Raptors and Other Birds – Visit to Tuscany, Italy, 26 July – 2 August 2011

Stayed: Villa Ulignano, near Volterra

Also visited: Siena, Marina del Pisa, Pisa Airport


Total count

Total sites



Pernis apivorus



Confirmed (wailing call)

Short-toed Eagle

Circaetus gallicus



Probable (territorial)


Falco subbuteo



Probable (territorial)

Booted Eagle

Hieraaetus pennatus




Common Buzzard

Buteo buteo



Confirmed (young fledged)

Common Kestrel

Falco tinnunculus



Confirmed (young fledged)

Lesser Kestrel

Falco naumanni




Montagu's Harrier

Circus pygargus



Possible (both hunting)

Black Kite

Milvus migrans




Long-eared Owl

Asio otus



Possible (calling)

Tawny Owl

Strix aluco



Probable (pair calling)

Scops Owl

Otus scops



Possible (calling)


12 species


Confirmed 3, Probable 3, Possible 3

Summary of Raptors Found during Visit from 26/7-2/8

Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus (Falco pecchiaiolo) 6 birds at 4 sites in Ulignano area, active and territorial, breeding calls (confirmed breeding), 1 further bird at Montagnola, from the Volterra-Siena road.

Seemed to be at saturation level in the area around Ulignano with activity at the 4 sites found. Second on list of raptors at sign for Montenero, the nature reserve N of Ulignano. The Italian name suggests the Honey-buzzard is a falcon; certainly the males can appear falcon-like at times particularly in gliding and diving. Fantastic area for Honey-buzzard with extensive woods, interspersed with pasture.

On arrival on 26/7 in the late afternoon the male did a spirited circle of a wood to NE of villa already selected as highly suitable!

Clip 862 of female Honey-buzzard at Ulignano (NE site) on 27/7 with derived stills 1  2  3  4  5  6 showing usual features of long tail, long neck and small head. From 10:40-11:40 the female Honey-buzzard was seen returning to her nest site, from which she made another foray later filled with curiosity about what we were doing. Nest site is actually narrowed down to a group of darker pine trees in the large pine wood noted on arrival as very suitable.

Clip 863 of male Honey-buzzard from Ulignano (Montenero Reserve) on 28/7, showing in chaotic action the male in brief combat with a Short-toed Eagle, one of the pair in territory here. A bit uneven in size with Honey-buzzard making first strike but soon being seen off. He returned unchastened soon after though. Derived stills include 1  2  3  4   5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14. Slides 1-4 show both birds together, 5-7 show the Honey-buzzard fleeing, 8-9 show the Honey-buzzard returning, 10-14 show the Honey-buzzard nervously circling over the area, obviously fearing another ambush. The male eventually moved off NW, apparently to the site NW of the villa. Also in this visit, as approached nest at NE site on track, a Honey-buzzard (presumed female) swore at me with a wailing call which confirms breeding.

On 28/7 another female to the S by a wooded steep piece of rock soaring briefly.

On 29/7 one seen gliding over a wood at Montagnola, from the Volterra-Siena road.

On 30/7 2 Honey-buzzard to NW of Montenero, with the female flying towards me to feed at the Reserve and the male soaring high before gliding down far to W to feed as shown in this clip 864 with derived stills 1  2. This is the 3rd site to be found near the villa. Looks somewhat like the Dipton Wood scenario where the birds nest in a circle around the main wood, which is then used as a common feeding resource.

Clip 865 taken on 1/8 is in 2 parts. First shows a male Honey-buzzard hanging over open ground and 20 minutes later doing a fast glide back to the NE Ulignano nest site. Second shows a male Honey-buzzard up hunting over the same open area but returning to wood far to NE of Ulignano. Another male Honey-buzzard was up over Montenero, bringing day's total to 3.

Habitat Ulignano area

Presumed nest site to NE from activity of birds 1  2  3  4  5  6

Feeding area to N Montenero Reserve habitat 1  2  3; information board 1  2

Breeding area to S 1  2  3

Breeding area to NW 1  2  3  4

Breeding area to far NE 1

Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus (Il Biancone) 2 birds, 1 site, territorial, calls

An established site on open wooded hill to N of Ulignano and first on list of raptors, and depicted, at sign for nature reserve here.

