at 13:30 and unresolved at end of day; reported it straight-away and in a select power-cut group of 1; engineer arrived quickly and diagnosed it as faulty (burnt-out) wiring near pole, which would have given fluttery supply recently (correct!). but a separate team does mega-wiring problems and they could not fit me in today; phoned me up at Welly to confirm this (think they were surprised I was at the pub!). So that's 4 nights out of last 14 spent in the dark; don't tell me the future is all-electric: It's the 8Kw coal-fired stove that's my lifeline; just having a cup of coffee on it and it will keep going all nite. Suspect the problem is a result of recent dramatic surges; there will be many gremlins lurking in the power supply. Had gr8 meal at a very quiet W in RM with D/D, good 3-course meal (pate, turkey, Xmas pudding, couple of rw with a g aperitif! Spreadsheet not available but funds had a good week, at least +30k at new record, on brightening of outlook for Falklands oil and general rise in mining stocks. Have given up on North Sea oil/gas on lack of political support; we will pay dearly for the lack of support for such a valuable resource, particularly in an energy insecure world. Earlier chatted to N/D on Skype as they approach 2 years without social interaction. The effect of fear on my generation is catastrophic -- many people's active lives cut short; an epidemic of dementia in progress. 2moro at the Sage for reception and West End concert. xx

PS power mysteriously came back at 01:45 (11/12) with no action by Powergrid. Enabled me to charge/fire-up all heating devices, computers. Engineer arrived at 08:45 (11/12), surprised at return of power but replaced faulty cable, which he showed me, quite bare of insulation at one point; he also replaced a neighbour's bit of wiring, showing similar wear, while up the pole! Very pleased they've come round.

December 9th: maximum 5C, minimum 1C, light W breeze, mostly dry until evening when heavy, short period of rain. Made Boatside4m4l with the IT gang at 12:30, 5 of us out for good crack; had haddock tart followed by beef pie, plus a couple of rw, leaving turkey for tomorrow at Wellington in evening. Cleaner S was at house so went up the road to Grindon Lough for a bit of birdwatching at dusk followed by garage trip for petrol fill – 146.9p a litre, total £56. Much later made G4g4s where A/R out for good company. Working on Red Kite 2021 now, going through spreadsheet of 88 records, producing what's known at each site; should complete this tomorrow and start updating the report. xx At Grindon had 14 bird-types, including 230 Wigeon, 168 Teal, 125 Canada Goose, 10 Tufted Duck, 10 Mallard, 3 Goldeneye (drake, 2 redhead), 20 Crow, 6 GBBG (5 adult, 1 1w), 2 Herring Gull 1w, plus 3 2w put down as Herring Gull but could be Caspian Gull; light was not good and only had camera no.2.

Anglo-Israeli Collaboration saves my bacon in Falklands:

8 December 2021: Sea Lion Update: Rockhopper Exploration plc: Heads of Terms with Harbour to exit the Falklands and Navitas to farm-in

Rockhopper Exploration plc (AIM: RKH), the oil and gas exploration and production company with key interests in the North Falkland Basin, is pleased to announce that Rockhopper, Harbour Energy plc ("Harbour") and Navitas Petroleum LP ("Navitas") have signed detailed heads of terms for Harbour to exit the Falklands [thank God] and for Navitas to farm-in. The proposed transaction remains subject to definitive documentation and completion subject to, inter alia, regulatory approval.

Navitas Petroleum, Limited Partnership (NVPT-L.TA) quoted in Tel Aviv- נאוויטס פטרוליום - Tel Aviv Delayed price. Currency in ILA [Navitas means energy in Latin]

Hold 1.4m RKH (0.3% of company) so have an interest! Argentina has been trying to scare-off companies from producing oil in the Malvinas (Falklands) but Navitas are made of stern stuff! Israel has a number of very dynamic energy companies seeking energy security for the country, something the UK has been neglecting to its cost.

December 8th: maximum 4C, minimum 2C, moderate W breeze, mostly dry, occasional shower. Sunset 15:41 (3 min more to come off), sunrise 8:19, day length 7 hour 22 min. Important day, publication at last, from home page: Launched new page [after plenty of work] with breeding records from 2020-2021 (Black Kite in Northumberland).

Extract from page: summary data: All the data in Table 1 refers to the study area in south west Northumberland, with survey work done by NR.


Number of localities where signs of occupation

Number of pure Black Kite pair

Number of hybrid Black Kite x Red Kite pair

Number of Black Kite adult

Number of associating Red Kite adult

Number of pure Black Kite juvenile

Number of Black Kite x Red Kite juvenile

Total broods

Total young fledged










2 (1 x2)










6 (3x2)

Table 1: Numbers of breeding Black Kite found from 2020-2021 in SW Northumberland

Have plenty to say on other matters such as hypocrite green Allegra Stratton and Israeli company Navitas' pending deal on oil in the Falklands but it's 01:54 09/12 and need to get to bed! Did have lunch at QHC and secured supplies of bird food and kindling wood for fire. Round of bigger meals starts tomorrow!! xx

December 7th: maximum 4C, minimum 2C, strong SE breeze, not a gale, heavy rain started at 13:00 and continued into evening. No power supplies problem but weather docile in Barra compared with Arwen. Northern Powergrid did send me text saying they were right behind us as Barra struck! Not reassured – it's all public relations! Had a quiet day not risking a journey after Saturday evening but other than a bit of sleet at the start it all fell as rain. Completed processing of individual Black Kite records and piccies; great immediate benefit in that realise the Prudhoe mixed pair raised 2 young each year. Tomorrow will write chatty comments and will then publish, probably on Thursday. Have RNS concert and reception at Sage on Saturday with lunch on Thursday at Boatside and dinner at Welly on Friday. Markets have had a incredible rebound this week as fears of omicron (Greek letter small o: o-micron, avoiding nu people would hear it as new and xi Chinese leader!) recede. Mind the usual culprits in the media and health professionals (some self-serving) are doing their best to whip up fear and panic again. No country can afford another lockdown as budgets already exceeded for all reasonable purposes. Further mental/societal problems from lockdowns are already severe – we've got to get back to normal, accepting the virus will be with us for years. Wore mask in Waitrose, a little on Metro, getting into Hexham Library but nowhere else. Drugs developed to treat Covid cases are promising. Omicron should be milder than delta on normal rules of virus evolution (through time, more infectious, less severe) – let's see! Funds bounced back +21k to within 5k of record, set on 15/10; particularly strong were heavyweight miners, which I've been buying in spades, and Eros junk bonds; getting into the film industry now! Hopefully India's vast cinema industry will revive rapidly post-Covid. Liked the leaflet for the BAF – very well presented, proof-read, motivating; goes well with the music. xx

Here's what has become a monthly climate update. Climate mean anomaly for November 2021 was +0.08 C, quite a low figure, reinforcing the idea of a plateau since 2014 The more detailed account of the satellite readings, at, shows that:

Global climate trend since Dec. 1 1978: +0.14 C per decade

Following the warmest October temperatures over land (+0.61 °C), this temperature departure in November fell to +0.22 C (+0.40 °F), a 0.39 °C drop. The polar regions especially cooled, with northern high latitudes experiencing a drop of over 1 °C from October to a below-average value of -0.42 °C (-0.76 °F) with a similar drop in the southern high latitudes of -0.85 °C to -0.73 °C (-1.31 °F). The warmest region, in terms of the monthly departure from average, was +3.8 °C (+6.8 °F) °F) near the coastal town of Ayan in far Eastern Russia. Warm departures also occurred in the western US, Canada to the North Atlantic, Black Sea, and New Zealand. The North Pacific, much of Africa eastward through China, the far South Pacific and eastern Antarctica were also above average. The coldest grid cell appeared near King Salmon Alaska (-4.4 °C, -7.9 °F). As is often the case with monthly extremes, the coldest and warmest were relatively close in a global sense – in this case only 3,700 km (about 2,300 mi) apart or roughly the distance from Los Angeles to Atlanta. In addition to Alaska, several other colder than average areas were seen in the European/Russian Arctic, eastern US, western Mediterranean, much of the coast of Antarctica and central China eastward to Japan.

Arctic sea-ice: A mixed-bag of Arctic sea ice: Sea ice extent increased at a faster than average pace through November and by the end of the month, extent was just within the interdecile range. Extent was above average in the Bering Sea, but Hudson Bay remained unusually ice free through the month. The November 2021 monthly average extent was 9.77 million square kilometers (3.77 million square miles), which ranked tenth lowest in the satellite record. The 2021 extent was 930,000 million square kilometers (359,000 million square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average. Extent was higher than average in the Bering Sea, but is extremely low in Hudson Bay. The downward linear trend in November sea ice extent over the 43-year satellite record is 53,300 square kilometers (20,600 square miles) per year, or 5 percent per decade relative to the 1981 to 2010 average.

In the Antarctic, ice extent declined relatively rapidly during the austral spring. By the end of November, extent was the second lowest in the satellite record, bested only by the extreme low recorded in 2016. Extent was particularly low in the Bellingshausen and Weddell Seas as well as in the Indian Ocean sector, north of Enderby Land. The Maud Rise polynya [open sea within ice] has once again formed. This feature was not seen for many years after the 1970s, but has started to form in recent years.

ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Advisory. La Niña is present. Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are below average across the central and east-central Pacific Ocean. The tropical Pacific atmosphere is consistent with La Niña conditions.

La Niña is likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter 2021-22. (~90% chance) and into spring 2022 (~50% chance during March-May).

December 6th: maximum 4C, minimum 0C, light W breeze, dry and dull. Had a Marsh Tit on the granular peanut on the shed roof at home. Two social events: Rotary at B4m4l, always a solid start to the week, and G4g4s with 4 of us out, double last Monday's. Met JC, who's had Covid really badly – he's in basically very robust health so bit of a surprise; his partner S sailed through with mild symptoms for a few days. Booked up trains for trip to London at Xmas, going for 7 days more or less centrally positioned, staying with son for 2 days and daughter for 4 days. Cost for 2 advance singles NCL-LGX was under £80 with railcard, surprised at that – very competitive! Looked at Black Kite 2020 results hard with most recent experience and can see that 2 hybrid juveniles were raised, not 1; completed 2020 results and now adding piccies to 2021 for Prudhoe. It's going to be an informative piece when finally released in 2-3 days time. Storm Barra arrives tomorrow afternoon, direction from W makes it less of a threat than Arwen (hopes he!) but will likely produce whiteout in afternoon/early evening. Think it will be QHC tomorrow morning. xx

December 5th: maximum 4C, minimum 2C, light SE breeze, mainly dry in the 'Shire but wet on Tyneside. Main event of day was fundraiser BAF at StJB, drove in to sharpen up my city skills! Very impressed, thought the violinist and pianist played beautifully together throughout and LH was accomplished as soprano – so brave of her to take on the task when regulars became ill. Had a rw to make it an occasion! Enjoyed the hug!! Gave 0.04k for the envelope collection and, after listening to the stream later, gave a further 0.02k; have got into the habit of watching streams after going to the live performance; you do learn quite a bit more and can replay the bits you love so think it's a good idea, as well as bringing in more patrons. Progressed Black Kite, producing cropped images for both days in June 2020 in the Prudhoe area. Later made G4g4s where an incredible 5 of us out, very sociable: Sunday's becoming a gr8 day with the mso!! Had a Tawny Owl calling in the Sele at 23:30. Safe journey back: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 4th: maximum 2C, minimum 1C, moderate NW breeze, heavy sleet started at 16:30, quickly turning to snow, turning back to sleet at midnight. What weather for the roads: covered in wet snow early evening in blizzard conditions, A69 traffic at 30mph going in with everyone following the tracks of the car in front. Just rain at Ponteland and in Tyneside. Coming back a thaw partly due to gritting on the A69, but 'Shire road was covered in 15cm of slush and rutted snow with a flood down the side of the road in places; again had to keep to the deep tracks, keep the revs up going uphill and crawl downhill. Mission accomplished: always satisfying to keep life going! Earlier some work on Black Kite, producing cropped stills for 20/8/2020 records at Ordley and Prudhoe records copied from 2021 NB. Will add piccies, where available, to 2021 notes and look to crop more of the 2020 piccies. Film at TC was The Hand of God, giving an insight into family life in Naples in the 1980s; there were some lovely shots of Naples and surrounding highlights like Isle of Capri and Stromboli; very sensuous in places with tragic moments, combining all possible emotions; enjoyed it! 2moro sees concert; taking car in. xx

Here's the update from Canadian Manganese, the mining company, expecting to supply Mn for use in electric vehicle car batteries. Hold 574.5k of these (0.68% of the total issued) from Minco days. Expect them to start trading at 35c (Canadian) valuing stake at £120k (that's my spreadsheet value)..

Canadian Manganese Files Technical Report for the Woodstock Project – Newsfile Corp. --Fri, December 3, 2021, 7:12 PM·7 min read

New Mineral Resource Estimate for Plymouth Deposit 43,070,000 tonnes grading 10.01% Manganese NI

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 3, 2021) - Canadian Manganese Company Inc. ("CMC" or the "Company") is pleased to report that it has filed a technical report in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, reporting a Mineral Resource Estimate for the Plymouth manganese-iron deposit (Plymouth Deposit) (the "Woodstock Project") in New Brunswick, available on SEDAR (

The technical report is entitled "NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Woodstock Project, (Plymouth Manganese-Iron Deposit) Woodstock Area, New Brunswick, Canada" (the "Report") and has been prepared by Paul Ténière, M.Sc., P. Geo.; Matthew Harrington, P. Geo. (both of Mercator Geological Services Limited); Dean Thibault, P. Eng.; (Thibault and Associates Ltd) and Lawrence Elgert, P. Eng. (AGP Mining Consultants Inc) with an effective date of November 10, 2021. The Report updates the previous Mineral Resource Estimate of the Plymouth deposit disclosed in the Woodstock Project Preliminary Economic Assessment dated July 10, 2014.

Following the recent completion of the reassessment of strategic focus from the production of Electrolytic Manganese Metals ("EMM") to High Purity Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate ("HPMSM"), including current pricing analysis and preliminary operating cost estimates, the new Mineral Resource estimate, prepared in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Reserves as amended in 2014, (CIM Standards 2014) now stands at 43,070,000 tonnes grading 10.01% manganese (utilizing a cut-off grade of 5% Mn) in the Inferred category.

This technical report may be used to support a public listing of the Company on a Canadian stock exchange.

December 3rd: maximum 6C, minimum 3C, light SW breeze, dull, dry until late at night. Joined N/D on Skype for 90 min of chat in morning, then Saxo Markets for webinar from 12:00-13:00 on outrageous predictions for 2022: these included rain check on move out of fossil fuels (due to impossibility of replacing them that quickly), Facebook decline (young view it as a bit granny-like), US inflation soaring (with reckless budgets), US becoming ungovernable (hate between the 2 main parties), EU constrained (by internal rifts), Reddit (as women's army, pressing more strongly for removal of glass ceilings), India joining Middle East Regional Alliance, Spotify disrupted (by NFT-based digital rights, 85% of revenue to artists, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift prime movers), hypersonic space race (dangerous missile developments), life-span enhancements (diagnosis predispositions), with in q&a nuclear civil power and gender rights discussed. All very interesting! Then out to bottle bank (clearing glass jars), W4shop £42 (amazing how much save with no junk food and no drinking at home). Finally made DoW with D/D for Xmas dinner – wild mushrooms with scotch egg, turkey main course, apple crumble, couple rw, marvellous conversation and food, my share £37 including £4 tip. Made more progress on Black Kite, completing pictures for Bywell 26/7/21 and retrieving entries, including piccies, for 2020; getting there quickly! Funds finished +1k on week after being as high as +8k but Friday was a down day with worries about Omicron and poor US job figures. So ytd gain is 533k gross (+43.2%), +508k net, with ftse 100 ytd +9.1%, ftse 250 +12.6%. Some interesting news: Eros, an Indian Netflix-style operation, in which hold junk bonds, appears to be surviving; Canadian Manganese listing is imminent (more on this later). Finished off a great day with a stimulating pillow chat!! 2moro sees TC4film, based in Naples, late-show, going via CP!! Sunday is expected to be quieter but looking forward to concert, travelling by car!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 2nd: maximum 2C, minimum 0C, light W breeze, sunny, little snow in evening, melting by midnight as thaw set in. Met M at T4c4c and G4g4s with P/A, both venues for good chat. Also met R outside his house and persuaded him to join us next Monday. At Ordley had a Barn Owl at 23:45 and 10 Fieldfare at 14:00. Major effort on Black Kite records continued, adding piccies and analysis to existing accounts. Almost completed 2021 for Bywell and Sinderhope but need to add earlier Prudhoe records in 2021 and all records for 2020. Think will complete this part before publishing. Working on kitchen tall cabinet where oil-fired boiler is to go, emptying the shelves and finding space elsewhere in kitchen for displaced items. Have got masses of glass bottles for recycling and many plastic boxes for chucking. Haven't had a quote yet for installation but oil looks to be the most reasonably priced heating commodity over the years ahead, currently $70 a barrel after OPEC+ continues to boost supplies; think they want to head off substitution worries. Will be attending the FR concert on Sunday – looking forward to it. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Will dream of her tonite: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

December 1st: maximum 5C, minimum -1C, moderate NW breeze, heavy rain in morning, then dry but snow flurries gave 2cm of lying snow by end of day, much colder. Power stayed on! Empathise enormously with those still cut-off. Put a lot of effort into Black Kite page, preparing Background, Seasonal Movements, NR's Results, Multimedia. Close to publishing but assembling more piccies from Sinderhope and earlier Bywell visits. Spent several hours on this. Booked up another Xmas lunchtime meal – Boatside at Warden with IT gang on 9/12. 2moro it's T4c4c with M and G4g4s with A and on Friday have first Xmas meal at DoW in evening with D/D. So keeping life going!! Symptoms have indeed gone! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 30th: maximum 10C, minimum 4C, moderate SW breeze, rain from time to time, much milder. As said below power did come back at 11:30; so first cut of 40 hours, second cut of 21 hours; total 61 hours in 3 ½ days. Met some people in Library from further out in 'Shire expecting power back tomorrow with no interlude of power-on so 5 days – terrible; like me they were interested in generators. You can buy a small generator, keep it in a shed and bring it out when there's a power cut; you can with an electrician put various devices/gadgets on the circuit to be supplied in an emergency such as fridge-freezer, boiler, some lights, few power plugs for computers and charging mobile; nothing heavy such as electric baseload. Besides the interlude I was really lucky in that Vodafone kept the 4G service running throughout so I could keep in touch with people and events; the mobile generator must have been just outside the area affected by the cut. At 22:57 completed processing 2021's records with the breeding of the pure Black Kite pair. It's all under 10/8 below but thought, as it's the bird-event of the year for me – 1st breeding of a pure Black Kite pair in the UK -- should be reproduced here! Next up is a new page Black Kite in Northumberland, including this pure pair and the 2 hybrid pairs with Red Kite! Plus a few tweets under #blackkite. Funds are +4k on wtd but everything is very shaky, particularly oils on sharp fall in PoO but have heavily reduced exposure to oil and gas shares. Swelling on left-hand has gone down a lot, bruising has disappeared and pain is fading; have been taking Ibuprofen but have to stop that now – not sure how to put this but I get side effects from both Ibuprofen and decongestants (for hay fever) and the result is similar to a UTI – have to watch where I go!! Symptoms will go quickly now off the medicine; I don't take any regular drugs or pills (other than alcohol!) as they all have their downside. Had lunch at QHC – good menu and nice staff: cheese and pickle sandwich on brown bread with salad. Giving Day today (North America anyway) – wonder when mine is!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Here's piccies of Black Kite from 10/8 Bywell:

adult 1: streamlined, black body, dark brown head and neck, wings darker on primaries than on inner wing, pale primary bases underneath, dark trailing edge and carpal, obviously forked tail with pale underside, yellow cere, left-wing complete with P5 prominent but maybe broken off, right-wing P10-P7, P6 missing, P5 protruding present, broad wing-tip, 1  2  3  4 (5 with Common Buzzard juvenile) 6  7  8.

adult 2: streamlined but heavier than other adult, black body and head, wings uniformly dark on top, dusky underneath with pale primary bases, dark trailing edge and carpal, obviously forked tail, yellow cere, left-wing P10-P8, P7 missing, P6, P5 protruding, right-wing not captured, broad wing-tip, 9  10  11  12  13.

adult 1 with juvenile 1: 14  15  16  17  18

juvenile 1: black primaries, paler brown inner wings and body, floating weakly, forked and barred tail, white under-tail coverts, white vent area, shorter wings and tail than adult, palish head, broad wing-tip, subterminal tail band 19  20 (21 with Common Buzzard juvenile) (22  23  24 with male Honey-buzzard 11075)

juvenile 2: black primaries, paler brown inner wings and body, stronger flier, forked tail, dark wings and body, pale primary bases underneath, similar dimensions to adult, white head with head showing hint of mask, dusky end to tail, broad wing-tip but primary tips poorly developed 25 (26 with Common Buzzard juvenile) 27  28  29  30.

November 29th: maximum 4C, minimum 0C, bright intervals, light W breeze, dry, patchy snow lying in morning, all gone as temperatures rose in evening. Electricity took a marked turn for the worse with another power cut at 14:20 29/11. So writing this in Hexham Library at 11:30 30/11. Had put dish washer and washing machine on, had bath, warmed house up a bit in the interlude between cuts. So now in group of 100 houses in 'Shire with no power, expected restoration 11:15pm 30/11. Made Hexham Abbey this evening for massive Rotary social (65 there) over meal, very enjoyable, and G4g4s with A and C on for good chat. Glad to get out but feel need to stay local to protect house. This is by far the worst power situation in 37 years of living in 'Shire. Hopefully back to normal 2moro. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Got back home at 14:30 and power was back on, since 11:30 so wonder if restoration time on web site should have been 11:15am; they should not be using a 12-hour clock – totally unprofessional. Anyway let's not moan, let's celebrate!! xx

November 28th: maximum 1C, minimum -1C, dull, light NW breeze, little snow drizzle, patchy snow lying. Looking forward to concert this afternoon. Will be there! Don't expect power to be back anytime soon. Maybe G4g4s later. Northern Powergrid's web site was at last working again by 09:00 28/11 on my mobile. News is not good – only 100 properties affected in my part of the system in Ordley/Juniper/'Shire so low priority and estimated restoration is 12:00am 29/11.12am is midnight but it's ambiguous: do they mean 00:00 29/11 or 24:00 29/11? Suspect the latter! Map of cuts for NE England is at a major problem. Fire is still going strong: kept it going overnight and will keep it going until go into Newcastle by train. Found can heat water on top of the stove – very useful for shaving, coffee and tea. Could cook some soup – I've got 2 in from W. From car/train later had single Common Buzzard at Widehaugh and Riding Mill, 8 Tufted Duck at Merryshields GP and 2 drake Goosander at Blaydon from 12:30-13:30. Caught train RDM-NCL.

Day improved!! Concert was fantastic – Verdi's Requiem with massed choirs of Newcastle (RMS) and Huddersfield (Choral Society) and orchestra of RNS. It's an amazingly dramatic work with some marvellous climaxes; the start and ending are quite sombre but it is a requiem after all. Soloists were very impressive! Dinis Sousa was conductor, Timothy Burke chorus director, Hye-Youn Lee soprano, Alyona Abramova mezzo-soprano, Luis Gomes tenor, Simon Shibambu bass. Orchestra was RNS and choruses included the Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia and the aptly-titled Massed Musical Forces of the North East. Invited to pre-concert drinks with AP (Director of Sage) where met usual suspects for good chat. Went in early to Sage to get some charge into the mobile phone over a cup of coffee. Met some interesting people over post-concert drinks!! Got back home at 21:00 off late-running train which was convenient for me! And the power was back on – restored at 14:30 from my burglar alarm log. So early finish may mean job was simple – maybe just one tree down – and compensation at £70 per 12 hours could be avoided by completing the fix in under 48 hours after a severe storm. My cut was 40 hours – pretty long – developed my survival skills. House is going to take some warming up. Freezer contents are OK but will eat them quickly; fridge is fine as back porch temperature is 5C; no damage to house! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 27th: maximum 1C, minimum -2C, some snow flurries but mainly dry, sunny spells, gusty N wind becoming light N. Now 23:00 Saturday back from pub – Welly with D/D for good chat, booked up Xmas dinner there for 10/12. Had f&c+mp at Hexham where all lights on. Powergrid is still under great strain – they had 220.000 properties down at worst and now it's said to be 50-60,000 including mine to connect. But information is terrible – no website to keep us informed of progress – just vague Facebook statements There needs to be an enquiry on this –the National Grid must do better in this respect. I have a feeling that their website is designed for laptops when it should be obvious that many people will only be able to use mobiles if their power is off. It appears to be borrowed from EDF as it centres by default on Paris. My coal fire is really a coal stove 8KWh burning smokeless fuel – powerful: ¼ of a full CH system, at 32KWh. So will stay. This incident has made me more determined to get away from the National Grid to oil-fired CH and own generator as back-up. Bird count around house produced 26 types, mainly on feeders, including 1 Brambling, 2 Bullfinch, 1 Greenfinch, 1 Tree Sparrow, 1 Jay, 2 Pied Wagtail, 8 Redwing plus 1 Grey Squirrel. The regular adult male Kestrel was seen flying to roost in my archway well after sunset at 16:35.

November 26th: maximum 5C, minimum 0C, severe gale from N setting in in evening after hazy sunshine earlier. Was making great progress in sowing-up Black Kite piccies and last season when lost power!

Storm Arwen was certainly wild with flurries of snow from time to time, gale force N winds, and power cuts galore. Storm coming from N rather then SW probably caused additional damage as trees don't lean naturally away from the N. My power went off at 22:24 after surges and fluctuations all evening. The main problem now is lack of information – Northern Powergrid sent me a text message at 22:30 saying my power is off and it will be back in 90 min – if not they will be in touch again. Well no further messages, their website is not working and as of 14:00 Saturday they've resorted to Twitter and Facebook to give out random updates – how professional is that? But keeping warm on much-maligned coal! And mobile is working on 4G internet and phone; charged phone up a little from the laptop. Anyway it's all topical as P the heating engineer came round Friday morning and checked over the house for oil-fired CH. No quote yet but all is feasible. Of course the oil-fired CH relies on electricity for its control system so would not work now even with oil as baseload. If I get a back-up petrol-generator that could easily run the boiler and some lights plus a few gadgets (broadband, computer, TV) and the freezer So that might be a good addition. You''d need an enormous generator to run electricity baseload heating – don't even think about it.

Markets had a terrible day on Friday, crashing over 3% on fears about the omicron (anagram moronic!) Covid variant Thought a lot of it was downright alarmist, focussing on antigens and ignoring T-cells, the intensional part of our immune system, which are much more likely to remember any variant of Covid. Omicron is also reported from RSA as a mild form. Oil shares were very badly affected as markets were poised for a rise so massive unwinding of options and margin calls. Had sold earlier most of my oil shares and bought big mining, which is main interest now outside bonds, came down 2-3% but still up on the week. Overall on week funds were down 4.5k gross, 6k net after 1.5k withdrawal. On ytd funds are +532k gross (+43.1%), +507k net, with ftse 100 ytd +7.9% (-2.5% on week), ftse 250 +12.0%.

November 25th: max 7C, min 1C, light NW breeze, sunny intervals, rain by evening. Labelled 30 Black Kite piccies from 10/8 and sorted them as adult 1, adult 2, juv 1, juv 2. Changed labels of 3 piccies after review! Going to now group them together on web page for final check. Good to meet M/B at T4m4l – scrambled egg and baked beans again. We had good chat and also met R/P at G4g4s for good catch-up! Left-hand was generally sore, stiff and swollen 1st thing (bruised) but took a couple of Ibuprofen and it is looking and feeling better; follow the school to not take Ibuprofen for 24 hours to give natural recovery mechanisms a chance! So should wrap up 2021 season records tomorrow – next up is new page Black Kite in Northumberland. Have someone coming around tomorrow morning 08:00-11:00 to look at new heating installation. Booked up all 7 concerts at Sage for January-April, including 5 RNS, 1 Halle, 1 Liverpool Phil, for £254; looking forward to them all!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 24th: max 7C, min 1C, light W breeze, sunny morning at Ordley, gritter out at ttime as ground frost loomed. There were masses of insects around my flowering ivy this morning in the sunshine, loads of hover flies, true files, midges but only 1 wasp; very pleasing to see insect numbers holding up this late in the season. Went to Grindon Lough at 11:30 b4 JLAF, slipped getting out the car and dislocated my left-hand small finger: it was actually pointing sidewise so quickly pushed it back into position; nasty bruise on the middle joint (knuckle) but touch (nerves), blood supply and movement all OK and no distortion. It's painful though; thank goodness I'm not a musician; 3-5 weeks quoted for recovery but feeling a lot better after a long soak in hot bath tonite and it will be grand by next major engagement on Sunday!! So continued with birdwatch in the drizzle seeing 175 Wigeon, 125 Teal, 8 Mallard, 1 Little Grebe, 14 Canada Goose, 14 Greylag Goose, 53 Common Gull (52 adult, 1 1w), 1 Herring Gull 2w, 3 GBBG adult, 10 Black-headed Gull (9 adult, 1 1w), plus corvids: Rook, Crow, Jackdaw, giving 13 types. Earlier had a Common Buzzard near Boatside Pub, Warden and 6 Redwing at Ordley. Then made nearby Sill on the Roman Wall for JLAF meeting from 12:30-16:30, which went on a bit! But we had a good lunch and catch-up and it was exciting to see the new routes connecting the Roman Wall to the Kielder Forest for cyclists and walkers. Made G4g4t – no mates out but friendly enough. Back home for supper. Processed Honey-buzzard, Common Buzzard and Hobby material for Bywell on 10/8 so just the Black Kite piccies to do: will be marvellous when done as can do more creative writing! you can now catch up on tonight's #BBCPanorama at @BBCiPlayer: The Electric Car Revolution: Winners and Losers. Another dent in the Green's halos: mining Cobalt, used in EV batteries, comes at an enormous human cost in the Congo with Tesla and Glencore two of the exploiters. OK Cobalt is also used by the petroleum industry but they don't wear halos. Pleased to see the chair of JLAF's climate change WG drive off tonite in an enormous SUV! Progress in oil CH with account set up at BoilerGuide and already one firm wanting to contact me; don't think it's going to happen that quickly as they tend to do mainly emergency call-outs and repairs at the start of winter. Welkom: xxxxxx XXX!!!!!! 2moro it's Tans at 11 or 1 with M and G4g4s with cleaner S coming at 2.

November 23rd: max 7C, min 6C, light W breeze, sunny intervals. At Ordley on ivy 0 wasp and few small flies plus 4 Greenfinch, 4 Chaffinch, 1 Tree Sparrow, 3 House Sparrow on ground peanuts. At Elvaston on ivy 3 wasp but very few other insects plus 8 Blackbird. Updated fr @ baf. Made QH4s4l – like it there – had tuna sandwich, salad and black Americano! Completed processing Oakpool part of visit on 10/8, leaving just the Bywell bit (quite a lot actually) with the Black Kite piccies. The Allen was left with a few gaps as didn't make enough late visits in the fledging period with my trip to the Straits; so have 4 sites in Allen with adults present around 10/8; counted these as fledged (>=0) as will not fail surely this late on, indeed the young may already be out on the branches under the canopy. May not have much time 2moro as have JLAF at the Sill on the Roman Wall from 12:30-late afternoon, then G4g4t. Attended BTO Youth presentation for their benefactors by will on Zoom from 16:30-17:30 which was very gratifying: good to see the efforts to get the young interested in nature; I asked a question on the balance in their work between birds and nature in general which went down well: basically they encourage any branch in a very flexible manner; some young people like me (long time ago!) were fascinated by creepy-crawlies; indeed still am! Invited by NH to drinks reception on the house before Requiem on Level 3 on Sunday – accepted!! Funds smartly recovered this week at +9k on wtd with commodities prospering, including at last a rally in iron ore. Thinking about installing oil-fired central heating through the complete house, replacing current electric storage radiators before heat pumps become compulsory. Would be expensive (10k on a quick tot-up as would need c10 radiators, including the 2 bathrooms, put in as well as the boiler, tank, flue, pumps and piping) but electric heating costs look to be becoming exorbitant, affecting ease of re-sale, and current storage radiators lose their heat by the evening. Would keep the stand-alone coal-fired stove for cheerfulness and back-up (in case of power cut)! Needs to be done by 2025 to meet regulations! A new boiler would last typically 20 years. Would put most on a new personal loan from Lloyds as car loan down to 8.4k (3 years left) from 11k and expect to beat the interest charge (4-5%) with gain on investments. Have contacted Boiler Guide this evening for some quotes. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Following on from yesterday, lithium batteries are rapidly rising in price:

Soaring Lithium Prices Compel Buyers to Go Long-Term. With lithium carbonate prices reaching $30,000 per metric ton in China, up some 275% since the beginning of the year, key lithium buyers are now increasingly focusing on concluding long-term supply contracts for several years in advance.

Note the headline for the oilprice article: “Biden's Bid To Lower Oil Prices Fails” -- OPEC+ reign supreme. The ice-free Arctic is taking some time to arrive:

Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic as ice freezes early in reverse of recent warming winters. Shipping firms blame the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice. By Nataliya Vasilyeva, RUSSIA CORRESPONDENT, MOSCOW

More than two dozen cargo vessels are stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after an inaccurate forecast from the country’s Met Office. Maritime traffic in the Northern Sea Route has been on the rise in recent years as rapidly warming winters reduce ice cover, and Russia invests in its Arctic ports in preparation for a further boom. But this year several segments of the Northern Sea Route froze up about a fortnight earlier than usual, catching many ships unawares. Alexei Likhachyov - director general of Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy company Rosatom, which manages the country’s nuclear-power fleet of ice-breakers - said on Monday that the ships included vessels sailing under the flags of Hong Kong and Marshall Islands. He blamed the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice, in comments to local media.

November 22nd: max 5C, min 2C, light NW breeze, sunny, ground frost on car at 08:00. At Ordley on ivy 1 wasp, some gnats and a few other smaller flies plus 3 Greenfinch on ground peanuts. At Elvaston 8 wasp but very few other insects plus 10 Long-tailed Tit in a feeding flock. Now processing last day 10/8 for last breeding season: gr8 feeling!! Made R @ B4m4l where took the money with our card reader – all balanced. Also made G4g4s with A/R and C on for good chat!! Things might be looking up soon: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! 2moro have BTO youth scheme Zoom session at 16:30, will make QH4c4ll.

Intrigued by this article in the Guardian: Rio Tinto’s past casts a shadow over Serbia’s hopes of a lithium revolution: People in the Jadar valley fear environmental catastrophe as Europe presses for self-sufficiency in battery technology The soul searching at the need for Lithium for decarbonisation and the environmental destruction in mining the Lithium is all too evident.

It is in that context that the world’s dash for decarbonisation and the European Union’s drive for self-sufficiency in raw materials to achieve its climate targets have caught the company’s eye. The mine will involve the relocation of 81 households, voluntary or otherwise, and the purchase of fields of 293 landowners. A brochure circulated among those affected stated that expropriation of homes and land would be a “last resort”.The company has already bought up about 80% of the land and property, for what are said to be “unheard of” sums, according to Petkovik, amounting to hundreds of thousands of euros in some cases, based on payouts of €470 (£397) per sq metre of a property. Rio Tinto is offering 5% bonuses to those who complete within four months of an offer.

There are also two Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas internationally recognised as important for the conservation of bird populations. “But so far no risks have been identified for the existing fauna in these zones … No activities have been or will be carried out during the period of active nesting of birds,” added the company spokesperson. Obtaining lithium will nevertheless entail a heavy environmental toll, generating 57m tonnes of waste over the mine’s life of rock material and industrial detritus. “Such mines are mostly opened in deserts precisely because of the detrimental effect on the environment and biodiversity,” said Prof Dragana Đorđević, head of environmental chemistry and engineering at the University of Belgrade. “The basins of the Drina and Sava rivers, from which about 2.5 million people are supplied with water, are endangered.” Rio Tinto deny this.

Lucas Bednarsk, author of Lithium: The Global Race for Battery Dominance and the New Energy Revolution, said a moral argument could be made that Europe should bear the ecological costs of the lithium excavation it needs. It is currently imported from Australia, Latin America and China.

But Meadhbh Bolger, from Friends of the Earth Europe, says that batteries for electric vehicles and renewables are predicted to drive up demand for lithium by almost 6,000% by 2050 – and asked why such consumption was not being questioned.“There is still no talk about reducing demand,” says Bolger. “We have asked the question and the commission said they were not at the stage that they could address constraint. The reason we got to where we are in the first place is by exploiting the resources, too much extraction, to meet the needs of the luxury rich and European industry … We are just doing it again.”

Lithium is a key metal for our new decarbonised era. Apple Lithium-ion Batteries:

They’re inside every iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple Watch and MacBook, helping you do all kinds of things in all kinds of places. Find out more about your battery to get the most out of it throughout its lifespan — and beyond.

Lithium is also extensively used in batteries for temporary energy storage. Suspect that many Greens confuse decarbonisation with deindustrialisation. But they are poles apart. Decarbonisation requires the industrialisation of our remaining wild areas with wind farms and solar panels. Decarbonisation requires massive development of metals such as Copper, Cobalt and Nickel through new mines. Far from saving the planet decarbonisation will incur massive environmental costs in mining, which need to be recognised. ESG interests do not recognise mining as a proper worthy activity so capital is not always available. Mining companies are therefore raising funds directly from their highly profitable current operations rather than going to banks and finance companies; capital expenditure is being held back to increase returns to shareholders. Whatever, large mining companies make very attractive investments at their current depressed values, due to the collapse in iron ore prices with Chinese machinations!! It's not at all clear that the renewable energy sources will be successful due to their low energy density and unreliability so certain oil and gas companies with their low expectations are also worth considering as investments.

November 21st: max 5C, min 3C, light NW breeze, sunny but much cooler, winter approaches, ground frost on car at 21:30 and next morning at 08:00. Ivy flowers at Ordley held 1 wasp, no hover flies and just a few small other flies; at Elvaston held 7 wasp, no hover flies and very little else. Had a Red Kite moving N low-down hunting at 14:00 at Ordley plus 7 Blackbird in favoured walk around the Sele after N4c4ll. Made G4g4s where an incredible 4 of us out: me plus P/R/D for good chat. Surprise meeting in N with J; she's back at G for a few weeks. Almost completed processing Eltringham 17/8, so much material to go through; generated a vimeo clip as one of outputs. Next up (and last for season) is 10/8 when 2 visits to Oakpool and Bywell so a little way still to go – almost there!! Will be great to wrap up another season for the key species: Black Kite (new species), Red Kite (colonising), Honey-buzzard (consolidating), Hobby (still tenuous), Goshawk (bit more hope), but let's see the detail before committing too much!! 2moro it's R @ B4m4l and G4g4s. To the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 20th: max 10C, min 4C, light W breeze, weak sunshine. Busy day with Honey-buzzard, processing 17/8 Stocksfield visit for Bywell and the Mount. Now on material for Eltringham, where have 2 clips as well as some stills so taking a little while; hope to complete this tomorrow; then just 1 data sheet to go. Completing the processing releases a lot of exciting tasks on the analysis for each species for the year! Studied local flowering ivy, just 1 wasp around today so declining but plenty of hover flies, other flies and midges; every time a car passes, there's quite a buzz as a swarm of insects takes off. Hope someone's surviving the latest surge: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 19th: max 11C, min 8C, moderate W breeze, mainly cloudy. Sociable day: N/D at 10:00 on Skype, M at T4m4l and D/D at W4g4s! Need an introverted day to catch-up. Next up Is Stocksfield Mount 17/8. Funds had a bad week on increase in Covid cases in Europe, efforts to get PoO down with stockpile releases (daft short-sighted idea of Biden) and out of fashion mining sector, which is not loved by the ESG mob in spite of its critical role in producing materials for electrification and decarbonisation.. Lost all of previous week's gain and more at -14k, making gain ytd +537k gross (+43.5%), +513k net, with ftse 100 (-1.7% on week) +10.6% ytd, ftse 250 +16.8%. Have positioned funds more into heavyweight miners and selected energy stocks giving an increase in income; really looking forward into 2022 now rather than trying to maximise profit for 2021. On + side am expecting Canadian Manganese to list on CSE before Xmas; it holds an important deposit of Mn needed for Tesla's car batteries and my share of it is 0.68% from Minco days! A subsidiary of Canadian Manganese – Mongoose Mining – starts trading on CSE next Monday (22/11). xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 18th: max 12C, min 9C, moderate W breeze, mainly cloudy. Up early to get 08:35 train RDM-NCL for rehearsal at Sage starting at 10:30, our reception at 09:45. Had 8 Whooper Swan adult at Merryshields GP on way in with single Cormorant at Ovingham and Newburn. Concert was Dr Haydn Academy with Sir Roger Norrington – his farewell to music. We had a packed programme with 2 complete Haydn symphonies – 103 Drum Roll played in 2 halves before the interval and 101 Clock played without splitting at the end of part 2, a march, a string quartet, 8 songs (soprano, Susan Gritton) with fortepiano accompaniment (Steven Devine)! Rehearsal went on to 13:30 so, after coffee at S, not much time for walk on the coast. Also Lloyds Bank systems had crashed early morning and needed to make credit card payment so had to attend to that; paid off all card balances so Spain/Gibraltar holiday, cost 5k, now cleared. Took Metro to Cullercoats and went for walk around there from 15:00. Had a 1w Kestrel perched on the headland plus a Turnstone in the harbour. Came back at 17:00 making MP4m4t where had ham, mushroom and cheese piazza plus rw and c all for £28.60. Concert was brilliant, more on that tomorrow, and really warm applause for the conductor; left at 22:20 to catch last train with most people still in the Hall! It was a good day socially, meeting the partners, and the music was good, leader M is a marvellous catch and the Haydn SQ 5 with the section leaders of violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello was fantastic! Never seen MG so animated! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 17th: max 9C, min 8C, moderate W breeze, mainly cloudy. Well that was that – all went off well at 1pm EST (6pm GMT) after a pretty frantic day reading up all things syntactic, semantic and pragmatic as decided that did really need to check the latest literature. So very pleased that's all over and celebrated by going to G for a couple at 19:15. Web page has been updated with below, except for the screenshot!

Heather, Michael, & Rossiter, Nick, From Functional to the Functorial Praxis and Dynamics of Language, 1st International Online Systemic Functional Linguistics Interest Group (SFLIG) Conference 16-19 November 2021, online on Zoom co-hosted by the University of Tasmania, Australian Catholic University, Molly College and the University of British Columbia (2021). abstract pdf presentation pdf schedule Here's Zoom screenshot near end of session with speaker Isaac Mwinlaaru and his last slide, speaker NR and author MH for first talk in session, chair for session Jacqueline Nenchin from New York and Hikmah Pravita, attendee. I'm sitting in my kitchen; found how to correct poor alignment of my head in screen – set low light flag under Zoom video settings!

Tomorrow it's Sage in morning for rehearsal and in evening for concert; going for walk in afternoon on the coast. BAF updated! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 16th: max 10C, min 5C, light W breeze, weak sunshine. Added records from 12/8 Prudhoe to Bird Track; took a little thought and time as there's no category for Black Kite x Red Kite hybrid. Since it looked more like a Black Kite added the juvenile under that. Only 2 more data sheets to go now! Next up is 17/8 from Stocksfield Mount (no Black Kite, all left!). Worked hard on 20 minute talk at SFLIG2021 tomorrow, building it up to 20 slides of which the first part is the abstract and the second part is quite technical category theory. I think I'm an expert now on syntax, semantics and pragmatics – will find out tomorrow; they are common terms in computing science! There's 10 minutes for discussion, which M will dominate making points I've not emphasised enough! He and his wife both have Covid currently but that will not keep him down. So no need to worry about that and am booked into the G for a relaxation session straight-after! Sorted out the laptop today, releasing some disk space, doing Windows update and reinstalling Zoom. N was temporarily closed early afternoon as short-staffed so made Queen's Hall Cafe, which liked, nice c, friendly staff and good atmosphere, will go there more. Still some wasps around the ivy in Elvaston and flock of 15 Redwing at Ordley. Funds -3k on wtd, risk-off is the watchword for the moment. Had a friendly letter from my 5-year old granddaughter today – not too flattering picture of me! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Have to include this marvellous comment on the ridiculous trust placed in computer modelling:

David Anderson 16 Nov 2021 3:30PM 54 likes; comment on Free markets and technology may yet deliver a 1.5C world

Mercy. The idea that mathematical/computer modelling of the climate decades from now is accurate enough for anyone to start talking about how many tenths of a degree they're going to control the temperature to within in future would be absolutely hilarious if the consequences of this delusion weren't so serious. Look, we just went through the Covid crisis. 16 months in (i.e. with all that data, from all those countries and their different responses) "Professor Lockdown" was making confident declarations that in July when the UK removed restrictions, cases would explode. Instead, they went down. There we talking about modelling something that was happening in front of our noses and on which there was already huge amounts of data. And he proved for us all that he was really just Mystic Meg, spouting things he had no real knowledge of (knowledge reliable enough to act upon, that is) performing armchair guesswork no more reliable than anyone else's.

So again I ask - do you really believe that things are completely different and vastly better in the realm of climate modelling? If you do, you shouldn't be allowed anyone near government policy. It's just not how computer modelling of such things works. The uncertainties are gigantic. Gigantic more than Covid-19 is, gigantic in the "such-and-such could happen, or the entire opposite, or something else entirely, please blindfold yourself and stick a pin on this donkey to try to ascertain which we're going to decide is more likely" sense.

November 15th: max 10C, min 6C, light W breeze, wet most of day. Had booster jab Pfizer variety at 11:30 in Hexham Mart, very efficient, some 8 parallel stations, all operating quickly. Then up to R @ B4m4l where good turnout for PH's talk on bagpipes; I know P well from the G but he's recently had Covid and seems to be struggling with health (lung capacity). Also made G4g4s where gr8 to meet A so 2 of us in the pub late-on tonite – lot better than 1 but pretty disappointing still. Working on a talk to SFLIG (linguistics, based in British Columbia) quite intensely now, with delivery at 18:00 GMT by Zoom on Wednesday; as usual the abstract material produced by M is a challenge for representation in mathematics even the relatively abstract CT. But will persevere for a day until consolidating what I have and winging it! Have rehearsal and concert of RNS on Thursday with former in morning and latter in evening; planning to go to coast again in afternoon, maybe St Mary's Island. Have future tickets for the Requiem and the West End!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 14th: max 11C, min 7C, light SE breeze, sunny. The lack of frosts is prolonging insect life and nowhere is this more evident than around flowering ivy. My planting some 15 years ago is now a substantial shrub by the roadside, it flowers very late even by ivy standards and is now in full flower, attracting c20 wasps, many hover flies, true flies and midge-types 1  2  3  4  5  6. It's the first year I've been really pleased with it in supporting late autumn insects, benefiting the insects themselves and of course birds and other animals that feed on insects. Honey-buzzard could easily survive in that wasp nests are still functioning. In Ireland this late support occurs every year but it's rare in Northumberland for first frosts to be so delayed. Also took piccies of a large clump of flowering ivy in Hexham at the bottom of Elvaston 1  2  3  4  5; this had c40 wasps and many hover flies and true flies plus even a queen bumblebee.

Completed almost all the Prudhoe records for 12/8, including Black Kite adult, Red Kite adult and hybrid Black x Red Kite juvenile. Just need to add data to BirdTrack. Made welcome return to N4c4t. Still reflecting on COP; some delegates by the way they talk seem to think humans now control the weather, bit like Canute. We have not averted a 4C rise by successive COPs; emissions have still been increasing at an enormous rate; but their models that were forecasting a 4C rise are now seen as too hot and new modelling is converging more with reality. Whether the rise levels out at 1.5C or 2C depends on many factors, including the effect of the solar minimum, which is not in the models as it is ignored. Tomorrow have booster Covid jab at 11:30 given by a vet at the Hexham cattle mart, Rotary at B4m4l and G4g4s. Was on my own at G tonite, only person in pub! Could do with a hug: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 13th: max 10C, min 7C, light NW breeze, sunny. Busy day on paperwork, processed completely 23/8 trip to Hexham High Wood and Warden with 6 Honey-buzzard and 1 Osprey; caught up with recent records of owls and trips to Richmond Park and Kings Law. Updated home page with latest breeding figures for study area for 2021. Have just 3 data sheets to go now for 2021 and already labelled the piccies for 12/8 Prudhoe, including Black Kite, Red Kite. Watched COP26 final day with interest on Sky News: think the Greens were disappointed really at failure to phase-out coal but thought the agreements on the whole were promising in deforestation and having another purposeful round in 13 months in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt, in Sinai (been there! marvellous coastline and of course migrant point for raptors crossing/following the Red Sea). A rest day today after busy but gr8 fun 2 weeks. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Since 3/10 10 more records (10 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 141 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 93 September, 13 October. Last record was 19/10. Total for 2021 over period 2017-2021 is a record in autumn at 141 (133 in 2020) but one less than 2020 in total with 235 (236 in 2020) as spring total was 94 (103 in 2020). My last migration records in Northumberland were 21/10.

16:26 19/10 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Sorel Point one flew over

13:52 16/10 European Honey Buzzard Caithness Thurso 13:48 one flew south-west

17:15 13/10 European Honey Buzzard Devon Thurlestone 10:50 one flew north-west over golf course towards Bigbury-on-Sea

15:41 09/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Bixter, Mainland 15:36 juvenile flew low to south

14:56 09/10 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Pett Level one reported

13:22 09/10 European Honey Buzzard Devon Soar 10:45 one over East Soar

09:46 08/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Valyie, Unst 09:05 pale-morph juvenile flew south

09:26 08/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Haroldswick, Unst 09:18 one flew south

21:25 05/10 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Hastings CP 10:00 one flew south-west over North's Seat

18:23 04/10 European Honey Buzzard Essex Southend-on-Sea one flew south past pier

November 12th: max 11C, min 8C, moderate but gusty W breeze, rain for much of day becoming showery at ttime. With cleaner S in at ttime, went up on Hexhamshire Common at Kings Law for quick gallop from 15:40-17:10. Had 6 types of bird: 2 Black Cock, 3 Red Grouse, 1 Pheasant, 5 Redwing W, 2 Blackbird, 5 Chaffinch. So 3 types of game bird, pleased to see the Black Grouse! Weather was threatening on the moors, quite wintry with strong gusts and squalls of rain making their way rapidly across the fells – very atmospheric. Yesterday had a Barn Owl perched on a post at Newbiggin at 23:30 and a Tawny Owl calling at Ordley at 23:35; today had a Tawny Owl calling at Swallowship at 23:00. Had long chat with D/N on Skype from 10:00-11:30 and met D/D at DoW from 20:30-22:45 for good live chat. Had another very stimulating moment!! She's gorgeous: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Started work on Warden trip 23/8, hope to finish this tomorrow. Funds had a much better week, +11k to +550k on ytd gross (+44.6%), +527k net, with ftse 100 ytd +12.5%, ftse 250 +17.1%. Have taken profits on the extensive oil/gas holdings, moving the money into large miners and bonds, former to take advantage of demand from decarbonization (for resisting climate change), latter for stability; the miners have been depressed by low iron ore prices due to China's property problems but seem very cheap with yields from 10-20%. Have bought back small numbers of oil shares at lower prices as think energy will remain elevated and do hold significant numbers of speculative Falkland oil stocks so plenty to play for! AH reported a male Goshawk hunting over Hermitage by River Tyne and dropping quickly between trees

November 11th: max 14C, min 8C, light S breeze, hazy sunshine. Up really early at 07:30 to see girls off to School and daughter off to course as Teaching Assistant. That was appreciated, rather than having a lazy lie-in as after the long trips to N London. Son-in-law stopped WFH to return to office in Richmond for the day, amidst enormous renewed volatility in energy prices. So alone in house until 11:30 when started Uber journey to LHR T5 – all very punctual and efficient, cost £38 including £3 tip and £5 entry fee for bankrupt LHR. Plane was a little late, as we boarded by bus and it was almost full – quite a lot of people it appears go down to London on a Sunday, work until Thursday lunchtime and then return home for a long weekend with a little WFH on the Sunday. But we arrived almost on time. Collected car from NCL, made W4shop £44 (low on some items, but no alcohol. chocolate, crisps or biscuits cuts the bill), got home, lit solid fuel fire, lovely and cosy, made instant return to G4g4s where met A for good chat. Daughter obviously happy with visit and I can come again! Do admire any mother's patience in dealing with young girls – very persistent at gaining attention, but it was lovely seeing the whole family again, including daughter's, son and big sis. So with little sis and her husband last month, seen all close relatives recently. Not to mention a very special lunch: she did look terrific: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Mining shares boomed today – helped by Evergrande (China) just avoiding a default on its loan interest and by slump in the £ on weaker UK growth outlook (many stocks are priced effectively in $). lok2tgrf XXX

November 10th: max 13C, min 11C, light SW breeze, drizzle. Met big sis in Richmond Park at 11:30 (to 14:00) and we had walk with my daughter around Isabella Plantation before going to snack bar for some food. Weather was a bit disappointing but we had good trek around some very colourful shrubs and trees in their autumn garb. Had a fox and 2 Grey Squirrel, plenty of Ring-necked Parakeet (34), 2 Jay, 4 pair of Mandarin, 3 Mallard in total of 12 bird-types. Fairly riotous ttime! Has been great to see everyone again! Have leisurely morning 2moro b4 flight BA1334. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 9th: max 16C, min 12C, light SW breeze, mainly cloudy, mild. Out to Milton Hall, part of Barbican complex in City of London, for fascinating concert Shostakovich: Life, Letters & Friendship, complete with the string quartet Carducci Quartet and narrator Samuel West. They interspersed stories from DS's personal life, particularly stressful in the Stalin era, with movements from his quartets: while 9 is the magic number for many composers, DS wrote 15 symphonies and 15 string quartets. Tonight we heard movements from SQ 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15; that's 9 movements plus 9 narrations so quite a full 2.5 hours concert, including an interval. Loved the music, especially the vigorous movements, DS is really inspiring in this form. The narrations fitted in well, giving much background to DS's personal circumstances and the narrator had a dry wit. The only problem was that on my way home, the main music in my head was Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf! Varied route coming back, going from Moorgate to Stockwell on Northern Line and going 1-stop N on Victoria Line to Vauxhall, bit easier on the transfers. Time saved was quickly lost on a cancellation by SW Trains. It was brilliant to be going to a concert with son again. He's also got his eyes on Leipzig next year. So enjoying stay. Funds are unchanged on wtd. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 8th: max 16C, min 11C, light SW breeze, sunny, occasional drizzle, mild. Made King Place for meal with son at Rotunda, good to see him again! We had good catch-up over 2 courses, which came to £91 including service charge. Kingston to Kings X is fairly fast from Norbiton to Vauxhall on SW Trains, then Victoria Line to Kings X, takes 50 min in all but it's 1 mile's walk from daughter's house to Norbiton Station so that adds a bit. Good to meet granddaughters after school. Everyone's working very hard down here! Got back late, discussed the manic gas market with son-in-law; he said it was exceptionally wild with all trading in it high risk. The courtesy car is a bigger BMW X5 and with X4 not collected yet looks a bit like a BMW dealership outside. Almost repeat journey 2moro except final destination is Barbican. Back to culture: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 7th: max 11C, min 10C, light W breeze, sunny, dry. Well most things went well but in a jam in Kingston main street on way back from LHR a Kia ran into the back of our BMW X4 while stationary, damaging the rear sensors and denting the bumper a little; the Kia has a badly crumpled front, not far off a write-off as 10 years old; insurance company Admiral are providing a courtesy car tomorrow as the sensors are misbehaving and cannot even be deactivated; I'm a witness and took some piccies to help; male driver of Kia has admitted liability and is insured according to Admiral. Lovely to meet family again; forgot how exhausting 2 young girls 6 and 5 can be! We went to park in afternoon for play! Lunch was had in Queen's Head. So full day!! lok2tgrf: XXXXX!!!

November 6th: max 12C, min 6C, fresh W breeze, sunny, heavy showers. Had a drake Goosander at Wylam E at 12:20 and a Red Kite W at Swallowship at 14:40. Made BAF – taster session – very inspiring and good to hear so many relatively undiscovered female composers. I particularly liked the last two – Dora Pejačević: Violin Sonata no.1 (romantic) and Natalie Klouda: New York fleeting for two violins (captured the lockdown – on edge) but it was all good, including the singing in Rosy Wertheim: La Tzigane Dans La Lune for soprano, violin and piano and the lively SQ in Henriette Bosmans: String Quartet! That's my 4th artistic event in 4 days; next concert is Tuesday at Barbican in Milton Hall – Shostakovitch quartet, with son. Went home afterwards to get organised for trip, checking into DT at 18:20 where had supper (penne dish) and some rw; in diet careful to have good breakfast and one other full meal a day, mainly cutting out snacks and junk food and substituting rw for some g. Since Spain have lost 4kg and a few cm off waist; feel fitter and sleeping better. Did make the Toon – very creative and exciting: good for the continuation!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 5th: max 12C, min 10C, moderate W breeze, sunny, dry, milder, quickly warmed up overnight from ground frost. Actually made the coast late afternoon at Tynemouth on Metro for quick walk from 15:35-16:50 around the Priory area. Had 1w Kestrel out hunting at dusk, 12 Turnstone, 1 Redshank, 2 Cormorant, 3 Goldfinch, 1 Linnet, 1 Eider, 1 Shag, last two being new to year list, showing my lack of visits to the coast. Total was 14 bird-types. Has a late Red Admiral at Riding Mill at 12:00. Lunch and company were superb at KWB&R, really enjoyed it, quite brilliant in fact!! Met a few partners before concert started for good chat; concert Nordic Magic by RNS was a substantial affair, featuring Holberg Suite by Grieg, Clarinet Concerto by Nielsen, Zephyros by Andrea Torrodi, Sibelius 3. Holberg Suite was beautifully played; the first part is very familiar from Classic FM. The Clarinet Concerto with soloist Magnus Holmander was quite dark with melancholy sounds from the clarinet reminding me of Messiaen's birds; the soloist was very creative, playing an unusual encore to video effects and even doing some magic, making his clarinet disappear! Zephyros was very atmospheric, conjuring up some nice images. Sibelius 3 was magnificent with all members of the orchestra playing their part in creating a massive climax at the end; movement 2 was very delicately played. Conductor Catherine L-M did a great job in helping to deliver a memorable performance. Socialised at end with partners and orchestra members – last train's at 22:53. So a great day all round!! Did promise increased funding, maybe 2k+2k paid at usual times, to help with the amazing opera. 2moro more delights with another concert at noon; later off to NCL Airport hotel before flight to LHR next morning. Thought I was going to be left fiddling my thumbs in visit to family but am now offered meal out for 3 at Kings Place, a Shostakovitch concert at the Barbican and meeting with big sis in Richmond Park. Own funds are up 3k on week, commodity markets and shares are quite choppy but running yields are so high on the big miners even though the energy transition should increase demand for many metals used in electrical circuits and batteries. Some ESG nutters don't support mining either, back to the 17th century! Gain ytd is 540k gross (+43.7%), 517k net, with ftse 100 ytd +11.9%, ftse 250 +17.3%. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

November 4th: max 6C, min 1C, light W breeze, sunny, dry, cool, ground frost on car rear window at RDM at 22:00. Did make T4c4c 2 c M 4 good chat. Caught 17:05 RDM-NCL to see Bernstein double bill by ON – Trouble in Tahiti written in 1952 and a ballet with Phoenix dancers from Symphonic Dances West Side Story written in 1961. Trouble in Tahiti is a one-act opera highlighting how a married couple Sam and Dinah have drifted apart and their escape routines, he to the gym, she to the movies. There are facetious remarks through Island Magic on South Pacific (R&H) with shades of Bali-Hai at one point. Also there is a trio of singers (1 female, 2 male) who do a good job of taking off pretentious 1950s radio performances by singers. Enjoyed the irreverent tone and there is a glimmer of hope at the end for their marriage. The dancing was amazingly energetic to very rhythmic unharmonic music without any of the soul of the doomed romance of Maria and Tony but in reality that's close to most of the story with its gang warfare. The young audience loved it and the performers were obviously overjoyed at their enthusiastic reception. Incidentally the Emerald Charity Foundation, created by the late Dr Keith Howard, has suspended funding Yorkshire Cricket Club and asked for its name to be removed from the Club, in response to racist irregularities. The Emerald Foundation gave £1m to ON and is responsible for the refurbishment of the Howard Assembly Room in Leeds, named after the benefactor. ON and Emerald continue to work closely together; ON has impeccable credentials ethically. So that was a very good evening, quite a contrast to Carmen, which runs again on Friday night, when I shall be at S. Also 2moro will be chatting with N/D over Skype at 10, RDM-NCL 12:05, lunch in Toon, trip to North Shields in afternoon; should be exciting!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!!!!

Relevant to COP26 is this story: How Boris Johnson's pledge to end forest destruction ignores 25m trees Britain is burning for biomass. Drax's 'green fuel', which is made from wood pellets, produces more carbon than coal, scientists warn:

The Prime Minister agreed with 100 world leaders at Cop26 to halt and reverse tree loss. However, he has been accused of “conveniently ignoring” the alleged harm to forests done by Drax biomass power station, which burns fuel pellets made from processed wood. Leading scientists have warned that Drax’s North Yorkshire biomass plant, which receives £2.3 million a day in green subsidies from consumers, is releasing more carbon into the atmosphere than the coal it used to burn. The energy is treated as renewable, largely because the burnt trees are replanted. However, academics say the saplings will take decades, if not centuries, to reverse the damage done to the environment - time which Mr Johnson has admitted the world does not have.

These mad 'solutions' to the climate 'emergency' need to be debated a lot more forcefully. The subsidy is ridiculous at £800m a year, forests around the world are being damaged and it will take decades for carbon released to be fixed in new growth. Biomass should not be rated as a 'green' fuel. Yet it currently counts in low-carbon category as c10% of total sources of electricity. .

November 3rd: max 7C, min 3C, light NW breeze, occasional rain and sunny intervals, cool. Completed processing Dipton Wood S 19/8 so just 4 data sheets to go now! There are many wasps 20+ around ivy in Hexham and far fewer c4 around my ivy in Ordley. Did make Carmen, enjoyed it again, bit more racy than the one seen at Leeds and they did smoke (fake) cigarettes and eat coke; since the lasses worked in a cigarette factory, this did make it a bit more convincing. It was very slick throughout as would be expected for a maturing production. I sometimes prefer the freshness of a new production over a well-worn affair! Earlier made Hexham Abbey at noon for Terry Robson's memorial service; quite touching, he was a fellow Rotarian and also a keen fell walker, brought out by JR another Rotarian and fellow birdwatcher in his reading; had some interesting chat over the buffet served in the Abbey afterwards. One gr8 change today: lok2tgrf: brilliant: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! 2moro it's M @ T4c4c and TR again at 19:00 for Bernstein double, including his attempt at a New York Romeo and Juliet; travelling by train RDM-NCL. To the go XXX

November 2nd: max 9C, min 5C, light W breeze, dry and sunny, could sit out and feel some warmth. Completed processing of major trip to SW of County on 25/8, leaving 5 sheets to do. Had first annual car service of Skoda Fabia at BSM, now up to 4.8k miles. No problems but they did flush through the air conditioning and the petrol injection units for an extra £40, making £182 total. The flushes were needed because of condensation, reflection of too many short journeys. The car is now running better in all respects, think it needed a few adjustments. Service was from 09:30-13:00. Made D4m4l with M/B for usual salmon pate as starter and duck as main course; all very good and we gave a more generous tip than our party has done before. Worked in QH library from 09:45-12:30 – bit weird with 45 min limit on 'dwelling' in library but they didn't enforce it; WiFi worked well!! Started work there on SFLIG presentation on 17/11. Updated BAF site with ON material. Had relaxed evening watching on Film 4 two natural disaster films: Exodus: Gods and Kings (crossing of Red Sea, exploited by the Israelis at the expense of the Egyptians) and The Day after Tomorrow, an appropriate choice for COP26 week. The latter film, involving the rapid onset of a new ice age and its dire effect on the North American population, has some credibility in the broader picture in that a new ice age is overdue and would have a far more severe effect on us than a couple of degrees of warming! Was amused at Mexico becoming the new centre for the US Government, the repeal of all Mexican debt and the sight of Americans breaking down fences and illegally crossing the boundary river. Quite a turn in pragmatics (something I'm including in my coming talk!). 2moro going to memorial service at Hexham Abbey for Terry Robson at noon and Carmen by ON at 19:00; going to CAL for a change; Bernstein on following day will go from RDM. Looking forward to return of culture: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Funds are unchanged on wtd: +6k Monday, -6k Tuesday, shows volatility in natural resource stocks.

Latest world climate data shows a +0.54C anomaly compared to 1991-2020, maintaining a +0.14C rise per decade More details for the month are found at with comments:

The global temperature anomaly over land-only of +0.61 C (+1.10 °F) was the warmest such departure for land of the past 43 Octobers in the satellite record, exceeding the +0.54 C observed in 2017. The NH land anomaly was also a 43-year record at +0.71 C (+1.28 °F). The record warm global land-only anomaly for any month of the year was observed in Feb 2016 when the departure reached +0.92 C (+1.66 °F).

