

Sheet 1: Summary

Selected Species Recs Places Rep% 1st Date 1st Place

Total Species: 61
Canada Goose 9 5 81.8 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Cackling Goose 3 1 18.2 14/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Total Records: 143
Snow Goose 1 1 9.1 06/11/2019 Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

Complete Lists: 11
White-fronted Goose 1 1 9.1 15/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Total Places: 8
Mallard 7 3 63.6 04/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

Green-winged Teal 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Canvasback 2 2 18.2 04/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

Redhead 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Ring-necked Duck 3 3 27.3 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Scaup 2 1 18.2 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Lesser Scaup 2 2 18.2 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Bufflehead 1 1 9.1 06/11/2019 Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

Barrow's Goldeneye 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Hooded Merganser 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Rock Dove 8 4 72.7 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

(Feral Pigeon) 8 4 72.7 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Pied-billed Grebe 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Ring-billed Gull 4 3 36.4 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

California Gull 3 3 27.3 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Great Blue Heron 1 1 9.1 09/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

Osprey 1 1 9.1 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Golden Eagle 1 1 9.1 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 1 18.2 12/11/2019 Estes Park

Goshawk 1 1 9.1 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Northern Harrier 2 1 18.2 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Bald Eagle 5 3 45.5 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Red-tailed Hawk 8 7 45.5 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Ferruginous Hawk 1 1 9.1 06/11/2019 Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

Rough-legged Buzzard 2 2 18.2 12/11/2019 Estes Park

Great Horned Owl 3 2 27.3 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Short-eared Owl 1 1 9.1 15/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Belted Kingfisher 1 1 9.1 09/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

Hairy Woodpecker 1 1 9.1 11/11/2019 Estes Park

Northern Flicker 1 1 9.1 09/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

American Kestrel 1 1 0 04/11/2019 Longmont N

Merlin 2 2 18.2 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Prairie Falcon 1 1 9.1 12/11/2019 Estes Park

Peregrine 2 1 18.2 11/11/2019 Estes Park

Cassin's Kingbird 1 1 9.1 13/11/2019 Estes Park

Loggerhead Shrike 1 1 9.1 13/11/2019 Estes Park

Blue Jay 3 2 27.3 04/11/2019 Fort Collins Creek

Steller's Jay 1 1 9.1 12/11/2019 Estes Park

Magpie 2 1 18.2 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Clark's Nutcracker 3 1 27.3 10/11/2019 Estes Park

American Crow 7 4 63.6 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Raven 4 1 36.4 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Black-capped Chickadee 1 1 9.1 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Mountain Chickadee 3 1 27.3 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Starling 3 1 27.3 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

American Robin 3 2 27.3 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

House Sparrow 3 2 27.3 10/11/2019 Estes Park

House Finch 2 2 18.2 05/11/2019 Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds

Common Redpoll 3 3 27.3 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Common Crossbill 2 1 18.2 10/11/2019 Estes Park

Two-barred Crossbill 1 1 9.1 13/11/2019 Estes Park

Pine Siskin 1 1 9.1 11/11/2019 Estes Park

Sagebrush Sparrow 1 1 9.1 13/11/2019 Estes Park

Western Meadowlark 3 2 27.3 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Red-winged Blackbird 2 2 18.2 06/11/2019 Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

Brown-headed Cowbird 2 1 18.2 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Brewer's Blackbird 1 1 9.1 03/11/2019 Denver Airport Tower Road

Black-headed Grosbeak 2 1 18.2 12/11/2019 Estes Park

Sheet 2: Records#1

Species Scientific name Place Lat Long Date Start time End time Count Breeding status Sensitive Remarkable Comment Habitat notes Breeding details Plumage Direction of flight Activity Pinpoint Source Observer name Visit comments Visit weather comments Part of complete list?
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 61

Also had 24 Canada Goose S at 12:38 plus a local movement of 37

24 S

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 10

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 2

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 2

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 130

Canada Goose 130 few close-ups taken

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 310

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 26

Canada Goose 20 E, 6 on ponds

20 E

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 75

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 210

Canada Goose of 210 seen, 70 S

70 S

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 16/11/2019 10:10 10:10 60

Final birds seen in Colorado on 16/11 were 2 skeins of Cackling Goose, totalling c60, moving S, in sunny, dry weather at 10:10. No more raptors at close to tour.