Clip 863 from Ulignano (Montenero Reserve) on 28/7, showing in chaotic action the Short-toed Eagle in brief combat with a male Honey-buzzard. Derived stills include 1  2  3  4   5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14. Slides 1-4 show both birds together. It was hazy with some dust. When leaving one was gliding fast back into the site as shown in this clip with derived stills 1  2  3  4  5  6.

On 30/7 Short-toed Eagle were giving some fluty calls from their site at Montenero Reserve.

Clip of distant Short-toed Eagle on 1/8 hunting NE of Montenero, showing white underside in derived stills 1  2.

Hobby Falco subbuteo (Lodolaio eurasiatico) 2 birds, 2 sites, territorial

Clip of female at Ulignano (N site) on 27/7 flying out to hunt, with derived stills 1  2

Male hunting on 31/7 over arable fields S of Ulignano where all crops cleared and fields full of stubble

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus (L'Aquila minore eurasiatica) 1 bird, migrant

Pale phase bird seen hunting twice over over the old marshes, now mostly maize fields, E of pine forest at Marina del Pisa on 2/8

Common Buzzard Buteo buteo (Poiana eurasiatica) 14 birds, 8 sites, young fledged

Commonest raptor with Common Kestrel. Records included on 28/7 at least 3 in Montenero area mewing from time to time (family party) and 2 soaring near rock to S of Ulignano plus at Volterra had one low over the road; on 29/7 one on wires close to villa at Ulignano; on 30/7 a family party of 3 N of Volterra and one S of Volterra; on 31/7 2 adults in arable area S of Ulignano where all crops cleared and fields full of stubble; on 1/8 2 up at Montenero, presumed already seen; on 2/8 one pale bird soaring near Pisa Airport

Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus (Gheppio comune) 12 birds, 7 sites, young fledged

Commonest raptor with Common Buzzard. Records included on 26/7 a female on the road 14km before Ulignano (from Pisa) and a male near the villa at Ulignano; on 28/7 a juvenile near villa at Ulignano; on 29/7 a female on wires close to villa at Ulignano; on 30/7 a female and a juvenile to NW of Montenero Reserve, a male and juvenile N of Volterra and one S of Volterra; on 31/7 a male and a juvenile in arable area S of Ulignano where all crops cleared and fields full of stubble; on 1/8 one up to NE of Montenero over heavily wooded area

Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni (Falco grillaio) 2 birds, 1 site

Two were up in the air S of Ulignano, looking quite mobile

Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus (Albanella minore) 2 birds, 2 sites

On 29/7 a ringtail from the Volterra-Siena road

On 31/7 a ringtail in arable area S of Ulignano where all crops cleared and fields full of stubble

Both birds were hunting close to the ground

Black Kite Milvus migrans (Nibbio bruno) 1 bird, 1 site, migrant?

One was floating over agricultural land to W of Montenero Reserve

Long-eared Owl Asio otus (Gufo comune) 1 bird, 1 site

One calling on 28/7 from N of wood containing villa at Ulignano

Tawny Owl Strix aluco (Allocco comune) 2 birds, 1 site, territorial

Pair calling on 28/7 from N of wood containing villa at Ulignano

Scops Owl Otus scops (Assiolo comune) 1 bird, 1 site

One calling at dawn on 1/8 from trees on N side of villa at Ulignano

Other birds:

Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor (averla cenerina)

One seen on 28/7 and 1/8 near Ulignano. Clip of bird, carrying food on wires on 28/7, with derived stills 1  2

Full List of 62 species found is available as a pdf. Species that seemed particularly common in the Ulignano area were Woodpigeon, Green Woodpecker, Swallow, Blackcap and Jay. A wider range of passerines was found in the pines and adjacent maize fields near Marina del Pisa with Long-tailed Tit, Goldfinch, Swallow and Blackcap prominent.