The warmest region, in terms of the monthly departure from average, was +6.8 C (+12.2 °F) near Hudson Bay and shows up clearly as the Earth’s hotspot, being one of the highest monthly departures for a specific location in the satellite record. This area of warmer departures extended southward to Mexico and northward almost to the pole. The North Pacific, much of Africa eastward through China, the far South Pacific and eastern Antarctica were also above average.

The coldest grid cell appeared over the far South Pacific near Antarctica at -3.4 C (-6.1 °F). A similar cold area was centered over far NE Russia with cooler air extending eastward to Alaska and southward into the NE Pacific, spreading into the western conterminous US. North central Africa eastward to Kazakhstan was also an area of below average temperatures.

La Niña is confirmed, so expect cold late winter in many areas:

NOAA has upgraded the “La Niña Watch” to a “La Niña Advisory” as La Niña conditions are present with an 87% chance of continuing through February. To keep track of the latest weekly summary of the El Niño/La Niña cycle see

Ice cover has recovered a little in the Arctic but is still below average:

The monthly average extent for October 2021 was 6.77 million square kilometers (2.61 million square miles). This ranked eighth lowest in the long-term satellite data record, tied with 2017. It was 1.44 million square kilometers (556,000 square miles) greater than the record low of 5.33 million square kilometers (2.06 million square miles) recorded in 2020, and 1.58 million square kilometers (610,000 square miles) below the 1981 to 2010 long-term average

The same source reports a rapid decline in Antarctic ice cover from unusually high levels:

Since the Antarctic maximum sea ice extent was reached on September 1, 2021, ice extent has been in a steep decline. Extent went from being above the interdecile (ninetieth percentile) range to being below the tenth percentile for most of October. As a result, sea ice extent in the Antarctic is currently tracking as the third lowest, behind only 2016 and 1986.

November 1st: max 8C, min 5C, moderate W breeze, dry but distinctly cooler, coal fire lit with more purpose. Had flu jab at Boots in HEX at 11:40. all very efficient and no charge, slight ache to upper left arm. Then onto R at B4m4l; tragic news that MH our president elect drowned in a fishing accident on the Coquet at the weekend; I took the money on the PoS machine, linked to the B account – all went smoothly. Much later made G4g4s with P/A for good chat with C on and l in the background! Continued working on Towsbank visit on 25/8 but not finished yet. 2moro it's car service so out most of day, planning to work in QH Library on new papers for CT work with M. Meeting M/B for luxurious lunch at D. Following COP26 closely; whatever their accuracy on scientific climate forecasts; their solution of masses of dilute and unreliable renewables doesn't cut it: where's nuclear for instance? Musical fun starts on Wed with Carmen (again!). xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx XXX lok2tgrf

October 31st: max 10C, min 7C, moderate SW breeze, heavy rain in morning and heavy showers later, bright sunshine in interlude in afternoon, cool. In the sun did some emergency guttering work to fix where pipes had come apart; used some bitumen to seal it and washed it off my hands with turpentine; read that white spirit is now far better for cleaning things; anyway further rain came along and repair held up! Did some work on SW trip on 25/8, processing completely Cupola Bridge and Whitfield Moor components; labelled piccies for Softley Honey-buzzard (11094). Made G4g4s with P/R and good chat. Booked up DT at NCL for night of 6/11 so I can have a comfortable get away on 7/11; daughter is fetching me at LHR. Here's the 2 girls getting ready for Halloween 1. Am giving our (M and I) presentation on Zoom to a British Columbia linguistics group on 17/11 explaining use of functors; can prepare it while down S; visiting Devon again in January to stay in Totnes and get 3 days work in with M; he's recovering physically after operation on prostate; mentally he's doing well! So flu jab, R and G 2moro! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 30th: max 9C, min 5C, light SW breeze, heavy rain in morning, bright sunshine in afternoon. cooler. Did some gardening, cutting back the apple and bird cherry in front of the house on the W side. Garden and field suddenly full of birds, some sitting expectantly on the shed-roof where I feed them. So did put out granular peanuts on roof and filled up bag with peanuts. They all disappeared then but think they'll be back tomorrow. Had a Bullfinch, 6 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Tree Sparrow, 3 House Sparrow, 4 Blue Tit, 1 Mistle Thrush, 1 singing Robin, plus 24 Redwing W and an adult male Kestrel, which is roosting again under my arch. Put away for winter the outside table, leaving a chair for short sit-outs in the winter. Brought inside a grapefruit pot plant which had been struggling inside but leaving out the Canary Palm, which I think has had it! The big ivy plant on roadside is now in full flower and had attracted one wasp with another seen in flight nearby. No very late Honey-buzzard seen in last 2 days outside. Completed processing records for 26/8 including Black Kite and fledging Honey-buzzard at Swallowship (11096) and Ordley (11095) as below. Next up is trip to SW on 25/8, one of 6 sheets to go! Black Kite information is strengthening well. A quiet weekend to be followed by an exciting week!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 29th: max 13C, min 7C, moderate SE breeze becoming moderate SW, rain in morning, flooding continues in Cumbria and S and W Scotland, Desmond-style. Completed processing Honey-buzzard family piccies for 26/8 at Swallowship (11096); also found a few more Black Kite piccies, involving interaction with the female Honey-buzzard. Cleaner S in this afternoon so was out walking alongside Dipton Wood S from 15:35-17:30 in bracing conditions, no rain but a cool, moderate SW breeze as temperatures dropped smartly as the sky cleared. No raptors on walk but did see an adult male Kestrel at Steel pond from car on way back at 17:35. On walk had 17 bird-types: 62 Linnet, 3 Siskin, 6 Redwing, 1 Fieldfare, 2 Mistle Thrush, 7 Chaffinch, 3 Blue Tit, 1 Stock Dove, 99 Common Gull (all adult), 19 Black-headed Gull (all adult), 16 Crow, 124 Startling, plus a Grey Squirrel. Made W4g4s with D, his partner self-isolating as in contact with someone with Covid; Both have had -ve LFT. We had good chat, quite quiet late-on. Funds had another week of drift down with natural resource stocks out of favour, down -7k making gain ytd +537k gross (+43.5%), 514k net, with ftse 100 ytd +10.8%, ftse 250 +14.9%. Have boosted annual investment income quite a lot by switching to mining heavyweights, selling not far off year lows due to problems in China's industry and poor sentiment towards polluting stocks, even though metals such as Cu, Ni and Al are desperately needed for the electrical revolution. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Quiet weekend coming up b4 busy week of concerts and trip to London.

October 28th: max 14C, min 10C, moderate SW breeze becoming light S, rain at times, always rain in the air, flooding in Cumbria and S and W Scotland, Desmond-style pattern with Atlantic drift all the way down to the Caribbean. Added Black Kite piccies from Swallowship on 26/8 (below), same bird as at Hexham Tyne Green on 24/8 I think. Met M at T4c4c 4 good chat early on and better crowd at G – P/R/D – with very lively atmosphere in bar generally, under watchful eye of l. xx

October 27th: max 15C, min 13C, fresh SW breeze, rain morning, drier and brighter late afternoon..Completed processing 27/8 (below) by adding March Burn piccies (11098) to those of Dipton Wood (11097). Just 7 sheets to go for BirdTrack processing, next up is Swallowship 26/8. Will also compile piccies for Black Kite earlier in season, such as 10/8 and start a new page for Black Kite in Northumberland. Out to W4shop where spent £44; spend is lower than it was as no booze (only drink out) and recently no chocolate, desserts or crisps and the like as trying to eat more healthily. Today had Charlie Bigham's chicken and mash with white wine sauce, some left for 2moro. Diet includes g and rw off the premises! Budget had some nice bits: halving of internal flights tax (like grumbles about this, 6.5 hours NCL-EXT by train, 1.3 by air, pity reduction is not until 2023), reduced tax on beer and Prosecco but face increased council tax, already £216 a month in band F even with 1/4 reduction for single occupancy. Topped up this afternoon with petrol in Shell garage at £54.69 (146p a litre) – absolute rip-off by the oil companies, think I should get a discount as a shareholder! Liked the lack of green energy initiatives in run-up to COP26; when the Greens offer reliable and affordable energy sources like gas and nuclear, they might be more credible. Watched SaxoBank webinar on commodity trends in morning; markets look as if they're going to be volatile for a while (often a euphemism for falling!) but over medium term the presenter thought energy prices will remain high as new supplies are constrained by green concerns; gas is the key as if prices remain so high users will switch to cheaper oil; metals should be going higher with the energy transition but are very choppy at the moment after big rises; copper in particular is a metal of the future as it's used for cabling and conductors but its extraction is very damaging to the environment – nothing is a panacea. The Saxo man finished with La Niña – it's here, heralding a cold winter for the northern hemisphere and more demand for gas supplies in the medium term. Saxo is one of my 5 share-dealing accounts. Booked my Covid booster for 15/11 in Hexham at the Mart, where they're more used to dealing with cattle and sheep. Did do some work on the BF website: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 26th: max 16C, min 15C, moderate SW breeze, few sunny spells, dry. Did a lot of work on 27/8, processing all the Dipton Wood (11097) and March Burn (11098) piccies; have still to index the March Burn ones and add the March Burn records to BirdTrack. Fieldwork today consisted of brisk walks in Hexham to JG and around the shops and Sele Park in the morning. Main record though was 2 Fieldfare S at Ordley at 09:45, first of autumn. There were still plenty of wasps around the ivy in Hexham. Hair-cut was good at JG with Jd – 8 weeks cycle is better, next one 21/12 at 10:30, already in the Calendar. Funds recovered a bit, at +5k, on wtd. Am increasing oil investments again as PoO likely to stay high until ESG pressures, which inhibit exploration and development of new fields, reduce. Also with inflation likely to remain high for the next year, commodity shares in general should preserve real value in the long run. Looking forward to next visit: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 25th: max 12C, min 8C, moderate W breeze, sunny spells, heavy showers. Processed trip to Hexham Tyne Green on 24/8, including Black Kite adult seen there and family party of 3 Honey-buzzard (11093). Just 8 other trips in August to process now, before starting on annual summaries. Went for local walk today from 16:30-17:30, seeing 42 Redwing and 9 Blackbird, plus 10 Yellowhammer and 2 Grey-lag Goose S. Total was 17 bird-types. Wasps are still around, released a queen wasp from front porch and there are still plenty on flowering ivy at Hexham and Ordley, mine is just coming into flower! Earlier made R at B4m4l where good to meet friends; talk was on electrical vehicles from an enthusiast, a little starry-eyed! Later made G4g4s with P for good catch-up; being 1:1 it was easier to have a proper conversation. Booked NCL-LHR 7/11-11/11 with BA online for £156 rtn and Festival event on 6/11 with L&P via 'phone; lady was very helpful; I am a member of the Library so that helped. Hair-cut tomorrow morning with Jd!! One of our abstracts has been accepted for Universal Logic, other is still under review, so will be going to Crete. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 24th: max 14C, min 9C, moderate SW breeze, sunny, dry. Arrived on Quayside early with view to doing a bird count on the Tyne. Amazed to find 11 Guillemot and 1 Razorbill on the river, swimming slowly upstream. Also, in total of 11 bird-types from 13:30-18:00, had 2 adult Mute Swan, 3 Woodpigeon, 60 Feral Pigeon. 17 Black-headed Gull (16 ad, 1 1w), 63 Herring Gull (36 ad, 5 2w, 22 1w), 1 GBBG 1w, 3 Crow, 1 Magpie, 2 Cormorant (ad, 1w). That adds 2 species to my year-list, which thought would not get without visit to coast. Had a Grey Heron at Merryshields GP at 13:10, 2 Mallard at Wylam at 18:10 and a Red Admiral butterfly at Lamb Shield on drive to RDM. Samling Academy Concert was sublime – a quick roll-out of 21 songs by c16 composers impressed: beautiful singing and piano playing, elegant costumes, capacity audience in S2. Am a supporter of the Academy: they have an office in HEX but think they do their rehearsals at Newcastle University and the Sage. They are shortly performing at the Wigmore. So pleased I came and good combination with the birds and the exercise! Later made G4g4s with no mates out again but plenty of chat in the bar. Most of my contemporaries seem to have given up: dementia and vulnerable immune systems surely beckon! Big sis says we could share a villa near Mont Blanc with some of her family next August – sounds good, and also, with Devon M, have the Universal Logic conference in Crete next April to consider. Tempted to go to Leipzig to see Wagner's Ring in March. And would like to fit Israel in in September! No concerts next week, am skipping the Movies but the following week is action packed!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 23rd: max 13C, min 11C, moderate SW breeze, mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, dry. Brought all Honey-buzzard records up to date on BirdTrack and on home Honey-buzzard page. Made W4g4s at RDM with D/D for good chat. Because so much music is on Friday we now meet on Saturday when that happens; next 2 weeks are DoW next Friday and W Saturday in 2 weeks. Then I'm off to London for a few days to see the granddaughters! So 2moro afternoon is the Samling – looking forward to it! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 22nd: max 10C, min 4C, moderate NW breeze, sunny and dry but much cooler. Had good day at S where attended rehearsal, had brought-in food with other pp and enjoyed concert in evening. It was well attended, almost full! The Coriolan Overture by Beethoven is very dramatic and full of tensions, expertly played by the orchestra. The Schumann PC is one of my favourites, even though I'm not a great fan of his symphonies. It's very varied and full of superb climaxes, including the transition to movement 3, which is my favourite bit; Elisabeth Leonskaja was amazing; born in 1945 in Georgian SSR she's an example to all older people; she got enormous applause and played an encore, which sounded a bit like an angry wasp, no idea what it was! Mozart 40 is a very appealing work in all its movements; really enjoyed that and so did the audience; movement 1 is very evocative and movement 4 very lively. Pleased to see flautist CA getting first call from conductor DS but am staying with MG for now. The rehearsal was a bit laid back: DS has a good relationship with the players! Pianist EL did suggest 2 significant changes to the way the orchestra played. Kept up the exercise, walking from Central Station to the S and back and leaving car at RDM. Next concert is on Sunday (Samling). Funds had a definite down week, not surprising after 7 weeks in succession of gains. Mining stocks were badly affected by imminent default by China's Evergrande (putting end to China's real-estate boom), apparently averted this weekend. Oil and gas stocks suffered from profit-taking and even one MBS bond fell over a point as interest payments resume and someone wants the accrued interest not the dividend. Also took 1k withdrawal to help pay for Spanish/Gibraltar trip. So week's change was a fall of 12k gross, 13k net, taking change ytd to +543k gross (+44.0%), +520k net with ftse 100 ytd +10.3%, ftse 250 +14.!%, both down a touch. Nothing terminal! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 21st: max 9C, min 4C, moderate NW breeze, sunny and dry but much cooler, note max below 10C, a sign of late autumn setting in. So falling temperatures – normally encourage remaining Honey-buzzard to get a move on! So went for long walk along the 'Shire spine road from Ordley to Dotland from 15:00-17:30 (whole watch including house from 13:30-18:30), some 6km in all: very good exercise! Had a Common Buzzard at 16:10 near Dotland. A dark-phase Honey-buzzard was seen floating around Blackhall Plantation at 16:30 and 16:52, clearly holding it as temporary territory; this is a popular area for the Peth Foot pair and they sometimes take the young there for flying practice. A pale-phase Honey-buzzard was seen at 17:10, up from Swallowship and drifting S over Dipton Wood, maybe coming down to roost; it brought up a Red Kite over Dipton Wood W hanging over a field. So that was brilliant – after a late breeding season, would fully expect Scottish Honey-buzzard to still be passing through. Had a late Red Admiral butterfly. Met M 4 good chat at T4c4c and made G4g4s but on my own – renewed Covid worries have probably spooked my mates. Still latter was good socially – plenty of other people to chat with, including l. So 182 days since Covid jab 2 and no invitation yet – can book in a week whatever at 190 days. Have booked in for a free 'flu jab at Boots in Hexham on 1/11 at 11:40; so that's a start! Also booked car in for its first service, annual one, on 2/11 at BSM in Hexham, very convenient! We have submitted two abstracts to Unilog (Universal Logic) in Crete in April 2022. 2moro it's rehearsal and concert at S and on Sunday have Samling at S: looking forward to both! Bet it was a good performance!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 20th: max 16C, min 7C, moderate W breeze, cloudy, rain at lunchtime, clearing later with temperatures on slide to 7C by midnight. Completed processing of Sidmouth data, including piccies of Honey-buzzard (17/10 below, 11210) and BirdTrack entries. Devon M has submitted an abstract for us in the Universal Logic conference to be held in Crete next April, start of month. I might put something together as well tomorrow (last day for submissions!). Last event in this series was in Vichy (France) in 2018, which I attended and made two presentations. Good choice of venues! Quiet day today, out for local walk where saw 24 Redwing and 4 Redpoll b4 the rain started. It's 181 days since my Covid jab no. 2 on 22/4 so tomorrow (after 182 days) am eligible for booster or jab no. 3. But haven't heard anything yet; might go to a walk-in centre, say at Durham Boots, in a few days if no invitation materialises. From all accounts roll-out of booster is chaotic, compared to jabs 1-2. Why for instance is there no walk-in centre in Hexham? Think today's press conference by Javid was a subtle attempt to alert everyone to the chaos in the system. Let's hope I get an invitation in the next few days to the Hexham site. Hope OP goes well!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 19th: max 16C, min 12C, light SW breeze, cloudy, wet morning. In Devon torrential rain as in Plymouth's home game with Bolton: Argyle won 3-0 but the pitch was like a swimming pool. Made Hexham Abbey with M for concert by Consone Quartet; it was packed; lovely to see so many people enjoying live music again even if we were missing 5 members of our group. The Quartet played Haydn SQ op 33, Fanny Mendelssohn SQ in E-flat major, Schubert Quartettsatz and Felix Mendelssohn SQ opus 44 plus Schumann Easter Pictures for an encore. It was all well played but particularly liked the Mendelssohn SQ opus 44, which had great variety and some stirring passages; the Schubert was very lyrical. Bought a CD by the Quartet on the way out for £15. The Consone SQ are an attractive group, with 3 eastern European lasses on the 2 violins and viola, and a very British male on cello; all the instruments are baroque. Made HoN with M after the concert, meeting C there, my mate from coffee at N; we had good chat over a couple of Portland stout; she was on cider! Next concert's on Friday at Sage where going to rehearsal as well. Had email from NH, encouraging me to sponsor a flautist again but inclined to stay with viola MG, anyway for another year: strings aren't all bad!! Funds are unchanged on wtd; there's some sign of revival in mining stocks. Added 1/2 of Sidmouth's records to BirdTrack. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 18th: max 15C, min 12C, light SW breeze, sunny intervals, mostly cloudy, dry, back in Northumberland. But quite wet in Devon as left. Flight back at 12:15 EXT-NCL was a little late c25 min – nothing too serious; pleased with Loganair. The Embraer 135/145 that Loganair uses are built in Brazil and have 3 jet engines, designed for low-volume routes. Had a Common Buzzard at Throckley sitting on a post at 14:30. Went straight to W4shop and then home, which was sparkling clean. Later made G4g4s with P/A for good catch-up. Have studied photos from 17/10 and it looks like 2 Honey-buzzard – one brown from 11:47-11:52, the later one dark at 11:58. The second bird is also far too high to have been the bird soaring locally and going off SW; suspect the second bird also launched itself c11:47 but further N so obviously passing over later here. Made G4g4s and had a Barn Owl at 23:30 on way home at Ordley. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 17th: max 17C, min 15C, light SE breeze, warm sunshine much of day after early mist. Weather-wise last of the good days evidently. Went for walk up hill to north oi Sidmouth from 11:15-13:00 this morning, with good views over local woods, including Honey-buzzard breeding site Bulverton Hill; such sites are often favoured by migrants. And I scored at last with a juvenile brown-phase Honey-buzzard up at11:47, floating around low-down just to N of Bulverton Hill, moving a little N where it met-up with a Common Buzzard and a Jackdaw who mutually circled for a while. The Honey-buzzard escaped their attention, moving higher into the base of thin high cloud and appearing to move SW out of sight at 11:52 1  2  3  4 (11210). At 11:58 another Honey-buzzard was gliding SW with some purpose at moderate height, too high to have been the earlier bird and dark-phase. Will check tomorrow on piccies taken. The Common Buzzard with the Honey-buzzard had been seen earlier at 11:29 on hill to N along with another Common Buzzard. Also had 2 Red Admiral, a Small White and 2 Hornet, plus in total of 15 bird-types 17 Redwing W, 2 Raven and 9 Linnet. Did have both nephews and families over for lunch: very good to meet them again in warm atmosphere; I contributed a couple of bottles of rioja, one £11, other £25, to test their tastes! Sister and partner are going to Lanzarote in the Canaries soon for a couple of weeks. Keeping to the Spanish theme, looking forward to the tapas and company!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 16th: max 16C, min 12C, light SE breeze, warm sunshine much of day after early mist. Masses of people out on the Esplanade (sea-front) and some people swimming in unseasonably warm conditions. Had morning coffee in Sidmouth town with sister, husband and 2 golfing friends and afternoon tea at Sidmouth Fort Café with sis. Did keep a look-out for late migrant Honey-buzzard, particularly over Bulverton Hill but none seen. Saw a male Sparrowhawk diving into a nearby tree and a male Kestrel on the cliffs just S of Sidmouth in short walk in that area. Had from 11:30-16:15 a total of 15 bird-types, including 7 Turnstone, 2 Rock Pipit, 5 Cormorant, 4 Raven, 1 Jay, on the sea-front and in nearby parks. Tomorrow is relatives' reunion day. Hope someone's stay has been stimulating!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 15th: max 16C, min 12C, light SE breeze, warm sunshine much of day, light rain shower at ttime. Did keep up the Skype tradition with N/D – worked well, now chatted to them from Ordley, Kenya, London, Spain, Gibraltar, and now Devon. That was my 11th flight of the year, not bad with all the restrictions! Sis and I went for a long walk of 8km up the Otter Estuary from Budleigh Salterton towards Otterton and back from 12:45-16:30. Plenty of birds around but no raptors other than a Common Buzzard soaring over the cliffs at Sidmouth S. We picked up a Rock Pipit, a Pied Wagtail, a Reed Bunting, 2 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Ringed Plover, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Mute Swan, a Raven, 1 Little Grebe, 4 Teal, 4 Moorhen, a Med Gull 1w, plus masses of Herring Gull, Black-headed Gull and Crow. Total was 28 bird-types, plus 2 Red Admiral, a Common Darter, a Southern Hawker and a Hornet. We had good chat, studying the new flood plain being created out of farmland and the cricket ground, which is being relocated to higher, drier ground. The idea is to create a larger salt marsh/flood plain in the estuary to benefit wildlife and to provide an area to collect excess run-off after heavy rain – very impressive. Some French money is involved as part of a condition for one of the inter-connectors across the Channel from France. We didn't have time for any lunch! Had some more good food and catch-up later. Think it's a look at Sidmouth tomorrow. Funds did make a small gain on week of +2k thanks to booming commodity prices today reaching new record. So gain ytd is now +555k (+45.0%) gross, +533k net with ftse 100 +10.8% ytd, ftse 250 +14.2%. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 14th: max 17C, min 13C, light SW breeze, sunny all day with a little high cloud from time to time, dry. Very comfortable morning with breakfast at DT, plane NCL-EXT with Loganair on time, met by sis at EXT, lazy day chatting on patio in great weather. Lovely to see younger sis and husband again, first time since May 2019 with crash of Flybe and Covid in between. Nephew R came along with his partner J; was very pleased to see him again and we had good chat. Saw a Common Buzzard and a male Sparrowhawk from sis' garden in total of 13 bird-types from garden plus a Red Admiral. Gr8 meal in evening cooked by sis' husband, who used to be a professional cook; included of course runner beans, a Devon speciality. Booked up for concert by Consone Quartet in HEX Abbey next Tuesday; normally 7 of us go to these with Italian meal beforehand but only 2 definites so far (M/N) and no meal; very disappointed at slow return to normality. 2moro we're going to be more energetic. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 13th: max 13C, min 10C, moderate W breeze, mostly cloudy, few spots of rain. Quiet day making N4c4l for 2nd day running. Bought new pair of black shoes at Clarks for £89, bit pricey but good quality, bought slip-ons, not very keen on laces! Booked into DoubleTree Hotel at local airport; did have a Red Kite foraging at Throckley on way in at 17:50. Nite on the Toon was so exciting, gr8 reunion – she's fabulous – plenty of ingenuity on show lok2tgrf xxxxx XXX!!!!!!! Have missed her. Will sleep well tonite b4 breakfast and comfortable departure at 10:25. xx

October 12th: max 11C, min 9C, light W breeze, light rain in morning, dull. Attended day 3 (last) of RRF from 09:00-16:30 Mountain Time, concentrating on archaeological studies of raptors. Always been fascinated by these as they give insights into what our raptor populations were like in past times. Most interesting talk was The Antiquity of Raptor Migrations over Eilat (Israel): Evidence from the 8th Millennium BC Site of Nahal Roded 110 by Tal Simmons from Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA with additional authors – Uzi Avner, Michal Birkenfeld, Liora K Horwitz – from the Dead Sea-Arava Science Center (southern branch) Eilot Regional Council, Eilat, Israel; Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, Israel; and National Natural History Collections, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. They excavated an area containing the remains of 110 raptors. Intriguingly the main species were Black Kite (64%) and Honey-buzzard (19%), much as today; suspect Black Kite are easier to catch than Honey-buzzard so their proportion is exaggerated. Other raptors found were Long-legged Buzzard, Pallid Harrier, Eagle Owl, Sparrowhawk, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Golden Eagle, Common Buzzard, Hobby and Long-eared Owl. Some of the bones of the Black Kite and Honey-buzzard had cut-marks, possibly for butchery but could also be for decorative productions. The site is in the Rift Valley near the Dead Sea not far from Mukawir, Jordan, which visited on 21/07/15 with son and his friend Sean; the ancient site is NW of Dead Sea and Mukawir of Salome fame is SE of the Dead Sea. There were a number of other interesting talks, going back even to the Neanderthals who obviously had a lot of respect for raptors, judging by their artefact remains, particularly White-tailed Eagle on the coast and Golden Eagle inland, with Cinereous Vulture and Imperial Eagle also found in these studies in Southern Europe. We also had talks on ritual bird pits in New Mexico, USA , the culture of falconry in Anglo-Saxon England, and other excavations in Germany and Turkey. The plenary talk at the start of the day was on the sad state of raptor-populations worldwide with only 49 species increasing, 203 stable and 292 declining with 15 out of the 559 total having an unknown trend. 386 species are non-threatened but 70 are near-threatened and 103 are threatened. So really enjoyed the meeting, glad they could put it on; they handled the Zoom technology well; everyone was on Zoom, even the locals. Funds are 1k down on wtd after rising on Monday; have switched some funds from oil to metals as prices of latter has come down a lot, giving scope for diversification. Metals are of course plays on the new electrified economy so switching from the old economy to the new one. Still got quite a lot in oil! Will be out on the Toon tomorrow evening. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx thinking of the gorgeous one XX

October 11th: max 12C, min 10C, light W breeze, sunny in morning, cloudy later. Attended day 2 of RRF sessions from 08:45-14:30 Mountain Time, concentrating on threats to raptors from power structures, that's the distribution cables, not the wind turbines, which are an additional threat. Electrocution does result in serious losses of raptors, particularly in terrain where natural perches are few, such as steppes of Mongolia, where losses of Saker Falcon are horrendous. It's not all hopeless though. Retrofitting power structures with additional insulation is proving effective, particularly in North America, where market forces are also actually helping the situation. The market of the utilities is hit every time a raptor is electrocuted as being large birds they often bring down the power supply, requiring manual work to fix the problem. Further in Mediterranean California the electrocution can result in a wildfire: the bird being scorched, falling to the ground as a bundle of flames and setting the vegetation alight. Power structures with better insulation can make attractive nesting structures. World-wide the World Bank and other bodies are being pressured to improve the design of initial installations in the projects they approve. So maybe matters are slowly improving as utilities realise that poorly designed transmission structures raptor-wise are less reliable and more hazardous electricity-wise. The opening plenary talk was on the decline of the Andean Condor, due to many, many factors, with pesticide poisoning the main culprit. It's very sad to see their numbers decline. They go to the coast for part of the year; once whaling waste would have been abundant but now they struggle to find good feeding there. So a sobering day but the RRF is there mainly to discuss the protection of raptor populations not just to celebrate them. Made R4m4l at B and G4g4s with A and C on – very relaxing! Looking forward to Wednesday nite and escape the following day. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Funds at new record today on miners' resurgence as move funds from oil to them! lok2tgrf!!

Latest global climate data for September 2021 shows the anomaly at +0.25C over base 1991-2020, consistent with continued rise of 0.14C per decade In the GTR “The warmest region, in terms of the monthly departure from average, was +3.2 C over eastern Russia. There were several areas of almost equal warm departures centred over northern Afghanistan, western conterminous U.S. northeastward to eastern Canada, Paraguay, and the South Pacific Ocean. The coldest grid cell was centred on the Greenland Icecap dropping to -4.2 C. Cooler than average regions were also found either side of the Dateline north of 50 °N, far western Russia and east of Northern Japan. The confidence in the appearance of La Niña this coming NH winter has increased a bit to 70-80% as NOAA continues with its “La Niña Watch”. Back-to-back La Niñas are not unusual, so it is possible that the global temperature may dip back to average or below in several of the coming months despite the up-tick in temperature in the past three months in both the atmosphere as reported here and in the tropical sea surface temperatures reported by NOAA. This potential fall in global temperatures for the coming months is now becoming more likely but won’t really be evident until early 2022. To keep track of the latest weekly summary of the El Niño/La Niña cycle see: “.

October 10th: max 12C, min 8C, light W breeze, sunny in morning, cloudy later. Masses more work on beech hedge, cutting out top and also releasing front gate from being trapped within the hedge; think need to review the hedge in a few weeks when weather has worked on it a bit! At the RRF (Raptor Research Foundation) conference in Boise, Idaho, today on Zoom from 15:30-21:30 BST (08:30-14:30 Mountain Time); very interesting, general point – neglected area in studies is post-fledging a very dangerous time for inexperienced raptors and poorly studied. There was a strong Hispanic flavour with many attendees and presentations from Spanish culture, either as researchers in the US or as workers in central and South America. So learnt a lot about Neotropical raptors such as Harpy Eagle, Andean Condor, and effects of hurricanes on raptor dynamics; William S Clark spoke convincingly on suggested split of Bay-winged Hawk from Harris Hawk as separate species. Also met dynamic mapping techniques in SW N America to cope with rapid habitat changes, many caused by fire. Made W4bigshop, just £39, disliked new automated checkout system; why the hell should I scan everything and manage bags with such precision for no discount; far easier to just dump everything on the belt under the welcome of a human being. Did make G4g4s breaking away from RRF; good chat with D/J/P. Evidently the G had its best Saturday for many, many weeks with HEX racing on. 2moro it's R and G.

Have been following the La Palma volcano: Searing hot boulders the size of three-storey buildings have flowed down the side of a volcano in the Canary Islands as a string of tremors shook the ground three weeks after it erupted. The accompanying river of scorching magma, reaching temperatures of up to 1,240C (2,264F), also destroyed the last few properties that remained standing in the village of Todoque on La Palma, according to scientists. Some 21 tremors were also recorded on Sunday, the largest measuring 3.8, shaking the ground in the villages of Mazo, Fuencaliente and El Paso Here's a map of La Palma,-17.7985391,11z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0xc6bf20c6a87a13b:0x8e2037d22330882d!8m2!3d28.7133828!4d-17.9057813. My late wife and I stayed at Puerto Naos about the year 2000 in SW of island, most activity has been further north. Here's a live webcam from the hotel we stayed in, complete with black lava beach: looks deserted! We visited all the Canary Islands, some several times, our favoured holiday destination with Morocco a close second. I've never been back.

October 9th: max 16C, min 8C, light W breeze, cloudy, light rain in afternoon, mild. Did masses of tidying-up in front garden, including hacking the top off the beech hedge where it's gone too high; that is work in progress as have to cut through the thick stems near the top of the hedge. Processed records for 16/8, the day when Honey-buzzard juvenile were first seen this year, leaving 9 data sheets outstanding.

max 13C, min 11C, light SW breeze, drizzle. Met big sis in Richmond Park at 11:30 (to 14:00) and we had walk with my daughter around Isabella Plantation before going to snack bar for some food. Weather was a bit disappointing

15:41 09/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Bixter, Mainland 15:36 juvenile flew low to south

14:56 09/10 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Pett Level one reported

13:22 09/10 European Honey Buzzard Devon Soar 10:45 one over East Soar

09:46 08/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Valyie, Unst 09:05 pale-morph juvenile flew south

09:26 08/10 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Haroldswick, Unst 09:18 one flew south

21:25 05/10 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Hastings CP 10:00 one flew south-west over North's Seat

18:23 04/10 European Honey Buzzard Essex Southend-on-Sea one flew south past pier

Energy crisis is of course world-wide as Washington Post report: “An energy crisis is gripping the world, with potentially grave consequences. How China and Europe are catching the brunt of it. Energy is so hard to come by right now that some provinces in China are rationing electricity, Europeans are paying sky-high prices for liquefied natural gas, power plants in India are on the verge of running out of coal, and the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States stood at $3.25 on Friday — up from $1.72 in April. As the global economy recovers and global leaders prepare to gather for a landmark conference on climate change, the sudden energy crunch hitting the world is threatening already stressed supply chains, stirring geopolitical tensions and raising questions about whether the world is ready for the green energy revolution when it’s having trouble powering itself right now.”

The DT uncharacteristically blames the Tories: “Our feckless Government has condemned Britain to a decade of crippling energy crises. The Tories inherited a plan to build a fleet of new nuclear power stations. Now we are at just the start of a disastrous crunch”. . Maybe we'll become like Lebanon: “Lebanon hit by electricity outage expected to last several days. Country’s two main power stations stop working due to fuel shortage plunging cities into darkness. Lebanon’s electricity grid collapsed on Saturday after its two main power plants ran out of fuel, plunging much of the crisis-ridden country into darkness for at least two days.” .

I support the greens on biodiversity but their energy policies are absolutely barmy. Hopefully after COP26, we can get back to some sanity. Energy transitions take half a century. Energy is the life-blood of human civilization. I do have subs to all of the three news sources! Will give latest global climate data 2moro. Will be looking for Honey-buzzard tomorrow as well as finishing the beech hedge, leaving just the leylandii to do. Out to the G in the evening!!

October 8th: max 17C, min 11C, light SW breeze, mainly cloudy, some sunshine, dry, very mild. Got hedge trimmer out and cut verge by road, mint patch, dogwood, tressels along house walls, ivy. Completed processing Bywell trip from 6/10. Did meet P at Tans in HEX; we sat outside as he was shielding, recovering from 5 cycles of chemotherapy to treat a malignant lymph node. I bought him a hearty breakfast as he'd skipped the meal. Very supportive of his English for All cause; we had good catch-up and will meet again in a few weeks at the RM coffee bar; he was full of admiration for my Kenya escape in January. Also met D&D at DoW for good chat; we're bringing in Saturdays now as an option for meeting up as Fridays are heavily booked with concerts. Also 'met' N/D for Skype chat at 16:00; wonder when they will ever come out again. Funds turned positive today with +6k on week as oil/gas continued to boom with PoO $82 a barrel. This brings gain on ytd to +553k gross (+44.8%), +531k net with ftse 100 +8.7% ytd, ftse 250 +12.0%. Traded a lot more energy stocks and moved some money into miners, which have fallen back quite a lot. Also placed some money into relatively risk-free short-dated bonds. Accrued interest on bonds is now quite a lot every day (365 25 of them) in a year. The energy crunch has been entirely foreseeable in that renewable energy is not dense or reliable enough to keep modern economies running. Climate change is poorly defined in scientific terms, having lately focussed on extreme weather events that suit the narrative rather than a rational analysis. The decision to refuse Shell permission to run the Jackdaw natural gas project in the North Sea is absolutely insane: we will simply import the gas from Russia at an enormous premium and with little security. See

October 7th: max 17C, min 14C, light to moderate SW breeze, mainly cloudy, incredibly mild particularly overnight, little rain early morning. Did last grass cutting of season, doing the front grass area. People laughed at my confidence in this, particularly as I've cleaned and oiled the motor and wheels. But have natural low-level grazing by rabbit, hare and deer so can just forget about it now with any extra long grass a useful reserve for the animals over the winter. Processed Dipton Wood S completely from yesterday and piccies from Bywell in the morning session. Made T4c4c with M for good chat and a lively G4g4s with P/A and Friday morning am seeing P at T4c4c for catch-up, in particular on English for All, the charity promoting learning of English for refugees. Friday evening it's DoW4g4s with D&D. Hope the concert goes well!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 6th: max 12C, min 9C, light NW breeze, beautiful sunshine with great visibility, all dust washed out by yesterday's deluge, dry. Had a brilliant day for Honey-buzzard migration, seeing 3 juvenile. Made Stocksfield Mount from 12:00-14:00, seeing a juvenile soaring to moderate height from Bywell Cottagebank at 12:36 1  2  3  4  5 (12202) and then moving off smartly to SE, disappearing quickly – a long way to go to Africa still! The next juvenile was up at 12:43, soaring very high from Bywell Cottagebank and then moving SE. These two birds had clearly had a stop-over for feeding and must have spent yesterday staring at the rain and getting on with feeding. There were loads of wasps around the ivy so plenty of food still available. Also here had 2 Common Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk at Bywell and another Common Buzzard over the Mount. Made Salute4c and then dashed home to get house ready for cleaner S. Went out to Dipton Wood S from 15:30-17:40 where had 2 Common Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk. Highlight of the day was the third juvenile Honey-buzzard coming out of the sky at 16:19, obviously looking for a place to stay the night; it circled in flap-flap-glide mode looking quite aggressive before descending down into the middle of Dipton Wood 1  2  3  4 (12203). Often see juvenile Honey-buzzard emigrating out of their roost at noon but very rarely see them drop out the sky like this! Completed processing of North Wood records for 1/9 so all September records done. Had a good long chat on the Mount with someone who used to serve me in the W, escorting 2 types of bulldog!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 5th: worst day for quite a while, max 10C, min 7C, fresh SE breeze, turning NW in evening, heavy rain in morning giving flooding in parts of Newcastle, damp still in the evening; the date the max falls below 10C is significant I feel – signs of onset of winter, narrowly averted today. Took advantage of lack of distractions by processing trips to SW of county on 2/9 (completed) and 1/9 (done Coanwood, processed piccies from North Wood); see below for the details. When finished there are just 10 data sheets left to process for August – couldn't keep up in the end with vital closing fieldwork. Not out today! But pleased to get started with catch-up on records as can then publish annual totals. Those for the kites are the most interesting I feel. 2moro weather is better and will go in search of late Honey-buzzard migrants and early winter visitors. Next concerts are 19/10 Hexham MS, 22/10 RNS and 24/10 Samling, and next opera is Carmen (again!) on 3/11 at Newcastle TR. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Funds are +2k on wtd. PoO has reached almost $83 a barrel but oil producers' shares have been strangely muted (almost shocked!). Have bought 50k of short-dated bonds this week to lock in the gains realised last week.

October 4th: max 12C, min 7C, light SW breeze, heavy rain in morning, then frequent showers, sunny spells, drying out as day progressed. Did some energetic grass cutting at ttime in entrance to orchard and field, keeping open the outer limits and giving scope for the spring flowers in these areas, such as primrose and cowslip. Had 8 Lesser Redpoll on birch mast and a Jay in my field; no butterflies today. Next task is to cut front grass before starting on hedging but heavy rain forecast unusually for whole of day tomorrow with a yellow rain warning. Did make R where we had talk on the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome – a bit of an esoteric topic but the speaker made it interesting; good for social chat! And went to T4shop to get the 4 grapefruit. Earlier almost woken up (not quite) by intruder alarm service at 09:00 with Swansons sending 2 men this time. Made G4g4s with A, just the 2 of us but since he's a birdwatcher, we had plenty of good crack. Plan now to catch up with last season's records and the piccies from Tarifa. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

October 3rd: max 12C, min 9C, light SW breeze, heavy rain early-on, then frequent showers, sunny spells, drying out as day progressed. Relaxing day today after 3 glorious days celebrating the return of the arts. Did do W4bigshop – only £38 – clearly missed a lot including 4 grapefruit but haven't eaten all of last week's after so much time away from home. Bought £35 of petrol from HEX Shell garage, that was maximum allowed but almost fills the tank. Also bought some kindling there for the coal fire for an exorbitant price of £6.99; petrol was exorbitant as well at 141.9p/litre – bloody oil prices! But think I'm ahead through the share holdings!! Bought tickets for 2 more Sage concerts – Samling on 24/10, Requiem on 28/11. Made G4g4s with D/J/P/P for good chat, followed by an exciting rendezvous!! 2moro having intruder alarm serviced at 09:00, attending Rotary at 12:30 and more G late-on.

Since 29/9 3 more records (4 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 131 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 93 September, 3 October.

13:45 03/10 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Cissbury Ring two late morning: one flew south and one circling to south-west

12:00 03/10 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Steyning 11:45 one flew south over Highland Croft

08:17 30/09 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk North Warren RSPB 08:40 28/09 one flew south over South Marsh on Tuesday morning

October 2nd: max 12C, min 6C, moderate SW breeze, dull, frequent showers, mild. A quick note at 03:57 3/10 added to later!! Carmen by Bizet, first performed 1875 in Paris, was fantastic and ON were great hosts, having 2 receptions in refurbished Howard Assembly Rooms before and in interval; even got an upgrade to a seat in the Stalls with the great and good. There was a third reception but I had to get away for the train. The opera is set in southern Spain and was sung in French with English subtitles. Carmen the opera is so full of sin of all kinds – no wonder it's so popular – the best of opera! Sins in Carmen include lust, infidelity, envy, wrath, pride, smuggling, corruption, smoking, drinking, bull fighting, murder – not suitable for woke devotees!! Bizet did not live to see the ultimate success of the opera, dying soon after its first performances; the opera was hugely controversial with its depiction of ordinary people, rather than the aristocracy. Carmen the person is a serial lover, getting what she wants for 6 months then discarding her lovers. She befriends an army soldier Don José who makes various sacrifices for her: like spending time in prison for letting her escape his custody and deserting from the army once his corrupt commanding officer Zuniga, chasing Carmen, was shot dead in his company and he went to assist in their smuggling adventures. But Carmen then fancies a toreador Escamillo, Jose begs Carmen to resume their affair but she refuses and he kills her with a knife. Everyone performed well, particularly liked Chrystal E Williams as Carmen, Helen Évora as Mercédès, Carmen's friend, and Phillip Rhodes as Escamillo. The ON orchestra under Garry Walker was in great form; it's always more difficult, playing pieces that people know so well as any deviation is quickly noticed. So ON did make it a great return to the north of live opera. I'm a silver patron of ON, donating £150 per month; last year was a bronze patron, paying £62.50 a month. Just one problem with trip: TransPennine cancelled the return trip after York (shortage of conductors) and put us on a bus, arriving NCL at 01:57, not 00:12. Have already got a refund. Central Station was all closed but retrieved car by walking up back lane (exit to park), paying at the machine and escaping quickly. So driving into HEX at 02:30 from CBR; did notice the lite, could be a moth!! More details 2moro but now it's time for bed, though did get some sleep on coach. Did have 2 Honey-buzzard juvenile on trip: 1 at Throckley moving SE low-down with Corvids at 14:30, other in North Yorkshire just N of Thorpefield, 2 km S of Thirsk near the race course, at 16:30 over a copse with a Crow, both in damp, drizzly, blustery weather.

Funds +6k on week, falling back later in week, after disappointment with lack of progress in Falklands oil exploration. Gain on ytd is 547k gross (+44.4%), 525k net with ftse 100, +7.6% ytd, ftse 250 +14.2%. Getting more concerned over direction of world economy as shortages of many items increase so took a lot of profits last week, ending up with 120k cash. PoO continues to rise and gas shortages multiply but am concerned this will bring down the world economy and with it the oil and gas boom. That's how markets work: everyone is connected.

October 1st: max 12C, min 7C, moderate SW breeze, bright, frequent showers and rainbows, mild. Made Dipton Wood extreme N, in Swallowship tetrad, from15:30-16:45. This is more like heathland with invasive scrub than coniferous woodland in its present state of development with young conifers planted but not very significant yet. This is a great Green Hairstreak area as it has patches of bilberry. Had 9 types of bird, including just one raptor, a 1w Kestrel, that was hunting over the heather at 16:36. This is a Woodlark area and had 2 single birds briefly up at 16:00 and 16:22. Also had 2 Swallow SE, 2 Chiffchaff, a Jay, a Siskin, a Robin, a Crow and 11 Woodpigeon. So limited but interesting! Then onto RDM for trip to NCL at 17:05. Got to Sage early, after bracing walk along the High-level bridge, to collect tickets for the mini-season. Concert had a female conductor Joana Carneiro, who was very dynamic and expressive throughout, fitting the Dance theme. The opening piece was by John Adams in his minimalist style, which people seem to love or loathe. I like it and Shaker Loops is a good example of the genre. Next up was the lively accordionist Ksenija Sidorova as soloist in Astor Piazzolla's Aconcagua. The RNS seems to have a passion for this composer, who is also very popular with the audience. There was a quite good attendance, perhaps 60% full, in spite of the event being streamed. Ksenija gave us a beautifully sensuous encore and ½ time was reached with everyone in good spirits. The concert completed with Beethoven 7, one of my favourite symphonies, which was absolutely stunning from start to finish. It was good to see BC as acting leader but very sad not to see someone else. Had met some of the partners earlier on but met more after the concert in the downstairs bar where also got entangled with the woodwind, who would like me to return my sponsorship to them, I think. Met new flautist CA (not playing tonight), MT (principal flautist tonight) and expressive clarinettist CM, who comes from Andalucia, my favourite part of Spain and where I was recently, in Tarifa. I was sorry to hear that I missed seeing AY play 2 weeks ago, Back on last train NCL-RDM and quickly to bed to catch-up on sleep. This is a busy spell of 3 days, return of live culture at last – absolutely brilliant. Hope all is well : xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Funds are +6k on week, more details on Sunday. Next up is ON in LDS!

September 30th: max 15C, min 11C, moderate SW breeze, rain from time to time, drier later, mild. Did get back on the films trail, seeing Green Knight, a mediaeval fantasy tale, which held the attention. The music was interesting, quite Wagnerian with shades of darkness and menacing scenes, interspersed with chants and choral singing. The hero Gawain was also typically Wagnerian, a bit too good to be true and not entirely likeable, and the film is good on whether he flunked his execution by the Green Knight with no witnesses, affecting his confidence in later life even though he had adoring subjects who thought he was a hero when he became king. Alicia Vikander was a good actress as Essel, Gawain's commoner girlfriend when young who he booted out when he became king and replaced her with a noblewoman. She also played the sensuous Lady, who removed some of the tensions in Gawain's quest for the Green Knight. So good to be back at the Tyneside, glad it's survived, did double my seat cost as a donation. They're doing very well with the new James Bond film; I will try and see that. Evening seemed to lack something!! 2moro it's back to the Sage to see the RNS, another great return, looking forward to it. Shall arrive early to collect tickets and have a drink; will be on last train NCL-RDM; have 225 miles range left on car.

September 29th: max 12C, min 7C, light to moderate W breeze, sunny all day except for occasional shower late afternoon, did not light fire, sun warms house, exercise keeps me feeling hotter! Very energetic today, cutting large part of grass at back in final cut before winter, grass all over the place. Did indeed make D4m4l with the IT gang (5 of us), had salmon pate and duck, very tasty, with plenty of good chat. Then went shopping, bought new pair of trousers and 2 pairs of shirts for £47 in discount store Yorkshire Trading Co. So very practical day! Didn't make G4g4t, decided to cut grass in the one dry day this week. 2moro it's return to the TC with show at 20:15 (not the famous one!), expect to make NCL off CAL 18:56. Looking forward to it!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Since 26/9 2 more records (2 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 127 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 92 September.

09:14 28/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Choseley Drying Barns 09:12 juvenile flew south

16:17 27/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sandwich Bay 25/09 one flew north on Saturday

A very late Black Kite is in Ireland at my ancestral home:

16:54 29/09 Black Kite Wexford Tacumshin again over Forgotten Corner then flew high west

13:36 28/09 Black Kite Wexford Tacumshin 13:10 one flew north-west over East End towards Lingstown

September 28th: max 12C, min 7C, light W breeze, cloudy all day, heavy rain from ttime, lit solid fuel fire (fire lighter, kindling, doubles, smokeless ovoids) for first time in autumn, lovely and cosy. Stayed local with fuel shortage, going for local scan around Ordley. Didn't see any Honey-buzzard so maybe the 3 on 26/9 have moved on (we shall see!) but did have 2 Common Buzzard, one flying into a tree to S, the other floating overhead going E, both thought to be juvenile on moult condition. Had total of 11 bird-types from 13:30-14:30 including 9 Swallow W and a Stock Dove, plus a Stoat on roadside. Worrying news from B, my Wed afternoon drinking mate in the G – he was diagnosed today at the Freeman with bone cancer, in the spine, affecting badly one of his legs; think radiotherapy is the plan. Thinking of breaking out from my drinking circle in G – maybe resuming Thursday trip to late-nite TC, returning via last Metro and CP. Still on for Friday Sage and Saturday Opera North!! Funds are +13k on wtd, with robust gas and oil market. Not sure it will get any better this week for the shares as traders like to close their positions as the week goes on, so they can count it all at the weekend! Lunch with the IT gang of 6 at D 2moro. Once again it's a pleasure to xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 27th: max 13C, min 9C, moderate S breeze, passage of cold front, heavy rain morning, sunny spells later, much cooler, autumn is here! Added piccies for recent sightings of Honey-buzzard locally in the 'Shire. Made R @ B4m4l, where good company. Much later made G4g4s with P/A for good chat and M's last Monday stint! Funds reached record today with PoO approaching $79 a barrel even with Falklands being downplayed. lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx xXX tgo xXX tbo xXX

September 26th: max 20C, min 10C, moderate W breeze, beautifully sunny autumn-day. Did W4bigshop but only £50. Explored the local Honey-buzzard migrant scene today and found 3 birds in the Ordley area, all juveniles and likely Scottish-bred birds drifting slowly southwards, stopping in rich feeding areas. Had seen a single dark bird up at 14:45 and 16:12 from house so explored further, keeping a watch from 16:15-16:50. Had the dark Honey-buzzard up at 16:19 1  2, a Common Buzzard up at 16:24, a ruddy Honey-buzzard at 16:24 3, both Honey-buzzard up together down the valley to E at 16:27, a new Honey-buzzard flushed from a tree to N overlooking a stubble field at 16:44. Also had a Woodlark flying SW at 16:40. So that's 3 Honey-buzzard migrants to add to the one at Swallowship on 24/9 – good breeding season in Scotland, which has had good weather this summer compared to the south of England. Northumberland has also had a good breeding season for Honey-buzzard. Feeling stronger today – returned from Spain a little sun-baked! Not out to G – aiming for 3 alcohol-free days a week. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxXXxXXXXxX gorgeous one xxX beautiful one xxX missing tgo xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Sorted 12/9 piccies from the great day! 124 Piccies are indexed below for the Tarifa topology, 11 of the raptors, groups of raptors (2) and 2 storks. Complete Tarifa record will be held here but it only holds 12/9 so far. Used some automatic techniques to convert file names to html entries: 1) dir /b >filelist.txt to obtain a list of the files in the file filelist.txt; 2) edit filelist.txt with Notepad++ using regular expressions, replacing ^ with <A HREF=" 2021/ to prepend the directory information; 3) change .jpg with Notepad++ to .jpg">1</A>&nbsp; to finish the line with reference number and closure; 4) manually edit reference numbers. Much better than manually entering each image -- If use a spreadsheet could generate automatically the reference numbers as sequences.

Since 21/9 7 more records (7 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 125 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 90 September. Note the increasing numbers of juveniles, good to see more being identified.

14:30 25/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head 14:28 juvenile drifting west

20:01 24/09 European Honey Buzzard Essex Ongar Park Wood juvenile photographed by road

16:15 24/09 European Honey Buzzard Devon Plymstock 14:36 one flew over

22:59 23/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Elmley NNR juvenile showing well this afternoon

17:51 23/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Rempstone Heath one flew over Wytch Causeway this evening

16:16 23/09 European Honey Buzzard Hertfordshire St Albans 16:05 probable flew high west

10:27 22/09 European Honey Buzzard Gwent Cwm 10:24 immature flew over valley before lost to view

September 25th: max 19C, min 14C, moderate SW breeze becoming light, cloudy on whole, few sunny intervals. Spent ages processing 12/9 Tarifa coming up with 124 images to publish: Honey-buzzard 33, Black Kite 25, Egyptian Vulture 15, .Booted Eagle 10, Short-toed Eagle 5, Common Buzzard 4, Black Stork 4, White Stork 4, Marsh Harrier 3, Griffon Vulture 3, Common Kestrel 2, Bonelli's Eagle 1, Red Kite 1, raptor groups 2, Tarifa general shots habitat 12. So that was a truly brilliant day! Hope to progress the task tomorrow but id and labelling has been completed. Next weekend is a musical bonanza so want to get the Tarifa results sorted quickly.

September 24th: max 18C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, sunny, warm day .uncomfortable wind. Back in the field today. Cleaner S arrived at 15:30 so went to nearby Letah Wood from 15:15-17:00. Had 3 raptors: a Honey-buzzard juvenile up at 15:48 over Swallowship 1 judged to be a pale-phase migrant as the 2 raised here were not this phase; it bounced around powerfully in the wind, putting up many pigeon and corvids but soon went down again most likely to resume feeding (11200); this is presumably a Scottish-bred bird, still a long way to go to Africa. A Red Kite juvenile was up over West Dipton Burn at 16:00, moving out to feed to W. A Common Buzzard adult was calling twice in Letah Wood at 16:50. So that was a good range to mark my return to Northumbrian birding. Had some interesting dragonfly: a Common Hawker, 3 Common Darter. Later met D&D in DoW where we had brilliant catch-up in nice surroundings. Funds finished week +5k on rise in energy prices, taking gain ytd to +542k gross (+43.9%), 520k net, with ftse 100 ytd +8.0%, ftse 250 +17.4%. Next week is a big one for the Falklands with a meeting on Thursday afternoon in Salisbury, Wiltshire, to discuss the situation. Will really start on Tarifa tomorrow! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 23rd: max 18C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, cloudy by day. Met M at T4c4c for good chat and A at G4g4s; latter was so busy, things are looking up with L on and M in waiting!! Am going to start processing the Tarifa piccies tomorrow, starting with the best day 12/9. Funds fell today on HBR pulling out of Sea Lion in the Falklands; didn't expect that with current high PoO but an Israeli company Navitas, with extensive deep-water offshore experience in Caribbean/Atlantic is joining the action so all is not lost. Have shares in another Israeli company ENOG (Energean) which is developing offshore gas fields in the Mediterranean to ensure energy security for Israel with major new FPSO coming into action in 2022.

September 22nd: max 18C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, hazy sunshine most of day. Quiet day – did make N4c4t and G4g4t; latter was gr8, meeting up with a lot of old mates but sadly no B as he's got a painful leg. Shown a picture of a dead young Nightjar, killed by a car at Slaley Forest – very sad! Next trip is to Devon 14/10-18/10, flying NCL-EXT with Loganair cost £202, to see younger sis and M who had a prostate op today at Torbay Hospital. Last trip to Devon was in May 2019. Will make London in separate trip in early November. Funds at new record today with dash for gas! Very much missed normal Wed activity: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 21st: max 17C, min 13C, light W breeze, hazy sunshine most of day. Did some energetic grass-cutting today, after which feel much fitter; walking does not stretch all muscles. Made N4c4ll where enthusiastic welcome – they wondered whether I'd deserted them. Made I4shop. Getting back on the music trail; booked trains NCL-LDS 15:44 leave, 00:12 back on 2/10-3/10 to see Carmen by ON, including pre-performance and interval receptions but cannot stay for party afterwards. Will drive to NCL. Should be a great evening with the lovely music of Bizet. Also have Alcina and Wagner's Parsifal booked up at the LDS venue and all the offerings at TR, so will see Carmen and Alcina twice. Going to RNS on 1/10 and will attend the open rehearsals on 22/10 and 18/11!! Funds are +1k so far this week with some big falls yesterday (sell on the news of higher prices for gas) and big recovery today (these stocks now look cheap); total value is 4k adrift of record set on 15/9. Europe/UK is run by idiots as far as energy supply goes – complete lack of engineering skills in governments, particularly on question of scale; renewable energy should be capped at 25% of electricity supply until we learn how to cope with its wild fluctuations in supply at the continent-level. The UK's reliance on the spot market for gas through not having storage systems is reckless in the extreme.

Today 8 more records (10 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 118 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 83 September. Note the one Northumberland possible and the multiple sighting of 3 birds at Bapchild in Kent.

16:06 21/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Hove 15:45 dark morph juvenile flew over Hove Park

15:15 21/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head juvenile flew west this afternoon; also Short-eared Owl

12:27 21/09 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Hornsea Mere 11:45 juvenile flew south-west over Wassand

11:26 21/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness RSPB 11:10 one flew west over entrance track; also Glossy Ibis, 8 Western Cattle Egrets and Great Egret still on Cooks Pool late morning

11:24 21/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Bapchild 11:15 three circled overhead then flew south

10:34 21/09 European Honey Buzzard Bedfordshire Luton 08:30 probable flew south-west over Bushmead

10:06 21/09 European Honey Buzzard Leicestershire and Rutland Groby Pool one flew south mid-morning

09:47 21/09 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Felton 20/09 possible flew south yesterday afternoon

September 20th: max 17C, min 11C, light W breeze, sunny all day. Made NCL Airport for PCR test with NPH – all very well organised and drilled and a steady stream of punters though quieter than last January. My vaccination certificate was accepted by the nurse; it had earlier been rejected by the machine! Suspect a change in format with the recently generated certificates having a single QR code, whilst mine had 2, one for each jab. The certificates are valid for 4 weeks from generation with mine expiring after 25/9, so it's probably only a temporary problem. So last deed of holiday done (I hope; yes just in at 20:20 result of throat and nose swab at 11:03 this morning – PCR Negative – gr8!). Had 2 Common Buzzard over Styford at 11:30 and another sitting on a post at Throckley N at 10:30. Traffic around the new roundabout on A69 at Hexham from E and also in Corbridge village was at a standstill so relieved could get though on A69 from W. Made G4g4s in welcome company of A with the dynamic M on, a good nitecap! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Updated home page for CT/process with a publication from last year and the recent one in Mexico:

Rossiter, Nick, & Heather, Michael, The Physics of Communication, The Vigier Centenary, Third Regime Natural Science Towards a Physics of the Observer, XIIth Vigier Symposium, Liège, Belgium 27-30 July 2020, abstract    pdf.

Heather, Michael & Rossiter, Nick, Particle Physics viewed from Category Theory, GOL2021 International Congress Applied Category Theory Graph-Operad-Logic in memory of Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz, 24-27 Aug, programme (2021). presentation pdf, book of abstracts, our abstract in section 10 Quantum mechanics, Leptones, Quarks, Fundamental interactions pp 26-27 pdf.

Since 19/9 (i.e. today!) 4 more records (4 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 108 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 73 September. Still plenty of UK birds to reach the Straits.

12:54 20/09 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Foula 12:00 one flew over

12:39 20/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Sheringham 07:30 dark-morph juvenile flew west over golf course then towards Sheringham Park

10:39 20/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Scolt Head Island 10:37 one arrived in off the sea then flew inland towards Burnham Deepdale

08:06 20/09 European Honey Buzzard Durham Cleadon 08:02 juvenile reported low from east then flew west

So how's climate change progressing? Latest satellite data shows global anomaly for August 2021 of +0.17C in and Nothing very dramatic in context of 1991-2020 base period. The GTR in the latter url says:

The warmest region, in terms of the monthly departure from average, was +3.9 C (+7.0 °F) over East Antarctica near the Concordia Research Station. The other main areas of warmer than average temperatures appeared in the NH and formed a wave pattern with warm areas from west to east occurring in the North Pacific, SE Canada, Iceland, western Russia and then eastern Russia. The coldest grid cell was not far from the warmest being located SE of the South Sandwich Islands at -2.9 C (-5.2 °F). Cooler than average regions were found in the western North Pacific, central Europe, far South Atlantic and NE China. The tropics were very near average.

There's a lot of interest as to whether we are going to get another La Niña this winter as that tends to depress global temperatures and gives unwanted trends in North America, such as drought in California. In there's an almost 70% chance of La Niña in NDJ (November-December-January) which is a little ominous for the 'hot' brigade.

September 19th: max 16C, min 9C, light W breeze, rain early-on then sunny to early afternoon then more rain and dull weather. Plenty of Honey-buzzard action in UK in mid-September reflecting a late but successful breeding season. Since 11/9 28 more records (29 birds, 10 on 18/9) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 104 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 69 September. Still plenty of UK birds to reach the Straits.

16:09 19/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Boughton Fen one flew over this afternoon

15:34 19/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Happisburgh 15:30 possible flew south towards Stalham

11:43 19/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Bournemouth one flew towards airport

09:23 19/09 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Flamborough Head one flew south over Selwicks Bay near lighthouse

09:07 19/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Weybourne 08:55 dark morph juvenile flew inland towards Kelling Heath

19:51 18/09 European Honey Buzzard London Southall one flew over Wolf Fields Nature Reserve this afternoon

16:02 18/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Brighton two juveniles flew over between 11:25 and 11:37

12:45 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Fife Isle of May juvenile flew over this morning

11:25 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Bakkasetter, Mainland 11:20 one flew south

08:35 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Cunningsburgh, Mainland one flew south-west

08:15 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Durham Blackhall Rocks 08:13 adult female flew west

07:53 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Shetland Sumburgh, Mainland one flew south over Sumburgh Head

07:48 18/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Langdon Cliffs NT one flew west at Langdon Hole

07:10 18/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head 11:00 17/09 one flew north yesterday morning

10:02 17/09 European Honey Buzzard Isle of Wight Ventnor Downs 09:35 one flew south

17:09 16/09 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Hornsea Mere one flew south-west over Wassand mid-afternoon

12:17 16/09 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Stowmarket one flew east near A14 late morning

11:11 16/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Wells-next-the-Sea 11:05 probable flew east

09:43 16/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Portland 09:40 juvenile flew south at Bill

08:26 16/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness NNR 15/09 one flew over Dungeness Point late afternoon yesterday

13:00 15/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Portland 12:58 juvenile flew west over bird observatory

08:12 14/09 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Noirmont Point 08:07 one

17:11 13/09 European Honey Buzzard Isle of Wight Ventnor 14:00 one flew east over Ventnor Downs

15:31 13/09 European Honey Buzzard Cumbria Sedgwick 15:30 one flew low overhead towards Sizergh

11:17 13/09 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk South Creake one drifted north-east this morning

20:23 12/09 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Arundel 17:35 one flew over Long Lane

20:16 12/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness RSPB probable flew over Boulderwall Farm; also 2 Western Cattle Egrets flew over ARC Pit late afternoon and 2 Black-necked Grebes from Hanson Hide

10:54 12/09 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Noirmont Point 10:53 one flew over

One recent Black Kite:

12:09 13/09 Black Kite Kent Lydd one drifted high west early afternoon

So that's very satisfying! Started looking at records from the Straits with some information and piccies on Oriental Hornet found in Gibraltar on 17/9; added the Asian Hornet reference to my references to Honey-buzzard articles; Honey-buzzard are very cool in taking on such large and aggressive insects. Oriental Hornet are a bit more cuddly though must admit they do look quite dangerous, even to an insect stalwart like myself. Never threaten any kind of Hornet, just let it go on its way! Have had some raptors in Ordley since return: a Barn Owl on the fence and 2 Tawny Owl calling last night and yes a Honey-buzzard juvenile, dark-phase, soaring over area N of my house at 13:30, mobbed by several Rook, Jackdaw and Crow. This will be the younger bird at this site not seen earlier, typically leaving 10 days after its older sibling, so up to 34 fledged now including 12 broods of 2. Holiday's not over yet: PCR test tomorrow morning at NCL Airport, can't wait! Enjoying return, made W4bigshop £57 and G4g4s where no mates out but plenty of fun: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 18th: max 29C, min 20C, light S breeze, misty morning, settled. Paid the hotel £963.75 for the 4 nights, breakfast and some g and dinners. Did scan the Rock from the Airport for a couple of hours but no raptors seen. Flight back was very efficient, easyJet do 3 flights close together from GIB to EDI, GAT, MAN, and all were busy and on time. easyJet do still serve food and coffee in flight so that made it more comfortable, indeed they've gone up in my estimation. Didn't stay long in MAN, straight through automatic passport gates with no checks on Covid paperwork but then it was a flight from a green area. Walked short distance to MIA and waited a while for train as had thought the arrival formalities might take longer. Passed through Huddersfield which has some suitable habitat for Honey-buzzard with woodland on steep sided banks and changed at York to a wild partying-train (it's fresher-time!). Once in NCL took Metro to Airport where collected car for drive home. Lovely to be home, spick and span after good work by cleaner S.