60 S

in sunny, dry weather at 10:10 N
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 264

Highlight today was the passage of Cackling Goose S with total of 214 counted in daytime moving, in small V-shaped flocks, giving high-pitched calls; the largest flock was 110; some more were moving overhead in the dark, maybe 50, as went out for supper at 20:00. Piccies 7, 8 of Cackling Goose also show a single Greater White-fronted Goose moving S but detached from the main group

264 S

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 2

2 Cackling Goose moving S at 16:17

2 S

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Snow Goose Anser caerulescens Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 2

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 1

Piccies of Cackling Goose also show at 11:48 a single Greater White-fronted Goose moving S but detached from the main group

1 S

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 4

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 5

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 4

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 2

2 S

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 2

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 3

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 14

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 5

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Canvasback Aythya valisineria Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 1

1 Female/immature

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Canvasback Aythya valisineria Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 2

2 Female/immature

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Redhead Aythya americana Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 9

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

had very close-up views of a female/1w Ring-necked Duck

1 Female/immature

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 4

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 2

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Scaup Aythya marila Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 8

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Scaup Aythya marila Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 3

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 20

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 7

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 1

1 Adult Male

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 2

Barrow's Goldeneye 2 redhead

2 Female/immature

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 4

Hooded Merganser 4 redhead

4 Female/immature

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 127

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 75

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 16

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 7

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 4

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 2

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 8

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Feral Pigeon Columba livia f. domestica Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 300

vast numbers of Feral Pigeon, at least 300

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 2

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 1

a Ring-billed Gull adult N

1 Adult 1 N

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 43

43 Adult

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 4

Ring-billed Gull 1 adult NW, 3 adult on ponds

4 Adult 1 NW

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 92

Movements N were of gulls, maybe repositioning with Ring-billed Gull (91 adult and 1 2w N) but some came back S again later

1 2nd-winter, 91 Adult 92 N

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
California Gull Larus californicus Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 2

2 1st-winter

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
California Gull Larus californicus Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 1

1 1st-winter

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
California Gull Larus californicus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 3

3 Adult

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 1

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 1

An Osprey (same species as ours) flew NW at 9:35

1 NW

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 1

Also good was 1 Golden Eagle, in rugged habitat 1 bought up by irritation at displaying Common Raven (same as ours), bringing raptor list to 10! Common Raven were indeed that being seen around a peak to N at 13:26, 13:59, 14:40, habitat here, and a peak to SE at 14:15 and 14:29, also occupied by Golden Eagle, with habitat here; total for Raven was 12, many displaying!

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

a Sharp-shinned Hawk S at 13:30 over the peaks that I'd identified yesterday as good for giving orographic lift.

1 S

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 2

single Rough-legged Hawk at 11:50 (same as our Rough-legged Buzzard), Bald Eagle adult at 12:47 and Sharp-shinned Hawk at 13:05 (similar to our Sparrowhawk) moving S; resident raptors comprised a Sharp-shinned Hawk (to E of town)

1 S

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 1

A juvenile female Northern Goshawk (same type as ours) was flying along the line of trees near where the Bald Eagle were later sitting at 12:10

1 Juvenile Female

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Northern Harrier Circus hudsonius Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 2

2 Northern Harrier from 16:29-16:34 (ringtail 1 and male)

1 Adult Male, 1 Immature

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Northern Harrier Circus hudsonius Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 1

a ringtail Northern Harrier (similar to our Hen Harrier) was hunting over prairie to E at 9:44

1 Immature

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 2

3 Bald Eagle (adult S at 11:41, juvenile perched at 12:25)

1 Adult, 2 Juvenile 1 S

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 2

Had 2 Bald Eagle S (one adult so impressive coming overhead at 14:30, a juvenile at 15:13)

1 Adult, 1 Juvenile 2 S

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

single Rough-legged Hawk at 11:50 (same as our Rough-legged Buzzard), Bald Eagle adult at 12:47 and Sharp-shinned Hawk at 13:05 (similar to our Sparrowhawk) moving S

1 Adult 1 S

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 2

2 Juvenile

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 3

At 12:30 3 Bald Eagle (closest for us is White-tailed Eagle) were in some trees on W side of hotel complex, a juvenile seen flapping in before perching and a subadult and an adult perched

1 Adult, 1 Juvenile, 1 Subadult

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 4

Raptors comprised 4 Red-tailed Hawk (as pair to NE at 13:25 and 2 local singles at 11:40 1 and 13:05 )

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Lafayette 39.9762795 -105.0798787 14/11/2019 13:20 13:20 1

sunny again with max 14C, min 3C N
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Lyons 40.2272283 -105.2660906 14/11/2019 13:00 13:00 1

sunny again with max 14C, min 3C N
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 2

2 Red-tailed Hawk, clearly not afraid of altitude, and looking in territory at 14:59

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 1

Red-tailed Hawk 1 dark-phase juvenile, looking like a snake eagle perched in a tall tree

1 Juvenile

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 8

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Longmont N 40.1721028 -105.0998393 06/11/2019 09:00 09:00 2

sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. N
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 6

