Appendix 1

Correspondence from international raptor experts

As BNR has enquired about the opinions of international experts on the subject of Honey Buzzard identification on his website (points 6 and 7), the following two communications are included here for the sake of completeness. To reiterate our earlier comments, such opinions did not influence our conclusions as these had been drawn prior to these comments being made but they do give us confidence that the finding of our review are justified.

1.1) Comments from Dick Forsman (Finland) on the identification of the birds presented on BNR’s website (as reported by AR on the Birdforum discussion group on 07/10/ 2003)

Hi Andy,

I am sorry to inform you, but practically all of the photos on the Honey
Buzz web site are actually Common Buzzards!!! The only convincing Honey
Buzzards I could find were the ones from Liege, Belgium. Also the bird from
Perthshire, Scotland looks like a HB. All the others can be identified as Com

The pictures are too many to start to go through them one by one, but in
most pictures the pattern of the secondaries, the underwing coverts and the
body show the diagnostic Com Buz characters, while in some cases the shapes
of the birds clearly show them to be Com Buzzards.

In case of any seriously difficult cases I am willing to defend my case
further, but as for the current pictures I think they speak for themself.



1.2) Comments (dated 03/10/2003) from Clive Finlayson (Gibraltar) on the identification of the birds pictured on BNR’s website as presented to us by Steve Holliday who had contacted Clive Finlayson privately with a request for his opinions.

OK Stevo,

I've now looked at all these pics. This guy doesn't know what a Honey
looks like! Let's go through them:

Liege: Yep, Honeys

Baden Baden: Honey, OK

Stauffen: This is a Buzzard. Probably eastern subspecies or hybrid -

Leisberg: This is not a Honey. Prob. vulpinus type again

Hexhamshire 1 (2002): This is a Buzzard

Derwent: Buzzard

Allen: Buzzard

Hexhamshire 2 (2003):  Buzzard

Bywell: Bad pics but probably Buzzard

South Tyne: Buzzard

Dunkeld: Bad pics but probably Honey Buzzard, almost definite

Tampere, Finland: vulpinus Buzzard

I can send you Honey pics from Gib if you want!!!


NB. the Tampere images have since been changed and now show Honey Buzzards (CRC)

Further comments after Steve Holliday asked if Clive Finlayson would mind his opinions on the Northumberland birds being forwarded to the CRC


I don't mind at all. You can state that I have NO DOUBT that these are not
Honeys. I should know after watching and photographing them since 1966!!!

Be in touch re spring soon.