Gibraltar Airport, at the Airport on the outside veranda from 10:00-12:00: just saw Mediterranean Yellow-legged Gull and Feral Pigeon plus a few House Sparrow. So current count for trip from 4/9-18/9 on BirdTrack is:

97 species from 356 records, 14 complete lists, 7 places (all species assumed countable). This is a preliminary figure, expect it to rise as photographs and notes are given their final scrutiny.

Trip has been a great success, particularly the 10-days in Spain where Tarifa is a superb spot for autumn migration of raptors and many other species. Will publish some of the piccies and the final totals directly. Black Kite was undoubtedly the star giving many close views but the total of 20 raptor-types is amazing. Gibraltar was less spectacular bird-wise and didn't achieve nearly so much there though it's a great place for seeing Peregrine, adding one to raptor total of 19 types in Tarifa. Temperature-wise Tarifa is more refreshing with the fresh breezes and the wide-open spaces, giving a better natural experience. Gibraltar is very crowded with great pressure on space for humans and nature. The hotel in Tarifa was good value for money, costing £140 a day compared to £240 a day for the Gibraltar one. Gibraltar is exceptionally popular at present because of its green status Covid-wise. The staff at both hotels were friendly and supportive. Tarifa is the better choice for nature-lovers and Gibraltar as a city-break. Did have more excitement in Gibraltar socially!! Anyway pleased I did both but maybe would skew the 14 days to 11 for Tarifa and 3 for Gibraltar on a repeat. On week funds were +9k gross, +6k net, after 3.5k withdrawal for school fees, making gain ytd of 536k gross (+43.4%), 514k net, with ftse 100 ytd +6.7%, ftse 250 +17.8%. ftse 100 was down 2.5% on week so quite a risk-off week, partly due to the energy supply problems which boosted some of my fossil-fuel stocks. Had great welcome-back in 'Shire: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Notes on Gibraltar raptors from Gibraltar Bird Report 2021 p.9, indicating my unexciting autumn experience was not untypical:

Most recent years have seen a sprinkling of records of scarce raptors but during 2021 there were no Black or Ruppell’s Vultures, no Pallid Harriers, no Red Kites, no Merlins and none of the rarer eagles. All this is just a curiosity and of no biological significance. It is a simple reflection of the variability of results to be expected from a very small territory such as Gibraltar, where most records of seabirds and raptors especially are of fly-bys.

The spring 2021 passages of soaring birds were particularly poorly evident locally, as usual due largely to unfavourable winds at key stages of the season. In fact, easterlies predominated during most of March and much of April, and coverage was weak in May. The seasonal total of soaring birds was 19,070 birds, well below the post-2001 average (25,574) not to mention the record tally of spring 2020 (57,243). The 2021 total was largely due to a sizeable showing of Black Kites (11,950), a species that is now so numerous at the Strait that large counts result even when the peak movements are missed. The Booted Eagle count of 1,784 birds, chiefly over a few days in early April, was noteworthy but all other species appeared in well below average numbers.

The autumn passages of soaring birds are very hard to monitor from Gibraltar since birds then often skirt the Rock or visit repeatedly without crossing. Regular counts are not carried out at this season. However, autumn 2021 produced a seasonal total of over 25,000 birds since some major movements of both Black Kites and Honey-buzzards were counted.

September 17th: max 28C, min 18C, light W breeze, strong sunshine all day, hot. Done most of peninsula so decided to stay local and have a relaxing day hanging around in preparation for tomorrow. Out from 13:00-20:00. Had a total of 4 Peregrine in central section, a pair displaying, a juvenile male flying low-down and a juvenile female at dusk flying to the top of the middle section of the Rock. So that's splendid but no migrant raptors. Also saw another Blue Rock Thrush plus 2 Blue Tit and 2 Melodious Warbler in the canopy. A Pallid Swift flew S.

Had a number of Oriental Hornet Vespa orientalis in a corner of a park, near the Hotel as shown here 1  2; these are a major threat to bee hives but are presumably, like the larger Asian Hornet, vulnerable themselves to Honey-buzzard attack. Here's the paper recording the Honey-buzzard's use of Asian Hornet Vespa velutina combs near Barcelona, Spain: Macià, F X, Menchetti, M, Corbella, C, Grajera, J & Vila, R. Exploitation of the invasive Asian Hornet Vespa velutina by the European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus. Bird Study, 66:3, 425-429 (2019); summarised by BirdGuides, European Honey Buzzards prey on invasive hornets, (2019) with pages in paper in Bird Study here 1  2  3  4  5. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 16th: max 27C, min 20C, light S breeze, strong sunshine all day, felt hot. Did long walk to N of Gibraltar from 11:30-16:30, taking in the mobile clinic at the Airport for a Covid lateral flow nasal test (£30); result given in 25 min was -ve so that's a relief. Found that BA had cancelled my return flights with very little ceremony so booked with easyJet from GIB-MAN on same day (£90) and on Trainline for MIA-NCL (£26); have got a voucher from BA after complaining; not sure I'd have got anything otherwise! Basic problem was they changed the flight times GIB-LHR and the LHR-NCL option offered actually had the NCL leg taking off before I'd left GIB. I'd sell IAG (BA) shares if I had any – such poor management is a symptom of a deep malaise. Have now 5 forms on my mobile – vaccination certificate, pre-departure test certificate, passenger locator form, booking for PCR test on Monday at NPH at NCL Airport (£95), boarding pass, each with its own QR code! My vaccination certificate, obtained from the NHS site just 3 weeks ago, is not in the latest format (2 QR codes instead of 1) so has to be confirmed manually. Had to copy codes myself back and forth between the NPH form and passenger locator form. It's an incredibly complicated mess. Pleased to see its demise is imminent from the Breakfast show on TV this morning. Spain's Covid cases are 1/10 of those in the UK so exactly what is the UK protecting!

Gibraltar N side is dominated by the Rock, which has a number of skyscrapers going up along side it, for flats. Catalan Bay is an attractive retreat. There was an adult male Kestrel on the cliff at 13:26 and 2 Rock Thrush migrants (together on N end), from higher altitude. But it's not as wild as the S end, which enjoyed yesterday. Best birdwatching has been from the tables outside the hotel drinking g; this evening had 2 Firecrest and a Black Redstart bringing total to 95. So the implications are obvious!! See you sometime – don't know where, don't know when!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 15th: max 25C, min 19C, light S breeze, sunny spells particularly later, swirling low cloud and massive thunder clouds, a very heavy shower late morning, humid and warm. Did long walk to S of Gibraltar from 12:05-16:30 making the Little Bay Beach area, a quiet seaside area for those in the know! Found the shags which lurk around these parts, 5 members of Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii, the rare Mediterranean subspecies. Also at Little Bay had 2 Western Bonelli's Warbler, 2 Sardinian Warbler, a Blue Rock Thrush (female/immature) and 2 Greenfinch. Highlight of the raptors was a male Peregrine at 14:14 soaring over the top of the Rock above, putting up many Feral Pigeon; this is species no.20 of raptor for the trip, 5-7 pairs breed in Gibraltar each year. A Jackdaw was also seen on the top of the rock at the S end. Scanned the scrub and trees carefully on the walk and found a Great Tit (heard and seen), a Crested Tit, a Chaffinch, 3 Blackbird. A Common Kestrel was flying over the Docklands at 12:45. Kept an eye on the top of the Rock for raptor migration and did see some: at 13:12 2 Black Kite going S at low altitude, at 17:45 3 Honey-buzzard soared and glided S, at 18:00 4 Booted Eagle mobbed by a pair of Peregrine soared and flew S; at 18:15 a Goshawk flew S without any soaring, straight over and out! So quiet day for raptors but weather not appropriate (potentially too stormy) until late in day. Think that brings trip total to 92 bird-types. The Greens are refusing to acknowledge that the poor performance of renewables is behind the current energy crisis in Europe and are saying that we need to double up on wind energy but in calm times 2 x 0 is the same as 1 x 0: logic is not their strong point! In the markets shares of green energy companies are plummeting and those of fossil fuels are soaring: we do need to make an energy transition but nuclear must be to the forefront! Gave 4.5k to granddaughters today on occasion of I's birthday to help with school fees; will dent funds by 3.5k this week. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Running total for birds from 4/9-15/9:

92 species from 334 records, 11 complete lists, 7 places (all species assumed countable)

September 14th: max 26C, min 20C, light S breeze, sunny intervals following rain showers early on, humid and warm. Paid hotel bill of €1649 on visa including my meals and drinks paid for on hotel card. Said fond farewell to staff at Tarifa Lances, who had looked after me very well and at 12 noon, car turned up to take me to the border in La Linea. Noticed 4 Black Kite waking up on mountain road between Tarifa and Algeciras at 12:15 at Pelayo. After being dropped off at 12:50, strolled through passport controls into Gibraltar though they did stamp my passport and walked using Google Maps to Eliott Hotel, with stop for coffee on way. Currency here is £, either British or Gibraltar form at parity between them; € also seem to circulate freely. Hotel room was ready at 13:00, 2 hours earlier than that booked. Behaved like a grockel, taking the cable car (£17 2-way) up to the top of the rock, where introduced to the monkeys, Barbary Apes, 2 of which jumped on the car even before it had 'landed'. Spent some time up there looking for raptors from 15:30-17:00 but pretty quiet, seeing 'just' a Booted Eagle and an obliging Short-toed Eagle, clearly looking for a snack before crossing to Africa. Also in Gibraltar had a Carrion Crow near the hotel at 21:00 bringing trip total to 84. Made a back-street pub Cornwall for a couple of very welcome g (£3 each!). This is more like a city break than a beach holiday, a welcome change in some respects. Had dinner in the hotel – f&c+mp, quite traditional. Funds are +7k on wtd on soaring gas prices. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Final total for Tarifa, Spain is: 84 species from 314 records, 10 complete lists, 7 places. Here's trip report for the whole period 04/09-14/09/2021, including the 19 raptor types seen, analysis of raptor counts, all birds seen, weather, diary.

September 13th: max 25C, min 22C, moderate E breeze, no sun, cloudy all day, occasional light rain showers with big drops. After strenuous catch-up on records from yesterday's excitement, was out for walk to W from 13:05-15:30. No fall of migrants in the changed weather was evident. Did do some sea-watching for a change, seeing 2 Gull-billed Tern E, a Common Tern E, 5 Sandwich Tern (4 E, 1 W), 5 Balearic Shearwater (3 E, 2 W), 1 Gannet immature W. Only raptor was a juvenile Marsh Harrier at 14:52, which on the slightest brightness came up for a hunt over rough grassland 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13. Booked up return taxi to GIB for €89; hotel is becoming a lot quieter; gave head waiter €20 tip for his excellent service; he was worried about fall off in trade with Covid worries still a problem..Have booked Covid test for return (£30 at Gib Airport). Up to date bird-species count from BirdTrack for Spain trip (4/9-13/9) is:

83 species from 302 records, 9 complete lists, 5 places (all species assumed countable) with raptors 19 types, waders 15 types.

Beginning to anticipate return, feelings roused today: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total for all bird-types today was 21.

September 12th: max 25C, min 22C, fresh NE breeze, sunny all day. What a day, raptors seen close-up as route from W came over the Playa de Los Lances. At 09:20 while having breakfast by the hotel pool, a Montagu's Harrier drifted overhead going S – good omen! Out from 11:10-16:10 in the beach area in fairly wild conditions. At 11:21 6 Black Kite came overhead low-down from the beach moving N to the ridge to gain some height through orographic lift before gliding towards the port and across the Straits. From 11:29-12:58 the action was over the hill to the W with birds climbing up high using the orographic lift from the NE breeze. Totals were Black Kite 19, Honey-buzzard 4, Egyptian Vulture 4, Spanish Imperial Eagle 1, with 2 Osprey (both W over sea), 3 Griffon Vulture foraging, 1 Marsh Harrier foraging over marshland. So fairly routine but then there was a dramatic change as the birds came off the hill to the W and flew over the beach giving fantastic views and piccies as they then glided back slowly into the breeze to the hills to the N where they soared using the orographic lift and glided over the port and the Straits. Why didn't they go straight over the Straits from the hill to the W? Suspect at this western end of the Straits and with the fresh NE breeze, they didn't think it was safe because of the risk of drift into the Atlantic so did this manoeuvre to be further up the Straits to the E before crossing. Count from 13:00-13:58 was Black Kite 27, Booted Eagle 8, Short-toed Eagle 4, Honey-buzzard 2, Marsh Harrier 1, Egyptian Vulture 4, with Black Stork 18 (in with the raptors), White Stork 250 S (straight over the Straits from hill to W, not with the raptors). Some of the Black Kite were low-down over the beach and would have been termed in-off by some people but certainly not the case: they were coasting. From 14:05-14:58 had on same route Black Kite 30, Honey-buzzard 13, Egyptian Vulture 10, Booted Eagle 11, Short-toed Eagle 1, Common Buzzard 1, with a Short-toed Eagle hunting to NW and a male Hobby up over the port to E. From 15:06-15:34 had over the beach Black Kite 15, Honey-buzzard 2, Red Kite 1, Egyptian Vulture 5, Short-toed Eagle 1, with a Common Kestrel male hunting over the dunes and a kind of party over the port to E where 6 Black Kite, 4 Lesser Kestrel and the Hobby were putting on a flying display in imminent farewell to Europe, maybe resting overnight before crossing. Then it all stopped!

So totals for day were Black Kite 103, Honey-buzzard 21, Egyptian Vulture 23, Booted Eagle 19, Short-toed Eagle 6, Lesser Kestrel 4, Osprey 2, Spanish Imperial Eagle 1, Marsh Harrier 1, Common Buzzard 1, Red Kite 1, Hobby 1, Montagu's Harrier 1, with foraging birds – Griffon Vulture 3, Short-toed Eagle 1, Marsh Harrier 1, Common Kestrel 1, and storks 18 Black, 250 White. So that's 190 raptors of 15 types, 1 (the Hobby) new for trip bringing total to 19 types. Sorry for late update – a lot of analysis required. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxXXxxxxxXXXXXXxX Total for all bird-types today was 37.

124 Piccies are here for the Tarifa topology, 11 of the raptors, groups of raptors (2) and 2 storks. Complete Tarifa record will be held here but it only holds 12/9 so far.

Black Kite

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25 

Black Stork

26  27  28  29 

Bonelli's Eagle


Booted Eagle

31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40 

Common Buzzard

41  42  43  44

Common Kestrel

 45  46 

Egyptian Vulture

47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61 

Griffon Vulture

62  63  64 


65  66  67  68  69  70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97 

Marsh Harrier

98  99  100 

Raptors in Groups

101  102 

Red Kite


Short-toed Eagle

104  105  106  107  108 

Tarifa Topology

109  110  111  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120 

White Stork

121  122  123  124 

September 11th: max 26C, min 19C, light W breeze up to 15:00, then became moderate NE breeze, sunny all day. Different conditions again with light W breeze at start of watch at 11:30, meaning orographic lift was out of question with thermals the main option left; these were clearly rising over the hills to N where the raptors were soaring to considerable height and gliding SE towards the Tarifa port and presumably from there gliding as far as possible over the Straits before having to flap when all height was lost. This is the classical migration routine across the Straits so good to witness it. Totals by the hour were 11:47-11:58: Honey-buzzard 14, Black Kite 3; 12:03-12:56: Honey-buzzard 34, Black Kite 7, Booted Eagle 3, Short-toed Eagle 2, Montagu's Harrier 4, all gliding SE after initial soar, with a Bonelli's Eagle and a Goshawk (female perched on pylon) foraging on N side and 47 White Stork SE; 13:05-13:59: Montagu's Harrier 3, Black Kite 5, Short-toed Eagle 1, Booted Eagle 2, Marsh Harrier 1 juvenile close over rough grassland at 13:49, eventually moving SE, with 2 Bonelli's Eagle hunting, 1 Griffon Vulture foraging and 47 White Stork SE; 14:13-14:45: Honey-buzzard 2, Black Kite 4, Booted Eagle 1, with 80 White Stork SE; 15:15-15:44 after wind change action now over hill to W – Black Kite 6, Egyptian Vulture 4, these drifting off S from hill to W, with also to NW – 2 Spanish Imperial Eagle (1 adult, 1 juvenile) foraging, 2 Short-toed Eagle hunting together, 1 Griffon Vulture floating, 1 Common Kestrel male hovering. A Swallowtail butterfly was seen 1: butterflies have been neglected in this visit, too much excitement with the raptors!

Grand totals for today are: Honey-buzzard 50 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10, Black Kite 25 1  2  3  4, Booted Eagle 6 1  2  3  4, Short-toed Eagle 3 1  2  3  4  5  6, Montagu's Harrier 7 1, Marsh Harrier 1 1  2  3  4  5  6  7, Egyptian Vulture 4 1, all crossing Straits with 2 Bonelli's Eagle, 1 Goshawk 1  2  3, 2 Spanish Imperial Eagle 1  2  3, 2 Short-toed Eagle, 2 Griffon Vulture, 1 Common Kestrel staying on N side 1  2  3 and 127 White Stork SE 1  2  3  4  5  6. Also 6 Alpine Swift SE, 25 Pallid Swift SE and 27 Bee-eater resting 1  2. Total for raptors today is 106 birds of 13 types with total of 18 types of bird of prey for the trip. Needed a couple of bevvies after that lot! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total for all bird-types today was 32.

Since 5/9 18 more records (19 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 75 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 40 September. Still plenty of UK birds to reach Gibraltar. .

20:06 11/09 European Honey Buzzard Cornwall Mullion 17:20 adult flew north

19:48 11/09 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Frampton Marsh RSPB 13:15 one flew over

19:47 11/09 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Freiston Shore RSPB 13:00 one flew over

18:03 11/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Wimborne Minster one flew over to south

21:28 08/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Brighton 11:10 adult flew east over Hollingdean

12:50 08/09 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire Hebden Bridge 12:45 one flew south over Little Nook Farm

20:13 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent St Margaret's at Cliffe one flew south out to sea over Bockhill Farm; also Pied Flycatcher still in paddock

19:39 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk North Warren RSPB 11:41 possible flew south-east

18:34 07/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Heathfield one at Sapperton Meadows

15:13 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Portland male over Verne Common; also 3 Pied Flycatchers in Royal Naval Cemetery

12:54 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Marshside 12:54 one flew inland over Stanley High School

12:50 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Marshside RSPB 12:50 one flew south over Sandgrounders' Hide

10:41 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Essex Leigh-on-Sea 09:20 one flew north

09:43 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Essex Woodham Fen EWT06/09 one flew south yesterday

07:10 07/09 European Honey Buzzard Isle of Wight Luccombe 07:00 one along trail to Luccombe Down then flew off towards Downs

22:41 06/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Brighton 12:20 two adults flew south over Fiveways

14:15 06/09 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Kilnsea 14:13 one flew south past Crown and Anchor

12:44 06/09 European Honey Buzzard Isle of Wight Luccombe 11:45 one flew low over Hundred Acre field and radar station at Luccombe Down then disappeared below Bonchurch Down

September 10th: max 25C, min 20C, moderate W breeze, sunny all day, quite invigorating in the breeze off the Atlantic. No concerted raptor passage noted today in walk from 12:30-16:45 to NW of Tarifa on the boardwalk through the lagoons; went further today putting the walk up to 7km, making a rough area with ponds 1  2 at the far W, opposite the centre for the wind sports (surfing, windsurfing & kitesurfing) which are so popular here. Haven't got round to them yet! Earlier had good chat with N/D through hotel WiFi on Skype; no criticism this time, they were very critical of my Kenya trip though I remain defiant (good for mental health!). Had some good views of some raptors today, including a Montagu's Harrier juvenile flying along the beach at 14:13 1  2  3, before turning out over the Straits towards Morocco; a juvenile Marsh Harrier, hunting over marshland at 14:45 1  2  3  4  5; an Osprey coming out of trees at W end of beach and flying over headland to SW at 14:51 1  2 before crossing the Straits and another Osprey in power flight moving E along the beach at 14:57. More distant views were of a Black Kite hunting to N at 12:57, a Common Buzzard, presumed resident, hunting to N at 13:31, and a Black Kite hunting to N at 15:41. So that brings number of raptor types to 16 with the addition of Marsh Harrier. Other birds included Western Black-eared Wheatear 1, Hoopoe 1, Crested Lark 1, Calandra Lark 1  2  3, House Sparrow 1, Whimbrel 1, Oystercatcher 1, Little Egret 1. On the sand were 150 Mediterranean YLG 1  2  3  4  5  6  and 7 Audouin’s Gull (5 adult, 1 1w, 1 juvenile). Black Kite remains in the lead in terms of numbers with Honey-buzzard second. Hotel remains very comfortable: it is a new building so is well equipped in all respects and staff are very friendly and helpful. Wind goes E on Sunday and storms are forecast for Monday to Wednesday. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total for all bird-types today was 34.

Funds had a good week in spite of general market weakness, with gain of +9k taking gain on ytd to +527k gross (+42.7%), +508k net, with ftse 100 -1.5% on week, +7.7% on ytd and ftse 250 +18.0% on ytd. A correction is expected but commodities continue to move higher so happy to trade resource stocks and benefit from interest on bonds. Next week sees some demands on net funds: birthday presents and school fees! Do have the money (4.5k) sitting in my current account.

September 9th: max 25C, min 21C, moderate W breeze, sunny all day. Out to the E today of Tarifa, revisiting the port area from 10:30-15:55. A quiet day for raptors at least for seeing them from the ground. Did though have 2 Griffon Vulture soaring to N, not going anywhere, at 10:35, 12 Black Kite soaring from 11:24-11:26 high into the sky from the arid hills immediately to N of hotel and moving S, a Booted Eagle powering its way over the W of the town to S at 11:26, a Black Kite low-down around the headland to E of the port at 13:06 moving off S 1  2  3, and 2 Lesser Kestrel in same area at 13:17, also moving S. One White Stork was soaring high to SW at 10:40 and a massive flock of 170 White Stork was moving SW on N side of Straits at 14:55 1  2  3  4. Swallow passage was massive and continuous with 400 SW. There's a good mixture of Atlantic 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19 (69 counted) and Mediterranean YLG (240 counted) in the port area and recorded long calls of both; some shots held both types of gull 20  21  22  23  24  25. Also had a Caspian Tern 1, 9 Sand Martin SW, 1 Red-rumped Swallow S, 6 Ortolan Bunting S, 10 Bee-eater S, 3 Common Swift S, plus an Ocellated Lizard 1. Here's some landscapes: Morocco from Tarifa 1  2  3 , Tanger from Tarifa 4, Playa Lances Tarifa 5, sinister OSEGS HQ 6  7, Tarifa island 8 (last point in Europe before crossing to Africa), Tarifa port 9  10. Feeling very relaxed with all the fresh air and exercise; the breeze at Tarifa is very welcome for comfort. Tomorrow going to see N/D on Skype hopefully at 11:00 CEST. Thinking of someone who's gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total for all bird-types today was 31.

September 8th: max 25C, min 21C, moderate W breeze, sunny all day. Out to the W again with the breeze off the Atlantic giving a fresher feel. As expected it was a quieter day raptor-wise as the birds are drifted further E towards Gibraltar on he W breeze; it's also possible that some birds may have drifted over at great height and not been seen at all though did keep a close watch on the ridges from 10:00-15:30. Today was the day of the White Stork and Montagu's Harrier. From 10:18-10:22: Egyptian Vulture 1, Honey-buzzard 8, Montagu's Harrier 6, Griffon Vulture 13 1  2, Black Kite 1, White Stork 2 (SW unlike raptors), broad-winged raptors using orographic lift off ridge to N before drifting SE at great height, still using orographic lift from ridges below; 11:11: White Stork 2, moving SW as all storks did during the day, probably not crossing until wind behind; 12:02: Honey-buzzard 16, Montagu's Harrier 6, Egyptian Vulture 4, Griffon Vulture 4, broad-winged raptors climbing on orographic lift from ridge to N, then continuing SW straight into the breeze, climbing higher and higher until lost to sight; 8 Griffon Vulture foraging to N with 1 to W and 1 Bonelli's Eagle hunting to E; 12:13-15:33: 38 White Stork moving SW, not seen crossing Strait, largest group 22; Sparrowhawk 1 juvenile male hunting on rough land just to W of hotels 1, both at 10:35 and 15:15, thought to be a local bird. Kept a close watch on coastal mountains to W, looking for any birds coasting from the Algarve but none seen; a Raven was seen here at 14:30. So day's total was: Black Kite 1, Honey-buzzard 24, Griffon Vulture 17, Egyptian Vulture 5, Montagu's Harrier 12, for migrants (broad-winged raptors moving SE/SW at height) and Griffon Vulture 10, Bonelli's Eagle 1, Sparrowhawk 1, for residents, making 71 raptors of 7 types. Total for White Stork was 40 SW with many piccies taken 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26. Other birds included 11 Short-toed Lark 1, 7 Stonechat 1, 6 Zitting Cisticola 1, 90 Swallow SE, a Red-rumped Swallow SE, 3 Sand Martin SE, 12 Cattle Egret, a calling Chiffchaff, 300 Spotless Starling. A party of Dutch birders was visiting the area 1. Here's piccies of mountains to NW of Tarifa 1  2  3  4  5  6. Total for all bird-types today was 37.

Looking at the jizz of the Honey-buzzard, confirmed that some do indeed look like small vultures in the soar, particularly when near stalling: “They can also show a characteristic 'vulture' pose with wings pushed very well forward, tail fully fanned (and therefore looking shorter) and extended neck and protruding small head” Some do show long tails but can see why so many are misidentified as Buteo by beginners as on Trektellen in UK, particularly the juvenile and to a lesser extent females.

Trip running total is 64 bird-types, including 15 birds of prey and 13 waders. Getting on well with waiters, who I think are keener on improving their English than my getting to grips with Spanish though am improving on food terminology – vino tinto for instance, agua con gas, and cerveza! Think the whole of the Spanish tourist industry in Andalusia has been devastated by Covid and they're praying that they can have a good autumn to recover some of their losses. Hotel is busy and there are plenty of visitors out and about, including a 15-strong Dutch birdwatching group who I met in the hide this afternoon for a good chat; they had earlier seen the Montagu's Harrier up in the mountains. The Dutch speak better English than the English! Very few English people around; foreign visitors are mainly German, Dutch, French and Scandinavian, but would say half the visitors in the hotel are Spanish. Anyway good to see a better atmosphere developing. Loved the tone: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 7th: max 27C, min 22C, moderate E breeze, becoming light S late morning, light SW midday and light W for rest of day, sunny throughout. Learnt a lot today: how important orographic (ridge) lift is, even in these warmer climes where many more thermals if the wind allows them to form. So today no action off the eastern-facing hills to W with everything off the south-facing hills to N as the wind changed to S/SW. Typically flocks of mixed raptors (35 is a popular number) were climbing off the hills to the N using orographic lift and then gliding E using lift over further ridges before gliding S over Tarifa Island and crossing the Strait at moderate height. When the wind was still in the E, one group did move SW, going out to sea directly to W of Tarifa, so they were following the wind to facilitate the crossing. Raptor counts, with watch from 10:30-15:30, were: 10:44-10:59 Black Kite 6; 11:14-11:35 Black Kite 28, Honey-buzzard 14, Griffon Vulture 2, Eleonora's Falcon 1 (fast, moving SE in straight line), Common Buzzard (1 hunting), broad-winged raptors moving SW at height; 12:20-12:42 Black Kite 35, Honey-buzzard 6, Egyptian Vulture 2, Black Stork 5, Osprey 1 1  2  3 (moving W to E following coast), Goshawk 1 (flap-flap-glide over Tarifa and straight out to sea), broad-winged raptors moving SE at height; 13:30-13:37 Black Kite 3, Common Kestrel (2 juvenile hunting), 2 Montagu's Harrier (male ringtail) 1  2  3  4  5; 14:13-14:41 Black Kite 4, Honey-buzzard 62, Griffon Vulture 1, broad-winged raptors moving SE at height, earlier birds may have arrived a day or two ago, these looked like fresh arrivals, going straight over; 15:04-15:25 Black Kite 2, Honey-buzzard 31 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8, Red Kite 1, Bonelli's Eagle 1 (hunting to N), Bee-eater 45 arrive from N and land in scrub. So day's total was: Black Kite 78, Honey-buzzard 113, Griffon Vulture 2, Eleonora's Falcon 1, Egyptian Vulture 2, Montagu's Harrier 2, Osprey 1, Goshawk 1, Red Kite 1 for migrants (broad-winged raptors moving SE at height) and Common Kestrel 2, Common Buzzard 1, Bonelli's Eagle 1, for residents, making 205 raptors of 12 types. Gulls were good today having 700 Mediterranean Yellow-legged Gull in big flocks on the sands 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18, 5 Audouin's Gull (2 ad, 2 1s, 1 juv) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 and a LBBG graellsii adult 1  2. A Little Egret got caught up in the Yellow-legged Gull flock 19 with 4 heron types noted in all: 3 Cattle Egret, 2 Little Egret, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Grey Heron 1  2. Waders included 200 Sanderling 1  2, 40 Ringed Plover 1  2, 4 Dunlin 1  2, 5 Redshank, 1 Oystercatcher and 5 Grey Plover. Here's views to W 1  2  3 including bushes close to hotel 4  5.

Finished at 15:30 as fancied a couple of bevvies! Hotel is going well, staff very chatty and friendly (in English!). Dining well but not excessively so, as keen to get a bit fitter with long walks (another 5km today) and more Mediterranean diet! Resisted siesta today, disrupts night-time sleeping, even though very tempting! Hotel room is fully air-conditioned so very comfortable. And bed is ever so big!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Granddaughters had big day at school in past few days, S now in year 2 1 and I in year 1 (oldest in class) 2. Guess who's going be getting the cast-offs! Funds are +4k on wtd, all due to MBS.

Running total for raptors is: Black Kite 248, Honey-buzzard 149, Egyptian Vulture 13, Griffon Vulture 9, Booted Eagle 3, Common Kestrel 3, Bonelli's Eagle 2, singles for Lesser Kestrel, Eleonora's Falcon, Common Buzzard, Osprey, Goshawk, Red Kite; that's 433 birds of 13 types. Exceeding expectations! Total for all bird-types today was 40.

September 6th: max 26C, min 23C, fresh E breeze, cloudy morning but then sunny afternoon and evening. Tarifa is so windy, with today blowing sand everywhere. The Playa Lances is enormous and very impressive 1  2  3  4. Near the harbour on Atlantic side were Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull adult and juvenile 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 in total of 4 seen. Also saw 30 Mediterranean Yellow-legged Gull. At its shortest the Strait is only 13km wide but because of wind drift most birds might travel 25-30km over the sea, so less than the English Channel at about 35km but it seems to be more challenging because of the way the winds are concentrated through the Straits. Yesterday walked 5km out to the west, today went east through the harbour area 1  2  3 to the coastal walk on the E side, complete with wind farm 1 and fields 1  2. Here’s maps 1  2 and sign 1. This area to E is recommended as the birds come in lower as the ridges are set further back inland. The grey morning may have put some birds off but did have 1 Black Kite over Tarifa at 10:35 1  2  3  4, 3 Black Kite around 11:09-12:15 on the rocks by the sea 5  6  7  8  9  10  11, obviously grounded yesterday evening on the N side and delaying the crossing until today. Then started picking up Black Kite coming from the N 12  13  14  15 and going right over the island off the S tip of Tarifa (and of Europe mainland) and flying straight out to sea at high speed in very choppy and breezy conditions. Had 12 Black Kite and a Honey-buzzard male 1 from 12:51-13:30 in small groups of 2-3 either coasting, moving back E to recover ground lost in drift, or flying straight out to sea. The largest group came over at 13:36 of 5 Black Kite and a Honey-buzzard male 2  3 gliding over the island and straight out to sea with much flapping. From 14:33-15:30 had 2 more Black Kite going straight out to sea. So that's total of 23 Black Kite and two Honey-buzzard. Other migrants were 20 Bee-eater overhead moving S and 43 Swallow of which 30 S. At 15:40 while settling down to my beer by the hotel pool over came a male Common Kestrel flying N, presumed resident. Main finding was how powerful Black Kite are in handling the breeze; they are sometimes portrayed as the wimps of the crossing but no sign of that today. They were drifting SW with the following breeze so might be doing the 30-35km to Tanger on the Morocco side. Other birds included a Turnstone on the rocks 1, a Collared Dove on wires 1, a Stonechat male on a bush 1. Was out from 11:00-15:30 for 6km walk. Wish someone was here: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total for all bird-types today was 17.

September 5th: max 26C, min 23C, fresh E breeze, sunny all day, Tarifa is so windy, increasing the challenge to birds crossing into Africa. Fantastic day with the raptors seeing heavy passage including Black Kite (commonest), Honey-buzzard, Egyptian Vulture, Booted Eagle 1, Lesser Kestrel with Griffon Vulture, Bonelli's Eagle also noted. Will give totals tomorrow but grand total is c200 birds, most moving over the wind-farm to W of the Lances beach 1  2  3; how do the greens justify building wind-farms on one of the most important raptor migration routes in the world? Here’s wind-farms to NW/N 4  5  6. Here’s some signage: coastal paths 1, nature reserve 2  3  4, dogs on lead 5. Some interesting birds other than raptors: Audouin’s Gull (2 adult) 1, Great White Egret 1, Zitting Cisticola 2  3, Stonechat 4, and some ponies 5. Here’s Honey-buzzard piccies: male 1  2  3, male with Black Kite 4, male with 2 Black Kite 5, four birds 6, male with Black Kite, Griffon Vulture, Booted Eagle 7. Some raptors came right over Tarifa and then could be seen flying out to sea in wild conditions. The main flow was over the mountain to W where the orographic lift from the fresh E breeze enabled them to climb to a great height before gliding off to S over the hostile Straits. Marvellous atmosphere to the sightings, hope their stay in Africa goes well! Hotel is very friendly and efficient. Was out from 10:10-14:30 and enjoyed a couple of beers on return before a little siesta! Staying at well appointed Hotel Playa de los Lances 1 on W edge of Tarifa Very pleased to hear from someone!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Running totals over first 2 days are 213 raptors of 7 types: Black Kite 155 (yesterday 7, today 124 S Los Alcornocales coastal, 24 S Tarifa NW), Honey-buzzard 35 (0, 29, 6), Egyptian Vulture 11 (0, 11,0), Griffon Vulture 7 (0, 6 rest,1 rest), Booted Eagle 3 (0,1,2), Bonelli's Eagle 1 (0, 0, 1 juv rest), Lesser Kestrel 1 (0,0,1). Fantastic xx! Total for all bird-types today was 37.

Raptors were becalmed in UK by lack of breeze from 27/8-1/9. Since 1/9 21 more records (21 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 56 birds from start of emigration on 9/8, with 35 August, 21 September, including a remarkable 12 today on light E breeze.

17:23 05/09 European Honey Buzzard London Greenford 16:10 one reportedly flew north over garden

17:14 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Alderney one from Barrack-Masters Lane; also 2 Pied Flycatchers, Whinchat, 17 Spotted Flycatchers and Common Redstart

17:06 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Tilmanstone one flew south

16:36 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Tilmanstone 16:32 one flew south

16:21 05/09 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Hornsea Mere 16:18 one flew south

14:52 05/09 European Honey Buzzard London Beddington Farmlands one flew over

13:50 05/09 European Honey Buzzard London Brent Reservoir possible flew SSW

12:32 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Ash 12:28 one circling over Weddington with 8 Common Buzzards

11:54 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dover 11:52 one flew low east over Dover Castle

11:48 05/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head 11:40 one flew north over pub towards Went Hill

11:45 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent South Foreland 11:40 one flew low north over lighthouse

09:44 05/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Durlston CP 09:30 one flew out to sea

14:13 04/09 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Frampton Marsh RSPB 10:30 one flew over this morning; also 16 Little Stints, 10 Spotted Redshanks, 25 Eurasian Spoonbills, 4 Short-eared Owls and a Western Cattle Egret

12:55 04/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head one flew over then back west

12:34 04/09 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Winter Hill 12:10 one reported over to south-east

11:21 04/09 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Portland one flew south over the Bill and out to sea late morning

07:41 04/09 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Mannez Quarry 07:15 03/09 one low across the quarry possibly disturbed from overnight roost yesterday morning

11:50 03/09 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness RSPB one flew south over Burrowes Pit late morning

11:44 03/09 European Honey Buzzard London Rainham Marshes RSPB 11:30 one flew east

10:00 03/09 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex High and Over 09:55 one flew NNE

12:05 02/09 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Keyhaven Marshes 12:00 one flew over Fishtail Lagoon

Keeping tabs on Black Kite, have since 30/8 no more records (0 birds) on BirdGuides, making total of 9 birds since 29/7:

September 4th: max 26C, min 22C, moderate E breeze, sunny all day. Caught up a bit with the migrating raptors, up at 03:50 in Hilton at Airport, catching 06:05 NCL-LHR T5, 10:35 LHR T5-GIB, all on time. Landing at GIB is specialised pilot-wise with rapid loss of height in final stages, burying the plane in the runway to avoid drift in the breeze and hammering on reverse thrust to bring the plane to a rapid halt. Had completed a passenger locator form, including vaccination status, to be allowed in. Had lateral flow test for Covid on arrival, in a cabin outside the Airport. Then crossed the border to Spain on foot (La Linea); had to produce my vaccination certificate and have my passport stamped. At this point things stopped going smoothly! Phone went very slow, mobile data ceased as Gibraltar and Spanish systems interfered with each other. And Uber which does not serve Gibraltar was giving confusing messages. So walked another km through La Linea further into Spain and restarted phone. First got an email with good news on the Covid test (not detected). Second Uber did now respond and in 20 min was in car (Skoda!) on way to Tarifa. That cost €64 plus €10 tip for relief at sorting! Driver was Moroccan and he proudly pointed out the impressive scenery on the other side of the Straits in Africa. It's a 42km, 40 min journey, arriving at 17:00 (CEST). Hotel Tarifa Lances is amazing: very spacious, good food and drink, very friendly atmosphere and close to beach and hills. Did see some raptors: a total of 7 Black Kite, including one 100m from the hotel. Also had an adult male Kestrel at LHR. Planning a good walk tomorrow morning to recover from all the sitting around! Tarifa is on the Costa de la Luz, my favourite part of Spain with its Atlantic flavour and amazing light! So back on the Atlantic flyway! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!!

September 3rd: max 13C, min 11C, light E breeze, dull all day and definitely cool. Did drift E to NCL, Hilton no less. Really lucky at 16:45 had a Honey-buzzard juvenile flying across A69 at Throckley from S to N, long wings, languid flight, low-level; new site for year and confirmed breeding so very pleased; the gods have been kind to me this week!! Had good dinner in hotel, well washed down with 2 large rw. Funds finished +9k on week, bringing gain ytd to +518k (42.0%), +500k net, after further withdrawal of 0.3k, with ftse 100 ytd at +9.3% and ftse 250 +20.3%. We will be approx 2,400km apart 2moro: so sad: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 2nd: max 19C, min 11C, light E breeze, dull morning but again a bright afternoon with sunny periods. Very lucky with weather clearing again so out to East Allen from 13:50-16:45, walking down the hill to Oakpool where at favoured time of 15:26 a family party of 4 Honey-buzzard were up in the air in classical fashion: male up high, female at moderate height and 2 juvenile at low-level 1  2  3  4 (11190), struggling to stay afloat. At other sites had a juvenile Honey-buzzard at Staward S at 15:15 1 (11191) and a male Honey-buzzard up on edge of moor at Parkhead at 15:37. Single Red Kite juvenile were up at Staward S at 15:09 and Oakpool at 15:52 1 and Common Buzzard juvenile at 14:36 and adult at 15:25 were up to W of East Allen at Oakpool. So that's 10 raptors of 3 types: 6 Honey-buzzard (2 male, 1 female, 3 juvenile) at 3 sites, 2 Red Kite juvenile at 2 sites, a Common Buzzard adult (with forked tail, moulting central tail feathers) and juvenile! Total for birds was 14 types including a Raven S at Staward S, and at Oakpool: a Bullfinch juvenile, 30 Starling feeding on rowan berries, 18 Swallow including fledged young and a Chiffchaff, plus 6 types of butterfly. Oakpool's a great place to visit, scenery is wonderful. So very happy that substantive fieldwork for 2021 for Honey-buzzard in SW Northumberland is now complete! Funds are +8k on wtd, PoO is rallying, bit more optimism about resource stocks, and sold first MBS, a slug of 5k MBSP of the 216k nominal held; very pleased to have accrued interest added; the brokers are confident that interest payments will resume. To the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

September 1st: max 19C, min 11C, light E breeze, dull morning but noticed breaks appearing to W at 14:30 at Hexham and at 15:30 was on way to Haltwhistle, where the sun was out with a few wispy clouds around. The good thing about gloomy spells is that their ending always results in a good session as the restless and frustrated raptors get up in the air again. That rule held today with a family party of 4 Honey-buzzard seen at Haltwhistle North Wood from 15:55-17:25, first at 16:15 the male 1  2  3 and strong-flying juvenile at 16:26, with the female at 16:16 4  5  6  7  8 and finally the weak-flying juvenile at 16:58 9  10  11  12 (11189). The female was up to 16:37 but the male disappeared at 16:16, possibly going very high in the sky, prior to later emigration. Also here had a tame juvenile Common Buzzard perched in a tree at 16:29 1  2  3. At 16:42 had the inspiring sight of 2 male Honey-buzzard soaring to great height and moving S, one local, the other moving in, so the great trek has begun! Then onto Coanwood Pond, where Marsh Harrier have been reported this year, from 17:30-18:30. Here was very pleased to see 3 Red Kite (adult 1, 2 juvenile 1) extending the occupation from Alston to within 6km of Haltwhistle. So one more 'lucky' trip will seal this season's fieldwork! Earlier made T4c4c with M for good chat. Will pay for my RNS concert series tomorrow, after call from Box Office today. Think it is indeed welkom: bon voyage!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 31st: max 15C, min 11C, light NE breeze, gloomy nearly all day, occasional drizzle, turned on 3 storage heaters, cloud level rose by 17:00 and did some very energetic clearing of scrub with hedge trimmer in orchard including the path to it. There are some nice spring flowers in the orchard and they are in danger of being smothered; masses of debris on ground, mainly nettles and bramble, but including shrubs and rose hips which will leave to bed down a bit before getting the mower out; the hips will be popular with birds, voles and mice! Did not have the shorts on for this job. Did have haircut at JG with Jd – think it's an improvement, going onto a 2-monthly cycle now! Made N4c4c for a leisurely coffee. Have processed the piccies for 12/8 at Prudhoe and will document the trip shortly with its 3 kite. Seeing M at T4c4c at 11 2moro. Wonder if someone's made the great escape!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 30th: max 14C, min 9C, light NE breeze, gloomy all day, occasional drizzle, too damp for using power tools in garden; did plant out miniature rose (ex-M&S present). Did some good write-ups completing Alston trip on 28/8, Sinderhope on 14/8 and Ordley/Corbridge on 22/8. Had email from daughter: “Kids are back to school next week. Isabella has her first stay and play teddy bears picnic on Friday. I think they've definitely had enough time at home now! Hopefully things will be a lot more normal next term with no more bubbles and school trips happening again. My course starts in two weeks. Thanks so much for the additional present money Dad! It's really appreciated and will really help” in reply to “I won't forget Isabella's birthday while away. I'm thinking of 3k to help with the school fees plus 1.5k catch-up for Sophia, who was given 1.5k in Feb. Not to forget Moonpig! “. School fees are 4.5k+ per child per term so significant item for 2 kids! The one-year course is in Care (for school children), the airline industry career being abandoned. Haircut 2moro with Jd at 10; not anticipating any fieldwork until Wednesday lunchtime! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

All raptors are becalmed by lack of breeze! Since 24/8 3 more records (3 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 35 birds from start of emigration on 9/8.

11:05 27/08 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Ramsley Reservoir/Leash Fen 18:10 26/08 one reported yesterday evening

08:25 27/08 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Beachy Head 08:20 one flew east over Belle Tout Lighthouse

13:20 25/08 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Branton GPs one reported in flight at Branton [a likely breeding area]

Keeping tabs on Black Kite, have since 24/8 3 more records (3 birds) on BirdGuides, making total of 9 birds since 29/7:

13:12 30/08 Black Kite Cork Cape Clear 24/08 one photographed on Tuesday [6 days earlier 24/8, lost vagrant]

12:56 30/08 Black Kite Cork Garinish Point one flew east early afternoon [Irish vagrancy via Pembroke?]

09:32 26/08 Black Kite Kent Conyer one flew low east

August 29th: max 15C, min 9C, light NE breeze, gloomy all day, occasional drizzle, what a difference with the wind coming off the North Sea. Cut grass by shelters, leaving just the area by the pond to cut; one further session before I go. Have 2 more 'vital' visits to do for Honey-buzzard this week; both are in the W of the study area, which gives hope as the weather is less gloomy over there, particularly from Wednesday. Compiled all results from yesterday except for Honey-buzzard from Barhaugh Crags where piccies need sorting. Made N4c4ll for welcome break along with I4shop for essential supplies. Because season is running late will be able to catch up with some sites in E on return. Season though is successful with 9/19 broods now known to be 2 and only 4 as 1 with 6 at least one. Planning tour of relatives in London/Devon in mid-October. Hope someone's fit: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxXXxXxXXXxxXXXxxxXXXxxxxxXXX

August 28th: max 18C, min 9C, light NW breeze, sunny all day, beautiful late summer's day, warm. No gardening today. Went W again with packed lunch, doing the Alston round from 11:50-17:55, stopping at Whitfield Moor and Gilderdale Bridge on way to Williamston, where went for walk to Barhaugh Hall. The Honey-buzzard at Barhaugh Hall have fledged and moved up the hill (c1km) to a coniferous wood 1  2 above Williamston Farm next to the heather moorland; this is a common manoeuvre, nest in a sheltered copse and get the young flying up the hill where there is more breeze for lift; this is particularly important this year with unusually low wind speeds. A juvenile was up here on arrival at 13:49 3 and later, from 15:42-16:15, close to the 15:30 time so popular this year for young raptors; had 4 birds up, the male high up with the female in follow-me display 4  5, the 2 juvenile lower down closer to the trees 6, later the juvenile did go a little higher under encouragement from the parents (11100). So that was the main business for the day. Also here were 4 Red Kite (2 adult, 2 juvenile) interacting with the Honey-buzzard at 13:49 and 15:42 and a Common Buzzard adult up high at 15:48 and a juvenile much closer at 14:11 5. From Gilderdale Bridge on first stop there had picked up another juvenile Honey-buzzard to the S of Barhaugh Crags at 12:56 and from Barhaugh Hall picked up another juvenile Honey-buzzard at 14:59 coming off the moor to E (feeding habitat 1) and slowly moving towards the Crags 2  3  4  5 (11101). So this is a new site for the year and it's been successful; the 2 young here seem to be still based at the Crags as they make a very simple move from nest at the bottom of the crags to the top of the crags for practice flying. The family parties seen at Softley and Barhaugh are a few days ahead of those further east; suspect May was particularly raw in the east with heavy rain on SE winds and persistent northerlies. Total for bird-types at Barhaugh was 18, including a massive assembly of 230 Swallow at Lintley with some hawking over surrounding area, including the heather moors, an immature Cormorant, a juvenile Grey Wagtail, a Lesser Redpoll and a group of 4 Raven flying over low-down at 13:41 (family group?).

At Gilderdale Bridge also had 2 juvenile Red Kite with singles up at 13:01 and 17:02 over woods to W on moorland edge and on return through Alston at 17:10 had an adult Red Kite on the NW boundary of the town so Red Kite very well established in upper South Tyne now (incidentally Red Kite is a description species in Cumbria!). Also at Gilderdale had 2 Spotted Flycatcher and a Grey Heron in total of 10 bird-types. On Whitfield Moor had 2 juvenile Kestrel and bird of the day, a juvenile ringtail Hen Harrier (quite ruddy, immaculate feather-wise), going out hunting in wild fashion at 17:41, flying randomly and quickly all over the place putting up 2 formerly invisible Red Grouse before setting off solidly at low altitude for the high moor; got some good piccies 1  2  3  4  5. Whitfield Moor (Ouston) total was 8 types of bird, also including 6 Swallow to W in 3 groups of 2, 5 Stock Dove, 2 Meadow Pipit, plus 2 Golden-ringed Dragonfly and butterflies: 3 Peacock, 2 Large White. At Herd's House on way out at 17:55 had 5 gamebird on the road – 3 Pheasant, 1 Red-legged Partridge, 1 Grey Partridge – to remind me of the nature of the area! Total for trip was 29 bird-types, 5 butterfly-types and 1 mammal-type.

Total for day is 18 raptors of 5 types: 7 Red Kite (3 adult, 4 juvenile, at 3 sites), 6 Honey-buzzard (1 male, 1 female, 4 juvenile, at 2 sites), 2 juvenile Kestrel at 1 site, 2 Common Buzzard (juvenile, adult) at 2 sites, 1 Hen Harrier juvenile ringtail. 2moro is a catch-up day on records, need to consolidate. Only casualty were my shorts, which split when putting a boot on; didn't really matter as long as didn't sit down but need some more for trip!! The roads were busy with bikers and joy-riders but not many were out walking though did meet the Ps, old friends from NCL uni, who alerted me to a rarity raptor in the valley. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

August 27th: max 15C, min 9C, light NE breeze, dull morning, little brighter at ttime, cool. No gardening today. Busy social life with N/D on Skype from 10:00-11:30, M/B at T4m4l, D/D at DoW4g4s from 20:15-23:00. All good chats! Had fantastic trip at ttime out for Honey-buzzard from 15:25-16:40 with 4 birds at Dipton Wood S (male up at 15:42 and from 16:13-16:14 1  2, female up from 16:09-16:16 flying in from deciduous wood to S into nest site taking a devious route near end, appearing to go NW when site was N 3  4  5  6  7  8  9, 2 juvenile, older juvenile up from 15:36-15:37 10  11  12  13  14  15, younger juvenile up briefly at 15:40 16  17  18, all 11097), 3 birds at March Burn (male up at 15:46 1, 2 juvenile, older one up from 15:56-15:58 2  3  4  5  6  7  8, younger one up from 16:22-16:24 9  10  11  12, all 11098), 3 birds from Farnley, up at Prospect Hill (male, female, juvenile) at 15:45; that's 10 birds at 3 sites (3 male, 2 female, 5 juvenile), plus a Red Kite juvenile at Dipton Wood S at 16:04 and an adult male Kestrel at Ordley, which has resumed roosting in my archway; neighbour has blocked up his side but mine is still open. Had 14 bird-types in the trip, including 11 House Martin S. Funds had good week at +30k on MBS resuming coupons on PIBS and sharp rise in PoO of just over 10% on week as confidence grows that delta variant's seriousness is peaking. Gain ytd was +509k gross (+41.2%), +491k net, with ftse 100 +9.5%, ftse 250 +19.6%. Farmers so busy today with grain being harvested and 2nd cut of silage proceeding apace. Have to be very alert in the country lanes of the 'Shire and even in main street of Hexham. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 26th: max 15C, min 10C, light to moderate N breeze, cloudy up to mid-afternoon, then brighter, much cooler. Did finish mowing large area to back of house, have just 2 more patches to do in the next week – all coming back under control. Made N4c4l and collected shoes from repair shop with new heels, cost £15.95; will take them away as strong but light and aerated. Booked up nite at Airport with Doubletree Hilton before departure and got good deal of £103 total including car parking for duration. Made G4g4s with 4 of us out A/P/R for good chat, with l on!! Made good progress with Honey-buzzard survey on minimal effort – made the Dilston site on the Devil's Water where had the male high-up to W at 15:32 and one juvenile rising above the canopy for a short period at 15:33. Further down the Devil's Water a female was up with a very weak flying juvenile, just about getting up above the canopy from time to time. When the members of the pair split off with a juvenile each, it does seem that the male takes the stronger juvenile 1 and expects miracles while the female takes the weaker juvenile 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13 from 15:41-15:43 and is more encouraging! No day would now be complete without a strange kite and there was one subtly pushed off towards the N by the female Honey-buzzard; this kite was dark-plumaged, fairly uniform, with protruding P5 (6 fingered primaries) and short-tailed but it's jizz was more Red Kite; think it's quite possibly the same bird as at Tyne Green (2.5km away) on 24/8; the kite eventually drifted off N towards the Tyne; put it down as an adult Black Kite 1  2  3  4  5  6  7. See protruding P5 on 1. Black Kite was in view from 15:41-15:45. Here's the habitat with views over the Devil's Water and the Tyne. There was some interaction between the female Honey-buzzard and the Black Kite as she tried to see the kite off the premises 8  9  10 (11096). See fork on 8. Also here had 1 Common Buzzard juvenile up to W at 16:09, 30 Black-headed Gull adult N and 68 Common Gull (67 ad, 1 juvenile) in a field. Total was 12 bird-types with apparently no butterflies. Coming home thought I'd try my luck with the home site and success: the male was seen gliding rapidly into Blackhall Wood and a minute later a very weak-flying and short-tailed juvenile emerged for a little flight 1  2  3; this counts as a 1+ as the female could be with another juvenile. The wood they've moved to is on top of the hill with more breeze for lift in practice flights (11095). So another fascinating day! 2moro is going to be very sociable but should be out for the magic hour between 15:30 and 16:30. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 25th: max 22C, min 11C, light N breeze, sunny periods, some cloudy spells, warm. Continued catch-up on garden mowing area on W side of large area at the back. Then out W, visiting Cupola Bridge from 13:10-13:45, where no raptors but 3 Goosander redhead, 7 Grey Wagtail and a Dipper; here's habitat 1  2, used by the pair of Honey-buzzard at Staward S. Had 8 types of bird here and 4 of butterfly, including a Purple Hairstreak. Next stop was Beacon Hill area of Whitfield Moor from 13:50-14:35 where had a male Honey-buzzard coming out of a plantation at 14:05, disappearing onto the ground in a dip and not seen again (piccies of wood 1  2  3  4), plus a juvenile Stonechat. Think this is a new site: 2.0 km NW of Parkhead, which is 2.4km N of Parmently – typical distancing even with sparse woodland across a grouse moor. Had 7 types of birds plus 3 of butterfly. Main stop was at Towsbank from 14:45-17:45 where it was a bit like the Chilterns with 7 Red Kite – adult 1 and juvenile at Snope Burn from 14:56-14:58, a juvenile at Towsbank at 15:24, 2 juvenile at Softley from 16:06-16:14, adult and juvenile at Lambley at 15:41. So Red Kite have taken the Eals area by storm! Honey-buzzard have done well, seeing a family group of 4 (male 1, female, older juvenile 2  3  4, younger juvenile 5  6  7  8 (11094)) high up in the air at Softley from 16:10-16:17 and drifting back down into the Softley wood. Another family group of 3 (adult male, adult female 1, 1 juvenile 2  3 (11094a)) was lower down at Lambley from 16:34-16:35. Had 2 Common Buzzard juvenile, one up at Softley at 16:15, the other at Towsbank at 16:58. Very pleased to see 2 Hobby, a juvenile female at 15:33 and an adult male at 16:22 at Towsbank N. An adult male Hen Harrier was drifting S on W side of valley opposite Snope Burn. So that's 20 raptors of 5 types for the trip: 8 Honey-buzzard at 3 sites (5 adult, 3 juvenile), 7 Red Kite at 4 sites (2 adult, 5 juvenile), 2 Common Buzzard at 2 sites (both juvenile), 2 Hobby at one site (adult male, juvenile female), 1 Hen Harrier adult male moving S at 16:31 S of Softley at Slaggyford. Butterflies comprised 7 types, including this Comma 1 and 6 Rabbit were seen. Total for bird-types was 23, including 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 29 Swallow, 13 House Martin, 13 Siskin, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Nuthatch, 8 LTT. Really great being out in the wild upper South Tyne again! Hope the gorgeous one is well prepared!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 24th: max 21C, min 12C, light E breeze, grey start, sunny for rest of day, more cloud by ttime. Had catch-up on various activities today in HEX, including cutting grass in front in morning, taking moccasins in for new heels, buying 2 print cartridges at T, visiting N4c4l, buying Big Issue for £5 from my Romanian friend! Field trip was in Hexham mainly at Tyne Green, from 13:05-16:40. The clear blue sky had gone by lunchtime, which is good for raptor watching; it's very difficult picking up birds against a brilliant blue sky and of course clouds give markers for use in taking photographs. Star of the day was a Black Kite adult, yes another one, picked up in the Hermitage near the road bridge over the Tyne at 15:18 (habitat here 1). It was gliding around the top of the trees overlooking the river 2  3  4, before disappearing out of sight to N; it reappeared some way to the N, climbed quickly as is their manner, and disappeared purposefully downstream to E. Think it's a migrant, not bred here, but gives an idea for a new site for next year; it's presumably a Scottish-bred bird. See below for autumn Black Kite nationally: used to be a spring visitor, now we have post-breeding birds. Incidentally Honey-buzzard are emigrating nationally at some rate now but males, first to go, are still on site in Northumberland. So what about today's Honey-buzzard? A juvenile was up to NE of Hexham towards Beaufront at 15:04, very weak flying, didn't stay up long not helped by an aggressive Common Buzzard adult which was diving rapidly near it. At Hermitage had 3 birds, an adult pair 1  2 and a weak-flying juvenile 3  4  5  6 (last with female), just about getting up above the canopy; the adult pair stayed up for a fair while for encouragement but the juvenile did not respond (11093)! So that's 2 more broods, a 1+ at Hexham NE and a 1 at Hermitage, with a pair of adult in display at Hermitage. c120 Black-headed Gull engaged in chasing flying ants over the Hermitage to which the Honey-buzzard up in the air at the time seemed totally oblivious. The swarm though did attract a female Sparrowhawk, which just flew through the gulls, wondering what it was all about! A Common Buzzard adult was up towards Acomb in display mode at 15:35. So total for trip was 4 Honey-buzzard at 2 sites, 2 Common Buzzard, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Black Kite: 8 raptors of 4 types. Total for all birds was 20 types, including Swallow 28, Sand Martin 14, House Martin 11, Long-tailed Tit 6, GBBG 4 (1 ad, 2 2s, 1 juv). Had 7 types of butterfly at Hexham including 26 Peacock and 8 Small Tortoiseshell and 8 types at Ordley at 11:30, including a Small Copper and a Comma. Funds are +27k on wtd, lifting gain on ytd to 505k gross. Manchester is my favourite city! Bulls think the delta variant is peaking worldwide. Going W 2moro! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Since 22/8 9 more records (11 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 32 birds from start of emigration on 9/8.

17:18 24/08 European Honey Buzzard Warwickshire Coleshill 17:04 one flew west

16:56 24/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Willop one flew in-off the sea over outfall

13:10 24/08 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Noirmont Point two flew over late morning

08:38 24/08 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Morden Bog NNR one flew over; also Western Osprey

08:25 24/08 European Honey Buzzard Jersey Noirmont Point 08:20 one flew over

16:03 23/08 European Honey Buzzard Derbyshire Osmaston 15:45 two reported moving SSW

14:55 23/08 European Honey Buzzard Cornwall St Ives one flew over between 12:50 and 13:00

13:36 23/08 European Honey Buzzard Gwynedd Bangor immature in flight near A5/A55 roundabout

07:30 23/08 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Pulborough Brooks RSPB 22/08 one circled over to north-west yesterday morning

Keeping tabs on Black Kite, have since 16/8 3 more records (3 birds) on BirdGuides, making total of 6 birds since 29/7:

09:48 24/08 Black Kite Pembrokeshire Whitesands Bay 11:30 one flew high north-west

16:23 23/08 Black Kite Pembrokeshire Skomer 16:10 one flew over to north-west then back east

11:00 23/08 Black Kite East Yorkshire Great Cowden 10:43 one flew north along coast

August 23rd: max 19C, min 12C, light E breeze, misty morning but bright and warm later. Yet another Hobby record from Corbridge on BirdGuides:

23/08 14:25 Northumberland : Eurasian Hobby, Corbridge one flew south at cricket club

Did some grass cutting in morning – need to get on with this over the next week to get conditions right for spring flowers. Made B4m4l with R, appointed as lunch money collector for day using card PoS machine. Well managed to make £11.50 profit so somebody paid twice, awaiting response! Also much later made G4g4s where 5 of us out P/A/A/R, rebuilding well! Major trip today was to Warden from 15:15-17:50 where had a total of 6 Honey-buzzard showing well at 2 sites, including 3 juvenile, an Osprey soaring high from the South Tyne to W at 16:32 and moving E and a Common Buzzard juvenile on Warden Hill at 16:06. One pair of Honey-buzzard were up at Hexham High Wood 1 with the two together 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11 (male alone 12, female alone 13  14  15  16  17) from 15:30-15:34 keeping close company quite low down in display being joined briefly by the single weak-flying juvenile 18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27 who kept close to the canopy (11091). At the other site at Greenshaw Plain a juvenile was floating around over the top of the canopy gaining height very slowly from 16:21-16:25 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14; at 16:23 it was briefly joined by the male 15; at 16:26 a second juvenile climbed very weakly above the canopy before quickly sinking back again 16 (11092). Total for bird-types for trip was 20, including 19 Swallow, 10 Sand Martin, 10 House Martin S, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Greenfinch, 2 Lesser Redpoll, plus 6 types of butterfly including a Speckled Wood and a Small Copper. Meanwhile good news bond-wise:

Results for the 6 months ending 30 June 2021 MANCHESTER BUILDING SOCIETY Released 15:05:22 20 August 2021

Permanent Interest Bearing Share ("PIBS") coupon payments October 2021

On 25 March 2021 the Society announced the non-payment of the April 2021 coupon on its two tranches of PIBS under the applicable capital conservation rules, as a result of the shortfall against qualitative standards for the level of CET 1 regulatory capital. The Board expects to be able to make the PIBS coupon payments which become due in October 2021 but recognises that there continues to be uncertainty over the Group's ability to make coupon payments in the medium to long term.

Suspect warning is leading to a tender offer in the next few months. Whatever it's very good news with interest accruing on all my bonds now at £142.66 a day! Funds reached record today on inclusion of accrued interest for MBS since April 2021 and rapid rebound of 5% in PoO. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Having second thoughts about NCL – think the bird may have flown!! xx

August 22nd: max 18C, min 13C, light E breeze, rain early on, brighter at lunchtime, dull again by ttime, humid. Back in the field today after morning adding Sinderhope records 5/8 to BirdTrack, together with comments as below on Black Kite situation, including those on new photographs from Sinderhope by another birdwatcher, showing maybe a 2nd hybrid juvenile. Had good look around home site this morning, at last seeing a Honey-buzzard, the male floating above me at 13:53 high-up and moving just below the murk slowly to NW 1  2  3  4  5  6; think he was on a feeding trip and was wondering what I was doing! He could also have been on a recce, seeing whether it was safe to bring the young out for a practice flight. Whatever a positive sign for breeding success. Other birds included a Green Woodpecker and a Jay, 25 Swallow, 10 House Martin. At 14:24 had 3 Red Kite high up over Blackhall Mill, presumed to be a pair of adult and 1 juvenile. Had 7 types of butterfly in the muggy conditions and 2 types of dragonfly: Common Hawker 1, Common Darter 1 1. Later made Corbridge from 15:55-18:30, walking to the cricket club and beyond up to blockage on path, before returning to cricket club embankment. Had to wait until 18:02 for the Honey-buzzard male to do a little circuit through the canopy near the nest site 1, maybe 2 seconds in view! Stars of the visit were an adult female Goshawk perched on a low shrub 1  2  3 at 17:08, mobbed tentatively by a male Kestrel, and a male Hobby bringing in food across the cricket ground to nesting area to S at 17:12. total of 24 bird-types also included a Mediterranean Gull adult moving W, a flock of 26 Linnet, 4 Greenfinch, 23 Goldfinch, 2 Siskin. A Roe Deer came close 1. Was asked by several people what I was looking for; maybe it's my camera but people seem to think I'm seeing a few goodies. So amazed to see on BirdGuides:

22/08 19:12 Northumberland : Eurasian Hobby, Corbridge one flew south over cricket club

That's a report 2 hours exactly after my sighting and 40 min after I had gone home; not sure of actual time of sighting. Well good to have support! So a day which seemed slow in action terms but delivered 5 types of raptor. Made G4g4s where 5 of us out (P/R/D/B); we're gathering strength! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Might be in on Wednesday this final week!! xx

Since 17/8 6 more records (7 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 21 birds from start of emigration on 9/8.