Habitat Marina del Pisa area

Pine glades and trees 1  2  3  4

Edge of Pines 1  2  3

Release Pens 1

Estuary 1  2

Mammals: to follow

Wild Boar

Had signs of Wild Boar in Montenero on 1/8 with heavy rustling in undergrowth, droppings and diggings (to follow)

Insects: to follow





August 3rd: well arrived back in style in Hexham in VW Fox at 21:00, towed by RAC Rescue! Had collected car at 17:30 from Newcastle Airport; it started well, went 50 metres and petrol pump went into spasms, finally dying just as getting on one of the arterial roads. So that's not very impressive for a 10 month old car. Awaiting repair at Carrs with car blocking main entrance gate! RAC acting for VW breakdown were pretty impressive and he did take me home with all of luggage at 21:20 but no action tonite!! [Turned out to be petrol pump failure, quickly repaired and courtesy car provided]

August 2nd: vacated villa at 10:00 and drove to coast with big sis to explore area around Pisa as flight by BA to Gatwick not until 22:35. A pale Common Buzzard was circling near Pisa Airport on drive to coast. Had 2 good walks in maritime forest but no raptors at all in this habitat. Did though have a couple of sightings of an interesting raptor over the old marshes, now mostly maize fields, which turned out to be a pale-phase Booted Eagle (l'aquila minore eurasiatica). Had late lunch in Marina del Pisa and dropped Clio off at Pisa airport in early evening. What do I think about Italian drivers: very skilled and highly impatient, but we didn't have any near misses and at least the traffic rattles along! Think my sister is not really happy with my driving as she keeps putting her foot through the floor!! Italian lasses are lively, dark, slim, smart: indeed some do remind me of someone!! Flight was early and back in Ealing by 02:00 via Gatwick Express and a taxi. Other group members had more hassle: younger sister's party ended up at Luton instead of Bristol as missed intended flight and main Liverpool contingent arrived in convoy at Pisa airport 5 minutes before departure but managed with their charm to persuade Jet2 to hold the plane for 30 minutes, becoming 50 minutes when all done. Problem: new 'faster' route from Volterra to Pisa, which unfortunately included a long scenic hilly section!

August 1st: day started with Scops Owl calling at dawn at 06:00. Very hot with thunderstorms brewing, but they never actually materialised. Went for walk from 16:15-18:15 to Montenero area and had 3 Honey-buzzard and single Short-toed Eagle, Common Kestrel and Common Buzzard. Birds new for the trip were up to far NE over heavily wooded area: a male Honey-buzzard and a Common Kestrel. The others were a Short-toed Eagle hanging effortlessly over the countryside to NE, a Common Buzzard in familiar area and Honey-buzzard males, one bringing food in at NE site and another up at Montenero. Fantastic area for Honey-buzzard with extensive woods, interspersed with pasture. Had signs of Wild Boar in Montenero: heavy rustling in undergrowth, droppings and diggings. Have lots of shots of everything which will publish here directly. poiana 13; gheppio 12; falco pecchiaiolo 7; allocco comune 2; biancone 2; falco grillaio 2; lodolaio eurasiatico 2; albanella minore 2; gufo comune 1; nibbio bruno 1; assiolo comune 1. So that's 45 raptors of 11 types. Must say it's better than expected. Final party was for someone's 13th birthday and a couple of others coming up very soon; November must be a busy time for the family! Lots of chianti drunk and very fitting end to a marvellous week with much more time than usual to chat to the family.

July 31st: warmest day so far with plenty of hot sunshine. Bit banged on the head this morning but determined to find an Internet café in Volterra and succeeded, catching up on a few vital things. Had walk from 16:50-18:10 on way back in a farmed area where all crops cleared and fields full of stubble. Added to the list here a male Hobby, a ringtail Montagu's Harrier, 2 Common Kestrel (male, juvenile) and 2 adult Common Buzzard. poiana 13; gheppio 11; falco pecchiaiolo 6; allocco comune 2; biancone 2; falco grillaio 2; lodolaio eurasiatico 2; albanella minore 2; gufo comune 1; nibbio bruno 1. Evening entertainment closed early, most people looking for an early nite after yesterday's revelry!