6 Red-tailed Hawk, similar to our Common Buzzard , 2 came very close; no.6 which shows one perched on electric power-lines in a treeless area emphasises the need for proper earthing of the circuitry, which seems OK here judging by the numbers of raptors around

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 1

1 Ferruginous Hawk, last-named photographed on ground 1  2  3  4 and new for trip, bringing total of raptors to 9 types

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 1

a Rough-legged Hawk flying in flap-flap-glide mode towards complex at 16:30; the Rough-legged Hawk (Buzzard) is the closest of the North American Buteo to our Common Buzzard in plumage

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

single Rough-legged Hawk at 11:50 (same as our Rough-legged Buzzard), Bald Eagle adult at 12:47 and Sharp-shinned Hawk at 13:05 (similar to our Sparrowhawk) moving S

1 S

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 1

a Great Horned Owl on same post as last time at 16:48

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

Went out again at dusk from 17:00-17:45 up the Elk Trail. Did get an owl calling, a Great Horned Owl, with mixture of disyllabic and monosyllabic hoots at 17:30; thought at first it might have been a Barred Owl, a keen subject at the raptor conference as it's been expanding its range rapidly and interfering with other owl species, particularly the threatened Spotted Owl but still rare in Colorado and didn't have the variation of that species in its calls. Also considered Long-eared Owl but that species doesn't tend to call in the autumn and its hoots are longer. The Great Horned Owl is evidently the commonest owl in Colorado

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 1

Remaining 1, an eared owl on a post in the long grass at 13:09, was a Great Horned Owl

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 1

a Short-eared Owl (same as our species of that name) perched on a post at 15:06 in the prairie to E, a new raptor for trip, bringing total to 15

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 1

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Hairy Woodpecker Leuconotopicus villosus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 1

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 1

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
American Kestrel Falco sparverius Longmont N 40.1721028 -105.0998393 04/11/2019 10:30 10:30 1

The only raptor today was an American Kestrel on the side of the motorway about ½ way through the journey over

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. N
Merlin Falco columbarius Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 1

attacking a small passerine in quick dive

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Merlin Falco columbarius Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 1

A female Merlin (same type as ours) was picked up at some distance on the top of a post at 11:50, plucking a small item of prey

1 Female

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

a Prairie Falcon (to N of town, the mystery bird at the Peregrine site yesterday, related fairly closely to Peregrine Falcon)

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Peregrine Falco peregrinus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 2

Resident raptors comprised 2 Peregrine Falcon (to E and N of town)

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Peregrine Falco peregrinus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 2

Highlight was 2 Peregrine Falcon in territorial dispute over crag to N at 12:49 with another falcon (brownish, to be identified), amazing high-pace chase not captured by low-pace camera (and photographer!) but here's habitat. Golden Eagle and Peregrine Falcon were the most featured in talks at RRF so good that I've found some in the broad areas that they cover

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Cassin's Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

a Loggerhead Shrike by a rough area by the river was a very interesting find

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 5

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 4

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 10

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Steller's Jay Cyanocitta stelleri Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Magpie Pica pica Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Magpie Pica pica Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 1

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Clark's Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 34

34 Clark's Nutcracker, including a flock of 19

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Clark's Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 3

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Clark's Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 69

Memories of the Alps were revived with the number of Nutcracker around: 69 Clark's Nutcracker 1  2, largest flock 45

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 12

12 American Crow, including flock of 11

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 13

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 21

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 13

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 09/11/2019 11:15 12:45 1

warm today at 20C max, all-day sunshine, almost calm, falling away quickly to 3C at night with the low humidity of 35% at midday Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 3

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 17

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Raven Corvus corax Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 6

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Raven Corvus corax Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 10

Common Raven were common with 10 noted

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Raven Corvus corax Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 5

3 on crags, 2 feeding locally

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Raven Corvus corax Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 12 5

Also good was 1 Golden Eagle, in rugged habitat 1 bought up by irritation at displaying Common Raven (same as ours), bringing raptor list to 10! Common Raven were indeed that being seen around a peak to N at 13:26, 13:59, 14:40, habitat here, and a peak to SE at 14:15 and 14:29, also occupied by Golden Eagle, with habitat here; total for Raven was 12, many displaying!