21:04 22/08 European Honey Buzzard Argyll Mull of Oa, Islay possible flew along cliffs this afternoon

10:26 22/08 European Honey Buzzard Guernsey Talbot Valley 09:30 one with Common Buzzards at bottom of valley

17:23 21/08 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Brighton two males flew east between 15:00 and 16:00

10:52 21/08 European Honey Buzzard London Sanderstead 10:50 one flew east

13:04 20/08 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Nosterfield LNR probable flew over distantly this morning; also presumed feral Snow Goose on Lingham Lake

12:48 19/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Pegwell Bay 12:38 one flew south over the marsh

August 21st: max 17C, min 14C, light and variable winds, heavy rain from time to time, no dry spells, gloomy. Massive catch-up indeed under way in the poor weather. Most bizarre record this week was a Short-tailed (Field) Vole inside the house on Wednesday (18/8) at 18:30; it came in from the living room to the kitchen, looked at me, retreated, came again, retreated and not seen again; probably just let itself out; they're like small hamsters and are very popular with raptors! Here are 2 piccies of granddaughters from visit on 4/8: Hexham Tyne Green playground – 1  2. Compiled masses of data but backlog has not disappeared; concentrating on Black Kite, see immediately below. Booked hotels for Tarifa/Gibraltar in September, ten days at Hotel Tarifa Lances and 4 days at Eliott Hotel, Gibraltar, both 4*, cost £2k (including breakfast!). Really looking forward to it. Should see plenty of Honey-buzzard and Black Kite in grand comfort! Certain guests always welcome!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

The Black Kite situation may be complex, in the East Allen another mixed pair with Red Kite possibly found on 5/8. Here are some piccies – adult coming into site from E off the moors at 14:30 1  2  3  4  5  6; juvenile coming quickly out again at 14:34 and moving NE towards the moors 7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17. The fork is slight, P5 is long and the plumage is dark, giving an overall Black Kite feel but the juvenile is slender with long tail, features associated with Red Kite. The juvenile has immaculate fresh plumage; the adult has worn and moulted feathers. The jizz of Black Kite is very characteristic: powerful flight with ability to gain height incredibly quickly without ponderous soaring; also ability to move fast around the territory and scan the whole area from high above; the 2 juvenile of mixed parentage are more like Black Kite jizz-wise. A follow-up visit on 14/8 to the East Allen found that the adult and juvenile Black Kite had gone and the site was tenanted by a sole adult Red Kite (still to be fully analysed).

Have just received images from an East Allen birdwatcher from Sinderhope which I think may show another hybrid Black Kite x Red Kite, this time leaning towards Red Kite but with shallow fork and darker plumage than usual. So there may have been a brood of 2, one closer to Black Kite, the other closer to Red Kite. Forsman has a section on these hybrids p.114 Flight ID of Raptors. I'll add these pictures to a new record when I find out when they were taken. Background for Black Kite in study area: At the site near Prudhoe (analysis of last visit on 12/8 in progress but departure was clearly imminent) it appears there was again a mixed pairing with 2 juvenile, one behaving and looking like a Black Kite but the other more intermediate. At the Bywell site activity by the pure pair and 2 juvenile was last seen on 10/8 (still to be fully analysed) with no birds present on 18/8 in a lengthy watch. So in the study area we might have one pure pair of Black Kite raising 2 young and 2 mixed pairs with Red Kite, raising two young each. It's very exciting, rivalling the Honey-buzzard discoveries in the 1990s! Reply to Neil Russell who asked whether the bird photographed was a Buzzard or a Red Kite: “Your bird is certainly not a Buzzard but it's not pure Red Kite either with the tail fork being slight, P5 (5th primary) being long and some dark areas in the plumage. So I wonder whether it's a mixed Red Kite x Black Kite hybrid. I've seen one juvenile at this site this month looking much more like the Black Kite parent with which it was associating and on 14/8 I saw a typical Red Kite adult. They often raise 2 young so this could be another juvenile of the year, which I missed. It's also possible it's an older bird from a previous mixed pairing.“ Pictures are here: 1  2  3  4  5  6.

August 20th: max 18C, min 15C, light and variable winds, bright morning, then cloudy with light drizzle by late evening. After good Skype chat with N/D from 10:00-11:40 dashed out to Staward where hunting for Honey-buzzard in calm conditions from 12:25-17:00. Had 2 seconds of sightings of a juvenile and a male Honey-buzzard at 2 sites. An adult and juvenile Red Kite were seen to W in Kingswood Burn (juvenile soaring high at 13:01 and adult and juvenile hunting low over rough fields together from 16:35-16:36). At Staward S the adult male Honey-buzzard was seen to come out of a tall conifer and do a short tight circuit through the top of the trees at 14:48, normally a sign that young are on the branches below; the area was on the ridge above the deep gorge so if there had been any breeze, they were in the right position. At Staward N was amazingly lucky; I was watching the nest site and at 13:44 there was a little commotion among the Woodpigeon; I took a snap and captured a brown juvenile Honey-buzzard flying low through the canopy 1 (11089); it's a very new bird, still growing wings and tail and weak-flying. A Honey-buzzard large white down feather from a juvenile was found on the footpath in the heather-rich area on the ridge near Staward Peel. So desperately hard work but at this stage of the season assume fledging (0+) if site still occupied so today's and yesterday's results are encouraging in judging the breeding season's success. It's going to be wet tomorrow so planning major catch-up on records. Good exercise today, on feet most of time except for eating packed lunch. Total for trip was 22 bird-types including 180 Woodpigeon (all flying between game feeding areas and their nests), 3 Grey Partridge, 2 Curlew, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 6 LTT, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Pied Flycatcher (adult male low-down in canopy), 2 Tree Pipit (mobile pair in scattered trees over pasture), 2 Redstart at Yarridge (female/1w). Had 7 types of butterfly including 3 Purple Hairstreak (out on thistle flowers in rough pasture below some large oak trees). Later made DoW4g4s with D/D – very good chat and nice atmosphere! On way home Barn Owl flushed from fence by lane going to Dukesfield, Tawny Owl flushed from side of road at Wooley and 2 Badger on road in Dipton Wood. Expecting Devon M to try another gambit – at last minute saying cannot give paper and organiser putting pressure on me; but I don't like the paper, it's supposedly in honour of the work of someone who's recently died; while praising his work the paper then goes on to say rather obviously that he could have done a lot better if he'd followed our approach; it's all a bit snide, rather not be involved ethically; the deceased cannot defend their position. Funds had a down week, in line with shaky markets particularly for commodities, on delta variant of Covid worries. Funds were off 9k net, 8k gross, after 1k withdrawal. Am continuing move to bonds, selling 83k of oil equities earlier in the week, mainly in gas, leaving positions in energy in international arbitration, Falklands developments, Russian oil. Change on ytd is +479k gross (+38.8%), +461k net, with ftse 100 (down almost 2% on week) at +8.6%, ftse 250 +18.1%. MBS issues continue to rise slowly towards par, expecting from the price movements that interest will be paid in October (14.5k) and a tender will be offered at par (100) for each bond; would accept that for MBSP but not for MBSR, which are worth 120. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 19th: max 16C, min 12C, light W breeze, mostly cloudy, brighter mid-afternoon but didn't last long. Made T4c4c with Hexham M for good catch-up. Out later to Dipton Wood S from 15:05-17:55 while cleaner S arrived. It's apparent that it's a late season with a male Honey-buzzard seen at March Burn at 16:07 over site, a male seen twice at 17:08 (up over site) and 17:35 1 (flying into site over road from S, 11086) and a female once at 17:10 (plunging into site from E) at Dipton Wood S, but no family groups or juveniles apparent and the birds being quite secretive still. No birds up at local site yet either. Hard to put an actual time on the lateness yet; 2moro will go W looking at sites out there. April and May were very cool and this has probably delayed some pairs in their egg laying though do have fledged young already at 3 sites, which have kept to normal schedule. At Dipton Wood S also had a Tawny Owl calling at 16:01, a juvenile Kestrel at 17:10 plus a Woodlark over stubble on the edge of the wood and 4 Stock Dove. Also had 5 types of butterfly and 4 Rabbit. Devon M was trying to get me to do yet another presentation for a conference in Mexico over Zoom near the end of the month, but they want the presentation by Sunday – declined, more particle physics than I like, little content drafted yet and don't want to be crouched over a computer for the rest of the month. The conference GOL2021 is being run in a very officious manner. Did make G4g4s where A/P/R out for good chat! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 18th: max 19C, min 11C, moderate to fresh gusty W breeze, sunny up to ttime, then cloudier but mild on föhn effect: dry, warm, down-slope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range, here the Lake District and Pennines (known as the Helm Wind at Cross Fell in the latter). In the Alps the presence of the föhn wind is associated with worsening health conditions, particularly increased numbers of trauma (The influence of foehn winds on the incidence of severe injuries in southern Bavaria – an analysis of the TraumaRegister Too windy for comfort for raptors today but did have a juvenile Red Kite up over Shilford at 11:55, a juvenile Kestrel low-down over a cut barley field at Shilford at 15:52 and a Common Buzzard up briefly to west of High Shilford (Riding Mill S) at 16:05. Had 2 visits to Shilford, from 11:50-12:05 and from 15:35-16:45. Did meet the Shilford gamekeeper while scanning the area; said I was looking for Red Kite and he said they had a lazy pair, preferred eating dead rabbits to catching them for themselves. He said Barn Owl were doing very well with 3 broods away in the Hindley area this season and Kestrel were doing fine; the Red Kite were no threat to his pheasants. I did remember him, I was hiding behind some brambles in the nearby wood on 2 separate occasions as he drove past on his quad when I was visiting the nearby Honey-buzzard nest site in his area! But today I was on a public track and of course had seen a juvenile Red Kite raised by the pair earlier. Total was 14 bird-types. Made G4g4t for a change; no B but plenty of people to chat to as used to be a regular at this time. Earlier had met T, a G regular, in NCL; said I was waiting for someone to come! So no further forward on Honey-buzzard survey today; it's quite possible that they haven't fledged at Shilford yet but it's doubtful the adults would bring the young up for flying practice anyway in such gusty conditions. At Whitfield and Wylam in the past have seen flying practice in sheltered hollows, maybe after 3 days of strong winds, when the adults are desperate to get the young flying. But winds are now in decline. Was gr8 experience: what will the future hold: will miss the gorgeous one: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Kittiwake colony on Quayside is all but finished for the season: just 30 juveniles left, 16 on Newcastle side, 14 on Gateshead side. Had 9 bird-types: 60 Feral Pigeon, 34 Herring Gull (21 ad, 13 juv), 9 Black-headed Gull (8 ad, 1 juv), 3 LBBG ad, 2 GBBG (ad, juv), 4 Woodpigeon, 3 Crow, 1 Magpie. Butterflies were way above normal: 6 Small White, 1 Large White, 1 Small Tortoiseshell.

August 17th: max 18C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, mostly cloudy except for lunchtime when sun broke through. Did some more gardening, mowing cowslip area at back after removing seed heads and placing them on molehills. The sun came out while doing this and checked butterflies in field, seeing a Green-veined White, a Small Copper and a Purple Hairstreak (feeding on flowers in field) to add to yesterday's list of 8 types, giving 11 types in 2 days. Still no sign of Honey-buzzard fledging at local site. Went to N4c4ll then off to Stocksfield Mount from 16:05-18:05 to check on the raptors in this great area for them. Had a marvellous display from 16:25-17:15 by a family party of 3 Honey-buzzard (family party in air 1  2, pair adult up together 3  4  5  6, pair adult with Red Kite juvenile 7) over Eltringham/Merryshields with adult male (up with Red Kite juvenile 8  9) and particularly the female (on own 10  11  12  13  14, with Red Kite juvenile 15  16  17, with Common Buzzard juvenile 18) conducting the action and a single dark-phase juvenile up from time to time (on own 19  20, with Red Kite juvenile 21); took 7 min video in 2 clips capturing the dark-phase juvenile trying to sit out the action on a tree top and being knocked off its perch by the adults (tough love!) clip 1; it's a race to get the youngsters fit for their flight to Africa and so strenuous practice is essential; the second clip 2 shows the single juvenile floating at low-level, absolutely essential for conserving energy on migration, with the dominant adult female appearing from time to time (11085). At Bywell Cottagebank also had a family party of 3 Honey-buzzard up from 17:32-17:36, male, female and juvenile; this was a briefer affair with the adult pair going high 1  2 and the juvenile struggling well below on its own 3  4  5 and with 1-2 Red Kite juveniles 6  7  8  9  10 (11084). Also had 2 Red Kite juvenile at each of Bywell Cottagebank (1 juvenile up 16:15, 2 juvenile up at 17:05 and 17:20-17:36) and Eltringham (from 16:26-17:05, interacting with the Honey-buzzard) and a family party of 3 Common Buzzard over the Mount at 16:27 (1 adult, 2 juvenile) joined later at 17:24 by another adult, plus a juvenile up at Eltringham from 16:40-17:05 interacting with the Honey-buzzard making 5; a Red Kite adult was at Tofts Hill shortly after arrival at 16:13. So total for visit was 16 raptors of 3 types: 6 Honey-buzzard (2 male, 2 female, 2 juvenile at 2 sites), 4 Red Kite juvenile at 2 sites and 1 adult at another site making 5 total, 5 Common Buzzard (2 adult, 3 juvenile) at 2 sites. So great visit, particularly considering it wasn't that sunny or warm. No Black Kite were seen; think they've all left, moving towards Africa. Re: Gib trip, do not need t+8 test now after new regs brought in yesterday for arrivals from amber countries if fully vaccinated; will book in a week's time for 10 days in Tarifa and 4 in Gibraltar if no new snags: looking forward to it, will see lots of Honey-buzzard – the ultimate busman's holiday!

Since 15/8 2 more records (2 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 14 birds from start of emigration on 9/8.

18:42 17/08 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Giffoinne 16:15 one flew north-east over telegraph tower

12:38 17/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Staple 15/08 one flew south early Sunday afternoon

Keeping tabs on Black Kite, have 3 records (3 birds) since 29/7, 2 in Scotland:

18:56 16/08 Black Kite Dumfries & Galloway Dalbeattie 18:00 one flew north-west over A711 near Kirkgunzeon

18:08 04/08 Black Kite East Sussex Cuckmere Haven 18:00 one 400m south of Exceat at bend opposite Coombe Bottom at c 50.7707, 0.1528 flew west towards Seaford

14:45 29/07 Black Kite Fife Ruddon's Point 14:05 one flew over to north

Markets have lost their sparkle with the delta variant surging in Asia and the US; commodities in particular are suffering with fresh slow-down in the E. Biden's lack of judgment is also worrying markets while the prospect of his deputy Kamala Harris taking over gives little comfort; neither appear able to master a brief. Am still in run-off mode from equities, selling over 60k yesterday with some going back into bonds but most still in cash. So funds are -5k on wtd and caution is the word! 2moro it's NCL on usual schedule!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 16th: max 16C, min 12C, moderate NW breeze, long sunny spells, breeze kept it feeling slightly on the cool side. Exciting day with first Honey-buzzard young of the year up in the air, at West Dipton Burn in visit from 16:10-17:25. So we're now into the fledging period! First of all had a male Honey-buzzard 1 up with a juvenile Honey-buzzard 2 to NW of site using a conifer plantation near the top of the hill for lift; the male was up for a long spell from 16:35-16:51 but could only persuade the juvenile to come up for short spells. Later at 16:55 had a female up over a wood to N 3 obviously trying to draw another juvenile up in the air; finally she succeeded and a much weaker-flying juvenile emerged, keeping just above the trees from 17:06-17:07 4  5  6  7  8 before coming back into the trees; the female moved W 9 to join the male at 17:08 and the 2nd juvenile was still visible until 17:09 10  11  12 (11083). So very good news that 2 young raised, compared to 1 last year; the male taking the older juvenile and the female the younger one is a frequent practice. Earlier did some gardening at home, trimming the front and the verge, while keeping a close eye on home site; found another wasp nest in the garden, bringing total to 6 just around the house, a record! Bumble bees are everywhere this year with a nest in W wall of house and doubtless many others in the field. But no fledging yet at home site. Other raptors today were 3 Red Kite at West Dipton Burn (1 adult, 2 juvenile), 2 Common Buzzard juvenile at West Dipton Burn, 3 Red Kite (2 adult, 1 juvenile) at Whitley Chapel at 11:13, 1 male Sparrowhawk juvenile at Ordley (hunting in lane outside my garden at 18:18). Had 8 types of butterfly at Ordley, including 46 Small White, many on a kale field where a Clouded Yellow moving smartly W was also seen; a Comma was on the buddleia. In between garden and West Dipton, made R4m4l where we defeated executive in a vote, ensuring we continue to meet weekly instead of fortnightly; attendance was good at 27 members. Made W4bigshop where spent £62 to add to £10 in I the day before. Later made G4g4s where R/P/A out with M on – gr8 chat! To the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 15th: max 15C, min 10C, moderate W breeze, cloudy most of day, rain at lunchtime, finer by ttime, feeling cool. Catch-up below on matters I'm lagging on! Today made old friend PL's in Riding Mill for garden party at his house; very nice garden, sympathetic to nature but with plenty of shrubs and vegetables. We have been friends for years, main remembered exploits being weekend trips to Scotland over a number of years to bag Munros (3,000+ ft mountains!). Although sent on LibDems 'notepaper' a significant purpose of the event was the English for All charity (originally linked to TEFL – Teaching English as a Foreign Language, now targeted at asylum seekers and refugees), of which P is a passionate supporter and teacher, along with politics, bee keeping, honey making, wild gardening, Quakers. Invitation came from P and Rosie so wondered whether he'd got a new woman (he's a recent widower) but R was a lovely bitch! Had some good chats there! Gave £20 gift-aided in cash to the charity but will add £10 a month tomorrow to that amount through STO. Got back home and immediately from 17:00-18:05 scanned the local site to see whether the Honey-buzzard young have fledged; a crow was sentinel over the whole area but no real signs; will do some gardening 2moro in front area in morning and keep an eye on things. Did have a juvenile Red Kite moving E to W over the edge of Slaley Forest towards Whitley Chapel at 17:51. Total for local site was 11 bird-types, including a Nuthatch and 11 Swallow (fledged), plus hatch of 5 Speckled Wood butterfly. Made G4g4s but mates not out; there were the remnants of a happy christening party there, giving a gr8 atmosphere! Sad exodus approaches: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Since 10/8 9 more records (10 birds) on BirdGuides for autumn migration of Honey-buzzard, giving running total of 12 birds from start of emigration on 9/8. Return passage to Africa now clearly under way with birds seen moving over SE England and in off the sea at the Channel Islands.

15:19 15/08 European Honey Buzzard Surrey Shalford one flew north towards Pewley Down

14:34 15/08 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Upton Broad & Marshes NWT 13:30 one flew south-west

17:51 14/08 European Honey Buzzard Essex Boreham 15:20 one flew high to east over a garden

14:48 14/08 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Mannez Lighthouse 12:21 two flew in-off the sea and continued south-west

12:27 14/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness RSPB 12:16 one still from approach track near visitor centre then drifted towards Lydd

12:19 14/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Oare Marshes NR 12:00 one drifted south

12:11 14/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness NNR 12:00 one over trapping area then drifted high towards fishing boats

07:31 13/08 European Honey Buzzard Essex Good Easter 13:00 12/08 one flew south-east yesterday afternoon

12:25 10/08 European Honey Buzzard Kent Farthingloe 11:30 adult male drifted north over Little Farthingloe

Funds drifted down a little last week though PoO fairly stable; worries about delta variant of Covid in US and China have markets a little on edge. Funds finished -3k, leaving gain on ytd at +487k gross (+39.4%), +470k net with ftse 100 +10.6%, ftse 250 +18.3%. Have reduced exposure to oil/gas in general but significant holdings still in Falklands, natural gas anywhere, arbitration cases, oil in Russia. The IPCC alarmist report on climate change didn't help this week but suspect COP26 will be a failure as only the EU and British governments seem willing to make the sacrifices necessary to reach Net Zero and they haven't really consulted their electorates yet. We need to move more slowly making wise moves on energy sources typical for the enormous global population. Have little confidence in Biden: worried about rising gasoline (petrol) prices in the US, he urges OPEC+ to pump more while closing pipelines in US and refusing permits for US oil developments; so if the oil production is not in my backyard it doesn't matter! Might be Wednesday for NCL this week!! xx

August 14th: max 17C, min 12C, moderate SW breeze, sunny spells, cloudier than yesterday, feels cooler. Made East Allen again to visit the kite site from 10:40-13:10. Had a good number of raptors in the breeze, including 5 Common Buzzard , 4 Kestrel and a Sparrowhawk juvenile male flying into low wood at Sinderhope at 12:05. Saw both partners in the Honey-buzzard pair with the female doing a quick circuit around the nesting area at 11:14 and the male arriving shortly after at 11:24 from the moors to the NE with food 1  2  3  4; here's shot of habitat 5 (11080). Kestrel comprised a juvenile on moorland edge of Sinderhope N at 11:12 and 3 birds (juvenile 11:52, adult female 12:25, juvenile 12:48) at Sinderhope. The Common Buzzard comprised a family party of 4 birds (2 ad, 2 juv) up at 10:47 at Sinderhope N and one out hunting to E on moor. The kite were the most difficult, finally catching up with a solitary adult Red Kite perched on a field at 12:51 1 with an attendant LBBG adult eating some tasty titbit! So no Black Kite; situation may be the same as the Tyne Valley E site this year with a mixed pairing, producing a youngster who looks and behaves more like a Black Kite; so the Black Kite parent (not sure of gender in this case, from behaviour) has departed for Africa with the youngster leaving the Red Kite adult behind, possibly with another young. That makes 1 pure pair and 2 mixed pairs: still open to closer look at piccies and more research on mixed pairings! Whatever it's an exciting situation! Made N4c4ll and I4shop b4 coming home for ANPA last session. It was very satisfying with category theory quite a topic of conversation as a way forward from other attendees: yesterday's talk has been influential. M was still contributing from Torbay Hospital. Session lasted from 16:00-21:30 with 45 min break from 18:15. Feeling a little tired! Going to a private garden party 2moro afternoon so may get some fieldwork done in morning or late afternoon depending on when front clears to S; want to check local Honey-buzzard site for fledged young. Thinking of someone: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 13th: max 17C, min 12C, moderate SW breeze, sunny spells, feels cooler. After chat with N on Skype from 10:00-11:30 got stuck into presentation, completing it by 15:15 and uploading to web site by 15:30 with meeting starting at 16:00 (last-minute is my mode of working!). Here's entry in Visiting Fellow home page:

Heather, Michael, & Rossiter, Nick, Really Really Real Numbers, ANPA 2021, 12-14 August (2021). abstract pdf, presentation by Zoom pdf, paper pdf.

All went well and was congratulated by several attendees on the talk. Had 40 min presentation and 25 min discussion, talk starting at 17:00 as one speaker let us down (poor network connection evidently!). Plenty of ideas for improving the approach, including adding 0 (initial object) and i (imaginary) to top-level numbers and considering π as representing dimensionality; could also make more of our different universe ideas in middle level of structure. M is still in Torbay Hospital but he did join the session and answered a few points in the discussion – very spirited and useful; could hear a few Devon accents of the nurses in the background! So pleased with outcome; g went down very well at W4g4s with D/D for coming back to earth! Attended meeting from 16:00-20:00, skipping last talk to go to pub. Tomorrow will attend from 16:00-21:00; earlier in day will keep up the work on Black Kite before concentrating on Honey-buzzard fledging until go to Gibraltar. Hope someone else's work is going well: sure it is: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 12th: max 19C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, sunny spells, slightly muggy. A busy day, up early at 08:00 and out to Tyne Valley E from 10:20-11:45 for 85 min of Black Kite hunting, which was instantly successful with the Black Kite presumed male taking junior for a testing training flight, soaring high and gliding around the site with great energy from 10:33-10:36; the young bird clearly thinks it's a Black Kite and looks like one but its mother is thought to be a Red Kite who later came up and displayed on her own from 11:04-11:14 over the site. The Black Kite were briefly joined by the male Honey-buzzard from the local site at 10:34 and 11:04 1  2 and the Red Kite was joined by the female Honey-buzzard at 11:14 3 (11076); have counted this as bound to fledge for Honey-buzzard as so close to main mid-August fledging time. Jizz-wise Black Kite are like nothing else in UK raptors, with a powerful style, able to climb and move around extremely rapidly with the minimum of flapping. Think the Black Kite, adult and hybrid juvenile, are ready for departure to Africa; they look frisky and strong! Behaviour-wise when on own the hybrid juvenile liked hanging with head peering down rather like a Red Kite but tail much shorter and not nearly so forked. The hybrid juvenile shows a relatively short tail (0.9 of wing width), quite a pale back and tail, dark primaries, paler at base of primaries, banded tail, moderately protruding P5 with P8 and P10 still growing, a pale head with dark eye spot, a tail square when open and slightly forked when closed, head small, neck flexible, bill fine, less robust than adult 1  2  3  4  5  6. The adult Black Kite was a more uniform black colour with moult on secondaries and on outer primaries, looking like growing P7, P10 with protruding P5 7  8  9  10, last with a juvenile Common Buzzard. Here's adult + juvenile Black Kite together 11  12  13  14  15  16  17. Another flight of the Black Kite and hybrid was from 10:42-10:47 and at 11:07 and 11:14, last 2 meaning all 3 kite were up briefly together in the sky but the presumed female Red Kite was on her own, showing very long clearly-forked tail and more elegant appearance 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15. The juvenile hybrid seen here on 20/7 is more like a Red Kite and hence a different bird; it was presumably in cover below the adult Red Kite. So this is a repeat of the 2020 breeding season here with two Black Kite x Red Kite raised; the Black Kite is assumed to be the male because of the role he plays in defending the territory. Also here had a loose family group (2 adult, 1 juvenile) of 3 Common Buzzard up at 11:15. So 8 raptors of 4 types plus a hybrid. Then WYM-NCL for relaxation: Kittiwake colony is now at end of term; new angles are not always better than trusted ones; was delighted she was there: fantastic: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Back home for ANPA which enjoyed; M had gone into Torbay Hospital last night for adverse reaction to drugs so may not be there tomorrow for presentation. Am working hard on that, may just about get it done on time! Did make G4g4s with P/A so not all work by a long way! Xx

At Quayside had 9 bird-types: Kittiwake 270 (255 juv, 15 ad; 185 birds Newcastle side, 85 birds Gateshead side), 38 Feral Pigeon, 23 Herring Gull (16 ad, 6 juv, 1 2s), 7 LBBG (6 ad, 1 juv), 7 BHG ad, 2 Cormorant ad, 2 Mute Swan ad, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Goldfinch, plus a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly.

August 11th: max 18C, min 11C, light to moderate W breeze, dull after bright start, heavy rain showers by evening. No fieldwork today or processing of records except for updating of season's totals on home page, don;t think I will have missed much, a dull day after a brilliant day is usually very quiet. Busy with talk for Friday, getting slides ready; have booked W at 20:30 for D/D and I for post-meeting relaxation! 2moro it's a bit of fieldwork early on, followed by usual trains RDM-NCL-RDM and start of ANPA meeting at 16:00; will be doing some work on the trains, used to be a master of that! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 10th: max 19C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, sunny periods, quite fresh, beautiful conditions for raptors, particularly after 4 dull days in a row. And so indeed it was! Had full day out in the field, making Oakpool, near Allendale, on East Allen from 11:55-15:20 where had 8 Common Buzzard (adult + juvenile at Oakpool at 13:28 and 13:41, pair + juvenile at both Staward S at 14:47 and Monk Wood at 12:56), 4 Honey-buzzard (pair at Oakpool at 13:42 with male diving at female 1 at 13:42 and male up on own from 13:34-13:37 2  3 (11074), single males foraging at both Monk Wood at 13:15 and Beacon Hill at 13:05 1  2 (11073)), 3 Red Kite (pair + juvenile at Staward S at 14:24 and 14:47, a juvenile at Oakpool at 14:41), 3 Kestrel (2 juvenile at Oakpool at 13:53 and 14:34, a juvenile at Staward S at 12:33), 1 Sparrowhawk adult female at Staward S at 14:45. That's 19 raptors of 5 types. Had packed lunch but back into Hexham for welcome break at N4c4t b4 going E in the Tyne Valley from 16:45-17:55, where picked up 4 Black Kite from 16:55-17:31 (pair and 2 juvenile, each adult taking one juvenile in hand, very energetic training programme for the young), 4 Common Buzzard (2 juvenile locally from 16:53-17:07, one in melee with Black Kite, with adult and juvenile to W at Styford Peepy at 17:25), 1 Honey-buzzard male in melee briefly with Black Kite juvenile at 17:06 1  2  3 (11075), 1 Hobby adult female 1 in melee with Black Kite at 17:28; that's 10 raptors of 4 types. On road had a juvenile Kestrel at Riding Mill at 16:40. So grand total for day was: 12 Common Buzzard, 5 Honey-buzzard, 4 Black Kite, 4 Kestrel, 3 Red Kite, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Hobby, that's 30 raptors of 7 types. Also had 3 Raven at Staward S at 12:34 and 1 at Oakpool so looks as if they've bred in the Staward Gorge. All of these records are from shooting estates, except the Kestrel at Riding Mill. How things have changed over the last 30 years! In 1990 daily total for a trip like this might have been 4 Kestrel and 1 Sparrowhawk with no broad-winged raptors at all. Butterflies comprised 7 types at Oakpool, including Small Copper (3, 1  2) with 4 types at Ordley and 2 at Bywell – 7 types for the day. A Common Hawker dragonfly was at Oakpool and a Brown Hare at Bywell. Here's some piccies of family: daughter and granddaughters at Crete 1; granddaughters at Devil's Water 2  3, Whitley Chapel playground 4 and on ponies at Sinderhope, East Allen 5  6, in recent visit.

Here's piccies of Black Kite from 10/8 Bywell:

adult 1: streamlined, black body, dark brown head and neck, wings darker on primaries than on inner wing, pale primary bases underneath, dark trailing edge and carpal, obviously forked tail with pale underside, yellow cere, left-wing complete with P5 prominent but maybe broken off, right-wing P10-P7, P6 missing, P5 protruding present, broad wing-tip, 1  2  3  4 (5 with Common Buzzard juvenile) 6  7  8.

adult 2: streamlined but heavier than other adult, black body and head, wings uniformly dark on top, dusky underneath with pale primary bases, dark trailing edge and carpal, obviously forked tail, yellow cere, left-wing P10-P8, P7 missing, P6, P5 protruding, right-wing not captured, broad wing-tip, 9  10  11  12  13.

adult 1 with juvenile 1: 14  15  16  17  18

juvenile 1: black primaries, paler brown inner wings and body, floating weakly, forked and barred tail, white under-tail coverts, white vent area, shorter wings and tail than adult, palish head, broad wing-tip, subterminal tail band 19  20  (21 with Common Buzzard juvenile) (22  23  24 with male Honey-buzzard 11075)

juvenile 2: black primaries, paler brown inner wings and body, stronger flier, forked tail, dark wings and body, pale primary bases underneath, similar dimensions to adult, white head with head showing hint of mask, dusky end to tail, broad wing-tip but primary tips poorly developed 25  (26 with Common Buzzard juvenile) 27  28  29  30.

I am giving the presentation at ANPA on Friday, which is going to delay my trip to the pub:

Michael Heather & Nick Rossiter, Really Really Real Numbers, Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, ANPA 21 Zoom conference, Thursday 12th August to Saturday 14th August 2021 16:00-21:00 each day (our paper to be presented by NR at 19:00 on 13/8; title plays on three levels of category theory and the inadequacy of numbers on their own) paper pdf.

Funds are -1k on wtd after a shaky start to the week but some recovery today, all on virus trends around the world. So a busy week like someone else! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxXxXXXxxXX

August 9th: max 16C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, overcast with occasional showers and sunny spells, unsettled. Sorted recent visits to Quayside 7/8 and Ordley 8/8, leaving just East Allen one 5/8 to do. Today looked poor for raptors so catching up with paperwork and ANPA. Did make G4g4s with P/A and M on: good chat! Am moving towards finalising my GIB trip, maybe going straight out of Gibraltar and spending 10 days in nearby Tarifa, followed by final 4 days in Gibraltar itself. Think will need a flow test at Gibraltar on arrival (free), followed by another flow on re-entering Gibraltar from Spain (free?) and 3 PCR tests for return at t-2, t+2, t+8 (t=day of travel back, coming from amber country in effect to UK); tests at NCL Airport have come down to £90 but see there are cheaper places on Tyneside, maybe down to £65. The t-2 test would be done in Gibraltar. Is it worth it – maybe not but I do value my freedom to tour! Weather is better tomorrow so will be out looking for raptors: that's one of my passions: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Started autumn passage counts for Honey-buzzard from BirdGuides records, so running total is 2 birds from 9/8. Late start indicates a successful breeding season with adults remaining to look after their broods.

16:15 09/08 European Honey Buzzard West Midlands Sandwell Valley RSPB one reported in flight

08:21 09/08 European Honey Buzzard Outer Hebrides Northbay, Barra one flew north early morning

Mike and I completed paper for ANPA 2021 this afternoon; spent 3 hours adding a database contribution and checking overall writing, We do criticise efforts at climate change modelling: “Mainstream research on climate change is limited to first order ordinary numbers modelling the effect of human activity on the atmosphere which neglects the top level of natural processes of geophysics. “ Mike does say my presentation last Friday was superb: wonder what that's leading up to! The IPCC report of 630pp is at Yes, there is climate change at a little over 0.1C per decade (see below) but their solution of masses more renewable energy doesn't cut it, because its energy density is too low for a crowded planet. We need gas and nuclear, both high-density sources of energy. The Greens are notoriously bad at physics! The IPCC predictions are all based on computer modelling, the weaknesses of which as a methodology are shown by many of the failed attempts to predict the course of the Covid pandemic. Latest climate data shows:

UAH Satellite-based Temperature of the Global Troposphere: July 2021 +0.20C over average 1991-2020,

The data comes from the University of Alabama site at, which for July 2021 shows very warm areas (anomaly-wise) in NW North America, N Europe, E Siberia, with very cool areas (anomaly-wise) E Pacific, South Africa including ocean S to Antarctica, E Antarctica. The downloadable GTR gives some useful commentary, including Global climate trend since Dec. 1 1978: +0.14 C per decade. Meanwhile parochially the UK is not having a great spring/summer with University of Reading data from showing monthly average temperature anomalies for 2021 of August -1.2C to 9/8, July +0.4, June +1.0, May -2.0, April -2.7. Because the temperature data is all rather pedestrian the climate-change lobby has now gone for direct attribution, linking extreme weather and events such as flooding and fires to climate change, in an act of confirmation bias. The long-term trends across the globe in forest fires, flooding, hurricanes and tornados do not show any clear upward movement. But as a consequence of coming out of the last ice age, sea levels are rising steadily and coastal cities and towns are going to have to adapt.

August 8th: max 17C, min 13C, moderate W breeze, rapid succession of showers up to ttime, occasional sunny spells particularly in evening, unsettled. A weird day with Large White butterflies flying in the rain in the morning. Did a watch from 17:15-19:00 over the Devil's Water at home from 17:15-19:00 as things dried out a little. Had 3 Red Kite at 3 sites with single adult at Peth Foot at 17:31 flying low through trees and Slaley Forest Dukesfield at 18:02 and a single juvenile at Whitley Chapel at 17:50 plus a Common Buzzard juvenile up over Peth Foot at 17:50. Honey-buzzard took a while to appear but eventually had the female up over the nest site from 18:09-18:15, clearly focused on the young below who are maybe out on the branches now, and the male joining her briefly at 18:11; she eventually drifted off to S – presumably the male took over the watch; so looks like a happy event is imminent here – first flights! Sorted past records from 1/8 Prudhoe S. Recuperation today from exertions of the most enjoyable past week. Think someone is into live chamber music again: hope it goes well!! Made N4c4ll and G4g4s; latter was the best for months with people out in force again, including 2 of my mates P/R for gr8 chat. Made W4medshop, spending just £26 as plenty of food in still. Might be into NCL Thursday!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

August 7th: max 17C, min 13C, light SE breeze, overcast, a few heavy showers, unsettled. Drove them in for their train at 11:58 NCL-KGX, which was very fast, just stopping at Darlington and York. Sad to see them go but we all had a great reunion! Have some more piccies of kids, sent by daughter tonight. Did have usual walk along Quayside with Kittiwake still there in numbers but mostly this year's young now, full of cheer and hope! Here's citation for yesterday's presentation as on Visiting Fellow home page:

Heather, Michael, & Rossiter, Nick, Formal Order and the ‘Loveliness’ of Nature, 6th European Summer School in Process Thought, Natural and Artistic Beauty in Process Metaphysics, Katowice, Poland, 2-6 August 2021, abstract pdf, presentation by Zoom pdf.

Next up is ANPA 2021 meeting on Zoom on Friday evening (13/8) at 19:00 with another abstract and joint presentation to come. Recent casual records are: today Common Buzzard juvenile up at Styford at 15:30, 12 Canada Goose at Ordley going to roost at 21:00; 5/8 2 Common Buzzard at Letah Wood (adult, juvenile), 7 Swift, including young, at Allendale Town; 4/8 a Grey Partridge at Ordley; 6/8 a Hedgehog at Whitley Chapel play area at 17:00 (Catherine, Sophia. Isabella K). Mehdi K enjoyed his break: he's a Retail Hedging Trader at St Petersburg-based Gazprom Marketing & Trading. Explored some new avenues and angles today, visiting C4c4ll on platform 2 to spend some of my 3245 accumulated bonus points and, for comfort, purchased a return ticket to DOT for £1.80 so could access toilets past the barriers! Once home had some food left in fridge and freezer, so delayed shopping until tomorrow. She really is fantastic: anticipation is fabulous: does give some ideas: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Interesting article on how Covid spreads (we don't know!): Top scientists remain puzzled over how and why Covid spreads: The world may have multiple vaccines and drugs to fight coronavirus but we’re still not really sure about how it transmits or how to stop it One comment by an academic was revealing: Prof Jefferson said even now we know very little about the ecology of this virus: “The only thing the virus seems to obey is Farr’s Law (which states epidemics rise and fall in a symmetrical bell curve),” he said. “I am not convinced the path of the pandemic has much to do with our interventions.” This suggests that lockdowns and masks may be at best a waste of time. The most likely means of transmission of the virus is by touching surfaces so washing your hands is useful! One comment by a reader matches many scientists' views, including mine:

Julie Bower 7 Aug 2021 4:50PM

Well. Perhaps we might want to spend time considering exactly what is science, and who are scientists? Scientific method is all about setting up a null hypothesis, then conducting an experiment with control measures to discover whether the null hypothesis can be rejected within various levels of statistical significance. Shame the response to the pandemic has been pretty devoid of science and scientific method. What we have had so far is what is called 'confirmation bias', which is people picking out bits of data that happen to match their pre-conceived (political) narrative. In the alternative, we have so-called mathematical 'modellers', constructing an alternative universe in a computer programme which churns out 'results'. The results suits their, and their political overlords', preconceived view of the future. Neither is science. The Humanities and Arts graduates in the MSM and Cabinet, do not understand this, and never will. Hence we are up .. creek, without a paddle, and it will take a cataclysmic outcome to jump them, and the populations' thinking out of where we are now.

Report on Quayside visit today: total 8 types including Kittiwake 755 total with 540 on Newcastle side and 315 on Gateshead side, mostly this year's young now, full of cheer and hope! Feral Pigeon 58, Herring Gull 38 (22 adult, 1 2s, 15 juvenile), LBBG 21 (11 adult, 1 2s, 9 juvenile), Black-headed Gull 6 adult, Crow 4, Woodpigeon 2, GBBG 1 juvenile.

August 6th: max 18C, min 13C, moderate, gusty S breeze, sunny intervals, mainly cloudy with a few heavy showers, unsettled. Worked hard on presentation of our paper Formal Order and the ‘Loveliness’ of Nature for 6th European Summer School in Process Thought, Natural and Artistic Beauty in Process Metaphysics, held in Katowice, Poland, in Zoom session on Education (including science and mathematics) (chairs: Vesselin Petrov, Franz Riffert). Presentation is at Gave modified version of ANPA 40 at Liverpool University in 2019 with some adjustments for abstract for this summer school and Mike's new diagram. Talked from 17:00-17:45 CEST and all went well, got some interesting observations such as that the German philosopher Adorno had also used the monad for music representation: that's good support! Gave Mike a chance to comment at the end of the talk, including giving a conclusion, and to answer a few questions from the floor; he's very good at the latter, giving short, clear answers if there is one and obfuscating ones if there isn't: he's a lawyer! Warmly acknowledged anonymously on slide 2: “Musicians who have inspired my interest in the art and helped me to understand it”. Family went to a massive trampoline centre in Dunston in my car and later discovered the good playground at Whitley Chapel in the 'Shire. Straight after the meeting finished at 18:00 BST went to B for slap-up meal with the family; very good quality and good celebration of their visit, cost £94 all-in! Funds finished week at new peak at +10k with small erratic movements across holdings and some well-timed sells; best to make it clear that the soaring gas prices in Europe, which are pushing up electricity prices, are due to poor output from renewables, particularly wind, revival in demand post-pandemic and a lack of fresh supply, due to green considerations. Russia will oblige eventually at astronomical prices! The answer in the Energy Transition is to produce more gas from areas such as the North Sea, to insulate houses better and to invest in nuclear power; Rolls Royce are investing heavily in SMRs (Small Module (nuclear) Reactors, each occupies about 2 football pitches), which operate at 1000 times the energy density of wind and solar, that is you would need 2000 football pitches for similar output to the SMR. Renewables are for dreamers, given the current human population density on the planet. Gain ytd is +490k gross (+39.7%), +473k net, with ftse 100 +9.1%, ftse 250 +16.6%. Driving them in!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 5th: max 19C, min 14C, moderate SE breeze, sunny morning then cloudier afternoon with sunny intervals, and heavy rain finally arriving at 00:30 (6/8), some 12 hours later than forecast on 4/8 evening. This happens quite often, the front seems to struggle crossing the Pennines before finally tipping over us in a rush; the downside is it tends to linger longer than they anticipate. Drove them out to the High Sinderhope Pony Trekking Centre, where the 2 granddaughters were put on little ponies and taken for a wee trek! They really enjoyed it – lasted almost an hour and they were kitted up in riding hats and boots. From 14:00-15:30 while they were out trekking I drove to a viewpoint in the East Allen and picked up another Black Kite brood – an adult and juvenile as it stands – incredible in grouse moor setting, making 2.5 pairs now in the County that I know of. Also here had a female Honey-buzzard out briefly circling the nesting area at Sinderhope N at 15:09 1 (11060), maybe looking for mate (where the hell's he gone!) and 3 Kestrel – adult male and juvenile at one site to N (at 14:24 and 15:10 respectively) and a juvenile at another to S at 15:20. Good to keep my hand in! The Honey-buzzard site raises to 9 my total for the National Honey-buzzard survey in the SW of the study area. Reunited we drove back to Allendale, to the King's Head, where we had a drink each, some chips for the kids, a pool game, a go on a gaming machine! Daughter cooked for us tonite but we did have a bottle of Chianti to wash it down. Quickly added some slides from Liverpool 2019 to the few already prepared for Katowice to pad it out a bit and give some context. We're talking at 17:00-17:45 CET, that's 16:00-16:45 BST, then out to dinner at B with family at 18:00 BST. May be going to a museum in morning in NCL (Discovery) but not certain, may just take it easy! Departure is 11:58 NCL-KGX on Saturday. Visit is very enjoyable!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! See 21/8 for piccies and comments on the Black Kite.

August 4th: max 19C, min 12C, light S breeze, bright sunny periods with more cloud early afternoon, warm. Had good day with family, certainly have to be up for it with a 6- and 4-year old granddaughters to entertain. We made Hexham Tyne Green playground (piccies of granddaughters 1  2) and short walk along Tyne in morning, W4shop midday, lunch out in own garden on patio, early supper at 18:00 at Buongiorno (Italian Ristorante!) in Back Street, Hexham, cost same as County (to 1p!). The Italian Restaurant, like the Beaumont, has thrived through the pandemic; there's been a binary divide in Hexham with wet pubs like the Tap and the Globe struggling and those feeding families doing well. Daughter was surprised how warm Hexham is but think the pony-ride tomorrow might remind her that it can be cooler! She's cooking 2moro night and we're off to B for good meal on Friday. Am joining M for presentation by Zoom at Katowice Whitehead meeting from 16:00-18:30 on Friday afternoon; think will get younger granddaughter I to present! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 3rd: max 19C, min 11C, light NW breeze, sunshine most of day, warm. Spent morning shuffling more papers on bedroom floor, a good exercise as have been through everything, cleared a lot of clutter and found some good items for web pages. Made NCL to fetch family off 15:49 KGX-NCL; quite a lot of luggage, they think it's going to be cold up here! Drove straight home and a riotous time was had by all before out to County for meal at 18:15 as everyone starving; nearly all of food was eaten and reasonable price at £53 including 5.12 tip. The County does better than just produce pub grub and children's meals were well judged, both in portions and quality. Early nite followed! Funds are +8k on wtd with positive trends in all markets, in spite of worries of resurgence of Covid in USA and China and fall in PoO by $4 a barrel. Opportunity did arise and was taken with the gorgeous one: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 2nd: max 18C, min 9C, light W breeze, sunshine most of day, warmer. Made B4m4l with R; first meeting face to face for 17 months; marvellous meeting the members again; 17 of us turned out, well below full numbers but meal and chat were good! P's resigned, objecting to £110 annual membership fee. Spent afternoon clearing piles of paper (magazines, books, circulars) from floor of daughter's room where 'parked' for filing purposes! Not finished yet but was a good exercise with some filed upstairs in bookcases and rest thrown out for recycling. Identified a fair number of articles for the Honey-buzzard pages. Did make G but only one out of my gang: quiet spell may not be a bad thing before the family arrive! 2moro will get the kids' car seats into the car and meet them in NCL station! The long-stay car park only costs £5 now after 09:30 until 04:29 next day: a bargain! Funds made a new record today. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

August 1st: max 15C, min 10C, light W breeze, dull in morning, becoming brighter by evening but continuing cool, dry, put on storage heater in daughter's bedroom to air it. Made StJStB4con – very impressed, the Telemann Fantasia was a great piece with which to start; the chorus and violin blended well to good effect, particularly in the last piece. Did manage a rw for sustenance! Gave £20 before concert and a further £10 afterwards to show my appreciation! Drive in was easy enough – dry run for Tuesday when collecting daughter and family from Central Station off 15:49. Raptor-wise it was day of the falcon, presumably because it was too cool for the broad-winged variety to get going. So had a male Hobby up in the air prospecting at Peepy at 14:00 and a juvenile Kestrel at Heddon at 14:15 going in and stopped off at Prudhoe S on way back from 17:00-18:45 seeing there another male Hobby on arrival at 17:05 gliding into the raptor wood and 2 juvenile Kestrel from 17:56-18:28 hunting over the hills to SW. Total for Prudhoe S was 17 bird-types, including 16 Goldfinch, 13 Swallow, 26 Common Gull adult. So that's 3 Kestrel and 2 Hobby total for the day; not bad for more or less incidental sightings. Didn't feel like G4g4s as no-one out on Sunday any more but will be there 2moro and at Rotary at lunchtime at B for first face-to-face meeting for 17 months. Today added piccies to Greater London Honey-buzzard page, some worked-up from scratch, and zero Honey-buzzard records in 2019 report to Bucks page. Have ordered the 2012 Bucks Bird Atlas on Ebay for £10 + 4.25 postage. Now working on Gloucestershire page, downloaded BirdGuides records over 10 years and located my records and piccies for 2014, none of which have been indexed and published before. Have put my records on a map of the Cotswolds area. Added Barhaugh records to home page for national Honey-buzzard survey as below:

  1. Upper South Tyne, Barhaugh

    1. 15/07/21: male moved towards site but backed off, 1 sample still 1 , female flying around close to nesting area, male gliding into site clip and 4 derived stills 1  2  3  4 , watch 14:05-18:20.

Have not started adding autumn passage records for Honey-buzzard from BirdGuides yet as records continue to look like those from breeding areas, whether the observers appreciate that or not! Last year birds were moving in late July, a bad sign as it means their nesting attempts have failed. Early indications up here are that wasp populations are healthy and the weather has been mostly suitable with warm spells interspersed by wetter, cooler ones, keeping the ground warm and moist for the wasps. So very pleasing: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 31st: max 15C, min 11C, light N breeze, dull with rain most of time with some heavy bursts, continuing cool, put on storage heater in living room, closed all roof lights. A gr8 day; did make NCL from RDM, attending wind concert, quintet of flute, clarinet, oboe, horn, basoon, from RNS with DG on clarinet. Quite a good attendance considering the weather and we could sit in 'comfort' in deckchairs to enjoy the music. Programme was varied and popular, including Malcolm Arnold's Sea Shanties and Bartók's Hungarian Dances. So enjoyed it! Retreated to MP where recognised more staff from visits before Covid; well looked after and had à la carte including pepperoni pizza, very spicy, with a little rw. They wondered where N was: you won't be seeing him for a while! NCL was almost frantic – gr8 to see so many people out enjoying themselves – MP was busy again and RBG in which have tiny shareholding was also very busy. Back on 17:03 and to W4bigshop – £62. There were other attractions: released so much tension from earlier in week: she's gorgeous, fantastic: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Fascinating insight into RKH's claim at Is it well-founded rumour or just speculation?

Italy24 News English: Big oil: the cage-states treaty, Italy can lose 275 million: Friday 30th July 2021 07:52 PM. The first millions could be paid out in a few hours, when the arbitration award between the Italian state and Rockhopper is filed. If the arbitrators of the ISDS (Investor-state dispute settlement) were to agree with the British company, Italy would find itself with up to $ 275 million less in cash. In fact, the request made amounts to that much […].

Count at Quayside was of 8 bird-types: Kittiwake 935 (mixture of adult and juvenile, thought to be more juvenile than adult now; 560 birds Newcastle side, 375 birds Gateshead side), Feral Pigeon 40, Herring Gull 22 (19 adult, 2 juvenile on Tyne, 1 2s), 6 LBBG (1 juvenile on Tyne), 3 Crow, 2 Woodpigeon, 17 Black-headed Gull adult, 2 Cormorant adult.

July 30th: max 16C, min 12C, light N breeze, dull with heavy rain in morning and showers in afternoon, continuing cool. Completed processing Haltwhistle North Wood visit on 24/7 so almost up to date with records. Weather was too grey and cool for field work so went to N4c4t where had a relaxing chat with several regulars. Put a large Canary Palm outside on the patio in the rain from my dining room yesterday; it's looking a bit better already after being soaked and allowed to drain properly without a pot base. Had good chat with N/D on Skype for 105 min in morning and gr8 chat with D/D at W4g4s; enjoyed return there and staff were pleased to see us again; it was quite busy; we actually talked a lot about the Olympics as D is a press sports photographer; we did strongly support the inclusion of ROC. Noted a few raptors on travels: single juvenile Common Buzzard at Loughbrow at 17:00 and Dilston at 19:50 and a juvenile Barn Owl at Ordley on fence at 23:10. Funds had good week in choppy conditions, at +12k, giving gain ytd at +480k gross (+38.9%), +463k net, with ftse 100 ytd +7.7% and ftse 250 +14.1%. Funds are 3k short of record. PoO rallied well from flash slump, over $75 Brent again; MBS continued to rise, +5k this week. Put 25k into bonds this week as defensive measure. Rising Covid cases in USA is a cause for concern but recent sharp correction in prices of oil stocks may well discount trouble here; in any event the public are shunning public transport and using private cars increasing petrol consumption and of course PPE requires extensive use of plastics; have to accept that recovery in airline travel looks some way off. Two days of music in Toon is an exciting prospect; normal train in but will have meal at MP after concert; will drive on Sunday. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 29th: max 20C, min 14C, moderate W breeze, a few sunny spells, heavy showers, continuing cool. Main effort today was entering records for recent Black Kite days on 20/7 and 26/7; takes quite a while going through each photo, analysing it carefully. Have now added all recent records to BirdTrack except those for 24/7 North Wood. Hope to get some fieldwork in 2moro afternoon, maybe in SW for National Honey-buzzard survey but looks wet there so maybe it's the E. Did receive today Bucks Bird Report for 2019 but no entries at all for Honey-buzzard; they do even seem to be worrying about whether Hobby are still breeding in the County so maybe coverage of raptor sites is poor. Did make G4g4s where A out and a few others; good crack but no pretence that things are anywhere near normal! Had a Barn Owl on way home in Ordley N and a young Brown Hare browsing weeds in my front garden this afternoon: will not be popular with everyone! Did one coat of putting green paint on touch-up areas: looking better already. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 28th: max 17C, min 12C, moderate W breeze, a few sunny spells, heavy showers, much cooler. Completed documenting trip to Barhaugh on 15/7. Today made Spitalshield Moor on NW side of 'Hexhamshire Common from 15:40-16:55 where just brightening up after a heavy shower. Had 3 Kestrel (adult female up at 16:06 on clearance in weather, juvenile up at 16:32 practising hovering, both at Spitalshield Moor E, at 16:55 a juvenile out hunting at Spital Shield), 1 Red Kite (adult up briefly over the Rowley Burn at 16:25), 1 Common Buzzard (adult out hunting over field at 15:40), plus 11 Curlew, 7 Lapwing E, 3 Yellowhammer, 30 Swallow (many juvenile), 2 House Martin, 3 Meadow Pipit. Total was 18 bird-types plus mammals: Rabbit 2, Brown Hare 2. Number of Red Kite in the 'Shire is very heartening. This visit was prompted by cleaner S arriving at 15:30. Didn't go straight home, made G4g4t where good chat with some mates not seen for a while but pub was still on the quiet side; B was coming but had given in to a bad leg. 2moro afternoon having a 'phone chat with MG, viola leader of RNS, in a scheme to keep partners in touch with players; that's a very good idea!! Decided to swing my interests towards the arts for the weekend: Quayside at 14:00 for the winds and afternoon out, maybe meal at MP; Sunday at StJStB for some more gr8 music!! lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 27th: max 21C, min 14C, calm, very sultry, some hazy sunshine, break-down is in progress early evening with steady heavy rain, high humidity. Made GHD for late-morning concert at Saltwell Park, which was very entertaining, with a dance theme; lunch in Low Fell was great!! Good for keeping fit: walked back to GHD metro and did a lap or 2 of the Park. Caught RDM-NCL at 10:06 with return at 14:56; taxi from NCL-Park for £10.80 made logistics a lot smoother with an extra hour in bed! Did wear mask in taxi and inside Metro train but nowhere else; libertarians of course don't say 'never wear a mask': it's up to common sense of the individual. Think might be a catch-up day 2moro xx. Counted a few birds, 12 types, on walk back from Saltwell Park, including the lake there: Canada Goose 28, Coot 3, Feral Pigeon 28, Black-headed Gull 25 (20 adult, 5 juvenile), Herring Gull 11 (10 adult, 1 juvenile), LBBG 7 adult, Moorhen 1, Woodpigeon 9, Crow 9, House Sparrow 1, Jackdaw 2. Had a Little Grebe on Merryshields GP at 10:15. See Purple Hairstreak entry for yesterday 26/7, an exciting development in Ordley natural history! Funds are +6k on wtd; still exiting equity, perhaps better expressed as becoming more selective, focussing on situations which have extra potential rather than bread-and-butter items which drift up and down with the market. So within the oil market, favouring gas, which is benefiting from the dismal operational performance of wind and development projects, priced for non-execution, which is unrealistic with current energy shortage. But overall trend is that funds when they become available from equity sales are 50% reinvested in bonds so quite defensive really. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 26th: max 23C, min 14C, light W breeze, very sultry, some sunshine in afternoon when feeling quite hot, because of high humidity. Extracted Gloucestershire records from BirdTrack for map of Honey-buzzard in the Cotswolds. Dashed to Bywell from 14:00-15:35 to keep an eye on raptors: not disappointed, they might feel like sleeping but they're raising young who need to be fed. Had Black Kite adult soaring on arrival 1, then gliding down to N and coming back SE into nesting area 14:10-14:11, where the juvenile could be seen crouched under the canopy perched on a branch at 14:32 2  3  4, obviously becoming a little wiser to the ways of the world; a Red Kite juvenile was hunting to E at 14:32, floating low-down close to the Black Kite juvenile 5  6  7  8; a male Hobby was up over the site at 14:40 with a juvenile Common Buzzard before coming back into the trees; a male Honey-buzzard was flapping out to the NW to feed with deep wing beats and no attempt to soar at 14:55. So that's 5 types of raptor, pretty impressive. Total for all birds was 21 types, including 25 Swallow (many young), 14 Goldfinch (flock 9), 30 adult Black-headed Gull (up in air anting). Had 7 types of butterfly, including a Comma. Back to N4c4t and much later to G4g4s where met A with the lively M on; we actually chatted leaning on the bar!! At home had as many as 6 Purple Hairstreak butterfly at 18:00, flying wildly around the tops of ash and field maple trees; this is a reported behaviour of Black Hairstreak (feeding on nectar from aphids) but took some piccies and these were clearly Purple Hairstreak with pale grey underside and dark purple on centre of upperside. There are oak trees in my hedge and to the north, which haven't grown as fast as ash, birch or alder but they are healthy and gaining strength. The colonisation of my field by Purple Hairstreak shows the transformation from prairie in the early 1980s to deciduous jungle is now producing returns, with the Swift nesting next door and the 3 Pied Flycatcher seen in spring, probably nesting here. Lea Grange has been converted to a wildlife bridge between the Linnels in the Devil's Water and Letah Wood in the West Dipton Burn. 2moro looking forward to concert in GHD in morning!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 25th: max 21C, min 12C, light E breeze, a grey day until evening when sun came out, full moon later on looked very bright, dry. Did some watching at Ordley from 13:00-15:00 with highlight at 13:17 a juvenile female Goshawk up over Peth Foot, presumably from breeding records earlier in season here and at Whitley Chapel. Total was just 11 types, including Swift 4, Common Gull 2 adult, Chiffchaff 1. Butterflies included 2 Purple Hairstreak, flying around the top of tall ash trees with oak trees in vicinity; see 26/7 for yet more hairstreaks and their significance.

As threatened:

Added Honey-buzzard page for Greater London with full records from visits in 2014-2019 (Honey-buzzard in Greater London).

So keeping book going in spite of fieldwork pressures. The research on other counties is giving a lot of insight and useful comparisons. This latest page also brings in the 2000 and 2008 national movements of Honey-buzzard. Next up is the Cotswolds! Had a quiet day, mowing a large area of grass with clover in the morning, visiting C4c4ll for variety and G4g4s with P for good chat. Interesting article published today in Guardian/Observer: Outrage as Italy faces multimillion pound damages to UK oil firm Rockhopper in recent RNS to shareholders say the result from the tribunal will be known by the end of July [end of coming week in practice] but don't reveal any outcome so wonder whether there's been a leak. 'fraid hold 857k shares in RKH (0.19% of company, cost 8.02p each); will keep u posted; this is one strand of my Falklands adventure! Have decided to visit GHD on Tuesday and Fenham on Sunday!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 24th: max 21C, min 10C, light NE breeze, sunny throughout but veiled sun for much of afternoon, dry. For Newcastle today, sunrise 05:01, sunset 21:22, day length 16 hours 21 min, so since Solstice lost 32 min morning, 29 min evening, 1 hour 1 min overall. True darkness occurs from 23:26-02:56, outside of nautical twilight (sun 12 deg below horizon) so only 3 hour 30 min of real darkness. We're still not into astronomical twilight (sun 18 deg below horizon), which kicks in on 5/8, when stars more visible. Made upper South Tyne for the 3rd time this season, going for extensive walk around North Wood, Haltwhistle, from 13:35-17:40. This was far from walking up to a wood and watching it as this is a strange site with the birds moving around from year to year. Took packed lunch and prepared for a challenge, walking from the Featherstone end right through North Wood, to edge of South Tyne by the wooded ridge, which has been popular in the past. Had a juvenile Kestrel here but nothing else. Walked back to Featherstone end and studied the wood there, which is popular with migrant Honey-buzzard, but still no birds seen. So drove back to A69 bypass, parked by the entrance to Bellister Castle and walked along the track to Wydon. And success! At 17:07 a female Honey-buzzard was seen soaring effortlessly and deliberately from a conifer plantation to W (shunning the deciduous woodland I'd been watching closely) to moderate height 1  2  3 before floating off N to forage. She was accompanied by a male Hobby 4 so a double find at this late stage in the walk (11040). Earlier from 15:34-15:43 a juvenile Kestrel was up to W of main deciduous area. A Common Buzzard was up low-down at Whitechapel at 13:20. Had 28 bird-types, including Oystercatcher 10, Common Sandpiper 2, some gulls SW: 6 LBBG, 2 Common Gull, 1 Black-headed Gull (all adult), 1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 183 Jackdaw, 4 Sand Martin, 15 Swallow, 1 Blackcap, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 5 Lesser Redpoll. Also had 6 types of butterfly and 2 Common Spotted Orchid. Made W4bigshop – £58 today so prices stable maybe. At 18:40 as returning home, the female Honey-buzzard was up over the site, disappearing by time I'd parked the car! Delighted to say have not worn a mask all week: in pubs, in coffee bars, on trains, in railway stations, in supermarkets. About ½ the people on the NCL-WYM train were wearing masks and a similar number at Central Station. In Iceland mask wearing is about 25% and in Waitrose it's 80%. But no aggravation and happy for those staff who have ditched their masks and can live more comfortably again. I like to see people's faces again: it's part of being human!

Bad news for coffee drinkers: Wild Weather in Biggest Coffee Exporter Sparks Price Surge. The world’s biggest coffee supplier is facing some of the coldest weather in more than 25 years, dimming hopes for the harvest and threatening to raise prices for the popular beverage. Temperatures in Brazil’s coffee-growing regions fell below zero Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) for hours on Tuesday, with southern Minas Gerais the coldest since 1994, according to Rural Clima. Damage to coffee as well as some orange groves was “very significant,” said Marco Antonio dos Santos, a meteorologist at Rural Clima in Valinhos. Another cold front is expected late next week Strange how the exceptionally low temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere's winter are being ignored by the MSM. Did buy and read FT: slightly sombre I thought after Monday's mini-crash even if a recovery was made. Main message was that in market terms we are well along the recovery cycle and we know what comes next! Am going to book up for all RNS autumn concerts on 27/7; cannot make 18/9 one on current flight schedule GIB-NCL but that might change so will book it anyway. Next up is 31/7 Quayside for pop-up!! Might make NCL also on Wed!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxxxxX

July 23rd: max 22C, min 12C, light E breeze, sunny throughout, dry. Updated Cumbria Honey-buzzard report with item from Birdwatch May 2020 on breeding in South Cumbria and Bucks report with firmer information on the significance of The Ridgeway for breeding and migrant Honey-buzzard. Will do Greater London over the weekend – promise! Major catch-up on records in improved circumstances. BirdTrack now allows you to input butterfly, orchid, reptile, amphibian records in addition to existing bird, dragonfly, mammal records. Marvellously convenient – will save a lot of time and improve accuracy of recording. So cleared many papers off desk, waiting for processing of butterflies and other taxa, by adding the records to BirdTrack, instead of to a myriad of other tools, including MapMate, spreadsheets or this NB. Moth recording has ceased for the moment to give more time for the book. Processed clip and piccies for Honey-buzzard at Barhaugh on 15/7; will submit results to BirdTrack tomorrow with copy to here; this is site no.7 in SW of study area for national survey; will visit site no.8 tomorrow. Bulb for fridge-freezer arrived on Monday and was fitted same day – it works! Putting Green Paint by Dulux arrived yesterday, having been taken in by neighbours; will touch up soon in dining room and front porch! Also arrived today was new book on migration strategy of raptors – very interesting and scholarly: Migration Strategies of Birds of Prey in Western Palearctic, edited By Michele Panuccio, Ugo Mellone, Nicolantonio Agostini, CRC Press 320pp (2022); cost was £68 from NHBS. A quick look suggests far more orderly movements by raptors than those assumed by my critics on the 2000 and 2008 movements in the UK, who are out of order I'm afraid with the continental consensus! Had good chat with N on Skype in morning and great dinner with D/D at DoW. At local site had a male Honey-buzzard up over Peth Foot at 12:40, floating, dived down very quickly in spectacular style. On drive back from Lamb Shield to Ordley at 23:00 had 2 Badger, 2 Fox, 1 Brown Hare, 1 Barn Owl. Funds finished the week -1k, a result not thought possible earlier in the week after miserable Monday. Sold another chunk of oil equity this morning in de-risking. MBS was +7k on week so largely offsetting actual losses in equities of 8k. On ytd funds are +468k gross (+37.9%), +451k net, with ftse 100 +7.6%. ftse 250 +13.7%. Was good yesterday: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 22nd: max 21C, min 16C, light NE breeze off North Sea, a grey day but remained dry; forecasters were wrong-footed by persistence of the low cloud. A great day out with all sorts of action. Made NCL from WYM, visiting Quayside, Wylam itself for check on local raptors on E side, G4g4s!! Kittiwake colony is thriving and 2 Common Buzzard and a Honey-buzzard were seen. Will report 2moro in more detail; was very moving: do realise may not go on much longer: quite poignant: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Count on Quayside was 7 bird-types: 1505 Kittiwake (955 birds on Newcastle side, 550 birds on Durham side; counts include fledged juvenile and the breeding adult), 76 Feral Pigeon, 48 Herring Gull (34 adult, 14 fledged juvenile on the river), 4 Black-headed Gull (3 adult, 1 juvenile), 4 LBBG adult, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Greenfinch. At Wylam from 15:10-18:05 raptors were scarce in grey weather but at site near Close House had a juvenile Common Buzzard from 16:15-16:20 close-up and an adult Common Buzzard hunting to N at 17:17. No sign of Honey-buzzard while sitting close to the site but while retreating at 17:11 caught a male out of the back door and soaring with some flapping in grey still conditions to height on NW side of site; it then drifted off to NE to forage; so that's another new site for year. Total at Wylam was 30 bird-types, including 4 Grey Heron, 7 Tree Sparrow (fledged here), 7 Goldfinch, 3 Sand Martin, 8 Swift, 3 Oystercatcher. An adult male Kestrel was hovering over Ovington turn-off from A69 at 18:15.

