Reference: Ogilvie, M, Rare Breeding Birds in the United Kingdom in 1999, British Birds 94(8) (2001).
p.354-355 for European Honey-buzzard.
Main points:
Maximum total pairs for Honey Buzzard was highest yet recorded at 43 (37 in 1998, 39 in 1997).
The total for confirmed pairs was down at 13 (17 in 1998, 14 in 1997).
Minimum of 14 young raised.
Some totals for other raptors:
Red Kite 300 pairs 396 young.
Marsh Harrier 145-164 pairs, 356 young.
Montagu's Harrier 4-11 pairs, 12 young.
Osprey 136 pairs, 183 young.
Hobby 246-553 pairs breeding. England N 3-11: Cheshire 0-6, Lancashire 0-1, Northumberland 2-3, Yorkshire 1. Also: Nottingham 8-13, Shropshire 3-21, Derbyshire 23-27.