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 1

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Mountain Chickadee Poecile gambeli Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 2

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
Mountain Chickadee Poecile gambeli Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 2

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Mountain Chickadee Poecile gambeli Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 8

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Starling Sturnus vulgaris Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 12

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Starling Sturnus vulgaris Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 134

134 Roosting

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
Starling Sturnus vulgaris Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 56

6 feeding, 50 roost near hotel

50 Roosting, 6 Feeding

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
American Robin Turdus migratorius Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 2

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
American Robin Turdus migratorius Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
American Robin Turdus migratorius Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 1

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
House Sparrow Passer domesticus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 3

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
House Sparrow Passer domesticus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 14/11/2019 16:10 17:15 30

30 Roosting

mammals comprised 4 Mule Deer and a a Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) sunny again with max 14C, min 3C. Y
House Sparrow Passer domesticus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 3

1 Adult Male, 2 Female/1st-winter

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 6

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus Fort Collins Riverbend Ponds 40.5688734 -105.0383419 05/11/2019 10:35 14:10 2

quite warm in the bright sunshine at 13C today, but falling rapidly to 0C at nite Y
Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 6

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea Fort Collins Creek 40.5692752 -105.0913853 04/11/2019 14:00 16:00 7

keeping cool today at 9C max, 0C min, but dry and sunny so feeling good outdoors in a light S breeze; no rain forecast in next 6 days but fluctuating max depending on position of cold fronts. Y
Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 9

9 S

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 10/11/2019 12:30 16:00 6

plenty of Elk (105), including stags, down by the golf course, with prominent warning signs, ignored by some trying to get piccies on their 'phones. Today up here it's been 14C max, -9C min with big freeze last night in clear skies. At 23:00 it's about to snow for several hours at -6C Y
Two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptera Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 2

2 Two-barred Crossbill flew S out of some conifers

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Pine Siskin Spinus pinus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 11/11/2019 12:00 15:00 6

Day had another highlight: as strolling back in the dark at 19:00 from a trip to Rambo's Longhorn Liquor Store heard some high-pitched howling from the Elk Trail visited earlier: no wolves here but coyotes: marvellous: it pays to go out in the dark! Weather was a little cool this morning at 08:00 at -12C, sunny, calm, 2cm of snow (not much!). Overall today it was max 1C, min -13C, with brilliant sunshine all day but a very chilly airstream from N. 2moro they're forecasting a 30F (17C) temperature swing upwards mid-morning in 6 hours, after another very hard frost tonite, as winds go round to the S again and no more snow is forecast in my stay. The mountains looked very beautiful at dawn Y
Sagebrush Sparrow Artemisiospiza nevadensis Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 8

in flock near hotel

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 11

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 2

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 13

13 seen, 8 S

8 S

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 6

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge 39.8344401 -104.8403894 06/11/2019 09:45 15:45 6

Now it's pristine prairie, one of the strongholds of Bison (c200 of which 50 seen), Mule Deer (15 seen), White-tailed Deer (2 seen), Black-tailed Prairie Dog (30 seen), all of which we ticked in a safari-style tour. We also had a talk from a ranger on the Black-footed Ferret captive breeding programme and their reintroduction into the Refuge; we did see a few of this species in cages, one of the rarest predators in the wild in the world sunny at start but declining midday to cloud and raw moderate NE wind with light rain by evening near freezing point, max 9C, min -1C. Y
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 15/11/2019 11:15 15:30 4

Had another Cottontail Rabbit (possible Mountain form) not quite 20C but did make 17C max, light W breeze, dry, sunny in afternoon, 5C min. In spite of good weather, not nearly so many birds around as on 3/11 when did think the ameliorating weather and late season gave almost ideal conditions for seeing migrants. Y
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 17

17 S

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus Denver Airport Tower Road 39.8100886 -104.7706803 03/11/2019 09:30 13:30 3

Mammals included Black-tailed Prairie Dogs, the ones that stand upright so appealingly, with 20 noted. There was a scare with these concerning the plague this August, see https://gizmodo.com/plague-infected-prairie-dogs-force-areas-near-denver-to-1837371189, not sure whether it's been resolved, it's only bubonic plague: don't think I've any flea bites! it's been very cold in Colorado for the last 2 weeks with a heavy snowfall in the last week. Today there was some thaw as the sun shone most of the day with max 10C and min -1C Y
Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 13/11/2019 11:30 17:45 1

Had one rodent, a Wyoming Ground Squirrel, an unstriped small grey ground squirrel, running on the road near the Pizza restaurant. sunny all day with fresh breeze at dawn steadily declining to light W by dusk, max 7C, min -5C; when out always feels chilly except when in the sun at midday; my younger sister has been watching the weather and she says it's not beach weather! The low humidity plays hell with your skin! Y
Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus Estes Park 40.3724434 -105.5121872 12/11/2019 11:20 16:20 1

Mammal-wise had close encounter with a buck Mule Deer but the Elk have moved to another golf-course (evidently!). However, here's some droppings 1! rapid temperature swing did take place, going from -6C to 11C in 4 hours in the sunshine this morning as wind went from N to W. It was also superb conditions for raptors with a W breeze of 20 mph Y