July 21st: max 25C, min 15C, light NE breeze, bright sunshine throughout, dry. Here's Black Kite cropped piccies at breeding site from earlier in the season: pair adult display 18/5 1  2, one adult up 25/5 3  4, one adult up repeatedly 7/6 5  6  7, one adult foraging over Tyne nearby 22/6 8  9. Suspect not everyone will be happy with the exciting Black Kite record; it's not in the south or East Anglia, which were more highly fancied for start of colonisation; it suggests that SW Northumberland does have special attractions for raptors. In the immediate area for the breeding Black Kite are 7 other species breeding: Red Kite, Common Buzzard, Honey-buzzard, Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Hobby. On the high moors of SW/W Northumberland we have breeding Merlin and Hen Harrier. In Kielder Forest we have breeding Osprey and Peregrine and on the coast we have Marsh Harrier. So that's 12 regular breeders for the County with occasional others such as Black Kite, Montagu's Harrier and historically the 2 eagles: Golden and White-tailed. Had nice evening g from 20:00-21:00 sitting outside at home, noting 6 Swift (2 pairs have bred at Lea Grange, raising 1 young each), 4 Swallow juvenile, juveniles of Robin, Blackbird, Dunnock. The Swift like hawking insects over my wild field. Earlier cleaner S came at 15:30 so decided to do a trip up the 'Shire looking for kite. Made King's Law from 15:25-16:15 where had 12 bird-types, including 2 Red Kite, an adult and juvenile, over a freshly-cut hay field from 15:45-16:13, plus 8 Common Gull adult, an anxious Red Grouse and a Meadow Pipit. Then onto Lilswood Grange where had another Red Kite, a juvenile, soaring high at 16:34 from a little to S of Burntshield Haugh. On the moorland around the Grange had 10 types of bird, including 7 Common Gull (6 adult, 1 1s), 1 Meadow Pipit, 6 Swallow (some juvenile), 1 House Martin. A male Honey-buzzard was floating over wood on moor to S of Harwood Shield Farm, near Riddlehamhope at 16:28, a new site for year but a regular one for the species, one of the highest in altitude in the study area at around 420m asl. Had a good chat with a couple from Skipton who had rented a cottage in the 'Shire: most peaceful place they know! Earlier made D4m4s with the IT gang; good social occasion and good food with 6 of us out! 2moro it's NCL from WYM on usual schedule!! Rebound in markets today put me into +ve territory on wtd. Hope it was good playing outside: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxxxxX

July 20th: max 25C, min 14C, light NW breeze changing to light E breeze in late afternoon, bright sunshine throughout, dry. Another great day in the field: out to the site in the E where there's the mixed pairing of Black Kite x Red Kite from 12:00-14:30, right across the warmest part of the day. From my regular vantage point saw 2 Honey-buzzard, female and male, up from the kite breeding-area, soaring above site and quickly coming down again; female: 12:36-12:37, 12:45, 12:51-12:56, male: 12:55 (pair up together), 13:01-13:02 with a Red Kite adult far to E at Bradley Hall at 12:22, circling low-down, and 4 Common Buzzard – adult + juvenile towards Bradley Hall 12:55, juvenile in local wood at 13:04-13:12 (perched and in flight) and juvenile W of Durham Riding at 13:36. The Honey-buzzard activity did rouse the Black Kite; the kite was up briefly 1  2 (protruding P5 in 2) with the female Honey-buzzard at 12:37, moving above her in an attempt to show territorial superiority. No other sightings of the local kite so decided to go for a walk around the wood, always a good tactic with raptors as their curiosity means that they like to get up and keep an eye on you! Made S extreme of wood and cut back on footpath, reaching a clearing and there way above me were adult Red Kite 3 and adult Black Kite 4 (blurred) slowly gliding overhead at 13:53-13:55. Got back to field and there at 14:11 through a gap in the trees could see a very weak-flying juvenile kite momentarily above the canopy before going down again. Have got one snap at range 5: the juvenile appears to have a Red Kite tail (red, long and thin, but fork not assessable), Black Kite wing shape (relatively broad, slightly protruding P5), Black Kite underwing (dark) and a mixture plumage-wise, being a dark ruddy-brown on what was viewed at the time and the piccie. Will obviously come back but great to see the progress! There were 19 bird types, including 6 Herring Gull adult and 3 Stock Dove, and 8 types of butterfly, including 20 Small Skipper. Have another possible Black Kite site to check (cold, no sightings to date) on Thursday from WYM on return from NCL. Friday will be out W again, when cooler, for Honey-buzzard survey. Have prepared cropped images of 9 piccies of Black Kite from the 'pure' site: Black Kite records in 2021 at site in SW Northumberland, England, where newly-fledged juvenile seen on 18/7: pair adult display 18/5, one adult up 25/5, one adult up repeatedly 7/6, one adult foraging over Tyne nearby 22/6, to be published tomorrow.

Got back to N4c4ll where ignored a conspicuous notice on mask wearing; Iceland was what I'd hoped for: staff humanised, most not wearing masks, and about half the customers, including me, not wearing them; enjoyed solidarity with the checkout-lass! C are easing up on masks so might return: a wink from someone!! Markets yesterday had their worst day for months so funds -11k as it stands but could have been far worse if had not reduced exposure to risk assets and increased bond holdings. Reasons for fall were worries about a Covid resurgence and high inflation; recent falls in commodity prices should stop inflation getting out of hand. Haven't sold any more equities as think price level is now low with upside potential. 2moro it's Danielle's for lunch for 6 – a feast for the IT gang! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 19th: max 24C, min 14C, light N breeze, bright sunshine after grey start, dry. Completed documentation of juvenile Black Kite, as below, with submission to BirdTrack and publicity on Twitter. Freedom day went well: no mask on me in newsagents (happy for trade), Nero (whatever customer feels comfortable with), Globe (order at bar, move round with no mask). Iceland looks OK for shopping, no checking there. Met P/A at G4g4s for good chat, hearing about their recent short cruise and trip to Isle of Man respectively; charming M was on after her isolation in the pingdemic! Lloyds Bank was closed because of the pingdemic and Barclays appeared to have a very convoluted system just to get in, judging by the mingling crowd outside. Concerned at number of people still wearing masks outside: it's pointless. So a positive day I feel – masks are so dehumanising and the great majority, even kept clean, are of marginal benefit in stopping the spread of viruses; dirty masks are a health hazard. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 18th: max 24C, min 14C, light breeze, bright sunshine until ttime when cloud moved in from NE, dry. Eureka!! Today Black Kite proven to breed in SW Northumberland with freshly-fledged juvenile out on the branches late afternoon, mobbed by a Kestrel from time to time. Here's a short clip of the juvenile, mobbed by the Kestrel, which had family in the area, probably 2 adult + 2 juvenile. The Black Kite occupied several different perches at 16:34-16:36, 17:15-17:30 and 17:40-17:41, not far apart in distance, under pressure from the Kestrel. It perched right out in the open, giving good chance for photographs. It was a jaunty, cocky bird, seemingly undaunted by its new surroundings. It was keen on facing SE, so maybe its parents bring in food from the Merryshields GP/River Tyne area. Last year had a mixed Black Kite x Red Kite pair, fledging one young; this year that mixed pair is still ongoing but at today's site, studied since the spring, both adults were Black Kite. This could be first confirmed breeding in the UK but sure they bred last year somewhere N of the 'Shire as had 2 juvenile moving SW on 20/8 at Ordley. Numbers recorded in UK are increasing rapidly and now go right through the breeding season. Here are some cropped stills of the perched juvenile 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14. This bird will be off to Africa in a few weeks.

3 shows the pale head with dark line across it and closely barred tail, 6 shows dark mask on white head, 8 shows forked tail with T6 (outermost left-hand tail feather) longer than T5, which is in turn longer than T4, 10 shows the finely barred tail with 7 bars on exposed part and paler endings than in adults (Cieślak & Dal (2006 p.77)) say 9-11 bars on whole of tail), 13 shows square tail when spread. As this a very young bird, proportional feather sizes have to be taken with some caution. This bird will be off to Africa in a few weeks.

Black Kite was the commonest raptor in my recent trip to East Africa. Also had a Common Buzzard adult soaring high to E of Cottagebank at 17:01 plus 2 (adult and juvenile) Common Buzzard up at 16:15 to W of Peepy. Total for birds in visit from 15:40-18:00 was 14 types. Mammals comprised 6 Brown Hare, 2 Rabbit. Skipped the G tonite, fed up with lack of mates! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Here are the Honey-buzzard piccies from yesterday, all cropped: male 1  2  3  4  5, female 6  7  8 (11030). xx

July 17th: max 26C, min 17C, light W breeze, bright sunshine virtually all day, dry, hottest day of the year so far. Big day for catching up on records, recording all except Barhaugh Hall on 15/7. Also updated Bucks Honey-buzzard with findings from their 2008 report: very interesting as don't think they've seen any migrants but they have found a few breeding sites; see Buckinghamshire; still waiting for their atlas and the 2019 report. Will get on with Greater London. Ordered a new bulb for the Bosch fridge-freezer and some Dulux putting green paint to do some touching up of existing paintwork on walls, both on Ebay, and sent a birthday card to younger sister by Moonpig. Went to W4bigshop spending £67 with a few erratic items on the list, like dishwasher tablets; checkout lass was very chatty! Did get out for a study of the local site as wanted to play with a few settings on the Nikon P1000 camera. The bird pre-program is great for perched birds but maybe not so ideal for flying birds. So tried A setting (aperture priority) and upped ISO from 100 to 400. Obligingly both male and female Honey-buzzard did appear and at 1.5km range got some sharp shots at around aperture F6 and shutter speed 1/2500 second with ISO 400. Light of course was very good. Still need to reference focus and exposure on a large dark object as near the bird as possible, by half-depressing the shutter. Saturation drops a bit with the higher ISO and shorter shutter speed but structure is captured very well. Will publish the results! Details of the sightings: the male Honey-buzzard was seen at 17:14 floating over a field c1km to E of site; he lost height for 0.5km approaching the site still in view and then dropped below the canopy for the final approach. He was up at 17:33 again to the S of the site, moving to moderate height before coming back into the nesting area; at 17:38 the female appeared climbing quickly to S of site and then appeared to go off to hunt; so it looks as if the female had called the male back and decided it was her turn to forage! (11030). also see were 2 Stock Dove, 1 House Sparrow visiting a nest-hole, 4 Black-headed Gull juvenile, 1 Swift visiting nest next door. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

The June 2021 climate anomaly shows -0.01C over the 1991-2020 average; the global summary from the satellite readings is shown on this map at Obvious are the hot areas over NW USA and over Scandinavia and NW Russia but all were counterbalanced by a very cold Antarctica and adjacent areas in the Southern Hemisphere. Indeed it's been exceptionally cold in Namibia (-10C) and Botswana (-7.7C) and you do wonder whether the recent troubles in South Africa are linked to the cold there. Down to -15C is the forecast for South Africa over the next few days and recently Cape Town and Port Elisabeth have been in the +2-3C range Whatever, the climate change fanatics go from one area of the globe to another, picking the cases that might support their arguments and ignoring those that don't, such as the freeze in southern Africa. San Francisco is now cooler than the 'Shire and Los Angeles the same as London but that's of course not news! The map at is accompanied by a plot of the anomalies from 1978-2021. You can see that the trend has roughly been from -0.2C to +0.2C over 43 years, that's about +0.1C a decade or +1C a century, something for which we should be planning carefully; certainly not running around like headless chickens preaching doom; our children have a future. A moderate La Niña effect this winter, as now confidently predicted, is going to depress world surface temperatures a little more. So expect the climate change disciples to continue focussing on dramatic weather events rather than on the underlying scientifically-derived temperature averages. Heat islands in cities due to the masses of concrete involved are another complication in measuring temperatures reliably We need to redesign cities to include many more green spaces, particularly woods, to improve life for the residents.

July 16th: max 24C, min 12C, light NW breeze, bright sunshine virtually all day, dry. Relaxing in the sun! Had Skype session 100 min with N/D from 10:00-11:30, made N4c4l sitting outside, noticed a little temptation, cut a lot of grass late afternoon and made DoW4g4s with D/D. DoW was very friendly, 2 of the staff there N/K were stalwarts in the W so we do know some of the staff already. Our Tory MP GO used to be a regular but he's now moved to Broomley so only seen rarely now. No progress on records today, will do better 2moro! Next week got 2 meals: D4m4l on Wednesday with the IT gang and DoW4m4s on Friday with D/D to celebrate their birthdays. So may be NCL on Thursday, might suit!! Panic is setting in on Covid cases; does the UK really have the second highest total in world, just beaten by Indonesia. Would like to know: how many cases are serious, mild or asymptomatic? What are the age ranges for current infections? How many hospitalisations are of people who caught Covid while in hospital for something else? How many people are leaving hospital each day? What is the total number of cases for fully vaccinated people and are they asymptomatic or suffering mild or serious disease? Without this breakdown the cases are just being used as a technique to maximise fear. Well certainly some panic in stocks, and had fall of 13k in past week leaving gain ytd at +469k (+38.0%) gross, +452k net, with ftse 100 +7.3%, ftse 250 + 11.7%. Bonds held up with MBS +2k and others rising a little. Sold some more oil stocks, most at good profit, and am reinvesting 50% of proceeds in bonds. LNER evidently still want their customers to wear masks, presumably because of Scottish connections, so reviewing trip to Devon. Looking forward to the pop-ups!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Had single Tawny Owl calling at Dipton Wood N and Lamb Shield on way home around 23:00.

July 15th: max 21C, min 12C, light NE breeze, bright sunshine virtually all day, dry. Magnificent weather, had long trip out in SW of County in Alston area, leaving house at 12:10 and getting home at 20:15, so fieldwork predominated today. Had 5 types of raptor including Honey-buzzard. Off to G4g4s straight after supper so no time to analyse further; was an interesting nite!! 2moro it's the other W, in Newton, with D/D. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Had 8 bird species on Whitfield Moor (Ouston area) from 12:45-13:20 and 19:00-19:30 getting 8 types: 16 Meadow Pipit (with fledged young), 2 LBBG adult (circling over Willyshaw Moss), a female Kestrel (carrying food off moor at 12:51 and 13:12), 2 Curlew, 1 Crow, 8 Woodpigeon, 1 Jackdaw, 1 Stonechat juvenile (perched up on young Sitka Spruce). Stopped at Gilderdale Bridge from 13:40-14:05 and 18:20-1845, getting 11 types: 1 Red Kite juvenile (juvenile up soaring weakly on W side at 13:48), 2 Common Buzzard (single adult up on W side at 13:44 and 18:40), 1 adult male Goshawk (up high over Kirkside, in vigorous flight at 13:40), 3 Feral Pigeon, 1 Stock Dove, 9 Woodpigeon, 7 Jackdaw, 1 Crow, 14 Swallow, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Goldfinch. Main part of trip was at Williamston S/Barhaugh from 14:05-18:20. In the Barhaugh area while watching local site had a male Honey-buzzard appearing to come into the site at 15:15 (cropped stills 1  2  3) but then backing off and disappearing into a copse to E. At 15:28 the female Honey-buzzard came out of the site, did a quick low circuit and returned to presumed nesting area. At 15:33 had a few sharp calls from the female, obviously not happy at my presence; a clip was taken of the nest site. Having walked on a little to S, the male was seen in a rapid glide from the moor to the SE, descending rapidly into valley, with alarm calls from Curlew, and then making final approach to nesting area at canopy level; here's a clip and some derived stills 1  2  3  4  5 (11035). Breeding was confirmed at Barhaugh for Common Buzzard with a juvenile flushed at close range and flying into a tree where quite visible from 16:46-16:51, with an adult seen at 16:18. An adult male Kestrel was up high at 17:08 over Williamston S. Total for bird-types in Barhaugh was 28, including Lapwing 3, Curlew 6, Oystercatcher 2, Swallow 11, Long-tailed Tit 20, Chiffchaff 3, Spotted Flycatcher 2, Pied Wagtail 3; also had 2 mammals: Rabbit 4, Brown Hare 1; 1 dragonfly: Common Darter; 4 butterfly. Total for trip was 34 species of bird.

July 14th: max 21C, min 14C, light W breeze, bright sunshine in home area all day, dry, bit cloudier in the E. Buckinghamshire bird reports for 2000 and 2008 arrived and have been through the 2000 one, extracting the large number of records in that significant year for national Honey-buzzard migration; also found more details of the suspected breeding record for that year. Did make NCL, the young are fledging at the Kittiwake colony, practising flapping their wings on the ledges, all set for take-off – exciting! Working on some slides for a Zoom-based conference at Katowice, Poland, for early August with Mike: Formal Order and the ‘Loveliness’ of Nature. Granddaughters are staying then, maybe they can give the paper! They like drawing: it's innate! Conference is Sixth Summer School in Process Thought 2021 and we're in a Panel on "Education and Natural Sciences and Mathematics” on 6/8 S restored place to some semblance of order; gave her a bit extra at £60 for more trouble needed after 3 weeks away! Drinks at W on Friday evening has been cancelled by them as most staff self-isolating; think the whole country will be self-isolating soon. Test and trace should be closed down now; it's mainly picking up asymptomatic cases or false positives, then forcing people who've been alerted, to self-isolate. Mortality this year is below the 10-year average, not what you expect in a pandemic. Delighted with the gorgeous one: some challenges today: all overcome: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Total at Quayside was 8 bird-types, comprising: 1200 Kittiwake (770 birds on Newcastle side, 430 birds on Gateshead side. Count includes some fledged juveniles, ready for first flight so count of adults will be less), 34 Herring Gull adult, 7 LBBG adult, 23 Black-headed Gull adult, 69 Feral Pigeon, 1 Woodpigeon, 2 Crow (adult and juvenile), 2 Mute Swan adult.

July 13th: max 21C, min 13C, light NE breeze, gloomy start but bright and sunny in afternoon and early evening, dry. Didn't expect the weather to improve so quickly with leisurely N4c4ll and more active grass cutting, including smashing up debris, under the cleared area where extensive overhanging branches of crab apple removed. But from 16:10-16:50 studied local Honey-buzzard site and pleased to see male coming in to site from SE from 16:27-16:28, floating, disappearing into the canopy with 400m to go to do the remaining distance under cover. The female came out from 16:32-16:34 soaring to moderate height and then repeating the male's line of travel back into the site; think she was just exercising as cannot have caught anything in that activity. Also had a Common Buzzard adult up over Peth Foot at 16:32 and a pair of Common Buzzard adult up over Slaley Forest NW at 16:44. The Swift is still nesting in neighbour's eaves with 2 birds in area, along with 6 Swallow in family group and a Sand Martin, rare around here. A Raven was flying E over Slaley Forest Dukesfield at 16:42. Gulls on a nearby field comprised 15 Black-headed Gull (10 adult, 5 juvenile) and 2 Common Gull (adult, 1s). So very active spell – nothing like weather clearing! At Hexham 2 days ago over Fore Street had a family group of 4 Oystercatcher right over centre of town; they've bred on nearby roofs. Funds were down 2k on wtd with MBS rise slowing down as expected, while details of what the court win means for MBS's finances is reckoned, including determination and award of costs and whether PIBS interest can be afforded. Taking a position that oil development will start on the Falkland Islands, buying shares in 3 companies. 2moro cleaner S is back, marvellous, and will make NCL, also marvellous!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Latest results for National Honey-buzzard survey from 8/7, posted on home page at

  1. Lower South Tyne, Greenshaw Plain

    1. 08/07/21: female in, followed by male out, 1 sample still female 1 , watch 15:45-17:55

  2. Lower South Tyne, Allerwash

    1. 08/07/21: male out from site, 1 sample still 1 , watch 15:45-17:55

July 12th: max 16C, min 14C, light NE breeze, gloomy all day with spells of heavy rain. Took poor weather as motivation for catch-up on bookwork, processing the piccies from Warden on 8/7, moving the videos on Sperm Whale in the Azores in 2017 to vimeo, producing video from Bledlow in Chilterns on 09/09.2007 (290) and posting on vimeo, adding same video to Bucks Honey-buzzard page, creating Greater London Honey-buzzard page (next up!). So busy day, not out into Hexham except for G4g4s where no mates out; think they might have seen the BBC local news, which did its best to play up the horrors of Covid. Pleased to hear from someone!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!

July 11th: max 19C, min 14C, light SSW breeze becoming light SE in evening, bright and sunny morning followed by gloomy conditions with spells of heavy rain. The weather pattern was complicated after noon with a northward band of heavy showers running up the Pennines and extending a little to the E for a while but not forecast to reach Newcastle. So determined to get out, left house at 11:20 in bright sunshine but with massive cloud building to W. By time I got to Dilston on edge of 'Shire it had started raining but pressed on to Bywell where it was sunny for about an hour before the rain arrived. Left there and moved further E again to Prudhoe but here only had 10 min before the rain arrived. The good thing is that the raptors were active: it was the midday soar and they could see the need to hunt before the rain arrived. So at Bywell Cottagebank from 11:40-13:05 had 2 Honey-buzzard up, male at 12:05 hanging over site to S almost stationary for a while before returning N, and female, up briefly at 12:34 clearly looking out for mate, 2 Common Buzzard adult clearly with young in the trees up regularly from 12:05-12:16, a Kestrel male hunting vigorously at 12:25 and a Hobby male coming in from the E as the rain started at 12:21. So that was 4 types. When I left I was soaked but went on to Prudhoe Dukeshagg from 13:15-13:40 where had a Black Kite returning to its nesting area in flap-flap-glide mode as the rain arrived at 13:30 (no piccies unfortunately). I stayed another 40 min, sitting in the car, to see if it would clear but it didn't so back to Hexham, where it was now just overcast, to N4c4t. Total for trip was 15 bird-types at Bywell and 16 overall; a Weasel was hunting at Bywell. The dogs were amusing in Prudhoe: one reluctant dog came back twice on its own and tried to get into the owner's car but he insisted on the walk putting it on a lead in the end; another looked at its owner as if to say 'are we really going to do this?'. A few were more loyal and obedient! I think the British in general are more relaxed about rain than they used to be. Had another Kestrel, a female, on the A69 above Corbridge on drive back, giving total of 8 raptors of 5 types so quite successful really. Have ordered Bucks bird reports for years 2000, 2008 and 2019; first 2 are national 'hot' migration years for Honey-buzzard and 2019 is last to be published, cost £13 including p&p. Will be in G 2moro and NCL on Wed. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Wrapped up spring migration totals for Honey-buzzard on BirdGuides, closing on 19/6. Total for 2021 is 94, compared to 103 in 2020, 83 in 2019, 107 in 2018 and 94 in 2017 so surprisingly constant over the 5 years, suggesting that the birds counted are UK breeding birds, rather than strays from the continent, which would show much more variation in the counts according to the prevailing weather conditions. The big question is what proportion of the population is seen on migration by birdwatchers. I reckon 5-10%, far less than for say Osprey, which frequent estuaries and lakes, popular haunts for birders. Very few birders frequent woodland and farmland so much less chance of Honey-buzzard being spotted. So we're looking at very roughly 1,000-2,000 birds, that's 500-1,000 pairs, for the UK.

July 10th: max 19C, min 13C, light SE breeze, overcast, almost gloomy, little brighter at times when muggy, dry. Progress on book with Bucks Honey-buzzard draft in publishable form as below, from Home Page:

4th July 2021: Added Honey-buzzard map for south-east England from own sightings (Honey-buzzard in Buckinghamshire).

10th July 2021: Updated page for Buckinghamshire with full records from visits in 2007-2019 (Honey-buzzard in Buckinghamshire).

Was in Washington DC from 16:00-18:00 to join a Zoom presentation from the Cobb Institute, named in honour of its founder John Cobb, which promotes a process-relational way of understanding and living in the world:

This is a reminder about tomorrow morning's conversation with Tim Eastman about Untying the Gordian Knot. Once again, Matt Segall will be our MC and facilitator. The main focus for this session be the second chapter of the book. After a brief review of the chapter by Tim, Michael Epperson, Randall Auxier, and Elias Zafiris will offer responses. The four of them will then have a brief discussion, and after that you'll be able to share your comments, questions, and insights.

They were discussing Chapter 2 of Tim's book, in which we get about ½ a page of favourable review for our category theory approach. Tim did mention us verbally, again supporting our approach, a view which was not shared by all commentators! Mike was there as well, on Zoom. No fieldwork today but should be out tomorrow for the midday soar. Only out to W4bigshop spending £59; think prices have stabilised. Did buy FT, confirming that reflation trade is overdone and bonds are making a comeback; have already taken some action on that but will encourage current strategy for equities, which is profit taking, when the opportunity arises, and reinvestment of 40% of the proceeds in bonds. Not out 2moro nite: there's a certain football match on and you need to book your place for hours to get a seat! Cleaner S is fit again, coming next week – what a relief! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 9th: max 18C, min 13C, light W breeze, overcast, almost dry, a few spots of rain from time to time. Packed social day, well timed with weather rather gloomy. Skype session was interesting, trying to find out when they are coming out again, maybe never, c20% of the country feels that way evidently! T4m4l went well with good chat over quiche and salad; Tans is attracting young Vegans and Vegetarians for take-away, through social media publicity, very welcome! W4g4s was gr8 for chat with D/D, who continue to be enthusiastic about going out! Daughter's family is in Crete for a week: here's piccies of elder and younger granddaughters settling in. Son is house-sitting for them, looking after cat and dog. Short of sleep last night with duration from 02:30-08:30, so had 90 min sleep this afternoon for catch-up! Funds were up +23k on week, giving +483k on ytd gross (+39.1%) and +466k net, with ftse 100 +9.0% and ftse 250 +13.8%. MBS were up 29k so other investments fell 6k, mainly on shaky Thursday when ftse 100 down over 2%. Had sold over 100k of oil stocks earlier in the week, as too overweight in the sector, putting 34k into bonds and holding 55k in cash; still have plenty left. Stopped in Dipton Wood, middle section, on way back from pub at 22:40-23:00, getting 3+ Tawny Owl, family group, plus a churring Nightjar, and a Roe Deer. At Lamb Shield at 23:10 had a Badger to add to a Weasel yesterday. A dead Stoat was on the road at Loughbrow 2 days ago. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 8th: max 19C, min 11C, light to moderate W breeze, sunny periods, dry. Good weather for raptors and got out for the 4 o'clock soar from 15:45-17:55 in optimistic mood to Warden in lower South Tyne. This was certainly justified with 4 Common Buzzard at 3 sites, a Kestrel, a Red Kite and 3 Honey-buzzard at 2 sites. So that's 2 more sites added to the National Honey-buzzard Survey. In more detail the Red Kite was up hunting over W side of Warden Hill at 16:17 and 16:44; the Kestrel was a male up over Warden Hill hunting at 16:00; the Common Buzzard comprised a pair up at Warden Hill from 16:02-16:10, one of which was carrying a dead Rook, presumably to try and tempt the young in the air, a ploy they resisted; further sightings were 1 over the Greenshaw Plain Honey-buzzard site at 16:32 and another up in the Allerwash area at 16:58. At the Greenshaw Plain site at 16:44 the female Honey-buzzard was seen returning from the SW floating quite low-down 1  2  3, before dropping c200m from the nesting area and moving into the canopy to escape being visible; the male came out of this site at 17:10, drifting to SW and again keeping low, moving 0.5km before being lost to sight 4  5  6; so some alternation of duty here (11020). At the Allerwash site the male was seen at 16:35 coming out of the wood and circling low-down for a while before soaring to considerable height before gliding off NE to feed; not long after at 16:46 he was spotted moving E 1 towards the South Tyne river, when lost to sight (11021). Single cropped images are here for Allerwash 2 and Greenshaw Plain 7. Total for trip was 25 bird-types, including 62 Sand Martin (some nesting in bank), 7 Oystercatcher (including fledged young), 12 Black-headed Gull (9 adult, 3 juvenile), 1 juvenile Skylark, 2 juvenile Grey Wagtail, 1+ fledged Bullfinch. Earlier made Salute with the R family for lunch (A/A/A!), all very good, had a Niçoise salade as meal, which was so tasty and nutritious, full of tuna, anchovy, egg and salad, with a bit of red wine to wash it down. We're meeting again with the rest of the gang at D on 21/7 for lunch. Much later made G4g4s with R/P/A for good crack! 2moro have N/D on Skype at 10:00, T4m4l with M at noon and W4g4s with D/D in evening – busy social life! Yesterday was gr8: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Following climate/weather trends with great interest. The extreme warmth in parts of the Northern Hemisphere is being counterbalanced by extreme cold in the Southern Hemisphere so, for the planet as a whole, June 2021 returned another small negative temperature anomaly of -0.01 deg C Warming continues at 0.14 deg C per decade, certainly of concern but hardly an emergency. ENSO-neutral is favoured through the Northern Hemisphere summer, with chances of La Niña increasing into the fall and winter 2021-22; see slide 23 in La Niña is particularly associated with dry weather in western North America so a worrying forecast for them. World temperatures appear to decline in La Niña periods and appear to rise in El Nino spells, giving rise to much debate about underlying trends!

July 7th: max 19C, min 12C, light W breeze, sunny intervals, dry! Added Towsbank, Lambley, Coanwood Pond, Hargill House, Whitfield Moor on 1/7 to BirdTrack, 45 records, 36 species for the day, including 8 types of bird of prey with Short-eared Owl to add to 7 diurnal raptors found in the afternoon. Booked up for all 4 operas with ON at Theatre Royal, NCL – Carmen, Alcina, Rigoletto (Verdi) and Trouble in Tahiti/ West Side Story (Bernstein) – for £170 in Upper Circle in November/March; seeing some operas twice, in LDS/NCL, but it's been so long, will be a pleasure! Loved trip to NCL – very sensuous, quite gorgeous in fact – lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Will come again!! xx

Birds comprised a Nuthatch and a singing Blackcap at Riding Mill, a family party of 7 Mute Swan, including 5 medium-sized chicks at Merryshields GP, a Canada Goose family party on Tyne of 2 adult and 7 just-fledged juvenile, 10 Sand Martin at Wylam including some young on the wing. At Quayside 1490 Kittiwake adult were present, 960 on Newcastle side, 530 on Gateshead side; some chicks were visible but not counted. 20 Herring Gull (all adult) and 8 LBBG (all adult) were noted as well as 1 Black-headed Gull adult. Other birds were Feral Pigeon 38, Woodpigeon 3, Mute Swan 2 adult, Magpie 1, for total of 8 bird-types.

July 6th: max 14C, min 11C, moderate SW breeze, heavy rain early on followed by light rain for rest of day, dreadful weather! Have completed processing upper South Tyne piccies for Honey-buzzard from 1/7, as below, copied from home page section on National Survey:

  1. Upper South Tyne, Towsbank

    1. 01/07/21: female (thought to be 3cy) over field near site, 2 sample stills 1  2, watch 15:05-18:15

  2. Upper South Tyne, Lambley

    1. 01/07/21: male over area in contention with Common Buzzard, 4 sample stills 1  2  3  4, watch 15:05-18:15

Had hair cut at JG with Jd in morning, all very chatty, informal and efficient! Cost £25 including £5.50 tip. Was notified by email that I've 'Attended & Completed your National Speed Awareness Course', so good news. Attended last Zoom presentation from Opera North from 19:00-20:00 on The Orchestra & Chorus of Opera North: A Year in the Life with Orchestra & Chorus Director Phil Boughton and Chorus Master Oliver Rundell as chairs of this event, assisted by Andrew Mason (clarinet), Catherine Landen (first violin), Paul Gibson (bass), Victoria Sharp (soprano). All very interesting on how they've coped/adapted to Covid since March 2020 with some clips of their achievements. It was a webinar so could relax with a beer and a packet of crisps! Will add Towsbank and Coanwood Pond records to BirdTrack tomorrow so ready for next field trip in SW on Thursday afternoon, not so far this time. Funds are +15k on wtd, almost entirely due to further rise in MBS, after withdrawal 1k for RNS made last week. Sold 50k of oil stocks this afternoon of which 20k will go into bonds. RDM-NCL 2moro!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

July 5th: max 18C, min 13C, light E breeze becoming W, some rain in morning followed by bright afternoon and evening as wind moved W. Speed Awareness Course on Zoom was lively with just 7 attendees, think there should have been 10. We were individually asked questions frequently on matters such as what does this road layout mean, what would you do in this situation, how can you improve your driving, so close attention required. Did learn a lot and enjoyed teaching style of our trainer G. I was furthest N at Hexham in the clientèle and clearly the oldest; if you couldn't handle Zoom, including frequent muting and un-muting and having the right installation, then you would have to pay the fine of £100, take 3 points on your licence and face increased insurance premiums; not actively participating or turning off your audio/video would also lead to failure. As it is paid £73 for the course but no conviction, no points or elevated insurance. If you have another offence within 3 years of original, you must take the fine and points for the new offence, so am being careful! They were very keen on you not taking any shots of the screen; anything found on social media would lead to a police report. As drove into Hexham after the course at 16:00 saw the male Honey-buzzard from the local site up to NE of nesting area, circling over the Devil's Water below, looking for foraging opportunities. Made N4c4t for good break! Caught up with recent records added to BirdTrack, except for important ones from Towsbank trip which will add tomorrow (in the rain). OPEC+ talks broke down with Saudi and UAE at loggerheads. But it's not the tragedy that you might expect; the whole deal including plans to significantly increase production is now put on ice so markets will tighten further; you do wonder whether they've not done the breakdown deliberately so as to benefit from still higher oil prices; PoO Brent is over $77 a barrel by this evening. Made G4g4s where good to have M on and 4 of us out, so with P/A/A for good crack! Hope the gorgeous one is back and it all went well, sure it did: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 4th: max 20C, min 13C, light E breeze, torrential downpours from time to time, few sunny intervals, close. Not the sort of weather for raptors soaring with swirling low cloud and flash bursts of rain and the odd thunder clap. Found an interesting website on twilight, with definitions of Civil – sun is 6 degrees below horizon; Nautical – sun is 12 degrees below horizon; Astronomical – sun is 18 degrees below horizon. So on our Solstice day in Newcastle (21/6), Civil Twilight runs from 03:59-22:28, Nautical from 02:37-23:51. and Astronomical runs all day and night. Nautical twilight gives a good measure of when there's a bright glow in the sky, indicating that real darkness only occurs from 23:51-02:37, which fits in with my subjective impression. On 26/7 astronomical twilight becomes less than the whole day and night, marking perhaps the time when the days do appear to be shortening. No fieldwork today as too close, except a quick scan at 12:30 from Ordley, seeing a Nuthatch, 18 adult Black-headed Gull, 4 Common Gull (1 adult, 3 1s), 1 adult LBBG. Did a lot more cutting on the crab apples, just one more session needed, gr8 exercise! Further processing was done of Bucks data, going back to 2013 with just 1 year to go (2007). Have Speed Awareness Course tomorrow from 13:00-15:30 on Zoom from Stanley, cost £73, resulting from 37 mph in 30 limit on 9/5 in Corbridge Road, Hexham; will be on my best behaviour! Haircut on Tuesday with Jd and maybe into NCL on Wednesday. Today made G4g4s but no mates out; let's get life back to normal but all was not lost!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxx

Have added feelings on the last RNS concert on 25/6; basically it was brilliant: good for Beethoven, who is a * composer!! Booked up for 3 operas in Leeds for Parsifal (Wagner), Carmen (Bizet) and Alcina (Handel); really wanted to guarantee the Parsifal but needed to book a package of 3. Total was £130.25. Also going to book up tomorrow with Theatre Royal, Newcastle, for the 4 shows, including Carmen, Alcina, Rigoletto (Verdi) and Trouble in Tahiti/ West Side Story (Bernstein). Will be interested to see how the Leeds/ Newcastle experiences compare. Parsifal may of course be performed at the Sage but no guarantee of that yet; if it is, I'll see it twice! Became a friend of the Theatre Royal for £45.

July 3rd: max 17C, min 13C, light E breeze, persistent rain, becoming heavier late afternoon, dull. Only trip out today was W4bigshop, spending £47.50 b4 discount of £3. Did some major work on Honey-buzzard, adding records to database from Allen trip last Sunday to the Staward area and preparing some multimedia from trips to Bucks in 2014. Still some more to do in both areas: Honey-buzzard records from last Thursday at Towsbank and some clips of juvenile Honey-buzzard calls in the Chilterns in September 2014. Must remember to order some literature 2moro from Bucks Bird Club. Have booked flights with BA from NCL-GIB, changing at LHR, for 4/9-18/9 so I can check on departing Honey-buzzard from my study area, cost £260. Hotels are scarce and expensive so leaving booking a bit in case Spain opens up some more and people relocate! Good luck 2moro: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 2nd: max 17C, min 12C, light E breeze, patchy light rain early afternoon, muggy, clear by evening. 11 days post-Solstice: sunrise 04:35, sunset 21:50, day length 17 hours 15 min. So day length -7 min, of which 6 at dawn, 1 at dusk. Very strong glow tonite in NE sky at 02:00. Had good chat with N/D on Skype from 10:00-11:45 in morning, made N4c4t in afternoon and W4g4s with D/D in evening for good catch-up. Stopped off at Dipton Wood N from 22:25-22:50 and had, in beautiful evening, a family party of 4 Tawny Owl, 3 roding Woodcock and a churring Nightjar. Updating Bucks page with multimedia from my own observations, including habitat shots.

Here's update on garden in piccies from 29/6: 10 Northern Marsh Orchid 1  2  3  4  5  6, Cowslip seeding 7, grass jungle (field, crazy for a hay fever sufferer!) 8, Crab Apple hand-sawn branch, the cut 9 and the disconnected branch 10. Note the busy moles!

Funds had a good week after a shaky start with gain 15k, of which 9k MBS, returning ytd gain of +459k gross (+37.2%), +443k net after withdrawals, with ftse 100 ytd +9.1%, ftse 250 +13.1%. Continued gain in MBS suggests that interest payments are being restarted, giving me 29.14k income a year; such income is liable to tax but over half is in tax exempt ISA and SIPP accounts and can offset some in unsheltered accounts by increasing gifts. Oil stocks are still lagging PoO which finished around $76 a barrel of Brent, after OPEC+ is dragging its heels on increasing production to meet surging demand; since £ is now sliding a little, petrol prices will be rising and natural-gas prices are going through the roof as renewable energy cannot cope. Covid is now just one of 30 endemic respiratory diseases, certainly unpleasant but nothing justifying the extreme restrictions we're still under. I'm increasingly not wearing a mask indoors away from home as it's useless health-wise and a symbol of serfdom! Still in auction market, buying a dognose Ag rattail spoon 1705 (Queen Anne) for £190 on Ebay. Hope concert prep is going well: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

July 1st: max 19C, min 10C, light E breeze, bright sunshine all day, beautiful weather continues. Did day 2 in SW for National Honey-buzzard Survey, visiting from 15:05-18:15, Towsbank, occupied since 1993 and 1st site in county where species noted. Had one Honey-buzzard close to the nest site and another one at site to N, 2 Red Kite at 2 sites at Towsbank N at 17:17 in contention with Common Buzzard and soaring at Snope Burn at 15:05 on arrival, 4 Common Buzzard at 3 sites and a Sparrowhawk male at 17:27 at Towsbank middle in junky mode. In more detail at Towsbank 1  2 had a female Honey-buzzard at 15:36 c200m from the nest flying out to N over a field from the River South Tyne area and returning quickly to the river area on my S side 1  2 with cropped versions here 1  2 (11010). This bird is interesting in that it has some immature features: a pale cere, a dark eye, and a significant dark area on the wing-tip but has adult-type barring on the remiges and tail, adult tail-shape with rounded corners, and long tail as in adult. It is growing P4 on its right wing. The Kestrel-style mantle colour is fairly common in the study area's Honey-buzzard in both male and female adults with ruddy juveniles tending to show a darker red-brown. I've assigned it as a 3cy female, and will be interested in what turns up on the next visit; in particular is this a breeding female or an extra bird in the territory? The second Honey-buzzard was up from 16:18-16:26 at Lambley to the N 1  2, where a male was up in contention with a Common Buzzard. Here's some piccies 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 with cropped versions here of 1-4 as 1  2  3  4 (11011). This is a typical slender adult male with a dark grey mantle colour, long, narrow tail and long wings, pinched in at base and bulging in the middle. Great day out, South Tyne is so wild and beautiful. Humour is good as well as on this sign 1. Total for this part of trip was 31 bird-types, including a Pheasant female with 4 chicks, 10 Swift with 1 occupying a nest, 4 Oystercatcher as a family group, 4 Lapwing with 1 NE and 3 breeding, 1 singing Curlew, 1 Common Sandpiper on the riverbed, 10 Swallow with 1 at an occupied nest, 4 Chiffchaff in a family group, a Treecreeper, 4 Song Thrush including a juvenile, 4 Spotted Flycatcher (2 pairs: 1 in Eals village carrying food, 1 in Towsbank by South Tyne), 23 House Sparrow, 2 Siskin.

On way home stopped at Coanwood Pond for check from 18:15-18:40, seeing 45 Greylag Goose (2 broods of 2 and 3 almost-fully grown juveniles among the flock), 17 Mallard, 6 Wigeon (group of six, comprising 2 adult female and 4 almost fully-grown juvenile, so looks like 2 pairs bred here raising 2+2 or 3+1), 7 Oystercatcher and 5 Curlew both comprised young and there was also a flock of 15 Lapwing. Small numbers of Black-headed Gull attempt to breed here most years so the 1 juvenile is considered to be locally bred; 4 adult were present. Passerines included a family party of 6 Goldfinch and 2 Sedge Warbler. Total at the Pond, in a casual count, was 9 types. A loose flock of 60 Curlew was on cut hayfield at Hargill House at 19:00. A Short-eared Owl was flying low over moorland at Agarshill Fell, Whitfield Moor, at 19:10

Earlier it was parcel day, receiving from Royal Mail 2 pieces of George I Ag, mote spoon and tablespoon, marked c1722 and 1717 respectively, cost £187.33 from auction run by Ag Spoon Club, plus Kent Bird Report for 2018. Was assured that DPD were delivering the European Bird Breeding Atlas 2 (cost £77 including £8 postage) from 12.26-13.26 so hurried home from meeting M for good chat at T4c4c but it was 14:35 before the heavy parcel arrived. Then straight out to the South Tyne for the 4 o'clock soar! Not home until 19:30 when had quick supper b4 making G4g4s where 5 of us out for great crack. Funds made new record high today as OPEC+ (OPEC and Russia) appeared to reach a deal, keeping supplies on a tight leash. Donated 1k to Sage Recovery Fund with gift aid, on debit card. Lots k 2 t gorgeous 1: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

June 30th: max 19C, min 10C, light E breeze, cloudy morning followed by bright sunshine in afternoon, beautiful weather continues. Did get out today, to NCL, and it was fantastic!! Had a pair of Hobby over the woods just to SSE of WYM Station at 15:15; it's a better year for them with hopefully more pairs to be found in SW area. The brood of Mute Swan at Merryshields GP continues at 5 youngsters, now middle sized, with 2 accompanying adults. Had a family party of 4 Chiffchaff at RM Station and a Grey Heron at Blaydon. Confirmed arrangements with ON, all very efficient! On Quayside had 1290 Kittiwake (young visible now, 830 birds on Newcastle side, 460 birds on Gateshead side), 50 Feral Pigeon, 34 Herring Gull (all adult), 5 LBBG (all adult), 4 Carrion Crow (a family party of 4 near High-Level Bridge on Newcastle side), 2 Mute Swan adult, 2 Black-headed Gull adult, 1 Mallard female, 1 Jackdaw, 1 Greenfinch; total is 10 bird-types. Renewed hosting package 4G for the Festival. 2moro hindered a little by deliveries, put off my mammoth European Bird Atlas from 12 today to some time tomorrow and also expecting 2 items of Ag. About to add my Bucks sightings to the new Honey-buzzard page for Bucks and order a few back numbers of their annual reports and their Breeding Atlas published in 2012 to get some more background. Big sis is being interviewed by Sky News on Friday morning as her report on the harmful effects of asbestos in schools, in particular mesothelioma, is published by the Department of Education. She's spent a lot of time on it so hope she gets some coverage; not sure it will be broadcast immediately, depends what's on. Did some more energetic grass-cutting around the pony-shelters, just about got the vegetation under control everywhere now, which is good for fitness. Absence makes the heart grow fonder: strong feelings: plenty of action: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

June 29th: max 19C, min 10C, light NE breeze, bright sunshine all day, beautiful weather continues. Didn't get away from the house today, sunbathing, birdwatching over the Devil's Water, and much work at the back, trimming area by back gate, cutting grass alongside meadow and cutting a large branch off the Crab Apple, which was growing too close to the dining room extension. This last was done with a hand-saw with plenty of WD40 to lubricate the cutting and stop it binding. Haven't dragged the felled branch clear yet, thought it better to give the insects on it a chance to move to another part of the tree. To cap a great spring for wildflowers have 10 Northern Marsh Orchid growing on my back 'lawn'! Found a large frog near the pond and a Swift (bird) flew into my neighbour's eaves so must be nesting there. Only raptor seen was a Common Buzzard coming off its site in the valley below and going out to hunt at 13:03. Made much progress on Bucks Honey-buzzard: it's very interesting that South Bucks is apparently more popular with them than the AONB Chilterns. Had a swift response from ON (KH):

That is absolutely fantastic news that you wish to upgrade your support to Silver, and it is so heartening to hear of your reasons for doing so, which I will of course share with the wider team. We really do feel incredibly lucky to have Patrons such as yourself by our side. In terms of facilitating your upgrade to Silver Patronage, I think the simplest thing to do would be to amend your current monthly Direct Debit, if that were ok with you? [from £62.50 a month to £150 a month]

Funds had a bit of a reaction after 4 weekly-rises in a row at -10k on wtd. More specifically it's OPEC+ meeting on Thursday and those of a nervous disposition, remembering past rows, are selling out! Actually am winding-back equity positions now with 30-40% of sale proceeds going into bonds (not distressed ones!); the rest is though being fed back into opportunities! 2moro it's NCL with repeat schedule. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 28th: max 20C, min 10C, light E breeze, bright sunshine all day, beautiful weather. Did a massive amount of gardening in the front, getting out both the mower and the trimmer; mainly cutting back grass, brambles and nettles; there are so many flowers this year and it's humming loudly with the sound of bees, bumble bees and wasps; with relevance to Honey-buzzard, numbers of wasps are at high levels, well up on last year, particularly on the cotoneaster (horizontalis and simonsii); numbers of bees are also up but bumble bees seems to be scarcer though reasonably common. Made N4c4t and G4g4s, latter for good chat with P/R while watching end of Switzerland vs France game, with former amazingly winning the penalty shoot-out 5-4; pleased to have M on. Did compile the piccies from the start of the Survey yesterday, given below. On the home page the results for 2020 have been moved into a Report page with this year's results now occupying the column. Next survey day is expected to be Thursday 1/7. Catch-up 2moro on various matters, including concert on Friday and my Honey-buzzard records for Bucks and Greater London, which are now sorted and mapped. Very pleased with comms from the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

National Honey-buzzard Survey 2020-2021

Survey work NR 2020 S/SE study area Report

Survey work NR 2021 SW study area

Fieldwork completed for 2021: 27/06-

  1. Allen, Staward N

    1. 27/06/21: male gliding into site, perched briefly on top of tree, 4 sample stills 1  2  3  4, watch: 14:00-18:00.

  2. Allen, Staward S

    1. 27/06/21: male soaring very high over site, 1 sample still 1 , watch: 14:00-18:00.

June 27th: max 17C, min 12C, light W breeze, overcast to 13:00, then brighter and sunny periods, much warmer, from 14:00, forecast by Met Office spot on. Took forecast at face value and thinking it would be a fantastic afternoon for raptors made out with packed lunch to Staward Gorge, arriving at 14:00 as the skies started to clear, and slowly making my way to the Peel and back. After 70 hours of murk, raptors were getting very frustrated at not being able to fly properly and readily get up in the air. And so it proved, getting an incredible 7 types of raptor in the visit, which lasted up to 18:00. They didn't all get up in the air at once and some were distant; total is: Honey-buzzard 3 male at 3 sites, Common Buzzard 2 birds at one site, Red Kite 1 bird at 1 site, Hen Harrier 1 adult male at 1 site, Goshawk 1 male at 1 site, Sparrowhawk 1 female at 1 site, Hobby 2 male at 2 sites, so that's 11 raptors. Also had 4 Raven at 2 sites, a Treecreeper, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 9 Chiffchaff, 1 Tree Pipit, 3 Meadow Pipit, 7 breeding Curlew and a flock of 25 moving W. Two of the Honey-buzzard were at 2 sites included in the National Honey-buzzard survey this season, as reported for 28/6 above. At 15:20 a male was soaring high over the Staward S site, moving into the base of a dark cloud and lost to sight (11002). Here's original and cropped. Another male Honey-buzzard was seen gliding rapidly from E at 17:06, coming down into a wood to SW of previous site, which was destroyed when the entire plantation owned by the National Trust was felled in 2019. They used to retreat into the area they are now nesting in, owned by Whitfield Estate, but have no worries about the change in ownership of the land: the Estate already have a number of Honey-buzzard pairs on their land. The male dropped under the canopy briefly before coming back to the top of a conifer on which he perched for a minute at 17:07, giving piccies at full size 1   2   3   4, and cropped 1 2  3  4. When perched on the tree a male Hobby popped up to the top of a tree in the same wood at 17:08. 2 Common Buzzard were up to N of Honey-buzzard site, moving out to forage at 16:08 and 17:23. A Sparrowhawk female went out to hunt at 16:17 in active flight. At 14:40 a Goshawk male was up briefly high over Staward N. Total for Staward N was 18 types with same for Staward S; trip total was 31 types. Shortly after arrival at 14:07 a male Hobby was diving rapidly into the Gorge. At 14:55 a male Honey-buzzard was floating over the moors to the W over Parkhead Fell 1  2  3. From 15:10-15:15 an adult male Hen Harrier and a Red Kite were up in mild contention to the W at Whitfield Moor – Beacon Hill. For the first time ever, did not meet a soul in the entire walk, assume people did not trust the forecast. A Common Buzzard was up over the field at Newbiggin Farm on return at 17:45; it or another was on post by side of road at 21:45 near Letah Wood. Late into G as watched Belgium beat Portugal 1-0 but caught mates up quickly in the drinking stakes; gr8 to have l helping!! It's now 03:00 – E sky is lightening – time for bed: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! May be in NCL on Wed xx

June 26th: max 14C, min 9C, light NE breeze, drizzle from time to time, no sun, cold, heating still on in main living area. Updated NW England page with Yorkshire Dales records for Honey-buzzard in 2019. From home page:

26th June 2021: Updated page for Cumbria/north Lancashire/Yorkshire Dales with full records from visit to Yorkshire Dales in 2019 (Honey-buzzard in Cumbria/north Lancashire/Yorkshire Dales).

For book, next up is Bucks. Added Grindon Lough records from 24/6 to BirdTrack, still mulling 3 gulls, which will add directly. No point in chasing Honey-buzzard in dull, wet weather so watched € football. To make some use of time, caught up on some tasks: fixing a loose plastic cover on downstairs power shower with a little bit of glue; painting a patch upstairs where needed access to pipes; fixing a bookshelf where bracket had broken; with a hacksaw, taking a sliver off a piece of wood in parquet floor in dining room so it beds down; reattached blind on roof-light in bedroom to runners; reading through a box full of magazines, journals, papers, and sorting contents, mostly being thrown out but some filed upstairs. Did prepare the Festival's web site for 2022 – hope she likes it!! Got out to N4c4ll where pleased to have S on. Made W4bigshop but only £30 as been out a lot this week. Tried the Stilton and port for supper – very rich! Hoping to get out 2moro afternoon as murk clears, to start National Honey-buzzard survey for 2021 in SW of County. Hope concert was brill: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 25th: max 11C, min 10C, moderate N breeze, heavy rain from time to time, cloudy throughout, cold, heating back on in main living area. Had good chat with N on Skype from 10:00-11:30, D off to dentist and his wife has done her back in. Into NCL mid-afternoon on 15:05 ex-RDM, making MP4m4t. Had good meal there of ham & mushroom pizza, mixed salad, some rw and coffee, all for £31.25, including service charge; had lengthy chat about how much they'd changed since March 2020 and they said very little, though staff seemed to be all new to me while menu and prices were similar to before; think will still patronise it, hopefully with N, when he comes out from prison. Made S for more refreshments b4 concert, which was fantastic; very happy to hear some Wagner and B4 was breathtaking; new conductor and leader really excelled, as a necessarily small audience of c300, we did make our presence felt!. Wagner's Siegfried Idyll was played in its concert version, which is very soft and loving. In the opera Siegfried in the Ring the Idyll in Act III Finale becomes more an impassioned plea by Siegfried for Brünnhilde to become his bride and forsake her Valkyrie past; she does, giving a glorious closing love scene!! Anyway the RNS played it with great precision and delicacy and found it very convincing; they should play more Wagner! Beethoven 4 was also played superbly; this is my 2nd favourite B symphony after 3 (Eroica). The openings to both movements 1 and 2 are brooding with dramatic climaxes, indeed movement 2 of B4 is surely a masterpiece in its own right. I suspect Wagner was tremendously influenced by both symphonies 3 and 4 of Beethoven; his expansive brooding style took these 2 symphonies to their logical conclusion in The Ring; indeed during the Beethoven symphony weekend at the Sage this was suggested as a general point by a speaker from Durham University. Wagner was Beethoven's successor. Of course Wagner also took B9 (choral) forward with complete integration in music of voice and instruments. Here's an inspiring recording of B4 by Karajan

Back on penultimate train at 21:25, resisted temptation to go to W, instead going into Dipton Wood and Lamb Shield to listen for crepuscular signs of life, just an agitated Tawny Oil at Dipton E. Funds had one of their best weeks ever at +129k, with 126k of this coming from MBS issues; the market has rightly decided that MBS will be in a position soon to restart PIBS payments, maybe as early as October, in which case have 5k in accrued interest, to add to gains. Have retained all of holdings, would start selling some in October if payments resume then. Gain on ytd is 444k gross (+36.0%), 428k net, with ftse 100 +9.3%, ftse 250 +12.6%. A lot of the gain is in corporate bonds (MBS/ENQ1), hence free of CGT; the interest paid though is taxed. Have asked of KH to be made a silver patron of Opera North at 1.8k a year, compared to 0.75k a year as current bronze patron; will donate 1k to RNS recovery fund next week (currently at advocate level) and will be able to contribute more to the Festival so that it can meet its additional expenditure for the opera; all support will be gift-aided. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 24th: max 19C, min 10C, light W breeze, warm up to mid-afternoon, moderate, steady rain later on moderate W breeze, welcome for parched ground. Hay fever bad after trip to Grindon, lots of late grass pollen in area! Housekeeping in morning, with bottles to bank, W4smallshop for materials for cleaner S, cash for S, then relaxation at N4c4l. Out to a low-level Grindon Lough, after recent lack of rain, from 15:40-17:10 to see again the Red-necked Phalarope but it wasn't there, having apparently disappeared in last few hours! Waders were scarce: 2 Dunlin adult 1, 3 Redshank juvenile 1, 15 Lapwing, including some juvenile. Waterfowl were also scarce with a Mute Swan adult, Canada Goose 2 adult with 5 fully-grown juveniles, Mallard 13, Teal 11. Also had 11 Swallow, 4 Sand Martin, 6 Pied Wagtail (with fledged young), 3 Skylark, 3 Meadow Pipit. Gulls are always interesting here, had 6 GBBG (ad, 4 2s, 1 1s), 2 LBBG ad, 12 BHG (11 ad, 1 juv), 1 Med YLG michahellis 1s 1  2  3, 2 Caspian Gull (ad 1, 1s 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12), so 5 types, need to look closely at piccies to confirm. Total was 18 bird-types with 2 gull species as possible additions. It started raining quite hard as left. On doorstep found Fortnum & Mason package of port & Stilton, very classy, from daughter; should have arrived last Sunday, this was attempt 3 by DPD with original having gone past 2 days currency. Delighted at MW's appointment as Leader of RNS; she came over very well in recent concert (1/5) with the orchestra, both as a player and personality-wise! Much later made G4g4s with R/P/A; AH reported a brood of 5 Goosander chicks with female at Hexham Tyne Green today; gr8 to have l on. Pouring with rain at 01:00 25/6, dry spell well and truly finished! Looking forward to MP and RNS concert 2moro. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 23rd: max 15C, min 12C, light W breeze, brief wet spell late afternoon, bright earlier but cool. Post-solstice by 2 days: sunrise 04:30, sunset still 21:51, day length 17 hours 21 min, the downward slide starts. Up to date on records, adding all of yesterday's to BirdTrack. Downloaded all Yorkshire records, mostly from E side, and plotted them on a map; going to concentrate on West Yorkshire ones first, to complete NW England report. On Zoom mid-morning from 10:00-10:45: “We hope you’re able to join us tomorrow for our Coffee with the Company Zoom Meeting, where Technical Manager and company member for over 25 years, Peter Restall, will answer your burning questions about being backstage at Opera North.“ All very interesting, with growing environmental pressures to recycle or reuse costumes and effects and the challenge of different theatre sizes within their range, TR at NCL being one of the smaller venues stage-wise. Peter thought the use of digital aids to performance may have peaked, at least temporarily. Thinking of becoming a silver patron at ON, cost 1.8k a year, compared to 0.75k a year for current bronze-patron status. Then out to lunch from 12:15-15:00 at D4m4l; had 2 courses (salmon pate and duck), some rw and plenty of good chat with 5 of us out, from the IT gang, former academics at UNN in computing science; we spent £120. Went home and had another sleep, feeling quite fit on waking up, when had what I would have had for breakfast (omitted today) and no more drink! Think I'll go to MP on Friday afternoon, b4 the S4con, not with N though as he's still shielding. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

June 22nd: max 17C, min 8C, light NW breeze, dry, bright sunshine. Solstice: sunrise still 04:29, sunset still 21:51, day length 17 hours 22 min. Every day is shorter for the next 6 months until the winter solstice. Did a little consolidation on the regional Honey-buzzard maps and sheets, adding the Nairn locality to the Scotland Highlands map; it had been left off the regional map for Scotland as that was based on the Highlands administrative area. Also added the north Lancashire sheet, containing one record from 2010, to the Cumbria/north Lancashire report. Looking at West Yorkshire next. Did do some fieldwork today, down to Bywell north from 12:45-14:40 to get a different angle on the raptors in the area. It was quiet but steady, as expected with raptors now right into their breeding season. Had a male Honey-buzzard up over Stocksfield E at 13:15, hanging high-up; have not seen any birds in the Eltringham/Merryshields area this season, only site missing in Tyne Valley W, so wonder whether they've moved a little S, will need to check the maps and piccies. Next up at 13:39 was a Red Kite high-up hunting over Broomleyfell area on E side of A69. Shortly after at 13:45 a female Honey-buzzard was high up over Shilford, carrying some food, to SW of site. Very slowly she came down, eventually dropping into the W end of the plantation in which they nest and moving through the canopy to the E side: sneaky! Finally at 14:11 had a Black Kite in the vicinity of the Tyne, slightly to the W of Bywell Castle, foraging over the area, before drifting slowly N towards me 1  2. Total for trip was 22 bird-types, including 4 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Lapwing (adult and medium-sized chick), 3 Mistle Thrush, 5 Goldfinch. Mammals comprised 2 Brown Hare, 1 Rabbit. Earlier in watch over the valley from 11:00-11:20 at home had at 11:12 had a Goshawk male up briefly at Peth Foot, in hunting mode. AH told me last night (21/6) about a female Goshawk he'd had at Hexham Tyne Green W, a few days earlier (19/6); they're doing a bit better at the moment. So that's 4 types of raptor in the day: 2 Honey-buzzard, 1 Red Kite, 1 Black Kite, 1 Goshawk, with a new site and new bird (female at Shilford) for the season for the Honey-buzzard. At 17:00 at Ordley had a female Pied Flycatcher in the same area as the 2 males were seen, wonder if they're breeding, after all my garden/field is ½ way between Linnels and Letah Wood and there are natural nest holes in the Ash on the road. Came back to HEX to N4c4ll, where met DW for good chat; he's a keen supporter of the RNS but hasn't been to the revived live performances yet; he complained about the Welly not serving him when he turned up without a booking, even though they had space: he's crossed them off his list! Am enjoying return to Nero. Got home, had a good meal of sardines and salad and went to sleep for 2 hours, quite knocked out even though no booze. Did check I had Festival's full pages for events and artists for last season and I do so can see way forward! 2moro it's big lunch, don't think I'll make NCL as well. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Funds continue to rise with shortage of oil and gas driving up their prices and at last oil shares are beginning to respond; oil and gas companies are very profitable at the moment but their share prices are held back by the prevailing ESG woke views that oil/gas use is going to decline rapidly. No chance: the world has made the wrong decision in going for renewable energy as its saviour from the 'climate emergency'; the unreliable nature of renewables makes them unsuited to providing the baseload in a modern society; further the much vaunted storage systems as backup cannot be scaled up and biomass is just a sick joke, destroying biodiversity. We should have gone for nuclear and gas (with oil used for petrol, petrochemicals and plastics) and some renewables, maybe 20-25%, and no biomass. MBS bonds advanced a little more; the pricing for MBSP and MBSR reflects their interest rates of 6.75% and 8.0% respectively, so maybe the market thinks MBS is a going concern! MBS is now far too high a proportion of my funds but will go along with entire current holding in the recovery phase. Bonds are free of capital gains tax; quite a few of mine are held in isa/sipp anyway. Gain on wtd is 117k.

June 21st: max 13C, min 7C, light NE breeze, few light showers early on, cloudy with sunny intervals, very cool. Solstice: sunrise still 04:29, sunset still 21:51, day length 17 hours 22 min. Dancing naked is very bracing today! From home page updated Honey-buzzard in Cumbria page with map and sheet for records:

21st June 2021: Updated page for Cumbria/north Lancashire with full records now from visits in 2007-2019 (Honey-buzzard in Cumbria).

Pleased at pace of summarising my records of Honey-buzzard around the country. Next up is Lancashire and West Yorkshire for records to complete NW England. Didn't look promising for raptors in such cool, dull weather so concentrated on records. Really heavy 3 volumes of Birds of Sussex by Walpole-Bond arrived safely by Hermes courier; has some interesting information on Sussex historical midsummer records of Honey-buzzard. Funds had record one-day rise of 105k almost entirely on MBS case win with a small contribution from bounce back from quadwitching by oil stocks! Not sold any MBS PIBS, expect them to go significantly higher by October when interest should resume though they may be volatile for a while. Actually did think it was difficult on that Friday so no problem – versatility rules!! Have lunch at Danielle's in HEX on Wednesday with IT gang A/A/M/B; might come into NCL later. Good crowd at G4g4s with R/P/A/R all out and M on; think fear is on the decline! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 20th: max 15C, min 9C, light NE breeze, dry, cloudy with sunny intervals, cool. 1 day to solstice: sunrise still 04:29, sunset still 21:51, day length 17 hours 22 min. Published Cornwall Honey-buzzard records, all 3 of them, from 2017 with on home page::

20th June 2021: Updated page for Cornwall with full records from visits in 2017 (Honey-buzzard in Cornwall).

