

Sheet 1: Summary

Selected Species Recs Places Rep% 1st Date 1st Place

Total Species: 1
Honey-buzzard 1 1 N/A 08/07/2010 Warton Crag

Total Records: 1

Complete Lists: 0

Total Places: 1

Sheet 2: Records#1

Species Scientific name Place Lat Long Date Start time End time Count Breeding status Sensitive Remarkable Comment Habitat notes Breeding details Plumage Direction of flight Activity Pinpoint Source Observer name Visit weather comments Visit comments Part of complete list?
Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus Warton Crag 54.1457332 -2.7899018 08/07/2010 12:00 12:00 1 1

from 12:02-12:05 female hanging over us; The bird is not in moult but is missing 2 inner primaries on its left wing, inner secondaries on both wings and possibly a tail feather. In addition the tip to P8 on its right wing is damaged.

1 Adult Female