July 30th: fine day for the wedding, which took place at 15:00 in Volterra town hall with reception afterwards going on until 01:00; marvellous day for all, did a lot of dancing!! I was given groom's camera to take shots for him to supplement official photographer who actually got some shots of them in the local prison. Obviously hadn't seen Puccini's Tosca where the commander takes a bribe to fire blanks at a prisoner condemned to death but double crosses them and uses real ammunition, causing the distraught heroine to jump over the castle walls to her death! Service started traditionally with Wagner's Here Comes the Bride from Lohengrin! Earlier, from 10:30-12:00, went for walk in Montenero reserve, which is only about 1km from the villa; 1st 2 species of raptor listed on information board are biancone and pecchiaiolo. Very natural wood where these 2 species, Short-toed Eagle and Honey-buzzard, in combat on 28/7. Today had Short-toed Eagle giving some fluty calls and 2 Honey-buzzard to NW of wood, with the female flying in to feed at Montenero and the male soaring high before gliding down far to W to feed. This is the 3rd site to be found near the villa. Looks somewhat like the Dipton Wood scenario where the birds nest in a circle around the main wood, which is then used as a common feeding resource. Common Kestrel female and juvenile to NW of reserve completed the picture there. Also in day had a family party of 3 Common Buzzard and male and juvenile Common Kestrel N of Volterra and Common Buzzard and Common Kestrel S of Volterra. Internet at villa collapsed: is WiFi the most dodgy facility in holiday lets? Sending this from Volterra! poiana 11; gheppio 9; falco pecchiaiolo 6; allocco comune 2; biancone 2; falco grillaio 2; lodolaio eurasiatico 1; gufo comune 1; nibbio bruno 1; albanella minore 1.

July 29th: poiana 7; falco pecchiaiolo 4; gheppio 4; allocco comune 2; biancone 2; falco grillaio 2; lodolaio eurasiatico 1; gufo comune 1; nibbio bruno 1; albanella minore 1. Another hot day with thunderstorm midday. We all went to Siena on a coach sight-seeing; it's a very old city which peaked just before the Black Death, now best known for its amazing horse race around the central square. No raptors here but did have a Montagu's Harrier ringtail and a Honey-buzzard on the road, latter gliding over a wood at Montagnola, with a Common Kestrel female and a Common Buzzard on wires close to villa. Evening activity was a pizza making competition which somehow never got judged as we ate it all too quickly! Went for stroll for owls at midnight and managed to get locked out!

July 28th: very hot morning with plenty of strong sunshine. In walk around villa from 12:45-14:00 had male Honey-buzzard in conflict with pair of Short-toed Eagle, a bit uneven in size with Honey-buzzard making first strike but soon being seen off. He returned unchastened soon after though. Further Honey-buzzard sightings were of presumed female as approached nest on track swearing at me with wailing call which confirms breeding and another female to the S by a wooded steep piece of rock soaring briefly. The gap between the sites looks to be in the 2-3 km range. Common Buzzard included at least 3 in Short-toed Eagle area mewing from time to time and 2 soaring near rock to S. A Black Kite was floating over agricultural land to W, 2 Lesser Kestrel were up to S and a Short-toed Eagle was coming fast into site from NW side at end. Then off to Volterra for sight-seeing which included trip around the Acropolis Etrusca to see an amphitheatre from 1st century AD holding 2,000, somewhat less than the Gulls' ground! Near villa had a Common Kestrel juvenile and at Volterra had a Common Buzzard low over the road. A fine day and Devon looking more tanned and less pink than Liverpool/Wales with drinking spoils even!! Bit of night-time action with a Long-eared Owl and 2 Tawny Owl calling. Had casino evening with roulette: 2 younger nephews battled it out ultra competitively at end!

July 27th: gheppio 2; falco pecchiaiolo 2; lodolaio eurasiatico 1. Went for walk to have closer look at the nearby site. Dull early on with heavy rain in afternoon. Got out in morning though to see a female Hobby flying out to hunt and the female Honey-buzzard returning to her nest site, from which she made another foray later filled with curiosity about what we were doing, all from 10:40-11:40. Nest site is actually narrowed down to a group of darker pine trees in the large pine wood noted on arrival as very suitable. Villa is great fun, had excursion of all of us yesterday evening to Ristorante Enoteca del Duca, Volterra, where lost count of courses, and of chianti, my favourite wine! Internet at villa very erratic.

July 26th: buongiorno! 2 gheppio; 1 falco pecchiaiolo. Lot of travelling today in hot sunshine. Came down from Newcastle to London by train yesterday and stayed with big sis. Left Gatwick for Pisa about 10:00, picked up hire car Clio there and drove to Villa, getting there mid-afternoon. The Common Kestrel included a female on the road and a male near the Villa. The male Honey-buzzard did a spirited circle of a wood near here already selected as highly suitable! The party comprises (in vague origins) 14 from Liverpool, 4 from Wales and 12 from Devon – good start last nite!!

Villa web site tuscany-villa

Wedding web site

Further scenic shots -- to follow

Nick Rossiter

Honey Buzzard Home Page