Next up is Cumbria/North Lancashire for map and full records. Clearing space on bookshelves – throwing out for recycling all recent BB as now available digitally to subscribers and there's no residual value in the printed copies. Keeping the older ones because I like them! Did watch the whole saga of the Gulls vs Hartlepool for the NL play-off final at Bristol City's ground with full coverage from BT Sport. It went on from 14:00-16:00 for normal time, 16:00-16:40 for extra time and 16:40-17:00 for penalties. Scores were level at 1-1 after normal time and extra time but the Gulls lost 5-4 on penalties. So that was sad, made worse that we had some very poor refereeing decisions, including disallowing 2 perfectly good goals and refusing a strong penalty appeal. The Hartlepool fans behaved very badly after the victory, invading the pitch en masse, goading Torquay supporters and surrounding Torquay players on the pitch and mocking them, with Sunderland loanee to Torquay Mbunga-Kimpioka particularly targeted. All in all, not very savoury but there may be a silver lining: better to be near the top of a lower league than struggling in a higher division! The game will be remembered for our Brazilian 'keeper Covolan Cauagnari scoring our equaliser with a header at 90+5 to take the game into extra time: he used to play in a Brazil youth team with Alisson, Liverpool's 'keeper, who also scored this season with a late goal against WBA. Anyway it's only a game!! Made G4g4s with R and good chat, more of us out 2moro. Get stripped off for a dance in the dew on the solstice tomorrow: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

June 19th: max 17C, min 9C, light E breeze, dry, cloudy from time to time, some bright sunshine. 2 days to solstice: sunrise 04:29, sunset 21:51, day length 17 hours 22 min; solstice means stationary – when the sun's angle stands still; our day length for practical purposes is at its peak; the bright glow in the sky to N is continuing all night from 22:30-04:00 after sunset and before dawn. Have closed display period for Honey-buzzard on 14/6, opening the rearing period on 15/6. This fits in with observations with no displaying birds seen since 13/6, even high-circling males, and birds clearly hunting near their breeding areas on 15/6 and today. The slowdown in movements on BirdGuides (below) also suggests that birds are settling in for the rearing period. Have updated the home page accordingly with the display phase closing:

Display period: 16/4-14/6 22 sites (21 male, 11 female: 32 total)

Migrant totals have not changed since 6/6 (below) at total 8 (5 male, 3 female) from 16/4-2/6. Had great afternoon out, with late packed lunch, on the common near Healey from 14:55-17:50 with many heathland species present in the area, including Linnet (30, in singles or small groups), Meadow Pipit (14, including 1 displaying), Tree Pipit (total 3, 1 displaying plus 2 singles), Woodlark (two separately on open area, no signs of breeding. though of course habitat is suitable; nearby Dipton Wood has many suitable breeding areas now as do plantations to SE of the Common), Skylark (1 song flighting), Yellowhammer (7), Whinchat (pair in gorse/bracken area), Ring Ousel (one in same area as last time), Bullfinch (1 female), Goldfinch (2), Curlew (2 with 1 singing), Siskin (2 singles), Mistle Thrush (5, family party). Raptors comprised a Red Kite flying over area to S at Healey Mill at 15:04, an adult male Kestrel hunting over the Common at 14:58, a male Honey-buzzard, mobbed by a female Hobby, foraging and carrying food over March Burn to N in vicinity of extreme W part of Riding Mill at 16:03. So that's 4 raptors of 4 types. Total for all birds was 32 types. Mammals featured with 5 Brown Hare and a Rabbit. Published all Devon Honey-buzzard records, while providing updates for 2019; entry on home page:

19th June 2021: Brought page for Honey-buzzard in Devon up to date and added full records for all sightings (Honey-buzzard in Devon).

Next weekend I will be starting on year 2 of the National Honey-buzzard survey, visiting the SW of the County, which has been neglected a little in recent years. Have already established that the 2 core parts of the study area (Devil's Water, Tyne Valley W) are almost fully occupied again so am maintaining the control. Tomorrow there's a football match …. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

Honey-buzzard arrival is down to a trickle, with 3 since 12/6, bringing total for June to 30, to add to 52 for May and 12 for April, giving spring total 94. Black Kite spring total is 93 from 8/4-19/6. Bad weather in southern England may be holding up a few birds.

12:46 16/06 European Honey Buzzard Alderney/ Alderney 12:42 one in low over cliffs by impot then north

16:40 15/06 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Shoreham-by-Sea 10:30 one drifted over north side this morning

08:46 13/06 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Minsmere RSPB one flew north over South Belt; also Spotted Redshank on scrape

June 18th: max 16C, min 9C, light NE breeze, bright day with some sunny spells and some heavier cloud, 3 days to solstice. First task of day was to visit Supreme Court at 10:00 on live stream for judgment on case below. Thought we (MBS) were destined to almost certainly lose their appeal and current bond prices had nothing in them for a bonus from the result. So while listening to Lord Reed was amazed when he said the appeal was going to be allowed. Bond prices rose sharply c25% once dealing started again with this comment by MBS on what the result means Hold 398k nominal in MBS bonds (2.69% of total issue of their PIBS of £14.788m), bought for 88k over last 2 years (22% of nominal price), worth today 183k. Gain on week in MBS was 38k, offsetting loss of 6k on rest of funds in very weak markets (quadwitching!), including 3k withdrawal. So funds gained 32k on week, raising gain ytd to 315k gross (+25.5%), 299k net, with ftse 100 on ytd +7.5%, ftse 250 +11.0%. If interest payments resume on the PIBS next year, as expected, then my annual fixed dividends would be £29.14k a year or 32.93% on original investment.

Supreme Court: Manchester Building Society (Appellant) v Grant Thornton UK LLP (Respondent) [2021] UKSC 20 On appeal from: [2019] EWCA Civ 40

This appeal concerns the approach to ascertaining the scope of a defendant’s duty of care laid down in South Australia Asset Management Corpn v York Montague Ltd [1997] AC 191 ("SAAMCO"), in the context of professional advice given by accountants. It is one of two appeals heard by the same panel of seven justices, examining the application of SAAMCO in different fields. It is being handed down and should be read together with the Court’s judgment in Khan v Meadows [2021] UKSC 21.

The appellant, Manchester Building Society (the "society") is a small mutual building society. Until 2012, the society’s accounts were audited by the respondent, Grant Thornton UK LLP ("Grant Thornton"), a firm of accountants. In 2006 and annually thereafter, Grant Thornton incorrectly and negligently advised the society that its accounts could be prepared according to a method known as "hedge accounting" and that accounts prepared using that method gave a true and fair view of the society’s financial position. In reliance on that advice, the society carried on a strategy of entering into long-term interest rate swaps as a hedge against the cost of borrowing money to fund its lifetime mortgages business. The misstated accounts served to hide volatility in the society’s capital position and what became a severe mismatch between the negative value of the swaps and the value of the mortgages which the swaps were supposed to hedge. When, in 2013, Grant Thornton realised its error, the society had to restate its accounts, showing substantially reduced assets and insufficient regulatory capital. To remedy the situation, the society closed out the interest rate swap contracts early at a cost of over £32m.

The issue on this appeal is whether the society can recover in damages the cost of closing out the swaps from Grant Thornton. The trial judge and the Court of Appeal held it cannot, in each case based on their understanding of the scope of duty principle illustrated in SAAMCO.


The Supreme Court unanimously allows the appeal. It holds that the society suffered a loss falling within the scope of the duty of care assumed by Grant Thornton, having regard to the purpose for which it gave its advice on the use of hedge accounting. Grant Thornton is liable for the loss suffered by the society in breaking the swaps early, subject to a reduction in damages of 50% for contributory negligence. Lord Hodge and Lord Sales give the lead judgment with whom Lord Reed, Lady Black and Lord Kitchin agree. Lord Burrows and Lord Leggatt each give a concurring judgment.

So at 10:15 joined N/D for normal Skype chat until 11:45, all very matey, had warned them that I would be late and elaborated a little. Then got out hedge trimmer to cut front garden and roadside verge b4 making N4c4ll. Later made W4g4s with D/D where football match on, which we ignored, prefer to chat! Stopped briefly in Dipton Wood at 22:45 where had 2 Tawny Owl calling to add to a Tawny Owl calling in the Sele, Hexham, last night with 3+ Tawny Owl landing on my roof and making a racket later. Have received a lovely father's day card and grandad's card from daughter's lot! Next Friday, no W, back to Sage and maybe MP b4!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 17th: max 18C, min 9C, light W breeze, mainly sunny with some fair weather cumulus, 4 days to solstice. Entry on home page:

17th June 2021: Updated pages for counties in central southern England (Isle of Wight, Hampshire, Sussex) and south west England (Devon, Cornwall) with all sightings mapped.

Another sociable day, making T4c4c with M/B and G4g4s with R/P/R, both for good chats! Made public the mapping of my Honey-buzzard sightings as above with details of the records to follow soon for Devon and Cornwall. This time have secured the Birds of Sussex 1938 though paid £5 more to reflect true cost of postage. Amazon order arrived today at 17:15 – very efficient – installed CO sensor immediately and checked tyre pressures with inflator, no leakage on 3 of them at 2.1 bar and one just slightly down at 2.05 bar; a quick burst from the compressor restored it to right pressure. Impressed with inflator, runs off car's power socket, more usually used for cigarette lighting so very little manual effort. Good glow from yesterday: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

June 16th: max 18C, min 9C, light W breeze, cloudy with sunny intervals, 5 days to solstice, sunrise 04:29, sunset 21:50, day length 17 hours 21 min for tomorrow (17/6).

Did some more work on Honey-buzzard in Sussex, adding information from the 2 books received so far:

des Forges and Harber (1963) summarise the status of the Honey-buzzard in Sussex as follows:

About sixty have been recorded since 1837. There have been only three records since 1938, the most recent being of one seen at Beach Head on August 27th, 1960.

There is one record for May (26th, 1925, near Eastbourne) but all other spring records are for June. Autumn records are from late August to early November with most in September and October.”

Shrubb (1979) recorded the status as: Rare passage migrant. Although the number recorded has greatly increased in recent years, no real change in status may have occurred. He added to the account of des Forges & Harber:

Between 1961 and 1976 there were 35 records for: May (four), June (three), August (five), September (21), and October (two). Spring dates fell between 9 May (1971, Beachy Head, the earliest county record), and autumn dates between 16 August and 24 October. All but seven of these birds were seen at or near Beachy Head, where watching for passage raptores (sic) has been carried out regularly since 1965. Probably Honey Buzzards are regular passage migrants there, at least in autumn.”

Shrubb clearly suspects that the increased numbers in the 1960s and 1970s may be due to increased observer effort at Beachy Head, rather than representing a genuine increase in numbers. However, rather ambiguously he does record in Table XII (p.333) Honey-buzzard as a passage migrant, with change in status – increasing in county – with the reason being 'British population increase ?'. So there was some uncertainty as to the status of the Honey-buzzard in Sussex, even though numbers recorded were increasing.

My initial purchase of Birds of Sussex by Walpole-Bond (1938) on Abe Books had a major problem: bookseller had already sold it. So I've ordered again from another store tonight for £113.20, including postage. Had brisk walk along Quayside in my shorts! Did make NCL; train in was 18 min late as it had to give way to 2 late-running 'expresses' from CAR. Was made to feel very welcome: she's so motivating: hope the gorgeous one's not going to disappear for long this autumn. Had 8 species on Quayside: 1255 Kittiwake (860 adult Newcastle side, 395 adult Gateshead side), 29 Feral Pigeon, 13 Herring Gull adult, 3 LBBG adult, 2 Jackdaw, 2 Crow, 2 Greenfinch, 2 Goldfinch. While in the market also bought on ebay a cocktail watch and a watch key, both marked with my grandfather's sales logo Rossiter for £28 total and more practically, on Amazon, a carbon monoxide sensor needed for safety with solid fuel fire for £14 and a digital portable tyre inflator for the Škoda for £22; my existing sensor has expired and the inflator (not a pump) is going to be very convenient. No problems with new car but only done 2,250 miles since November; mileage will increase in next 2 months as doing more survey work in the South Tyne. I like the car: rugged and economical! lok2tgrf xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxxx

June 15th: max 21C, min 14C, light SW breeze, sunny virtually all day, solstice is 21/6 this year. Did do a bit of scanning the skies from home at 12:00-12:45, had a male Honey-buzzard flying out to forage to N at 12:28 straight from his nest site. Two Common Buzzard circled overhead at 12:10 followed by a single hanging close to my house from 12:32-12:36. Pleased to have a Large Red Damselfly on my pond (so 2 species of damselfly now, see 6/6 8/6) and a young toad in the grass near same pond. Moles are thriving, which will not please my neighbours! Two male Pied Flycatcher were in the Field Maple copse at 16:30, must be birds from Letah Wood, c2km away to N, where they breed (see 29/6). A Chiffchaff was feeding actively in an ash tree by the road at 12:10. Did loads of grass cutting today: all of the back area has been done over the past 2 days; also did some tidying-up in dining room, recovering a 50-year old zither, which have cleaned and put upstairs in son's room next to his old viola. Will be into NCL 2moro from RDM ex 12:05, rtn 14:56. Funds continue to rise with PoO, now reaching over $74 a barrel of Brent. Gain on wtd is 10k gross, 7k net, latter after present! Have to thank all the woke sentiment for making oil shares so cheap! It's going to take a while for investment in new oil production to overcome the current shortage. If it happens the energy transition will take at least 20 years and that's only for developed countries. It's proving difficult to extend the life of existing nuclear power stations and there aren't enough new ones under construction. Unreliability of wind and solar is going to lead to natural gas being our dominant fuel for the foreseeable future with oil still needed for chemicals and plastics everywhere and for transport in the developing world. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 14th: max 16C, min 8C, moderate W breeze, cloudy, dry, much cooler feel. Did a lot of gardening in afternoon, with more invigorating weather, lower pollen count reducing hay fever, and last but not least, pressing need! Earlier made N4c4ll where did sit outside. Completed processing yesterday's trip to Warden so right up to date with records. Much later made G4g4s where good to have M on but no friends out. A quiet day: lawyer mate tmmhf returned to London!! Gave son 3k for birthday and that will be going rate for birthdays and Xmas for family for next year; last payments were 2.5k; new total is 24k a year. Here's latest piccie of grandkids, 6 and 4: older one is far taller than younger one! They're going to Greece soon for a week with son pet-sitting their dog and cat in their house. Been watching the new news channel GB, like the freer debate on issues like lockdown. Things don't look good for the theatre and hospitality sectors:

Equity, the performing arts union, said the delay was a "catastrophic blow" and called for more grants to support the sector as well as reform of support measures for the self-employed, which it says excludes a large proportion of its members.

Business groups have warned that pubs, bars, restaurants and nightclubs face significant hardship or collapse after the easing of Covid-19 restrictions in England was postponed for four weeks without new financial support from the government.

There's so much fear around. About half the people walking around the streets of Hexham outside at lunchtime are wearing masks, contrary to advice. Landlord of G was depressed. Why does continental Europe have so many fewer cases than us when they are lagging our vaccination effort? Why has much of the US reopened completely (e.g. Texas, Florida) without any problems? Problem countries now are mainly in South America – Brazil, Argentina, Colombia – with Indian totals declining. Russia and Iran suffer from persistently high cases. Why are the UK's the highest in Europe, even above those in Turkey, and almost as high as the US, which has a much higher population. Why aren't the media asking these questions? Suspect that overcrowding in deprived areas of the world, combined with vaccine hesitancy in such areas, is keeping the pandemic going. Might come into Toon on Wednesday!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

June 13th: max 22C, min 14C, moderate SW breeze, sunny periods, superb weather. Sunrise 04:30, sunset 21:47. day length 17 hours 17 min, about a week to the summer solstice. Made Warden for good walk along lower South Tyne from 15:50-17:45, getting Honey-buzzard at 3 sites (2,2,1), Common Buzzard at 2 and Red Kite and Raven at 1. The raptors were really active in perfect conditions with a breeze and strong sunshine. The Honey-buzzard display was so vigorous at the site to W (Allerwash) that wonder if we're near the end of this year's display; certainly when the birds are so conspicuous that you wonder how people can possibly miss them, that's the signal for the start of invisibility! The birds here were up from 16:10-16:45 (35 min), alternating high floating together with vigorous chasing closer to the ground. At the 2 other sites (Hexham High Wood, Greenshaw Plain), the males were doing high circling, indicating that the female is sitting and the males are signalling to late migrants that the site is occupied. The male at High Wood was right over the nesting area but the one at Greenshaw Plain at 16:48 was half-way towards the Frankham site, obviously concerned at the wild party taking place! Near the end the female at Greenshaw Plain came out flying E over the South Tyne at 17:18. Common Buzzard comprised a pair up over Warden Hill from 15:56-16:40 and a single which came out flapping heavily towards Warden Hill from Greenshaw Plain at 17:38. 2 Red Kite were up over Warden Hill, one up with the Common Buzzard at 15:57, the other hunting over the W slopes of Warden Hill at 16:25. The Raven was aggressively mobbing the Common Buzzard over Warden Hill at 15:56. Total for bird-types for the trip was 33, including a brood of 3 large young Mallard, 6 Oystercatcher, a Great Spotted Woodpecker by a nest hole, 2 Sand Martin, 12 Swallow, single Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, 2 Grey Wagtail (adult and juvenile), 1 Lesser Redpoll. Quite a day: lawyer mate tmmhf returned from London!!! Watched cursorily Hartlepool beat Stockport 1-0 in other NL semi-final, a dour game not like yesterday's; so it's NE vs SW next Sunday in Bristol. Caught up completely on Honey-buzzard records while watching. Made G4g4s where 3 of us P/R + me out for good crack. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

June 12th: max 17C, min 12C, light SW breeze, sunny periods. Brought bird records almost up to date, need to process 10/6 Hexham NE and Quayside yesterday. NL football, see below, caught my attention today; the other semi-final is tomorrow 13/6 Stockport vs Hartlepool at noon. After match made HEX for catch-up: SD for new Gillette shaver + 12 blades (£15), N4c4t (good ambience, sat outside, very friendly), P4ft&hc + rw, W4bigshop (£50, less this week but more spent elsewhere). Also had dishwasher and washing machine both in action. You can guess I've fallen out with C; they're too lazy to put tables outside and seem to enjoy bossing people around inside, very poor PR. FT was good read, explaining why oil is on a more secure footing with all the woke pressures to reduce supply while demand continues to rise. One of my best investments over the past 2 years has been ENQ1 – Enquest's 7% debt, available at 30% of face value in the crash in April 2020 (yielding 23% flat, 46% to maturity at 100% in 2023!) and now trading at 97%. Have made 80k on that but must admit when buying it in the crash, it was not easy – forcing my finger down onto the buy button! Enquest, registered in the UK, is an oil producer in the northern North Sea and Malaysia, which has just refinanced its debt. Dismayed at timidity of UK in removing final Covid restrictions but could be beneficial to funds as virtually nothing in UK domestic stocks while invested heavily in North American stocks and UK $-exporting companies, which will benefit from likely fall in £. Hope that further help will be made available to the theatre/concert industry. Pleased to receive message today from Public Campaign for the Arts: “Dear Nick, Fantastic news: over 160,000 people have now joined you in signing the Public Campaign for the Arts petition against planned cuts to arts courses in higher education … “. Have son's birthday next week and daughter has sent me latest piccie of the 2 darlings! Had a glass of Malbec tonight – to absent friends, from my duplicate bottle! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Honey-buzzard continue to arrive, with 5 since 9/6, bringing total for June to 27, to add to 52 for May and 12 for April, giving spring total 91. Black Kite spring total is 88 from 8/4-12/6, amazing!

20:43 12/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness RSPB one flew over Boulderwall Farm towards power station this afternoon

16:32 12/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Kingsdown 16:05 one flew north

12:23 12/06 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Sheringham 08:50 one flew west

22:52 11/06 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Lytchett Bay

09:57 10/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness NNR 09:51 one flew in off the sea

June 11th: max 16C, min 13C, moderate SW breeze, sunny periods. Highlight of day was reopening of Sage for live concerts by RNS – a Bach fest led brilliantly by violinist Rachel Podger. We heard 4 pieces, Sonata From Cantata: Der Himmel Lacht! Die Erde Jubilieret!; Brandenburg Concerto No.1 In F; Violin Concerto In A Minor; Orchestral Suite No.3 In D Major. The first piece was very lively: when the heavens laugh, the earth rejoices. The best known piece was the last one, from which the Air on a G String is derived, playing a significant role in Hamlet cigar adverts, before they were banned under early woke legislation! The players had changed the A and E strings of their violins to original gut, which gave a beautiful, more mellow sound; didn't notice any tuning problems which can occur! So it was all beautifully played and was so lovely to have a live concert. Thought the logistics of the event were handled better, regulations were light touch with more enjoyment allowed. The pre-concert performance by 4 RNS players was a brilliant idea, giving value-added to those that had attended in person, and a good opportunity to eye up a beauty!! Made B4g4s, great to be back there, and caught last train back to RDM. Matinee went very well – becoming a student of clouds – she's so gorgeous -- lok2tgrf … xxxxx XXX!!!!!! At start of day had 2-hour session with shielding mates N/D on Skype. Funds had a good week at +13k with continued recovery in oil market, making gain on ytd 280k gross (+22.7%), 267k net, with ftse 100 on ytd +9.3%, ftse 250 +13.0%. Count at Quayside was 9 bird-types: Kittiwake 1065 adults, 740 on Newcastle side, 325 on Gateshead side, 20 Feral Pigeon, 18 Herring Gull (17 ad, 1 2s), 4 LBBG ad, 2 Magpie, 2 Jackdaw, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Blackbird, 1 GBBG 1s.

At 14:45 12/6 just spent 3 hours watching the Gulls on BT Sport, beating Notts Co 4-2 after extra time to reach the final of the NL play-off next Sunday at Bristol: brilliant!! Did think BT commentary was a little biased, in favour of aristocrats Notts Co; smooth possession is useful but not as important as decisively taking your chances. Querying our penalty on the grounds that Ellis did get a toe to the ball is also a populist view on the rules; CLE was felled by the physical challenge when in a goalscoring position; CLE's choreography was however spot-on! Game changer was our lively forward subs at start of ET to run at the visitors' defence. Crowd at Torquay was fantastically supportive (not many masks there!) and the location of the final on neutral ground at Bristol in the SW may be a help for the Devon club. Wembley's not available because of the €s: Belgium 3 Russia 0 maybe divided loyalty! xx

June 10th: max 16C, min 9C, moderate SW breeze, cloudy at times but mostly sunny, feeling fresher by day. Met M at T4c4c for enjoyable chat. Cleaner S came at 15:30 so out then to Hexham NE, E of Egger plant, by Anick Grange, a regular Honey-buzzard site, from 15:30-17:25. Had the male up at 15:42, 15:45 and 16:19 with the female at 15:46, both keeping very close to a part of a Scots Pine copse, where suspect nest-building is under way. Had a pale Common Buzzard up ,over same area plus another patrolling to SE. A Red Kite was seen and heard as it came down in a small copse of trees to W at 17:15. An oil-seed rape crop, almost finished flowering, held a Whitethroat, a pair of Reed Bunting and a Sedge Warbler – it's a substitute for reeds. Total for birds was 27 types, including 2 Stock Dove, 2 agitated Oystercatcher, a Common Gull 1s, 3 Sand Martin, 2 Yellowhammer. Have a backlog of field sightings now to add to database and here – next task while ease up on fieldwork. Made G4g4s where 7 of us out – marvellous, including 3 people who hadn't been out since the lockdown. Landlord J's arm is very poorly, though fully set now, needs 6-8 weeks to recover; his daughter l is helping out in the business in a grand way! Made webinars in Japan at 18:00 and Leeds at 19:00, former for Mike's paper, now added to CT page (M's good at the sociology), latter for Stephen Sondheim who was born into a Jewish family in New York City, and is still alive, aged 91. The panel consisted of Dame Josephine Barstow (Madam Armfeldt, soprano, unable to connect to Webinar tonite), Stephanie Corley (Desiree, soprano), David Benedict (Sondheim biographer and writer), Madeleine Boyd (Set & Costume Designer), Jim Holmes (Conductor). Was all new to me and not my typical genre but some fascinating information. A Little Night Music, to be performed soon in Leeds, was written in 1973 and the whole piece is almost entirely in waltz (3) time, representing the prevailing triangular relationships (sounds like category theory!). An advantage of a webinar is that you can make coffee and generally fiddle around. I did play some of the pieces on my phone, including Send In The Clowns sung by Barbra Streisand, which I found quite sensuous Looking forward loads to 2moro: will be cheering on: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

June 9th: max 19C, min 14C, moderate SW breeze, cloudy at times but mostly sunny, feeling fresher by day with the stronger breeze and night times much warmer. Another trip out to Tyne Valley W, chasing Honey-buzzard sites in a core area, making Shilford from Broomley side from 12:35-13:55. Cleaned up on 2 sites with a Common Buzzard, a Red Kite and a male Honey-buzzard up low-down over the back of the nesting wood at Shilford, in a bit of aggravation. When raptors nest together, there tends to be a little tension over who's the boss which is good as it makes the birds more visible! Action only lasted 30 seconds – what you might call a quick climax!! Later had another male Honey-buzzard coming my way from the next site to the W at Farnley; he was flying high and then suddenly put the brakes on, turned round and went back to his own site; maybe the Shilford male, who was already a little elevated, was getting ready to intercept! Far more males (17) have been seen than females (8) in the study area this season in the 18 sites occupied; the males are behaving normally, maybe the females are busy nest-building (below the canopy) in the reduced time available after the cold start weather-wise. It's also possible that some have not arrived yet (see below with migrants clearly continuing to come). Had a female Kestrel hunting at Dilston at 12:25. Other birds, in trip total of 28 bird-types, included a Yellow Wagtail male, carrying food, a singing Curlew, 2 agitated Whitethroat, 3 Yellowhammer, 7 Linnet, 1 singing Willow Warbler. The Sussex book from 1963 arrived but it doesn't itemise earlier records in the county so have ordered from Abe Books History of the Birds of Sussex by JA Walpole-Bond, 3 volumes, 1140 pp, 53 colour plates (1938) – a collector's item, love old books – £125 + 3.95 p&p. Made Sal4c4ll where fortuitously met A/A from Slaley, who've been shielding, for good chat; also met 3 mates from the G there – so very sociable!! Funds made new record today! Could do with more days like yesterday: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Mike and I are involved in a session in Japan tomorrow: M's handling the discussion! I'm attending an Opera North Zoom session at 19:00 tomorrow – Sondheim Insight Event.

Michael Heather and Nick Rossiter AB00191 Cultural Emergentism

Michael Heather (, University of Cambridge), Nick Rossiter (Northumbria University)

The Theory of Evolution is a cultural belief and itself a prime example of the evolution of culture. At first sight emergence might be thought to belong more naturally to the alternative culture of creationism. Although not explicit in Darwin’s work emergence was nevertheless implicit to any notion of change and soon afterwards introduced within ‘emergent evolution’. More recently the two concepts have become allied through the perceived process of self-organisation in statistics. Now however the two have been brought even closer by the move from self-organisation to self creation. The self-creation of mutants within COVID-19 is an example of the pressing social problem of cultural evolution.

Simple evolution is bottom up while creation is simply top down and the concept of emergent evolution seems both simultaneously. Classically problematic self creation may well rely on processes of quantum mechanics. This paper examines formally how that is to be understood in the higher logic of monadism.

Cultural Evolution Society, Conference 2021 Sapporo, virtual sessions hosted by Hokkaido University, Japan

10/06/21 Plenary Talk 4 (Live), 17:10-18:10, Main stage; Speaker: Marcus Feldman (Stanford University); Discussion Session 2, 18:10-19:00, Gathertown

Honey-buzzard continue to arrive, with 10 since 4/6, bringing total for June to 22, to add to 52 for May and 12 for April, giving spring total 86. Black Kite spring total is 85 from 8/4-9/6, amazing!

10:05 09/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent St Margaret's at Cliffe 10:04 one flew inland at Bockhill Farm

10:02 09/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent South Foreland 09:55 one flew in off the sea and continued north

16:35 08/06 European Honey Buzzard Devon Exwick 16:15 adult female flew north-east

18:05 07/06 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Titchfield one flew south along River Meon then over The Solent and lost to view towards Osborne House, Isle of Wight

13:48 07/06 European Honey Buzzard Isle of Wight East Cowes 12:05 one over Osborne Bay then flew south-west (observed from Titchfield)

14:17 06/06 European Honey Buzzard East Sussex Firle 14:00 one drifted east

13:06 06/06 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Skegness 12:53 one flew in off the sea over Skegness Pier

11:14 06/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sandwich Bay 11:10 one flew south over Green Wall; also 80+ Red Kites flew through prior to 11:05

16:29 05/06 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Blofield Heath one flew over Hemblington Church

14:32 05/06 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sholden 14:29 one flew north

June 8th: max 17C, min 11C, light SW breeze, cloudy and humid with occasional sunny intervals. From home page:

8th June 2021: Added Honey-buzzard page from visit to Sussex in May/June 2019 (Honey-buzzard in Sussex).

Added discussion, await earlier material by post. Next up is Bucks. Scanned the Devil's Water around 13:15, seeing a Red Kite again up over Steel and, in the farmer's field opposite mine, a male Common Blue Damselfly plus 6 Tree Sparrow, collecting food for their young. Made N4c4ll, where S was doing the honours well! Noticed a very dejected Big Issue seller – it's a hard job in HEX – bought one from her for £5, lovely smile! Into WJS for dinner – marvellous, right up to top expectations, good food, was gr8 to be given plans for next season, will help fully maybe pro rata!! Back on 21:25 NCL-RDM and decided to drive to N tip of Dipton Wood and take some reflective nite air from 22:10-22:40. Had 3 roding Woodcock, a calling Tawny Owl and a churring Nightjar, the last 'singing' from 22:25-22:32; a Barn Owl was in flight at Lamb Shield at 22:45 giving 4 iconic species of the nite! Funds +1k on wtd with oil shares still lagging PoO, now over $72. Certainly looked good: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

June 7th: max 17C, min 9C, light SW breeze, cloudy and humid, occasional hazy sunny spells, light shower at lunchtime. So car parked at lunchtime at Stocksfield Station got a wash! Was at Stocksfield Mount from 11:50-13:35 for a bizarre session. I was expecting sun to come out more strongly, breaking through the murk, and so did the raptors with 5 types clearly mobilising low-down at Bywell Cottagebank from 12:07-12:29, comprising a Red Kite and a male Sparrowhawk up at 12:07, a Black Kite and a female Honey-buzzard appearing below the Red Kite, close to the canopy, at 12:08, a Black Kite up at 12:20 with Common Buzzard briefly seen, Black Kite up again at 12:27 with a male Honey-buzzard flying through the tree-tops low into the site 1  2  3, Red Kite up again at 12:29. Very encouraging but then the cloud thickened, eventually leading to a shower, and activity ceased at this site. Did pick up raptors elsewhere in view though with a Red Kite, mobbed by Jackdaw, at Bywell Castle at 13:04, a male Honey-buzzard in high circling at Whittle Dene at 13:07 and at 2nd site in this tetrad a Red Kite gliding into the Short Wood E site at 13:14. Stopped at Shilford from 13:35-14:00 where had a Red Kite up briefly, hanging over western area of site. So raptor total for area was 9 birds of 5 types: 3 Red Kite, 3 Honey-buzzard (new site at Whittle Dene with male, new female at Bywell), 1 Black Kite (clearly breeding), 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Common Buzzard. Trip total was 25 bird-types, including a Green Woodpecker, 2 Jay, 1 singing Chiffchaff. Later viewing Devil's Water from home at 16:50 had a Red Kite up at Whitley Chapel and a Common Buzzard, carrying prey, at Peth Foot. Found N closed for lunch at HEX so back to only 1 staff member on; went to courtyard of Salute (Italian) for coffee and shortbread. Much later 4 of us (me/P/R/R) made G where had good chat, with M on; not busy, a lot of hospitality places are struggling to make money with restrictions. Looking forward 2 2moro!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Added map to my web pages for my Honey-buzzard records in central southern England:

A map of NR's sightings of Honey-buzzard in central southern England, including Hampshire, Sussex and Isle of Wight, from 2012-2019 is available here.

June 6th: max 18C, min 10C, light W breeze becoming E later, strong sunshine in morning, cloudier in afternoon, dry. Make hay while the sun shines, so had a lightning trip of an hour to Slaley Forest NW from 16:45-17:45. This was the last of the 'Shire sites to be visited this season and was delighted to find a male Honey-buzzard present: picked him up at 17:10 1km to N in straight-line flapping flight towards the site, lost him behind some trees and then at 17:12 he came up briefly above the regular nest site, which I intend to visit this year, climbing a little and then diving quickly down into the trees. This result means 6/6 Shire sites are occupied this year – very satisfying! Later at 17:29 had 2 Red Kite here, over a silage-cut field, presumed to be from 2 different sites as the food was the attraction, not the territory. Other counts were 9 Curlew (reassuring in view of declines away from the county), 2 Stock Dove, 3 Swift, a Bullfinch, a Greenfinch, in total of 22 bird-types. Had a female Common Blue Damselfly in my field, well away from water. Did a lot of work on Sussex page today, worth it because it is a county with high passage numbers and breeding population; need to add Discussion and early material when it arrives. Pleased that maintaining progress on book while keeping the fieldwork going! Made Cnt4g4s tonite as G closed – friendly enough but quiet! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Here are running totals for the current season (from home page at, just to show the population of the Honey-buzzard continues to be healthy.

Breeding: Running Totals to 6/6 (all data compiled)

Total Sites



Total Adult

Sites Occupied Fledging

Total Juvenile







Study Area 2021: Migrants

Spring: Totals 16/4 to 6/6









1 female arriving from S and overshooting slightly over nest site Ordley (Devil's Water) 16/4; 1 male intruder at a Bywell site, 1 female, 3 male soaring high and moving NW at same site (Tyne Valley W) 18/5. 1 male pale-phase intruder at Prudhoe S, departing to N high-up (Tyne Valley E) 27/5. 1 female intruder feeding away from pair in SW corner of Dipton Wood (Devil's Water) 2/6.

June 5th: max 20C, min 11C, light W breeze, strong sunshine all day, a few short cloudy spells, dry. Another fine day, went for walk in N side of Dipton Wood from 13:00-15:30. Confirmed Woodlark breeding with 2 birds seen, 1 carrying food, perched at the top of a tree. Also had 2 pairs of Stonechat and 2 pairs of Tree Pipit, 2 Mistle Thrush (all these species also carrying food), 6 Siskin and single singing Willow Warbler and Garden Warbler. Across the valley at the Swallowship site a female Honey-buzzard was floating over the woodland W of Dukes House at 13:47 before going to ground for feeding purposes, not seen again; the male was up over similar spot at 14:41, doing briefly some butterfly display before also disappearing into the woodland. That's 5 out of 6 'Shire sites now found to be occupied, 1 still to visit. Then made W4bigshop spending £71; sure that prices are going up, particularly of fruit and salad. Had a 2s Common Gull flying over Ordley at 17:00. Bought FT – it's keen on non-USA value-oriented stocks – agree with that! Had long chat with big sis on 'phone – 1 hour and 10 min – good catch-up! Still writing up Sussex Honey-buzzard; have ordered on ebay the books by Forges & Harber (1963, £7.80 incl p&p) and Shrubb (1979, £5.52 incl p&p) to see in more detail what happened earlier. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 4th: max 17C, min 7C, light W breeze, strong sunshine all day, dry. Sunrise 04:35, sunset 21:39, day length 17 hour 4 min. As came back from W at 23:00 glow in NW sky from Dipton Wood was very bright and by 02:30 the first signs of dawn are visible in NE. It's marvellous weather at just the right time!! Cut back the verge and the beech hedge by the front gate to increase visibility; everything has grown so fast over the past 2 weeks. Almost caught up with records, compiling 27/5 Prudhoe S as final one. Made N4c4ll where sat outside and W4g4s where sat inside with D/D for good chat. At dusk had a Long-eared Owl fly across the road at Dipton Wood E at 22:40 and 2 roding Woodcock and a calling Tawny Owl in the centre of the wood at 23:00. Funds had a good week with PoO at $71.53 by the end; gain was 20k on week raising gain ytd to 267k gross (+21.7%), 254k net, with ftse 100 at +8.3%, ftse 250 +13.5%. Funds are 4k off record on 10/5. Sussex Bird Report 2019 has arrived – quick! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Honey-buzzard continue to be very mobile, with 12 since 31/5, bringing total for June to 12, to add to 52 for May and 12 for April, giving spring total 76. Black Kite spring total is also 76, from 8/4-3/6.

19:45 04/06 European Honey Buzzard Gloucestershire Winchcombe 18:10 one at Langley Hill Wood this evening before flying off north

14:22 04/06 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Scarborough 10:03 male flew north over South Cliff between 09:55 and 10:03

11:43 04/06 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Norwich 10:30 one flew south over Daniels Road

20:38 03/06 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Alderney male flew over Burhou at midday

11:46 03/06 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Hickling Broad 11:35 one flew north

09:49 03/06 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire Fairburn Ings RSPB 09:30 one flew north

09:38 03/06 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire St Aidan's RSPB (Swillington Ings) 09:20 one over Main Lake then continued south-east

23:04 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Alderney Alderney 16:00 01/06 one flew east over golf course; also Eurasian Spoonbill

14:47 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Hill Head one flew south towards Cowes this morning

12:14 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Leicestershire and Rutland Market Harborough 12:10 one flew over towards Dingley/ Desborough

11:44 02/06 European Honey Buzzard Guernsey Jaonneuse Bay 10:23 one flew north

18:05 01/06 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Acres Down 12:50 one early afternoon; also 2 Northern Goshawk

June 3rd: max 18C, min 9C, light E breeze becoming W at ttime, hazy sunshine in morning, cloudy in afternoon. Met M/B for good chat at T4c4c; they are very welcoming! Given up C4c while they try and sort out how to manage their space in a hospitable manner! G was almost closed this evening but day was saved by J's daughter helping out: could see the odd amusing problem – daughters answer back more than staff!! There were 4 of us out for lively catch-up – marvellous! G is however closing on Saturday and Sunday. Desperately need full opening so that SD can be abandoned. Weather was not so good for raptors with cloudy skies and virtually no wind but did make Prospect Hill from 15:15-17:15 while cleaner S at my house. No Honey-buzzard or indeed other broad-winged raptors seen but did have a pair of Hobby in exciting aerial display: at 16:51 pair up displaying to W end of hill, with male Goshawk below, keeping an evil eye open. Also had a Little Egret in the valley below at Farnley at 16:05 – 1st seen in the county for a while. Total for trip was 25 types, also including 5 House Martin, a Lapwing, 4 Yellowhammer, 3 Skylark, 3 Linnet. Later had first Nightjar of the season, hawking over the road at Letah Wood at 23:50. Thinking of someone: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

June 2nd: max 19C, min 10C, light E breeze, sunny after early mist, in shorts all day! Did some more work on Gilbert White, adding the 1781 Honey-buzzard record to the Hampshire page and updating references. Made C4c4ll and then went for walk from 14:50-16:25 along the S edge of Dipton Wood, prime raptor country. Almost immediately at 15:01 had a female Honey-buzzard over the SW corner, hanging fairly low-down and moving very slowly to E; she was a dark bird, rather like a dark-phase juvenile in shade; think she was in hunting mode, slowly patrolling over the trees looking for a place to land for a walkabout; she did come down quickly and was not seen again. Last year's site is close to a Goshawk site but did not see the latter today. However, did have the male climbing quickly and then descending rapidly at 15:33 and 15:50, and the dark red-brown female keeping lower but also up above the canopy at 15:48 and 16:02; they didn't have any direct interaction! Neither deviated at all from the block of trees in which they nest so presume the female seen earlier is an intruder, probably a bird on its way to higher ground in Northumberland or Scotland. Did suspect that the frequent activity at the nest site was being used to deter invaders! A Common Buzzard was up briefly at 15:31 near the Honey-buzzard's nest site but again there was no interaction. Total of 26 bird-types included 2 agitated Curlew, a Tree Sparrow, 3 Siskin, 65 Starling, enormous gathering of 560 Rook on freshly-cut field for silage with 2 LBBG (ad, 2s) and 7 Herring Gull, 1 singing Chiffchaff. As yesterday followed walk with some energetic grass cutting area by pony shelters; the vegetation is growing so fast with the rapid rise in temperature, even the Ash trees are coming out, surely one of latest ever for them. “If the oak comes out before the ash, the summer will be a splash”: we shall see – other way round is a soak! Think I'm getting quite fit! Hope work is going well: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Recovered 25 video clips from 31/5 as HQ MP4 using winfr:

winfr g: d:\recovery /extensive /n *.MP4

So reassuring but btw: don't let old SD (Secure Digital) card or indeed any drive get into anyone else's hands: they could restore piccies and document files from years ago, even if they show as deleted. It is commonly believed that re-formatting will erase all data but this is not generally true: a new empty directory is created with disk checked for errors but data is usually left as it was, though it can now be overwritten. Data wiping is a solution popular with businesses – typically overwriting the whole disk or card with zeros or ones. Or you could fill the whole card with a clip of today's TV! That is why when my laptop totally failed in Nairobi, Kenya, in 2010 I brought it home -- couldn't risk it being dissected locally – and buried it in my field, where the 2017 failure also lies! I burn old SD cards and portable disks on my fire!

June 1st: max 21C, min 8C, light SE breeze, sunny throughout, dry, in shorts all day! No fieldwork today, taking it steadily as want to keep up the book side. Today made a lot of progress on Hampshire account (adding Gilbert White's record 1780) and Sussex account, adding my own records, and cheque book arrived so sent off for 2019 Sussex Bird Report for £13. Made N4c4ll, could sit outside there while C hadn't put their tables out, prefer the outdoors mode! One problem emerged today; yesterday the Nikon camera SD card had run out of disk space and the battery was very low, meaning couldn't transfer the piccies to the computer as normally do straight after taking. So today recharged the Nikon, copied all the files copied already to main computer to 2 external drives (giving 3 copies of each) and then erased all the files on the Nikon card. Oh dear, lost yesterday's snaps, which were good. But could recover- erasing a card or disk usually just means the index is emptied with the snaps still there in their original bits (rather like deleting a book index doesn't affect the text). So downloaded Windows File Recovery (winfr), put the camera with the 'empty' SD card into the g drive, created a directory recovery on my main d drive and used flag extensive for flexible file format search and /n*.JPG to pick up image files. Command for winfr (in Command Prompt) was:

winfr g: d:\recovery /extensive /n *.JPG

After 90 min 2587 image files were recovered including in the middle my 42 snaps from yesterday, which copied to the main computer. So very satisfying! Will repeat exercise tomorrow to get back the video clips (.MP4, so /n *.MP4); had to recharge camera battery again after this first run. Of course the police often use such software after they believe for instance some child pornography or other incriminating data has been deleted. There are ways to permanently erase data but computers normally like to be efficient and take short-cuts. Good start to the week for PoO with Brent at $70.77 a barrel as write. OPEC+ are going to raise production a bit but not enough to meet demand and the Iran/USA talks are hitting a few problems. So funds +15k on wtd. Canadian Manganese (materials for EV batteries) seem to be very close to a listing with a prominent SEDAR Profile on their home page, a requisite for the market authorities. Daughter and granddaughters are visiting from 3/8-7/8 – look forward to that! Not too much planned for 2moro: hope work goes very well and M is being visited by his partner's Anglo-Iranian children! lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 31st: max 20C, min 10C, moderate SE breeze, sunny all day, dry, in shorts all day but with insect repellent in play as the clegs (gadflies) emerge! Had great afternoon out, making Pithouse Fell (Slaley Forest SE) from 14:35-16:55, where had 4 Honey-buzzard at 3 sites, all on the edge of heather moor, plus 3 Common Buzzard at 2 sites and a Red Kite. Also had some archetypal moorland birds, including a Ring Ousel singing from Scots Pine copse in middle of moor, 2 Twite as singles flying off the moor to grass pasture to E, 8 Curlew (very agitated), 2 Lapwing, 2 Cuckoo calling (1st of year), 3 Skylark all singing, 10 Meadow Pipit, 1 Tree Pipit, 1 Red Grouse calling, 5 Mistle Thrush, 4 Greylag Goose. At 14:39 a male Honey-buzzard drifted over the moor from the NW, keeping in a straight line before dropping onto fields on edge of moor to SE; alarm calls from Curlew alerted me to his presence; at 16:25 a female Honey-buzzard came over from the NW and landed on the open moor to N where she was presumably going to feed. 2 Common Buzzard were up repeatedly over smallish wood to N of Scots Pine copse. At 14:54 a male Honey-buzzard was soaring high above Slaley Forest Trygill, soon being lost to sight; a Common Buzzard was hunting in the same area at 15:45. At 16:34 had a male Honey-buzzard feeding on the top of Cowbyers Fell above Blanchland village; he was mobbed aggressively by 2 Curlew. A Red Kite was hunting over the moorland edge on Pithouse Fell S at 16:00. Total for bird-types for trip was 23. Butterflies included a Small Heath and one Common Heath moth was seen. Did some heavy grass cutting later, attacking area near pond and paths onto field and into orchard – first cut of the year for this area. Then into G4g4s where met P for good chat. Delighted with invitation: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! A very good day for mammals with a Hedgehog at Juniper at ttime, 2 Hare and a young Red Fox at Ordley at dusk, and 6 Badger (a lone adult and an adult escorting 4 medium-sized young) at Letah Wood at 23:30.

Honey-buzzard – more arrivals on BirdGuides in warming weather, with 4 since 29/5, bringing total for May to 52, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 64. Black Kite spring total is 71.

18:40 31/05 European Honey Buzzard Gloucestershire Frampton-on-Severn one flew north-east over Frampton Pools

13:52 31/05 European Honey Buzzard West Yorkshire Crofton 13:43 one flew north

08:55 31/05 European Honey Buzzard Gloucestershire Stone 08:19 possible flew over to north-east

13:13 30/05 European Honey Buzzard London Chessington 12:30 one flew south-east mobbed by crows

May 30th: max 18C, min 8C, light E breeze, sunny all day, dry, much better, sunbathing on patio in shorts at 12:45, picked up the female and male Honey-buzzard taking off from the local site; the male quickly went higher, looking for full display, but the female soon sank back into their wood – suspect eggs are imminent; she's been back a lot longer than the male and is clearly keen to get on with the breeding cycle. Caught 13:54 RDM-NCL, easily arriving at venue at 14:45, where had steady supply of refreshments. Marvellous to be present at a live concert again, atmosphere and music were marvellous; the 2 violinists played very well!! Programme comprised Jean-Marie Leclair: sonata for two violins, Reinhold Gliere: duos for two violins, Sergey Prokofiev: sonata for two violins. I particularly liked the Gliere with its very contrasting movements. Stayed for a brown ale, chatting to the attendees and staff – all hoping for better times ahead for the industry! NCL was much busier in the bars and the trains were quite full. Made G4g4s with P for good chat. Still most of our mates not coming out but R is coming out from Thursday. 2moro back in the field!! Other birds today included a Mute Swan brood of 4 chicks at Merryshields GP, a Mute Swan 1s at Ovingham, 5 Oystercatcher to E of Merryshields Wood, together on field, and 2 excited Tawny Owl at Ordley at 23:30, indicating fledging is imminent.

May 29th: max 18C, min 8C, light E breeze, cloudy in morning with bright spells becoming much more sunny later, dry, improving trend continues. Have compiled all records for Bywell and Stocksfield over last 11 days, about to sort Prudhoe's. Today sat in garden over lunchtime, ticking off the male Honey-buzzard from Dotland, floating high over S of his territory at 13:30; in field had single Garden Warbler and Willow Warbler singing. Later made Letah Wood, close to home, from 15:50-17:35 where picked up a male Honey-buzzard, doing butterfly display to N of me and to E of his territory at 16:00, so could spend most of visit chasing woodland birds. Also had a Common Buzzard here at 16:33 and pleased to hear 2 singing male Pied Flycatcher in NW corner. Also had, in total of 24 bird-types, a Woodcock flying into a copse in broad daylight, 9 Blue Tit, with a few carrying food, 1 Nuthatch, 1 agitated Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Greenfinch, 9 Blackbird, 5 Swallow, 1 singing Blackcap. Then it was W4bigshop spending £65, think prices are going up! Thought the Copland Appalachian Spring Suite was so nostalgic and 'outdoors'; the Shaker dance is the highlight, with its exciting rhythm and its thrilling climax in penultimate part; whole piece is quite a test for the woodwind with KB starring on the flute. Barber's Knoxville: Summer of 1915 reminded me of Kurt Weill's American opera and indeed is contemporary with them, being from the 1940s, another good example; thought Francesca Chiejina, soprano, was very convincing. John Wilson conducted well, would like to see him do more of this type of concert. Compère was better last time!! Tomorrow afternoon live concerts kick off again and I will be there: very exciting: so looking forward to it!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Honey-buzzard – much higher numbers recorded on BirdGuides in warming weather, with 12 since 24/5, bringing total for May to 48, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 60. Black Kite spring total is 63. Tempted to say for people at last catching up with Honey-buzzard, that they're now becoming rather passé – another raptor is the talk of the town! And like the Honey-buzzard it will appreciate the wilder areas of the north. Not sure the colonisation is due to climate change – that's too slow a pace: more likely to be due to healthy populations on near continent and much better social attitudes to raptors by UK landowners, since 1990. Black Kite avoid unnecessary sea crossings but for purpose of securing new territories, the English Channel in its narrower parts is not a barrier. Very familiar with Black Kite from my trips abroad; for instance had, in Kenya in January 2021, 23 as migrants from the north along with 10 of the closely related Yellow-billed Kite, which are resident in Africa.

19:39 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Devon Ottery St Mary possible flew over

19:31 29/05 European Honey Buzzard Cumbria Skinburness one flew over

17:56 29/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Wykeham Forest three from raptor viewpoint [+2, breeding area]

14:12 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Teynham 13:55 one flew high to north-west

12:59 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Fordwich one flying over early afternoon

12:49 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Wiltshire Britford Water Meadows probable flew north

12:42 28/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Collard's Lake 12:25 one flew over at height

17:28 27/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Titchwell RSPB 17:11 one flew south-west over visitor centre

15:30 27/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Kettlewell 10:00 adult flew west mid-morning

11:14 26/05 European Honey Buzzard West Sussex Stopham 10:35 one flew north

08:44 26/05 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk North Warren RSPB one flew north over North Marsh; also Western Osprey flew south

May 28th: max 16C, min 8C, light W breeze, overcast, dry, improving trend continues. A gr8 day! Good chat with N/D on Skype for 2 hours from 10:00; think they're going to shield for some time. Cut large area of back grass while it stayed dry, avoiding this year's good crop of cowslip and cuckoo flower; follow more enlightened advice now on grass cutting, perhaps every 4 weeks, giving time for things other than grass to grow, and cut in patches. Made C4c4ll where good views! Tuned in to livestreamed concert from Sage by RNS; more to add on this but thought the first 2 pieces were a little insipid, the Barber was brilliant and the Copland was fantastic!! Then out to W to meet D/D; pleased to see it truly busy and we had long chat!! Funds had 3rd week in row of losses, -6k, but PoO continues to rise as Covid fades with large numbers now only in India, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia. Of course woke pressure on the oil and gas industry is immense but the climate emergency does not exist and is now being openly challenged: temperatures are steadily rising at just over 0.1C per decade but this is entirely manageable. Gain on ytd is reduced to 246k gross (+20.0%), 234k net, with ftse 100 on ytd +7.6%, ftse 250 +12.8%. So good stuff concert-wise: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 27th: max 16C, min 8C, light E breeze, sunny, dry, amazing! Following Scottish update, did the same for Ireland:

28th May 2021: Updated page for Ireland with full records from visits between 2012 and 2016 with all sightings mapped (Honey-buzzard in Ireland)

New content is:

The table below summarises observations made by NR from 2012-2016 in Ireland. These sightings are available as the original 11 records from 9 places in a spreadsheet and on a map.

Next up is more work on historical Sussex. Made Prudhoe S from 12:25-14:50 in the much improved weather, taking a packed lunch to make visit more efficient! Still got to look at piccies but preliminary view is 6 types of raptor (12 birds) – fantastic area – including 4 Honey-buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 3 Common Buzzard, 1 Goshawk, 2 Red Kite, 1 Black Kite. The pair of Honey-buzzard were settling in well at Prudhoe S with the darkish male up high over site at 12:45-12:46 and 13:01 and the female usually close to the trees at 12:44, 13:01, 13:55, 14:28 but with a long climb into the sky high-up from 13:55-14:00, disappearing into the base of a cloud. Another male, a pale-phase bird, was high-up over the site at 12:45 in stand-off with the presumed darker resident male; the pale bird went N, not to be seen again. Other birds in this area included 3 Common Buzzard, with a resident pair, and a Red Kite over the nearby wood; at 14:15 a female Kestrel out hunting over the grass. The local Red Kite was sharing a territory with a Black Kite, which were up together at 12:48; the Red Kite disappeared back into the wood but the Black Kite 1  2  3  4 (note forked tail and long P5 in 4), presumed male, was up in contention with the female Honey-buzzard at 13:51 5 and from 14:28-14:29; this appears to be the same mixed pairing as last year. Had a male Goshawk up over Prudhoe E at 13:30 with Common Buzzard up in same area at 14:05. Had a male Honey-buzzard soaring to great height over Hyons Wood at 14:05. another Red Kite was up high to S over Leadgate. Total for trip was 21 bird-types, including 6 Skylark, 3 Curlew, 2 Blackcap. Called in at N4c4t where pleased to have S on for good chat!! Did some grass cutting at front when got home and later made G4g4s on own as mates still shielding and P is in London, inspecting his tenant! But was good 4 chat: poor landlord J has had an accident on his bike in the Lakes with car running into him: fortunately wearing all the gear including helmet, spine support and tough fabric but still got badly broken right hand with all fingers fractured. Car was damaged and driver is helping police with their enquiries! Quiet everywhere still except that posh B looked pretty full: sign of the widening gap between haves and have nots. 2moro it's Skype with N/D in morning and much later RNS concert in evening; forecast is for a duller day with some rain. Feeling gr8 after yesterday: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 26th: max 13C, min 7C, light W breeze, dull, some light rain with a few heavier showers in morning. Did make T4c4c with M 4 good chat; then NCL for gr8 experience as usual, returning on 15:23 after buying lunch at station. Kittiwake colony is going very well with 960 adults (690 birds on Newcastle side, 270 birds on Durham side), 65 Feral Pigeon, 17 Herring Gull (15 ad, 1 2s, 1 1s), 11 LBBG (10 ad, 1 1s), 4 Crow, 2 Goldfinch, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Blackbird, 1 Magpie, 1 Jackdaw, 1 Grey Wagtail (juvenile, presumably fledged on rooftops of the City). Managed 12 types of bird in all, not bad! In evening on BT Sport watched MUN lose on penalties 10-11 to Villareal, near Valencia, of Spain in Europa League final in Gdansk, Poland, after 1-1 aet, not the best of games, think each thought they could win it on penalties at the end; MUN's goalie failed to save any of 11 penalties aimed at him and also missed the crucial kick himself, so he did stop one going in! Have generated records and map for Ireland to add to my Ireland Honey-buzzard page. Started work on Sussex page as plenty can be done without latest reports; added my totals, the BirdGuides migration totals and think will start the historical bit with no less than Gilbert White's account of the Honey-buzzard nesting at Selborne in the South Downs from the 18th century. We (NH/me) did visit Selborne in 2019 but weather not good and no Honey-buzzard seen. She's in perfect form: truly gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 25th: max 10C, min 6C, light NW breeze, dull, heavy showers interspersed by lighter ones, little drier at ttime. Big day for my Scottish records, on my home page:

25th May 2021: Updated page for Scotland with full records from visits between 2000 and 2015 with all sightings mapped (Honey-buzzard in Scotland).

New content is:

Because questions will inevitably arise as to whether the recent sharp increase in breeding Honey-buzzard reported for Scotland is an artefact or real, NR's full results from 2000-2015 are now published, in the form of a spreadsheet, sorted by date and latitude. 49 records from 32 places are itemised in a full report with no data withheld.

Maps are also published of sightings for Scotland as a whole (2000-2015), Highland (2000-2012), Perth and Kinross (2001-2015), Trossachs (2002-2008), Dumfries and Galloway (2004). Some further analysis of the results is planned for the book, including numbers, site density, habitat, seasonality, comparison with Northumberland and the recent results published in Scottish Birds.

So really pressing on with material for book now. It's great having all records fully digitised. Started Sussex, which is really interesting as a growing significant population acknowledged up to c2012 but want to find out latest position; getting a new cheque book as that is how they (SOS) mainly accept money for their annual reports! After C4c4l where tmsuo was on again, made Bywell for closer look at the 'raptor' wood from 15:05-16:50. Weather was poor but the small birds were all quite cheerful, maybe happy that their predators were hauled-up! Did have some interesting piccies in the ttime mini-break in the weather! Total was 30 types of bird, including an adult female Sparrowhawk up on slight clearing in weather at 16:31, a Common Buzzard up at 16:35 briefly with another raptor holding territory (Black Kite 1  2), 2 Spotted Flycatcher, a singing Blackcap, a singing Whitethroat, 2 Treecreeper, 8 Swift, 16 House Martin, 11 Swallow, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, 12 Blackbird (including fledged young), 13 Goldfinch, 3 Greenfinch, 1 White Wagtail. Also had 3 types of mammal: 5 Rabbit, 2 Mole, 1 Brown Hare. 2moro it's T4c4c with M, then 12:40 ex-HEX express!! Would say everywhere in hospitality is on the quiet side still with some regulars just not coming out and late nite trade poorest of all. Commodity shares still soft so funds -3k on wtd. Not re-invested anything yet, indeed sold a bit more so cash up to 130k. Speculators still leaving all markets so happy to keep a lower profile. PoO is back up over $68 with US driving season about to start and physical oil stocks declining. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 24th: max 13C, min 7C, light W breeze, bright sunshine, dry, sunbathing in shorts on patio! Completed processing 18/5 raptor fest this evening – what a session, 6 types! Highlight for today was that the male Honey-buzzard at the local site has returned and was displaying over the territory at ttime 16:24 with the female getting up once from the valley but staying low: looks like she's getting the breeding under way without delay having spent a month here before the male arrived. But she's not picked up another mate: he is last year's sky dancer!! Also had 2 Red Kite up at 2 local sites (Whitley Chapel, Peth Foot) and a Common Buzzard up briefly at latter. Made G4g4s, just missing P, where good to have M on again; pleased that A is in fine fettle!! Just like old times xx!! Should make NCL on Wednesday by train. Looking forward to concerts at weekend!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

Honey-buzzard very poor numbers recorded on BirdGuides in dismal weather, with 4 since 18/5, bringing total for May to 36, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 48. Black Kite spring total is 58.

09:08 24/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Stalham 09:05 one flew north

10:24 23/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint 10:20 two from watchpoint [+1]

19:43 22/05 European Honey Buzzard Nottinghamshire Welbeck watchpoint male from watchpoint

13:17 19/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Cliffs End 12:30 male flew over Cottington Road

May 23rd: max 11C, min 5C, light W breeze, dull, heavy rain in evening (unbelievable for the season! – see analysis below). Took a break from the Honey-buzzard book – looking at some climate/weather papers/blogs. Also started up work again on WikiTree, recording all my family history research for posterity. Found some interesting sources, will report later in week. Cryptos continue to plummet (they trade 24/7); may affect other speculative positions. Otherwise encouraged by decline of CV globally, even including big cities in India now. Made N4c4t where again very welcome and G4g4s where many regulars still not out but had good time! Feeling good after the weekend, despite the weather and the football (we are indeed 2nd – play-offs). xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 2021 was really cold in Europe: averaged over all of Europe, it was the coldest April since 2003 according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, the European Union’s climate-monitoring agency. But some parts of Europe shivered through coldest April in decades, and it’s not relenting. The United Kingdom saw its coldest average low temperature in April since 1922. A frigid April weather pattern deprived much of Europe of springtime and the cold, stormy weather has yet to fully retreat Reading University provides up to the minute data at for its local weather-reading site; this is currently showing -2.1C from average for May up to 20/5 with -2.7C already declared for April as average of minimum and maximum; these are serious anomalies!

Globally for perspective, “the April 2021 surface temperature was 0.79°C (1.42°F) above the 20th century average of 13.7°C (56.7°F). This was the smallest value for April since 2013 and was the ninth warmest April in the 142-year record. April 2021 marked the 45th consecutive April and the 436th consecutive month with temperatures, at least nominally, above the 20th-century average. December 1984 was the last time a monthly temperature was below average“ From the Washington Post source: “The linear warming trend since January, 1979 remains at +0.14 C/decade (+0.12 C/decade over the global-averaged oceans, and +0.18 C/decade over global-averaged land).” So the long term warming continues for the present but the slow current rate is hardly an emergency.

Research at Northumbria University on the sun, whose effects, currently negative, are ignored by some climate models, may need to be taken more seriously:

In this editorial I will demonstrate with newly discovered solar activity proxy-magnetic field that the Sun has entered into the modern Grand Solar Minimum (2020–2053) that will lead to a significant reduction of solar magnetic field and activity like during Maunder minimum leading to noticeable reduction of terrestrial temperature. Valentina Zharkova

It's the negative Arctic Oscillation which is the immediate cause of our terrible weather in western Europe. And things don't look as if they're going to get better soon: could cause some local questioning of AGW!

Arctic Oscillation and Polar Vortex Analysis and Forecasts May 14, 2021. I have been fascinated by the relatively cool spring in Europe this year, as I am sure many others, most of whom actually live in Europe. The cool weather across Europe is related to in large part unusually active Greenland blocking [the Greenland high pressure system]. Greenland blocking is a feature more commonly associated with winter weather and what is the source of the Greenland blocking is an interesting question. In the previous blog the GFS forecasts were suggesting that Greenland blocking was fading, and European temperatures were on the rise. In today’s blog that is no longer the case with a return of Greenland blocking predicted. And with more ridging/high pressure predicted in and around Greenland, troughing and seasonably cool weather could be anticipated for large parts of Europe into the foreseeable future. Another circulation feature is more reminiscent of winter than late spring is Ural blocking. And the Ural blocking [the Ural high pressure system] looks to have an impact on the hemispheric circulation.

It seems to me the warming of geopotential heights in the lower stratosphere is related to increasing ridging/high pressure in the Central Arctic in the troposphere the second half of May. But could rising geopotential heights in the lower stratosphere contribute to either amplifying or even persisting the predicted ridging/high pressure across Greenland? I don’t know but if yes then the cool spring in Europe could linger into early summer and the trend of European summers heating up could take a pause this year. Greenland blocking can also result in cooler weather in the Eastern US. Unusually strong summer high latitude blocking can bring record temperatures to the Arctic but can also force some cooler and/or wetter downstream

But western US, the Arctic itself and Siberia may see higher temperatures so expect the AGW supporters to be focussing on these. Finally La Niña, which globally depresses temperature, has weakened with expectation of ENSO-neutral over the northern summer before switching back again to La Niña from August (slide 23 in 13/05/21 So interesting times and plenty of debating material but the woke news channels do not allow any discussion at all: total disgrace: BBC News and Sky News should have their broadcasting licences withdrawn (and not just for this!).

May 22nd: max 10C, min 4C, light NW breeze, dull, dry, little sunshine at ttime. Made Grindon Lough from 17:40-18:55; water level was low, much mud, in spite of recent rain. The female Red-necked Phalarope was readily seen, swimming off S shore; it's become a regular spring visitor. Waders were good: 7 types: 2 Oystercatcher, 5 Lapwing, 5 Ringed Plover, 4 Curlew, 2 Dunlin, 1 Red-necked Phalarope, 5 Redshank. Gulls were of 4 types: BHG 13 (12 ad, 1 1s), GBBG 3 2s, LBBG 7 (3 ad, 2 2s, 2 1s), HG (2 2s, 8 1s); checked closely for Caspian Gull, 1 1s HG was promising but not enough of the required features; last year they were feeding on weed/bugs in the Lough, now disappeared. Had a brood of Canada Goose (4 medium-sized chicks), a pair of Shelduck and a drake Wigeon. Passerines included a female Wheatear, 7 Goldfinch, 5 Meadow Pipit, 1 Skylark. Total was 29 bird-types, adding 4 to my year list for UK, now 117, and 13 for total for May, now 64; have not processed Bywell's records for Tuesday yet. Then made W4bigshop, spending £50 after cashing-in vouchers worth £5! Not spending so much there now pubs are open again: don't preload! Earlier watched Gulls draw 2-2 with Barnet on livestream from Plainmoor. Plan was to get loads of goals to boost goal difference: 2-0 up after 23 min, so plan on, then blew it with inept defending! We made the fatal mistake of totally underestimating Barnet, who could easily have won it in the end. We're likely now to be 2nd (after Sutton who should take title and automatic promotion), in pole position in the play-offs: more tension! Did a bit of tidying-up in Butser Hill piccies (Hampshire) and resizing a clip from Peth Foot in July 2019 down from 140MB to 33MB, to release some disk space for Sussex records, which will not take long to compile. Did watch Euro Song Contest, always good for a laugh; voted for Israel who didn't do badly in the end (better than UK anyway!); Italy won it and the Dutch did a superb job of putting on a dynamic show, in the current climate, in Rotterdam. So glad that live music is returning; masks should be ditched immediately! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 21st: max 10C, min 4C, light E breeze, dull, overcast, showery rain. Dismal weather continues, will provide some more general comment tomorrow on what's happening. Have completed the work on Hampshire records, with earlier work done on Isle of Wight records, all referenced from home page:

6th May 2021: Added Honey-buzzard page from visit to Isle of Wight in June 2015 (Honey-buzzard on the Isle of Wight).

21st May 2021: Added Honey-buzzard page from visits to Hampshire from 2014-2019, with comparison to results from the New Forest and Hampshire by the fieldworkers there (Honey-buzzard in Hampshire).

Next up is Sussex. Kept social life going with N/D on Skype from 10:00-11:45; they had to watch me eating breakfast as up late at 09:40 after sleep of the innocent!! Made N4c4t where good to meet S again. Was gr8 to make W4g4s with D/D; we were made to feel very welcome inside. Nowhere is that busy, people are still a little cautious and the number of people walking around outside in Hexham with face masks on is ridiculous! Think the government has got the population so fearful that it may be a while before some are confident of going out again in the way we used to. A little concerned about the markets after a further slide this afternoon in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, bringing down metal prices again; oil rallied a bit today to almost $67 after a bad week on the US/Iran talks going well, which means increased exports of oil from Iran. Biden must be very naive to consider trusting Iran on limiting their nuclear initiatives. Own funds were -8k, bringing gain ytd down to +252k gross (+20.4%), +240k net, with ftse 100 +7.5% and ftse 250 +11.3%. Decided to raise some money by selling big mining and oil equipment stocks, giving cash of 127k by end of week; need to rethink strategy as risks of shocks to frothy and complacent markets seem to be increasing. Did enjoy trip to NCL!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 20th: max 10C, min 8C, fresh SE breeze, heavy rain moving in mid-morning and continuing rest of day; cold spring continues with high G(reenland) predominating. Added last records from Herts trip 28/4 with walk in Welwyn N and journey back to Kingston. Completed draft of Hampshire Honey-buzzard account; need to do final run through before publishing tomorrow; note that requisite variety is the very opposite of the fashionable cancel culture. Stay in NCL was very rewarding, back on 10:57 to RDM. Don't think any hospitality venue is making much money with current restrictions on packing density but at least they can restore customer relationships after 6 months off. I'm trying to support everyone in my life so C4c4t and G4g4s, latter for good chat with P. Cleaner S came this afternoon so house is sparkling! Walk in rain in Sele Park delivered a female Bullfinch, 2 feeding Oystercatcher, 2 Swift. Some good news from son with work, where appointed project leader of important finance initiative in the Uni and started project supervision in computer science on the academic side; think he's benefited greatly from going back to work in the office 3 days a week. Strongly suspect that people working on the premises will get noticed more than those WFH. Most satisfying conclusion to trip: she's so gorgeous: lok2tgfr: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 19th: max 14C, min 5C, light W breeze, sunny periods with occasional minor cloudy spells and light showers! Brighter than yesterday but migrant raptors will have moved on: it's the end of the damp (blocking) spells that are magic. Had good chat with M at T and they were pleased to see us back with a 50% discount on scones! Still being given VIP rooms, will need to work on this!! Great to be back in a lively NCL, even with a PL football match on with real supporters (Toon 1, Blades 0). Watched some of it in V&C where had good supper. Lovely to hear the sounds of people enjoying themselves again! But best of all was the warm welcome: must come again: lok2tgrf: she's gorgeous: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 18th: max 12C, min 5C, light NW breeze, sunny periods with occasional minor cloudy spells, dry, polar air – brilliant! Thought it would be gr8 and it was: made Stocksfield Mount from 12:25-14:55, complete with packed lunch (Danish Blue cheese, French stick, salad, banana, orange, + black coffee, water). Had single Common Buzzard at Bywell Cottagebank, Bywell Castle, Shilford and Whittle Dene; single female Sparrowhawk over Eltringham at12:40; the male Honey-buzzard at Bywell Cottagebank as last year, a slim bird with pale head/neck, narrow dark carpal area and very little black on wingtip – he was keeping low, keen on feeding at 12:41; at 13:12 he was up again floating over area to W; another male Honey-buzzard to E, also slim but purplish and quite fired up over Short Wood E but again keeping low – feeding, clearly a migrant intruder, keeping his distance from the tenant, at 12:57; a pair of Hobby briefly displaying over Bywell Cottagebank (at 13:05 a female Hobby diving towards a Common Buzzard; pair up displaying at 14:21); single Red Kite up over Short Wood E and Tofts Wood to NW of Newton. Had further Honey-buzzard high in the sky and moving NW – a lone female at 13:01 going high and moving NW, 2 male up together at 13:18 before moving off NW, a lone male up at 13:44 before moving off NW, so that's 4 in total all following the A68 into Scotland! These migrants have been blocked by the wet weather: timing is everything. Another Red Kite was up in contention with a pair of displaying Black Kite at 14:18 1  2, which I think is colonising Britain, particularly northern England and Scotland; note the shallow fork and more robust appearance; their jizz is also much more robust. So just Kestrel and Goshawk missing, which have been seen here already this year. Gulls comprised 5 LBBG (3 ad, 1 2s, 1 1s) and an adult gull W with limited black and white in wingtip, maybe a 3s Herring Gull. Also had 10 Swift, feeding over a wide area, 4 displaying Swallow and 4 House Martin N plus single singing Chiffchaff and Blackcap. Total for raptors is 6 types. There were plenty of St Mark's Fly hatching. Last night had 2 Hare and a Roe Deer female, heavy with fawn, at Ordley plus a badger at Letah Wood – good, going out in the dark! Made N4c4t where greeted enthusiastically and sat outside, very nice watching the world go by! Then back home to do some energetic grass cutting, 3rd large area cut this season, outside the dining room and patio. Have started the Discussion section in the Hampshire write-up, which is good book fodder. Think requisite variety is the key: the notion that a certain amount of diversity in viewpoints and perspectives is required for groups and organizations to address complex problems as they emerge. Funds are +5k on wtd so that's OK but volatility is rising and realising some cash in case we have a pullback! PoO did make 70 today but came back quickly – a little concerning. The trouble is that long trades are crowded everywhere. Back to Tans tomorrow morning, with M: T4c4c, followed ex-RDM 13:05 and C4c4l at NCL. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Total raptors were of 5 types: Honey-buzzard 6 (5 male, 1 female, 1 tenant male, 1 feeding migrant male, 4 NW (1 female, 3 male)); Common Buzzard 4 (at 4 sites), Red Kite 3 (at 3 sites), Hobby 2 (pair), 1 Sparrowhawk (female), with maybe another!

Honey-buzzard still well recorded on BirdGuides, with 5 since 16/5, bringing total for May to 32, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 44. Black Kite spring total is 56.

12:30 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Freiston Shore RSPB 12:15 one flew over to NNW

11:09 18/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Wykeham Forest 11:00 one again from raptor viewpoint; from A170 at Wykeham take minor road north to Highwood Brow for 6.4km to T-junction then left for 500m to car park at SE936887

09:17 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Westbere GPs one flew over high to south-west

08:50 18/05 European Honey Buzzard Guernsey Le Foulon 08:45 one flew north-west over Rohais

12:26 17/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Sandwich Bay 12:25 one drifted over observatory

May 17th: max 11C, min 6C, light NW breeze, cloudy, heavy rain in short bursts for much of day, ground saturated. Reopening day, celebrated by making C4c4t with P and G4g4s with a gang of 6; former was quiet, we were the only people inside for a while but G was pretty busy; gr8 to chat again over a c and a g; SW/AW were in Panama for 2 months from early December to early February, beats my Kenya escape; FC and family made up the remainder with M doing the honours! Pleased 2 c tmsuo!! Completed Hampshire 2019 records, from one site only; most of records that year were on the Sussex side. So close to wrapping up! Weather may be better 2moro so out with packed lunch to Tyne Valley W is the intention. PoO is $69.69 Brent, so close to the psychologically important $70 figure! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 16th: max 10C, min 7C, light E breeze, cloudy, heavy rain for much of day, ground quite wet now, amazingly quick change from drought! Completed 2018 sightings in Hampshire so just one more year to do, 2019, when 3 sites in South Downs and trips to Rowlands Castle for ANPA finished as it moved to Liverpool. It's taking a while but the clear finding is that, after fledging, Honey-buzzard form family parties for a couple of weeks, which display above the canopy, just like in Northumberland. It's been a very bad week for fieldwork with much gloom and rain and not much sign of improvement. Still compiling material for book is top priority. Watched the RNS stream from Friday night again: still very convincing, think the creativity, enthusiasm, liveliness and skill come over very well. Overlooked yesterday Organum Light by Dobrinka Tabikova: fascinating piece, intrigued by mention of Einstein and photons. Before Einstein physicists thought that light was continuous but Einstein considered it comprised a stream of discreet but tiny photons. In music on the violin microtones might be an analogy. From the sublime to the ridiculous: Hatters (4th in NL) versus Gulls (2nd in NL) at 12:15 from Stockport on BT Sport (streamed live as video on my laptop). A thrilling game going 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-2, with both sides in last 15 minutes rushing up and down the pitch trying to get a winner. We're virtually guaranteed 2nd now but 1st is out of our hands if Sutton get 4 points from their remaining 2 games. Made W4shop to get some fresh red grapefruit, to which I'm addicted (they were out of stock on Friday); then up to C4c4t to satisfy another addiction! Was drinking that in Sele under the bandstand in the rain when little sis phoned and we had an hour's lively chat; invited down to Devon this summer – late June maybe! We are at one on the pandemic: get everything opened up now! So exciting day 2moro with G open again and C opening inside! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Honey-buzzard still very well recorded on BirdGuides, with 11 since 13/5, bringing total for May to 27, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 39. Black Kite spring total is 54. Honey-buzzard totals in recent springs on BirdGuides are 103 (2020), 83 (2019), 107 (2018), 94 (2017).

16:38 16/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Northward Hill RSPB one reported this afternoon

15:05 16/05 European Honey Buzzard Pembrokeshire Eglwyswrw one flew north over nearby Pengelli Forest mid-afternoon

13:34 16/05 European Honey Buzzard East Yorkshire Hornsea Mere 12:55 one flew east

10:10 16/05 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point NNR one flew north over East Dunes early morning; also Little Gull at Croft Marsh

09:46 16/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Dungeness NNR 09:20 one in Trapping Area then flew low east and continued out to sea

22:25 15/05 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point NNR one flew north today; also 2 Little Gulls, 2 Eurasian Spoonbills, Spotted Redshank and Great Egret

21:32 15/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Crossgates one flew west

13:56 15/05 European Honey Buzzard Lincolnshire Gibraltar Point NNR one

11:29 15/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Blakeney Point one flew south-east late morning; also Eurasian Spoonbill flew east over Halfway House

13:59 14/05 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Coward's Marsh one flew east

10:15 14/05 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Dunwich Heath NT 10:10 one flew north

May 15th: max 10C, min 6C, light E breeze, cloudy, cool. Brought Hampshire Honey-buzzard up to 2017 inclusive, so just 2 more years to go for my own records. Posted on vimeo a clip of Honey-Buzzard in Rathmacknee, Co Wexford, Ireland in November 2015. Made Peggs4ft+rw; FT is also relieved that some of the bubble in markets is deflating. I've deliberately been moving profits into large, profitable businesses as these are more liquid if things really do turn rough: that is you can still sell in volume in a falling market. Recent choices are also commodity-focused to protect against an upsurge in inflation. Well anyway that's the plan but … Still inspired by last night's concert booked up for the next stream of RNS from Sage on 28/5, paying £30+£10 donation. My quarterly £500 pp donation to RNS for MG is payable Monday! Made hfb4f&c+mp4t for a change: quite tasty! Next week it's G4g4s on Monday and into Toon on Wednesday for stop-over!! Keep looking gorgeous: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 14th: max 11C, min 6C, light E breeze, cloudy, cool. Completed decorating in dining room, some relief! Made N4c4t where a few sociable chats! Fantastic concert – very well thought through with great themes, inspirational for the players and the audience, really enjoyed it!! Five Composers, 4 Seasons, was the title. The concert centred on Piazzolla's Four Seasons of Buenos Aires composed between 1965 and 1970. It's a lively piece following the arrangement in the 1990s of Russian composer Leonid Desyatnikov, who arranged the pieces for solo violin and string orchestra. The soloists were all so accomplished and stylish: MS, G-AM, KN, AT-T, and rightly appreciated by their colleagues. In a similar flamboyant style we heard Haydn's Sinfonia Concertante with 4 soloists AR (violin), SM (cello), M O'D (oboe), SR (bassoon), playing in front of the sinfonia, often in pairs against each other. A contrast was provided by the mournful Sonata for Solo Clarinet by the French female composer Germaine Taillferre, played well by Jessica Lee; the music reminded me of the Birds (Messiaen: Abîme des oiseaux). I loved the introduction to the concert, putting us in the mood for a non-conventional musical evening with plenty of spirit and skill! So roll on the live concerts!! Markets had some bad times this week with 2 spells on different days when the ftse 100 was down over 2%. Some of this may have been due to distress selling as frothy sections of the market, such as cryptocurrencies e.g. bitcoin, SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company), hyped greens stocks, all tanked heavily. It's well known that collapses in 'bad' areas feed into 'good' areas as some holders are left with nothing else to sell to meet commitments such as margin calls. The 'value' stocks, which I hold mainly, were resilient with ftse 100 down just 1.2% on week in the end. Own funds finished -7k on week, reducing gain on ytd to 260k gross (+21.1%), 248k net with ftse 100 +7.9%, ftse 250 +11.0%. It's healthy that some of the froth is being removed but don't think that the affected areas are anywhere near worth buying for recovery! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Had a Barn Owl at Ordley and 2 Woodcock roding over Dipton Wood.

May 13th: max 14C, min 5C, light E breeze, sunny most of day, no showers developing for a change. Some sunbathing today on patio in shorts! A Garden Warbler was singing from the bushes on edge of my field, just returned. A Raven was flying W over Slaley Forest near Dukesfield, becoming commoner. No sign of the local Honey-buzzard today, even though scanning the area from time to time; male is still to arrive. Flowers are beautiful this spring: cowslip and bluebell are the latest to shine. Almost completed dining room decoration on ceiling. Completed processing piccies for 2014-2015 Hampshire and now on 2016. The shots clearly show family party display up in the air as in Northumberland. Most ringers do not study their quarry after it's fledged: the business has already been done! So proving to be a valuable exercise! Spoke to daughter today: everyone OK but husband and elder granddaughter still getting headaches from time to time, younger granddaughter finally tested positive but no symptoms! Made C4c4t and B4rw4s. Looking forward a lot to concert tomorrow!! xxxxx XXX!!!!! xxxXX

A flurry of Honey-buzzard on BirdGuides, since 10/5, bringing total for May to 16, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 28. Black Kite spring total is 51.

14:18 13/05 European Honey Buzzard South Yorkshire Thorne Moors NNR one flew south

12:36 13/05 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Aldeburgh 11:55 one flew south

12:04 13/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk Hickling Broad 11:50 one over Brendan's Marsh; also White Stork [seen them here myself]

11:37 13/05 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Minsmere RSPB 11:33 one flew south over Eastbridge

13:01 12/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent Stodmarsh NNR one flew north-east

17:41 11/05 European Honey Buzzard Cambridgeshire Fordham 16:00 adult male flew low south-west

16:56 11/05 European Honey Buzzard Gloucestershire Cinderford 09/05 one flew north over Edgehills Bog on Sunday

14:46 11/05 European Honey Buzzard Guernsey St Saviour's Reservoir 10:40 one flew towards airport this morning

10:08 11/05 European Honey Buzzard Norfolk South Walsham tail-less individual reported over Fleet Dike then drifted south-east

May 12th: max 13C, min 5C, light W breeze, sunny morning, becoming steadily more cloudy, odd shower at tea-time! At 19:00 had the local female Honey-buzzard flying low-down from NE to NW of my house over the pastures below, heavily mobbed by 2 Crow, before sliding S towards the old nest site. Completed processing on vimeo the 3 Honey-buzzard clips from 09/07/2018 at the local nest-site (8900) and a clip from 22/05/2019 of 2 Honey-buzzard in dispute at Dipton Wood S (9021); all have been reprocessed into mp4 from the initial mts files at higher quality. BT server disk space released so can process the Hampshire stills tomorrow. Did meet M at sal4c4c for good chat. Had gr8 trip to NCL on train, feel people are easing up a little (anyway those that do go out!) and behaving more naturally. In early evening did another coat of paint on ceiling and cut some grass at the back for first time this year, preserving wild flowers as much as possible. Booked up for the 2 RNS concerts in June to attend as part of the live audience, paying £32 and donating £26 in total! Was a brilliant rendezvous: she's so gorgeous: very stimulating: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Had 8 bird-types at Quayside: 930 Kittiwake adult, many sitting on nests, 51 Feral Pigeon, 22 Herring Gull (14 ad. 1 2s, 7 1s), 7 LBBG ad, 5 Woodpigeon, 2 Magpie, 1 Blackbird singing, 1 Jackdaw.

May 11th: max 14C, min 6C, moderate SW breeze, sunny morning, becoming steadily more cloudy, heavy rain at tea-time, bit like the tropics really! Have posted 2 higher quality video on vimeo of Honey-buzzard in Northumberland, from July 2018; first instalments for this exciting nest visit. When completed will delete current low quality versions from my BT web server to make space for my Hampshire piccies of Honey-buzzard, so that's the drive! Dyvels was inexplicably closed so went with P to Angel in Corbridge for garlic bread and g; we had gr8 catch-up. Angel was the place which made the national papers on refusing to serve a 78-year old man without the app; they now have a prominent sign saying pay as you like! It's a good spot as you can watch the world go by! Waitress was charming!! Had 10 Swift, 5 Sand Martin, 3 Swallow, on the bridge over the Tyne there and a Redstart female at Lamb Shield. Put 2 coats on dining room ceiling joints today, needs 2 more on whole area, then done. Funds are down 5k on wtd after big falls this week with ftse 100 -2.6%. There are worries about inflation taking off, pushing up interest rates. Commodities themselves continue to rise so happy with current holdings. 2moro social life goes up a gear with sal4c4c with M, NCL on train!! Prepared source odt file for DM and uploaded it to server. Keep looking gorgeous: xxxxx XXX!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxXXX

May 10th: max 13C, min 6C, moderate SW breeze, sunny intervals, heavy bursts of rain. Got out in shorts on the patio at 11:30 but not long before the heavy showers started. Continued decorating – upstairs bathroom where fittings moved, dining room ceiling where new board inserted – restoration is very satisfying. Then found water spraying from top of gutter at roof level and a very cross Blue Tit (nesting near there!). Loosened clamp at bottom of downpipe, wiggled pipe around and masses of silt came out, the whole downpipe emptying spectacularly in seconds! Re-tightened clamp and all worked well in subsequent downpours! Did make C4c4t and I4sshop; must compliment former on employment policy! Met a few of the gang on pavement outside B and agreed to meet P 2moro at Dyvels; was still wearing shorts which amused them – you have to pretend it's late spring! Attended Rotary talk on Zoom by Andrew Birley at 18:30 on latest findings at Vindolanda, near the Roman Wall at Housesteads. He's the third generation of the Birley family to direct this work. They've uncovered a Christian church in the excavations dating from around 6th century AD, before Cuthbert 634-687, and throwing a lot of previous theories into rapid revision. Incredibly they found a lead chalice in the remains of the church As instructed must make a visit soon! Son and I went there last spring before CV closure. Completed compiling their side of the Hampshire story, now organising my piccies and accounts. Have already booked up for stream to a * concert on 14/5 with RNS and today booked a table for another * one on 30/5!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Six more records on BirdGuides since 2/5, bringing total for May to 7, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 19. Black Kite total so far this spring in Britain is 44, plenty in northern England, colonisation surely in progress: hope we're going to handle this raptor's colonisation better than that of Honey-buzzard!

12:22 10/05 European Honey Buzzard North Yorkshire Ravenscar 11:03 one flew in off the sea then flew west

21:11 09/05 European Honey Buzzard Kent North Foreland one flew over early afternoon

17:09 09/05 European Honey Buzzard South Yorkshire Rawmarsh 15:55 one flew north-west over Stubbin Pit Top

14:00 09/05 European Honey Buzzard Lancashire Tarnbrook 13:25 possible flew north-west

14:19 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Guernsey St Peter Port 12:26 one drifted east over Vauvert

13:57 07/05 European Honey Buzzard Somerset & Bristol Sparkford 10:15 one reported over A303 between Podimore and Sparkford

May 9th: max 14C, min 7C, moderate SW breeze, cloudy, dry. Feeling milder and went for good walk on Eastwood Common, near Healey, from 12:55-15:30. Had 5 types of raptor: 5 Common Buzzard (2 displaying at Healey Mill, 2 displaying over Eastwood Common where also a lone bird low-down, so 3 sites), 2 Honey-buzzard (male in butterfly display early-on at 13:24, pair display later at 15:15 with some fairly close-up shots in March Burn), 2 Red Kite (pair at Healey Mill at 13:00), 2 Kestrel (pair hunting separately), 1 Sparrowhawk (adult male hunting low-down over Common). A Raven was a great sight, they're finally colonising Northumberland away from the uplands where their chances of survival from human interference are far higher. Summer visitors included a Ring Ousel a Ring Ousel flushed from the Common, presumably a migrant attracted to the heath, and a Tree Pipit but no Woodlark seen. Also had 4 LBBG ad W, 1 Curlew singing, 7 Swallow, 12 Meadow Pipit (some displaying), 32 Linnet (including a flock of 11, still settling down). Total was 21 bird-types for walk. In my field had a Willow Warbler singing, 1st of season. Well that was a great distraction from Honey-buzzard in Hampshire but resumed that later getting up to end of 2011 for the New Forest studies. In evening watched stream from Barbican of LSO/Rattle: Das Lied von der Erde (Song of the Earth), Mahler, with the mezzo-soprano Magdalena Ko�ená and tenor Andrew Staples. It's a work of great depth with some lighter moments but the sombre Der Abschied (The Farewell) which concludes the work is particularly poignant. Mahler appears to be rationalising his own death in terms of natural cycles. The final words ‘Ewig… ewig…’ (Forever… forever…) are repeated over and over again as the music attempts to find some conclusion. Magdalena Ko�ená showed such stage-presence in this lengthy final part of 30 min: most of the time she's not singing but she is acting throughout! The performance was brilliant in every respect. Cost £12.50 with further £12.50 donation. Son also was very impressed! We're keeping in almost daily contact now. This week may make NCL by train on Wednesday!! Warm enough for the pub soon again, maybe. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Look also at the Common Buzzard in N&TBC bulletin for March 2021, soaring away:

Buzzard Buteo buteo

Ten birds, including three displaying pairs, were at Gosforth Subsidence Pond on 20th (MJC) and ten were over Beanley Wood on 30th (IBDa/KDa). Nine were at Old Hazelrigg (Belford) (DF) and at East Holywell (Whitley Bay) (AC) on 20th, eight were soaring at Alnwick Moor (TRD/JD) and seven were at Colpitts (Slaley) (MH) on 20th. Six birds were noted at Bellasis Bridge (Blagdon) on 1st (MH), Wark (North Tyne) on 10th an 27th (PRM), R South Tyne (Melkridge) on 16th (SJH), Kielder on 25th (ADM) and Derwent Reservoir on 26th (IFo). 100 records of one to five birds were received this month. [I'm in the 100 somewhere, with 14 records]

May 8th: max 12C, min 7C, moderate SE breeze, heavy rain at lunchtime, overcast for most of rest of day. Definitely milder: did not need to light fire tonight for 1st time for a while. Made a lot of progress on account of Honey-buzzard in Hampshire: all very good for book as brings in a series of letters from 2003-2005 about trends in populations both locally in the New Forest and nationally. The new section gives the motivation for dealing with the letters in detail as well as presenting my own findings. Still some way to go and haven't brought in my own records yet, but account is going to be 4-5 pages long so decent chunk for book. Feeling totally fit today so the vaccine appears to have seen off the nasty Brazilian variant. Went into HEX to Peggs4FT,HC, rw and C4c4t; from C4 last night Costa coffee contains more caffeine than other brands; thought going there gave me a buzz!! FT was a little worried about markets being overvalued but more sanguine now that the tech sector has cooled. Quite critical of cryptocurrencies with their huge carbon footprints for mining them. Had walk around Sele getting a Swift, first of season, flying down Beaumont Street. Yesterday had a Whitethroat song flighting over the hawthorn hedge at the W end of my field with 2 House Martin and 2 Swallow in area, feeding. Looking forward to re-opening: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Good news in N&TBC bulletin for March 2021, confirming massive colonisation by Red Kite as found by me last year:

Red Kite Heavy signs of expansion as 46 sightings this month. [on front page]

Red Kite Milvus milvus [systematic account]

Six birds, including four simultaneously, were at Shotley Station, all in Northumberland on 16th (MH). Three birds, two adults and a 2nd cal. yr bird, were at a confidential site on 27th (PRM). Two birds were at Crooked Oak (Carterway Heads) & Snods Edge on 9th (IFo), Winnows Hill (Slaley Forest) on 18th (MH), two flew N at Pegswood on 20th (AT) and two were Colpitts (Slaley) also on 20th (MH). On 26th two were at Derwent Reservoir and on 28th two were at Ordley (BNR) and two were at a confidential site (PRM). Single birds were noted at 24 locations throughout the month. [BNR is me!]

May 7th: max 9C, min 1C, light N breeze, sunny intervals, more cloudy in afternoon, spells of rain. Practical consequences: sunbathing on patio in morning after good chat with N/D on Skype, no W4g4s as pub closed early (staff unsurprisingly p.ssed off with wet weather earlier!). Interesting we now increasingly rely on the weather for our power supplies (wind, solar) and enjoying a pint (sitting outside), bit like back to the middle ages. Roll on 17/5 and restoration of some sanity! Working hard on Hants Honey-buzzard. Was hoping for a quick mention of my records but getting drawn into the slightly murky status of the history of Honey-buzzard in the New Forest – typical academic! So have many windows open in Chrome on various Hampshire publications; hope to draw a line through it all tomorrow, for which no doubt they will be very grateful! Latest message from daughter says we had the Brazilian variant of CV with elder granddaughter quick recovery, younger granddaughter immune, her husband bowled over in spite of jab 1 in March, she with no jabs yet also quite poorly. But they are slowly recovering now. Whole school Holy Cross Prep, Kingston, is being tested at the moment. So nice to know the variant with which I had a brush: still having spells of slight weakness but jab 2 (15 days ago) has clearly been a great help! Son had jab 1 today. Funds had another good week on firm commodity prices: roll on the EV rush even though I think their introduction should be over many more years. On week +23k; on ytd gain is +267k gross (+21.7%), +255k net. Ftse 100 on ytd is +9.2%, ftse 250 +13.2%. Rotation from growth (tech) to value (more traditional companies) is proceeding apace; significant losses in many of last year's highly fashionable areas, such as Zoom, renewable energy, some US tech giants, EV makers. Son says it's Mahler's Song of the Earth in livestream from Barbican on Sunday night: will be there!

May 6th: max 7C, min 3C, light NW breeze, sunny spells early on, cloudy with cool showers in afternoon.

Added Honey-buzzard page to home page from visit to Isle of Wight in June 2015 (Honey-buzzard on the Isle of Wight). This is the first of a number of new entries, summarising in one place my findings in a county or area, both for birds and habitat. This will aid the book writing! Next up is Hants.

Cleaner S came at noon for a couple of hours so forced out to W4bigshop £67 (last week's on way home from London lacked efficiency!) and walk on Tyne Green from 12:30-13:50. Interesting walk, for instance 32 Swallow (2 feeding birds plus flock of 30 arriving from NW, ahead of hail storm, and continuing SE as flurry moved in), 2 Sand Martin, 1 House Martin, 1 Common Sandpiper (first of season here, did see some in Kenya!), 2 Oystercatcher, 9 Blackbird, 1 singing Nuthatch, 13 BHG (11 adult, 2 1s). 3 adult Herring Gull. Total was 19 bird-types. Also had Orange-tip male and female. Stop-over is booked!! Had good working day so feeling happy with that; did have a very sound nap at tt, still think I'm in recovery mode! Watched ON's streamed concert from Whitehall Road Sessions: “D’un Matin de Printemps (Of a Spring Morning) was the last work Boulanger composed in her short and troubled life, bringing joy, magic and showing little of the sadness that coloured her other pieces. Farrenc's Piano Quintet No.2 is exhilarating and richly coloured, showcasing the full range of possibilities for the instrument. Zawadzki is joined by members of the ensemble for a live performance of My Boy of the Birds, from Walking Home: Sound Pieces from Lockdown, and performs an improvisation.” Becoming an expert on Boulanger (see 17/4 RNS), Farrenc is so underrated, Zawadzki is very innovative! Donated £30 to recognise their talents! Yesterday was gr8: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 5th: max 8C, min 1C, light N breeze, sunny spells, spectacular thunder clouds, at teatime a violent hail storm in 'Shire covering the ground and giving rise to local flooding. Did make Quayside where had 550 Kittiwake (occupying nests, all adult), 12 Herring Gull (6 adult, 5 1s, 1 2s), 8 LBBG (all adult), 40 Feral Pigeon, 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Crow, 1 Blackbird singing, 2 Greenfinch (pair, good to see in view of massive decline nationally due to a virus), so 8 types in all. Met M at S4c4c where a little sunshine in the courtyard made it bearable; we had good chat. Then into NCL by car, 2 reasons: precaution after mild CV infection, don't like wearing masks on trains. Parked on Quayside – plenty of space – outside areas including bars are a lot quieter since initial burst of activity but roads quite busy outside city centre. Might stop-over 19/5 for peek at Toon!! Caught up on 2/5 and today's records in evening but think I'm a little more laid-back since infection; not getting so much done but not surprising really; 2moro marks jab 2 + 14 days so fully vaccinated; am continuing to wash clothes worn recently. Am thinking of documenting my remaining Honey-buzzard records outside Northumberland, starting with Hants/IoW, as good material for book. Big day in commodities with US economy taking-off well and concerns about scarcity of supplies for EVs raising metal prices; PoO neared $70 for barrel of Brent in afternoon on fall in US stockpiles of Crude. Was a gr8 reunion: she's absolutely gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxxxx

May 4th: max 6C, min 1C, moderate NW breeze, cloudy, rain from time to time. Completed processing 27/4 at Sherrardspark Wood, just S of Welwyn. Daughter reported she and husband are both feeling exhausted with virus while daughters are fine: S only really showed symptoms for 2 days, younger I still negative but since she's been at nursery through pandemic, suspect she's got all sorts of weird antibodies and T-cell programming, capable of dealing with most things! Anyway she was really glad that I'd survived! Getting out more, made C4c4t, Sele and B4rw4s; 2moro it's S4c4c in HEX with M outside and drive into NCL. Have washed all inner and outer clothes in past day with detergent in machine just to make sure virus isn't lingering. Watched Notts Co vs Sutton tonite on BT: winning penalty by former, down to 10 men, at 90+4 will have been roundly cheered by Gulls' fans!! Booked up for stream from RNS on 14/5, paying £30 + £10 donation. Supported Public Campaign for the Arts petitioning against cuts to arts subjects in HE and donated £10.61. Funds are +2k to new record on wtd, avoiding flash crash today, which hammered bubbly tech and green energy stocks. Looking forward to 2moro: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

May 3rd: max 8C, min 3C, moderate SW breeze, cloudy, persistent rain in afternoon: a typical early May bank holiday: move it! Opened account for 2021 Honey-buzzard on home page, adding Kenya records and setting scene for Northumberland this year, all as below. Did make HEX for some shopping, getting a new corded digital mouse from T for £7, not worth investigating too closely what's wrong with old one! Did make C4c4l where delighted to meet tmsuo!! Followed the text on the Gulls' web page as we beat Chesterfield (2-0) on their ground for the first time ever, putting us 4 points clear of Sutton who have 2 games in hand. Chesterfield were mortified at being beaten by us, saying they looked like the league leaders! Feeling fine today; keeping my contacts to a minimum for a few days; libido is returning; thinking of driving into NCL on Wed. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Out of Study Area 2021

Coast, Malindi, Kenya (6/1-26/1): Mida Creek mangroves, 1 juvenile up at moderate height 8/1.

Hinterland to Malindi, Kenya (6/1-26/1): Jilore (lake), 1 female perched on dead tree 24/1.

Tsavo East National Park, Kenya (10/1-12/1): Voi Lodge area, 3 juvenile in low-level flight, 5 juvenile high-up over Lion kill area above large raptors, 2 juvenile perched in cover 11/1; Voi Lodge area, 1 juvenile in low-level flight, 1 juvenile perched on mound 12/1.

Kenya Summary 6/1-26/1: total 14 birds; 1 female, 13 juvenile; 12 at Tsavo on safari, 1 in mangroves on coast, 1 at large inland lake; 4 perched in cover, 4 in low-level flight, 1 up at some height, 5 high-up over Lion kill above large raptors.

Northumberland field work

The pattern of fieldwork will change this year, with a concentration on filling in gaps and reinforcing findings. A few nest site visits may be done this year. It is intended to support the national Honey-buzzard survey, looking out from vantage points in the SW of the County, complementing last year's work in the S/SE. The book is under way! No Lion census work this year!

Northumberland results to date (16/4-2/5)

3 sites (1 male, 2 female: 3 total) occupied; 1 female migrant arriving from S and overshooting slightly over nest site, Ordley (Devil's Water) 16/4.

May 2nd: max 10C, min 3C, light W breeze, mostly cloudy, few sunny intervals, few light showers. Had 2 Honey-buzzard today: the early returning female at the local site was up again floating around for 4 minutes at 13:50 but she was alone so her mate is not back yet; have some stills and a clip. The other female Honey-buzzard was at the Hexham N site, beating her way W over the Tyne, as seen from the Sele at 16:03. Also had single Common Buzzard at Peth Foot (up at 13:45), Acomb S (up at 15:30 for short flight) and Beaufront W (up at 15:45 briefly). Had 18 species in Hexham itself from 14:30-16:30, including a Song Thrush, 2 Greenfinch, 4 Oystercatcher (2 pairs on roof-tops), 1 Swallow W. Have got some material to publish: will get on with it! Daughter gone down with CV, confirmed as +ve after severe fatigue yesterday, turning to fever today; elder granddaughter S is 'OK'; younger granddaughter I aged 4 is still testing -ve as is husband. Since I has been at nursery throughout, wonder whether she's already caught it on the quiet. My health dramatically improved today, fatigue and headache gone; a good sign was appetite and sleep were good throughout. Suspect I did indeed catch CV from my 6-year old granddaughter on Wednesday but the infection was mild as the antibodies and T-cells stimulated by the vaccine knocked it out quickly. My neck glands were swollen this morning, caused by lymphocyte attacking the virus, but back to normal by evening. This limited reaction is evidently quite common: vaccinated people can still catch CV but the infections tend to be mild and further transmission is much reduced. Anyone who refuses the vaccine IMHO is taking a risky approach, both for themselves and for prolonging the pandemic (and I'm a contrarian!). Did first grass-cutting of season, at front, and went for walk and coffee in Sele Park, Hexham; not feeling the cold anymore. Did check on son: he's got several quotes for c£500 for the immersion heater work and hopes to get one to start mid-week; he's also getting his CV jab 1 next week. Renewed my car insurance today: Budget had upped my renewal from £250 last May to £362 this May, using excuse of new car, so used Money Supermarket and got a quote of half that from LV, which have already accepted and have also quickly cancelled Budget's policy. It's shark-infested waters! Hoping fitness continues to improve and that daughter's bout is mild: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

One more record on BirdGuides, making total for May 1, to add to April's 12, giving spring total 13:

11:12 02/05 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire New Forest 11:03 adult flew north-east over A31

May 1st: max 7C, min 2C, light E breeze, mostly cloudy, sunny spells late-on, one light shower. Not out today. Did watch 2 streamed events: the Gulls vs Eastleigh at 15:00 and the RNS concert Spring has Sprung at 20:30 (time was my choice!). The Gulls were brilliant, winning 3-1, and overcoming a bogey side, who'd won 8 and drawn 1 of our previous 9 encounters. Manager GJ said before the game we'll have to change that and they did! So we're still top with 5 games to go but all 4 leading sides won, 3 of them also by 3-1. Concert was brilliant, gr8 2 c so many familiar faces again. The theme of spring was a good one, maybe reflecting not just the (belated) natural seasonal change but emerging from the pandemic. Birds featured well with First Cuckoo by Delius and Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams; the latter was a great party piece by former leader BC so MW had a lot riding on her performance: she rose to the challenge, absolutely superb. Thea Musgrave's Green was a fascinating piece with interesting harmonies and competing themes; good to see adventurous choices continue to be made in programme selection. Schumann 1 'Spring' came over well with plenty of life and spirited playing: I was pleasantly surprised by how dramatic it was: full of energy like unfolding spring. Was good to have MW as leader again and hope FK wlil become our regular principal flautist; we seemed to be a flute missing so she had to play extra loud! Gr8 to see some other players back: it's good for the soul!! Still possessed by fatigue with dull headache so continuing to take it easy and staying in the warm; daughter had to cancel her vaccination today as she's in quarantine! To the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 30th: max 7C, min 1C, light NW breeze, mostly cloudy, few sunny intervals, few light showers. Perishing (continued!). April 2021 might be the coldest April in UK in modern records with dramatic effect on crops, particularly fruit; same in France where wine crop already knackered. La Niña is still dominating world weather; forecast is for a more neutral summer before La Niña reasserts itself in the autumn, giving a further pause in temperatures rising across the planet Took it easy today, feeling a little tired still; daughter and younger granddaughter have both tested negative for CV today but another girl in S's class has tested positive so whole class going on remote learning next week. With just about 30 cases daily at the moment in Kingston the school must be a significant contributor with 3 cases now in the one class of 6-year olds. S had a headache and fever overnight but is now recovering. Decided to watch concert 2moro when hopefully more alert; looking forward to this! Did have chat with N/D on Skype from 10:00-11:45; very enjoyable but how are they going to get back into sociable activities! Funds had good week on impressive turnround in big-oil's profits in Q1/2021 with gain of 17k, taking ytd to +245k (+19.8%) gross, +232k net, with ftse 100 +6.7% and ftse 250 +11.8%. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Four more records since 22/4 on BirdGuides, making total for month 12.

12:54 30/04 European Honey Buzzard Hampshire Ringwood 12:49 one flew east

12:25 29/04 European Honey Buzzard Suffolk Pipps Ford one reportedly flew east

13:13 25/04 European Honey Buzzard Dorset Wimborne Minster 11:00 possible flew north-east over Eyemead; also Western Osprey

09:03 25/04 European Honey Buzzard Northumberland Holy Island 08:50 one reported south over village [always good to see a sighting in Northumberland!]

April 29th: max 7C, min 2C, light NE breeze, mostly cloudy, few sunny intervals, heavy hail showers (Hexham Racecourse). Perishing again, grass hardly grown at all but cowslips and marsh-marigold out beautifully. Up bright and early, got Uber to pick me up at 07:00 for LHR T5 (took 55 min, cost £40 including tip) and everything, including the flight, went according to plan. Plane was about 1/3 full, such a pity for BA. That was my 7th flight this year, NCL-LHR 2, LHR-NCL 1, LHR-ADD 1, ADD-MBA 1, MBA-ADD 1, ADD-LHR 1, 3 with BA, 4 with Ethiopia Airlines. Think next time I'll use BA to Kenya as just one hop from Kenya to UK, keeping cross-border transfers simpler. At the moment of course, Kenya's red listing means there are no direct flights between the country and the UK. Made W4mshop, only £39, as buying more beer in pubs! Caught up on loads of tasks, but still to process the 2 trips in Welwyn area, which were a bit of an eye-opener, never realised there was such good habitat in the area. Bombshell in evening: elder granddaughter sent home early from school feeling ill and later, as well as a teacher there, tested +ve for CV! I was reading her a story yesterday evening but away from her home for 2 days before that. Anyway I'm at jab 2 + 7 days so close to maximum protection but think it will be wise to reduce activities for say 5 days to see if anything develops. In any case am feeling quite fatigued after the busy trip. So no NCL 2moro: so sorry!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 28th: max 12C, min 4C, light E breeze, cloudy all day but bit brighter around lunchtime, light cool showers. Another long walk, this time out to the wetlands to N of Welwyn village (including Singlers Marsh, where water levels were low); good numbers of marshland birds and in brighter spells had 6 Red Kite and a Common Buzzard up. Total was 26 types, including pair of Gadwall, 3 Moorhen, a brood of tiny Mallard with 2 chicks, 9 Blackbird, 4 Greenfinch, 4 Goldfinch. Welwyn is a good centre for wildlife, plenty of edge-lands. Fetched lunch from M&S again, then farewell chat to son who's already got some quotes from plumbers and is also chasing up his GP over jab 1. He's back at work physically for 3 days a week from Monday – gr8 stuff! Then 14:32 301 bus from Welwyn village on bus pass to WGC with a Red Kite up at Digswell, 15:25 to FPK, with Common Buzzard in tree at Potters Bar N, Victoria Line to VXH, train 16:16 to NBT, all punctual and met by daughter at station at 16:50. Gr8 to have a bath and to meet everyone again. 2moro it's up at 06:20 with Uber to LHR, flight at 09:20 to NCL. Coming SH in car but Friday will be in to NCL!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

April 27th: max 14C, min 6C, light E breeze, cloudy with brief sunny intervals, dry. Went for long walk in morning/early afternoon from Welwyn towards Welwyn Garden City from 10:55-15:00, getting masses of woodland birds, plus 11 Common Buzzard (3 Sherrardspark Wood 14:04 displaying together, 2 by side of road to W here at 12:17 and 13:36; 2 Digswell 14:27 displaying; 1 by motorway at 11:15 Welwyn S, 3 up nearby at 11:25 in display) and 3 Red Kite (displaying together 14:22 at Digswell). Total for trip was 23 bird-types including 5 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, 2 Nuthatch, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 5 displaying Stock Dove, plus 4 Grey Squirrel. Son was WFH. We made W4m+rw4s in evening and had good chat, spending £100. Can see more the effect of the ridiculously long lockdowns on single people in terms of isolation and deprivation. He's going back to 3 days a week at the workplace next week, which is good. The Barrington Declaration which encouraged shielding by older people and discouraged large gatherings, while encouraging others to lead more normal lives, was IMHO a good way forward but was never properly discussed on MSM and by politicians. We can never lockdown again for an illness that barely registers on the annual mortality registers. Giving son £750 tomorrow for urgent plumbing repairs and new clothes! On a lighter note The Gulls remain top of the table, entering stoppage time at 1-1 home to Aldershot, having a penalty awarded and rescinded at 90+5 and heading home through Boden at 90+7: gr8 stuff!! After more time at Welwyn back to Kingston late afternoon 2moro: daughter's loss of job at VA another casualty of CV. Freelance workers have also suffered everywhere: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 26th: max 12C, min 3C, moderate E breeze, sunny all day, dry (Hatfield). Did meet big sis at Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park, where we had packed lunch complete with sandwiches, scones, jam, cream, strawberry and coffee. We walked down to the lakes with star bird a Black Kite powering N over the whole length of the park (Powerfully flying from S extreme of park at 13:07, moving to N extreme rapidly and disappearing, still going N. Dark underside and shallow fork). Also had a Common Buzzard here (up several times over central area) and another brood of 6 Egyptian Goose, plus 20 Swallow in total of 29 bird-types. A Peacock butterfly was seen. Mammals comprised 14 Fallow Deer. We had very good chat and walk – lovely to meet up again; I'll be round to her house next time!! Back home to Kingston where noisy farewell amid drive to NBT for 15:50 to VXH, followed by Victoria Line to FPK and 17:01 to WGC (all for £10.45); son not there yet so went into Starbucks and met him a bit later. We got taxi to his owned flat on leasehold at Welwyn. Plumbing/heating is an issue: got 3 blocked sinks working within 60 minutes by using boiling water; now monitoring immersion heater to see what it really does in heating the water! May be conflict between timers, requiring an electrician. Think electric space heating needs updating as old storage heaters inefficient and expensive. We went to another Welly in Welwyn for supper, a nice and warm outside area with 2 heaters to keep the chill off. Had good meal with rw, sea bass for myself, cost £74, including tip. Going back tomorrow night. Flat needs ready supply of hot water to be hygienic! Not sure I'm going to get my daily bath! Whatever his WiFi works well. Funds reached another record high today on continued rise in Cu prices and more encouraging view of oil company prospects. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 25th: max 13C, min 5C, moderate E breeze, sunny all day, dry, felt cooler than yesterday. We made Boaters by the Thames in Kingston, and the surrounding park, from 11:45-14:30. Had gr8 lunch at the Boaters, having roast pork for a change; it was not warm, the pub area, beautifully set by the Thames, is well covered by trees which kept the sun off. But we managed well and went for a stroll afterwards to a coffee shop in the park (Canbury Gardens), which was warmer in direct sunshine. Bird count for Kingston upon Thames NW was good: 18 types at least, including 9 Egyptian Goose (3 pairs, 1 with 3 smallish young, as found in Kenya where it is the naturally occurring commonest goose!), 4 Mandarin, 6 Ring-necked Parakeet, 4 Coot, 15 Canada Goose, 2 Tufted Duck, 6 Mute Swan, 1 Great Crested Grebe. First 4 species are new for the year, bringing my running annual total for ytd to 99 in UK (later 100 as Alexandra Park records added, including Reed Bunting, very scarce in SW Northumberland). World total in ytd is 269, including Kenya's 179. Sat in garden chatting for much of afternoon in strong sunshine. Made arrangements for 2moro with big sis and son – good social visit all-round!! Son-in-law was very interested in how my shares are doing: told him I was into commodity shares and not doing so badly which was well received. Missing the fancied ones: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 24th: max 15C, min 5C, moderate E breeze, sunny all day, dry. S had gymnastics class in morning and maths in afternoon. While she was at the gym we went to Alexandra Park from 10:30-111:30, a park with a fascinating nature slant, including a pond. We had a good walk there and did find 2 Moorhen, 4 Reed Bunting, a Mallard, a singing Blackcap, 4 Ring-necked Parakeet, in total of 10 bird-types, plus 2 Comma butterflies. Had a Green Woodpecker yaffling in Richmond Park ( W edge), heard from daughter's garden from 14:30-16:30, along with 12 Ring-necked Parakeet, in total of 11 types. Butterflies comprised a Holly Blue and 2 Orange-tip (male, female). Mammals comprised 4 Grey Squirrel and a Red Fox (latter at dusk). We had a BBQ in evening -- steak, chicken, maize, pepper – very tasty. Did watch Toon's marvellous late equaliser at Liverpool (90+5) and the Gulls' even later equaliser home to Notts Co, from 2-0 down at 90+8. Lovely to see Liverpool's sense of entitlement shattered! Here for one more day with lunch at Boaters in Kingston tomorrow – all action!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 23rd: max 16C, min 6C, light E breeze, sunny all day, dry (Richmond). Boarded 11:25 NCL-LHR and very smooth flight with great views to W (certainly Anglesey, possibly Ireland) and to E to east coast. Plane was ½ full so no signs the flights will be increased above current 5 a week, compared to c20 pre-pandemic. Met by daughter and younger granddaughter at T5, short stay carpark, so very convenient trip. Gr8 to meet all the family again, including also S elder granddaughter now at Holy Cross School and M gas trader, not forgetting Snowy the white Persian cat and Leo the beige wee poodle. Added easily Ring-necked Parakeet to my year list and a Fox balancing on their wall marking the boundary with Richmond Park was a bonus (for me!). Funds recovered most of losses at start of week, finishing -3k on week by end. I starts at same private school as S in September; may contribute a little more. So all's well: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 22nd: max 12C, min -1C, light W breeze, sunny all day, dry. Caught up with bird records; thinking of using a more interactive package for butterfly records than MapMate. Maybe iRecord Butterflies app which you can use in the field on a smart phone with GPS being used for localities: worth a try I think. Only caution is that in moorland areas there is sometimes no Internet signal so would need a grid reference facility as well for more passive use. Did have jab 2 at Sele Practice at 11:50, no queues or crowding this time, waited 2 min, then in and out 10 min later. Cautioned on jab 2 having more side effects than jab 1 but no reaction yet. Then sat outside C4c4el in the sunshine b4 making Dyv4g4l; P brought along R as well (from G crowd) and we had a very good catch-up. So gr8 to have social life restored, including particularly yesterday!! Short break coming up: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

One more record today on BirdGuides, from Scotland:

22/04 18:28 Lothian : European Honey Buzzard, Torness Power Station one reportedly flew north (17:35) [R]

April 21st: max 9C, min -1C, light NE cool breeze, sunny all day, thought I heard a shower in the nite, might have dreamt it! On Quayside had a male Peregrine Falcon flying from central Newcastle over the Tyne, to E of Baltic, going out to hunt. In total of 9 bird-types also had 450 Kittiwake adult on nest sites, 90 Feral Pigeon, 38 Herring Gull (30 ad, 3 2s, 5 1s), 6 LBBG ad, 1 GBBG 1s, 2 Crow, 2 Magpie, 2 Woodpigeon. In Hexham had 2 Swallow near High School and a Blackcap singing at the train station. From train had 2 Oystercatcher and a Goosander drake at Hexham E, 8 Tufted Duck and 2 Mute Swan adult at Merryshields GP, a Mute Swan adult at Ovingham, 10 Goosander drake at Wylam E. Have completed Jordan 2015, roll on Israel 2021!! Next up are 3 of the days in the South Africa trip of 2018 which have still to fully analyse, all the rest are done. Train in/out was busier than recently but then they're only running one an hour now compared to 3 before CV. Amazingly met a Torquay supporter in toon, we must have recognised a kindred spirit, had good chat, he was actually born in Plymouth but now lives in Chester-le-Street; he also supports Argyle – incredible that we got chatting! So what are the characteristics of a Devon man: unkempt, cocky, weather-worn, no accent!! They did a survey once and found that Devonians spend more time outdoors than people from any other part of the UK. Anyway my resolution to come a bit earlier was spoilt, will do better next Friday week!! Earlier coffee in M's garden went very well; his partner B came around; she's recovering from pneumonia (definitely not CV). 2moro it's chat on Skype with N/D at 10 and jab 2 at Sele Practice at 11:50 b4 Dyv4g4l with P to recuperate! Was gr8 to be back: she's so lovely and gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

One more record today on BirdGuides:

21/04 10:37 Kent : European Honey Buzzard, Elmley NNR one reported west over access road (10:06) [R]

April 20th: max 12C, min -1C, light and variable winds, dry, cloudy midday, otherwise bright. Almost completed Mukawir, with just a couple of butterfly id to attempt, then Jordan 2015 is done! Catch-up on shopping today: 2 pairs of trousers and a shirt at M&S £64, car wash by the gang at T £10, Peggs4rw&times £9 with N4c4l, sitting outside, as treat; met T ex-Rotary outside and had good chat with him; has to be C next time with the delights of tmsuo!! Watched the Gulls play Woking in the evening on the livestream from Surrey; we won 2-0 keeping us in title race; they gifted us 2 opportunities early-on which we took and then we just played the game out; suspect we were not at full strength, resting a few players, as Woking's form has been terrible lately but the manager never discusses who's available to keep our rivals guessing! Markets had the real frighteners today with the ftse 100 down over 2% as the CV in India seems out of control; the infection numbers from there are c1/3 of the entire world's on a daily basis but of course it has a population of 1.39 billion. Numbers in the US states are stable or slowly declining. In western Europe only France's figures give cause for concern; in eastern Europe Turkey has high numbers of cases. Own funds fell 13k on wtd so significant correction but confident in situation in the summer. 2moro it's M's4c4c then HEX-NCL 12:16. Looking forward to the big city and seeing how it's recovering with end of lockdown! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 19th: max 16C, min 4C, light and variable winds, dry, bright sunshine nearly all day, feeling warm. Made Staward from 13:05-16:05, walking down to the Pele where had late lunch. Gr8 to be out in the sunshine with the bonus of another Honey-buzzard, a male floating over mixed wood/pasture at Staward S at 13:43, rather like the female near the Devil's Water on 17/4; such low-level reconnaissance of the breeding territory is also rather akin to an inspection, seeing how things have shaped up since last season. It was the day of the Kestrel, with single males displaying at Stublick Chimneys, Langley, Staward S, and a female near the road at Yellow Rigg, making total of 4 birds. Also had single Common Buzzard at Staward S and Staward N. A pair of Raven were prospecting at Staward N. Also had 6 Curlew, 2 Lapwing, 2 Swallow N, 7 Stock Dove, 23 Common Gull (11 ad, 2 2s, 10 1s), 15 Black-headed Gull adult, 1 Herring Gull 1s, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Jay. Total was 21 bird-types at Stublick. Did have hair trimmed at JG by Jd, feel better for that, cost £25 including £5.50 tip; she's good with the chat! She did say that some people, mainly men presumably, are now cutting their own with clippers; think the resulting ultra-short hair matches the rise of the puritans taking advantage of CV; before WW1 men often did wear their hair longer than now but having your hair long in that war meant that you were not conscripted. After cut made C4c4c sitting outside where tmsuo looked good!! Did make B4rw4s sitting outside, a bit cool, but lovely to be out (under the heater!). So some resurgence of social activity – about time too! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Two more records today on BirdGuides, including another from Guernsey:

19/04 13:31 Guernsey : European Honey Buzzard, Les Grand Pre one flew north harried by 2 Common Buzzards [WP]

19/04 10:03 Cornwall : European Honey Buzzard, Downderry one reported yesterday [R]

Earlier there was a misidentification, later corrected:

18/04 19:01 Devon : European Honey Buzzard, Aveton Gifford pale morph reported flying north (also reported over Soar at 14:15) (14:30) [R]. 18/04 21:44 Devon : European Honey Buzzard, Aveton Gifford reported pale morph over here and Soar reidentified as a Western Marsh Harrier from photographs [X] [Marsh Harrier is a definite id pitfall, more so than Common Buzzard IMHO]

April 18th: max 12C, min 1C, frost-free, light and variable winds, dry; no 'patio-work' today; big hatch of moths tonite but not capturing and releasing them at present as focused on projects in hand! Have added Honey-buzzard records from 1994-1995 to BirdTrack and added tables for the results for these years, as well as 1993, in same format as in 2020 to the Honey-buzzard in Northumberland population page at Next up is 1996, leaving 1997-2005 to do. Progressed Jordan results by completing Ajloun Forest return (20/7) and adding videos (Bonelli's Eagle family party, Streaked Scrub Warbler, panoramic view to W, including Dead Sea) from Mukawir (21/7) to vimeo collection. Next up is historical remains at this Salome site, leaving the wildlife to be compiled. Did make C4c4t 4TA to Sele and vigorous walk around the park and up Elvaston Drive where leave car to increase exercise! 2moro it's hair-cut at JG at 11:15 with Jd, C4c4l and trip out to the Allen for a walk, looking for raptors. Caught up with the Dittes/Sousa post-concert chat from Friday: interesting times! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 17th: max 12C, min -1C, frost early-on, light SE breeze, dry, 1 hour in shorts on patio this lunchtime. The newly arrived female is still around; at 13:20 she was circling low-down over pasture c1km to SE of nest site, occasionally dropping to ground, feeding much like Red Kite in the Chilterns, maybe scooping a worm or a grub from the grass; she was mobbed by a Crow once. Also had a pair of Red Kite displaying over Peth Foot, a male Sparrowhawk displaying over Juniper, 2 Curlew displaying, a Swallow flying around, an LBBG adult calling as it flew NE. Completed 25/7 Amman from Jordan trip, leaving just Mukawir (21/07/2015) and a final check to do. Added 1994 Honey-buzzard records to BirdTrack; had added 1993 the start of it all earlier so will press on with 1995 tomorrow. I have all English records added from 2006 and all Scottish from 2000 so would be good to get everything loaded for deriving material for the book. Have all the older records in computer files except possibly for 1999, which wlil be in paper form or in notebook. There were far fewer records then each year as the colonisation was just starting up until 2001. Enjoyed RNS concert with theme Dawn and Dusk at S, as streamed from last night's recording. Good to see the orchestra back on stage. Loved Prokofiev 1, such a light touch and marvellous motifs, brought out well by new conductor DS; the Berlioz Les nuits d’été was not nearly as cheerful as expected with very dark middle movements; it was beautifully sung by Sarah Connolly, mezzo soprano; Lili Boulanger's D’un Matin du Printemps was poignant -- what a pity she died aged only 24; Haydn 6 was very well played! Impressed by flautist FK and leader for the evening MW. Let's hope we have real audiences soon. Might make NCL Wednesday lunchtime! Have 2nd CV jab scheduled for 11:50 next Thursday, immediately after Skype chat with N/D and not long before wee trip! Funds had a good week at +10k on increasing hopes of rapid recovery from CV boosting all commodity prices, which are basis for most of my investments, betting on oil staying around a lot longer than many people expect and on EVs making inroads but pushing up metal prices, giving a brake (sorry!) on their progress. On ytd it's now +230k gross (+18.7%), +218k net, with ftse 100 +7.5% and ftse 250 +12.0%. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 16th: max 11C, min -1C, frost early-on, light S breeze, dry; 1 hour in shorts on patio this morning. Darling: I'm home!! At 14:10 while having lunch on the patio looked up into the sky, not sure why (maybe she'd called!), and there was the returning female Honey-buzzard circling high-up right over my house just below the cumulus cloud cover, having covered 7400km from west Africa in maybe 6 weeks. She hung for a while, peering down at constant height, and then glided deliberately to the S, losing height quickly, back to the Devil's Water, where she went into cover. This is my 19th April record for Honey-buzzard since 2006 when started recording for BirdTrack. But this is the earliest date so far, one day earlier than 17/04/08 when a female was at Farnley (Corbridge). Birds have been recorded on 21/04 three times: 2011 Farnley female, 2014 Ordley female, 2015 Bywell female. So for the local site this is the earliest by 5 days. Note the 5 earliest birds anywhere have all been female though in general I normally consider the males get back first (needs checking!). I suspect she'd been flying at height, just below the clouds and maybe had overshot a little. Think her feelings on seeing me again were mixed: the eyesight of Honey-buzzard is phenomenal with ability to pick up wasps in the gloom at long range. On cue a queen wasp started foraging on a few dandelion flowers. But Honey-buzzard cannot exist on them in April/May as there are so few around: some people actually think they eat hymenoptera now but that would be an insane policy as each wasp now is potentially hundreds or thousands later on. They eat grubs, slugs, frogs, bird eggs, young birds and young rodents in spring. Earlier at 13:30 had checked the Devil's Water area, picking up 3 Common Buzzard and 2 Red Kite over Dukesfield and a Common Buzzard perched on the top of a tall tree over the Devil's Water. This last bird remained perched even while the Honey-buzzard descended into the burn, presumably weary acceptance: the b.stards are back!! Had been asked by P to go to Dyv4l again but declined as going out in evening and I'm not really that keen on lunchtime drinking as you don't get much done later in the day. In shorts made C4c4t 4TA which took to Sele; amazed at 16:30 to have an Osprey drifting N at moderate height, so a good day for raptors: 4 Common Buzzard, 2 Red Kite, 1 Honey-buzzard, 1 Osprey. Very pleased to meet tmsuo again!! As temperatures plummeted made W4g4s with D/D: gr8 chat, marvellous to see them again but we were frozen after over 2 hours out in the open! Much earlier had lively Skype chat with N/D: not sure how they are going to re-enter the more general social world again – a problem for many older people I feel. Haven't seen S concert and sequel yet, a treat for 2moro!! Sank quickly into hot bath to dream of the world: xxxxx XXX!!!!!! Funds +10k on week, more 2moro on this and Amman!

April 15th: max 11C, min -1C, frost early-on, light E breeze, dry, airstream definitely warming; 40 min in shorts on patio this morning. Did meet P at D4m4l; it wasn't warm but I'm probably more used to sitting outside than some and we had a couple of hours catch-up, which was gr8 for both of us! Incidentally another Corbridge pub The Angel was in the DT this morning for refusing to serve a 78-year old recently widowed man because he didn't have a smart phone to order via the app. The Dyvels was very relaxed and while I did sign in through the NHS app P just left his name and phone number on a piece of paper and we were served with a smile at the table outside; they've really gone to town on constructing an outside covered area but we were on the grass. Followed that with a trip to Prudhoe Dukeshagg to look for kite (even Black!) from 15:10-16:55 but didn't see any; did have 4 Common Buzzard at 2 sites (one up at 15:12 to SE, 2 up over Dukeshagg at 15:16, 1 low-down to E at 15:58) and 2 Kestrel at 2 sites (adult male up several times hunting from 'kite' wood, one hunting in distance to SW). Also had 6 Herring Gull (3 ad, 3 2s), 1 Curlew, 1 Siskin, in total of 16 bird-types. Butterflies comprised 3 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell. A Jay was at Lamb Shield. At Corbridge had an Orange -tip male, a queen wasp and a Small Tortoiseshell. S was at home making the place sparkle!! Did complete processing Petra-Amman and Amman 24/7, leaving 25/7 and 21/7 to do. 2moro it's Skype with N/D in morning and W4g4s with D/D in evening: delighted to be back in social intercourse again!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 14th: max 10C, min -1C, frost early-on, wind light and variable, dry; airstream not so strikingly polar with shift in wind; as write (00:30 15/4), gas is contributing 60% of our electric power supplies and nuclear 20% with 'renewables' just about disabled by the weather and time of day! Would personally like nuclear, with its high energy density and reliability, to be at least 40%; we should be moving towards that! Had 2 pairs of displaying Common buzzard today at Juniper and Dukesfield with one bird at the top of a tree at Peth Foot yesterday, suggesting that incubation is under way. Completed the nature at Petra so 23/7 all done; next up is drive to Amman and Amman itself on 24/7-25/7, which should do tomorrow, leaving Mukawir 21/7 as only trip to sort. Appropriately enough watched Exodus on Film4 tonite: film was banned by the Egyptians, can't see why! Had gr8 catch-up with M at S4c4c in their coolish courtyard; afterwards had a male Blackcap singing near the Wentworth CP, first for year, and a queen wasp; meeting P at Dyvels, Corbridge, 2moro for lunch and of course it's W4g4s on Friday with D/D. PoO rose 5% today to $66.32 a barrel of Brent on fall in US stocks of crude oil and products and better outlook forecast, sending own funds to record level, exceeding that reached a month ago; many oil shares have come back 10-40% since so plenty of scope for further rises. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Two more records today on BirdGuides so they are beginning to arrive:

14/04 10:08 Guernsey : European Honey Buzzard, Les Martins one flew east over Rue Sauvage mobbed by Raven [WP]

14/04 18:18 Pembrokeshire : European Honey Buzzard, Martin's Haven pale morph flew north over Renny Slip (18:15) [maybe an Irish bird]

April 13th: max 8C, min -1C, frost early-on, wind light NW, a light shower in afternoon, hazy sunshine in morning. Not so good for a tan today with less-strong sunshine but did make 30 min in the patio. Did a lot of work on Petra piccies, processing completely 61 images of the historical remains! Next up is the wildlife found there, fairly limited! Not out until 21:00 after the Gulls' latest blinder, going to B4rw4s where just 8 people out in the cool; they closed at 21:30 so limited celebration of Sutton vs Gulls, watched on livestream from Croydon. Gulls scored late (as usual!) in 81st minute, winning 1-0 but only after a late free-kick scare in 96th minute when from a good position, the Sutton player blasted over. So with around 9 games to go (out of 42) anyone of Hartlepool (64 points), Sutton (63) and Torquay (63) can win the title and automatic promotion, with Stockport (58) on an outside chance. Funds are +2k on wtd; detect better feeling in the oil commodity market, not reflected in shares with India, Brazil and Turkey the CV problems at the moment. Nanny has returned in some kinda caretaker role: fascinating!! 2moro am meeting M at Salute in Back Street 4c4c and big catch-up; they have a big courtyard. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 12th: max 8C, min -1C, frost early-on on car, wind light NW, dry. Had an hour's sunbathing on patio in shorts, refreshing my tan, sun is getting more powerful as not much more than 2 months from solstice but of course airstream is polar. For Jordan, completed days 1 (Madaba early Christian churches, Mount Nebo from where Moses saw the promised land), 2 (Jarash Roman remains site, Ajloun wooded nature reserve), 4 (2 spectacular Wadi – Mujib, Dana, Karak Castle crusades) with 3 to go: 3 Mukawir overlooking the Dead Sea (where Salome danced for King Herod and John the Baptist was beheaded (Richard Strauss's opera!)), 5 Petra (remains from the Nabataean Arabs (one of the 7 new wonders of the world)), 6-7 (Petra-Amman, Amman city and amphitheatre). Next up is 5 – Petra. No pubs today; did make C4c4t and sat outside b4 walk in Sele; might make N 2moro! Gather W was heaving today so just as well booked for Friday, may check TR 2moro! Had long chat with big sis on phone (60 min); she's going to come round to Richmond Park for catch-up when I'm down directly! Also attended Rotary AGM which lasted 15 min – everything nodded through! So there you go … xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 11th: max 6C, min -2C, frost early-on with a little snow still lying from the previous evening, wind N light, sunny spells. Did manage 30 min sitting out in shorts on the patio but a few bigger clouds soon put paid to that with temperature plummeting as sun obscured! Made N4c4t 4TA to Sele; they're planning to put a few tables out tomorrow. Main activities were the worthy project Jordan and the Mediaeval Global Warming (MGW) period – did it exist or not? Made great progress on former, virtually completing 3 days out of the 5 with Karak Castle of Crusader fame being indexed and a string of id of birds and butterflies made/confirmed. It was far warmer there than in Kenya, up to 40C but it was a dry heat; not many tourists go there then as its too hot but we survived, with plentiful drink supplies. A popular ruse in a Jordan hotel is to serve coffee/tea on the ground floor and alcohol on the roof, so the locals do not see what's going on. Sad to see the distressed plight of the country; they have taken in vast numbers of Syrian refugees and when we were there the internal war in Syria was in full flow. MGW is another fight to the death: the climate change people cannot afford to admit it as it raises other possibilities for climate change than man-made carbon-burning; the doubters think it's a strong card as it introduces other ways in which temperatures could rise. So I've looked at plenty of evidence from both sides and am still weighing it up! After 40 years in the profession of modelling real-world systems with database and systems analysis techniques, I'm well aware of the emotional attachment that people develop for their models, which become almost like their pets (pet theories!). We used prototyping in computing to shake people out of unrealistic assumptions at an early stage. The real danger is when the models become entrenched with too much to lose in a rethink. A clear motivation in my research of using category theory to represent real-world systems was to escape into a richer world. from that limited by modelling:

The Austrian/American mathematician Kurt Gödel sums up models in his incompleteness theorems -- two theorems of mathematical logic -- that demonstrate the inherent limitations of every formal axiomatic system capable of modelling basic arithmetic. These results, published in 1931, are important both in mathematical logic and in the philosophy of mathematics [Wiki]. The first incompleteness theorem states that in any consistent formal system within which a certain amount of arithmetic can be carried out, there are statements of the language of F which can neither be proved nor disproved in F.. According to the second incompleteness theorem, such a formal system cannot prove that the system itself is consistent (assuming it is indeed consistent) Gödel was at the University of Vienna in the 1930s; he was not Jewish but had many Jewish friends and left in 1939 for Princeton University, where he became close friends with Einstein.

So beware of modelling, particularly when told it's infallible as in the Covid debacle. Category theory extends real-world representations over three levels, providing the necessary metadata and meta-metadata to make a system complete. Anyway enough of that!! First record today on BirdGuides:

11/04 18:12 North Yorkshire : European Honey Buzzard, Copmanthorpe one reportedly flew north (17:35) [R]

Very early but there are lots of Hobby in southern England. Will start watching my local site, which always sees an early return. Wonder if I'll have a drink outside tomorrow!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 10th: max 6C, min -2C, light NW breeze, sat out in morning in corner of patio in shorts, sunbathing for an hour; snow flurries from 16:30-19:30 giving a little accumulation: that's April for you! Watched the Gulls play Weymouth in the afternoon: they certainly make their supporters sweat, coming back from 0-1 at interval to win 2-1 with another late goal in 85th minute. Hartlepool are top but they've played 3 more games than us; we (3rd) visit 2nd placed Sutton on Tuesday nite! I think the reason we score so many late goals is that we raise the tempo around the 80th minute, passing the ball faster and physically moving around more quickly, against generally tiring opposition. Did make Peggs 4 rw, papers, snacks, spending £13.51, including FT. This last paper was pessimistic on outlook for stocks – too high already, everything priced in – and had noteworthy articles on severe frosts in the last few days destroying a lot of the French wine industry and on Jordan's dire economy, affected by collapse of tourism. Many developing countries, dependant on tourism, are going to be in similar straits, such as Kenya and Thailand. Continued work on Jordan 2015, adding from 20/7 our visit to the Ajloun Forest Reserve, where had faint hopes of Crested Honey-buzzard, not realised! Have sorted W with D/D for 20:00-22:00 next Friday; really looking forward to that; fortunately RNS stream can be watched over the weekend. Hair cut is booked with Jd for Monday morning 19/4; she phoned me up!! So hope all is gr8 with the gorgeous ones: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 9th: max 6C, min -1C, a cold day but quite sunny so felt better, wind light to moderate W, a few snow flakes. Carrying on with the climate modelling, another very recent paper is causing a stir: National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. "New study ties solar variability to the onset of decadal La Niña events." ScienceDaily. 5 April 2021. You might think that climate models would cover the sun's power but in fact it gets little attention because it's rated as a constant. The paper's findings:

A new study shows a correlation between the end of solar cycles and a switch from El Niño to La Niña conditions in the Pacific Ocean, suggesting that solar variability can drive seasonal weather variability on Earth. The 22-year cycle begins when oppositely charged magnetic bands that wrap the Sun appear near the star's polar latitudes, according to their recent studies. Over the cycle, these bands migrate toward the equator -- causing sunspots to appear as they travel across the mid-latitudes. The cycle ends when the bands meet in the middle, mutually annihilating one another in what the research team calls a terminator event. These terminators provide precise guideposts for the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next.

The researchers imposed these terminator events over sea surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific stretching back to 1960. They found that the five terminator events that occurred between that time and 2010-11 all coincided with a flip from an El Niño (when sea surface temperatures are warmer than average) to a La Niña (when the sea surface temperatures are cooler than average). The end of the most recent solar cycle -- which is unfolding now -- is also coinciding with the beginning of a La Niña event.

"We are not the first scientists to study how solar variability may drive changes to the Earth system," Leamon said. "But we are the first to apply the 22-year solar clock. The result -- five consecutive terminators lining up with a switch in the El Nino oscillation -- is not likely to be a coincidence." In fact, the researchers did a number of statistical analyses to determine the likelihood that the correlation was just a fluke. They found there was only a 1 in 5,000 chance or less (depending on the statistical test) that all five terminator events included in the study would randomly coincide with the flip in ocean temperatures. Now that a sixth terminator event -- and the corresponding start of a new solar cycle in 2020 -- has also coincided with an La Niña event, the chance of a random occurrence is even more remote, the authors said.

The paper does not delve into what physical connection between the Sun and Earth could be responsible for the correlation, but the authors note that there are several possibilities that warrant further study, including the influence of the Sun's magnetic field on the amount of cosmic rays that escape into the solar system and ultimately bombard Earth. However, a robust physical link between cosmic rays variations and climate has yet to be determined.

Peer-reviewed citation for the study: Robert J. Leamon, Scott W. McIntosh, Daniel R. Marsh. Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Tropospheric Variability. Earth and Space Science, 2021; 8 (4) DOI:10.1029/2020EA001223

Comments by NR: the climate models do not explain El Niño/La Niña transitions, arguing that it's just a cycle which does not affect the long-term trends. However I would have more confidence in the coverage of the models if they could explain what is going on. Now it appears that the sun cycles, as ignored by the climate modellers, can explain such transitions with La Niña starting up after a sunspot terminator event. So there appears to be a physical connection between the sun and the earth, which is still to be discovered, that enables the sun to 'control' the El Niño/La Niña transitions. Cosmic rays are one potential source of energy and warrant further research. Incidentally you may wonder why the transitions have Spanish names: they were given by Pacific fishermen off the coast of South America, whose expeditions were dramatically affected by whether the sea currents were cold or warm.

Had good chat with N/D from 10:00 for 100 min this morning, made W4bigshop £56 and Sele4c4t with TA again from B £4. Streamed live performance of The Seven Deadly Sins / Mahagonny Songspiel by Kurt Weill from ROH; son thought it was brilliant and so did I! Cost £10 + 20 donation. In preparation for next trip to Middle East indexing piccies from Jordan visit in July 2015 on NB 2015; got some marvellous piccies of old Christian churches, their mosaics and archaeological Roman remains at Madaba, Jarash, Mount Nebo, sorted with Petra (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade!), Mukawir, Karak and Amman to come. Went with son and a friend of his, Sean, who knew the country well and acted as guide. I'd already put up the birds of prey but would be a great pity to lose the other material. Funds had a snakes and ladders week, ending up slightly positive at +6k on week and +221k (+17.9%) on ytd (gross) with net at +208k. Ftse 100 is +5.9% ytd and ftse 250 +10.6%. There's still a lot of pessimism about, concerning CV, vaccination rates and re-opening, which is giving poor sentiment at the moment, though most people do expect things to be better by the summer. It's a bit of a trader's market! D/D want to go the W next Friday night and so do I! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 8th: max 8C, min 1C, moderate W breeze, occasional rain, very little sunshine, feeling cold. Very interesting global climate results for March 2021:

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2021: -0.01 deg. C [temperature anomaly (change) from average 1991-2020, so negative].

Comments by climate scientists: Right on time, the maximum impact from the current La Niña is finally being felt on global tropospheric [surface] temperatures. The global average oceanic tropospheric temperature anomaly is -0.07 deg. C, the lowest since November 2013. The tropical (20N-20S) departure from average (-0.29 deg. C) is the coolest since June of 2012. Australia is the coolest (-0.79 deg. C) since August 2014. That is a big drop. Using the 1981-2010 baseline this is equivalent to a +0.11C anomaly. Will it go lower? Also consider the Nino 1-2 area has seen a significant cooling over the past couple of weeks. This could be a sign we are going to see La Niña conditions throughout 2021 and into 2022. That would mean more upwelling cold water and a continued drop in SSTs. I expect much of the warming of the previous 6 years will now be lost. It now appears it was all ENSO driven. What happens next will likely depend on what happens with the PDO and AMO. If the main ocean oscillations go negative then the Monckton pause is likely to extend longer and longer.

Notes by NR: El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) exerts a warming effect on global temperatures, La Niña exerts a cooling effect on global temperatures. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) are climate cycles that meteorologists say allow them to measure the sea surface temperature based on decades-long timescales. The AMO phenomenon was discovered in the 1980s and the PDO around the 1990s. SST is the sea surface temperature.

[Monckton pause]: Christopher Monckton (January 2021): "At long last, following the warming effect of the El Niño of 2016, there are signs of a reasonably significant La Niña, which may well usher in another Pause in global temperature, which may even prove similar to the Great Pause that endured for 224 months from January 1997 to August 2015, during which a third of our entire industrial-era influence on global temperature drove a zero trend in global warming. ... As we come close to entering the la Niña, the trend in global mean surface temperature has already been zero for 5 years 4 months.

Comments by NR: not the sort of news the climate modellers were expecting – another significant pause in global temperature rises, meaning that temperatures are only 0.3C above their 1998 level (+0.13 C per decade, less if the pause continues as expected). How long it will take for the gentle pace of temperature rise to filter through to the MSM, ESG and politicians remains to be seen. Many have invested far too much capital in the 'emergency' theory so don't expect any quick changes. During the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (warming phase) the propaganda was endless; we don't hear so much during the La Niña (cooling phase), which could be embarrassing for COP 26, the next UN climate meeting to be held in Glasgow in November 2021 when La Niña may still be in full flow. They might even postpone COP 26! I agree with the phase-out of coal as it's a very polluting fuel but oil and gas are one of the main contributors to our increased prosperity in the last 100 years and we should phase them out globally over a similar timescale to preserve the well-being of everyone on the planet.

The RNS Zoom meeting yesterday with principal partners was very interesting. Dinis Sousa our new main conductor came over very well and the meeting went on for 65 min in the enthusiasm. He did say that Baroque (JS Bach in particular) was his favourite music but I did press him at the end on the spirited Shostakovitch quintet he had performed with RNS members and he did profess to a strong interest in modern music (real modern music, Shostakovitch is classical now!). Thorben looked happy at that – Arts Council money! Tonight attended Zoom presentation by our county N&TBC Bird Club; that was a talk on how our records are used by the BTO for research purposes. Talk was well given by BTO's Associate Director for Research, Rob Robinson, and included detailed discussion of the plight of Greenfinch and Curlew. Increased my monthly sub to the Salvation Army from £20 to £25 (there but for the grace of God go I!) and started a new monthly payment to Northumberland Wildlife Trust (NWT) for £40; they hold a large number of nature reserves in the county; I've been a member for 40 years but feel can help a bit more now. Did make Sele4c4ll with TA again from B; getting in with them b4 they open again next week with tables outside – scheming! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 7th: a cool day but much less Arctic than Monday/Tuesday (5th/6th), max 4C, min -3C, windchill -1C at 22:00 in warming trend through evening, cloudy, dry, wind light to moderate WNW. Went to Sele in morning after B4c4c TA, with nice carrot cake and good coffee; they're opening their pavement area next week but are still doing TA. With cleaning due by S, went to Derwent Reservoir Ruffside/Winnowshill in afternoon from 15:05-16:45; star bird was 1st Swallow of the year, in the company of 7 Sand Martin, feeding over the water. Also had a Hen Harrier sky-dancing and 3 Common Buzzard with loads more to report! Nite air was very soothing: very exciting!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 6th: another day of high wind chill and, with less sun, feeling more Arctic than yesterday; max 2C, min -3C, windchill min -7C at 23:00, fairly frequent hail showers, one heavy enough to cover the ground and roof-lights, wind NW moderate. So good thing had plenty of bird-food – grain, crushed peanuts, whole peanuts. New phone, the Galaxy, arrived a day early through DPD; put SIM from old phone into new one and used Smart Switch to transfer data (contacts, conversations, other app data) from old phone to new one, placing them side by side and having Smart Switch software active on each. Had several updates, some large, to the software base of Samsung and Google, but all went well and after about 80 min had the new phone in complete working order on PAYG, including messaging and calls, 4G data if turn off WiFi and retaining old number. It's about twice the size of the old phone physically with reputedly a good camera and plenty of memory so can hold loads of apps. The old phone was full app-wise. So looks like a good move particularly with all the apps coming out to control our lives!! Not out today, too cold to be hanging around! Funds are level pegging on 1st 2 days of week, though only North American markets were open on Monday; still adjusting flows from oil to metals. So xxxxx XXX to the gorgeous ones!!!!!

April 5th: moderate NW breeze from Arctic, max 4C, min -3C but windchill at dawn tomorrow (6/4) is -10C, dry except for a few snow flurries, one of which settled at dawn (5/4). Windchill could be damaging!! Had lunch on patio, sheltered from wind and in full sun, bare arms, very nice! Did make Sele4walk later on – it was perishing! Watched the Gulls (3rd) have a massive 1-0 victory away to Wrexham (4th); our winner like so many this season came late at 90+3; the Wrexham commentators on the livestream had switched off and were rambling on (oh dear it's gone in!), wonder if their team had also lost concentration, thinking it was petering out for a draw while the Gulls had brought 6 players up into their penalty area for a long throw. Anyway we're still in with a chance of the title! Our new Sunderland star Benji was injured on 29 min and substituted. Looking forward to next Monday (12/4), wonder if nearest pub TR will be open, nothing on website; W in RM will be open as will Dy in CRB and B in HEX but no G in HEX and CNT looks doubtful! Might even get a haircut directly! Trip plans are Israel (raptor watching and coast) in September, US (Boise, Idaho, raptor conference, Rocky Mountains again) in October, Kenya (highlands and coast) in January but not a single booking or even an enquiry made yet. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 4th: back to that effing wind again, moderate cool W breeze, max 8C, min -3C, frost on car early-on, dry, sunny until ttime. Not too busy today. Did add to BirdTrack my records from last Thursday on Quayside and yesterday on Whitfield Moor; here's some piccies of the moorland from yesterday 1  2  3  4; it's on a grander scale to the 'Shire, bit more like Scotland! The smoke on the W side is the heather burning done each spring to remove old heather, replacing it eventually with young shoots, which the grouse like to eat. Had gr8 chat for an hour with 'kids' and grandkids: here's screenshot 1 of the 5 of us, son looks a bit like a gangster in the shadows, granddaughters don't like to be left out! Have booked up with BA for flights in late April 6 days apart, cost £186.01 return, a bit more than train but quicker to SW London and the air-service needs supporting; am staying with daughter mainly but will visit son for 2 days in middle, may end up as plumbing advisor/paymaster on electric boiler problems! Son started back in the office last week for 2 days a week in deference to single workers. Granddaughter S is going to start learning the violin at her school in September – gr8 stuff!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

April 3rd: beautiful sunny day though definite light polar airstream from N, dry, Haltwhistle 12C max (2C more than in 'Shire), 0C min. Great walk today from 13:05-16:35 out on W side of Whitfield Moor, parking at Eals Bridge and walking up track to shooting hut on Snope Common, over ½ way to Whitfield Lough. That's up to 370m asl from 70m asl at Eals in walk of 6km in all. The Lough is at 490m asl, about 2km further on, so did about 60% of that hike; the last bit is off track on open moor so is more of a challenge. But it's a good start in getting fully fit. For first time in a while had a proper picnic at highest point reached – always tastes good outside. Met 2 gamekeepers, both very cheery! Best of the birds was a Wheatear, first of the season, a female, with a Greyhen (female Black Grouse, flushed from side of a wall), a Grey Partridge, 9 Red Grouse and 10 Pheasant making up the game-birds and 29 Lapwing and 11 Curlew comprising the displaying waders. Also had pair of Greylag Goose, 12 Meadow Pipit (1 W, 2 display, 9 feed), 3 Oystercatcher and 8 Pied Wagtail. Only raptors seen were 2 displaying Common Buzzard over Towsbank to N. Total was 22 bird-types, spread over 3 tetrads. Butterflies comprised 2 Peacock and 5 Small Tortoiseshell. Car did well fuel-wise, giving 52mpg in each direction; the A69 is quite economical particularly with its 60mph average-speed traps but there's a lot more gear-changing on the upper South Tyne roads. Filled up at Henshaw Garage with 95 unleaded E5 for £49.88. In the 'Shire from cold starts the car gives 42mpg going into Hexham and back, think that's much better than the old Fox: who needs electric!! I'm actually very pleased with the purchase: it's a rugged car, suitable for poorer road surfaces and difficult driving conditions, but has good performance on hills with better than expected fuel consumption. With planned emphasis on the Haltwhistle-Alston and Allen areas this coming season, the new car is very much a plus point. At end of trip did make P4FT, HC & rw but too late for C, not vital today! Made the mistake of watching 'Return of the Living Dead' on Film4! 2moro have chat with son and daughter on FB video at 7pm to finalise London trip. Have completed processing of East Africa records. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Final bird results from East Africa for January 2021:

Kenya – 183 species from 403 records, 12 complete lists, 17 places (all species assumed countable). Groups: waders 26, gulls 6+2 subspecies, terns 6, raptors 35, herons/storks 20. Ethiopia -- 8 species from 8 records, 1 complete lists, 1 places (all species assumed countable). Add 2 types from total 8 types found in Ethiopia to Kenya total for trip total, giving 185 bird-types. Final summary for East Africa is 185 species from 411 records, 13 complete lists, 18 places (all species assumed countable).

April 2nd: remaining cool but quite sunny and pleasant, max 9C, min 0C, frost on car at 06:00, dry, light N breeze. Had good chat on Skype with N/D from 10:00-11:45, time changed because of football: I wanted to watch Torquay and D wanted to listen to the Sunderland game. Chat went well so we're going to stick with this time for a while as that leaves rest of day free. Well we both won: Gulls 1-0 in 83rd minute and Sunderland more convincingly 3-1. We've now won our last 3 home games 1-0, 2-0, 1-0; we played a young Sunderland player on loan Benji Kimpioka, who looks very promising. Our star forward Danny Wright returned after hamstring injury from Boxing Day and scored our winning goal! Then out to W4bigshop, spending £67. Did meet tmsuo!!! Pressed on with Tsavo East Voi other birds 11/1 afternoon drive and completed labelling piccies, just need to index them and add all the records for this afternoon drive to BirdTrack, then done! Expect to do this tomorrow but am breaking out in the W of county for good walk in upper South Tyne midday as early recce for Honey-buzzard survey work later this year. Kenya is being added to the red list in spite of low number of cases. Bought new phone, a Samsung Galaxy A12, for £149 from Vodafone plus a £20 big value bundle including 20GB of data (PAYG); it's arriving on Wednesday 7/4. No point in getting a 5G phone out here but do need a reliable phone as no landline and do use it for matters such as share trading on the move, so need Android/Google! Backed-up everything from current phone on to Samsung Cloud; current charge is 71% so in flight mode nearly all of time for it to last until Wednesday; not confident it will charge again! Am going down to London in late April, staying with daughter and son in turn, perhaps over 6 days, flying with BA NCL-LHR-NCL. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Fine discussion article by Professor Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University: Lockdowners Should Hang their Heads in Shame (American Institute for Economic Research 02/04/21 Quotes on our middle class attitudes:

Well, first of all, there is this fantasy that lockdowns protect the vulnerable and that’s not true. Lockdowns have harmed the vulnerable people, lockdowns expose vulnerable people. Because what we have enjoyed as lockdown in not just developed but developing countries, what is a protection of the wealthy or at least people who have enough resources to be able, maybe not wealthy, but just generally the middle classes to different degrees. Obviously, if you’re very wealthy, then none of it matters. What do you do? You just sit in your beautiful estate and it’s kind of fun actually. If you are in just… Or an academic like myself, I live in a nice house in Oxford, my daughters came back during lockdown and worked at home, which was really quite a privilege. It was wonderful to have them back. We have a nice garden, we have a dog been walking, it’s fine. Lockdown is not a problem for the people who have the privilege, are fortunate enough to have nice enough accommodation. Other than the fact that we can’t go to art galleries and concerts, oh well there’s always recordings. It’s not a problem.

In this country, the idea that lockdowns protected vulnerable people is a real fallacy. Because what happened and they keep saying, “Oh, look at all these poor people who died.” Well that’s funny, because those poor people are the people who were obliged during lockdown to go out to earn a living, and classed as essential workers. They drove buses, they cleaned the hospitals. Not surprisingly, some of them who shouldn’t have been doing that. Obviously most people don’t actually die from this disease, but some of them had comorbidities, have diabetes, were overweight or obese or whatever it is, had asthma and should not have been out there. Instead of protecting those people, we protected the middle classes who are now saying oh, okay, do we really need to lift lockdown? Maybe, okay we do want our kids to go to school.

April 1st: much cooler as wind turns NE off North Sea, 7C max, 1C min, a little drizzle overnight, dull morning but brightening up markedly later! Did make NCL, fascinating, full of allure!! Did make Quayside where in patchy concentration had 10 bird-types: Kittiwake 495 adult, Feral Pigeon 120, LBBG 19 adult (major increase), Herring Gull 16 (15 adult, 1 2s), Crow 4, Magpie 1, Woodpigeon 2, Blackbird 1, Cormorant 1 1s, Mallard 1 female. LBBG were also evident from train: 2 at Ovingham and 9 at factory roof colony in Derwenthaugh, which also hosted 17 Herring Gull, latter building nests. Had Goosander pairs on Tyne at Wylam W and Wylam E, an extra drake Goosander at Wylam E, and 3 Cormorant adult at Newburn. Was lovely to catch-up, chat was brill and glad keeping +ve in spite of everything: bon voyage!!! Did complete raptor labelling and indexing for Tsavo East 11/1 afternoon drive, adding 4 to day count to make 25 types of raptor for just one day. So now it's the other birds for this drive and the whole adventure is completed!! Moved a long Honey-buzzard video from 2012 at Wylam (9/6 1030) to vimeo to make space for the raptor piccies, which are full size at c7MB each. Funds had a tense week with worries about another wave of CV, economic recovery and future of oil as a fuel. So down 11k, just about wiping out the previous week's gain, leaving gain on ytd at 214k (+17.4%) gross, 202k net, compared to ftse 100 +3.2%, ftse 250 +8.0%. Just like on Thursday exactly 4 weeks ago, today was another tense OPEC+ day with the right end-product: only very slow rise in production until CV is really waning. Peak oil had been thought to be 2019 but now it's predicted for 2026 and the developing world is likely to be hooked on it for a lot longer. CV is out of control in Brazil, France, Turkey and Poland. Today was also last day for tax-loss selling for year 2020-2021; am expecting next week to be better as new ISA funds, including mine, flow into the market and PoO stabilises! Phone is OK – charges off laptop but not off wall; tried several different adaptors on the wall but no better; wall charging is at 1 amp and laptop at 0.5 amp so laptop takes longer but is kinder to the circuitry; must beware of leaving laptop plugged into the mains fully charged as that's bad for the laptop battery; looks like the phone's battery electrics are fragile and may replace soon; the phone, a Samsung J3 with Android/Google, was bought on PAYG on 29/08/18 so on minimal contract at moment with Vodafone, bundled with broadband. Spain is not looking so likely for September raptor passage on CV trends: could go to Middle East (Israel) and see the magnificent raptor passage there of Russian birds! Gr8 action today: she's fantastic: empathy's a big winner: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 31st: beautiful weather, max 18C, min 4C, wind light and variable, dry, sunny all time up to 16:00 when became misty as wind went NE. Was out at Slaley Forest Ladycross, walking along the edge of Blanchland Moor from 10:55-12:50, seeing 19 bird-types in all, including moorland birds: Red Grouse 9, Curlew 3, Meadow Pipit (13 breeding, 1 W, 24 NW, total 38), Stonechat a pair, Skylark 3, with water birds: 3 Mallard, 2 Greylag Goose, others: 1 Chiffchaff Singing, 1 Nuthatch singing, 4 Siskin NW. Raptors comprised a Red Kite at Slaley Forest E and a Common Buzzard at Slaley Trygill. Insects included 3 Peacock butterflies, a Fox Moth larva sunning itself and 9 Green Tiger Beetle. So that was great exercise in lovely habitat. Added records to BirdTrack: March 2021 total is 71 bird-types, making 85 for the year. Had lunch in Sele where a Small Tortoiseshell was out. 2moro it's NCL, hopefully in normal style!! Made some progress on raptor id for Tsavo 11/1 afternoon drive but not completed yet! xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xxxx

March 30th: beautiful day, max 15C, min 7C, wind light SW, dry, sunny all day. Did a lot of gardening around the patio and house walls on W side, clearing a lot of dead overhang of bramble and rose and cutting back hard the ivy; bonus was releasing a lot of grape hyacinth and some daffodils from the cover above them so they can now flower in all their spring glory. The daffodils along the front wall on the roadside are stunning this year! There's no doubt that my gardening has benefited from the pandemic with the 2 ponds reinstated last spring and much overgrown vegetation cut back. The cowslips are going to be beautiful over the next few weeks: they're wild of course so a major bonus for the environment. Had a Peacock butterfly in my field. 2moro cleaner S is coming at 11 so will be out for a walk, maybe Slaley Forest; then into HEX for lunch. Still full steam ahead on Tsavo records, have completed animals (mammals) and views for afternoon drive 11/1 in all aspects; next up is the raptors, including 2 more Honey-buzzard. Funds are -3k on first 2 days of week; PoO continues to be a little fragile though is holding above $64 a barrel of Brent, which is a big improvement on the winter levels of low to mid 40s. Think many oil shares are priced as if PoO will return to $55, which is unlikely as OPEC are in control; metal miners are doing better. End of this week is end of tax year so some UK-focused tax-loss selling, particularly affecting recovery stocks, and new ISA year starting next Tuesday, meaning another 20k can be transferred from trading account to ISA account. xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

March 29th: mild 10c max, 8C min, still moderate to fresh NW breeze, dry. Great progress today on Tsavo, completing all facets of morning drive 11/1 with result:

Kenya running totals: 178 species from 379 records, 12 complete lists, 17 places (all species assumed countable). Groups: waders 26, gulls 6+2 subspecies, terns 6, raptors 34, herons/storks 20. Includes all records but for Tsavo East safari park afternoon drive 11/1. Add 2 types from Ethiopia for trip running total. So in all that's 180 bird-types.

Will start tomorrow on the much shorter afternoon drive 11/1 (126 piccies as against 390) to wrap things up; light was good and some very clear shots. Did go for break in HEX in afternoon, meeting R member GR in Sele for good chat: we went through all the beer gardens in the area that are likely to open 12/4. Trip to London is on for late April: daughter keen for me to visit, haven't heard from son yet. Sponsored dance-athon was completed in style, 31 min by S (against 20 min in original spec) but no pro rata top-up needed! Samsung 'phone is giving charging problems – won't charge on wall, even after clean-out of fluff in port, but does charge from the laptop, at slower rate, so will see how it goes left-on all night. Have already started research on replacement! Did take the nite air: very stimulating: keeps me fit!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 28th: rising temperatures during day and evening, 10C by end of day but still moderate to fresh SW breeze; some rain showers. Did get out in the field and orchard, cutting down vegetation such as brambles and sloe; sheltered orchard contains some beautiful primroses in flower and cowslips budding rapidly; inspected the new fence put in last year on N boundary – it's been put in very well, no problems at all; did cut some shoots of shrubs along the boundary to keep the fence free of undergrowth for the time being. Red Kite are nesting very close, a little to W, had both birds in the pair low over the garden today. A male Kestrel was at Houtley and a Great Spotted Woodpecker on my nuts! Continued to work hard on the Tsavo records for 11/1; have been through all the piccies looking for 'other' birds (non-raptors) and recording and labelling them; will index them tomorrow and check 12 piccies where no assignment made yet. Met Cs outside house for good chat; they've been thinking of going on a safari but are a little apprehensive about whether it's too strenuous; I strongly encouraged them to go (to Kenya of course!). Did make C4c4t 4TA for sanity trip and a bit of exercise in Sele. Thinking of trip to London in late April to see 'kids'! Could stay with each for a couple of days. Looking further ahead, think Kenya January 2022 is a cert; Spain September 2021 is a probable! Kenya's definite because I can do some work for a charity there, while giving them some money! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 27th: another perishing early spring day, 6C max, 4C min, moderate W breeze, wind-chill reduced max to 0C-2C over midday! There was some decent sunshine though so light was good. Worked really hard on the raptors in the morning game drive of 11/1 at Tsavo East Voi and completed indexing the piccies and checking them; all in all 20 types of raptor in this one drive from 06:30-13:30, amazingly rich habitat. Next up is labelling and indexing the other birds in this drive and addition of all the 11/1 morning's records to BirdTrack. Did make HEX for walkabout, visiting Peggs 4 rw, papers, snacks, spending £12.51, including FT. Also made SN at Shambles for some more peanuts for the birds £5 and C4c4ll 4TA £6.20, including tip £1. Trying to spend more locally and to use cash more to increase sense of normality. Haven't bought the FT for a while: it's good for overall trends and background information but not so good for investments as it's very nuanced in everything it says so you end up hesitating and losing an opportunity. Delighted with 'phone liaison!! Suez Canal drama looks finely poised: spring tides do indeed give higher high-tides to facilitate floating off but they also give lower low-tides, which could leave the hull with less support so that it starts fracturing! Think it's time for bed 01:23 (GMT) and 'lose an hour' as clocks go forward, maybe for last time as US and EU I think are planning to remove 'daylight saving'. Anyway sleep well: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 26th: bright after rain mid-morning but cool at 8C max, 0C min, on moderate W breeze, originating on isobars from Greenland; wind-chill knocks typically 4C off the max but did bare my arms at Sele and on patio at home to make some vitamin D in the bright sunshine. Made W4bigshop, spending £70, followed by C4c4ll 4TA and Sele. Gr8 to meet tmro again and matters are progressing with tmsuo!! Had usual good long chat with N/D on Skype for 100 min. Have transferred some Honey-buzzard clips from 2020 to vimeo and used the space released to hold all the raptor piccies from morning drive at Tsavo E Voi on 11/1 so can do final check and analysis 2moro. Things are developing rapidly at CanMan:

Canadian Manganese Announces Agreement with Maximos Metals to form a New Technology Metals Focused Company with New Financing of $5 Million: Toronto, March 26, 2021 – Canadian Manganese Company Inc. (the “Company” or “CMC”), is pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement with Maximos Metals Corp. (“Maximos”) to create a new Technology Metals company with an immediate strategic focus on the advancement of CMC’s Woodstock manganese property in New Brunswick to produce high purity electrolytic manganese metal and/or high purity manganese sulphate monohydrate for the growing battery metals market. Private Placement Financing $5 Million In connection with the transaction, CMC will complete a non-brokered, private placement equity financing (the "Financing") through an offering of Subscription Receipts at a price of $0.30 per flow-through receipt and $0.225 per non-flow-through receipt, of which CMC has already received subscriptions for a minimum of $5 million, led by key supporting investors, including certain Maximos insiders, Clarion Finance Pte Ltd. and Commodity Capital.

So placement price is 30c suggesting a market price of 40-50c when dealings eventually begin. Might get to one C$ after a while but a few $ does look a bit optimistic (thought so!). PoO and oil shares had the wildest week for a year on worries about Covid, the Suez Canal blockage and technical issues (over-bought) with rise/fall of $4 in a day on a few occasions. But held on and funds finished week +13k, making change on ytd +226k gross (+18.3%), +213k net, compared to ftse 100 +3.2%, ftse 250 +6.8%. Finished all payments for Kenya holiday (c£5k) this week so decks cleared for another break! Felt closer yesterday: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 25th: apparently mild still at 9C max, 6C min, but moderate W breeze made it feel cool and very few people out, particularly compared to last week; dry up to late evening when a few showers. This cool breeze is with us for at least a week, often happens in early spring: the temperature goes up and so does the wind, increasing the wind-chill factor, which knocks 4-5C off the reported temperatures, making it feel like 1-4C at the moment. Did make NCL for very bracing walk along the Quayside but only 5 bird-types and Kittiwakes were not sitting on the ledges as much as last week, presumably because of the wind-chill. Totals for 5 bird-types seen were: Feral Pigeon 60, Herring Gull 58 (45 adult, 7 2s, 6 1s), Kittiwake 180 adult, Crow 5, Woodpigeon 1. Moving more videos to vimeo to make way for Kenya stuff on the BT server where up against my quota of 100GB; the videos are better presented and played on vimeo so it's a positive move. Hope to resolve some of these issues tomorrow. Certainly an inspired trip: she's so gorgeous: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 24th: dry again but brisk W breeze made it feel cool still, max 8C, min 5C. Cleaner S came today so out on moors for brisk walk from 12:00-13:45 near Derwent at Pithouse Fell N. Really enjoyed it, lovely to be out in the heather again. Birds are returning to the moors. Had total of 14 species, including 6 Common Buzzard (pairs displaying at 3 sites: Pithouse N, Pithouse S, Slaley Forest E), 1 Kestrel (female hunting), 1 Curlew, 1 Lapwing, 1 Raven, 1 Black-headed Gull (adult to W), 1 Woodpigeon, 1 Mallard (female), 5 Greylag Goose (pair), 5 Stock Dove together, 1 Crossbill, 29 Meadow Pipit (23 feed, 2 display, 2 W, 2 NW), 3 Twite W, 5 Mistle Thrush. No Red Grouse or Red Kite! Pressed on with Tsavo E morning session 11/1, completing raptor labelling. Had 9+ Honey-buzzard in this drive, with 5+ up in air above the Lion kill, two singles perched low-down in cover, 2 in low-level flight. Will upload raptor images to server tomorrow and index them, checking id carefully. Then need to go through all the slides for this drive looking for birds other than raptors, before adding the morning drive results to BirdTrack. The afternoon drive was a lot shorter but still saw loads! Running total for Honey-buzzard in Kenya is now 14+ with further birds at Jilore (1, inland lake), Mida Creek (1, mangroves), Tsavo East (2 birds,12/1 drive) and there's still the afternoon drive 11/1 to process. These will all be Russian birds, almost all juvenile, probably not met a soul in the enormous conifer forests and appear quite tame; they will have migrated through the Middle East (Lebanon, Israel), crossing into Egypt and following the Nile due S, eventually arriving in the Rift Valley and the big-game parks. The juveniles will spend over a further year in Africa before moving N in spring 2022. Very keen on a month in Kenya next January! It's an ill wind that blows no-one any good: closure of Suez Canal rescued oil prices from a rough spell! Raptors will already be passing over the Canal on their way back to their northern breeding grounds on the steppes and in the forests. 2moro it's the big city: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 23rd: dry today but felt quite a lot cooler in the moderate W breeze, max 8C, min 4C; some sunshine in morning. Had a Common Buzzard up over the Linnels and a Red Kite over the house, hunting. Continued to work hard on the Tsavo East Voi morning drive of 11/1, looking at the raptors. It's very exciting, finding quite a few Honey-buzzard in flight, perched under the canopy of trees and up in the air above the Lion kill area. So what are they doing above the Lion kill: are they waiting to attack or preparing to scavenge? Don't think so; think they've been flushed from the area of the kill by the large eagles and vultures gathering overhead; Honey-buzzard would be fair game for an eagle so they've climbed high in the sky to be above the other raptors. Without the lions you would have no idea that Honey-buzzard are typically walking through the bush foraging. So Honey-buzzard are very cautious in their life in the bush and their numbers are likely massively under-recorded! Also found the piccies of the one Lion seen before the kill, a male disappearing down a glade, which have added. The raptor piccies are still being labelled – quite a task! Had request from granddaughter S to sponsor her in 20 min dance-athon for Lenten Charity in Zambia; agreed to match her father's £50! Did add “Mind she does it though!” So time for bed: thinking of someone lovely: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Still inspired by the latest Canadian Manganese report at Extracts:

Canadian Manganese is a Canadian mineral development company aiming to become a supplier of high-purity electrolytic manganese metal products for the rechargeable battery industry. The Woodstock Project covers mineral claims covering 58 km2 and hosts the Plymouth Mn-Fe deposit, which hosts a mineral resource estimate of Inferred resources totalling 44.8 million tonnes grading 9.85% Mn and 14.15% Fe at a 3.5% Mn cut-off, or 9.72 billion pounds of contained manganese. In addition, the Woodstock project hosts several undeveloped deposits including the North Hartford and South Hartford deposits located less than 2 km on strike to the north of the Plymouth Mn-Fe deposit. Historical uncategorized resource estimates for the Hartford deposits include 45 million tonnes grading 8% Mn and 12% Fe in the North Hartford deposit and an additional 45 million tonnes grading 8% Mn and 12% Fe in the South Hartford deposit. “

People are being carried away a little. From the ADVFN chat on Minco:

The presentation is super. Interesting bits of info. The importance and need for manganese. So many car companies starting to produce EVs. 95% of world supply produced in China, the rest in south Africa. With just 60 million shares issued a few dollars a share should be within reach. Question is when will Tesla/Musk and similar take interest.” [based from earlier posts on similar company's market capitalisations, such as Manganese X and American Manganese]

I hold 574,500 shares out of the 59,683,564 in issue, that's 0.96%, worth at C$3 each, some C$1.72m. I'm being a little more cautious particularly as CanMan are unquoted, having just raised my spreadsheet value from 30 to 35 Canadian cent, but admit there's exciting potential! PoO has slumped this week and so have oil shares on overbought market conditions technically and CV apparently increasing again in Europe and India. Remaining oil shares are -12k but junior miners other than CanMan are +6k and CanMan write-up is +9k (after currency adjustment) so overall +3k. Looks likely that turmoil will continue until the perceived CV situation calms down. The data doesn't suggest that the virus is out of control, except in Brazil, Turkey and Poland, and possibly France. Note how the first 3 of these countries all have despicable populist leaders!

March 22nd: bright sunshine in morning becoming veiled in afternoon, max 9C, min 4C, dry, light W breeze. Did have quick scan of the Devil's Water at lunchtime, picking up 2 Common Buzzard over Slaley Forest Trygill and 1 up over the local site at Linnels. Later in Sele had a calling Chiffchaff, the third for the year. Main effort today was processing the piccies from Tsavo E Voi for morning game drive on 11/1; worked hard and completed all the animals (that is the mammals!), including the many shots of the Lion family and kill. Next up is the raptors for the same drive, which looks a very interesting collection, particularly in the area around the Lion kill. All the labelled piccies are held on the BT server and indexed from NB 2020, prior to transfer to a dedicated report page. So everything is backed up externally. Did make Hexham for a break, going to paper shop P for the first time for ages, buying Times, some crisps plus a bottle of red wine for £5.95 – not bad and the wine even tasted good! I paid with a £10 note, raising some change for a tip in C4c4t. Think we should all start doing such things in the normal way. Met J, landlord of G, who confirmed no opening in April as with 3 tables outside not worth it: potential clashes between visitors and regulars! As pass the G, regularly see old mates from there passing wistfully by! Neighbours who have separated appear to be moving, that is J (the man, lawyer, lecturer at unn) has got a self-drive van and is loading stuff up; K (the woman, lawyer, high-powered finance) is in Jesmond at weekends and London during the week. Since Kenya they've employed a nanny to help J during the week with the 2 kids, boy aged 9, girl aged 7, who go to private school in Newcastle; shall miss the nanny!! Wonder if place will be sold or rented, in the circumstances presumably the former. Whatever looks like a change is coming up! Tawny Owls are calling right outside my house, as they've been doing for the last month. Think it's time for bed: 01:52 – good nite: sweet dreams xxxxx XXX!!!!!! xx

March 21st: beautiful weather today to mark the Equinox: 11C max, 3C min, sunny most of day but sometimes veiled, dry, light W breeze. Made Stocksfield Mount from 11:55-13:30, parking at the Station, as small car park built as part of the amenity was full. Plenty of action with Common Buzzard: 3 displaying over Bywell Cottagebank at 12:20, 1 up over Whittle Dene at 12:50; Goshawk: a male displaying over Bywell Cottagebank at 12:20: Red Kite: singles out hunting over Mowden Hall at 12:40 and Bywell Cottagebank at 12:45. Summer migrants included a Chiffchaff singing, an LBBG adult E and a Woodlark, initially moving W but then turning SW as came past the Mount at 13:05. 2 Lapwing flew W, presumably towards the moors, and a Pied Wagtail flew N. Singing birds included a Green Woodpecker, a Song Thrush, a Mistle Thrush with 2 Bullfinch calling. 6 Greenfinch was noteworthy as rare in 'Shire now. Total for bird-types was about 30, pretty good! Then made Hexham at C4c4ll 4 TA and Sele, b4 coming home for lunch on the patio and sitting down for the concert from the Globe by the Frankland Quartet, which enjoyed! Good to see 4 members of RNS (SA, SR, JS, DH) keeping the show on the road: it was an adventurous programme, particularly liked the wonderful atmosphere in Megh Malhar by Egidija Medekšaitė; she used an Indian-style to evoke approaching rain. M8 was very abrasive and indeed was about the Scottish motorway. Composer Anna Meredith uses the viola to good effect; there are probably uncomfortable truths in the music relating to the environmental damage that motorways cause. The concert started with Ravel's only string quartet, a lively and varied piece in typical Ravel tradition. So very pleased that I attended! Female composers are becoming much more recognised in the NE. Having tea in the garden, picked up a Chiffchaff, feeding in the Bird Cherry tree. Started on Tsavo East 11/1 in evening: such exciting piccies of the Lions with their kill and surrounding wildlife, trying to get in on the spoils; this is going to take a few days! Can't believe we have to wait 3 more weeks before the pubs and non-retail open; we are squandering the benefits of the vaccination programme with a far too heavy application of the precautionary principle. The EU of course also applied the precautionary principle far too heavily to the vaccination process itself and is now suffering an increase in cases. Israel and the US are opening up much faster after major vaccination programmes. Life involves risk and we need to be educated in working out what is acceptable and how to adapt to situations. Our response to Covid has turned me into a raving libertarian I'm afraid. I'm not having my hair cut until JG's properly open again – a good excuse to wear it long; quite a lot of men have cut almost all of their hair off using clippers: they look like convicts! Anyway let's enjoy the lasses, the weather, the music and the hawks displaying overhead!! xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 20th: mild, 11C max, 4C min, not as warm as predicted, up on the edge of the Pennines, moderate N breeze, dry, daffodils on front wall fully out now but ones in shade lagging. Equinox tomorrow – in theory 12 hours day,12 hours night, but the day is 12 hours 14 min long on 21/3 because of the way the light bends over the horizon. Cut the garden rose hedge around the old vegetable bed – took a couple of hours – good exercise! Did get out for brief watch from road looking over the Devil's Water around 13:30, getting a gr8 display of raptors: Common Buzzard 5, with 3 at Slaley Forest NW, 2 at Linnels; Goshawk 2, male and female displaying over Slaley Forest NW; 1 Red Kite, bird back for 1st time at the Linnels. So that's 8 raptors of 3 types. DW, Treasurer of local church walked by: very happy with my help!! Six Fieldfare were around my field at dusk. So not out today but will make Stocksfield 2moro followed by refreshments in HEX! Reviewed Lees' paper on the Honey-buzzard movement in 2008; gave a complete rebuttal, 1 page long, in; to be source material for Chapter 4 in book. Next up is 11/1 middle day on Safari at Tsavo East, where had some Honey-buzzard and Lions! Bought some more bird food yesterday; 2 Grey Squirrel are tucking in well! The 5 remaining scones have all gone, think to the Crows. So here's to the gorgeous one: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 19th: cooler, 8C max, 6C min, dry, overcast, almost calm. Made W4bigshop £59, C4c4ll 4TA, Sele, and then had long video chat with N/D on Skype for 100 min. Stuck into Lincs Bird Report 2008, studying AL's paper. It's good for stretching my ideas as he's using the same data with entirely different modelling. But I think his results are framed almost entirely on the assumption that the number of Honey-buzzard breeding in the UK is very small, leading necessarily into other strange assumptions on Honey-buzzard migration to come up with an account that is even remotely credible; I'm now highly motivated to write the book to correct that misconception! Watched stream of The Dream from ROH (2017), the ballet with a little singing and lots of music by Mendelssohn based on Shakespeare's play (you might guess – A Midsummer Night's Dream). Enjoyed it; paid £3 +£20 donation with GA. See Welly are starting up again on 12/4, taking bookings online from 26/3: better contact D/D and reinstate the app! Expected correction to the oil rally at last materialised; the Saxo guy indicated that a flash crash might occur soon; so did sell even more of the volatile stuff but didn't account for the PFC debacle. That lost 11k this week and total funds were -17k, reducing gain on ytd to 212k gross (+17.2%), 200k net, compared with ftse 100 +2.7% and ftse 250 +6.5%. It was quad-witching day today – loads of money-market settlements – think markets will be more settled next week. Mn is one of the new hot metals for EV batteries with Tesla using it to replace some of the Co. The US and Canada also treat Mn now as a strategic metal, which should be sourced in North America, not China. Canadian Manganese, of which hold 1% from Minco days, is seeking a private placement, giving a very revealing valuation, hopefully soon! Canadian Manganese has huge reserves (9.6 billion pounds) of Manganese in carbonate form in New Brunswick, ideal for making very pure (>99.5%) Manganese battery cathodes. Have 40k in cash and am moving slowly from oil to metals. Yesterday was lovely: out more soon: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 18th: very mild, almost warm, 14C max, 6C min, light N breeze, cloudy with a few bright intervals. Did make NCL for walk along Quayside; had 10 types of bird with Kittiwake calling well and numbers increasing; no Black-headed Gull as many moved inland now to breeding areas but did have a Grey Wagtail and 3 LBBG adult. Other totals from 13:00-15:30 were 161 Feral Pigeon (displaying), 46 Herring Gull (34 adult, 2 2s, 10 1s), 535 Kittiwake (adult), 6 Crow, 1 Cormorant adult, 3 Mallard, 6 Magpie, 6 Woodpigeon. : Train journeys were productive: much more to report. Also made HEX where delighted to see tmeo again, going up in the world! Someone from a cafe, not C/N, gave me 6 unsold scones: ate 1, put 3 out for the wildlife and kept 2 for 2moro! Completed checking Appendix II of 2008 Honey-buzzard Movement Report; there's some very interesting stuff in there including my own observations at Stocksfield which need emphasising more as they give a real record of what was going on inland; also realise that I haven't reviewed the Lincs report by Zander (Alexander Lees) of Bird Forum fame. So going to do that tomorrow! His paper looks to be a classical example of Confirmation Bias, the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values [Wiki]; to my mind many climate scientists and biologists exhibit this weakness; that's why climate science is a misnomer and 'follow the science' is dangerous. Did watch a trio (clarinet, viola, piano; Anna Hashimoto, Meghan Cassidy and Florian Mitrea) play at St Mary's, Perivale, performing Brahms, Schumann, Mozart; very smooth and relaxing, donated £20 + GA to the church. Booked up at the Globe for the Frankland SQ on Sunday, paying £20. The bestest was amazing: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 17th: another beautiful day, sunny all time, 11C max, 4C min, light N breeze, dry. Did pick up P and drove him to Sage CP from where we walked down to Ouseburn area, making the Cluny, which was of course closed. We did have c4l at a small cafe, which was doing a good trade, and sat out in the sun. Kittiwake are calling now and in Ouseburn had a singing Wren, 8 Mallard, 2 Moorhen and 4 Blackbird, with a Herring Gull adult eating an enormous eel. Traffic was fairly light: I come in via Skinnersburn, crossing the Swing Bridge; don't pretend to understand most of Gateshead's traffic layout. So that was better social! Quayside was fairly busy, mainly students out I felt. Had a Kestrel hunting N of Wylam on way back; yesterday had a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Nuthatch in my garden. Processed and updated a lot more links in the 2008 Honey-buzzard Movement report but not finished yet. Booked up for 2 RNS concerts in the new programme for 2nd half of April: paid £30 + £3 donation + GA for each. Not sure whether to pay less and donate more but in the end decided the musicians should be recognised for their worth! Anyway it's gr8 news: looking forward to the stream. 2moro it's NCL on regular plan from CRB on own: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 16th: beautiful day, sunny all time, 10C max, 3C min, light N breeze, dry. Sat outside in Sele and on patio at home with bare arms to make some vitamin D; this winter for 1st time have taken pills as well but also will have made a lot in Kenya in the sunshine there. Daffodils are c50% out and the baby sheep, called lambs, are gambolling in the field opposite; quite a few are black this year. Primroses are out in the old orchard but cowslips are some way off yet. Attended an unusual webinar for me this morning: an hour-long Saxo presentation on commodities for their investors who appear to like this part of the market; very interesting, giving insight into what are the trends and what break points or reversals might occur. They thought PoO might consolidate for a while like most other commodities, even including Cu and Ni, used in EVs; food stuffs are scarce so their prices are rising and Au, Pt, U were also thought to be good investments in the current climate: Au as an inflation hedge, Pt, U for their environmental merits. C4c4l was as good as it gets!! PoO was a bit wobbly today with EU vaccine cock-ups suggesting the continent might be some way from a recovery. Have done a bit more top-slicing and diversification but hit by PFC.L crash this week (-25%) on loss of contract work in UAE through corruption problems; funds overall are -11k with 8k of that PFC where averaging down cautiously. Breaking out tomorrow with P: he's driving us in to the Sage Car Park from where we're walking to the Tyne Bar at the Ouse Burn for some TA lunch! Quayside might score twice this week!! Kept up the momentum on Honey-buzzard, checking the links in the account of the 2008 movement of Honey-buzzard to see whether they still work and if not updating them. This is work in progress. Weather Underground still have all the data on the web but the url have changed so updating them. The 2008 movement is one of the important sections in Chapter 4 of the book 'Movements in Britain'. It's not going to be an e-book but the links need to work to bring everything together. So closer 2moro: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 15th: light NW breeze, sunny in morning up to lunchtime, max 8C, min 4C, dry, sat out on patio at lunchtime and some daffodils are now out along front wall. That's a great tonic! Had a Grey Wagtail on a neighbour's roof in the morning, presumably going to breed on the Devil's Water. Didn't go far off the property today but the vicar came round for 20 min, delivering the forms on his bike; decided on £40 a month + GA for the C of E Church – St Helens, Whitley Chapel. The vicar's very interesting to chat to; he was a merchant seaman so knows a lot about people and the world! Most surprising visitor outside was M from the G, the pub evidently opening mid-May as no real beer garden for use from early April!! M's actually a good 'Shire lass and it's gr8 she'll still be at the G. Did some more work on Münch, the scanning is not so easy as get more into the middle of the monograph as the pages don't lie flat and the text disappears towards the binding. Tempted to unbind it as it's not a collector's item; the A5 pages are held in the binding by glue. Then after scanning more easily and reliably can re-glue or even buy another one for £29 from NHBS. Up to p.21 now. So time for bed: it's 02:15: some company would be lovely: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 14th: fresh NW wind moderating during afternoon, 6C max, 3C min, some heavy showers with sunshine in between. Hope Mother's day was suitably acknowledged!! Had a pair of Common Buzzard adult up at 17:30 over Linnels as breeze finally dropped, quite low-down. Updated Honey-buzzard page with migration data for SW Northumberland in 2020 (Population of the Honey-buzzard in SW Northumberland). Also added the results to NB 2020. The final posting of the results always takes longer than expected as there's quite a lot of checking, attention to detail and testing. Had put aside bird records from Northumberland for most of this month: put that right this evening: now have 44 species in March and 73 for ytd in UK. Did make HEX for a break late afternoon, going to C4c4t 4TA; tmsuo is very tempting; tmro has the knack!! Had walk around Sele from Elvaston, keeps me fit and sane. Can't believe that restrictions don't end until 21/6; think all libertarians have a lot of empathy with the women who are paying respects to SE; the restrictions on people meeting outside are anyway ridiculous with virus numbers so low and many people vaccinated now; people must be allowed to protest freely; low interest rates may not last and that means borrowings should not be allowed to grow further through the summer; evidently 20% of the population are more comfortable with lockdown than without as they have developed anxiety about going out. Agoraphobia, a fear of not being able to escape, must stem originally from times when there were many more dangerous animals around (including human tribes!). Claustrophobia may have similar origins: fear of being trapped in an enclosed space. I experience Acrophobia in my dreams – quite vivid and high-up but don't actually fall off – one interpretation of this is that I'm living too close to the edge!! Still studying CV cases as world totals stabilise after a considerable decline; hot spots are Brazil, France, Italy, Poland. Delighted to hear from someone!! 2moro it's back to the translation of Münch. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 13th: fresh NW breeze continued, max 5C, min 2C, wind-chill -2C, some heavy showers of sleet; wind is dropping on Monday. Masses of work done today on Honey-buzzard results for 2020, analysing the migration totals. Have compiled the table with comments within and now just need to write an overview paragraph and publish it, all set for tomorrow. The results go into the Honey-buzzard population page and NB 2020 (last year's). So that just leaves the middle safari day at Voi, maybe to do in the next week but it's back to the book tomorrow again. Some football watched this weekend on BT Sport: the Toon vs Villa – didn't we do well in the 94th minute – and the Gulls at Boreham Wood this evening – 0-0 – we were a little fortunate, having a rest at the moment and no longer top. Did make C4c4l and Sele where had brisk walk: you have to be pretty hardy to survive outside these days. Devon M has submitted our paper on quantum logic to the Gdańsk conference in late June: he's feeling a little stronger after his heart bypass op and long Covid. I do intend to go S and SW in England in the spring to see everyone again! So keenly xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 12th: strong SW winds continued, quite a lot of sunshine but didn't feel warm; max 5C, min 1C, wind-chill -2C in evening. Daffodils along front wall are almost out: spring is not far off! Made W4bigshop spending £64; long-term staff there must be p.ssed off with no bonus this year. Translated all of Flemish paper on 2008 movement to check on what it actually says: we agree on the blocking but while they're aware of the enormous numbers of Honey-buzzard in England, they completely ignore them in the analysis, including the critical data showing that the East Anglia movement precedes the one in Benelux, that birds were flying E in East Anglia and that flocks in England were mixed-age like the ones in Benelux: very strange! However, I copied everything I could find on the web straight-away into my own disk space as I know things can be transient and are tweaked or deleted as time goes on. Funds had another good week, 6th week in a row that they have risen, this time +10k after 1k withdrawal, making gain ytd 230k gross (18.6%), 217k net, compared to ftse 100 +3.6% and ftse 250 +6.9%. PoO Brent is $69.2 a barrel (42 gallons!), having made $71.5 on Monday; a year ago it was around $30 a barrel as Covid struck. Am switching a few bonds and top-slices from gains from oil into leading mining stocks, which have come back off highs, to diversify a bit. Electric vehicles will be good for metals. Did you know that 42 gallons of crude results in 30 gallons of refined products, mainly gasoline (petrol) and distillates (diesel, heating fuel)? Did make C4c4ll where tmsuo looked gr8!! Bumped into tmro, who's very sensuous!! Had good Skype chat with N/D for 100 minutes at 16:00: it's amazing we never run out of stories! Looks like a quiet weekend coming up. xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 11th: wild and perishing, max 7C, min 2C, strong SW wind, some sunny intervals and showers. Did make NCL, doing walk along Quayside in comparative solitude; was bracing and even the birds weren't showing well, just 8 types, including: 76 Feral Pigeon, 10 Woodpigeon, 59 Kittiwake adult (some on ledges), 41 Herring Gull (23 adult, 11 2s, 7 1s), 3 Black-headed Gull adult, 1 GBBG 1s, 4 Crow, 1 Magpie. The large gulls at Derwenthaugh on the factory roof are settling in with 15 Herring Gull adults in nest building and 4 LBBG adults as pairs. Did see Z again; she's an Anglo-Iranian from the Tyne Valley who was a bar lass at the G for a while!! Did some more work on the book, copying over the 2008 movement main-files published in html. I had thought that the critical Belgian paper, which supports my view that the Honey-buzzard were blocked by poor weather, rather than drifting, had disappeared from the web but found it in a more respectable location at It's in Flemish with abstract in Dutch, English and French. So while copying across the files to the book directory, updated the url to the new one and also its entry in the references. I was pleased re-reading my write-up of this movement: it did take 6 years to reach final form in 2014. So timely invitation received today by email:

The Raptor Research Foundation invites the submission of oral and poster abstracts for our annual scientific conference. The conference will be hosted by The Peregrine Fund as an in-person event in Boise, Idaho, from the 8th–14th of October, 2021.Presentations on any aspect of raptor biology, ecology, research techniques, conservation, and management are encouraged. Eight symposia are planned for the three day scientific program. While one day of the program will be made available virtually, presenters are required to attend the conference in-person to be included in the scientific program.

I'm planning to attend in person and submit an abstract on the 2008 movement of Honey-buzzard for oral presentation. I've attended the last 2 RRF meetings in Kruger, RSA, in November 2018 and Colorado, USA, in November 2019. I think the next one is in either Malaysia or Mexico so good to keep my hand in! You can see I'm getting more ambitious with my Honey-buzzard work! Bidding keenly for some Ag over last 2 days on Ebay: up to £780 for a 1639 apostle spoon but that went for £980 and up to £474 for 6 rattail spoons 1722 but that went for £494. When I attended auction sales fairly regularly I was not always popular, bidding up quite a lot of items and ending up with relatively few: better luck next time! Listened this evening to Tippett Quartet playing Beethoven and Schubert in Perivale; gave 0.02k + GA, for which did get thanks. Was gr8 to get some relaxation: most satisfying: lok2tgrf: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 10th: mild 10C max, 6C min, but rain from time to time and strong SW winds. Cleaner S came in morning so off to Corbridge for walk along the Tyne to W from 11:00-12:35; parked at S side of bridge, normally only come here to see the dentist so had to get that out of my mind! Quite a few Fieldfare were around, preparing for trip to Norway; single pairs of Goosander and Goldeneye and 4 Oystercatcher (2 W) were on the Tyne plus a Common Buzzard perched on low trees on N side of Tyne at 12:05, 102 Fieldfare (flock high-up over village); total was 20 bird-types. Had 80 more Fieldfare at Letah Wood at 10:50, 200 Lapwing over Farnley with a Common Buzzard up below at 11:45. Hit a dry interlude which was good, before making HEX to go to C4c4l TA in Sele Park. Back home cleared a pile of material by the computer, unearthing the printed monograph 'Münch, Hans, Der Wespenbussard, Die Neue Brehm Bucherei 151 98pp, A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg, Lutherstadt (1955); reprinted Westarp (2004).' This is the only existing large-scale writing dedicated to the the Honey-buzzard that I know, but it's in German and has been almost completely ignored by the British, in spite of a reprint being made available (in German!). So decided to translate it. Started with a quote from the web – £3,500 for 31k words; doubtless it would be perfect but decided to look at alternatives. Took first 15 pages and scanned them into pdf documents with Canon Scan Utility; edited each document with Acrobat so that the text became available for copy, followed by paste into Google Translate; then copied the English output into an OpenOffice document. Didn't take too long and found text very interesting so it's good to carry on this way. It's not scholarly to ignore earlier work on the same topic and 'compare and contrast' is a very rewarding activity. But then I'm an academic so would think that! Cannot publish the resulting full text without copyright permission as a translation is a derivative of the original, not a new work. I bought this book on 25/02/2008 and it's lain around for 13 years untouched but technology for translation is now much improved. The clear-out produced a few gems including a comparison between Red Kite and Black Kite in April 2019 Birdwatch by Dick Forsman; this has also been scanned, my preferred way of saving paper if possible. Alerted readers from Scotland and Ireland about the forthcoming book by adding a header to the current pages. Updated references with the latest publications in Scottish Birds.

Incidentally if you look up Hans Münch you'll find one who is much better known: Hans Wilhelm Münch (14 May 1911 – 2001). “He was a German Nazi Party member who worked as an SS doctor during World War II at the Auschwitz concentration camp from 1943 to 1945 in German occupied Poland. Münch was nicknamed The Good Man of Auschwitz for his refusal to assist in the mass murders there. He developed many elaborate ruses to keep inmates alive. He was the only person acquitted of war crimes at the 1947 Auschwitz trial in Kraków, where many inmates testified in his favour. “ The end of his life was marked by several controversies. [Wiki]

Getting keener on cooking, having 3-4 meals a week cooked myself now, even if some are frozen from bulk cooking. Even ran out of spices and bought some more Sage and Rosemary last Monday. Hexham does look a bit run down but they have repaired the shelter!! 2moro it's the big city, rain or shine: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

March 9th: milder but still a little raw outside; max 8C, min 4C, moderate W breeze, mainly cloudy, rain from time to time. Made N4c4ll followed by walk in Sele; lovely to see the schools in full operation again, including the Sele Primary. Did meet quite a few friends, including the Vicar A for Whitley Chapel; he did say (after a build-up!) that they were feeling the pinch and I said I'd make a monthly contribution + GA; form to be brought around tomorrow! A is a model vicar, acting as visitor to the sick in Hexham and Tyneside. The Church is an important institution in the 'Shire. Have created directories for the book and publicised it on the index (home) page as well as here. I retrieved a lot of my original writings from the 1990s on disk when I was County Bird Recorder. Good to have preserved so much vital information from 20-30 years ago in computer files, which can be read today. I always steered clear of programs which store your data in a method only know to them. So many of these files now copied to Historical section and held as text or OpenOffice files. Made one change to the paragraph above, Britain to British Isles, latter including Ireland. Watched a really exciting football match in European Champions League, Round of 16, on BT Sport – Juventus vs Porto – won by the Portuguese side 4-4 on away goals. It was played in Italy; Porto got their decisive goal in extra time at 115 min, with a free kick driven under the wall from 30m! Funds are +2k on wtd with profit taking in oil and the shares this week offset by a few favoured stocks still moving ahead. Cleaner S comes tomorrow morning when I'll be out for a walk. Making NCL on Thursday as last week!! So all to play for: xxxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Have quickly completed final totals on BirdGuides for spring and autumn Honey-buzzard migrants in Britain. In 2020 the autumn total was 133 birds. There was a much heavier movement than usual in the first half of August in 2020, possibly due to food scarcity as noted in the productivity data for Northumberland. Total for 2019 in autumn was 112 birds so a significant increase this year. In spring 2020 running total is 103+ on BirdGuides, compared with 83 in 2019. So 236 birds in all in 2020 compared with 195 in 2019. Next up is analysis of Honey-buzzard migration data in Northumberland for 2020.

March 8th: damp day with rain from time to time, max 7C, min 4C, moderate W breeze. New introduction above sets out the priority for 2021! Starting work now: material developed will not be published on these pages though updates on progress will be revealed. Still have a few items to wrap up for 2020: middle day of Tsavo safari, final BirdGuides totals for migrating Honey-buzzard, analysis of my own migration counts. The Kenya findings will go in this NB when sorted as they are the first records for 2021. Nice to keep things going throughout the year!

Not forgetting the arts: did attend Webinar Breaking Barriers: The Many Faces of Women in Opera from Opera North with chair Christine Chibnall and panel of Dame Josephine Barstow, Giselle Allen, Sandra Piques Eddy, all of whom have sung many leading female roles. Carmen was discussed quite a bit, a role SPE has played a number of times: “Carmen is such an iconic woman-role. Everyone has a different view of Carmen -- hard, empowered, sensuous, confident, villain (SPE didn't agree with last).” JB thought that “Verdi ladies are different: they make a moral decision not to benefit them at all and stick with it.” Janáček was rated highly for understanding women: perhaps writing from his own unhappy and complicated relationships – Jenůfa stands out. Puccini heroines were thought to be calculating, not just the obvious Tosca but also Mime in La Bohème. It was thought that the most challenging female role was Salome because the intensity is maintained so long. I did put up a query in the chat: “Wagner's heroines in dying, provide redemption for a man (Flying Dutchman, Tannhäuser) or a race in general (Götterdämmerung). How do you rationalise this?” But they didn't get round to discussing it. Think I know the answer: Wagner felt literally that any woman should die for him! It was a very good hour! Incidentally Giselle was in Brussels, in quarantine, before a live performance of Turn of the Screw by Britten as performed in Newcastle last year by ON. Sandra was in Boston MA and JB in Sussex. Daughter's delighted that S was back to school today and sure she's not alone. They're coming up to see me again in the summer for a week. So more time to practise: xxxxx XXX!!!!!!

Recent relevant references: (more reading here)

Shaw, KD, McInerny, CJ, Little, A, Little, K, Nadin, JS, & Goater, R, An exceptional season at a central Scotland Honey-buzzard study area, Scottish Birds 37(1) 3-13 (2017).

Forsman, Dick, Separating Common Buzzard and European Honey-buzzard, at p.302, in: Flight Identification of Raptors of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, Christopher Helm (2016).

Panuccio, M, Chiatante, G, & Tarini, D, Two different migration strategies in response to an ecological barrier: Western Marsh Harriers and juvenile European Honey Buzzards crossing the central-eastern Mediterranean in autumn, Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki 19 10-18 (2013). pdf

Panuccio, M, Agostini, N, Lucia, G, Mellone, U, Ashton-Boot, J, Wilson, S, Chiatante, G & Todisco, S, Local weather conditions affect migration strategies of adult Western Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) through an isthmus area, Zoological Studies 49(5) 651-656 (2010). pdf